QAxWidgetPropertySheet::QAxWidgetPropertySheet(QDesignerAxWidget *object, QObject *parent) :
    QDesignerPropertySheet(object, parent),
     if (!axWidget()->loaded()) { // For some obscure reason....
        const int controlIndex = QDesignerPropertySheet::indexOf(m_controlProperty);
        setPropertyGroup(controlIndex, m_propertyGroup);
/** Add Box-controller-specific properties to this algorithm
 * @param SplitInto :: default parameter value
 * @param SplitThreshold :: default parameter value
 * @param MaxRecursionDepth :: default parameter value
void BoxControllerSettingsAlgorithm::initBoxControllerProps(
    const std::string &SplitInto, int SplitThreshold, int MaxRecursionDepth) {
  auto mustBePositive = boost::make_shared<BoundedValidator<int>>();
  auto mustBeMoreThen1 = boost::make_shared<BoundedValidator<int>>();

  // Split up comma-separated properties
  std::vector<int> value;
  typedef Poco::StringTokenizer tokenizer;
  tokenizer values(SplitInto, ",",
                   tokenizer::TOK_IGNORE_EMPTY | tokenizer::TOK_TRIM);
  for (tokenizer::Iterator it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it)

      new ArrayProperty<int>("SplitInto", value),
      "A comma separated list of into how many sub-grid elements each "
      "dimension should split; "
      "or just one to split into the same number for all dimensions. Default " +
          SplitInto + ".");

      new PropertyWithValue<int>("SplitThreshold", SplitThreshold,
      "How many events in a box before it should be split. Default " +
          Strings::toString(SplitThreshold) + ".");

  declareProperty(new PropertyWithValue<int>(
                      "MaxRecursionDepth", MaxRecursionDepth, mustBeMoreThen1),
                  "How many levels of box splitting recursion are allowed. "
                  "The smallest box will have each side length :math:`l = "
                  "(extents) / (SplitInto^{MaxRecursionDepth}).` "
                  "Default " +
                      Strings::toString(MaxRecursionDepth) + ".");

  std::string grp = getBoxSettingsGroupName();
  setPropertyGroup("SplitInto", grp);
  setPropertyGroup("SplitThreshold", grp);
  setPropertyGroup("MaxRecursionDepth", grp);
LayoutPropertySheet::LayoutPropertySheet(QLayout *l, QObject *parent)
    : QDesignerPropertySheet(l, parent), m_layout(l)
    const QString layoutGroup = QLatin1String("Layout");
    int pindex = createFakeProperty(QLatin1String(leftMargin), 0);
    setPropertyGroup(pindex, layoutGroup);

    pindex = createFakeProperty(QLatin1String(topMargin), 0);
    setPropertyGroup(pindex, layoutGroup);

    pindex = createFakeProperty(QLatin1String(rightMargin), 0);
    setPropertyGroup(pindex, layoutGroup);

    pindex = createFakeProperty(QLatin1String(bottomMargin), 0);
    setPropertyGroup(pindex, layoutGroup);

    const int visibleMask = LayoutProperties::visibleProperties(m_layout);
    if (visibleMask & LayoutProperties::HorizSpacingProperty) {
        pindex = createFakeProperty(QLatin1String(horizontalSpacing), 0);
        setPropertyGroup(pindex, layoutGroup);

        pindex = createFakeProperty(QLatin1String(verticalSpacing), 0);
        setPropertyGroup(pindex, layoutGroup);

        setAttribute(indexOf(QLatin1String(spacing)), true);

    setAttribute(indexOf(QLatin1String(margin)), true);

    // SizeConstraint cannot possibly be handled as a real property
    // as it affects the layout parent widget and thus
    // conflicts with Designer's special layout widget.
    // It will take effect on the preview only.
    pindex = createFakeProperty(QLatin1String(sizeConstraint));
    setPropertyGroup(pindex, layoutGroup);
Example #4
 * Initialise the algorithm. Declare properties which can be set before
 * execution (input) or
 * read from after the execution (output).
void LoadBBY::init() {
  // Specify file extensions which can be associated with a specific file.
  std::vector<std::string> exts;

  // Declare the Filename algorithm property. Mandatory. Sets the path to the
  // file to load.
                      FilenameStr, "", API::FileProperty::Load, exts),
                  "The input filename of the stored data");

