Example #1
 * get_slc_defaults
 * Initialize the slc mapping table.
void get_slc_defaults(void) {
    int i;
    for (i = 1; i <= NSLC; i++) {
	slctab[i].defset.flag = spcset(i, &slctab[i].defset.val, 
	slctab[i].current.flag = SLC_NOSUPPORT; 
	slctab[i].current.val = 0; 
Example #2
int spcs2x(
  struct spcprm *spc,
  int nspec,
  int sspec,
  int sx,
  const double spec[],
  double x[],
  int stat[])

  static const char *function = "spcs2x";

  int statP2X, status = 0, statS2P;
  double beta, s;
  register int ispec;
  register int *statp;
  register const double *specp;
  register double *xp;
  struct wcserr **err;

  /* Initialize. */
  if (spc == 0x0) return SPCERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(spc->err);

  if (spc->flag == 0) {
    if ((status = spcset(spc))) return status;

  /* Apply the linear step of the algorithm chain to convert the S-type */
  /* spectral variable to P-type intermediate spectral variable.        */
  if (spc->spxS2P) {
    if ((statS2P = spc->spxS2P(spc->w[0], nspec, sspec, sx, spec, x, stat))) {
      if (statS2P == SPXERR_BAD_INSPEC_COORD) {
        status = SPCERR_BAD_SPEC;
      } else if (statS2P == SPXERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS) {
        return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS),
          "Invalid spectral parameters: Frequency or wavelength is 0");
      } else {
        return wcserr_set(SPC_ERRMSG(spc_spxerr[statS2P]));

  } else {
    /* Just a copy. */
    xp = x;
    specp = spec;
    statp = stat;
    for (ispec = 0; ispec < nspec; ispec++, specp += sspec, xp += sx) {
      *xp = *specp;
      *(statp++) = 0;

  /* Apply the non-linear step of the algorithm chain to convert P-type */
  /* intermediate spectral variable to X-type spectral variable. */
  if (spc->spxP2X) {
    if ((statP2X = spc->spxP2X(spc->w[0], nspec, sx, sx, x, x, stat))) {
      if (statP2X == SPCERR_BAD_SPEC) {
        status = SPCERR_BAD_SPEC;
      } else if (statP2X == SPXERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS) {
        return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS),
          "Invalid spectral parameters: Frequency or wavelength is 0");
      } else {
        return wcserr_set(SPC_ERRMSG(spc_spxerr[statP2X]));

  if (spc->isGrism) {
    /* Convert X-type spectral variable (wavelength) to grism parameter. */
    xp = x;
    statp = stat;
    for (ispec = 0; ispec < nspec; ispec++, xp += sx, statp++) {
      if (*statp) continue;

      s = *xp/spc->w[5] - spc->w[4];
      if (fabs(s) <= 1.0) {
        beta = asind(s);
        *xp = tand(beta - spc->w[3]);
      } else {
        *statp = 1;

  /* Convert X-type spectral variable to intermediate world coordinate x. */
  xp = x;
  statp = stat;
  for (ispec = 0; ispec < nspec; ispec++, xp += sx) {
    if (*(statp++)) continue;

    *xp -= spc->w[1];
    *xp /= spc->w[2];

  if (status) {
  return status;
Example #3
int spcx2s(
  struct spcprm *spc,
  int nx,
  int sx,
  int sspec,
  const double x[],
  double spec[],
  int stat[])

  static const char *function = "spcx2s";

  int statP2S, status = 0, statX2P;
  double beta;
  register int ix;
  register int *statp;
  register const double *xp;
  register double *specp;
  struct wcserr **err;

  /* Initialize. */
  if (spc == 0x0) return SPCERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(spc->err);

  if (spc->flag == 0) {
    if ((status = spcset(spc))) return status;

  /* Convert intermediate world coordinate x to X. */
  xp = x;
  specp = spec;
  statp = stat;
  for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++, xp += sx, specp += sspec) {
    *specp = spc->w[1] + (*xp)*spc->w[2];
    *(statp++) = 0;

  /* If X is the grism parameter then convert it to wavelength. */
  if (spc->isGrism) {
    specp = spec;
    for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++, specp += sspec) {
      beta = atand(*specp) + spc->w[3];
      *specp = (sind(beta) + spc->w[4]) * spc->w[5];

  /* Apply the non-linear step of the algorithm chain to convert the    */
  /* X-type spectral variable to P-type intermediate spectral variable. */
  if (spc->spxX2P) {
    if ((statX2P = spc->spxX2P(spc->w[0], nx, sspec, sspec, spec, spec,
                               stat))) {
      if (statX2P == SPXERR_BAD_INSPEC_COORD) {
        status = SPCERR_BAD_X;
      } else if (statX2P == SPXERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS) {
        return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS),
          "Invalid spectral parameters: Frequency or wavelength is 0");
      } else {
        return wcserr_set(SPC_ERRMSG(spc_spxerr[statX2P]));

