Example #1
void PLAYER::snap(int snapping_client)
	str_to_ints(&client_info->name0, 6, server_clientname(client_id));
	str_to_ints(&client_info->skin0, 6, skin_name);
	client_info->use_custom_color = use_custom_color;
	client_info->color_body = color_body;
	client_info->color_feet = color_feet;


	info->latency = latency.min;
	info->latency_flux = latency.max-latency.min;
	info->local = 0;
	info->cid = client_id;
	info->score = score;
	info->team = team;

	if(client_id == snapping_client)
		info->local = 1;	

	if((config.sv_rainbow) || (config.sv_rainbow_admin && authed && rb==true))
		game.players[client_id]->use_custom_color = true;
		client_info->color_body = rbc;
		client_info->color_feet = rbc;
Example #2
void PLAYER::snap(int snapping_client)
	str_to_ints(&client_info->name0, 6, server_clientname(client_id));
	str_to_ints(&client_info->skin0, 6, skin_name);
	client_info->use_custom_color = use_custom_color;
	client_info->color_body = color_body;
	client_info->color_feet = color_feet;


	info->latency = latency.min;
	info->latency_flux = latency.max-latency.min;
	info->local = 0;
	info->cid = client_id;
	info->score = score;

	if(client_id == snapping_client)
		info->local = 1;	
Example #3
// This is a function that checks out a file from the server
// - RETURNS 0 in case of success, 1 otherwise
int checkout_file(SSL* ssl, BIO *sslbio, char *buffer) {

   FILE* file;            // pointer to the file to be received
   int ret;
   int length;

    // Sending the client name
   // BIO_write(sslbio, CLIENT_NAME, strlen(CLIENT_NAME));

    // Receive number of options
    length = BIO_read(sslbio, buffer, BUF_SIZE);
    if(length <= 0)
        strcpy(buffer, "No message");
        length = strlen(buffer);
    buffer[length] = '\0';
    printf("\nSelect file number to check out file.\n");
    printf("You have %s option(s):\n", buffer); 
    int opns = atoi(buffer);
    if ( opns < 1 ) {
        //No files to choose from.
        printf("You have ZERO files stored at server...\n");
	printf("Unable to check-out file: Choose a different option.\n");

    // If files are present, receive file options
    printf("\nFILE UID | FILE NAME | FILE OWNER\n");
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < opns; i++) {
        length = BIO_read(sslbio, buffer, BUF_SIZE);
        if(length <= 0)
            strcpy(buffer, "No message");
            length = strlen(buffer);
        buffer[length] = '\0';
        printf("%s\n", buffer); 

    // Receive deliminated list of option numbers
    length = BIO_read(sslbio, buffer, BUF_SIZE);
    if(length <= 0)
        strcpy(buffer, "No message");
        length = strlen(buffer);
    buffer[length] = '\0';

    // Tokenize options
    int options[opns];
    int numtokens = str_to_ints(buffer, options);
    // Select Option, i.e., file UID choice
    int filechoice =  getintchoice("Select FILE UID to checkout", options, opns);
    length = floor(log10(abs(filechoice))) + 1;
    char sfile[length];
    sprintf(sfile, "%d", filechoice);

    // Send File UID to Server
    BIO_write(sslbio, sfile, length);

    // Get file name from Server
    length = BIO_read(sslbio, buffer, BUF_SIZE);
    if(length <= 0)
        strcpy(buffer, "No message");
        length = strlen(buffer);
    buffer[length] = '\0';
    printf("Saving file '%s' to local disk.\n", buffer);

    // Open file
    file = fopen(buffer, "w+");
    if(file == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "File not found: '%s'\n", buffer);
      return 1;

    // Get file data from Server
    length = BIO_read(sslbio, buffer, BUF_SIZE);
    if(length <= 0)
        strcpy(buffer, "No message");
        length = strlen(buffer);
    buffer[length] = '\0';
    printf("Plain text received:\n%s\n",buffer);

    // Writing to file
    fwrite(buffer, length, 1, file);
    // Close file.
    printf("File Saved.\n");

    // Send confirmation to server
    char message[] = "File Saved.";
    BIO_write(sslbio, message, strlen(message));

    // Receive confirmation from server
    length = BIO_read(sslbio, buffer, BUF_SIZE);
    if(length <= 0)
        strcpy(buffer, "No message");
        length = strlen(buffer);
    buffer[length] = '\0';
    printf("File Successfully Checked Out: %s\n",buffer);

    return 0;
Example #4
// This is a function that checks in a file to the server
int checkin_file(SSL* ssl, BIO *sslbio, char *buffer) {
    char choice;
    int ret,length;    
    char filename[BUF_SIZE];

    choice = getchoice("Please select an action", cimenu);
    printf("You have chosen: %c\n", choice);
    if (choice == 'a')
	printf("Check-in By filename (NO File UID)\n");
	choiceProcess (sslbio, buffer, choice);

	getInput(filename, "Enter the filename \n (e.g., 'testfile.txt')", 32);

