// Allgather-Non-Topoloty-Scecific-Logical-Ring algorithm
smpi_coll_tuned_allgather_NTSLR_NB(void *sbuf, int scount, MPI_Datatype stype,
                                   void *rbuf, int rcount, MPI_Datatype rtype,
                                   MPI_Comm comm)
    MPI_Aint rextent, sextent;
    MPI_Status status, status2;
    int i, to, from, rank, size;
    int send_offset, recv_offset;
    int tag = COLL_TAG_ALLGATHER;

    rank = smpi_comm_rank(comm);
    size = smpi_comm_size(comm);
    rextent = smpi_datatype_get_extent(rtype);
    sextent = smpi_datatype_get_extent(stype);
    MPI_Request *rrequest_array;
    MPI_Request *srequest_array;
    rrequest_array = (MPI_Request *) xbt_malloc(size * sizeof(MPI_Request));
    srequest_array = (MPI_Request *) xbt_malloc(size * sizeof(MPI_Request));

    // irregular case use default MPI fucntions
    if (scount * sextent != rcount * rextent) {
        XBT_WARN("MPI_allgather_NTSLR_NB use default MPI_allgather.");
        smpi_mpi_allgather(sbuf, scount, stype, rbuf, rcount, rtype, comm);
        return MPI_SUCCESS;

    // topo non-specific
    to = (rank + 1) % size;
    from = (rank + size - 1) % size;

    //copy a single segment from sbuf to rbuf
    send_offset = rank * scount * sextent;

    smpi_mpi_sendrecv(sbuf, scount, stype, rank, tag,
                      (char *)rbuf + send_offset, rcount, rtype, rank, tag, comm, &status);

    //start sending logical ring message
    int increment = scount * sextent;

    //post all irecv first
    for (i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) {
        recv_offset = ((rank - i - 1 + size) % size) * increment;
        rrequest_array[i] = smpi_mpi_irecv((char *)rbuf + recv_offset, rcount, rtype, from, tag + i, comm);

    for (i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) {
        send_offset = ((rank - i + size) % size) * increment;
        srequest_array[i] = smpi_mpi_isend((char *)rbuf + send_offset, scount, stype, to, tag + i, comm);
        smpi_mpi_wait(&rrequest_array[i], &status);
        smpi_mpi_wait(&srequest_array[i], &status2);


    return MPI_SUCCESS;
Example #2
static void action_wait(const char *const *action){
  double clock = smpi_process_simulated_elapsed();
  MPI_Request request;
  MPI_Status status;
  smpi_replay_globals_t globals =
      (smpi_replay_globals_t) smpi_process_get_user_data();

      "action wait not preceded by any irecv: %s",
      xbt_str_join_array(action," "));
  request = xbt_dynar_pop_as(globals->irecvs,MPI_Request);
  int rank = request && request->comm != MPI_COMM_NULL
      ? smpi_comm_rank(request->comm)
      : -1;

  MPI_Group group = smpi_comm_group(request->comm);
  int src_traced = smpi_group_rank(group, request->src);
  int dst_traced = smpi_group_rank(group, request->dst);
  int is_wait_for_receive = request->recv;
  TRACE_smpi_ptp_in(rank, src_traced, dst_traced, __FUNCTION__);
  smpi_mpi_wait(&request, &status);
  TRACE_smpi_ptp_out(rank, src_traced, dst_traced, __FUNCTION__);
  if (is_wait_for_receive) {
    TRACE_smpi_recv(rank, src_traced, dst_traced);

  log_timed_action (action, clock);
Example #3
static void action_wait(const char *const *action){
  CHECK_ACTION_PARAMS(action, 0, 0);
  double clock = smpi_process_simulated_elapsed();
  MPI_Request request;
  MPI_Status status;

      "action wait not preceded by any irecv or isend: %s",
      xbt_str_join_array(action," "));
  request = xbt_dynar_pop_as(get_reqq_self(),MPI_Request);

  if (!request){
    /* Assuming that the trace is well formed, this mean the comm might have
     * been caught by a MPI_test. Then just return.

  int rank = request->comm != MPI_COMM_NULL
      ? smpi_comm_rank(request->comm)
      : -1;

  MPI_Group group = smpi_comm_group(request->comm);
  int src_traced = smpi_group_rank(group, request->src);
  int dst_traced = smpi_group_rank(group, request->dst);
  int is_wait_for_receive = request->recv;
  instr_extra_data extra = xbt_new0(s_instr_extra_data_t,1);
  extra->type = TRACING_WAIT;
  TRACE_smpi_ptp_in(rank, src_traced, dst_traced, __FUNCTION__, extra);

  smpi_mpi_wait(&request, &status);

  TRACE_smpi_ptp_out(rank, src_traced, dst_traced, __FUNCTION__);
  if (is_wait_for_receive)
    TRACE_smpi_recv(rank, src_traced, dst_traced);
  log_timed_action (action, clock);
/* Non-topology-specific pipelined linear-bcast function */
int smpi_coll_tuned_bcast_arrival_pattern_aware_wait(void *buf, int count,
                                                     MPI_Datatype datatype,
                                                     int root, MPI_Comm comm)
  MPI_Status status;
  MPI_Request request;
  MPI_Request *send_request_array;
  MPI_Request *recv_request_array;
  MPI_Status *send_status_array;
  MPI_Status *recv_status_array;


  int rank, size;
  int i, j, k;
  int tag = -COLL_TAG_BCAST;

  int sent_count;
  int header_index;



  MPI_Aint extent;
  extent = smpi_datatype_get_extent(datatype);

  /* source and destination */
  int to, from;

  rank = smpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  size = smpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /* segment is segment size in number of elements (not bytes) */
  int segment = bcast_arrival_pattern_aware_wait_segment_size_in_byte / extent;

  /* pipeline length */
  int pipe_length = count / segment;

  /* use for buffer offset for sending and receiving data = segment size in byte */
  int increment = segment * extent;

  /* if the input size is not divisible by segment size => 
     the small remainder will be done with native implementation */
  int remainder = count % segment;

  /* if root is not zero send to rank zero first
     this can be modified to make it faster by using logical src, dst.
  if (root != 0) {
    if (rank == root) {
      smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, 0, tag, comm);
    } else if (rank == 0) {
      smpi_mpi_recv(buf, count, datatype, root, tag, comm, &status);

  /* value == 0 means root has not send data (or header) to the node yet */
  for (i = 0; i < max_node; i++) {
    already_sent[i] = 0;

  /* when a message is smaller than a block size => no pipeline */
  if (count <= segment) {
    segment = count;
    pipe_length = 1;

  /* start pipeline bcast */

  send_request_array =
      (MPI_Request *) xbt_malloc((size + pipe_length) * sizeof(MPI_Request));
  recv_request_array =
      (MPI_Request *) xbt_malloc((size + pipe_length) * sizeof(MPI_Request));
  send_status_array =
      (MPI_Status *) xbt_malloc((size + pipe_length) * sizeof(MPI_Status));
  recv_status_array =
      (MPI_Status *) xbt_malloc((size + pipe_length) * sizeof(MPI_Status));

  /* root */
  if (rank == 0) {
    sent_count = 0;
    int iteration = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < BCAST_ARRIVAL_PATTERN_AWARE_MAX_NODE; i++)
      will_send[i] = 0;
    while (sent_count < (size - 1)) {

      /* loop k times to let more processes arrive before start sending data */
      for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
        for (i = 1; i < size; i++) {
          if ((already_sent[i] == 0) && (will_send[i] == 0)) {
            smpi_mpi_iprobe(i, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &flag_array[i],
            if (flag_array[i] == 1) {
              will_send[i] = 1;
              smpi_mpi_recv(&temp_buf[i], 1, MPI_CHAR, i, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD,
              i = 0;

      header_index = 0;

      /* recv 1-byte message */
      for (i = 1; i < size; i++) {
        /* message arrive */
        if ((will_send[i] == 1) && (already_sent[i] == 0)) {
          header_buf[header_index] = i;

          /* will send in the next step */
          already_sent[i] = 1;

      /* send header followed by data */
      if (header_index != 0) {
        header_buf[header_index] = -1;
        to = header_buf[0];

        /* send header */
        smpi_mpi_send(header_buf, header_size, MPI_INT, to, tag, comm);

        /* send data - pipeline */
        for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
          send_request_array[i] = smpi_mpi_isend((char *)buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype, to, tag, comm);
        smpi_mpi_waitall((pipe_length), send_request_array, send_status_array);

      /* end - send header followed by data */
      /* randomly MPI_Send to one node */
      /* this part has been commented out - performance-wise */
      else if (2 == 3) {
        /* search for the first node that never received data before */
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
          if (i == root)
          if (already_sent[i] == 0) {
            header_buf[0] = i;
            header_buf[1] = -1;
            to = i;

            smpi_mpi_send(header_buf, header_size, MPI_INT, to, tag, comm);

            /* still need to chop data so that we can use the same non-root code */
            for (j = 0; j < pipe_length; j++) {
              smpi_mpi_send((char *)buf + (j * increment), segment, datatype, to, tag, comm);
    }                           /* end - while (send_count < size-1) loop */

  /* end - root */
  /* none root */
  else {

    /* send 1-byte message to root */
    smpi_mpi_send(temp_buf, 1, MPI_CHAR, 0, tag, comm);

    /* wait for header forward when required */
    request = smpi_mpi_irecv(header_buf, header_size, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, tag, comm);
    smpi_mpi_wait(&request, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);

    /* search for where it is */
    int myordering = 0;
    while (rank != header_buf[myordering]) {

    to = header_buf[myordering + 1];
    if (myordering == 0) {
      from = 0;
    } else {
      from = header_buf[myordering - 1];

    /* send header when required */
    if (to != -1) {
      smpi_mpi_send(header_buf, header_size, MPI_INT, to, tag, comm);

    /* receive data */

    for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
      recv_request_array[i] = smpi_mpi_irecv((char *)buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype, from, tag, comm);

    /* forward data */
    if (to != -1) {
      for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
        smpi_mpi_wait(&recv_request_array[i], MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
        send_request_array[i] = smpi_mpi_isend((char *)buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype, to, tag, comm);
      smpi_mpi_waitall((pipe_length), send_request_array, send_status_array);

    /* recv only */
    else {
      smpi_mpi_waitall((pipe_length), recv_request_array, recv_status_array);

