Example #1
static int write_bmhd( FILE *fp, BMHD *bmhd )
   BMHD b = *bmhd;
   unsigned long ck[ 2 ] = { ID_BMHD, 20 };

   revbytes( &ck[ 1 ], 4, 1 );
   revbytes( &b.w, 2, 4 );
   revbytes( &b.pw, 2, 2 );

   if ( 1 != fwrite( ck, 8, 1, fp )) return 0;
   if ( 1 != fwrite( &b, 20, 1, fp )) return 0;

   return 1;
Example #2
int lwGetPoints( picoMemStream_t *fp, int cksize, lwPointList *point )
   float *f;
   int np, i, j;

   if ( cksize == 1 ) return 1;

   /* extend the point array to hold the new points */

   np = cksize / 12;
   point->offset = point->count;
   point->count += np;
   if ( !_pico_realloc( (void *) &point->pt, (point->count - np) * sizeof( lwPoint ), point->count * sizeof( lwPoint )) )
      return 0;
   memset( &point->pt[ point->offset ], 0, np * sizeof( lwPoint ));

   /* read the whole chunk */

   f = ( float * ) getbytes( fp, cksize );
   if ( !f ) return 0;
   revbytes( f, 4, np * 3 );

   /* assign position values */

   for ( i = 0, j = 0; i < np; i++, j += 3 ) {
      point->pt[ i ].pos[ 0 ] = f[ j ];
      point->pt[ i ].pos[ 1 ] = f[ j + 1 ];
      point->pt[ i ].pos[ 2 ] = f[ j + 2 ];

   _pico_free( f );
   return 1;
Example #3
float sgetF4( unsigned char **bp )
   float f;

   if ( flen == FLEN_ERROR ) return 0.0f;
   memcpy( &f, *bp, 4 );
   revbytes( &f, 4, 1 );
   flen += 4;
   *bp += 4;
   return f;
Example #4
unsigned int sgetU4( unsigned char **bp )
   unsigned int i;

   if ( flen == FLEN_ERROR ) return 0;
   memcpy( &i, *bp, 4 );
   revbytes( &i, 4, 1 );
   flen += 4;
   *bp += 4;
   return i;
Example #5
short sgetI2( unsigned char **bp )
   short i;

   if ( flen == FLEN_ERROR ) return 0;
   memcpy( &i, *bp, 2 );
   revbytes( &i, 2, 1 );
   flen += 2;
   *bp += 2;
   return i;
Example #6
static int write_cmap( FILE *fp, RGBTriple *cmap, int ncolors )
   unsigned long ck[ 2 ] = { ID_CMAP, ncolors * 3 };

   revbytes( &ck[ 1 ], 4, 1 );

   if ( 1 != fwrite( ck, 8, 1, fp )) return 0;
   if ( 1 != fwrite( cmap, ncolors * 3, 1, fp )) return 0;

   return 1;
Example #7
float getF4( picoMemStream_t *fp )
   float f;

   if ( flen == FLEN_ERROR ) return 0.0f;
   if ( 1 != _pico_memstream_read( fp, &f, 4 )) {
      flen = FLEN_ERROR;
      return 0.0f;
   revbytes( &f, 4, 1 );
   flen += 4;
   return f;
Example #8
unsigned int getU4( picoMemStream_t *fp )
   unsigned int i;

   if ( flen == FLEN_ERROR ) return 0;
   if ( 1 != _pico_memstream_read( fp, &i, 4 )) {
      flen = FLEN_ERROR;
      return 0;
   revbytes( &i, 4, 1 );
   flen += 4;
   return i;
Example #9
unsigned short getU2( picoMemStream_t *fp )
   unsigned short i;

   if ( flen == FLEN_ERROR ) return 0;
   if ( 1 != _pico_memstream_read( fp, &i, 2 )) {
      flen = FLEN_ERROR;
      return 0;
   revbytes( &i, 2, 1 );
   flen += 2;
   return i;
Example #10
float getF4( FILE *fp )
   float f;

   if ( flen == FLEN_ERROR ) return 0.0f;
   if ( 1 != fread( &f, 4, 1, fp )) {
      flen = FLEN_ERROR;
      return 0.0f;
   revbytes( &f, 4, 1 );
   flen += 4;
   return f;
Example #11
unsigned int getU4( FILE *fp )
   unsigned int i;

