Example #1
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
        wink::rand32_kiss g;
        g.seed( uint32_t(time(NULL)) );
        const size_t Nx = 10 + g.less_than(20);
        const size_t Ny = 10 + g.less_than(20);
        double *M = new double [Nx+Ny];
        double *X = M;
        double *Y = M + Nx;
        g.fill_array(0,1,X,Nx); save_array(X, Nx, "x.dat");
        g.fill_array(0,1,Y,Ny); save_array(Y, Ny, "y.dat");
        const size_t nc = wink::coincidences(X, Nx, Y, Ny, 0.01);
        std::cerr << "NC=" << nc << std::endl;
        delete []M;
        return 0;
        std::cerr << "Error detected" << std::endl;
    return 1;
Example #2
int test3(int argc, char * argv[])
    if ( argc != 2 ) {
        std::cout << "error."    << std::endl;
        std::cout << "./run <n>" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    const int n = std::atoi(argv[1]); 
    // define space domain
    const int  D = 2;
    const real l = 1.0;
    const int hn = 3;

    // define mesh
    const Mesh mesh( hn, l, n, l, n );

    real * u = new real[mesh.size()];
    real * v = new real[mesh.size()];
    real * p = new real[mesh.size()];

    uniform_value( u, 2.0, mesh );
    uniform_value( v, 2.0, mesh );
    uniform_value( p, 0.0, mesh );

    const std::string u_init_filename( "u_init.dat" );
    const std::string u_position( "staggered_x" );
    save_array( D, u, u_init_filename, u_position, mesh );

    const std::string v_filename( "v.dat" );
    const std::string v_position( "staggered_y" );
    save_array( D, v, v_filename, v_position, mesh );

    const std::string p_filename( "p.dat" );
    const std::string p_position( "cell_center" );
    save_array( D, p, p_filename, p_position, mesh );

    //boundary_update_u_v( u, v, mesh );
    boundary_update_only_u(u, mesh);
    boundary_update_only_v(v, mesh);

    const std::string u_filename( "u.dat" );
    save_array( D, u, u_filename, u_position, mesh );

    const std::string v_init_filename( "v_init.dat" );
    save_array( D, v, v_init_filename, v_position, mesh );

    delete[] u;
    delete[] v;
    delete[] p;

    return 0;
Example #3
int test1(int argc, char* argv[])
    if ( argc != 2 ) {
        std::cout << "error."    << std::endl;
        std::cout << "./run <n>" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    const int n = std::atoi(argv[1]); 
    // define space domain
    const int  D = 2;
    const real l = 1.0;
    const int hn = 3;

    // define mesh
    const Mesh mesh( hn, l, n, l, n );

    real * u = new real[mesh.size()];

    uniform_value( u, -100.0, mesh );
    const std::string u_filename( "u.dat" );
    const std::string u_position( "cell_center" );
    save_array( D, u, u_filename, u_position, mesh );

    delete[] u;

    return 0;
Example #4
int test2(int argc, char * argv[])
    if ( argc != 2 ) {
        std::cout << "error."    << std::endl;
        std::cout << "./run <n>" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    const int n = std::atoi(argv[1]); 
    // define space domain
    const int  D = 2;
    const real l = 1.0;
    const int hn = 3;

    // define mesh
    const Mesh mesh( hn, l, n, l, n );

    real * phi = new real[mesh.size()];
    uniform_value( phi, 200.0, mesh );

    const int k = mesh.hn() ;
    for ( int j = mesh.hn() ; j < mesh.hnf(1) ; j++ ) { 
    for ( int i = mesh.hn() ; i < mesh.hnf(0) ; i++ ) {
        const int id = mesh.id(i,j,k);

        phi[id] = 100;

    const std::string u_init_filename( "phi_init.dat" );
    const std::string u_position( "cell_center" );
    save_array( D, phi, u_init_filename, u_position, mesh );

    boundary_update_phi( phi, mesh );

    const std::string u_filename( "phi.dat" );
    save_array( D, phi, u_filename, u_position, mesh );

    delete[] phi;
    return 0;
void save_matrix(float *arr, char *s, int dim0, int dim1)
  int dim[2];

  dim[0] = dim0;
  dim[1] = dim1;