  /* end pipeline */

  /* when count is not divisible by block size, use default BCAST for the remainder */
  if ((remainder != 0) && (count > segment)) {
    XBT_WARN("MPI_bcast_arrival_pattern_aware_wait use default MPI_bcast.");	  	  
    smpi_mpi_bcast((char *)buf + (pipe_length * increment), remainder, datatype, root, comm);

  return MPI_SUCCESS;
int smpi_coll_tuned_bcast_ompi_pipeline( void* buffer,
                                      int original_count, 
                                      MPI_Datatype datatype, 
                                      int root,
                                      MPI_Comm comm)
    int count_by_segment = original_count;
    size_t type_size;
    int segsize =1024  << 7;
    //mca_coll_tuned_module_t *tuned_module = (mca_coll_tuned_module_t*) module;
    //mca_coll_tuned_comm_t *data = tuned_module->tuned_data;
//    return ompi_coll_tuned_bcast_intra_generic( buffer, count, datatype, root, comm, module,
//                                                count_by_segment, data->cached_pipeline );
    ompi_coll_tree_t * tree = ompi_coll_tuned_topo_build_chain( 1, comm, root );
    int i;
    int rank, size;
    int segindex;
    int num_segments; /* Number of segments */
    int sendcount;    /* number of elements sent in this segment */ 
    size_t realsegsize;
    char *tmpbuf;
    ptrdiff_t extent;
    MPI_Request recv_reqs[2] = {MPI_REQUEST_NULL, MPI_REQUEST_NULL};
    MPI_Request *send_reqs = NULL;
    int req_index;
     * Determine number of elements sent per operation.
    type_size = smpi_datatype_size(datatype);

    size = smpi_comm_size(comm);
    rank = smpi_comm_rank(comm);
    xbt_assert( size > 1 );

    const double a_p16  = 3.2118e-6; /* [1 / byte] */
    const double b_p16  = 8.7936;   
    const double a_p64  = 2.3679e-6; /* [1 / byte] */
    const double b_p64  = 1.1787;     
    const double a_p128 = 1.6134e-6; /* [1 / byte] */
    const double b_p128 = 2.1102;
    size_t message_size;

    /* else we need data size for decision function */
    message_size = type_size * (unsigned long)original_count;   /* needed for decision */

    if (size < (a_p128 * message_size + b_p128)) {
            //Pipeline with 128KB segments 
            segsize = 1024  << 7;
    }else if (size < (a_p64 * message_size + b_p64)) {
            // Pipeline with 64KB segments 
            segsize = 1024 << 6;
    }else if (size < (a_p16 * message_size + b_p16)) {
            //Pipeline with 16KB segments 
            segsize = 1024 << 4;

    COLL_TUNED_COMPUTED_SEGCOUNT( segsize, type_size, count_by_segment );

    XBT_DEBUG("coll:tuned:bcast_intra_pipeline rank %d ss %5d type_size %lu count_by_segment %d",
                 smpi_comm_rank(comm), segsize, (unsigned long)type_size, count_by_segment);

    extent = smpi_datatype_get_extent (datatype);
    num_segments = (original_count + count_by_segment - 1) / count_by_segment;
    realsegsize = count_by_segment * extent;
    /* Set the buffer pointers */
    tmpbuf = (char *) buffer;

    if( tree->tree_nextsize != 0 ) {
        send_reqs = xbt_new(MPI_Request, tree->tree_nextsize  );

    /* Root code */
    if( rank == root ) {
           For each segment:
           - send segment to all children.
             The last segment may have less elements than other segments.
        sendcount = count_by_segment;
        for( segindex = 0; segindex < num_segments; segindex++ ) {
            if( segindex == (num_segments - 1) ) {
                sendcount = original_count - segindex * count_by_segment;
            for( i = 0; i < tree->tree_nextsize; i++ ) { 
                send_reqs[i] = smpi_mpi_isend(tmpbuf, sendcount, datatype,
                                         COLL_TAG_BCAST, comm);

            /* complete the sends before starting the next sends */
            smpi_mpi_waitall( tree->tree_nextsize, send_reqs, 
                                         MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE );

            /* update tmp buffer */
            tmpbuf += realsegsize;

    /* Intermediate nodes code */
    else if( tree->tree_nextsize > 0 ) { 
           Create the pipeline. 
           1) Post the first receive
           2) For segments 1 .. num_segments
              - post new receive
              - wait on the previous receive to complete
              - send this data to children
           3) Wait on the last segment
           4) Compute number of elements in last segment.
           5) Send the last segment to children
        req_index = 0;
        recv_reqs[req_index]=smpi_mpi_irecv(tmpbuf, count_by_segment, datatype,
                           tree->tree_prev, COLL_TAG_BCAST,
        for( segindex = 1; segindex < num_segments; segindex++ ) {
            req_index = req_index ^ 0x1;
            /* post new irecv */
            recv_reqs[req_index]= smpi_mpi_irecv( tmpbuf + realsegsize, count_by_segment,
                                datatype, tree->tree_prev, 
            /* wait for and forward the previous segment to children */
            smpi_mpi_wait( &recv_reqs[req_index ^ 0x1], 
                                     MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE );
            for( i = 0; i < tree->tree_nextsize; i++ ) { 
                send_reqs[i]=smpi_mpi_isend(tmpbuf, count_by_segment, datatype,
                                         COLL_TAG_BCAST, comm );
            /* complete the sends before starting the next iteration */
            smpi_mpi_waitall( tree->tree_nextsize, send_reqs, 
                                         MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE );
            /* Update the receive buffer */
            tmpbuf += realsegsize;

        /* Process the last segment */
        smpi_mpi_wait( &recv_reqs[req_index], MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE );
        sendcount = original_count - (num_segments - 1) * count_by_segment;
        for( i = 0; i < tree->tree_nextsize; i++ ) {
            send_reqs[i] = smpi_mpi_isend(tmpbuf, sendcount, datatype,
                                     COLL_TAG_BCAST, comm);
        smpi_mpi_waitall( tree->tree_nextsize, send_reqs, 
                                     MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE );
    /* Leaf nodes */
    else {
           Receive all segments from parent in a loop:
           1) post irecv for the first segment
           2) for segments 1 .. num_segments
              - post irecv for the next segment
              - wait on the previous segment to arrive
           3) wait for the last segment
        req_index = 0;
        recv_reqs[req_index] = smpi_mpi_irecv(tmpbuf, count_by_segment, datatype,
                                 tree->tree_prev, COLL_TAG_BCAST,

        for( segindex = 1; segindex < num_segments; segindex++ ) {
            req_index = req_index ^ 0x1;
            tmpbuf += realsegsize;
            /* post receive for the next segment */
            recv_reqs[req_index] = smpi_mpi_irecv(tmpbuf, count_by_segment, datatype, 
                                     tree->tree_prev, COLL_TAG_BCAST,
            /* wait on the previous segment */
            smpi_mpi_wait( &recv_reqs[req_index ^ 0x1], 
                                     MPI_STATUS_IGNORE );

        smpi_mpi_wait( &recv_reqs[req_index], MPI_STATUS_IGNORE );

    if( NULL != send_reqs ) free(send_reqs);

    return (MPI_SUCCESS);
Example #6
 *  reduce_scatter_ompi_basic_recursivehalving
 *  Function:   - reduce scatter implementation using recursive-halving 
 *                algorithm
 *  Accepts:    - same as MPI_Reduce_scatter()
 *  Returns:    - MPI_SUCCESS or error code
 *  Limitation: - Works only for commutative operations.
smpi_coll_tuned_reduce_scatter_ompi_basic_recursivehalving(void *sbuf, 
                                                            void *rbuf, 
                                                            int *rcounts,
                                                            MPI_Datatype dtype,
                                                            MPI_Op op,
                                                            MPI_Comm comm
    int i, rank, size, count, err = MPI_SUCCESS;
    int tmp_size=1, remain = 0, tmp_rank, *disps = NULL;
    ptrdiff_t true_lb, true_extent, lb, extent, buf_size;
    char *recv_buf = NULL, *recv_buf_free = NULL;
    char *result_buf = NULL, *result_buf_free = NULL;
    /* Initialize */
    rank = smpi_comm_rank(comm);
    size = smpi_comm_size(comm);
    XBT_DEBUG("coll:tuned:reduce_scatter_ompi_basic_recursivehalving, rank %d", rank);

    /* Find displacements and the like */
    disps = (int*) xbt_malloc(sizeof(int) * size);
    if (NULL == disps) return MPI_ERR_OTHER;

    disps[0] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < (size - 1); ++i) {
        disps[i + 1] = disps[i] + rcounts[i];
    count = disps[size - 1] + rcounts[size - 1];

    /* short cut the trivial case */
    if (0 == count) {
        return MPI_SUCCESS;

    /* get datatype information */
    smpi_datatype_extent(dtype, &lb, &extent);
    smpi_datatype_extent(dtype, &true_lb, &true_extent);
    buf_size = true_extent + (ptrdiff_t)(count - 1) * extent;

    /* Handle MPI_IN_PLACE */
    if (MPI_IN_PLACE == sbuf) {
        sbuf = rbuf;

    /* Allocate temporary receive buffer. */
    recv_buf_free = (char*) xbt_malloc(buf_size);
    recv_buf = recv_buf_free - lb;
    if (NULL == recv_buf_free) {
        err = MPI_ERR_OTHER;
        goto cleanup;
    /* allocate temporary buffer for results */
    result_buf_free = (char*) xbt_malloc(buf_size);
    result_buf = result_buf_free - lb;
    /* copy local buffer into the temporary results */
    err =smpi_datatype_copy(sbuf, count, dtype, result_buf, count, dtype);
    if (MPI_SUCCESS != err) goto cleanup;
    /* figure out power of two mapping: grow until larger than
       comm size, then go back one, to get the largest power of
       two less than comm size */
    while (tmp_size <= size) tmp_size <<= 1;
    tmp_size >>= 1;
    remain = size - tmp_size;
    /* If comm size is not a power of two, have the first "remain"
       procs with an even rank send to rank + 1, leaving a power of
       two procs to do the rest of the algorithm */
    if (rank < 2 * remain) {
        if ((rank & 1) == 0) {
            smpi_mpi_send(result_buf, count, dtype, rank + 1, 
            /* we don't participate from here on out */
            tmp_rank = -1;
        } else {
            smpi_mpi_recv(recv_buf, count, dtype, rank - 1,
                                    comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
            /* integrate their results into our temp results */
            smpi_op_apply(op, recv_buf, result_buf, &count, &dtype);
            /* adjust rank to be the bottom "remain" ranks */
            tmp_rank = rank / 2;
    } else {
        /* just need to adjust rank to show that the bottom "even
           remain" ranks dropped out */
        tmp_rank = rank - remain;
    /* For ranks not kicked out by the above code, perform the
       recursive halving */
    if (tmp_rank >= 0) {
        int *tmp_disps = NULL, *tmp_rcounts = NULL;
        int mask, send_index, recv_index, last_index;
        /* recalculate disps and rcounts to account for the
           special "remainder" processes that are no longer doing
           anything */
        tmp_rcounts = (int*) xbt_malloc(tmp_size * sizeof(int));
        if (NULL == tmp_rcounts) {
            err = MPI_ERR_OTHER;
            goto cleanup;
        tmp_disps = (int*) xbt_malloc(tmp_size * sizeof(int));
        if (NULL == tmp_disps) {
            err = MPI_ERR_OTHER;
            goto cleanup;

        for (i = 0 ; i < tmp_size ; ++i) {
            if (i < remain) {
                /* need to include old neighbor as well */
                tmp_rcounts[i] = rcounts[i * 2 + 1] + rcounts[i * 2];
            } else {
                tmp_rcounts[i] = rcounts[i + remain];

        tmp_disps[0] = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < tmp_size - 1; ++i) {
            tmp_disps[i + 1] = tmp_disps[i] + tmp_rcounts[i];