   if ( flen == FLEN_ERROR ) return 0;
   if ( 1 != fread( &i, 4, 1, fp )) {
      flen = FLEN_ERROR;
      return 0;
   revbytes( &i, 4, 1 );
   flen += 4;
   return i;
Example #12
unsigned short getU2( FILE *fp )
   unsigned short i;

   if ( flen == FLEN_ERROR ) return 0;
   if ( 1 != fread( &i, 2, 1, fp )) {
      flen = FLEN_ERROR;
      return 0;
   revbytes( &i, 2, 1 );
   flen += 2;
   return i;
Example #13
int CloseILBM( PicInfo *pic )
   unsigned long size, pos;

   /* size of the BODY chunk */

   size = ftell( pic->fp ) - pic->BODYpos;

   /* if odd, add a pad byte (not part of the BODY size) */

   if ( size & 1 )
      fputc( 0, pic->fp );

   /* FORM size */

   pos = ftell( pic->fp ) - 8;

   /* seek to the start of the BODY chunk and write the size */

   fseek( pic->fp, pic->BODYpos - 4, SEEK_SET );
   revbytes( &size, 4, 1 );
   fwrite( &size, 4, 1, pic->fp );

   /* seek to the start of the file and write the FORM size */

   fseek( pic->fp, 4, SEEK_SET );
   revbytes( &pos, 4, 1 );
   fwrite( &pos, 4, 1, pic->fp );

   /* close the file */

   fclose( pic->fp );
   pic->fp = NULL;

   return TRUE;
Example #14
PicInfo *ReadILBM( const char *filename, int *result )
   long ck[ 3 ];
   int i;
   PicInfo *pic;

   /* allocate a PicInfo */

   *result = EPNOMEM;
   pic = ( PicInfo * ) calloc( sizeof( PicInfo ), 1 );
   if ( !pic ) return NULL;

   /* cache the filename */

   pic->filename = malloc( strlen( filename ) + 1 );
   if ( !pic->filename ) return FreeILBM( pic );
   strcpy( pic->filename, filename );

   /* open the image file */

   *result = EPNOFILE;
   pic->fp = fopen( filename, "rb" );
   if ( !pic->fp ) return FreeILBM( pic );

   /* read the FORM header */

   *result = EPNOILBM;
   fread( ck, 12, 1, pic->fp );

   /* FORM ILBM? */

   if ( ck[ 0 ] != ID_FORM || ck[ 2 ] != ID_ILBM ) return FreeILBM( pic );

   /* remember the FORM size */

   ck[ 2 ] = ck[ 1 ];
   revbytes( &ck[ 2 ], 4, 1 );

   /* get BMHD, CAMG, CMAP and stop on BODY */

   fread( ck, 8, 1, pic->fp );
   revbytes( &ck[ 1 ], 4, 1 );

   while ( 1 ) {
      ck[ 1 ] += ( ck[ 1 ] & 1 );
      if ( ck[ 0 ] == ID_BODY ) break;

      if ( ck[ 0 ] == ID_BMHD ) {
         fread( &pic->bmhd, ck[ 1 ], 1, pic->fp );
         revbytes( &pic->bmhd.w, 2, 4 );
         revbytes( &pic->bmhd.transparentColor, 2, 1 );
         revbytes( &pic->bmhd.pw, 2, 2 );

      else if ( ck[ 0 ] == ID_CMAP ) {
         *result = EPNOMEM;
         pic->cmap = malloc( ck[ 1 ] );
         if ( !pic->cmap ) return FreeILBM( pic );
         pic->ncolors = ck[ 1 ] / 3;
         fread( pic->cmap, ck[ 1 ], 1, pic->fp );

      else if ( ck[ 0 ] == ID_CAMG ) {
         fread( &pic->camg, ck[ 1 ], 1, pic->fp );
         revbytes( &pic->camg, ck[ 1 ], 1 );

         fseek( pic->fp, ck[ 1 ], SEEK_CUR );

      if ( ck[ 2 ] < ftell( pic->fp ))   /* past the end of the FORM? */

      fread( ck, 8, 1, pic->fp );
      revbytes( &ck[ 1 ], 4, 1 );

