/** * Process the actions (click) for the Search Store window. * @param sd : player requesting * @param account_id : account ID of owner's shop * @param store_id : store ID created by client * @param nameid : item being searched */ void searchstore_click(struct map_session_data* sd, uint32 account_id, int store_id, unsigned short nameid) { unsigned int i; struct map_session_data* pl_sd; searchstore_search_t store_search; if( !battle_config.feature_search_stores || !sd->searchstore.open || !sd->searchstore.count ) return; searchstore_clearremote(sd); ARR_FIND( 0, sd->searchstore.count, i, sd->searchstore.items[i].store_id == store_id && sd->searchstore.items[i].account_id == account_id && sd->searchstore.items[i].nameid == nameid ); if( i == sd->searchstore.count ) { // no such result, crafted ShowWarning("searchstore_click: Received request with item %hu of account %d, which is not part of current result set (account_id=%d, char_id=%d).\n", nameid, account_id, sd->bl.id, sd->status.char_id); clif_search_store_info_failed(sd, SSI_FAILED_SSILIST_CLICK_TO_OPEN_STORE); return; } if( ( pl_sd = map_id2sd(account_id) ) == NULL ) { // no longer online clif_search_store_info_failed(sd, SSI_FAILED_SSILIST_CLICK_TO_OPEN_STORE); return; } if( !searchstore_hasstore(pl_sd, sd->searchstore.type) || searchstore_getstoreid(pl_sd, sd->searchstore.type) != store_id ) { // no longer vending/buying or not same shop clif_search_store_info_failed(sd, SSI_FAILED_SSILIST_CLICK_TO_OPEN_STORE); return; } store_search = searchstore_getsearchfunc(sd->searchstore.type); if( !store_search(pl_sd, nameid) ) {// item no longer being sold/bought clif_search_store_info_failed(sd, SSI_FAILED_SSILIST_CLICK_TO_OPEN_STORE); return; } switch( sd->searchstore.effect ) { case EFFECTTYPE_NORMAL: // display coords if( sd->bl.m != pl_sd->bl.m ) // not on same map, wipe previous marker clif_search_store_info_click_ack(sd, -1, -1); else clif_search_store_info_click_ack(sd, pl_sd->bl.x, pl_sd->bl.y); break; case EFFECTTYPE_CASH: // open remotely // to bypass range checks sd->searchstore.remote_id = account_id; switch( sd->searchstore.type ) { case SEARCHTYPE_VENDING: vending_vendinglistreq(sd, account_id); break; case SEARCHTYPE_BUYING_STORE: buyingstore_open(sd, account_id); break; } break; default: // unknown ShowError("searchstore_click: Unknown search store effect %u (account_id=%d).\n", (unsigned int)sd->searchstore.effect, sd->bl.id); } }
void searchstore_clear(struct map_session_data* sd) { searchstore_clearremote(sd); if( sd->searchstore.items ) {// release results aFree(sd->searchstore.items); sd->searchstore.items = NULL; } sd->searchstore.count = 0; sd->searchstore.pages = 0; }
void buyingstore_trade(struct map_session_data* sd, int account_id, unsigned int buyer_id, const uint8* itemlist, unsigned int count) { int zeny = 0; unsigned int i, weight, listidx, k; struct map_session_data* pl_sd; if( count == 0 ) {// nothing to do return; } if( !battle_config.feature_buying_store || pc_istrading(sd) ) {// not allowed to sell clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_FAILED, 0); return; } if( !pc_can_give_items(pc_isGM(sd)) ) {// custom: GM is not allowed to sell clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, msg_txt(246)); clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_FAILED, 0); return; } if( ( pl_sd = map_id2sd(account_id) ) == NULL || !pl_sd->state.buyingstore || pl_sd->buyer_id != buyer_id ) {// not online, not buying or not same store clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_FAILED, 0); return; } if( !searchstore_queryremote(sd, account_id) && ( sd->bl.m != pl_sd->bl.m || !check_distance_bl(&sd->bl, &pl_sd->bl, AREA_SIZE) ) ) {// out of view range clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_FAILED, 0); return; } searchstore_clearremote(sd); if( pl_sd->status.zeny < pl_sd->buyingstore.zenylimit ) {// buyer lost zeny in the mean time? fix the limit pl_sd->buyingstore.zenylimit = pl_sd->status.zeny; } weight = pl_sd->weight; // check item list for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {// itemlist: <index>.W <name id>.W <amount>.W unsigned short nameid, amount; int index; index = RBUFW(itemlist,i*6+0)-2; nameid = RBUFW(itemlist,i*6+2); amount = RBUFW(itemlist,i*6+4); if( i ) {// duplicate check. as the client does this too, only malicious intent should be caught here ARR_FIND( 0, i, k, RBUFW(itemlist,k*6+0)-2 == index ); if( k != i ) {// duplicate ShowWarning("buyingstore_trade: Found duplicate item on selling list (prevnameid=%hu, prevamount=%hu, nameid=%hu, amount=%hu, account_id=%d, char_id=%d).\n", RBUFW(itemlist,k*6+2), RBUFW(itemlist,k*6+4), nameid, amount, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id); clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_FAILED, nameid); return; } } if( index < 0 || index >= ARRAYLENGTH(sd->status.inventory) || sd->inventory_data[index] == NULL || sd->status.inventory[index].nameid != nameid || sd->status.inventory[index].amount < amount ) {// invalid input clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_FAILED, nameid); return; } if( sd->status.inventory[index].expire_time || !itemdb_cantrade(&sd->status.inventory[index], pc_isGM(sd), pc_isGM(pl_sd)) || memcmp(sd->status.inventory[index].card, buyingstore_blankslots, sizeof(buyingstore_blankslots)) ) {// non-tradable item clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_FAILED, nameid); return; } ARR_FIND( 0, pl_sd->buyingstore.slots, listidx, pl_sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].nameid == nameid ); if( listidx == pl_sd->buyingstore.slots || pl_sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].amount == 0 ) {// there is no such item or the buyer has already bought all of them clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_FAILED, nameid); return; } if( pl_sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].amount < amount ) {// buyer does not need that much of the item clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_COUNT, nameid); return; } if( pc_checkadditem(pl_sd, nameid, amount) == ADDITEM_OVERAMOUNT ) {// buyer does not have enough space for this item clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_FAILED, nameid); return; } if( amount*(unsigned int)sd->inventory_data[index]->weight > pl_sd->max_weight-weight ) {// normally this is not supposed to happen, as the total weight is // checked upon creation, but the buyer could have gained items clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_FAILED, nameid); return; } weight+= amount*sd->inventory_data[index]->weight; if( amount*pl_sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].price > pl_sd->buyingstore.zenylimit-zeny ) {// buyer does not have enough zeny clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_ZENY, nameid); return; } zeny+= amount*pl_sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].price; } // process item list for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {// itemlist: <index>.W <name id>.W <amount>.W unsigned short nameid, amount; int index; index = RBUFW(itemlist,i*6+0)-2; nameid = RBUFW(itemlist,i*6+2); amount = RBUFW(itemlist,i*6+4); ARR_FIND( 0, pl_sd->buyingstore.slots, listidx, pl_sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].nameid == nameid ); zeny = amount*pl_sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].price; // log log_pick_pc(sd, LOG_TYPE_BUYING_STORE, nameid, -((int)amount), &sd->status.inventory[index]); log_pick_pc(pl_sd, LOG_TYPE_BUYING_STORE, nameid, amount, &sd->status.inventory[index]); log_zeny(sd, LOG_TYPE_BUYING_STORE, pl_sd, zeny); // move item pc_additem(pl_sd, &sd->status.inventory[index], amount); pc_delitem(sd, index, amount, 1, 0); pl_sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].amount-= amount; // pay up pc_payzeny(pl_sd, zeny); pc_getzeny(sd, zeny); pl_sd->buyingstore.zenylimit-= zeny; // notify clients