  // mask
                      MaskStr, "", API::FileProperty::OptionalLoad, exts),
                  "The input filename of the mask data");

  // OutputWorkspace
          "OutputWorkspace", "", Kernel::Direction::Output));

  // FilterByTofMin
                      FilterByTofMinStr, 0, Kernel::Direction::Input),
                  "Optional: To exclude events that do not fall within a range "
                  "of times-of-flight. "
                  "This is the minimum accepted value in microseconds. Keep "
                  "blank to load all events.");

  // FilterByTofMax
                      FilterByTofMaxStr, EMPTY_DBL(), Kernel::Direction::Input),
                  "Optional: To exclude events that do not fall within a range "
                  "of times-of-flight. "
                  "This is the maximum accepted value in microseconds. Keep "
                  "blank to load all events.");

  // FilterByTimeStart
          FilterByTimeStartStr, 0.0, Kernel::Direction::Input),
      "Optional: To only include events after the provided start time, in "
      "seconds (relative to the start of the run).");

  // FilterByTimeStop
          FilterByTimeStopStr, EMPTY_DBL(), Kernel::Direction::Input),
      "Optional: To only include events before the provided stop time, in "
      "seconds (relative to the start of the run).");

  // period and phase
                      PeriodMasterStr, EMPTY_DBL(), Kernel::Direction::Input),
                      PeriodSlaveStr, EMPTY_DBL(), Kernel::Direction::Input),
                      PhaseSlaveStr, EMPTY_DBL(), Kernel::Direction::Input),

  std::string grpOptional = "Filters";
  setPropertyGroup(FilterByTofMinStr, grpOptional);
  setPropertyGroup(FilterByTofMaxStr, grpOptional);
  setPropertyGroup(FilterByTimeStartStr, grpOptional);
  setPropertyGroup(FilterByTimeStopStr, grpOptional);

  std::string grpPhaseCorrection = "Phase Correction";
  setPropertyGroup(PeriodMasterStr, grpPhaseCorrection);
  setPropertyGroup(PeriodSlaveStr, grpPhaseCorrection);
  setPropertyGroup(PhaseSlaveStr, grpPhaseCorrection);
Example #5
LayoutPropertySheet::LayoutPropertySheet(QLayout *l, QObject *parent)
    : QDesignerPropertySheet(l, parent), m_layout(l)
    const QString layoutGroup = QLatin1String("Layout");
    int pindex = createFakeProperty(QLatin1String(leftMargin), 0);
    setPropertyGroup(pindex, layoutGroup);

    pindex = createFakeProperty(QLatin1String(topMargin), 0);
    setPropertyGroup(pindex, layoutGroup);

    pindex = createFakeProperty(QLatin1String(rightMargin), 0);
    setPropertyGroup(pindex, layoutGroup);

    pindex = createFakeProperty(QLatin1String(bottomMargin), 0);
    setPropertyGroup(pindex, layoutGroup);

    const int visibleMask = LayoutProperties::visibleProperties(m_layout);
    if (visibleMask & LayoutProperties::HorizSpacingProperty) {
        pindex = createFakeProperty(QLatin1String(horizontalSpacing), 0);
        setPropertyGroup(pindex, layoutGroup);

        pindex = createFakeProperty(QLatin1String(verticalSpacing), 0);
        setPropertyGroup(pindex, layoutGroup);

        setAttribute(indexOf(QLatin1String(spacing)), true);

