Example #1
static int
stomp_check_for_frame(stomp_connection *connection)
  struct pollfd pfd;

  pfd.fd = connection->socket;
  pfd.events = POLLIN | POLLPRI;

  poll(&pfd, 1, 0);
  if (pfd.revents & ( POLLIN | POLLPRI))
      stomp_frame frame;

      if (!stomp_receive_frame(connection, &frame))
          return FALSE;
      if (!strcmp(frame.command, "ERROR"))
          msg_error("ERROR frame received from stomp_server", NULL);
          return FALSE;

      /* According to stomp protocol, here only ERROR or RECEIPT
         frames can come, so we missed a RECEIPT frame here, our
         bad. */
      return TRUE;

  return TRUE;
Example #2
static gboolean
afstomp_dd_connect(STOMPDestDriver *self, gboolean reconnect)
  stomp_frame frame;

  if (reconnect && self->conn)
    return TRUE;

  if (!afstomp_try_connect(self))
    return FALSE;

  afstomp_create_connect_frame(self, &frame);
  if (!afstomp_send_frame(self, &frame))
      msg_error("Sending CONNECT frame to STOMP server failed!", NULL);
      return FALSE;

  stomp_receive_frame(self->conn, &frame);
  if (strcmp(frame.command, "CONNECTED"))
      msg_debug("Error connecting to STOMP server, stomp server did not accept CONNECT request", NULL);

      return FALSE;
  msg_debug("Connecting to STOMP succeeded",
            evt_tag_str("driver", self->super.super.super.id),


  return TRUE;
Example #3
static gboolean
afstomp_worker_publish(STOMPDestDriver *self, LogMessage *msg)
  gboolean success = TRUE;
  SBGString *body = NULL;
  stomp_frame frame;
  stomp_frame recv_frame;
  gchar seq_num[16];

  if (!self->conn)
      msg_error("STOMP server is not connected, not sending message!", NULL);
      return FALSE;

  body = sb_gstring_acquire();
  stomp_frame_init(&frame, "SEND", sizeof("SEND"));

  if (self->persistent)
    stomp_frame_add_header(&frame, "persistent", "true");

  stomp_frame_add_header(&frame, "destination", self->destination);
  if (self->ack_needed)
      g_snprintf(seq_num, sizeof(seq_num), "%i", self->super.seq_num);
      stomp_frame_add_header(&frame, "receipt", seq_num);

  value_pairs_foreach(self->vp, afstomp_vp_foreach, msg,
                      self->super.seq_num, LTZ_SEND,
                      &self->template_options, &frame);

  afstomp_set_frame_body(self, body, &frame, msg);

  if (!afstomp_send_frame(self, &frame))
      msg_error("Error while inserting into STOMP server", NULL);
      success = FALSE;

  if (success && self->ack_needed)
    success = stomp_receive_frame(self->conn, &recv_frame);


  return success;