clif_buyingstore_delete_item(sd, index, amount, pl_sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].price); clif_buyingstore_update_item(pl_sd, nameid, amount); } // check whether or not there is still something to buy ARR_FIND( 0, pl_sd->buyingstore.slots, i, pl_sd->buyingstore.items[i].amount != 0 ); if( i == pl_sd->buyingstore.slots ) {// everything was bought clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_buyer(pl_sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_BUYER_NO_ITEMS); } else if( pl_sd->buyingstore.zenylimit == 0 ) {// zeny limit reached clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_buyer(pl_sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_BUYER_ZENY); } else {// continue buying return; } // cannot continue buying buyingstore_close(pl_sd); // remove auto-trader if( pl_sd->state.autotrade ) { map_quit(pl_sd); } }
/** * Purchase item(s) from a shop * @param sd : buyer player session * @param aid : account id of vender * @param uid : shop unique id * @param data : items data who would like to purchase \n * data := {<index>.w <amount>.w }[count] * @param count : number of different items he's trying to buy */ void vending_purchasereq(struct map_session_data* sd, int aid, int uid, const uint8* data, int count) { int i, j, cursor, w, new_ = 0, blank, vend_list[MAX_VENDING]; double z; struct s_vending vending[MAX_VENDING]; // against duplicate packets struct map_session_data* vsd = map_id2sd(aid); nullpo_retv(sd); if( vsd == NULL || !vsd->state.vending || vsd->bl.id == sd->bl.id ) return; // invalid shop if( vsd->vender_id != uid ) { // shop has changed clif_buyvending(sd, 0, 0, 6); // store information was incorrect return; } if( !searchstore_queryremote(sd, aid) && ( sd->bl.m != vsd->bl.m || !check_distance_bl(&sd->bl, &vsd->bl, AREA_SIZE) ) ) return; // shop too far away searchstore_clearremote(sd); if( count < 1 || count > MAX_VENDING || count > vsd->vend_num ) return; // invalid amount of purchased items blank = pc_inventoryblank(sd); //number of free cells in the buyer's inventory // duplicate item in vending to check hacker with multiple packets memcpy(&vending, &vsd->vending, sizeof(vsd->vending)); // copy vending list // some checks z = 0.; // zeny counter w = 0; // weight counter for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { short amount = *(uint16*)(data + 4*i + 0); short idx = *(uint16*)(data + 4*i + 2); idx -= 2; if( amount <= 0 ) return; // check of item index in the cart if( idx < 0 || idx >= MAX_CART ) return; ARR_FIND( 0, vsd->vend_num, j, vsd->vending[j].index == idx ); if( j == vsd->vend_num ) return; //picked non-existing item else vend_list[i] = j; z += ((double)vsd->vending[j].value * (double)amount); if( z > (double)sd->status.zeny || z < 0. || z > (double)MAX_ZENY ) { clif_buyvending(sd, idx, amount, 1); // you don't have enough zeny return; } if( z + (double)vsd->status.zeny > (double)MAX_ZENY && !battle_config.vending_over_max ) { clif_buyvending(sd, idx, vsd->vending[j].amount, 4); // too much zeny = overflow return; } w += itemdb_weight(vsd->status.cart[idx].nameid) * amount; if( w + sd->weight > sd->max_weight ) { clif_buyvending(sd, idx, amount, 2); // you can not buy, because overweight return; } //Check to see if cart/vend info is in sync. if( vending[j].amount > vsd->status.cart[idx].amount ) vending[j].amount = vsd->status.cart[idx].amount; // if they try to add packets (example: get twice or more 2 apples if marchand has only 3 apples). // here, we check cumulative amounts if( vending[j].amount < amount ) { // send more quantity is not a hack (an other player can have buy items just before) clif_buyvending(sd, idx, vsd->vending[j].amount, 4); // not enough quantity return; } vending[j].amount -= amount; switch( pc_checkadditem(sd, vsd->status.cart[idx].nameid, amount) ) { case CHKADDITEM_EXIST: break; //We'd add this item to the existing one (in buyers inventory) case CHKADDITEM_NEW: new_++; if (new_ > blank) return; //Buyer has no space in his inventory