Example #1
void firstIntersection(VECTOR *eyePosition, VECTOR *rayFromEyeDirection, LIST_NODE_PTR *intersections) {
    LIST_NODE_PTR scene = sceneList;

    while (scene != NULL) {
        switch (scene->data.object.type) {
            case SPHERE:
                sphereIntersection(eyePosition, rayFromEyeDirection, &scene->data.object, intersections);
            case POLYGON:
                if (stop) {
                    int trash = 0;
                polygonIntersection(eyePosition, rayFromEyeDirection, &scene->data.object, intersections);
            case DISK:
                diskIntersection(eyePosition, rayFromEyeDirection, &scene->data.object, intersections);
            case CYLINDER:
                cylinderInterseption(eyePosition, rayFromEyeDirection, &scene->data.object, intersections);
            case CONE:
                coneInterseption(eyePosition, rayFromEyeDirection, &scene->data.object, intersections);
        scene = scene->nextPtr;
Example #2
Color raytrace( Scene scene, Ray ray )
   Color color;
   color.r = 0;
   color.b = 0;
   color.g = 0;

   Intersection best;
   best.hit = false;

   float bestT = 10000;
   float t;
   for( int j = 0; j < scene.numSpheres; j++ )
      t = sphereHitTest( scene.spheres[j], ray );
      if( t > 0 )
         if( !best.hit || t < bestT )
            best = sphereIntersection( scene.spheres[j], ray, t );
            bestT = t;
   for( int j = 0; j < scene.numTriangles; j++ )
      t = triangleHitTest( scene.triangles[j], ray );
      if( t > 0 )
         if( !best.hit || t < bestT )
            best = triangleIntersection( scene.triangles[j], ray, t );
            bestT = t;
   for( int j = 0; j < scene.numPlanes; j++ )
      t = planeHitTest( scene.planes[j], ray );
      if( t > 0 )
         if( !best.hit || t < bestT )
            best = planeIntersection( scene.planes[j], ray, t );
            bestT = t;
   if( best.hit )
      color = plus( color, directIllumination( best, scene ) );
      //printf("color: %f, %f, %f\n", color.r, color.g, color.b);
   return limitColor( color );
Example #3
Color directIllumination( Intersection inter, Scene scene )
   Color ret;
   ret.r = 0;
   ret.b = 0;
   ret.g = 0;

   for( int i = 0; i < scene.numPointLights; i++ )
      PointLight temp = scene.pointLights[i];
      vec3 lvec = unit(newDirection(temp.pos, inter.hitMark ));

      float nlDot = dot(lvec, inter.normal );
      bool inShadow = false;
      float lightDistance = distance( temp.pos, inter.hitMark );

      //contruct possible hits for shadow ray using bvh
      for( int j = 0; j < scene.numSpheres; j++ )
         Ray shadowRay;
         shadowRay.pos = inter.hitMark;
         shadowRay.dir = lvec;
         float t = sphereHitTest(scene.spheres[j], shadowRay );
         if( t > 0 )
            Intersection info = sphereIntersection( scene.spheres[j], shadowRay, t );
               if( distance( info.hitMark, inter.hitMark ) < lightDistance )
                  inShadow = true;

      ObjectInfo shadowInter;
      if( !inShadow )
         vec3 r;
         r.x = -lvec.x + 2 * nlDot * inter.normal.x;
         r.y = -lvec.y + 2 * nlDot * inter.normal.y;
         r.z = -lvec.z + 2 * nlDot * inter.normal.z;
         r = unit(r);
         float rvDot = dot(r, unit(inter.viewVector));
         if(nlDot < 0)
            nlDot = 0;
         if(rvDot < 0)
            rvDot = 0;
         float powRV = pow( rvDot, 1.0/inter.colorInfo.finish_roughness );

         ret.r  =ret.r + temp.color.r * powRV*inter.colorInfo.finish_specular;
         ret.g = ret.g + temp.color.g* powRV*inter.colorInfo.finish_specular;
         ret.b = ret.b + temp.color.b * powRV*inter.colorInfo.finish_specular;
         ret.r+= inter.colorInfo.pigment.r * temp.color.r * nlDot*inter.colorInfo.finish_diffuse;
         ret.g += inter.colorInfo.pigment.g * temp.color.g * nlDot*inter.colorInfo.finish_diffuse;
         ret.b+= inter.colorInfo.pigment.b * temp.color.b * nlDot*inter.colorInfo.finish_diffuse;
         ret = limitColor( ret );
   //1.5 not 1 to increase the directlight which will be balanced in Util/tga.cpp during gamma correction
   float mod = 1;//.2 - finish_reflection - pigment_f*finish_refraction;
   ret.r = ret.r * mod;
   ret.g = ret.g * mod;
   ret.b = ret.b * mod;
   return ret;