Example #1
int register_udp_load_stat(str *name, stat_var **s)
	char *stat_name;

	*s = shm_malloc(sizeof(stat_var));
	if (!*s) {
		LM_ERR("no more shm\n");
		return -1;

	(*s)->u.val = shm_malloc(sizeof(stat_val));
	if (!(*s)->u.val) {
		LM_ERR("no more shm\n");
		return -1;

	if ( (stat_name = build_stat_name(name,"load")) == 0 || 
	STAT_IS_FUNC,*s) != 0) {
		LM_ERR("failed to add load stat\n");
		return -1;

	return 0;
Example #2
int register_tcp_load_stat(atomic_t *ctx)
	if (register_stat2("load","tcp-load",(stat_var**)calc_tcp_load,STAT_IS_FUNC,ctx) != 0) {
		LM_ERR("failed to add load stat\n");
		return -1;

	return 0;
Example #3
int register_udp_load_stat(str *name,atomic_t *ctx)
	char *stat_name;

	if ( (stat_name = build_stat_name(name,"load")) == 0 || 
			register_stat2("load",stat_name,(stat_var**)calc_udp_load,STAT_IS_FUNC,ctx) != 0) {
		LM_ERR("failed to add load stat\n");
		return -1;

	return 0;
Example #4
int register_tcp_load_stat(stat_var **s)
	*s = shm_malloc(sizeof(stat_var));
	if (!*s) {
		LM_ERR("no more shm\n");
		return -1;

	(*s)->u.val = shm_malloc(sizeof(stat_val));
	if (!(*s)->u.val) {
		LM_ERR("no more shm\n");
		return -1;

	if (register_stat2("load","tcp-load",(stat_var**)calc_tcp_load,
	STAT_IS_FUNC,*s) != 0) {
		LM_ERR("failed to add load stat\n");
		return -1;

	return 0;
Example #5
int init_pkg_stats(int no_procs)
	unsigned short n;
	str n_str;
	char *name;

	LM_DBG("setting stats for %d processes\n",no_procs);

	pkg_status = shm_malloc(no_procs*sizeof(pkg_status_holder));
	marker_t = shm_malloc(no_procs*sizeof(time_t));
	if (pkg_status==NULL || marker_t==NULL) {
		LM_ERR("no more pkg mem for stats\n");
		return -1;
	memset( pkg_status, 0, no_procs*sizeof(pkg_status_holder));
	memset( marker_t, 0, no_procs*sizeof(time_t));
	no_pkg_status = no_procs;

	/* build the stats and register them */
	for( n=0 ; n<no_procs ; n++) {
		n_str.s = int2str( n, &n_str.len);

		if ( (name=build_stat_name( &n_str,"total_size"))==0 ||
		register_stat2("pkmem", name, (stat_var**)get_pkg_total_size,
		STAT_NO_RESET|STAT_SHM_NAME|STAT_IS_FUNC, (void*)(long)n, 0)!=0 ) {
			LM_ERR("failed to add stat variable\n");
			return -1;

		if ( (name=build_stat_name( &n_str,"used_size"))==0 ||
		register_stat2("pkmem", name, (stat_var**)get_pkg_used_size,
		STAT_NO_RESET|STAT_SHM_NAME|STAT_IS_FUNC, (void*)(long)n, 0)!=0 ) {
			LM_ERR("failed to add stat variable\n");
			return -1;

		if ( (name=build_stat_name( &n_str,"real_used_size"))==0 ||
		register_stat2("pkmem", name, (stat_var**)get_pkg_real_used_size,
		STAT_NO_RESET|STAT_SHM_NAME|STAT_IS_FUNC, (void*)(long)n, 0)!=0 ) {
			LM_ERR("failed to add stat variable\n");
			return -1;

		if ( (name=build_stat_name( &n_str,"max_used_size"))==0 ||
		register_stat2("pkmem", name, (stat_var**)get_pkg_max_used_size,
		STAT_NO_RESET|STAT_SHM_NAME|STAT_IS_FUNC, (void*)(long)n, 0)!=0 ) {
			LM_ERR("failed to add stat variable\n");
			return -1;

		if ( (name=build_stat_name( &n_str,"free_size"))==0 ||
		register_stat2("pkmem", name, (stat_var**)get_pkg_free_size,
		STAT_NO_RESET|STAT_SHM_NAME|STAT_IS_FUNC, (void*)(long)n, 0)!=0 ) {
			LM_ERR("failed to add stat variable\n");
			return -1;