break; case CHKADDITEM_OVERAMOUNT: return; //too many items } } pc_payzeny(sd, (int)z, LOG_TYPE_VENDING, vsd); if( battle_config.vending_tax ) z -= z * (battle_config.vending_tax/10000.); pc_getzeny(vsd, (int)z, LOG_TYPE_VENDING, sd); for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { short amount = *(uint16*)(data + 4*i + 0); short idx = *(uint16*)(data + 4*i + 2); idx -= 2; // vending item pc_additem(sd, &vsd->status.cart[idx], amount, LOG_TYPE_VENDING); vsd->vending[vend_list[i]].amount -= amount; if( vsd->vending[vend_list[i]].amount ){ if( Sql_Query( mmysql_handle, "UPDATE `%s` SET `amount` = %d WHERE `vending_id` = %d and `cartinventory_id` = %d", vending_items_db, vsd->vending[vend_list[i]].amount, vsd->vender_id, vsd->status.cart[idx].id ) != SQL_SUCCESS ){ Sql_ShowDebug( mmysql_handle ); } }else{ if( Sql_Query( mmysql_handle, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `vending_id` = %d and `cartinventory_id` = %d", vending_items_db, vsd->vender_id, vsd->status.cart[idx].id ) != SQL_SUCCESS ){ Sql_ShowDebug( mmysql_handle ); } } pc_cart_delitem(vsd, idx, amount, 0, LOG_TYPE_VENDING); clif_vendingreport(vsd, idx, amount); //print buyer's name if( battle_config.buyer_name ) { char temp[256]; sprintf(temp, msg_txt(sd,265), sd->status.name); clif_disp_onlyself(vsd,temp,strlen(temp)); } } // compact the vending list for( i = 0, cursor = 0; i < vsd->vend_num; i++ ) { if( vsd->vending[i].amount == 0 ) continue; if( cursor != i ) { // speedup vsd->vending[cursor].index = vsd->vending[i].index; vsd->vending[cursor].amount = vsd->vending[i].amount; vsd->vending[cursor].value = vsd->vending[i].value; } cursor++; } vsd->vend_num = cursor; //Always save BOTH: customer (buyer) and vender if( save_settings&2 ) { chrif_save(sd,0); chrif_save(vsd,0); } //check for @AUTOTRADE users [durf] if( vsd->state.autotrade ) { //see if there is anything left in the shop ARR_FIND( 0, vsd->vend_num, i, vsd->vending[i].amount > 0 ); if( i == vsd->vend_num ) { //Close Vending (this was automatically done by the client, we have to do it manually for autovenders) [Skotlex] vending_closevending(vsd); map_quit(vsd); //They have no reason to stay around anymore, do they? } } }
/*========================================== * Purchase item(s) from a shop *------------------------------------------*/ void vending_purchasereq(struct map_session_data* sd, int aid, int uid, const uint8* data, int count) { int i, j, cursor, w, new_ = 0, blank, vend_list[MAX_VENDING]; double z; struct s_vending vending[MAX_VENDING]; // against duplicate packets struct map_session_data* vsd = map_id2sd(aid); char output[256]; nullpo_retv(sd); if( vsd == NULL || !vsd->state.vending || vsd->bl.id == sd->bl.id ) return; // invalid shop if( vsd->vender_id != uid ) {// shop has changed clif_buyvending(sd, 0, 0, 6); // store information was incorrect return; } if( !searchstore_queryremote(sd, aid) && ( sd->bl.m != vsd->bl.m || !check_distance_bl(&sd->bl, &vsd->bl, AREA_SIZE) ) ) return; // shop too far away searchstore_clearremote(sd); if( count < 1 || count > MAX_VENDING || count > vsd->vend_num ) return; // invalid amount of purchased items blank = pc_inventoryblank(sd); //number of free cells in the buyer's inventory // duplicate item in vending to check hacker with multiple packets memcpy(&vending, &vsd->vending, sizeof(vsd->vending)); // copy vending list // some checks z = 0.; // zeny counter w = 0; // weight counter for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { short amount = *(uint16*)(data + 4*i + 0); short idx = *(uint16*)(data + 4*i + 2); idx -= 2; if( amount <= 0 ) return; // check of item index in the cart if( idx < 0 || idx >= MAX_CART ) return; ARR_FIND( 0, vsd->vend_num, j, vsd->vending[j].index == idx ); if( j == vsd->vend_num ) return; //picked non-existing item else vend_list[i] = j; z += ((double)vsd->vending[j].value * (double)amount); if( !vsd->vend_coin || vsd->vend_coin == battle_config.vending_zeny_id ) { // Normal