    setAttribute(indexOf(QLatin1String(margin)), true);
    // Stretch
    if (visibleMask & LayoutProperties::BoxStretchProperty) {
        pindex = createFakeProperty(QLatin1String(boxStretchPropertyC), QByteArray());
        setPropertyGroup(pindex, layoutGroup);
        setAttribute(pindex, true);
    } else {
        // Add the grid per-row/column stretch and size limits
        if (visibleMask & LayoutProperties::GridColumnStretchProperty) {
            const QByteArray empty;
            pindex = createFakeProperty(QLatin1String(gridRowStretchPropertyC), empty);
            setPropertyGroup(pindex, layoutGroup);
            setAttribute(pindex, true);
            pindex = createFakeProperty(QLatin1String(gridColumnStretchPropertyC), empty);
            setPropertyGroup(pindex, layoutGroup);
            setAttribute(pindex, true);
            pindex = createFakeProperty(QLatin1String(gridRowMinimumHeightPropertyC), empty);
            setPropertyGroup(pindex, layoutGroup);
            setAttribute(pindex, true);
            pindex = createFakeProperty(QLatin1String(gridColumnMinimumWidthPropertyC), empty);
            setPropertyGroup(pindex, layoutGroup);
            setAttribute(pindex, true);
    // SizeConstraint cannot possibly be handled as a real property
    // as it affects the layout parent widget and thus
    // conflicts with Designer's special layout widget.
    // It will take effect on the preview only.
    pindex = createFakeProperty(QLatin1String(sizeConstraint));
    setPropertyGroup(pindex, layoutGroup);
/** Initialize the algorithm, i.e, declare properties
void LoadEventPreNexus2::init() {
  // which files to use
  vector<string> eventExts(EVENT_EXTS, EVENT_EXTS + NUM_EXT);
      Kernel::make_unique<FileProperty>(EVENT_PARAM, "", FileProperty::Load,
      "The name of the neutron event file to read, including its full or "
      "relative path. In most cases, the file typically ends in "
      "neutron_event.dat (N.B. case sensitive if running on Linux).");
  vector<string> pulseExts(PULSE_EXTS, PULSE_EXTS + NUM_EXT);
                      PULSEID_PARAM, "", FileProperty::OptionalLoad, pulseExts),
                  "File containing the accelerator pulse information; the "
                  "filename will be found automatically if not specified.");
      Kernel::make_unique<FileProperty>(MAP_PARAM, "",
                                        FileProperty::OptionalLoad, ".dat"),
      "File containing the pixel mapping (DAS pixels to pixel IDs) file "
      "(typically INSTRUMENT_TS_YYYY_MM_DD.dat). The filename will be found "
      "automatically if not specified.");

  // which pixels to load
                  "A list of individual spectra (pixel IDs) to read, specified "
                  "as e.g. 10:20. Only used if set.");

  auto mustBePositive = boost::make_shared<BoundedValidator<int>>();
  declareProperty("ChunkNumber", EMPTY_INT(), mustBePositive,
                  "If loading the file by sections ('chunks'), this is the "
                  "section number of this execution of the algorithm.");
  declareProperty("TotalChunks", EMPTY_INT(), mustBePositive,
                  "If loading the file by sections ('chunks'), this is the "
                  "total number of sections.");
  // TotalChunks is only meaningful if ChunkNumber is set
  // Would be nice to be able to restrict ChunkNumber to be <= TotalChunks at
  // validation
  setPropertySettings("TotalChunks", make_unique<VisibleWhenProperty>(
                                         "ChunkNumber", IS_NOT_DEFAULT));

  std::vector<std::string> propOptions{"Auto", "Serial", "Parallel"};
  declareProperty("UseParallelProcessing", "Auto",
                  "Use multiple cores for loading the data?\n"
                  "  Auto: Use serial loading for small data sets, parallel "
                  "for large data sets.\n"
                  "  Serial: Use a single core.\n"
                  "  Parallel: Use all available cores.");

  // the output workspace name
                      OUT_PARAM, "", Direction::Output),
                  "The name of the workspace that will be created, filled "
                  "with the read-in "
                  "data and stored in the [[Analysis Data Service]].");

                      "EventNumberWorkspace", "", Direction::Output,
                  "Workspace with number of events per pulse");

  // Some debugging options
  auto mustBeNonNegative = boost::make_shared<BoundedValidator<int>>();
  declareProperty("DBOutputBlockNumber", EMPTY_INT(), mustBeNonNegative,
                  "Index of the loading block for debugging output. ");

  declareProperty("DBNumberOutputEvents", 40, mustBePositive,
                  "Number of output events for debugging purpose.  Must be "
                  "defined with DBOutputBlockNumber.");

  declareProperty("DBNumberOutputPulses", EMPTY_INT(), mustBePositive,
                  "Number of output pulses for debugging purpose. ");

  std::string dbgrp = "Investigation Use";
  setPropertyGroup("EventNumberWorkspace", dbgrp);
  setPropertyGroup("DBOutputBlockNumber", dbgrp);
  setPropertyGroup("DBNumberOutputEvents", dbgrp);
  setPropertyGroup("DBNumberOutputPulses", dbgrp);