        /* do the recursive halving communication.  Don't use the
           dimension information on the communicator because I
           think the information is invalidated by our "shrinking"
           of the communicator */
        mask = tmp_size >> 1;
        send_index = recv_index = 0;
        last_index = tmp_size;
        while (mask > 0) {
            int tmp_peer, peer, send_count, recv_count;
            MPI_Request request;

            tmp_peer = tmp_rank ^ mask;
            peer = (tmp_peer < remain) ? tmp_peer * 2 + 1 : tmp_peer + remain;

            /* figure out if we're sending, receiving, or both */
            send_count = recv_count = 0;
            if (tmp_rank < tmp_peer) {
                send_index = recv_index + mask;
                for (i = send_index ; i < last_index ; ++i) {
                    send_count += tmp_rcounts[i];
                for (i = recv_index ; i < send_index ; ++i) {
                    recv_count += tmp_rcounts[i];
            } else {
                recv_index = send_index + mask;
                for (i = send_index ; i < recv_index ; ++i) {
                    send_count += tmp_rcounts[i];
                for (i = recv_index ; i < last_index ; ++i) {
                    recv_count += tmp_rcounts[i];

            /* actual data transfer.  Send from result_buf,
               receive into recv_buf */
            if (send_count > 0 && recv_count != 0) {
                request=smpi_mpi_irecv(recv_buf + (ptrdiff_t)tmp_disps[recv_index] * extent,
                                         recv_count, dtype, peer,
                if (MPI_SUCCESS != err) {
                    goto cleanup;
            if (recv_count > 0 && send_count != 0) {
                smpi_mpi_send(result_buf + (ptrdiff_t)tmp_disps[send_index] * extent,
                                        send_count, dtype, peer, 
                if (MPI_SUCCESS != err) {
                    goto cleanup;
            if (send_count > 0 && recv_count != 0) {
                smpi_mpi_wait(&request, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);

            /* if we received something on this step, push it into
               the results buffer */
            if (recv_count > 0) {
                               recv_buf + (ptrdiff_t)tmp_disps[recv_index] * extent, 
                               result_buf + (ptrdiff_t)tmp_disps[recv_index] * extent,
                               &recv_count, &dtype);

            /* update for next iteration */
            send_index = recv_index;
            last_index = recv_index + mask;
            mask >>= 1;

        /* copy local results from results buffer into real receive buffer */
        if (0 != rcounts[rank]) {
            err = smpi_datatype_copy(result_buf + disps[rank] * extent,
                                       rcounts[rank], dtype, 
                                       rbuf, rcounts[rank], dtype);
            if (MPI_SUCCESS != err) {
                goto cleanup;

/* Non-topology-specific pipelined linear-reduce function */
int smpi_coll_tuned_reduce_arrival_pattern_aware(void *buf, void *rbuf,
                                                 int count,
                                                 MPI_Datatype datatype,
                                                 MPI_Op op, int root,
                                                 MPI_Comm comm)
  int rank;
  rank = smpi_comm_rank(comm);

  int tag = -COLL_TAG_REDUCE;
  MPI_Status status;
  MPI_Request request;
  MPI_Request *send_request_array;
  MPI_Request *recv_request_array;
  MPI_Status *send_status_array;
  MPI_Status *recv_status_array;

  MPI_Status temp_status_array[MAX_NODE];

  int size;
  int i;

  int sent_count;
  int header_index;
  int flag_array[MAX_NODE];
  int already_received[MAX_NODE];

  int header_buf[HEADER_SIZE];
  char temp_buf[MAX_NODE];

  MPI_Aint extent, lb;
  smpi_datatype_extent(datatype, &lb, &extent);

  /* source and destination */
  int to, from;


  /* segment is segment size in number of elements (not bytes) */
  int segment = reduce_arrival_pattern_aware_segment_size_in_byte / extent;

  /* pipeline length */
  int pipe_length = count / segment;

  /* use for buffer offset for sending and receiving data = segment size in byte */
  int increment = segment * extent;

  /* if the input size is not divisible by segment size => 
     the small remainder will be done with native implementation */
  int remainder = count % segment;

  /* value == 0 means root has not send data (or header) to the node yet */
  for (i = 0; i < MAX_NODE; i++) {
    already_received[i] = 0;

  char *tmp_buf;
  tmp_buf = (char *) xbt_malloc(count * extent);

  smpi_mpi_sendrecv(buf, count, datatype, rank, tag, rbuf, count, datatype, rank,
               tag, comm, &status);

  /* when a message is smaller than a block size => no pipeline */
  if (count <= segment) {

    if (rank == 0) {
      sent_count = 0;

      while (sent_count < (size - 1)) {

        for (i = 1; i < size; i++) {
          if (already_received[i] == 0) {
            smpi_mpi_iprobe(i, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &flag_array[i],

        header_index = 0;
        /* recv 1-byte message */
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
          if (i == rank)

          /* 1-byte message arrive */
          if ((flag_array[i] == 1) && (already_received[i] == 0)) {
            smpi_mpi_recv(temp_buf, 1, MPI_CHAR, i, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
            header_buf[header_index] = i;

            //printf("root send to %d recv from %d : data = ",to,from);
               for (i=0;i<=header_index;i++) {
               printf("%d ",header_buf[i]);
            /* will receive in the next step */
            already_received[i] = 1;

        /* send header followed by receive and reduce data */
        if (header_index != 0) {
          header_buf[header_index] = -1;
          to = header_buf[0];
          from = header_buf[header_index - 1];

          smpi_mpi_send(header_buf, HEADER_SIZE, MPI_INT, to, tag, comm);
          smpi_mpi_recv(tmp_buf, count, datatype, from, tag, comm, &status);
          smpi_op_apply(op, tmp_buf, rbuf, &count, &datatype);
      }                         /* while loop */

    /* root */
    /* non-root */
    else {

      /* send 1-byte message to root */
      smpi_mpi_send(temp_buf, 1, MPI_CHAR, 0, tag, comm);

      /* wait for header and data, forward when required */
      smpi_mpi_recv(header_buf, HEADER_SIZE, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, tag, comm,
      //      smpi_mpi_recv(buf,count,datatype,MPI_ANY_SOURCE,tag,comm,&status);

      /* search for where it is */
      int myordering = 0;
      while (rank != header_buf[myordering]) {

      /* forward header */
      if (header_buf[myordering + 1] != -1) {
          smpi_mpi_send(header_buf, HEADER_SIZE, MPI_INT, header_buf[myordering + 1],
                 tag, comm);
      //printf("node %d ordering %d\n",rank,myordering);

      /* receive, reduce, and forward data */

      /* send only */
      if (myordering == 0) {
        if (header_buf[myordering + 1] == -1) {
          to = 0;
        } else {
          to = header_buf[myordering + 1];
        smpi_mpi_send(rbuf, count, datatype, to, tag, comm);

      /* recv, reduce, send */
      else {
        if (header_buf[myordering + 1] == -1) {
          to = 0;
        } else {
          to = header_buf[myordering + 1];
        from = header_buf[myordering - 1];
        smpi_mpi_recv(tmp_buf, count, datatype, header_buf[myordering - 1], tag,
                 comm, &status);
        smpi_op_apply(op, tmp_buf, rbuf, &count, &datatype);
        smpi_mpi_send(rbuf, count, datatype, to, tag, comm);
    }                           /* non-root */
  /* pipeline bcast */
  else {
    //    printf("node %d start\n",rank);

    send_request_array =
        (MPI_Request *) xbt_malloc((size + pipe_length) * sizeof(MPI_Request));
    recv_request_array =
        (MPI_Request *) xbt_malloc((size + pipe_length) * sizeof(MPI_Request));
    send_status_array =
        (MPI_Status *) xbt_malloc((size + pipe_length) * sizeof(MPI_Status));
    recv_status_array =
        (MPI_Status *) xbt_malloc((size + pipe_length) * sizeof(MPI_Status));

    if (rank == 0) {
      sent_count = 0;

      int will_send[MAX_NODE];
      for (i = 0; i < MAX_NODE; i++)
        will_send[i] = 0;

      /* loop until all data are received (sent) */
      while (sent_count < (size - 1)) {
        int k;
        for (k = 0; k < 1; k++) {
          for (i = 1; i < size; i++) {
            //if (i == rank)
            if ((already_received[i] == 0) && (will_send[i] == 0)) {
                smpi_mpi_iprobe(i, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &flag_array[i],
              if (flag_array[i] == 1) {
                will_send[i] = 1;
                smpi_mpi_recv(&temp_buf[i], 1, MPI_CHAR, i, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD,
                //printf("recv from %d\n",i);
                i = 1;
        }                       /* end of probing */

        header_index = 0;

        /* recv 1-byte message */
        for (i = 1; i < size; i++) {
          //if (i==rank)
          /* message arrived in this round (put in the header) */
          if ((will_send[i] == 1) && (already_received[i] == 0)) {
            header_buf[header_index] = i;

            /* will send in the next step */
            already_received[i] = 1;

        /* send header followed by data */
        if (header_index != 0) {
          header_buf[header_index] = -1;
          to = header_buf[0];