  save_array(arr, s, 2, dim);
Example #6
static void
save_one(struct savebuf *f, struct svalue *v)
    static char buf[48];
    static int depth = 0;

    if (++depth > MAX_DEPTH)
        depth = 0;
        error("Too deep recursion\n");

    switch(v->type) {
    case T_FLOAT:
	(void)sprintf(buf,"#%a#", v->u.real);
	add_strbuf(f, buf);
    case T_NUMBER:
	(void)sprintf(buf, "%lld", v->u.number);
	add_strbuf(f, buf);
    case T_STRING:
	save_string(f, v->u.string);
    case T_POINTER:
	save_array(f, v->u.vec);
    case T_MAPPING:
	save_mapping(f, v->u.map);
    case T_OBJECT:
	(void)sprintf(buf, "$%d@", v->u.ob->created);
	add_strbuf(f, buf);
	add_strbuf(f, v->u.ob->name);
	add_strbuf(f, "$");
#if 0
    case T_FUNCTION:
	add_strbuf(f, "&FUNCTION&"); /* XXX function */
	add_strbuf(f, "0");

Example #7
static gboolean
export_numpy (GeglOperation       *operation,
              GeglBuffer          *input,
              const GeglRectangle *result,
              GOutputStream       *stream)
  const Babl *input_format, *output_format;
  gint nb_components;

  input_format = gegl_buffer_get_format (input);
  nb_components = babl_format_get_n_components (input_format);
  if (nb_components >= 3)
      output_format = babl_format ("RGB float");
      nb_components = 3;
      output_format = babl_format ("Y float");
      nb_components = 1;

  return !save_array (stream, input, result, output_format);
 void save(serialization::array<T> const& x)
Example #9
int test(int argc, char* argv[])
    if ( argc != 3 ) {
        std::cout << "error."    << std::endl;
        std::cout << "./run <n> <endtimestep>" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    const int n = std::atoi(argv[1]); 
    // define space domain
    const int  D = 2;
    const real l = 1.0;
    const int hn = 3;
    //const int hn = 2;

    // define mesh
    const Mesh mesh( hn, l, n, l, n );

    // define time domain
    const real      dt = 0.1 * mesh.delta(0) / 1.0; 
    //const real dt = 1.0e-5;
    const real endtime = 200 * 1.0 / 1.0;
    const int  endstep = static_cast<int>(endtime / dt);
    //const int  endstep = std::atoi(argv[2]);

    real * u = new real[mesh.size()];
    real * v = new real[mesh.size()];
    real * p = new real[mesh.size()];

    real * nu = new real[mesh.size()];
    real * nv = new real[mesh.size()];

    uniform_value(  u, 0.0, mesh );
    uniform_value(  v, 0.0, mesh );
    uniform_value( nu, 0.0, mesh );
    uniform_value( nv, 0.0, mesh );
    uniform_value(  p, 0.0, mesh );

    boundary_update_u_v( u, v, mesh );

    for ( int timestep = 0 ; timestep < endstep ; timestep++ ) {

        const Iter iter = time_marching_RK1_cavity( nu, nv, p, u, v, dt, mesh );

        swap( &nu, &u );
        swap( &nv, &v );
        //const Iter iter = time_marching_RK2_cavity( &u, &v, &p, dt, mesh );

        if ( timestep % 100 == 0 ) {

            real * const div = new real[mesh.size()];
            uniform_value( div, 0.0, mesh );

            calc_div( div, u, v, mesh );

            const std::string div_filename( "div.dat" );
            const std::string div_position( "cell_center" );
            //save_array( D, div, div_filename, div_position, mesh );

            abs_array( div, mesh );
            const real max_abs_div_value = max_from_array( div, mesh );
            delete[] div;
            std::cout << timestep / static_cast<real>(endstep) * 100 << " %";
            std::cout << "\t timestep = " << timestep;
            std::cout << "\titer = " << iter.get_iter() << "\terr = " << iter.get_error();
            std::cout << "\tdiv = " << std::scientific << std::showpos << max_abs_div_value << std::endl;

    const std::string u_filename( "u.dat" );
    const std::string u_position( "staggered_x" );
    save_array( D, u, u_filename, u_position, mesh );

    const std::string v_filename( "v.dat" );
    const std::string v_position( "staggered_y" );
    save_array( D, v, v_filename, v_position, mesh );

    const std::string p_filename( "p.dat" );
    const std::string p_position( "cell_center" );
    save_array( D, p, p_filename, p_position, mesh );

    output_result( "result_u.dat", "result_v.dat", u, v, mesh );

    delete[] u;
    delete[] v;
    delete[] p;
    delete[] nu;
    delete[] nv;

    return 0;
Example #10
void EditableMap::save() throw (Exception) {
    char buffer[256];