   	/* Sending the file name */
   	BIO_write(sslbio, filename, strlen(filename));

	// Receive server status 
    	length = BIO_read(sslbio, buffer, BUF_SIZE);
    	if(length <= 0)
    	    strcpy(buffer, "No message");
    	    length = strlen(buffer);
    	buffer[length] = '\0';
	printf("BUffer: %s",buffer);
	if (buffer[0] == '0') {
	    printf("Server confirms file is not already stored; storing file now.\n");	
	} else {
	    printf("Similiar file found in database...\n");
	    choice = getchoice("Overwrite your old file?", ynmenu);
	    if ( choice == 'y' ) {
		char answer[] = "yes";
	     } else { 
	        char answer[] = "no";
		BIO_write(sslbio, answer, strlen(answer));

	// Send the file to the server
	ret = send_file(filename, sslbio);

        // Get Server confirmation
    	length = BIO_read(sslbio, buffer, BUF_SIZE);
    	if(length <= 0)
    	    strcpy(buffer, "No message");
    	    length = strlen(buffer);
    	buffer[length] = '\0';
        printf("Server confirmation: %s\n",buffer);

	char SecurityFlag[16];
	choice = getchoice("Select 'SecurityFlag' for this file",smenu);
	if (choice == 'a') {
	    strcpy(SecurityFlag, "CONFIDENTIALITY");
	} else if (choice == 'b') {
	    strcpy(SecurityFlag, "INTEGRITY");
	} else {
	    strcpy(SecurityFlag, "NONE");

	printf("SecurityFlag confirmed as '%s'\n",SecurityFlag);
	BIO_write(sslbio, SecurityFlag, strlen(SecurityFlag));

    else if (choice == 'b')
    	printf("Check-in By File UID\n");
        choiceProcess (sslbio, buffer, choice);
	// Receive the number of File UID options 
    	length = BIO_read(sslbio, buffer, BUF_SIZE);
    	if(length <= 0)
    	    strcpy(buffer, "No message");
    	    length = strlen(buffer);
    	buffer[length] = '\0';
    	printf("You have access to %s file(s) on the server that are\n", buffer);
	printf("available for you to check in by File UID.\n"); 
    	int opns = atoi(buffer);
    	if ( opns < 1 ) {
    	    //No files to choose from.
    	    printf("You have access to ZERO files stored at server...\n");
	    printf("Unable to check-in by File UID: Choose a different option.\n");
	    printf("Recommend check-in by filename instead to receive new UID from server.\n");

	// Receive deliminated list of option numbers
    	length = BIO_read(sslbio, buffer, BUF_SIZE);
    	if(length <= 0)
            strcpy(buffer, "No message");
            length = strlen(buffer);
    	buffer[length] = '\0';

    	// Tokenize options
    	int options[opns];
    	int numtokens = str_to_ints(buffer, options);
    	// Select Option, i.e., file UID choice
    	int filechoice =  getintchoice("Enter File UID you wish to check-in", options, opns);
    	length = floor(log10(abs(filechoice))) + 1;
    	char sfile[length];
    	sprintf(sfile, "%d", filechoice);

    	// Send File UID to Server
    	BIO_write(sslbio, sfile, length);

	// Receive File Name from Server
    	length = BIO_read(sslbio, buffer, BUF_SIZE);
    	if(length <= 0)
    	    strcpy(buffer, "No message");
    	    length = strlen(buffer);
    	buffer[length] = '\0';

	printf("Preparing to check-in File UID '%d', Filename '%s'\n",filechoice,buffer);
	printf("Has your filename changed since last upload? (Is it different than listed here?)\n");
	choice = getchoice("Please select an action", ynmenu);

	char filename[BUF_SIZE];

	if (choice == 'y') 
	    getInput(filename, "Enter the new filename \n (e.g., 'testfile.txt')", 32);
	else //File name hasn't changed 

	char SecurityFlag[16];
	choice = getchoice("Select 'SecurityFlag' for this file",smenu);
	if (choice == 'a') {
	    strcpy(SecurityFlag, "CONFIDENTIALITY");
	} else if (choice == 'b') {
	    strcpy(SecurityFlag, "INTEGRITY");
	} else {
	    strcpy(SecurityFlag, "NONE");

	printf("SecurityFlag confirmed as '%s'\n",SecurityFlag);
	BIO_write(sslbio, SecurityFlag, strlen(SecurityFlag));
	// Send the file to the server
	ret = send_file(filename, sslbio);

        // Get Server confirmation
    	length = BIO_read(sslbio, buffer, BUF_SIZE);
    	if(length <= 0)
    	    strcpy(buffer, "No message");
    	    length = strlen(buffer);
    	buffer[length] = '\0';
        printf("Server confirmation: %s\n",buffer);

    	printf("Terminate function will be executed\n");