          /* send header */
          smpi_mpi_send(header_buf, HEADER_SIZE, MPI_INT, to, tag, comm);

          /* recv data - pipeline */
          from = header_buf[header_index - 1];
          for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
            smpi_mpi_recv(tmp_buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype, from, tag,
                     comm, &status);
            smpi_op_apply(op, tmp_buf + (i * increment),
                           (char *)rbuf + (i * increment), &segment, &datatype);
      }                         /* while loop (sent_count < size-1 ) */

    /* root */
    /* none root */
    else {
      /* send 1-byte message to root */
      smpi_mpi_send(temp_buf, 1, MPI_CHAR, 0, tag, comm);

      /* wait for header forward when required */
      request=smpi_mpi_irecv(header_buf, HEADER_SIZE, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, tag, comm);
      smpi_mpi_wait(&request, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);

      /* search for where it is */
      int myordering = 0;

      while (rank != header_buf[myordering]) {

      /* send header when required */
      if (header_buf[myordering + 1] != -1) {
          smpi_mpi_send(header_buf, HEADER_SIZE, MPI_INT, header_buf[myordering + 1],
                 tag, comm);

      /* (receive, reduce), and send data */
      if (header_buf[myordering + 1] == -1) {
        to = 0;
      } else {
        to = header_buf[myordering + 1];

      /* send only */
      if (myordering == 0) {
        for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
            send_request_array[i]= smpi_mpi_isend((char *)rbuf + (i * increment), segment, datatype, to, tag, comm);
        smpi_mpi_waitall((pipe_length), send_request_array, send_status_array);

      /* receive, reduce, and send */
      else {
        from = header_buf[myordering - 1];
        for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
          recv_request_array[i]=smpi_mpi_irecv(tmp_buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype, from, tag, comm);
        for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
          smpi_mpi_wait(&recv_request_array[i], MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
          smpi_op_apply(op, tmp_buf + (i * increment), (char *)rbuf + (i * increment),
                         &segment, &datatype);
          send_request_array[i]=smpi_mpi_isend((char *)rbuf + (i * increment), segment, datatype, to, tag, comm);
        smpi_mpi_waitall((pipe_length), send_request_array, send_status_array);
    }                           /* non-root */


    //printf("node %d done\n",rank);
  }                             /* end pipeline */

  /* if root is not zero send root after finished
     this can be modified to make it faster by using logical src, dst.
  if (root != 0) {
    if (rank == 0) {
      smpi_mpi_send(rbuf, count, datatype, root, tag, comm);
    } else if (rank == root) {
      smpi_mpi_recv(rbuf, count, datatype, 0, tag, comm, &status);

  /* when count is not divisible by block size, use default BCAST for the remainder */
  if ((remainder != 0) && (count > segment)) {
    smpi_mpi_reduce((char *)buf + (pipe_length * increment),
	       (char *)rbuf + (pipe_length * increment), remainder, datatype, op, root,


  return MPI_SUCCESS;
Example #8
int smpi_coll_tuned_bcast_NTSB(void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype,
                               int root, MPI_Comm comm)
  int tag = COLL_TAG_BCAST;
  MPI_Status status;
  int rank, size;
  int i;

  MPI_Request *send_request_array;
  MPI_Request *recv_request_array;
  MPI_Status *send_status_array;
  MPI_Status *recv_status_array;

  MPI_Aint extent;
  extent = smpi_datatype_get_extent(datatype);

  rank = smpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  size = smpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /* source node and destination nodes (same through out the functions) */
  int from = (rank - 1) / 2;
  int to_left = rank * 2 + 1;
  int to_right = rank * 2 + 2;
  if (to_left >= size)
    to_left = -1;
  if (to_right >= size)
    to_right = -1;

  /* segment is segment size in number of elements (not bytes) */
  int segment = bcast_NTSB_segment_size_in_byte / extent;

  /* pipeline length */
  int pipe_length = count / segment;

  /* use for buffer offset for sending and receiving data = segment size in byte */
  int increment = segment * extent;

  /* if the input size is not divisible by segment size => 
     the small remainder will be done with native implementation */
  int remainder = count % segment;

  /* if root is not zero send to rank zero first */
  if (root != 0) {
    if (rank == root) {
      smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, 0, tag, comm);
    } else if (rank == 0) {
      smpi_mpi_recv(buf, count, datatype, root, tag, comm, &status);

  /* when a message is smaller than a block size => no pipeline */
  if (count <= segment) {

    /* case: root */
    if (rank == 0) {
      /* case root has only a left child */
      if (to_right == -1) {
        smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, to_left, tag, comm);
      /* case root has both left and right children */
      else {
        smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, to_left, tag, comm);
        smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, to_right, tag, comm);

    /* case: leaf ==> receive only */
    else if (to_left == -1) {
      smpi_mpi_recv(buf, count, datatype, from, tag, comm, &status);

    /* case: intermidiate node with only left child ==> relay message */
    else if (to_right == -1) {
      smpi_mpi_recv(buf, count, datatype, from, tag, comm, &status);
      smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, to_left, tag, comm);

    /* case: intermidiate node with both left and right children ==> relay message */
    else {
      smpi_mpi_recv(buf, count, datatype, from, tag, comm, &status);
      smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, to_left, tag, comm);
      smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, to_right, tag, comm);
    return MPI_SUCCESS;
  // pipelining
  else {

    send_request_array =
        (MPI_Request *) xbt_malloc(2 * (size + pipe_length) * sizeof(MPI_Request));
    recv_request_array =
        (MPI_Request *) xbt_malloc((size + pipe_length) * sizeof(MPI_Request));
    send_status_array =
        (MPI_Status *) xbt_malloc(2 * (size + pipe_length) * sizeof(MPI_Status));
    recv_status_array =
        (MPI_Status *) xbt_malloc((size + pipe_length) * sizeof(MPI_Status));

    /* case: root */
    if (rank == 0) {
      /* case root has only a left child */
      if (to_right == -1) {
        for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
          send_request_array[i] = smpi_mpi_isend((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype, to_left,
                    tag + i, comm);
        smpi_mpi_waitall((pipe_length), send_request_array, send_status_array);
      /* case root has both left and right children */
      else {
        for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
          send_request_array[i] = smpi_mpi_isend((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype, to_left,
                    tag + i, comm);
          send_request_array[i + pipe_length] = smpi_mpi_isend((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype, to_right,
                    tag + i, comm);
        smpi_mpi_waitall((2 * pipe_length), send_request_array, send_status_array);

    /* case: leaf ==> receive only */
    else if (to_left == -1) {
      for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
        recv_request_array[i] = smpi_mpi_irecv((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype, from,
                  tag + i, comm);
      smpi_mpi_waitall((pipe_length), recv_request_array, recv_status_array);

    /* case: intermidiate node with only left child ==> relay message */
    else if (to_right == -1) {
      for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
        recv_request_array[i] = smpi_mpi_irecv((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype, from,
                  tag + i, comm);
      for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
        smpi_mpi_wait(&recv_request_array[i], &status);
        send_request_array[i] = smpi_mpi_isend((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype, to_left,
                  tag + i, comm);
      smpi_mpi_waitall(pipe_length, send_request_array, send_status_array);

    /* case: intermidiate node with both left and right children ==> relay message */
    else {
      for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
        recv_request_array[i] = smpi_mpi_irecv((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype, from,
                  tag + i, comm);
      for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
        smpi_mpi_wait(&recv_request_array[i], &status);
        send_request_array[i] = smpi_mpi_isend((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype, to_left,
                  tag + i, comm);
        send_request_array[i + pipe_length] = smpi_mpi_isend((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype, to_right,
                  tag + i, comm);
      smpi_mpi_waitall((2 * pipe_length), send_request_array, send_status_array);

  }                             /* end pipeline */

  /* when count is not divisible by block size, use default BCAST for the remainder */
  if ((remainder != 0) && (count > segment)) {
    XBT_WARN("MPI_bcast_NTSB use default MPI_bcast.");	  	  
    smpi_mpi_bcast((char *) buf + (pipe_length * increment), remainder, datatype,
              root, comm);

  return MPI_SUCCESS;
Example #9
int smpi_coll_tuned_allgather_SMP_NTS(void *sbuf, int scount,
                                      MPI_Datatype stype, void *rbuf,
                                      int rcount, MPI_Datatype rtype,
                                      MPI_Comm comm)
  int src, dst, comm_size, rank;
  comm_size = smpi_comm_size(comm);
  rank = smpi_comm_rank(comm);
  MPI_Aint rextent, sextent;
  rextent = smpi_datatype_get_extent(rtype);
  sextent = smpi_datatype_get_extent(stype);
  MPI_Request request;
  MPI_Request rrequest_array[128];

  MPI_Status status;
  int i, send_offset, recv_offset;
  int intra_rank, inter_rank;
  intra_rank = rank % NUM_CORE;
  inter_rank = rank / NUM_CORE;
  int inter_comm_size = (comm_size + NUM_CORE - 1) / NUM_CORE;
  int num_core_in_current_smp = NUM_CORE;

  /* for too small number of processes, use default implementation */
  if (comm_size <= NUM_CORE) {
    XBT_WARN("MPI_allgather_SMP_NTS use default MPI_allgather.");  	  
    smpi_mpi_allgather(sbuf, scount, stype, rbuf, rcount, rtype, comm);
    return MPI_SUCCESS;    

  // the last SMP node may have fewer number of running processes than all others
  if (inter_rank == (inter_comm_size - 1)) {
    num_core_in_current_smp = comm_size - (inter_rank * NUM_CORE);
  //copy corresponding message from sbuf to rbuf
  recv_offset = rank * rextent * rcount;
  smpi_mpi_sendrecv(sbuf, scount, stype, rank, tag,
               ((char *) rbuf + recv_offset), rcount, rtype, rank, tag, comm,

  //gather to root of each SMP

  for (i = 1; i < num_core_in_current_smp; i++) {

    dst =
        (inter_rank * NUM_CORE) + (intra_rank + i) % (num_core_in_current_smp);
    src =
        (inter_rank * NUM_CORE) + (intra_rank - i +
                                   num_core_in_current_smp) %
    recv_offset = src * rextent * rcount;

    smpi_mpi_sendrecv(sbuf, scount, stype, dst, tag,
                 ((char *) rbuf + recv_offset), rcount, rtype, src, tag, comm,