		if ( (name=build_stat_name( &n_str,"fragments"))==0 ||
		register_stat2("pkmem", name, (stat_var**)get_pkg_fragments,
		STAT_NO_RESET|STAT_SHM_NAME|STAT_IS_FUNC, (void*)(long)n, 0)!=0 ) {
			LM_ERR("failed to add stat variable\n");
			return -1;


	return 0;
Example #6
int add_cc_agent( struct cc_data *data, str *id, str *location,
				str *skills, unsigned int logstate, unsigned int last_call_end)
	struct cc_agent *agent, *prev_agent= 0;
	struct sip_uri uri;
	str skill;
	char *p;
	unsigned int n,skill_id;
	char *name;
	str s;

	/* is the agent a new one? - search by ID */
	agent = get_agent_by_name( data, id, &prev_agent);

	if (agent==NULL) {
		/* new agent -> create and populate one */
		agent = (struct cc_agent*)shm_malloc(sizeof(struct cc_agent)+id->len);
		if (agent==NULL) {
			LM_ERR("not enough shmem for a new agent\n");
			goto error;
		memset( agent, 0, sizeof(struct cc_agent) );
		/* id */
		agent->id.s = (char*)(agent+1);
		memcpy( agent->id.s, id->s, id->len);
		agent->id.len = id->len;
		/* location */
		agent->location.s = (char*)shm_malloc(location->len);
		if (agent->location.s==NULL) {
			LM_ERR("not enough shmem for the location of the agent\n");
			goto error;
		memcpy( agent->location.s, location->s, location->len);
		agent->location.len = location->len;
		if (parse_uri( agent->location.s, agent->location.len, &uri)<0) {
			LM_ERR("location of the agent is not a SIP URI\n");
			goto error;
		agent->did = uri.user;
		/* LOG STATE */
		agent->loged_in = logstate;
		/* set of skills */
		if (skills && skills->len) {
			p = skills->s;
			while (p) {
				skill.s = p;
				p = q_memchr(skill.s, ',', skills->s+skills->len-skill.s);
				skill.len = p?(p-skill.s):(skills->s+skills->len-skill.s);
				if (skill.len) {
					skill_id = get_skill_id(data,&skill);
					if (skill_id==0) {
						LM_ERR("cannot get skill id\n");
						goto error;
					n = agent->no_skills++; 
					agent->skills[n] = skill_id;
		/* statistics */
		s.s = "cca_dist_incalls";s.len = 16 ;
		if ( (name=build_stat_name( &s, id->s))==0 || register_stat("call_center",
		name, &agent->st_dist_incalls, STAT_SHM_NAME)!=0 ) {
			LM_ERR("failed to add stat variable\n");
			goto error;
		s.s = "cca_answ_incalls";s.len = 16 ;
		if ( (name=build_stat_name( &s, id->s))==0 || register_stat("call_center",
		name, &agent->st_answ_incalls, STAT_SHM_NAME)!=0 ) {
			LM_ERR("failed to add stat variable\n");
			goto error;
		s.s = "cca_aban_incalls";s.len = 16 ;
		if ( (name=build_stat_name( &s, id->s))==0 || register_stat("call_center",
		name, &agent->st_aban_incalls, STAT_SHM_NAME)!=0 ) {
			LM_ERR("failed to add stat variable\n");
			goto error;
		s.s = "cca_att";s.len = 7 ;
		if ( (name=build_stat_name( &s, id->s))==0 || register_stat2("call_center",
		name, (stat_var **)cc_agent_get_att, STAT_SHM_NAME|STAT_IS_FUNC,
		(void*)agent, 0)!=0) {
			LM_ERR("failed to add stat variable\n");
			goto error;
		if(last_call_end && (last_call_end + wrapup_time < (int)time(NULL))) {
			agent->state = CC_AGENT_WRAPUP;
			agent->last_call_end = last_call_end - startup_time; /* it will be a negative value */
		agent->is_new = 1;
		/* link the agent */
		add_cc_agent_top(data, agent);
	} else {
		/* agent already exists -> update only */
		/* location - needs to be changed ? */
		if ( agent->location.len!=location->len ||
			memcmp(agent->location.s,location->s,location->len)!=0 ) {
			/* set new location */
			if (agent->location.len < location->len ){
				agent->location.s = (char*)shm_malloc(location->len);
				if (agent->location.s==NULL) {
					LM_ERR("not enough shmem for the location of the agent\n");
					goto error1;
			memcpy( agent->location.s, location->s, location->len);
			agent->location.len = location->len;
			if (parse_uri( agent->location.s, agent->location.len, &uri)<0) {
				LM_ERR("location of the agent is not a SIP URI\n");
				goto error1;
			agent->did = uri.user;
		/* if logstate changed - move between the lists TODO */
		if(logstate != agent->loged_in) {
			agent_switch_login(data, agent, prev_agent);
		/* skills - needs to be changed ? */
		agent->no_skills = 0;
		if (skills && skills->len) {
			p = skills->s;
			while (p) {
				skill.s = p;
				p = q_memchr(skill.s, ',', skills->s+skills->len-skill.s);
				skill.len = p?(p-skill.s):(skills->s+skills->len-skill.s);
				if (skill.len) {
					skill_id = get_skill_id(data,&skill);
					if (skill_id==0) {
						LM_ERR("cannot get skill id\n");
						goto error1;
					n = agent->no_skills++; 
					agent->skills[n] = skill_id;
		agent->is_new = 1;

