Example #1
void dec3_10(
						Shortword index,	/* (i)    : indx of 3 pulses (10 bits)               */
						Shortword cod[],	/* (o) Q12: algebraic (fixed) codebook excitation    */
						Shortword l_subfr	/* (i)    : lenght of subframe (53 or 54)            */
	Shortword i, pos, gsign, sign;

	for (i = 0; i < l_subfr; i++)
		cod[i] = 0;

	if ((index & 0x0200) != 0)
		gsign = -1;
		gsign = 1;

	for (i = 4; i >= 0; i -= 2)
		pos = add(shr(extract_l(L_mult((index & 0x0007), STEP)), 1), i);

		if (i == 2)
			sign = negate(gsign);
			sign = gsign;

		if (pos < l_subfr)
			cod[pos] = sign;

		index = shr(index, 3);

Example #2
void decode_4i40_17bits(
    Word16 sign,   /* i : signs of 4 pulses.                       */
    Word16 index,  /* i : Positions of the 4 pulses.               */
    Word16 cod[]   /* o : algebraic (fixed) codebook excitation    */
    Word16 i, j;
    Word16 pos[NB_PULSE];

    /* Decode the positions */

    i = index & 7;                                       logic16 ();
    i = dgray[i];                                        move16 ();

    pos[0] = add(i, shl(i, 2));   /* pos0 =i*5 */        move16 ();

    index = shr(index, 3);
    i = index & 7;                                       logic16 ();
    i = dgray[i];                                        move16 ();

    i = add(i, shl(i, 2));        /* pos1 =i*5+1 */
    pos[1] = add(i, 1);                                  move16 ();

    index = shr(index, 3);
    i = index & 7;                                       logic16 ();
    i = dgray[i];                                        move16 ();

    i = add(i, shl(i, 2));        /* pos2 =i*5+1 */
    pos[2] = add(i, 2);                                  move16 ();

    index = shr(index, 3);
    j = index & 1;                                       logic16 ();
    index = shr(index, 1);
    i = index & 7;                                       logic16 ();
    i = dgray[i];                                        move16 ();

    i = add(i, shl(i, 2));        /* pos3 =i*5+3+j */
    i = add(i, 3);
    pos[3] = add(i, j);                                  move16 ();

    /* decode the signs  and build the codeword */

    for (i = 0; i < L_SUBFR; i++) {
        cod[i] = 0;                                      move16 ();

    for (j = 0; j < NB_PULSE; j++) {
        i = sign & 1;                                    logic16 ();
        sign = shr(sign, 1);

        test ();
        if (i != 0) {
            cod[pos[j]] = 8191;                          move16 ();
        } else {
            cod[pos[j]] = -8192;                         move16 ();

int decode64 (unsigned char *dst, int size, char *src)
    unsigned char *sptr = (unsigned char *) src;
    unsigned char *dptr = dst;
    unsigned char *end  = dst + size;
    unsigned char c1, c2, c3, c4;

        c1 = char64(*sptr);
        c2 = char64(*(sptr + 1));

        if (c1 == 255 || c2 == 255) break;

        *dptr++ = shl(c1, 2) | shr((c2 & 0x30), 4);
        if (dptr >= end) break;

        c3 = char64(*(sptr + 2));
        if (c3 == 255) break;

        *dptr++ = shl((c2 & 0x0f), 4) | shr((c3 & 0x3c), 2);
        if (dptr >= end) break;

        c4 = char64(*(sptr + 3));
        if (c4 == 255) break;

        *dptr++ = shl((c3 & 0x03), 6) | c4;
        sptr += 4;
    while (dptr < end);

    return (dptr - dst);
Example #4
Word16 sqrts(Word16 x)
   Word16 xb, y, exp, idx, sub_frac, sub_tab;
   Word32 a0;

   if(x <= 0){
      y = 0;
      exp = norm_s(x);