  // Every root of each SMP node post INTER-Sendrecv, then do INTRA-Bcast for each receiving message
  // Use logical ring algorithm

  // root of each SMP
  if (intra_rank == 0) {
    src = ((inter_rank - 1 + inter_comm_size) % inter_comm_size) * NUM_CORE;
    dst = ((inter_rank + 1) % inter_comm_size) * NUM_CORE;

    // post all inter Irecv
    for (i = 0; i < inter_comm_size - 1; i++) {
      recv_offset =
          ((inter_rank - i - 1 +
            inter_comm_size) % inter_comm_size) * NUM_CORE * sextent * scount;
      rrequest_array[i] = smpi_mpi_irecv((char *)rbuf+recv_offset, rcount * NUM_CORE, rtype, src, tag+i, comm);

    // send first message
    send_offset =
        ((inter_rank +
          inter_comm_size) % inter_comm_size) * NUM_CORE * sextent * scount;
    smpi_mpi_isend((char *) rbuf + send_offset, scount * NUM_CORE, stype,
                   dst, tag, comm);

    // loop : recv-inter , send-inter, send-intra (linear-bcast)
    for (i = 0; i < inter_comm_size - 2; i++) {
      recv_offset =
          ((inter_rank - i - 1 +
            inter_comm_size) % inter_comm_size) * NUM_CORE * sextent * scount;
      smpi_mpi_wait(&rrequest_array[i], &status);
      smpi_mpi_isend((char *) rbuf + recv_offset, scount * NUM_CORE, stype,
                     dst, tag + i + 1, comm);
      if (num_core_in_current_smp > 1) {
        request = smpi_mpi_isend((char *) rbuf + recv_offset, scount * NUM_CORE, stype,
                  (rank + 1), tag + i + 1, comm);

    // recv last message and send_intra
    recv_offset =
        ((inter_rank - i - 1 +
          inter_comm_size) % inter_comm_size) * NUM_CORE * sextent * scount;
    //recv_offset = ((inter_rank + 1) % inter_comm_size) * NUM_CORE * sextent * scount;
    smpi_mpi_wait(&rrequest_array[i], &status);
    if (num_core_in_current_smp > 1) {
      request = smpi_mpi_isend((char *) rbuf + recv_offset, scount * NUM_CORE, stype,
                (rank + 1), tag + i + 1, comm);
  // last rank of each SMP
  else if (intra_rank == (num_core_in_current_smp - 1)) {
    for (i = 0; i < inter_comm_size - 1; i++) {
      recv_offset =
          ((inter_rank - i - 1 +
            inter_comm_size) % inter_comm_size) * NUM_CORE * sextent * scount;
      request = smpi_mpi_irecv((char *) rbuf + recv_offset, (rcount * NUM_CORE), rtype,
                rank - 1, tag + i + 1, comm);
      smpi_mpi_wait(&request, &status);
  // intermediate rank of each SMP
  else {
    for (i = 0; i < inter_comm_size - 1; i++) {
      recv_offset =
          ((inter_rank - i - 1 +
            inter_comm_size) % inter_comm_size) * NUM_CORE * sextent * scount;
      request = smpi_mpi_irecv((char *) rbuf + recv_offset, (rcount * NUM_CORE), rtype,
                rank - 1, tag + i + 1, comm);
      smpi_mpi_wait(&request, &status);
      request = smpi_mpi_isend((char *) rbuf + recv_offset, (scount * NUM_CORE), stype,
                (rank + 1), tag + i + 1, comm);

  return MPI_SUCCESS;
Example #10
 * This is a generic implementation of the reduce protocol. It used the tree
 * provided as an argument and execute all operations using a segment of
 * count times a datatype.
 * For the last communication it will update the count in order to limit
 * the number of datatype to the original count (original_count)
 * Note that for non-commutative operations we cannot save memory copy
 * for the first block: thus we must copy sendbuf to accumbuf on intermediate 
 * to keep the optimized loop happy.
int smpi_coll_tuned_ompi_reduce_generic( void* sendbuf, void* recvbuf, int original_count,
                                    MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op  op,
                                    int root, MPI_Comm comm,
                                    ompi_coll_tree_t* tree, int count_by_segment,
                                    int max_outstanding_reqs )
    char *inbuf[2] = {NULL, NULL}, *inbuf_free[2] = {NULL, NULL};
    char *accumbuf = NULL, *accumbuf_free = NULL;
    char *local_op_buffer = NULL, *sendtmpbuf = NULL;
    ptrdiff_t extent, lower_bound, segment_increment;
    MPI_Request  reqs[2] = {MPI_REQUEST_NULL, MPI_REQUEST_NULL};
    int num_segments, line, ret, segindex, i, rank;
    int recvcount, prevcount, inbi;

     * Determine number of segments and number of elements
     * sent per operation
    smpi_datatype_extent( datatype, &lower_bound, &extent);
    num_segments = (original_count + count_by_segment - 1) / count_by_segment;
    segment_increment = count_by_segment * extent;

    sendtmpbuf = (char*) sendbuf; 
    if( sendbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE ) { 
        sendtmpbuf = (char *)recvbuf; 

    XBT_DEBUG( "coll:tuned:reduce_generic count %d, msg size %ld, segsize %ld, max_requests %d", original_count, (unsigned long)(num_segments * segment_increment), (unsigned long)segment_increment, max_outstanding_reqs);

    rank = smpi_comm_rank(comm);

    /* non-leaf nodes - wait for children to send me data & forward up 
       (if needed) */
    if( tree->tree_nextsize > 0 ) {
        ptrdiff_t true_extent, real_segment_size;
        true_extent=smpi_datatype_get_extent( datatype);

        /* handle non existant recv buffer (i.e. its NULL) and 
           protect the recv buffer on non-root nodes */
        accumbuf = (char*)recvbuf;
        if( (NULL == accumbuf) || (root != rank) ) {
            /* Allocate temporary accumulator buffer. */
            accumbuf_free = (char*)malloc(true_extent + 
                                          (original_count - 1) * extent);
            if (accumbuf_free == NULL) { 
                line = __LINE__; ret = -1; goto error_hndl; 
            accumbuf = accumbuf_free - lower_bound;

        /* If this is a non-commutative operation we must copy
           sendbuf to the accumbuf, in order to simplfy the loops */
        if (!smpi_op_is_commute(op)) {
                                                (char*)sendtmpbuf, original_count, datatype,
                                                (char*)accumbuf, original_count, datatype);
        /* Allocate two buffers for incoming segments */
        real_segment_size = true_extent + (count_by_segment - 1) * extent;
        inbuf_free[0] = (char*) malloc(real_segment_size);
        if( inbuf_free[0] == NULL ) { 
            line = __LINE__; ret = -1; goto error_hndl; 
        inbuf[0] = inbuf_free[0] - lower_bound;
        /* if there is chance to overlap communication -
           allocate second buffer */
        if( (num_segments > 1) || (tree->tree_nextsize > 1) ) {
            inbuf_free[1] = (char*) malloc(real_segment_size);
            if( inbuf_free[1] == NULL ) { 
                line = __LINE__; ret = -1; goto error_hndl;
            inbuf[1] = inbuf_free[1] - lower_bound;

        /* reset input buffer index and receive count */
        inbi = 0;
        recvcount = 0;
        /* for each segment */
        for( segindex = 0; segindex <= num_segments; segindex++ ) {
            prevcount = recvcount;
            /* recvcount - number of elements in current segment */
            recvcount = count_by_segment;
            if( segindex == (num_segments-1) )
                recvcount = original_count - count_by_segment * segindex;

            /* for each child */
            for( i = 0; i < tree->tree_nextsize; i++ ) {
                 * We try to overlap communication:
                 * either with next segment or with the next child
                /* post irecv for current segindex on current child */
                if( segindex < num_segments ) {
                    void* local_recvbuf = inbuf[inbi];
                    if( 0 == i ) {
                        /* for the first step (1st child per segment) and 
                         * commutative operations we might be able to irecv 
                         * directly into the accumulate buffer so that we can 
                         * reduce(op) this with our sendbuf in one step as 
                         * ompi_op_reduce only has two buffer pointers, 
                         * this avoids an extra memory copy.
                         * BUT if the operation is non-commutative or 
                         * we are root and are USING MPI_IN_PLACE this is wrong!
                        if( (smpi_op_is_commute(op)) &&
                            !((MPI_IN_PLACE == sendbuf) && (rank == tree->tree_root)) ) {
                            local_recvbuf = accumbuf + segindex * segment_increment;

                    reqs[inbi]=smpi_mpi_irecv(local_recvbuf, recvcount, datatype,
                                             COLL_TAG_REDUCE, comm
                /* wait for previous req to complete, if any.
                   if there are no requests reqs[inbi ^1] will be 
                   MPI_REQUEST_NULL. */
                /* wait on data from last child for previous segment */
                smpi_mpi_waitall( 1, &reqs[inbi ^ 1], 
                                             MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE );
                local_op_buffer = inbuf[inbi ^ 1];
                if( i > 0 ) {
                    /* our first operation is to combine our own [sendbuf] data 
                     * with the data we recvd from down stream (but only 
                     * the operation is commutative and if we are not root and 
                     * not using MPI_IN_PLACE)
                    if( 1 == i ) {
                        if( (smpi_op_is_commute(op)) && 
                            !((MPI_IN_PLACE == sendbuf) && (rank == tree->tree_root)) ) {
                            local_op_buffer = sendtmpbuf + segindex * segment_increment;
                    /* apply operation */
                    smpi_op_apply(op, local_op_buffer, 
                                   accumbuf + segindex * segment_increment, 
                                   &recvcount, &datatype );
                } else if ( segindex > 0 ) {
                    void* accumulator = accumbuf + (segindex-1) * segment_increment;
                    if( tree->tree_nextsize <= 1 ) {
                        if( (smpi_op_is_commute(op)) &&
                            !((MPI_IN_PLACE == sendbuf) && (rank == tree->tree_root)) ) {
                            local_op_buffer = sendtmpbuf + (segindex-1) * segment_increment;
                    smpi_op_apply(op, local_op_buffer, accumulator, &prevcount, 
                                   &datatype );

                    /* all reduced on available data this step (i) complete, 
                     * pass to the next process unless you are the root.
                    if (rank != tree->tree_root) {
                        /* send combined/accumulated data to parent */
                        smpi_mpi_send( accumulator, prevcount, 
                                                  datatype, tree->tree_prev, 

                    /* we stop when segindex = number of segments 
                       (i.e. we do num_segment+1 steps for pipelining */
                    if (segindex == num_segments) break;