    /* drop header informations */
    int height = atoi(get_value("height").c_str());
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
        sprintf(buffer, "tiles%d", i);
        set_value(buffer, "");
        sprintf(buffer, "decoration%d", i);
        set_value(buffer, "");

    /* drop objects */
    int cnt_objects = atoi(get_value("objects").c_str());
    for (int i = 0; i < cnt_objects; i++) {
        sprintf(buffer, "object_name%d", i);
        set_value(buffer, "");
        sprintf(buffer, "object_x%d", i);
        set_value(buffer, "");
        sprintf(buffer, "object_y%d", i);
        set_value(buffer, "");

    /* drop light sources */
    int cnt_lights = atoi(get_value("lights").c_str());
    for (int i = 0; i < cnt_lights; i++) {
        sprintf(buffer, "light_x%d", i);
        set_value(buffer, "");
        sprintf(buffer, "light_y%d", i);
        set_value(buffer, "");
        sprintf(buffer, "light_radius%d", i);
        set_value(buffer, "");

    int width = get_width();
    height = get_height();
    set_value("width", width);
    set_value("height", height);
    save_array("tiles", get_map(), width, height);
    save_array("decoration", get_decoration(), width, height);

    set_value("game_play_type", static_cast<int>(game_play_type));
    set_value("frog_spawn_init", frog_spawn_init);

    cnt_objects = static_cast<int>(objects.size());
    set_value("objects", cnt_objects);
    for (int i = 0; i < cnt_objects; i++) {
        EditableObject *eobj = objects[i];
        sprintf(buffer, "object_name%d", i);
        set_value(buffer, eobj->object->get_name());
        sprintf(buffer, "object_x%d", i);
        set_value(buffer, eobj->x);
        sprintf(buffer, "object_y%d", i);
        set_value(buffer, eobj->y);

    cnt_lights = static_cast<int>(lights.size());
    set_value("lights", cnt_lights);
    for (int i = 0; i < cnt_lights; i++) {
        EditableLight *elgt = lights[i];
        sprintf(buffer, "light_x%d", i);
        set_value(buffer, elgt->x);
        sprintf(buffer, "light_y%d", i);
        set_value(buffer, elgt->y);
        sprintf(buffer, "light_radius%d", i);
        set_value(buffer, elgt->radius);

    std::string save_dir = get_home_directory() + dir_separator + UserDirectory;
    create_directory("maps", save_dir);
    KeyValue::save(save_dir + dir_separator + "maps" + dir_separator + get_name() + ".map");
* @brief main method of the program.
* @param argc The number of the arguments of the program.
* @param argv The arguments of the program.
* @return the exit status of the process.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    (void) setup_signal();

     /** Declare the variables */
    char* username;
    char* password;
    int opt;
    int binr = 0;
    int binl = 0;
    struct data *shared;
    int shmfd;
    sem_t *sem1;
    sem_t *sem2;
    sem_t *sem3;
    char buffer[MAX_DATA+1];
    int command = EMPTY;
    int current_flag = EMPTY;
    /** Check the optional arguments */
    while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "rl")) != -1)
            case 'r':
                binr = 1;
            case 'l':
                binl = 1;             

            case '?':
                (void) usage(argv[0]);