      /* use 65-entry table */
      xb = shl(x, exp);                            // normalization of x
      idx = shr(xb, 9);                            // for 65 entry table
      a0 = L_deposit_h(tabsqrt[idx]);              // Q31 table look-up value
      sub_frac = shl((Word16)(xb & 0x01FF), 6);    // Q15 sub-fraction
      sub_tab = sub(tabsqrt[idx+1], tabsqrt[idx]); // Q15 table interval for interpolation
      a0 = L_mac(a0, sub_frac, sub_tab);           // Q31 linear interpolation between table entries
      if(exp & 0x0001){
         exp = shr(add(exp, 1), 1);                // normalization of sqrt()
         a0 = L_shr(a0, exp);
         y = intround(a0);                            // Q15
         a0 = L_mac(a0, 13573, y);                 // Q31 incorporate the missing "/sqrt(2)"
         exp = shr(exp, 1);                        // normalization of sqrt()
         a0 = L_shr(a0, exp);                      // Q31
      y = intround(a0);                               // Q15

   return y;
Example #5
void Int_lpc(
 Word16 lsp_old[], /* input : LSP vector of past frame              */
 Word16 lsp_new[], /* input : LSP vector of present frame           */
 Word16 lsf_int[], /* output: interpolated lsf coefficients         */
 Word16 lsf_new[],
 Word16 Az[]       /* output: interpolated Az() for the 2 subframes */
  Word16 i;
  Word16 lsp[M];

  /*  lsp[i] = lsp_new[i] * 0.5 + lsp_old[i] * 0.5 */

  for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {
    lsp[i] = add(shr(lsp_new[i], 1), shr(lsp_old[i], 1));


  Lsp_Az(lsp, Az);

  Lsp_lsf(lsp, lsf_int, M);      /* transformation from LSP to LSF (freq.domain) */
  Lsp_lsf(lsp_new, lsf_new, M);  /* transformation from LSP to LSF (freq.domain) */

Example #6
static inline uint64_t Bitpack_newu(uint64_t word, unsigned width, 
                                    unsigned lsb, uint64_t value) {
  unsigned hi = lsb + width; // one beyond the most significant bit
  assert(hi <= 64);
  if (!Bitpack_fitsu(value, width))
  return shl(shr(word, hi), hi)              // high part
       | shr(shl(word, 64 - lsb), 64 - lsb)  // low part
       | (value << lsb);                     // new part
Example #7
void Decod_ACELP(
  Word16 sign,      /* (i)     : signs of 4 pulses.                       */
  Word16 index,     /* (i)     : Positions of the 4 pulses.               */
  Word16 cod[]      /* (o) Q13 : algebraic (fixed) codebook excitation    */
  Word16 i, j;
  Word16 pos[4];

  /* Decode the positions */

  i      = index & (Word16)7;
  pos[0] = add(i, shl(i, 2));           /* pos0 =i*5 */

  index  = shr(index, 3);
  i      = index & (Word16)7;
  i      = add(i, shl(i, 2));           /* pos1 =i*5+1 */
  pos[1] = add(i, 1);

  index  = shr(index, 3);
  i      = index & (Word16)7;
  i      = add(i, shl(i, 2));           /* pos2 =i*5+1 */
  pos[2] = add(i, 2);

  index  = shr(index, 3);
  j      = index & (Word16)1;
  index  = shr(index, 1);
  i      = index & (Word16)7;
  i      = add(i, shl(i, 2));           /* pos3 =i*5+3+j */
  i      = add(i, 3);
  pos[3] = add(i, j);

  /* decode the signs  and build the codeword */

  for (i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
    cod[i] = 0;

  for (j=0; j<4; j++)

    i = sign & (Word16)1;
    sign = shr(sign, 1);

    if (i != 0) {
      cod[pos[j]] = 8191;      /* Q13 +1.0 */
    else {
      cod[pos[j]] = -8192;     /* Q13 -1.0 */

Example #8
uint64_t Bitpack_newu(uint64_t word, unsigned width, unsigned lsb,
                      uint64_t value)
        unsigned hi = lsb + width; /* one beyond the most significant bit */
        assert(hi <= 64);
        if (!Bitpack_fitsu(value, width))
        return shl(shr(word, hi), hi)                 /* high part */
                | shr(shl(word, 64 - lsb), 64 - lsb)  /* low part  */
                | (value << lsb);                     /* new part  */
Example #9
/** Performs a carryless multiplication of two 128bit integers modulo \f$ x^{128} + x^7 + x^2 + x + 1 \f$ */
static __m128i gmul(__m128i v, __m128i h) {
	/* multiply */
	__m128i z0, z1, z2, tmp;
	z0 = _mm_clmulepi64_si128(v, h, 0x11);
	z2 = _mm_clmulepi64_si128(v, h, 0x00);

