Example #1
 * This is the main routine of the CLI. Everything starts here.
 * The CLI registers and commands into a hash table and forks a thread to
 * handle the command line.
int CLIInit(router_config *rarg)

	int stat, *jstat;

	if (!(cli_map = map_create(free)))
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	 * Disable certain signals such as Ctrl+C.. make the shell a little stable
	redefineSignalHandler(SIGINT, dummyFunction);
	redefineSignalHandler(SIGQUIT, dummyFunction);
	redefineSignalHandler(SIGTSTP, dummyFunction);

	verbose(2, "[cliHandler]:: Registering CLI commands in the command table ");
	 * Register the commands allowed in the CLI. Each command is implemented by a
	 * function. The function is inserted into the command registary and picked up
	 * when the leading string is typed in the CLI.
	registerCLI("help", helpCmd, SHELP_HELP, USAGE_HELP, LHELP_HELP);  // Check
	registerCLI("version", versionCmd, SHELP_VERSION, USAGE_VERSION, LHELP_VERSION); // Check
	registerCLI("set", setCmd, SHELP_SET, USAGE_SET, LHELP_SET); // Check
	registerCLI("get", getCmd, SHELP_GET, USAGE_GET, LHELP_GET); // Check
	registerCLI("source", sourceCmd, SHELP_SOURCE, USAGE_SOURCE, LHELP_SOURCE); // Check
	registerCLI("ifconfig", ifconfigCmd, SHELP_IFCONFIG, USAGE_IFCONFIG, LHELP_IFCONFIG);
	registerCLI("route", routeCmd, SHELP_ROUTE, USAGE_ROUTE, LHELP_ROUTE);
	registerCLI("arp", arpCmd, SHELP_ARP, USAGE_ARP, LHELP_ARP);
	registerCLI("ping", pingCmd, SHELP_PING, USAGE_PING, LHELP_PING); // Check
	registerCLI("console", consoleCmd, SHELP_CONSOLE, USAGE_CONSOLE, LHELP_CONSOLE); // Check
	registerCLI("halt", haltCmd, SHELP_HALT, USAGE_HALT, LHELP_HALT); // Check
	registerCLI("exit", haltCmd, SHELP_EXIT, USAGE_EXIT, LHELP_EXIT); // Check
	registerCLI("queue", queueCmd, SHELP_QUEUE, USAGE_QUEUE, LHELP_QUEUE); // Check
	registerCLI("qdisc", qdiscCmd, SHELP_QDISC, USAGE_QDISC, LHELP_QDISC); // Check
	registerCLI("spolicy", spolicyCmd, SHELP_SPOLICY, USAGE_SPOLICY, LHELP_SPOLICY); // Check
	registerCLI("class", classCmd, SHELP_CLASS, USAGE_CLASS, LHELP_CLASS);
	registerCLI("filter", filterCmd, SHELP_FILTER, USAGE_FILTER, LHELP_FILTER);
	registerCLI("hello", helloCmd, SHELP_EXIT, USAGE_EXIT, LHELP_EXIT);

	if (rarg->config_dir != NULL)
		chdir(rarg->config_dir);                  // change to the configuration directory
	if (rarg->config_file != NULL)
		FILE *ifile = fopen(rarg->config_file, "r");
		rl_instream = ifile;              // redirect the input stream
		CLIProcessCmds(ifile, 0);
		rl_instream = stdin;

	if (rarg->cli_flag != 0)
		stat = pthread_create((pthread_t *)(&(rarg->clihandler)), NULL, CLIProcessCmdsInteractive, (void *)stdin);

	pthread_join(rarg->clihandler, (void **)&jstat);
	verbose(2, "[cliHandler]:: Destroying the CLI datastructures ");
Example #2
int main(int ac, char *av[])
	char rpath[MAX_NAME_LEN];
	int status, *jstatus;
	simplequeue_t *outputQ, *workQ, *qtoa;
	pthread_t IGMP_broadcast_thread;

	// create separate thread for broadcasting IGMP group query messages
	pthread_create(&IGMP_broadcast_thread, NULL, IGMPBroadcast, NULL);