                /* update input buffer index */
                inbi = inbi ^ 1;
            } /* end of for each child */
        } /* end of for each segment */

        /* clean up */
        if( inbuf_free[0] != NULL) free(inbuf_free[0]);
        if( inbuf_free[1] != NULL) free(inbuf_free[1]);
        if( accumbuf_free != NULL ) free(accumbuf_free);

    /* leaf nodes 
       Depending on the value of max_outstanding_reqs and 
       the number of segments we have two options:
       - send all segments using blocking send to the parent, or
       - avoid overflooding the parent nodes by limiting the number of 
       outstanding requests to max_oustanding_reqs.
       TODO/POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENT: If there is a way to determine the eager size 
       for the current communication, synchronization should be used only 
       when the message/segment size is smaller than the eager size.
    else {

        /* If the number of segments is less than a maximum number of oustanding
           requests or there is no limit on the maximum number of outstanding 
           requests, we send data to the parent using blocking send */
        if ((0 == max_outstanding_reqs) || 
            (num_segments <= max_outstanding_reqs)) {
            segindex = 0;
            while ( original_count > 0) {
                if (original_count < count_by_segment) {
                    count_by_segment = original_count;
                smpi_mpi_send((char*)sendbuf + 
                                         segindex * segment_increment,
                                         count_by_segment, datatype,
                                         comm) ;
                original_count -= count_by_segment;

        /* Otherwise, introduce flow control:
           - post max_outstanding_reqs non-blocking synchronous send,
           - for remaining segments
           - wait for a ssend to complete, and post the next one.
           - wait for all outstanding sends to complete.
        else {

            int creq = 0;
            MPI_Request* sreq = NULL;

            sreq = (MPI_Request*) calloc( max_outstanding_reqs,
                                              sizeof(MPI_Request ) );
            if (NULL == sreq) { line = __LINE__; ret = -1; goto error_hndl; }

            /* post first group of requests */
            for (segindex = 0; segindex < max_outstanding_reqs; segindex++) {
                sreq[segindex]=smpi_mpi_isend((char*)sendbuf +
                                          segindex * segment_increment,
                                          count_by_segment, datatype,
                original_count -= count_by_segment;

            creq = 0;
            while ( original_count > 0 ) {
                /* wait on a posted request to complete */
                smpi_mpi_wait(&sreq[creq], MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
                sreq[creq] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;

                if( original_count < count_by_segment ) {
                    count_by_segment = original_count;
                sreq[creq]=smpi_mpi_isend((char*)sendbuf + 
                                          segindex * segment_increment, 
                                          count_by_segment, datatype, 
                                          comm );
                creq = (creq + 1) % max_outstanding_reqs;
                original_count -= count_by_segment;

            /* Wait on the remaining request to complete */
            smpi_mpi_waitall( max_outstanding_reqs, sreq, 
                                         MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE );

            /* free requests */
    return MPI_SUCCESS;

 error_hndl:  /* error handler */
    XBT_DEBUG("ERROR_HNDL: node %d file %s line %d error %d\n", 
                   rank, __FILE__, line, ret );
    if( inbuf_free[0] != NULL ) free(inbuf_free[0]);
    if( inbuf_free[1] != NULL ) free(inbuf_free[1]);
    if( accumbuf_free != NULL ) free(accumbuf);
    return ret;
Example #11
int smpi_coll_tuned_bcast_SMP_binary(void *buf, int count,
                                     MPI_Datatype datatype, int root,
                                     MPI_Comm comm)
  int tag = COLL_TAG_BCAST;
  MPI_Status status;
  MPI_Request request;
  MPI_Request *request_array;
  MPI_Status *status_array;
  int rank, size;
  int i;
  MPI_Aint extent;
  extent = smpi_datatype_get_extent(datatype);

  rank = smpi_comm_rank(comm);
  size = smpi_comm_size(comm);
  int host_num_core=1;
  if (smpi_comm_is_uniform(comm)){
    host_num_core = smpi_comm_size(smpi_comm_get_intra_comm(comm));
    //implementation buggy in this case
    return smpi_coll_tuned_bcast_mpich( buf , count, datatype,
              root, comm);

  int segment = bcast_SMP_binary_segment_byte / extent;
  int pipe_length = count / segment;
  int remainder = count % segment;

  int to_intra_left = (rank / host_num_core) * host_num_core + (rank % host_num_core) * 2 + 1;
  int to_intra_right = (rank / host_num_core) * host_num_core + (rank % host_num_core) * 2 + 2;
  int to_inter_left = ((rank / host_num_core) * 2 + 1) * host_num_core;
  int to_inter_right = ((rank / host_num_core) * 2 + 2) * host_num_core;
  int from_inter = (((rank / host_num_core) - 1) / 2) * host_num_core;
  int from_intra = (rank / host_num_core) * host_num_core + ((rank % host_num_core) - 1) / 2;
  int increment = segment * extent;

  int base = (rank / host_num_core) * host_num_core;
  int num_core = host_num_core;
  if (((rank / host_num_core) * host_num_core) == ((size / host_num_core) * host_num_core))
    num_core = size - (rank / host_num_core) * host_num_core;

  // if root is not zero send to rank zero first
  if (root != 0) {
    if (rank == root)
      smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, 0, tag, comm);
    else if (rank == 0)
      smpi_mpi_recv(buf, count, datatype, root, tag, comm, &status);
  // when a message is smaller than a block size => no pipeline 
  if (count <= segment) {
    // case ROOT-of-each-SMP
    if (rank % host_num_core == 0) {
      // case ROOT
      if (rank == 0) {
        //printf("node %d left %d right %d\n",rank,to_inter_left,to_inter_right);
        if (to_inter_left < size)
          smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, to_inter_left, tag, comm);
        if (to_inter_right < size)
          smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, to_inter_right, tag, comm);
        if ((to_intra_left - base) < num_core)
          smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, to_intra_left, tag, comm);
        if ((to_intra_right - base) < num_core)
          smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, to_intra_right, tag, comm);
      // case LEAVES ROOT-of-eash-SMP
      else if (to_inter_left >= size) {
        //printf("node %d from %d\n",rank,from_inter);
        request = smpi_mpi_irecv(buf, count, datatype, from_inter, tag, comm);
        smpi_mpi_wait(&request, &status);
        if ((to_intra_left - base) < num_core)
          smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, to_intra_left, tag, comm);
        if ((to_intra_right - base) < num_core)
          smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, to_intra_right, tag, comm);
      // case INTERMEDIAT ROOT-of-each-SMP
      else {
        //printf("node %d left %d right %d from %d\n",rank,to_inter_left,to_inter_right,from_inter);
        request = smpi_mpi_irecv(buf, count, datatype, from_inter, tag, comm);
        smpi_mpi_wait(&request, &status);
        smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, to_inter_left, tag, comm);
        if (to_inter_right < size)
          smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, to_inter_right, tag, comm);
        if ((to_intra_left - base) < num_core)
          smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, to_intra_left, tag, comm);
        if ((to_intra_right - base) < num_core)
          smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, to_intra_right, tag, comm);
    // case non ROOT-of-each-SMP
    else {
      // case leaves
      if ((to_intra_left - base) >= num_core) {
        request = smpi_mpi_irecv(buf, count, datatype, from_intra, tag, comm);
        smpi_mpi_wait(&request, &status);
      // case intermediate
      else {
        request = smpi_mpi_irecv(buf, count, datatype, from_intra, tag, comm);
        smpi_mpi_wait(&request, &status);
        smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, to_intra_left, tag, comm);
        if ((to_intra_right - base) < num_core)
          smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, to_intra_right, tag, comm);

    return MPI_SUCCESS;

  // pipeline bcast
  else {
    request_array =
        (MPI_Request *) xbt_malloc((size + pipe_length) * sizeof(MPI_Request));
    status_array =
        (MPI_Status *) xbt_malloc((size + pipe_length) * sizeof(MPI_Status));

    // case ROOT-of-each-SMP
    if (rank % host_num_core == 0) {
      // case ROOT
      if (rank == 0) {
        for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
          //printf("node %d left %d right %d\n",rank,to_inter_left,to_inter_right);
          if (to_inter_left < size)
            smpi_mpi_send((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype,
                     to_inter_left, (tag + i), comm);
          if (to_inter_right < size)
            smpi_mpi_send((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype,
                     to_inter_right, (tag + i), comm);
          if ((to_intra_left - base) < num_core)
            smpi_mpi_send((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype,
                     to_intra_left, (tag + i), comm);
          if ((to_intra_right - base) < num_core)
            smpi_mpi_send((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype,
                     to_intra_right, (tag + i), comm);
      // case LEAVES ROOT-of-eash-SMP
      else if (to_inter_left >= size) {
        //printf("node %d from %d\n",rank,from_inter);
        for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
          request_array[i] = smpi_mpi_irecv((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype,
                    from_inter, (tag + i), comm);
        for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
          smpi_mpi_wait(&request_array[i], &status);
          if ((to_intra_left - base) < num_core)
            smpi_mpi_send((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype,
                     to_intra_left, (tag + i), comm);
          if ((to_intra_right - base) < num_core)
            smpi_mpi_send((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype,
                     to_intra_right, (tag + i), comm);
      // case INTERMEDIAT ROOT-of-each-SMP
      else {
        //printf("node %d left %d right %d from %d\n",rank,to_inter_left,to_inter_right,from_inter);
        for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
          request_array[i] = smpi_mpi_irecv((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype,
                    from_inter, (tag + i), comm);
        for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
          smpi_mpi_wait(&request_array[i], &status);
          smpi_mpi_send((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype,
                   to_inter_left, (tag + i), comm);
          if (to_inter_right < size)
            smpi_mpi_send((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype,
                     to_inter_right, (tag + i), comm);
          if ((to_intra_left - base) < num_core)
            smpi_mpi_send((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype,
                     to_intra_left, (tag + i), comm);
          if ((to_intra_right - base) < num_core)
            smpi_mpi_send((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype,
                     to_intra_right, (tag + i), comm);
    // case non-ROOT-of-each-SMP
    else {
      // case leaves
      if ((to_intra_left - base) >= num_core) {
        for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
          request_array[i] = smpi_mpi_irecv((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype,
                    from_intra, (tag + i), comm);
        smpi_mpi_waitall((pipe_length), request_array, status_array);
      // case intermediate
      else {
        for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
          request_array[i] = smpi_mpi_irecv((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype,
                    from_intra, (tag + i), comm);
        for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
          smpi_mpi_wait(&request_array[i], &status);
          smpi_mpi_send((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype,
                   to_intra_left, (tag + i), comm);
          if ((to_intra_right - base) < num_core)
            smpi_mpi_send((char *) buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype,
                     to_intra_right, (tag + i), comm);