	__m128i tmpv = _mm_srli_si128(v, 8);
	tmpv = _mm_xor_si128(tmpv, v);

	__m128i tmph = _mm_srli_si128(h, 8);
	tmph = _mm_xor_si128(tmph, h);

	z1 = _mm_clmulepi64_si128(tmpv, tmph, 0x00);
	z1 = _mm_xor_si128(z1, z0);
	z1 = _mm_xor_si128(z1, z2);

	tmp = _mm_srli_si128(z1, 8);
	__m128i pl = _mm_xor_si128(z0, tmp);

	tmp = _mm_slli_si128(z1, 8);
	__m128i ph = _mm_xor_si128(z2, tmp);

	tmp = _mm_srli_epi64(ph, 63);
	tmp = _mm_srli_si128(tmp, 8);

	pl = shl(pl, 1);
	pl = _mm_xor_si128(pl, tmp);

	ph = shl(ph, 1);

	/* reduce */
	__m128i b, c;
	b = c = _mm_slli_si128(ph, 8);

	b = _mm_slli_epi64(b, 62);
	c = _mm_slli_epi64(c, 57);

	tmp = _mm_xor_si128(b, c);
	__m128i d = _mm_xor_si128(ph, tmp);

	__m128i e = shr(d, 1);
	__m128i f = shr(d, 2);
	__m128i g = shr(d, 7);

	pl = _mm_xor_si128(pl, d);
	pl = _mm_xor_si128(pl, e);
	pl = _mm_xor_si128(pl, f);
	pl = _mm_xor_si128(pl, g);

	return pl;
Example #10
void WebRtcG729fix_Lsf_lsp2(
  int16_t lsf[],    /* (i) Q13 : lsf[m] (range: 0.0<=val<PI) */
  int16_t lsp[],    /* (o) Q15 : lsp[m] (range: -1<=val<1)   */
  int16_t m         /* (i)     : LPC order                   */
  int16_t i, ind;
  int16_t offset;   /* in Q8 */
  int16_t freq;     /* normalized frequency in Q15 */
  int32_t L_tmp;

  for(i=0; i<m; i++)
/*    freq = abs_s(freq);*/
    freq = mult(lsf[i], 20861);          /* 20861: 1.0/(2.0*PI) in Q17 */
    ind    = shr(freq, 8);               /* ind    = b8-b15 of freq */
    offset = freq & (int16_t)0x00ff;      /* offset = b0-b7  of freq */

    if (ind > 63){
      ind = 63;                 /* 0 <= ind <= 63 */

    /* lsp[i] = table2[ind]+ (slope_cos[ind]*offset >> 12) */

    L_tmp   = L_mult(WebRtcG729fix_slope_cos[ind], offset);   /* L_tmp in Q28 */
    lsp[i] = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(WebRtcG729fix_table2[ind], extract_l(L_shr(L_tmp, 13)));

Example #11
void get_pq_polynomials(
    Word32 *f,     /* Q23 */
    Word16 *lsp)   /* Q15 */
    Word16 i, n, hi, lo;
    Word16 index, offset, coslsp, c;
    Word32 a0;

    f[0] = L_mult(2048, 2048);                                        // 1.0 Q23
    for(i = 1; i <= LPCO ; i++)
        f[i]= 0;

    for(n=1; n<=(LPCO>>1); n++) {

        /* cosine mapping */
        index = shr(lsp[2*n-2],9);                                     // Q6
        offset = lsp[2*n-2]&(Word16)0x01ff;                            // Q9
        a0 = L_mult(sub(costable[index+1], costable[index]), offset);  // Q10
        coslsp = add(costable[index], intround(L_shl(a0, 6)));            // Q15 cos((double)PI*lsp[2*n-2])

        c = coslsp;                                                    // Q14 c = 2. * cos((double)PI*lsp[2*n-2])

        for(i = 2*n; i >= 2; i--) {
            L_Extract(f[i-1], &hi, &lo);

            f[i] = L_add(f[i], f[i-2]);                                 // Q23 f[i] += f[i-2]
            a0 = Mpy_32_16(hi, lo, c);                                  // Q22
            f[i] = L_sub(f[i], L_shl(a0,1));                            // Q23 f[i] += f[i-2] - c*f[i-1];
        f[1] = L_msu(f[1], c, 256);                                    // Q23 f[1] -= c;