	return 0;
	remove_cc_agent(data, agent, prev_agent);
	if (agent)
	return 0;
Example #7
int add_cc_flow( struct cc_data *data, str *id, int priority, str *skill,
												str *cid, str *recordings )
	struct cc_flow *flow, *prev_flow;
	unsigned int i;
	unsigned int skill_id;
	char *name;
	str s;

	/* is the flow a new one? - search by ID */
	flow = get_flow_by_name( data, id);

	if (flow==NULL) {
		/* new flow -> create and populate one */
		flow = (struct cc_flow*)shm_malloc(sizeof(struct cc_flow)+id->len);
		if (flow==NULL) {
			LM_ERR("not enough shmem for a new flow\n");
			goto error;
		memset( flow, 0, sizeof(struct cc_flow) );
		/* id */
		flow->id.s = (char*)(flow+1);
		memcpy( flow->id.s, id->s, id->len);
		flow->id.len = id->len;
		/* priority */
		flow->priority = priority;
		/* skill */
		flow->skill = get_skill_id( data, skill );
		if (flow->skill==0) {
			LM_ERR("cannot get skill id\n");
			goto error;
		/* cid */
		if (cid && cid->s && cid->len) {
			flow->cid.s = (char*)shm_malloc(cid->len);
			if (flow->cid.s==NULL) {
				LM_ERR("not enough shmem for the cid of the flow\n");
				goto error;
			memcpy( flow->cid.s, cid->s, cid->len);
			flow->cid.len = cid->len;
		/* audio messages */
		for( i=0 ; i<MAX_AUDIO ; i++ ) {
			if (recordings[i].s && recordings[i].len) {
				flow->recordings[i].s = (char*)shm_malloc(recordings[i].len);
				if (flow->recordings[i].s==NULL) {
					LM_ERR("not enough shmem for the message %d of the flow\n",
					goto error;
				memcpy( flow->recordings[i].s, recordings[i].s,
				flow->recordings[i].len = recordings[i].len;
		/* statistics */
		s.s = "ccf_incalls";s.len = 11 ;
		if ( (name=build_stat_name( &s, id->s))==0 || register_stat("call_center",
		name, &flow->st_incalls, STAT_SHM_NAME)!=0 ) {
			LM_ERR("failed to add stat variable\n");
			goto error;
		s.s = "ccf_dist_incalls";s.len = 15 ;
		if ( (name=build_stat_name( &s, id->s))==0 || register_stat("call_center",
		name, &flow->st_dist_incalls, STAT_SHM_NAME)!=0 ) {
			LM_ERR("failed to add stat variable\n");
			goto error;
		s.s = "ccf_answ_incalls";s.len = 15 ;
		if ( (name=build_stat_name( &s, id->s))==0 || register_stat("call_center",
		name, &flow->st_answ_incalls, STAT_SHM_NAME)!=0 ) {
			LM_ERR("failed to add stat variable\n");
			goto error;
		s.s = "ccf_aban_incalls";s.len = 15 ;
		if ( (name=build_stat_name( &s, id->s))==0 || register_stat("call_center",
		name, &flow->st_aban_incalls, STAT_SHM_NAME)!=0 ) {
			LM_ERR("failed to add stat variable\n");
			goto error;
		s.s = "ccf_onhold_calls";s.len = 15 ;
		if ( (name=build_stat_name( &s, id->s))==0 || register_stat("call_center",
		name, &flow->st_onhold_calls, STAT_SHM_NAME)!=0 ) {
			LM_ERR("failed to add stat variable\n");
			goto error;
		s.s = "ccf_queued_calls";s.len = 16 ;
		if ( (name=build_stat_name( &s, id->s))==0 || register_stat("call_center",
		name, &flow->st_queued_calls, STAT_SHM_NAME|STAT_NO_RESET)!=0 ) {
			LM_ERR("failed to add stat variable\n");
			goto error;
		s.s = "ccf_etw";s.len = 7 ;
		if ( (name=build_stat_name( &s, id->s))==0 || register_stat2("call_center",
		name, (stat_var **)cc_flow_get_etw, STAT_SHM_NAME|STAT_IS_FUNC,
		(void*)flow, 0)!=0) {
			LM_ERR("failed to add stat variable\n");
			goto error;
		s.s = "ccf_awt";s.len = 7 ;
		if ( (name=build_stat_name( &s, id->s))==0 || register_stat2("call_center",
		name, (stat_var **)cc_flow_get_awt, STAT_SHM_NAME|STAT_IS_FUNC,
		(void*)flow, 0)!=0) {
			LM_ERR("failed to add stat variable\n");
			goto error;
		s.s = "ccf_load";s.len = 8 ;
		if ( (name=build_stat_name( &s, id->s))==0 || register_stat2("call_center",
		name, (stat_var **)cc_flow_get_load, STAT_SHM_NAME|STAT_IS_FUNC,
		(void*)flow, 0)!=0) {
			LM_ERR("failed to add stat variable\n");
			goto error;
		s.s = "ccf_free_agents";s.len = 15 ;
		if ( (name=build_stat_name( &s, id->s))==0 || register_stat2("call_center",
		name, (stat_var **)cc_flow_free_agents, STAT_SHM_NAME|STAT_IS_FUNC,
		(void*)flow, 0)!=0) {
			LM_ERR("failed to add stat variable\n");
			goto error;