	// setup the program properties
	setupProgram(ac, av);
	// creates a PID file under router_name.pid in the current directory
	status = makePIDFile(rconfig.router_name, rpath);
	// shutdown the router on receiving SIGUSR1 or SIGUSR2
	redefineSignalHandler(SIGUSR1, shutdownRouter);
	redefineSignalHandler(SIGUSR2, shutdownRouter);

	outputQ = createSimpleQueue("outputQueue", INFINITE_Q_SIZE, 0, 1);
	workQ = createSimpleQueue("work Queue", INFINITE_Q_SIZE, 0, 1);

	GNETInit(&(rconfig.ghandler), rconfig.config_dir, rconfig.router_name, outputQ);

	classifier = createClassifier();
	filter = createFilter(classifier, 0);

	pcore = createPacketCore(rconfig.router_name, outputQ, workQ);

	// add a default Queue.. the createClassifier has already added a rule with "default" tag
	// char *qname, char *dqisc, double qweight, double delay_us, int nslots);
	addPktCoreQueue(pcore, "default", "taildrop", 1.0, 2.0, 0);
	rconfig.scheduler = PktCoreSchedulerInit(pcore);
	rconfig.worker = PktCoreWorkerInit(pcore);

	infoInit(rconfig.config_dir, rconfig.router_name);
	addTarget("Output Queue", outputQ);
	qtoa = getCoreQueue(pcore, "default");
	if (qtoa != NULL)
		addTarget("Default Queue", qtoa);
		printf("Error .. found null queue for default\n");

	// start the CLI..

Example #3
int main(int ac, char *av[])
	char rpath[MAX_NAME_LEN];
	int status, *jstatus;
	simplequeue_t *outputQ, *workQ, *qtoa;

	// setup the program properties
	setupProgram(ac, av);
	// creates a PID file under router_name.pid in the current directory
	status = makePIDFile(rconfig.router_name, rpath);
	// shutdown the router on receiving SIGUSR1 or SIGUSR2
	redefineSignalHandler(SIGUSR1, shutdownRouter);
	redefineSignalHandler(SIGUSR2, shutdownRouter);

	outputQ = createSimpleQueue("outputQueue", INFINITE_Q_SIZE, 0, 1);
	workQ = createSimpleQueue("work Queue", INFINITE_Q_SIZE, 0, 1);

	GNETInit(&(rconfig.ghandler), rconfig.config_dir, rconfig.router_name, outputQ);

	/*uint32_t dest_ip = 12319800;
	uint16_t dest_port = 123;
	uint16_t src_port = 456;
	char *data = "Hello";
	int len = 6;

	   *Test udp_recv
	/*open_port(1, UDP_PROTOCOL);
	gpacket_t *packet = (gpacket_t *) malloc(sizeof(gpacket_t));
	ip_packet_t *ipPacket = (ip_packet_t *)(packet->data.data);
	ipPacket->ip_src = {0x1,0x1,0x1,0x1};
	ipPacket->ip_dst = {0x2,0x2,0x2,0x2};
	ipPacket->ip_cksum = 65535; 
	ipPacket->ip_pkt_len = ipPacket->ip_hdr_len;
	udphdr_t *udpHeader = (udphdr_t *)((uchar *)ipPacket + ipPacket->ip_hdr_len*4);
	udpHeader->source = 0;  // ports
	udpHeader->dest = 1;
	udpHeader->len = 0;	  // length of data in octets
	udpHeader->check = 65535; 
	 * End test udp_recv

	printf("dis router");
	classifier = createClassifier();
	filter = createFilter(classifier, 0);

	pcore = createPacketCore(rconfig.router_name, outputQ, workQ);

	// add a default Queue.. the createClassifier has already added a rule with "default" tag
	// char *qname, char *dqisc, double qweight, double delay_us, int nslots);
	addPktCoreQueue(pcore, "default", "taildrop", 1.0, 2.0, 0);
	rconfig.scheduler = PktCoreSchedulerInit(pcore);
	rconfig.worker = PktCoreWorkerInit(pcore);

	infoInit(rconfig.config_dir, rconfig.router_name);
	addTarget("Output Queue", outputQ);
	qtoa = getCoreQueue(pcore, "default");
	if (qtoa != NULL)
		addTarget("Default Queue", qtoa);
		printf("Error .. found null queue for default\n");

	// start the CLI..