Example #12
	void ngen_CC_param(shil_opcode& op, shil_param& prm, CanonicalParamType tp) {
		switch (tp)

		case CPT_u32:
		case CPT_ptr:
		case CPT_f32:
			CC_PS t = { tp, &prm };

		//store from EAX
		case CPT_u64rvL:
		case CPT_u32rv:
			mov(rcx, rax);
			reg_to_sh(prm, ecx);

		case CPT_u64rvH:
			shr(rcx, 32);
			reg_to_sh(prm, ecx);

			//Store from ST(0)
		case CPT_f32rv:
			reg_to_sh_ss(prm, xmm0);
Example #13
*  Function    : build_CN_code
void build_CN_code (
    Word32 *seed,         /* i/o : Old CN generator shift register state */
    Word16 cod[]          /* o   : Generated CN fixed codebook vector    */
   Word16 i, j, k;
   for (i = 0; i < L_SUBFR; i++)
      cod[i] = 0;                         
   for (k = 0; k < NB_PULSE10; k++)
      i = pseudonoise (seed, 2);      /* generate pulse position */
      i = shr (extract_l (L_mult (i, 10)), 1);
      i = i + k;
      j = pseudonoise (seed, 1);      /* generate sign           */

      if (j > 0)
         cod[i] = 4096;                                 
         cod[i] = -4096;                                      
Example #14
		Xbyak::Label label;
		cmpss(xmm0, ptr[rip + label], 0);
		test(dword[rip + label], 33);
		bt(dword[rip + label ], 3);
		vblendpd(xmm0, dword[rip + label], 3);
		vpalignr(xmm0, qword[rip + label], 4);
		vextractf128(dword[rip + label], ymm3, 12);
		vperm2i128(ymm0, ymm1, qword[rip + label], 13);
		vcvtps2ph(ptr[rip + label], xmm2, 44);
		mov(dword[rip + label], 0x1234);
		shl(dword[rip + label], 3);
		shr(dword[rip + label], 1);
		shld(qword[rip + label], rax, 3);
		imul(rax, qword[rip + label], 21);
		rorx(rax, qword[rip + label], 21);
		test(dword[rip + label], 5);
		pextrq(ptr[rip + label], xmm0, 3);
		pinsrq(xmm2, ptr[rip + label], 5);
		pextrw(ptr[rip + label], xmm1, 4);
		adc(dword[rip + label], 0x12345);
		bt(byte[rip + label], 0x34);
		btc(word[rip + label], 0x34);
		btr(dword[rip + label], 0x34);
		rcl(dword[rip + label], 4);
		shld(qword[rip + label], rax, 4);
		palignr(mm0, ptr[rip + label], 4);
		aeskeygenassist(xmm3, ptr[rip + label], 4);
		vpcmpestrm(xmm2, ptr[rip + label], 7);
Example #15
static inline uint32_t get_op_code(uint32_t word)
        return shr(shl(word, 64 - 32), 64 - 4);

        /*Bitpack_getu(word, OP_CODE_LENGTH,
                           (WORD_LENGTH - OP_CODE_LENGTH));*/
Example #16
static void Int2bin (
    Word16 value,       /* input : value to be converted to binary      */
    Word16 no_of_bits,  /* input : number of bits associated with value */
    Word16 *bitstream   /* output: address where bits are written       */
    Word16 *pt_bitstream, i, bit;

    pt_bitstream = &bitstream[no_of_bits];

    for (i = 0; i < no_of_bits; i++)
        bit = value & MASK;

        if (bit == 0)
            *--pt_bitstream = BIT_0;
            *--pt_bitstream = BIT_1;
        value = shr (value, 1);
Example #17
long interpolation_cos129( short freq )
    short  sin_data,cos_data,count,temp ;
    long  Ltemp,Lresult;