                (void) usage(argv[0]);
    /** Check the number of the arguments */
    if(!(argc == 4 && (binr^binl)))
        (void) usage(argv[0]);
    username = argv[2];
    password = argv[3]; 
    /** Open the semaphores */
    sem1 = sem_open(SEM_1, 0);
    sem2 = sem_open(SEM_2, 0);
    sem3 = sem_open(SEM_3, 0);
    if (sem1 == SEM_FAILED || sem2 == SEM_FAILED || sem3 == SEM_FAILED)
        (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_open(3).");
    /** Create a share memory */
    shmfd = shm_open(SHM_NAME, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, PERMISSION);
    if(shmfd == -1)
        (void) on_error("Problem while executing shm_open(3).");
    /** Map the data to be shared */
    shared = mmap(NULL, sizeof *shared, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, shmfd, 0);
    if (shared == MAP_FAILED)
        (void) on_error("Problem while executing mmap(2).");
    /** Close the shared memory file descriptor */
    if (close(shmfd) == -1)
        (void) on_error("Problem while executing close(2).");
    /** critical section */   
    if (sem_wait(sem3) == -1)
        if (errno != EINTR) (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_wait(3).");        
        shared->flag = REGISTER;
    else if(binl)
        shared->flag = LOGIN;
    /** Save the arrays in the shared memory */
    (void) save_array(shared->username, username);    
    (void) save_array(shared->password, password);
    if (sem_post(sem1) == -1)
        (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_post(3).");
    if (sem_wait(sem2) == -1)
        if (errno != EINTR) (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_wait(3).");
    current_flag = shared->flag;
    if (sem_post(sem3) == -1)
        (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_post(3).");
    if(binr && (current_flag == ERROR))
        (void) on_error("User with this name and password already registered.");
    else if (binl && (current_flag == ERROR))
        (void) on_error("User with this name and password does not exist.");
    while (command != 3 && !want_quit)
        if (sem_wait(sem3) == -1)
            if (errno == EINTR) continue;
            (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_wait(3).");
        if (shared->flag == SERVER_ERROR)
        if (sem_post(sem3) == -1)
            (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_post(3).");
        (void) print_options();
        if (read(STDIN_FILENO, buffer, MAX_DATA) == -1)
            (void) on_error("Problem while executing read(2).");
        buffer[MAX_DATA] = '\0';
        command = (int)strtol(buffer, NULL, 10);
        switch (command)
            case 1:            
                (void) fprintf(stdout, "\nWrite a new secret:\n");
                char buffer[MAX_DATA+1];
                if (read(STDIN_FILENO, buffer, MAX_DATA) == -1)
                    if (errno == EINTR) continue;
                    (void) on_error("Problem while executing read(2).");
                buffer[MAX_DATA] = '\0';
                if (sem_wait(sem3) == -1)
                    if (errno == EINTR) continue;
                    (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_wait(3).");
                (void) strcpy(shared->username, username);
                (void) strcpy(shared->password, password);
                (void) strcpy(shared->secret, buffer);
                shared->flag = WRITE_SECRET;
                if (sem_post(sem1) == -1 || sem_post(sem3) == -1)
                    (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_post(3).");
                if (sem_wait(sem2) == -1)
                    if (errno == EINTR) continue;
                    (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_wait(3).");
            case 2:
                (void) fprintf(stdout, "\nReading the secret:\n");
                if (sem_wait(sem3) == -1)
                    if (errno == EINTR) continue;
                    (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_wait(3).");
                (void) strcpy(shared->username, username);
                (void) strcpy(shared->password, password);
                shared->flag = READ_SECRET;
                if (sem_post(sem1) == -1)
                    (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_post(3).");

                if (sem_wait(sem2) == -1)
                    if (errno == EINTR) continue;
                    (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_wait(3).");
                int i = 0;

                if (shared->secret[i] == '\0')
                    (void) fprintf(stdout, "No secret set.");