   /* found a BODY? */

   *result = EPNOBODY;
   if ( ck[ 0 ] != ID_BODY ) return FreeILBM( pic );

   /* found a BMHD? */

   *result = EPNOBMHD;
   if ( pic->bmhd.w == 0 ) return FreeILBM( pic );

   /* number of planes makes sense? */

   *result = EPPLANES;
   if ( pic->bmhd.nPlanes > 8 && pic->bmhd.nPlanes != 24 )
      return FreeILBM( pic );

   /* if no CMAP, assume gray and create our own color table */

   if ( pic->bmhd.nPlanes <= 8 && !pic->cmap ) {
      pic->isgray = TRUE;
      pic->ncolors = 1 << pic->bmhd.nPlanes;
      *result = EPNOMEM;
      pic->cmap = calloc( pic->ncolors, sizeof( RGBTriple ));
      if ( !pic->cmap ) return FreeILBM( pic );
      for ( i = 0; i < pic->ncolors; i++ )
         pic->cmap[ i ].red = pic->cmap[ i ].green = pic->cmap[ i ].blue
            = i * 255 / pic->ncolors;

   /* if EHB, extend the color table */

   if ( pic->camg & CAMG_EHB ) {
      pic->cmap = realloc( pic->cmap, pic->ncolors * 6 );
      if ( !pic->cmap )
         return FreeILBM( pic );
      for ( i = pic->ncolors; i < pic->ncolors * 2; i++ ) {
         pic->cmap[ i ].red   = pic->cmap[ i - pic->ncolors ].red   >> 1;
         pic->cmap[ i ].green = pic->cmap[ i - pic->ncolors ].green >> 1;
         pic->cmap[ i ].blue  = pic->cmap[ i - pic->ncolors ].blue  >> 1;
      pic->ncolors *= 2;
Example #15
Layer *flexReadLayer( Flex *flex, int fnum, int layerType, char *dst )
   Layer *layer;
   char *buf, *src, *dst0;
   int i, rowbytes, ok;

   layer = flexFindLayer( flex, fnum, layerType );
   if ( !layer ) return NULL;

   if ( !flex->fp ) return NULL;
   fseek( flex->fp, layer->offset, SEEK_SET );

   if ( layer->hdr.compression == NoCompression ) {
      ok = fread( dst, layer->size, 1, flex->fp );
      if ( ok && ( layer->hdr.layerDepth > 1 ))
         revbytes( dst, layer->hdr.layerDepth, layer->w * layer->h );
      return layer;

   buf = malloc( layer->size );
   if ( !buf ) return NULL;

   if ( 1 != fread( buf, layer->size, 1, flex->fp )) {
      free( buf );
      return NULL;

   src = buf;
   dst0 = dst;
   rowbytes = layer->hdr.layerDepth * layer->w;

   switch ( layer->hdr.compression ) {
      case HorizontalRLE:
         for ( i = 0; i < layer->h; i++ ) {
            ok = unpackRLE( &src, dst, rowbytes, 1 );
            if ( !ok ) break;
            dst += rowbytes;

      case VerticalRLE:
         for ( i = 0; i < rowbytes; i++ ) {
            ok = unpackRLE( &src, dst, layer->h, rowbytes );
            if ( !ok ) break;

      case HorizontalDelta:
         revbytes( dst, layer->hdr.layerDepth, layer->w * layer->h );
         ok = unpackDelta( src, dst, rowbytes * layer->h, 1, rowbytes );

      case VerticalDelta:
         revbytes( dst, layer->hdr.layerDepth, layer->w * layer->h );
         ok = unpackDelta( src, dst, rowbytes * layer->h, rowbytes, 1 );

         ok = 0;

   free( buf );
   if ( ok ) {
      revbytes( dst0, layer->hdr.layerDepth, layer->w * layer->h );
      return layer;
   return NULL;
Example #16
static Envelope *read_envb( LWChannelID *chan )
   LWChanGroupID group;
   LWEnvelopeID lwenv;
   LWSaveState *ss;
   LWError err;
   FILE *fp;
   Envelope *env;
   Key *key, *tail = NULL;
   float f[ 4 ];
   unsigned int id;
   unsigned short esz, sz, w;
   int i, nparams;

   group = chinfo->channelParent( chan );
   lwenv = chinfo->channelEnvelope( chan );

