Example #1
File: _move.c Project: ehershey/pd
int cmd_move( string a )
mixed o1, o2;
  string str;
  int ret;

    if(member_group(geteuid(previous_object()), "ambassador")) return 0;
  if( !a || ( sscanf( a, "%s to %s", o1, o2 ) < 2 ) )
    { notify_fail( SYNTAX ); return 0; }

  seteuid( geteuid( previous_object() ) );

  o1 = ref_ob( o1 );
  if( !objectp( o1 ) )
    notify_fail( wrap( "Could not identify " + identify( o1 ) +
      " as an object." ) );
    return 0;
  o2 = ref_ob( o2 );
  if( !objectp( o2 ) )
    notify_fail( wrap( "Could not identify " + identify( o2 ) +
     " as an object." ) );
    return 0;
  set_ref( 0, o2 );
  write( wrap( "Moving " + identify( o1 ) + " to " + identify( o2 ) + "..." ) );
  ret = o1-> move( o2 );
  switch( ret )
    case MOVE_OK:		str = "Move OK.\n"; break;
    case MOVE_NOT_ALLOWED:	str = "Move not allowed.\n"; break;
    case MOVE_NO_ROOM:		str = "No room in object2 for object1\n"; break;
    case MOVE_DESTRUCTED:	str = "Move destructed\n"; break;
    case MOVE_NO_DEST:		str = "object2 is not a destination\n"; break;
    case MOVE_TOO_HEAVY:	str = "object1 too heavy for object2\n"; break;
#endif /* MOVE_TOO_HEAVY */
    case MOVE_DOOR_CLOSED:	str = "The door is closed.\n"; break;
#endif /* MOVE_DOOR_CLOSED */
    default: str = "Error: move return code " + ret + "\n"; break;
  if( ret == MOVE_OK ) { write( str ); return 1; }
  notify_fail( str ); 
  return 0;
Example #2
int cmd_ilist(string str) {
    object ob;
    string file, *files;
    int deep_list, i, s;

        return 0;

    if(sscanf(str, "-R %s", file))
        deep_list = 1;
    else if(sscanf(str, "-T %s", file))
        deep_list = 2;
        file = str;

    ob = ref_ob(file);

    if(!ob || !objectp(ob)) {
        notify_fail("Couldn't find object.\n");
        return 0;

    write(wrap("Files inherited by " + dump_variable(ob)));
    if(!deep_list) files = inherit_list(ob);
    else if(deep_list == 1) files = deep_inherit_list(ob);
    else if(deep_list == 2) return show_tree(ob, 1);
    for(i = 0, s = sizeof(files); i < s; i ++)
        printf("     %d: %s\n", i + 1, files[i]);
    return 1;
    } // do_cmd
Example #3
File: _cref.c Project: ehershey/pd
int cmd_cref( string a )
  mixed ob;
  object new_ob;
  string name, num;

  seteuid( geteuid( previous_object() ) );

  if( !a ) a = "#default";
  ob = ref_ob( a );
  if( !objectp( ob ) )
    notify_fail( wrap( "Could not identify " + identify( ob ) +
      " as an object." ) );
    return 0;
  name = file_name( ob );
  if( sscanf( name, "%s#%s", ob, num ) < 2 )
    ob = name;
  if( catch( new_ob = new( ob ) ) )
    { notify_fail( "Could not clone " + ob + "\n" ); return 0; }
  write( "CLONE: You have created " + identify( new_ob ) + "\n" );
  if( new_ob-> move( this_player() ) != MOVE_OK )
    new_ob-> move( environment( this_player() ) );
  set_ref( 0, new_ob );
  return 1;
Example #4
int cmd_sc( string a ) 
  mixed ob;
  object obj;
  int i;

  seteuid( geteuid( previous_object() ) );

  if( !a ) a = "here";
  ob = ref_ob( a );
  if( !objectp( ob ) )
    notify_fail( wrap( "Could not identify " + identify( ob ) + 
      " as an object." ) );
    return 0;
  write( wrap( "Deep Scanning: " + identify( ob ) + " EUID(" + geteuid( ob ) +
    ") UID(" + getuid( ob ) + ")" ) );
  sc_object( ob, "  " );
  set_ref( "default", ob );
  set_ref( "sc", deep_inventory( ob ) );
  return 1;