                while (shared->secret[i] != '\0')
                    (void) fprintf(stdout, "%c", shared->secret[i]);
                (void) fprintf(stdout, "\n\n");
                if (sem_post(sem3) == -1)
                    (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_post(3).");
            case 3:
                if (sem_wait(sem3) == -1)
                    if (errno == EINTR) continue;
                    (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_wait(3).");
                (void) strcpy(shared->username, username);
                (void) strcpy(shared->password, password);
                shared->flag = LOGOUT;
                if (sem_post(sem1) == -1 || sem_post(sem3) == -1)
                    (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_post(3).");
                (void) fprintf(stdout, "\nLogging out...\n\n");
                if (sem_wait(sem2) == -1)
                    if (errno == EINTR) continue;
                    (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_wait(3).");
                (void) fprintf(stdout, "\nInvalid command!\n\n");
                command = EMPTY;
    /** send error code to the server */
    if (want_quit == 1)
        if (sem_wait(sem3) == -1)
            (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_wait(3).");
        shared->flag = ERROR;
        if (sem_post(sem3) == -1)
            (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_post(3).");
    /** critical section out */
    /** Unmap the data */
    if (munmap(shared, sizeof *shared) == -1)
        (void) on_error("Problem while executing munmap(2).");
    /** Clse the semaphores */  
    if (sem_close(sem1) == -1)
        (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_close(3).");
    if (sem_close(sem2) == -1)
        (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_close(3).");
    if (sem_close(sem3) == -1)
        (void) on_error("Problem while executing sem_close(3).");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
void main()
  float sarray[2][2][2];
    /* for saving with save_vector, save_matrix, save_array */
  float ***darray;
    /* for saving with save_vector, save_matrix2 */
  float sloadarray[2][2][2];
    /* for loading with load_in_vector, load_in_matrix, load_in_array */
  /*  float ***dloadarray; */
    /* for loading with load_vector, load_matrix */

  int i,j;
  /*  int dim[3]; */
  int save_dim[3] = {2, 2, 2};

  darray = (float ***)malloc(save_dim[0]*sizeof(float**));
    darray[i] = (float**)malloc(save_dim[1]*sizeof(float*));
      darray[i][j] = (float*)malloc(save_dim[2]*sizeof(float));

  printf("toy 3-dim array:");
  for(i=0; i<save_dim[0]; i++){
    for( j=0; j<save_dim[1]; j++){
      darray[i][j][0] = 1 + j - i + (i+0.6) * 0.12342346;
      sarray[i][j][0] = 1 + j - i + (i+0.6) * 0.12342346;
      darray[i][j][1] = j - i + (i+0.6) * 0.1234;
      sarray[i][j][1] = j - i + (i+0.6) * 0.1234;
      printf("%f %f ; ", darray[i][j][0], darray[i][j][1]);

  save_array       ((float*)sarray, "sbinary.mat", 3, save_dim);
  save_packed_array((float*)sarray, "spacked.mat", 3, save_dim);
  save_ascii_array ((float*)sarray, "sascii.mat",  3, save_dim);
  printf("saved 6 arrays\n");

  load_in_array((float*)sloadarray, "sbinary.mat", 3, save_dim); 
  for(i=0; i<save_dim[0]; i++){
    for( j=0; j<save_dim[1]; j++)
      printf("%f %f ; ", sloadarray[i][j][0], sloadarray[i][j][1]);
  load_in_array((float*)sloadarray, "sascii.mat", 3, save_dim); 
  for(i=0; i<save_dim[0]; i++){
    for( j=0; j<save_dim[1]; j++)
      printf("%f %f ; ", sloadarray[i][j][0], sloadarray[i][j][1]);
  load_in_array((float*)sloadarray, "spacked.mat", 3, save_dim); 
  for(i=0; i<save_dim[0]; i++){
    for( j=0; j<save_dim[1]; j++)
      printf("%f %f ; ", sloadarray[i][j][0], sloadarray[i][j][1]);

  printf("And now an example of what you must not do: save dynamically\n");
  printf("allocated general arrays with <save_array> - this will just save\n");
  printf("a contingent block of data starting from the pointer to the array.");
  printf("\nReloading then gives:\n");
  save_array((float*)darray, "dbinary.mat", 3, save_dim);
  load_in_array((float*)sloadarray, "dpacked.mat", 3, save_dim); 
  for(i=0; i<save_dim[0]; i++){
    for( j=0; j<save_dim[1]; j++)
      printf("%f %f ; ", sloadarray[i][j][0], sloadarray[i][j][1]);

  printf("If you want, write a function <save_array2> that does the job.\n\n");
  printf("In addition, one could write a function that loads a general\n");
  printf("array and automatically allocates storage for it.\n");
  printf("An easy workaround would be to load the array into a vector,\n");
  printf("and return the dimensions.\n");

void save_vector(float *arr, char *s, int length)
  save_array(arr, s, 1, &length);