    /* cos(x)=cos(a)+(x-a)sin(a)-pow((a-x),2)*cos(a) */

    count=shr(abs_s(freq ),7 );

    temp=sub( extract_l(L_mult( count,64)) , freq );
    /* (a-x)sin a  */
    /* Scale factor for (a-x): 3217=pi2/64 */

    sin_data=sin129_table [ count];
    cos_data=cos129_table [count];


    /* (a-x) sin(a) - [(a-x)*(a-x)*cos(a)] /2 */
    /* Scale factor for (a-x)*(a-x):  20213=pi2*pi2/64 */


    /* Scaled up by 64/2 times */
    Ltemp=L_shl( Ltemp ,6 );
    Lresult=  L_add(L_deposit_h(cos_data), (Ltemp)) ;

Example #18
void Lsf_lsp2(
  Word16 lsf[],    /* (i) Q13 : lsf[m] (range: 0.0<=val<PI) */
  Word16 lsp[],    /* (o) Q15 : lsp[m] (range: -1<=val<1)   */
  Word16 m         /* (i)     : LPC order                   */
  Word16 i, ind;
  Word16 offset;   /* in Q8 */
  Word16 freq;     /* normalized frequency in Q15 */
  Word32 L_tmp;

  for(i=0; i<m; i++)
/*    freq = abs_s(freq);*/
    freq = mult(lsf[i], 20861);          /* 20861: 1.0/(2.0*PI) in Q17 */
    ind    = shr(freq, 8);               /* ind    = b8-b15 of freq */
    offset = freq & (Word16)0x00ff;      /* offset = b0-b7  of freq */

    if ( sub(ind, 63)>0 ){
      ind = 63;                 /* 0 <= ind <= 63 */

    /* lsp[i] = table2[ind]+ (slope_cos[ind]*offset >> 12) */

    L_tmp   = L_mult(slope_cos[ind], offset);   /* L_tmp in Q28 */
    lsp[i] = add(table2[ind], extract_l(L_shr(L_tmp, 13)));

Example #19
File: common.c Project: VVer/opal
 Function:    compute_raw_pow_categories

 Syntax:      void compute_raw_pow_categories(Word16 *power_categories,
                                              Word16 *rms_index,
                                              Word16 number_of_regions,
                                              Word16 offset)
              inputs:  *rms_index
              outputs: *power_categories                    

 Description: This function computes the power categories given the offset
              This is kind of redundant since they were already computed
              in calc_offset to determine the offset.

 WMOPS:          |    24kbit    |     32kbit
            AVG  |    0.01      |     0.01
            MAX  |    0.01      |     0.01

           14kHz |    24kbit    |     32kbit     |     48kbit
            AVG  |    0.01      |     0.01       |     0.01   
            MAX  |    0.01      |     0.01       |     0.01   

void compute_raw_pow_categories(Word16 *power_categories,Word16 *rms_index,Word16 number_of_regions,Word16 offset)
    Word16 region;
    Word16 j;
    Word16 temp;

    for (region=0; region<number_of_regions; region++) 
        j = sub(offset,rms_index[region]);
        j = shr(j,1);
        /* make sure j is between 0 and NUM_CAT-1 */
        if (j < 0) 
            j = 0;
        temp = sub(j,(NUM_CATEGORIES-1));
        if (temp > 0) 
            j = sub(NUM_CATEGORIES,1);
        power_categories[region] = j;
Example #20
void Bitpack(
				INT16 in,
				UINT16 *TrWords,
				INT16 NoOfBits,
				INT16 *ptr
	INT16 temp;
	UINT16 *WordPtr;

	WordPtr = TrWords + ptr[1];
	*ptr = sub(*ptr, NoOfBits);
	if (*ptr >= 0)
/* NOTE: Creating *WordPtr requires an unsigned shift.  There isn't a fixed
 * point prototype for an unsigned shift, so I kept the C version. */
		*WordPtr = *WordPtr | (in << *ptr);
		temp = shr(in, negate(*ptr));
		*WordPtr = *WordPtr | temp;
		*ptr = add(*ptr, 16);
		*WordPtr = (INT16) ((INT32) (L_shl((INT32) in, *ptr)) & 0xffff);
		ptr[1] += 1;
Example #21
Word32 Inv_sqrt(   /* (o) Q30 : output value   (range: 0<=val<1)           */
  Word32 L_x       /* (i) Q0  : input value    (range: 0<=val<=7fffffff)   */
  Word16 exp, i, a, tmp;
  Word32 L_y;

  if( L_x <= (Word32)0) return ( (Word32)0x3fffffffL);

  exp = norm_l(L_x);
  L_x = L_shl(L_x, exp );               /* L_x is normalize */

  exp = sub(30, exp);
  if( (exp & 1) == 0 )                  /* If exponent even -> shift right */
      L_x = L_shr(L_x, 1);

  exp = shr(exp, 1);
  exp = add(exp, 1);