  // when count is not divisible by block size, use default BCAST for the remainder
  if ((remainder != 0) && (count > segment)) {
    XBT_WARN("MPI_bcast_SMP_binary use default MPI_bcast.");	  
    smpi_mpi_bcast((char *) buf + (pipe_length * increment), remainder, datatype,
              root, comm);

  return 1;
smpi_coll_tuned_allreduce_ompi_ring_segmented(void *sbuf, void *rbuf, int count,
                                               MPI_Datatype dtype,
                                               MPI_Op op,
                                               MPI_Comm comm) 
   int ret = MPI_SUCCESS;
   int line;
   int k, recv_from, send_to;
   int early_blockcount, late_blockcount, split_rank; 
   int segcount, max_segcount;
   int num_phases, phase;
   int block_count;
   unsigned int inbi;
   size_t typelng;
   char *tmpsend = NULL, *tmprecv = NULL;
   char *inbuf[2] = {NULL, NULL};
   ptrdiff_t true_extent, extent;
   ptrdiff_t block_offset, max_real_segsize;
   MPI_Request reqs[2] = {NULL, NULL};
   const size_t segsize = 1 << 20; /* 1 MB */
   unsigned int size = smpi_comm_size(comm);
   unsigned int rank = smpi_comm_rank(comm);

   XBT_DEBUG("coll:tuned:allreduce_intra_ring_segmented rank %d, count %d", rank, count);

   /* Special case for size == 1 */
   if (1 == size) {
      if (MPI_IN_PLACE != sbuf) {
      ret= smpi_datatype_copy(sbuf, count, dtype,rbuf, count, dtype);
         if (ret < 0) { line = __LINE__; goto error_hndl; }
      return MPI_SUCCESS;
   /* Determine segment count based on the suggested segment size */
   extent = smpi_datatype_get_extent(dtype);
   if (MPI_SUCCESS != ret) { line = __LINE__; goto error_hndl; }
   true_extent = smpi_datatype_get_extent(dtype);
   if (MPI_SUCCESS != ret) { line = __LINE__; goto error_hndl; }
   typelng = smpi_datatype_size(dtype);
   if (MPI_SUCCESS != ret) { line = __LINE__; goto error_hndl; }
   segcount = count;
   COLL_TUNED_COMPUTED_SEGCOUNT(segsize, typelng, segcount)

   /* Special case for count less than size * segcount - use regular ring */
   if (count < size * segcount) {
      XBT_DEBUG( "coll:tuned:allreduce_ring_segmented rank %d/%d, count %d, switching to regular ring", rank, size, count);
      return (smpi_coll_tuned_allreduce_lr(sbuf, rbuf, count, dtype, op, 

   /* Determine the number of phases of the algorithm */
   num_phases = count / (size * segcount);
   if ((count % (size * segcount) >= size) && 
       (count % (size * segcount) > ((size * segcount) / 2))) {

   /* Determine the number of elements per block and corresponding 
      block sizes.
      The blocks are divided into "early" and "late" ones:
      blocks 0 .. (split_rank - 1) are "early" and 
      blocks (split_rank) .. (size - 1) are "late".
      Early blocks are at most 1 element larger than the late ones.
      Note, these blocks will be split into num_phases segments,
      out of the largest one will have max_segcount elements.
   COLL_TUNED_COMPUTE_BLOCKCOUNT( count, size, split_rank, 
                                  early_blockcount, late_blockcount )
   COLL_TUNED_COMPUTE_BLOCKCOUNT( early_blockcount, num_phases, inbi,
                                  max_segcount, k)
   max_real_segsize = true_extent + (max_segcount - 1) * extent;

   /* Allocate and initialize temporary buffers */
   inbuf[0] = (char*)smpi_get_tmp_sendbuffer(max_real_segsize);
   if (NULL == inbuf[0]) { ret = -1; line = __LINE__; goto error_hndl; }
   if (size > 2) {
      inbuf[1] = (char*)smpi_get_tmp_recvbuffer(max_real_segsize);
      if (NULL == inbuf[1]) { ret = -1; line = __LINE__; goto error_hndl; }

   /* Handle MPI_IN_PLACE */
   if (MPI_IN_PLACE != sbuf) {
      ret= smpi_datatype_copy(sbuf, count, dtype,rbuf, count, dtype);
      if (ret < 0) { line = __LINE__; goto error_hndl; }

   /* Computation loop: for each phase, repeat ring allreduce computation loop */
   for (phase = 0; phase < num_phases; phase ++) {
      ptrdiff_t phase_offset;
      int early_phase_segcount, late_phase_segcount, split_phase, phase_count;

         For each of the remote nodes:
         - post irecv for block (r-1)
         - send block (r)
           To do this, first compute block offset and count, and use block offset
           to compute phase offset.
         - in loop for every step k = 2 .. n
           - post irecv for block (r + n - k) % n
           - wait on block (r + n - k + 1) % n to arrive
           - compute on block (r + n - k + 1) % n
           - send block (r + n - k + 1) % n
         - wait on block (r + 1)
         - compute on block (r + 1)
         - send block (r + 1) to rank (r + 1)
         Note that we must be careful when computing the begining of buffers and
         for send operations and computation we must compute the exact block size.
      send_to = (rank + 1) % size;
      recv_from = (rank + size - 1) % size;
      inbi = 0;
      /* Initialize first receive from the neighbor on the left */
      reqs[inbi] = smpi_mpi_irecv(inbuf[inbi], max_segcount, dtype, recv_from,
                               666, comm);
      /* Send first block (my block) to the neighbor on the right:
         - compute my block and phase offset
         - send data */
      block_offset = ((rank < split_rank)? 
                      (rank * early_blockcount) : 
                      (rank * late_blockcount + split_rank));
      block_count = ((rank < split_rank)? early_blockcount : late_blockcount);
      COLL_TUNED_COMPUTE_BLOCKCOUNT(block_count, num_phases, split_phase,
                                    early_phase_segcount, late_phase_segcount)
      phase_count = ((phase < split_phase)?
                     (early_phase_segcount) : (late_phase_segcount));
      phase_offset = ((phase < split_phase)?
                      (phase * early_phase_segcount) : 
                      (phase * late_phase_segcount + split_phase));
      tmpsend = ((char*)rbuf) + (block_offset + phase_offset) * extent;
      smpi_mpi_send(tmpsend, phase_count, dtype, send_to,
                              666, comm);
      for (k = 2; k < size; k++) {
         const int prevblock = (rank + size - k + 1) % size;
         inbi = inbi ^ 0x1;
         /* Post irecv for the current block */
         reqs[inbi] = smpi_mpi_irecv(inbuf[inbi], max_segcount, dtype, recv_from,
                               666, comm);
         if (MPI_SUCCESS != ret) { line = __LINE__; goto error_hndl; }
         /* Wait on previous block to arrive */
         smpi_mpi_wait(&reqs[inbi ^ 0x1], MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
         /* Apply operation on previous block: result goes to rbuf
            rbuf[prevblock] = inbuf[inbi ^ 0x1] (op) rbuf[prevblock]
         block_offset = ((prevblock < split_rank)?
                         (prevblock * early_blockcount) :
                         (prevblock * late_blockcount + split_rank));
         block_count = ((prevblock < split_rank)? 
                        early_blockcount : late_blockcount);
         COLL_TUNED_COMPUTE_BLOCKCOUNT(block_count, num_phases, split_phase,
                                       early_phase_segcount, late_phase_segcount)
         phase_count = ((phase < split_phase)?
                        (early_phase_segcount) : (late_phase_segcount));
         phase_offset = ((phase < split_phase)?
                         (phase * early_phase_segcount) : 
                         (phase * late_phase_segcount + split_phase));
         tmprecv = ((char*)rbuf) + (block_offset + phase_offset) * extent;
         smpi_op_apply(op, inbuf[inbi ^ 0x1], tmprecv, &phase_count, &dtype);
         /* send previous block to send_to */
         smpi_mpi_send(tmprecv, phase_count, dtype, send_to,
                              666, comm);
      /* Wait on the last block to arrive */
      smpi_mpi_wait(&reqs[inbi], MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);

      /* Apply operation on the last block (from neighbor (rank + 1) 
         rbuf[rank+1] = inbuf[inbi] (op) rbuf[rank + 1] */
      recv_from = (rank + 1) % size;
      block_offset = ((recv_from < split_rank)?
                      (recv_from * early_blockcount) :
                      (recv_from * late_blockcount + split_rank));
      block_count = ((recv_from < split_rank)? 
                     early_blockcount : late_blockcount);
      COLL_TUNED_COMPUTE_BLOCKCOUNT(block_count, num_phases, split_phase,
                                    early_phase_segcount, late_phase_segcount)
      phase_count = ((phase < split_phase)?
                     (early_phase_segcount) : (late_phase_segcount));
      phase_offset = ((phase < split_phase)?
                      (phase * early_phase_segcount) : 
                      (phase * late_phase_segcount + split_phase));
      tmprecv = ((char*)rbuf) + (block_offset + phase_offset) * extent;
      smpi_op_apply(op, inbuf[inbi], tmprecv, &phase_count, &dtype);

   /* Distribution loop - variation of ring allgather */
   send_to = (rank + 1) % size;
   recv_from = (rank + size - 1) % size;
   for (k = 0; k < size - 1; k++) {
      const int recv_data_from = (rank + size - k) % size;
      const int send_data_from = (rank + 1 + size - k) % size;
      const int send_block_offset = 
         ((send_data_from < split_rank)?
          (send_data_from * early_blockcount) :
          (send_data_from * late_blockcount + split_rank));
      const int recv_block_offset = 
         ((recv_data_from < split_rank)?
          (recv_data_from * early_blockcount) :
          (recv_data_from * late_blockcount + split_rank));
      block_count = ((send_data_from < split_rank)? 
                     early_blockcount : late_blockcount);

      tmprecv = (char*)rbuf + recv_block_offset * extent;
      tmpsend = (char*)rbuf + send_block_offset * extent;

      smpi_mpi_sendrecv(tmpsend, block_count, dtype, send_to,
                                     tmprecv, early_blockcount, dtype, recv_from,
                                     comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);


   if (NULL != inbuf[0]) smpi_free_tmp_buffer(inbuf[0]);
   if (NULL != inbuf[1]) smpi_free_tmp_buffer(inbuf[1]);

   return MPI_SUCCESS;