   /* save the envelope to a file */

   ss = filef->openSave( "test.env", LWIO_BINARY );
   if ( !ss ) return NULL;
   err = envf->save( lwenv, ss );
   filef->closeSave( ss );

   if ( err ) {
      msgf->info( "Error while saving envelope:", err );
      return NULL;

   /* open the file */

   fp = fopen( "test.env", "rb" );
   if ( !fp ) {
      msgf->info( "Couldn't open test.env", NULL );
      return NULL;

   fread( &id, 4, 1, fp );
   revbytes( &id, 4, 1 );
   fread( &esz, 2, 1, fp );
   revbytes( &esz, 2, 1 );

   if ( id != ID_ENVL ) {
      fclose( fp );
      return NULL;

   /* allocate the Envelope structure */

   env = calloc( 1, sizeof( Envelope ));
   if ( !env ) goto Fail;

   /* 2-byte index */

   fseek( fp, 2, SEEK_CUR );

   /* first subchunk header */

   fread( &id, 4, 1, fp );
   revbytes( &id, 4, 1 );
   fread( &sz, 2, 1, fp );
   revbytes( &sz, 2, 1 );

   /* process subchunks as they're encountered */

   while ( 1 ) {
      sz += sz & 1;
      switch ( id ) {
         case ID_PRE:
            if ( sz < 2 ) goto Fail;
            fread( &w, 2, 1, fp );
            revbytes( &w, 2, 1 );
            env->behavior[ 0 ] = w;
            if ( sz > 2 ) fseek( fp, sz - 2, SEEK_CUR );

         case ID_POST:
            if ( sz < 2 ) goto Fail;
            fread( &w, 2, 1, fp );
            revbytes( &w, 2, 1 );
            env->behavior[ 1 ] = w;
            if ( sz > 2 ) fseek( fp, sz - 2, SEEK_CUR );

         case ID_KEY:
            if ( sz < 8 ) goto Fail;
            key = calloc( 1, sizeof( Key ));
            if ( !key ) goto Fail;
            key->prev = tail;
            if ( tail )
               tail->next = key;
               env->key = key;
            tail = key;

            fread( f, 8, 1, fp );
            revbytes( f, 4, 2 );
            key->time = f[ 0 ];
            key->value = f[ 1 ];
            if ( sz > 8 ) fseek( fp, sz - 8, SEEK_CUR );

         case ID_SPAN:
            if ( !key ) goto Fail;
            if ( sz < 4 ) goto Fail;
            fread( &id, 4, 1, fp );
            revbytes( &id, 4, 1 );

            nparams = ( sz - 4 ) / 4;
            if ( nparams > 4 ) nparams = 4;
            if ( nparams ) {
               fread( f, 4, nparams, fp );
               revbytes( f, 4, nparams );
            i = 4 * ( nparams + 1 );
            if ( sz > i ) fseek( fp, sz - i, SEEK_CUR );

            switch ( id ) {
               case ID_TCB:
                  if ( nparams < 3 ) goto Fail;
                  key->shape = SHAPE_TCB;
                  key->tension = f[ 0 ];
                  key->continuity = f[ 1 ];
                  key->bias = f[ 2 ];

               case ID_BEZ2:
                  key->shape = SHAPE_BEZ2;
                  for ( i = 0; i < nparams; i++ )
                     key->param[ i ] = f[ i ];

               case ID_BEZI:
                  key->shape = SHAPE_BEZI;
                  for ( i = 0; i < nparams; i++ )
                     key->param[ i ] = f[ i ];

               case ID_HERM:
                  key->shape = SHAPE_HERM;
                  for ( i = 0; i < nparams; i++ )
                     key->param[ i ] = f[ i ];

               case ID_LINE:
                  key->shape = SHAPE_LINE;

               case ID_STEP:
                  key->shape = SHAPE_STEP;


            fseek( fp, sz, SEEK_CUR );

      /* end of the ENVL chunk? */

      if ( esz <= ftell( fp ) - 8 )

      /* get the next chunk header */

      fread( &id, 4, 1, fp );
      revbytes( &id, 4, 1 );
      fread( &sz, 2, 1, fp );
      revbytes( &sz, 2, 1 );

   fclose( fp );
   return env;

   if ( fp ) fclose( fp );
   if ( env ) free_env( env );
   return NULL;