		flow->is_new = 1;
		/* insert the new flow in the list */
		flow->next = data->flows;
		data->flows = flow;
	} else {
		/* flow already exists -> update */
		/* priority */
		flow->priority = priority;
		/* skill - needs to be changed ? */
		skill_id = get_skill_id(data,skill);
		if (skill_id==0) {
			LM_ERR("cannot get skill id\n");
			goto error1;
		flow->skill = skill_id;
		/* cid - needs to be changed ? */
		if ( flow->cid.len && ( cid->len==0 ||
		cid->len>flow->cid.len || memcmp(flow->cid.s,cid->s,cid->len)!=0) ) {
			shm_free(flow->cid.s); flow->cid.s = NULL; flow->cid.len = 0 ;
		if (flow->cid.s==NULL && cid->len!=0) {
			flow->cid.s = (char*)shm_malloc(cid->len);
			if (flow->cid.s==NULL) {
				LM_ERR("not enough shmem for the cid of the flow\n");
				goto error1;
		if (flow->cid.s) {
			memcpy( flow->cid.s, cid->s, cid->len);
			flow->cid.len = cid->len;
		/* audio messages */
		for( i=0 ; i<MAX_AUDIO ; i++ ) {
			if ( flow->recordings[i].len && ( recordings[i].len==0 ||
			recordings[i].len>flow->recordings[i].len ||
			) ) {
				shm_free(flow->recordings[i].s); flow->recordings[i].s = NULL;
				flow->recordings[i].len = 0 ;
			if (flow->recordings[i].s==NULL && recordings[i].len!=0) {
				flow->recordings[i].s = (char*)shm_malloc(recordings[i].len);
				if (flow->recordings[i].s==NULL) {
					LM_ERR("not enough shmem for the message of the flow\n");
					goto error1;
			if (flow->recordings[i].s) {
				memcpy( flow->recordings[i].s, recordings[i].s,
				flow->recordings[i].len = recordings[i].len;
		flow->is_new = 1;


	return 0;

	if(data->flows == flow)
		data->flows = flow->next;
	for(prev_flow=data->flows; prev_flow; prev_flow=prev_flow->next)
		if(prev_flow->next == flow) {
			prev_flow->next = flow->next;
	if (flow)
	return -1;