Example #1
static void open_note_tab_continued(int id)
	int tf_x = 10;
	int tf_y = 45;
	int tf_width = notepad_win_x_len - 20;
	int tf_height = notepad_win_y_len - 80;
	int tab;

	note_list[id].window = tab_add (notepad_win, note_tabcollection_id, note_list[id].name, 0, 1, 0);
	widget_set_color (notepad_win, note_list[id].window, 0.77f, 0.57f, 0.39f);

	// input text field
	note_list[id].input = text_field_add_extended(note_list[id].window, note_widget_id++, NULL, tf_x, tf_y, tf_width, tf_height, TEXT_FIELD_BORDER|TEXT_FIELD_EDITABLE|TEXT_FIELD_CAN_GROW|TEXT_FIELD_SCROLLBAR, note_zoom, 0.77f, 0.57f, 0.39f, &note_list[id].text, 1, FILTER_ALL, 5, 5);

	// remove button
	note_list[id].button = button_add (note_list[id].window, NULL, button_remove_category, 20, 8);
	widget_set_OnClick(note_list[id].window, note_list[id].button, notepad_remove_category);
	widget_set_color(note_list[id].window, note_list[id].button, 0.77f, 0.57f, 0.39f);
	widget_set_OnMouseover(note_list[id].window, note_list[id].button, mouseover_remove_handler);

	set_window_handler (note_list[id].window, ELW_HANDLER_DESTROY, note_tab_destroy);

	tab = tab_collection_get_tab_nr (notepad_win, note_tabcollection_id, note_list[id].window);
	tab_collection_select_tab (notepad_win, note_tabcollection_id, tab);
static void
_add_tab_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
   App_Data *ad = data;
   elm_object_focus_set(ad->url, EINA_TRUE);
static Evas_Object *
_web_create_window_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool js, const Elm_Web_Window_Features *wf)
   App_Data *ad = data;
   Tab_Data *td;

   td = tab_add(ad);
   return td->web;
Example #4
void fill_notepad_window()
	int i, tmp;
	widget_list *wnew;
	widget_list *wsave;

	int note_tabs_width = notepad_win_x_len;
	int note_tabs_height = notepad_win_y_len - 5;

	note_button_scroll_height = note_tabs_height - 55 - 20; // -20 for the tab tags
	note_button_width = (note_tabs_width - note_button_scroll_width - note_button_x_space - 15) / 2;

	set_window_handler(notepad_win, ELW_HANDLER_DISPLAY, &display_notepad_handler);
	set_window_handler(notepad_win, ELW_HANDLER_CLICK, &click_buttonwin_handler);

	note_tabcollection_id = tab_collection_add (notepad_win, NULL, 0, 5, note_tabs_width, note_tabs_height, 20);
	widget_set_size (notepad_win, note_tabcollection_id, 0.7);
	widget_set_color (notepad_win, note_tabcollection_id, 0.77f, 0.57f, 0.39f);
	main_note_tab_id = tab_add (notepad_win, note_tabcollection_id, tab_main, 0, 0, 0);
	widget_set_color (notepad_win, main_note_tab_id, 0.77f, 0.57f, 0.39f);
	set_window_handler(main_note_tab_id, ELW_HANDLER_CLICK, &click_buttonwin_handler);

	// Add Category
	new_note_button_id = button_add(main_note_tab_id, NULL, button_new_category, 0, 0);
	widget_set_OnClick(main_note_tab_id, new_note_button_id, notepad_add_category);
	widget_set_color(main_note_tab_id, new_note_button_id, 0.77f, 0.57f, 0.39f);

	// Save Notes
	save_notes_button_id = button_add(main_note_tab_id, NULL, button_save_notes, 0, 0);
	widget_set_OnClick(main_note_tab_id, save_notes_button_id, click_save_handler);
	widget_set_color(main_note_tab_id, save_notes_button_id, 0.77f, 0.57f, 0.39f);