  /* Apply the linear step of the algorithm chain to convert P-type  */
  /* intermediate spectral variable to the required S-type variable. */
  if (spc->spxP2S) {
    if ((statP2S = spc->spxP2S(spc->w[0], nx, sspec, sspec, spec, spec,
                               stat))) {
      if (statP2S == SPXERR_BAD_INSPEC_COORD) {
        status = SPCERR_BAD_X;
      } else if (statP2S == SPXERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS) {
        return wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(SPCERR_BAD_SPEC_PARAMS),
          "Invalid spectral parameters: Frequency or wavelength is 0");
      } else {
        return wcserr_set(SPC_ERRMSG(spc_spxerr[statP2S]));

  if (status) {
  return status;
Example #4
int spcs2x(
   struct spcprm *spc,
   int nspec,
   int sspec,
   int sx,
   const double spec[],
   double x[],
   int stat[])

   int statP2X, status = 0, statS2P;
   double beta, s;
   register int ispec;
   register int *statp;
   register const double *specp;
   register double *xp;

   /* Initialize. */
   if (spc == 0) return 1;
   if (spc->flag == 0) {
      if (spcset(spc)) return 2;

   /* Apply the linear step of the algorithm chain to convert the S-type */
   /* spectral variable to P-type intermediate spectral variable.        */
   if (spc->spxS2P != 0) {
      if (statS2P = spc->spxS2P(spc->w[0], nspec, sspec, sx, spec, x, stat)) {
         if (statS2P == 4) {
            status = 4;
         } else {
            return statS2P;

   } else {
      /* Just a copy. */
      xp = x;
      specp = spec;
      statp = stat;
      for (ispec = 0; ispec < nspec; ispec++, specp += sspec, xp += sx) {
         *xp = *specp;
         *(statp++) = 0;

   /* Apply the non-linear step of the algorithm chain to convert P-type */
   /* intermediate spectral variable to X-type spectral variable. */
   if (spc->spxP2X != 0) {
      if (statP2X = spc->spxP2X(spc->w[0], nspec, sx, sx, x, x, stat)) {
         if (statP2X == 4) {
            status = 4;
         } else {
            return statP2X;

   if (spc->isGrism) {
      /* Convert X-type spectral variable (wavelength) to grism parameter. */
      xp = x;
      statp = stat;
      for (ispec = 0; ispec < nspec; ispec++, xp += sx, statp++) {
         if (*statp) continue;

         s = *xp/spc->w[5] - spc->w[4];
         if (fabs(s) <= 1.0) {
            beta = asind(s);
            *xp = tand(beta - spc->w[3]);
         } else {
            *statp = 1;

   /* Convert X-type spectral variable to intermediate world coordinate x. */
   xp = x;
   statp = stat;
   for (ispec = 0; ispec < nspec; ispec++, xp += sx) {
      if (*(statp++)) continue;

      *xp -= spc->w[1];
      *xp /= spc->w[2];

   return status;
Example #5
int spcx2s(
   struct spcprm *spc,
   int nx,
   int sx,
   int sspec,
   const double x[],
   double spec[],
   int stat[])

   int statP2S, status = 0, statX2P;
   double beta;
   register int ix;
   register int *statp;
   register const double *xp;
   register double *specp;

   /* Initialize. */
   if (spc == 0) return 1;
   if (spc->flag == 0) {
      if (spcset(spc)) return 2;

   /* Convert intermediate world coordinate x to X. */
   xp = x;
   specp = spec;
   statp = stat;
   for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++, xp += sx, specp += sspec) {
      *specp = spc->w[1] + (*xp)*spc->w[2];
      *(statp++) = 0;

   /* If X is the grism parameter then convert it to wavelength. */
   if (spc->isGrism) {
      specp = spec;
      for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++, specp += sspec) {
         beta = atand(*specp) + spc->w[3];
         *specp = (sind(beta) + spc->w[4]) * spc->w[5];

   /* Apply the non-linear step of the algorithm chain to convert the    */
   /* X-type spectral variable to P-type intermediate spectral variable. */
   if (spc->spxX2P != 0) {
      if (statX2P = spc->spxX2P(spc->w[0], nx, sspec, sspec, spec, spec,
                                stat)) {
         if (statX2P == 4) {
            status = 3;
         } else {
            return statX2P;

   /* Apply the linear step of the algorithm chain to convert P-type  */
   /* intermediate spectral variable to the required S-type variable. */
   if (spc->spxP2S != 0) {
      if (statP2S = spc->spxP2S(spc->w[0], nx, sspec, sspec, spec, spec,
                                stat)) {
         if (statP2S == 4) {
            status = 3;
         } else {
            return statP2S;

   return status;