   XBT_DEBUG("%s:%4d\tRank %d Error occurred %d\n",
                __FILE__, line, rank, ret);
   if (NULL != inbuf[0]) smpi_free_tmp_buffer(inbuf[0]);
   if (NULL != inbuf[1]) smpi_free_tmp_buffer(inbuf[1]);
   return ret;
/* Non-topology-specific pipelined linear-bcast function */
int smpi_coll_tuned_bcast_arrival_pattern_aware(void *buf, int count,
                                                MPI_Datatype datatype, int root,
                                                MPI_Comm comm)
  int tag = -COLL_TAG_BCAST;
  MPI_Status status;
  MPI_Request request;
  MPI_Request *send_request_array;
  MPI_Request *recv_request_array;
  MPI_Status *send_status_array;
  MPI_Status *recv_status_array;

  MPI_Status temp_status_array[MAX_NODE];

  int rank, size;
  int i, j;

  int sent_count;
  int header_index;
  int flag_array[MAX_NODE];
  int already_sent[MAX_NODE];
  int to_clean[MAX_NODE];
  int header_buf[HEADER_SIZE];
  char temp_buf[MAX_NODE];

  MPI_Aint extent;
  extent = smpi_datatype_get_extent(datatype);

  /* destination */
  int to;

  rank = smpi_comm_rank(comm);
  size = smpi_comm_size(comm);

  /* segment is segment size in number of elements (not bytes) */
  int segment = bcast_NTSL_segment_size_in_byte / extent;
  segment =  segment == 0 ? 1 :segment; 
  /* pipeline length */
  int pipe_length = count / segment;

  /* use for buffer offset for sending and receiving data = segment size in byte */
  int increment = segment * extent;

  /* if the input size is not divisible by segment size => 
     the small remainder will be done with native implementation */
  int remainder = count % segment;

  /* if root is not zero send to rank zero first
     this can be modified to make it faster by using logical src, dst.
  if (root != 0) {
    if (rank == root) {
      smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, 0, tag, comm);
    } else if (rank == 0) {
      smpi_mpi_recv(buf, count, datatype, root, tag, comm, &status);

  /* value == 0 means root has not send data (or header) to the node yet */
  for (i = 0; i < MAX_NODE; i++) {
    already_sent[i] = 0;
    to_clean[i] = 0;

  /* when a message is smaller than a block size => no pipeline */
  if (count <= segment) {
    if (rank == 0) {
      sent_count = 0;

      while (sent_count < (size - 1)) {
        for (i = 1; i < size; i++) {
          smpi_mpi_iprobe(i, MPI_ANY_TAG, comm, &flag_array[i],

        header_index = 0;
        /* recv 1-byte message */
        for (i = 1; i < size; i++) {

          /* message arrive */
          if ((flag_array[i] == 1) && (already_sent[i] == 0)) {
            smpi_mpi_recv(temp_buf, 1, MPI_CHAR, i, tag, comm, &status);
            header_buf[header_index] = i;

            /* will send in the next step */
            already_sent[i] = 1;

        /* send header followed by data */
        if (header_index != 0) {
          header_buf[header_index] = -1;
          to = header_buf[0];
          smpi_mpi_send(header_buf, HEADER_SIZE, MPI_INT, to, tag, comm);
          smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, to, tag, comm);

        /* randomly MPI_Send to one */
        else {
          /* search for the first node that never received data before */
          for (i = 1; i < size; i++) {
            if (already_sent[i] == 0) {
              header_buf[0] = i;
              header_buf[1] = -1;
              smpi_mpi_send(header_buf, HEADER_SIZE, MPI_INT, i, tag, comm);
              smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, i, tag, comm);
              already_sent[i] = 1;

      }                         /* while loop */

    /* non-root */
    else {

      /* send 1-byte message to root */
      smpi_mpi_send(temp_buf, 1, MPI_CHAR, 0, tag, comm);

      /* wait for header and data, forward when required */
      smpi_mpi_recv(header_buf, HEADER_SIZE, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, tag, comm,
      smpi_mpi_recv(buf, count, datatype, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, tag, comm, &status);

      /* search for where it is */
      int myordering = 0;
      while (rank != header_buf[myordering]) {

      /* send header followed by data */
      if (header_buf[myordering + 1] != -1) {
        smpi_mpi_send(header_buf, HEADER_SIZE, MPI_INT, header_buf[myordering + 1],
                 tag, comm);
        smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, header_buf[myordering + 1], tag, comm);
  /* pipeline bcast */
  else {
    send_request_array =
        (MPI_Request *) xbt_malloc((size + pipe_length) * sizeof(MPI_Request));
    recv_request_array =
        (MPI_Request *) xbt_malloc((size + pipe_length) * sizeof(MPI_Request));
    send_status_array =
        (MPI_Status *) xbt_malloc((size + pipe_length) * sizeof(MPI_Status));
    recv_status_array =
        (MPI_Status *) xbt_malloc((size + pipe_length) * sizeof(MPI_Status));

    if (rank == 0) {
      //double start2 = MPI_Wtime();
      sent_count = 0;
      //int iteration = 0;
      while (sent_count < (size - 1)) {
        //start = MPI_Wtime();
        for (i = 1; i < size; i++) {
          smpi_mpi_iprobe(i, MPI_ANY_TAG, comm, &flag_array[i],
        //total = MPI_Wtime() - start;
        //total *= 1000;
        //printf("Iprobe time = %.2f\n",total);
        header_index = 0;

        /* recv 1-byte message */
        for (i = 1; i < size; i++) {
          /* message arrive */
          if ((flag_array[i] == 1) && (already_sent[i] == 0)) {
            smpi_mpi_recv(&temp_buf[i], 1, MPI_CHAR, i, tag, comm,
            header_buf[header_index] = i;

            /* will send in the next step */
            already_sent[i] = 1;
        //total = MPI_Wtime() - start;
        //total *= 1000;
        //printf("Recv 1-byte time = %.2f\n",total);

           if (header_index != 0) {
           printf("header index = %d node = ",header_index);
           for (i=0;i<header_index;i++) {
           printf("%d ",header_buf[i]);

        /* send header followed by data */
        if (header_index != 0) {
          header_buf[header_index] = -1;
          to = header_buf[0];

          //start = MPI_Wtime();

          /* send header */
          smpi_mpi_send(header_buf, HEADER_SIZE, MPI_INT, to, tag, comm);

          //total = MPI_Wtime() - start;
          //total *= 1000;
          //printf("\tSend header to %d time = %.2f\n",to,total);

          //start = MPI_Wtime();

          /* send data - non-pipeline case */

          if (0 == 1) {
            //if (header_index == 1) {
            smpi_mpi_send(buf, count, datatype, to, tag, comm);

          /* send data - pipeline */
          else {
            for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
              smpi_mpi_send((char *)buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype, to, tag, comm);
            //smpi_mpi_waitall((pipe_length), send_request_array, send_status_array);
          //total = MPI_Wtime() - start;
          //total *= 1000;
          //printf("\tSend data to %d time = %.2f\n",to,total);


        /* randomly MPI_Send to one node */
        else {
          /* search for the first node that never received data before */
          for (i = 1; i < size; i++) {
            if (already_sent[i] == 0) {
              header_buf[0] = i;
              header_buf[1] = -1;
              to = i;

              //start = MPI_Wtime();
              smpi_mpi_send(header_buf, HEADER_SIZE, MPI_INT, to, tag, comm);

              /* still need to chop data so that we can use the same non-root code */
              for (j = 0; j < pipe_length; j++) {
                smpi_mpi_send((char *)buf + (j * increment), segment, datatype, to, tag,


              //total = MPI_Wtime() - start;
              //total *= 1000;
              //printf("SEND TO SINGLE node %d time = %.2f\n",i,total);

              already_sent[i] = 1;

      }                         /* while loop */

      for(i=0; i<size; i++)
        if(to_clean[i]!=0)smpi_mpi_recv(&temp_buf[i], 1, MPI_CHAR, i, tag, comm,
      //total = MPI_Wtime() - start2;
      //total *= 1000;
      //printf("Node zero iter = %d time = %.2f\n",iteration,total);

    /* rank 0 */
    /* none root */
    else {
      /* send 1-byte message to root */
      smpi_mpi_send(temp_buf, 1, MPI_CHAR, 0, tag, comm);

      /* wait for header forward when required */
      request = smpi_mpi_irecv(header_buf, HEADER_SIZE, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, tag, comm);
      smpi_mpi_wait(&request, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);

      /* search for where it is */
      int myordering = 0;
      while (rank != header_buf[myordering]) {

      /* send header when required */
      if (header_buf[myordering + 1] != -1) {
        smpi_mpi_send(header_buf, HEADER_SIZE, MPI_INT, header_buf[myordering + 1],
                 tag, comm);

      /* receive data */

      if (0 == -1) {
        //if (header_buf[1] == -1) {
        request = smpi_mpi_irecv(buf, count, datatype, 0, tag, comm);
        smpi_mpi_wait(&request, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
        //printf("\t\tnode %d ordering = %d receive data from root\n",rank,myordering);
      } else {
        for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
          recv_request_array[i] = smpi_mpi_irecv((char *)buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype, MPI_ANY_SOURCE,
                                                 tag, comm);

      /* send data */
      if (header_buf[myordering + 1] != -1) {
        for (i = 0; i < pipe_length; i++) {
          smpi_mpi_wait(&recv_request_array[i], MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
          send_request_array[i] = smpi_mpi_isend((char *)buf + (i * increment), segment, datatype,
                    header_buf[myordering + 1], tag, comm);
        smpi_mpi_waitall((pipe_length), send_request_array, send_status_array);
          smpi_mpi_waitall(pipe_length, recv_request_array, recv_status_array);

  }                             /* end pipeline */

  /* when count is not divisible by block size, use default BCAST for the remainder */
  if ((remainder != 0) && (count > segment)) {
    XBT_WARN("MPI_bcast_arrival_pattern_aware use default MPI_bcast.");	  
    smpi_mpi_bcast((char *)buf + (pipe_length * increment), remainder, datatype, root, comm);

  return MPI_SUCCESS;