	// align the buttons
	wnew = widget_find(main_note_tab_id, new_note_button_id);
	wsave = widget_find(main_note_tab_id, save_notes_button_id);
	tmp = (notepad_win_x_len - note_button_scroll_width)/2;
	widget_move(main_note_tab_id, new_note_button_id, (tmp - wnew->len_x)/2, 10);
	widget_move(main_note_tab_id, save_notes_button_id, tmp + (tmp - wsave->len_x)/2, 10);

	notepad_load_file ();

	init_ipu (&popup_str, main_note_tab_id, NOTE_NAME_LEN*DEFAULT_FONT_X_LEN, 100, NOTE_NAME_LEN, 1, NULL, notepad_add_continued);
	popup_str.x = (notepad_win_x_len - popup_str.popup_x_len) / 2;
	popup_str.y = (notepad_win_y_len - popup_str.popup_y_len) / 2;

	note_button_scroll_id = vscrollbar_add (main_note_tab_id, NULL, note_tabs_width - note_button_scroll_width - 5, 50, note_button_scroll_width, note_button_scroll_height);
	widget_set_OnClick (main_note_tab_id, note_button_scroll_id, note_button_scroll_handler);
	widget_set_OnDrag (main_note_tab_id, note_button_scroll_id, note_button_scroll_handler);

	// Add the note selection buttons and their scroll bar
	for(i = 0; i < nr_notes; i++)
		note_button_add (i, i);

	update_note_button_scrollbar (0);
static void
_url_activated_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
   App_Data *ad = data;
   Tab_Data *td;
   const char *uri = eina_stringshare_ref(elm_object_text_get(obj));

   if (!ad->current_tab)
     td = tab_add(ad);
     td = ad->current_tab;
   tab_uri_set(td, uri);
static void
populate_options_real (PpOptionsDialog *dialog)
  GtkTreeSelection *selection;
  GtkTreeModel     *model;
  GtkTreeView      *treeview;
  GtkTreeIter       iter;
  ppd_file_t       *ppd_file;
  GtkWidget        *notebook;
  GtkWidget        *grid;
  GtkWidget        *general_tab_grid = tab_grid_new ();
  GtkWidget        *page_setup_tab_grid = tab_grid_new ();
  GtkWidget        *installable_options_tab_grid = tab_grid_new ();
  GtkWidget        *job_tab_grid = tab_grid_new ();
  GtkWidget        *image_quality_tab_grid = tab_grid_new ();
  GtkWidget        *color_tab_grid = tab_grid_new ();
  GtkWidget        *finishing_tab_grid = tab_grid_new ();
  GtkWidget        *advanced_tab_grid = tab_grid_new ();
  GtkWidget        *widget;
  gint              i, j;

  widget = (GtkWidget*)
    gtk_builder_get_object (dialog->builder, "options-spinner");
  gtk_widget_hide (widget);
  gtk_spinner_stop (GTK_SPINNER (widget));

  widget = (GtkWidget*)
    gtk_builder_get_object (dialog->builder, "progress-label");
  gtk_widget_hide (widget);

  treeview = (GtkTreeView *)
    gtk_builder_get_object (dialog->builder, "options-categories-treeview");

  notebook = (GtkWidget *)
    gtk_builder_get_object (dialog->builder, "options-notebook");

  if (dialog->ipp_attributes)
      /* Add number-up option to Page Setup tab */
      ipp_option_add (g_hash_table_lookup (dialog->ipp_attributes,
                      g_hash_table_lookup (dialog->ipp_attributes,
                      /* Translators: This option sets number of pages printed on one sheet */
                      _("Pages per side"),

      /* Add sides option to Page Setup tab */
      ipp_option_add (g_hash_table_lookup (dialog->ipp_attributes,
                      g_hash_table_lookup (dialog->ipp_attributes,
                      /* Translators: This option sets whether to print on both sides of paper */

      /* Add orientation-requested option to Page Setup tab */
      ipp_option_add (g_hash_table_lookup (dialog->ipp_attributes,
                      g_hash_table_lookup (dialog->ipp_attributes,
                      /* Translators: This option sets orientation of print (portrait, landscape...) */

  if (dialog->destination && dialog->ppd_filename)
      ppd_file = ppdOpenFile (dialog->ppd_filename);
      ppdLocalize (ppd_file);

      if (ppd_file)
          ppdMarkDefaults (ppd_file);
          cupsMarkOptions (ppd_file,

          for (i = 0; i < ppd_file->num_groups; i++)
              for (j = 0; j < ppd_file->groups[i].num_options; j++)
                  grid = NULL;