Vending - Zeny Option if( z > (double)sd->status.zeny || z < 0. || z > (double)MAX_ZENY ) { clif_buyvending(sd, idx, amount, 1); // you don't have enough zeny return; } if( z + (double)vsd->status.zeny > (double)MAX_ZENY && !battle_config.vending_over_max ) { clif_buyvending(sd, idx, vsd->vending[j].amount, 4); // too much zeny = overflow return; } } else if( battle_config.vending_cash_id && vsd->vend_coin == battle_config.vending_cash_id ) { // Cash Shop if( z > (double)sd->cashPoints || z < 0. || z > (double)MAX_ZENY ) { sprintf(output,msg_txt(915),itemdb_jname(vsd->vend_coin)); clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,output); return; } if( z + (double)vsd->cashPoints > (double)MAX_ZENY && !battle_config.vending_over_max ) { sprintf(output,msg_txt(916),itemdb_jname(vsd->vend_coin)); clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,output); return; } } w += itemdb_weight(vsd->status.cart[idx].nameid) * amount; if( w + sd->weight > sd->max_weight ) { clif_buyvending(sd, idx, amount, 2); // you can not buy, because overweight return; } //Check to see if cart/vend info is in sync. if( vending[j].amount > vsd->status.cart[idx].amount ) vending[j].amount = vsd->status.cart[idx].amount; // if they try to add packets (example: get twice or more 2 apples if marchand has only 3 apples). // here, we check cumulative amounts if( vending[j].amount < amount ) { // send more quantity is not a hack (an other player can have buy items just before) clif_buyvending(sd, idx, vsd->vending[j].amount, 4); // not enough quantity return; } vending[j].amount -= amount; switch( pc_checkadditem(sd, vsd->status.cart[idx].nameid, amount) ) { case ADDITEM_EXIST: break; //We'd add this item to the existing one (in buyers inventory) case ADDITEM_NEW: new_++; if (new_ > blank) return; //Buyer has no space in his inventory break; case ADDITEM_OVERAMOUNT: return; //too many items } } // Payments if( !vsd->vend_coin || vsd->vend_coin == battle_config.vending_zeny_id ) { if( log_config.zeny > 0 ) log_zeny(vsd, "V", sd, (int)z); //Logs (V)ending Zeny [Lupus] pc_payzeny(sd, (int)z); if( battle_config.vending_tax || (vsd->state.autotrade && battle_config.at_tax && !pc_isPremium(vsd)) ) z -= z * ((battle_config.vending_tax + ((vsd->state.autotrade && !pc_isPremium(vsd)) ? battle_config.at_tax : 0)) / 10000.); pc_getzeny(vsd, (int)z); } else if( battle_config.vending_cash_id && vsd->vend_coin == battle_config.vending_cash_id ) { pc_paycash(sd,(int)z,0); pc_getcash(vsd,(int)z,0); } else { if( z < 0. || (i = pc_search_inventory(sd,vsd->vend_coin)) < 0 || z > (double)sd->status.inventory[i].amount ) { sprintf(output,msg_txt(915),itemdb_jname(vsd->vend_coin)); clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,output); return; } switch( pc_checkadditem(vsd,vsd->vend_coin,(int)z) ) { case ADDITEM_NEW: if( pc_inventoryblank(vsd) > 0 ) break; case ADDITEM_OVERAMOUNT: sprintf(output,msg_txt(916),itemdb_jname(vsd->vend_coin)); clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,output); return; } pc_additem(vsd,&sd->status.inventory[i],(int)z); pc_delitem(sd,i,(int)z,0,6); } for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { short amount = *(uint16*)(data + 4*i + 0); short idx = *(uint16*)(data + 4*i + 2); idx -= 2; //Logs sold (V)ending items [Lupus] if(log_config.enable_logs&0x4) { log_pick_pc(vsd, "V", vsd->status.cart[idx].nameid, -amount, &vsd->status.cart[idx], vsd->status.cart[idx].serial ); log_pick_pc( sd, "V", vsd->status.cart[idx].nameid, amount, &vsd->status.cart[idx], vsd->status.cart[idx].serial ); } // vending item pc_additem(sd, &vsd->status.cart[idx], amount); vsd->vending[vend_list[i]].amount -= amount; pc_cart_delitem(vsd, idx, amount, 0); clif_vendingreport(vsd, idx, amount); //print buyer's name if( battle_config.buyer_name ) { char temp[256]; sprintf(temp, msg_txt(265), sd->status.name); clif_disp_onlyself(vsd,temp,strlen(temp)); } } // compact the vending list for( i = 0, cursor = 0; i < vsd->vend_num; i++ ) { if( vsd->vending[i].amount == 0 ) continue; if( cursor != i ) // speedup { vsd->vending[cursor].index = vsd->vending[i].index; vsd->vending[cursor].amount = vsd->vending[i].amount; vsd->vending[cursor].value = vsd->vending[i].value; } cursor++; } vsd->vend_num = cursor; //Always save BOTH: buyer and customer if( save_settings&2 ) { chrif_save(sd,0); chrif_save(vsd,0); } //check for @AUTOTRADE users [durf] if( vsd->state.autotrade ) { //see if there is anything left in the shop ARR_FIND( 0, vsd->vend_num, i, vsd->vending[i].amount > 0 ); if( i == vsd->vend_num ) { //Close Vending (this was automatically done by the client, we have to do it manually for autovenders) [Skotlex] vending_closevending(vsd); map_quit(vsd); //They have no reason to stay around anymore, do they? } } }
/** * Start transaction * @param sd Player/Seller * @param account_id Buyer account ID * @param *itemlist List of sold items { <index>.W, <nameid>.W, <amount>.W }* * @param count Number of item on the itemlist */ void buyingstore_trade(struct map_session_data *sd, int account_id, unsigned int buyer_id, const uint8 *itemlist, unsigned int count) { int zeny = 0; unsigned int i, weight, listidx, k; struct map_session_data *pl_sd; nullpo_retv(sd); if( count == 0 ) // Nothing to do return; if( !battle_config.feature_buying_store || pc_istrading(sd) ) { // Not allowed to sell clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_FAILED, 0); return; } if( !pc_can_give_items(sd) ) { // Custom: GM is not allowed to sell clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, msg_txt(246)); clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_FAILED, 0); return; } // Not online, not buying or not same store if( (pl_sd = map_id2sd(account_id)) == NULL || !pl_sd->state.buyingstore || pl_sd->buyer_id != buyer_id ) { clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_FAILED, 0); return; } if( !searchstore_queryremote(sd, account_id) && (sd->bl.m != pl_sd->bl.m || !check_distance_bl(&sd->bl, &pl_sd->bl, AREA_SIZE)) ) { // Out of view range clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_FAILED, 0); return; } searchstore_clearremote(sd); if( pl_sd->status.zeny < pl_sd->buyingstore.zenylimit ) // Buyer lost zeny in the mean time? Fix the limit pl_sd->buyingstore.zenylimit = pl_sd->status.zeny; weight = pl_sd->weight; // Check item list for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { // itemlist: <index>.W <name id>.W <amount>.W unsigned short nameid, amount; int index; index = RBUFW(itemlist,i * 6 + 0) - 2; nameid = RBUFW(itemlist,i * 6 + 2); amount = RBUFW(itemlist,i * 6 + 4); if( i ) { // Duplicate check. as the client does this too, only malicious intent should be caught here ARR_FIND(0, i, k, RBUFW(itemlist,k * 6 + 0) - 2 == index); if( k != i ) { // Duplicate ShowWarning("buyingstore_trade: Found duplicate item on selling list (prevnameid=%hu, prevamount=%hu, nameid=%hu, amount=%hu, account_id=%d, char_id=%d).\n", RBUFW(itemlist,k * 6 + 2), RBUFW(itemlist,k * 6 + 4), nameid, amount, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id); clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_FAILED, nameid); return; } } if( index < 0 || index >= ARRAYLENGTH(sd->status.inventory) || sd->inventory_data[index] == NULL || sd->status.inventory[index].nameid != nameid || sd->status.inventory[index].amount < amount ) { // Invalid input clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_FAILED, nameid); return; } if( sd->status.inventory[index].expire_time || (sd->status.inventory[index].bound && !pc_can_give_bounded_items(sd)) || !itemdb_cantrade(&sd->status.inventory[index], pc_get_group_level(sd), pc_get_group_level(pl_sd)) || memcmp(sd->status.inventory[index].card, buyingstore_blankslots, sizeof(buyingstore_blankslots)) ) { // Non-tradable item clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_FAILED, nameid); return; } ARR_FIND(0, pl_sd->buyingstore.slots, listidx, pl_sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].nameid == nameid); // There is no such item or the buyer has already bought all of them if( listidx == pl_sd->buyingstore.slots || pl_sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].amount == 0 ) { clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_FAILED, nameid); return; } // Buyer does not need that much of the item if( pl_sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].amount < amount ) { clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_COUNT, nameid); return; } // Buyer does not have enough space for this item if( pc_checkadditem(pl_sd, nameid, amount) == CHKADDITEM_OVERAMOUNT ) { clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_FAILED, nameid); return; } // Normally this is not supposed to happen, as the total weight is // checked upon creation, but the buyer could have gained items if( amount * (unsigned int)sd->inventory_data[index]->weight > pl_sd->max_weight - weight ) { clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_FAILED, nameid); return; } weight += amount * sd->inventory_data[index]->weight; // Buyer does not have enough zeny if( amount * pl_sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].price > pl_sd->buyingstore.zenylimit - zeny ) { clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_seller(sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_SELLER_ZENY, nameid); return; } zeny += amount * pl_sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].price; } // Process item list for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { // itemlist: <index>.W <name id>.W <amount>.W unsigned short nameid, amount; int index; index = RBUFW(itemlist,i * 6 + 0) - 2; nameid = RBUFW(itemlist,i * 6 + 2); amount = RBUFW(itemlist,i * 6 + 4); ARR_FIND(0, pl_sd->buyingstore.slots, listidx, pl_sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].nameid == nameid); zeny = amount * pl_sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].price; // Move item pc_additem(pl_sd, &sd->status.inventory[index], amount, LOG_TYPE_BUYING_STORE); pc_delitem(sd, index, amount, 1, 0, LOG_TYPE_BUYING_STORE); pl_sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].amount -= amount; if( pl_sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].amount > 0 ) { if( Sql_Query(mmysql_handle, "UPDATE `%s` SET `amount` = %d WHERE `buyingstore_id` = %d AND `index` = %d;", buyingstore_items_db, pl_sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].amount, pl_sd->buyer_id, listidx) != SQL_SUCCESS ) Sql_ShowDebug(mmysql_handle); } else { if( Sql_Query(mmysql_handle, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `buyingstore_id` = %d AND `index` = %d;", buyingstore_items_db, pl_sd->buyer_id, listidx) != SQL_SUCCESS ) Sql_ShowDebug(mmysql_handle); } // Pay up pc_payzeny(pl_sd, zeny, LOG_TYPE_BUYING_STORE, sd); pc_getzeny(sd, zeny, LOG_TYPE_BUYING_STORE, pl_sd); pl_sd->buyingstore.zenylimit -= zeny; // Notify clients clif_buyingstore_delete_item(sd, index, amount, pl_sd->buyingstore.items[listidx].price); clif_buyingstore_update_item(pl_sd, nameid, amount); } if( save_settings&128 ) { chrif_save(sd, 0); chrif_save(pl_sd, 0); } // Check whether or not there is still something to buy ARR_FIND(0, pl_sd->buyingstore.slots, i, pl_sd->buyingstore.items[i].amount != 0); if( i == pl_sd->buyingstore.slots ) // Everything was bought clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_buyer(pl_sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_BUYER_NO_ITEMS); else if( pl_sd->buyingstore.zenylimit == 0 ) // Zeny limit reached clif_buyingstore_trade_failed_buyer(pl_sd, BUYINGSTORE_TRADE_BUYER_ZENY); else { // Continue buying if( Sql_Query(mmysql_handle, "UPDATE `%s` SET `limit` = %d WHERE `id` = %d;", buyingstores_db, pl_sd->buyingstore.zenylimit, pl_sd->buyer_id) != SQL_SUCCESS ) Sql_ShowDebug(mmysql_handle); return; } // Cannot continue buying buyingstore_close(pl_sd); // Remove auto-trader if( pl_sd->state.autotrade ) map_quit(pl_sd); }