  L_x = L_shr(L_x, 9);
  i   = extract_h(L_x);                 /* Extract b25-b31 */
  L_x = L_shr(L_x, 1);
  a   = extract_l(L_x);                 /* Extract b10-b24 */
  a   = a & (Word16)0x7fff;

  i   = sub(i, 16);

  L_y = L_deposit_h(tabsqr[i]);         /* tabsqr[i] << 16          */
  tmp = sub(tabsqr[i], tabsqr[i+1]);    /* tabsqr[i] - tabsqr[i+1])  */
  L_y = L_msu(L_y, tmp, a);             /* L_y -=  tmp*a*2         */

  L_y = L_shr(L_y, exp);                /* denormalization */

Example #22
int32_t WebRtcG729fix_Inv_sqrt( /* (o) Q30 : output value (range: 0<=val<1) */
  int32_t L_x       /* (i) Q0  : input value    (range: 0<=val<=7fffffff)   */
  int16_t exp, i, a, tmp;
  int32_t L_y;

  if( L_x <= (int32_t)0) return ( (int32_t)0x3fffffffL);

  exp = WebRtcSpl_NormW32(L_x);
  L_x = L_shl(L_x, exp );               /* L_x is normalize */

  exp = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(30, exp);
  if( (exp & 1) == 0 )                  /* If exponent even -> shift right */
      L_x = L_shr(L_x, 1);

  exp = shr(exp, 1);
  exp = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(exp, 1);

  L_x = L_shr(L_x, 9);
  i   = extract_h(L_x);                 /* Extract b25-b31 */
  L_x = L_shr(L_x, 1);
  a   = extract_l(L_x);                 /* Extract b10-b24 */
  a   = a & (int16_t)0x7fff;

  i   = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(i, 16);

  L_y = L_deposit_h(WebRtcG729fix_tabsqr[i]);         /* tabsqr[i] << 16          */
  tmp = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(WebRtcG729fix_tabsqr[i], WebRtcG729fix_tabsqr[i+1]);    /* tabsqr[i] - tabsqr[i+1])  */
  L_y = L_msu(L_y, tmp, a);             /* L_y -=  tmp*a*2         */

  L_y = L_shr(L_y, exp);                /* denormalization */

Example #23
uint64_t Bitpack_getu(uint64_t word, unsigned width, unsigned lsb)
        unsigned hi = lsb + width; /* one beyond the most significant bit */
        assert(hi <= 64);
        /* different type of right shift */
        return shr(shl(word, 64 - hi), 64 - width); 
Example #24
bool Bitpack_fitsu(uint64_t n, unsigned width)
        if (width >= 64)
                return true;
        /* thanks to Jai Karve and John Bryan */
        return shr(n, width) == 0; // clever shortcut instead of 2 shifts
Example #25
void energy_computation (
    Word16 r_h[],
    Word16 scal_acf,
    Word16 rvad[],
    Word16 scal_rvad,
    Pfloat * acf0,
    Pfloat * pvad
    Word16 i, temp, norm_prod;
    Word32 L_temp;

    /* r[0] is always greater than zero (no need to test for r[0] == 0) */
    /* Computation of acf0 (exponent and mantissa) */
    acf0->e = sub (32, scal_acf);        
    acf0->m = r_h[0] & 0x7ff8;            

    /* Computation of pvad (exponent and mantissa) */

    pvad->e = add (acf0->e, 14);         
    pvad->e = sub (pvad->e, scal_rvad);  