                  if (STRING_IN_TABLE (ppd_file->groups[i].name,
                    grid = color_tab_grid;
                  else if (STRING_IN_TABLE (ppd_file->groups[i].name,
                    grid = image_quality_tab_grid;
                  else if (STRING_IN_TABLE (ppd_file->groups[i].name,
                    grid = job_tab_grid;
                  else if (STRING_IN_TABLE (ppd_file->groups[i].name,
                    grid = finishing_tab_grid;
                  else if (STRING_IN_TABLE (ppd_file->groups[i].name,
                    grid = installable_options_tab_grid;
                  else if (STRING_IN_TABLE (ppd_file->groups[i].name,
                    grid = page_setup_tab_grid;

                  if (!STRING_IN_TABLE (ppd_file->groups[i].options[j].keyword,
                      if (!grid && STRING_IN_TABLE (ppd_file->groups[i].options[j].keyword,
                        grid = color_tab_grid;
                      else if (!grid && STRING_IN_TABLE (ppd_file->groups[i].options[j].keyword,
                        grid = image_quality_tab_grid;
                      else if (!grid && STRING_IN_TABLE (ppd_file->groups[i].options[j].keyword,
                        grid = finishing_tab_grid;
                      else if (!grid && STRING_IN_TABLE (ppd_file->groups[i].options[j].keyword,
                        grid = page_setup_tab_grid;

                      if (!grid)
                        grid = advanced_tab_grid;

                      ppd_option_add (ppd_file->groups[i].options[j],

          ppdClose (ppd_file);

  dialog->ppd_filename_set = FALSE;
  if (dialog->ppd_filename)
      g_unlink (dialog->ppd_filename);
      g_free (dialog->ppd_filename);
      dialog->ppd_filename = NULL;

  dialog->destination_set = FALSE;
  if (dialog->destination)
      cupsFreeDests (1, dialog->destination);
      dialog->destination = NULL;

  dialog->ipp_attributes_set = FALSE;
  if (dialog->ipp_attributes)
      g_hash_table_unref (dialog->ipp_attributes);
      dialog->ipp_attributes = NULL;

  /* Translators: "General" tab contains general printer options */
  tab_add (C_("Printer Option Group", "General"), notebook, treeview, general_tab_grid);

  /* Translators: "Page Setup" tab contains settings related to pages (page size, paper source, etc.) */
  tab_add (C_("Printer Option Group", "Page Setup"), notebook, treeview, page_setup_tab_grid);

  /* Translators: "Installable Options" tab contains settings of presence of installed options (amount of RAM, duplex unit, etc.) */
  tab_add (C_("Printer Option Group", "Installable Options"), notebook, treeview, installable_options_tab_grid);

  /* Translators: "Job" tab contains settings for jobs */
  tab_add (C_("Printer Option Group", "Job"), notebook, treeview, job_tab_grid);

  /* Translators: "Image Quality" tab contains settings for quality of output print (e.g. resolution) */
  tab_add (C_("Printer Option Group", "Image Quality"), notebook, treeview, image_quality_tab_grid);

  /* Translators: "Color" tab contains color settings (e.g. color printing) */
  tab_add (C_("Printer Option Group", "Color"), notebook, treeview, color_tab_grid);

  /* Translators: "Finishing" tab contains finishing settings (e.g. booklet printing) */
  tab_add (C_("Printer Option Group", "Finishing"), notebook, treeview, finishing_tab_grid);

  /* Translators: "Advanced" tab contains all others settings */
  tab_add (C_("Printer Option Group", "Advanced"), notebook, treeview, advanced_tab_grid);

  gtk_widget_show_all (GTK_WIDGET (notebook));

  /* Select the first option group */
  if ((selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (treeview)) != NULL)
      g_signal_connect (selection,
                        G_CALLBACK (category_selection_changed_cb), dialog);

      if ((model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (treeview)) != NULL &&
          gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (model, &iter))
        gtk_tree_selection_select_iter (selection, &iter);

  dialog->populating_dialog = FALSE;
  if (dialog->response != GTK_RESPONSE_NONE)
      dialog->user_callback (GTK_DIALOG (dialog->dialog), dialog->response, dialog->user_data);