    L_temp = 0L;                         

    for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
        temp = shr (r_h[i], 3);
        L_temp = L_mac (L_temp, temp, rvad[i]);

    temp = shr (r_h[0], 3);
    L_temp = L_add (L_temp, L_shr (L_mult (temp, rvad[0]), 1));

    if (L_temp <= 0L)
        L_temp = 1L;                     
    norm_prod = norm_l (L_temp);
    pvad->e = sub (pvad->e, norm_prod);
		pvad->m = extract_h (L_shr (L_temp, -norm_prod));
		pvad->m = extract_h (L_shl (L_temp, norm_prod));
Example #26
void Corr_xy2(
      Word16 xn[],           /* (i) Q0  :Target vector.                  */
      Word16 y1[],           /* (i) Q0  :Adaptive codebook.              */
      Word16 y2[],           /* (i) Q12 :Filtered innovative vector.     */
      Word16 g_coeff[],      /* (o) Q[exp]:Correlations between xn,y1,y2 */
      Word16 exp_g_coeff[]   /* (o)       :Q-format of g_coeff[]         */
      Word16   i,exp;
      Word16   exp_y2y2,exp_xny2,exp_y1y2;
      Word16   y2y2,    xny2,    y1y2;
      Word32   L_acc;
      Word16   scaled_y2[L_SUBFR];       /* Q9 */

       * Scale down y2[] from Q12 to Q9 to avoid overflow                 *
      for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
         scaled_y2[i] = shr(y2[i], 3);        }

      /* Compute scalar product <y2[],y2[]> */
      L_acc = 1;                       /* Avoid case of all zeros */
      for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++)
         L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, scaled_y2[i], scaled_y2[i]);    /* L_acc:Q19 */

      exp      = norm_l(L_acc);
      y2y2     = round( L_shl(L_acc, exp) );
      exp_y2y2 = add(exp, 19-16);                          /* Q[19+exp-16] */

      g_coeff[2]     = y2y2;
      exp_g_coeff[2] = exp_y2y2;

      /* Compute scalar product <xn[],y2[]> */
      L_acc = 1;                       /* Avoid case of all zeros */
      for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++)
         L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, xn[i], scaled_y2[i]);           /* L_acc:Q10 */

      exp      = norm_l(L_acc);
      xny2     = round( L_shl(L_acc, exp) );
      exp_xny2 = add(exp, 10-16);                          /* Q[10+exp-16] */

      g_coeff[3]     = negate(xny2);
      exp_g_coeff[3] = sub(exp_xny2,1);                   /* -2<xn,y2> */

      /* Compute scalar product <y1[],y2[]> */
      L_acc = 1;                       /* Avoid case of all zeros */
      for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++)
         L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, y1[i], scaled_y2[i]);           /* L_acc:Q10 */

      exp      = norm_l(L_acc);
      y1y2     = round( L_shl(L_acc, exp) );
      exp_y1y2 = add(exp, 10-16);                          /* Q[10+exp-16] */

      g_coeff[4]     = y1y2;
      exp_g_coeff[4] = sub(exp_y1y2,1);    ;                /* 2<y1,y2> */

Example #27
 * Function Autocorr()                                 *
 *                                                     *
 *   Compute autocorrelations of signal with windowing *
 *                                                     *
void Autocorr(
  Word16 x[],      /* (i)    : Input signal                      */
  Word16 m,        /* (i)    : LPC order                         */
  Word16 r_h[],    /* (o)    : Autocorrelations  (msb)           */
  Word16 r_l[]     /* (o)    : Autocorrelations  (lsb)           */
  Word16 i, j, norm;
  Word16 y[L_WINDOW];
  Word32 sum;

  extern Flag Overflow;

  /* Windowing of signal */

  for(i=0; i<L_WINDOW; i++)
    y[i] = mult_r(x[i], hamwindow[i]);

  /* Compute r[0] and test for overflow */

  do {
    Overflow = 0;
    sum = 1;                   /* Avoid case of all zeros */
    for(i=0; i<L_WINDOW; i++)
      sum = L_mac(sum, y[i], y[i]);

    /* If overflow divide y[] by 4 */

    if(Overflow != 0)
      for(i=0; i<L_WINDOW; i++)
        y[i] = shr(y[i], 2);
  }while (Overflow != 0);

  /* Normalization of r[0] */

  norm = norm_l(sum);
  sum  = L_shl(sum, norm);
  L_Extract(sum, &r_h[0], &r_l[0]);     /* Put in DPF format (see oper_32b) */

  /* r[1] to r[m] */

  for (i = 1; i <= m; i++)
    sum = 0;
    for(j=0; j<L_WINDOW-i; j++)
      sum = L_mac(sum, y[j], y[j+i]);

    sum = L_shl(sum, norm);
    L_Extract(sum, &r_h[i], &r_l[i]);
Example #28
 *  FUNCTION:  compress_code()
 *  PURPOSE: compression of the linear codewords to 4+three indeces  
 *           one bit from each pulse is made robust to errors by 
 *           minimizing the phase shift of a bit error.
 *           4 signs (one for each track) 
 *           i0,i4,i1 => one index (7+3) bits, 3   LSBs more robust
 *           i2,i6,i5 => one index (7+3) bits, 3   LSBs more robust
 *           i3,i7    => one index (5+2) bits, 2-3 LSbs more robust
void compress_code (
    Word16 sign_indx[], /* i : signs of 4 pulses (signs only)             */
    Word16 pos_indx[],  /* i : position index of 8 pulses (position only) */
    Word16 indx[])      /* o : position and sign of 8 pulses (compressed) */
   Word16 i, ia, ib, ic;

   for (i = 0; i < NB_TRACK_MR102; i++)
      indx[i] = sign_indx[i];                             
    /* First index 
      indx[NB_TRACK] = (ia/2+(ib/2)*5 +(ic/2)*25)*8 + ia%2 + (ib%2)*2 + (ic%2)*4; */
   indx[NB_TRACK_MR102] = compress10(pos_indx[0],pos_indx[4],pos_indx[1]);

    /* Second index       
      indx[NB_TRACK+1] = (ia/2+(ib/2)*5 +(ic/2)*25)*8 + ia%2 + (ib%2)*2 + (ic%2)*4; */
   indx[NB_TRACK_MR102+1]= compress10(pos_indx[2],pos_indx[6],pos_indx[5]);
      Third index      
      if ((ib/2)%2 == 1)
        indx[NB_TRACK+2] = ((((4-ia/2) + (ib/2)*5)*32+12)/25)*4 + ia%2 + (ib%2)*2;
        indx[NB_TRACK+2] = ((((ia/2) +   (ib/2)*5)*32+12)/25)*4 + ia%2 + (ib%2)*2;
    ib = shr(pos_indx[7], 1) & 1;                        
    if (sub(ib, 1) == 0)
       ia = sub(4, shr(pos_indx[3], 1));
       ia = shr(pos_indx[3], 1);

    ib = extract_l(L_shr(L_mult(shr(pos_indx[7], 1), 5), 1));       
    ib = add(shl(add(ia, ib), 5), 12);
    ic = shl(mult(ib, 1311), 2);
    ia = pos_indx[3] & 1;                             
    ib = shl((pos_indx[7] & 1), 1);                   
    indx[NB_TRACK_MR102+2] = add(ia, add(ib, ic));
int encode64 (char *dst, unsigned char *src, int size)
    char *dptr = dst;
    unsigned char *sptr = src;
    unsigned char *end  = sptr + size;
    unsigned char c1, c2;

        c1 = *sptr++;
        *dptr++ = itoa64[shr(c1, 2)];
        c1 = shl((c1 & 0x03), 4);

        if (sptr >= end)
            *dptr++ = itoa64[c1];

        c2  = *sptr++;
        c1 |= shr(c2, 4) & 0x0f;

        *dptr++ = itoa64[c1];

        c1 = shl((c2 & 0x0f), 2);

        if (sptr >= end)
            *dptr++ = itoa64[c1];

        c2  = *sptr++;
        c1 |= shr(c2, 6) & 0x03;

        *dptr++ = itoa64[c1];
        *dptr++ = itoa64[c2 & 0x3f];

    while (sptr < end);

    *dptr = '\0';

    return (dptr - dst);
static __inline u_int64_t s64_3( u_int64_t x)
	u_int64_t ans = shl(x, 2);
	u_int64_t roll_temp = rotl64(x, 28);
	ans ^= roll_temp;
	ans ^= shr(x, 2);
	ans ^= rotl64(roll_temp, 31);
	return ans; //(shr((x), 2) ^ shl((x), 2) ^ rotl64((x), 28) ^ rotl64((x), 59));