Example #1
VMINT vm_tls_shutdown(VMINT res_id)
    kal_int32 ret;
    vm_tls_context_t * ctx_p = NULL;

    ctx_p = vm_tls_get_ctx_by_res(res_id);
    if (NULL == ctx_p)
        return VM_TLS_RET_BASE -2;

    ret = tls_shutdown(ctx_p->soc_id);
    if (TLS_ERR_NONE != ret)
        MMI_TRACE(TRACE_GROUP_8, TRC_MRE_SSL_E2, 5, ret);
        return ret;

    return ret;
Example #2
 * perform one-way shutdown, do not wait fro notify from the remote peer
tls_close(struct tcp_connection *c, int fd)
	* runs within global tcp lock
	LM_DBG("closing TLS connection\n");
	tls_update_fd(c, fd);
Example #3
/** perform one-way shutdown, do not wait for notify from the remote peer.
void tls_h_close(struct tcp_connection *c, int fd)
	unsigned char wr_buf[TLS_WR_MBUF_SZ];
	struct tls_mbuf rd, wr;
	 * runs either within global tcp lock or after the connection has
	 * been "detached" and is unreachable from any other process.
	 * Unfortunately when called via
	 * tcpconn_put_destroy()+tcpconn_close_main_fd() the connection might
	 * still be in a writer, so in this case locking is needed.
	DBG("Closing SSL connection %p\n", c->extra_data);
	if (unlikely(cfg_get(tls, tls_cfg, send_close_notify) && c->extra_data)) {
			if (unlikely(c->extra_data == 0)) {
				/* changed in the meanwhile */
			tls_mbuf_init(&rd, 0, 0); /* no read */
			tls_mbuf_init(&wr, wr_buf, sizeof(wr_buf));
			if (tls_set_mbufs(c, &rd, &wr)==0) {
				tls_shutdown(c); /* shudown only on succesfull set fd */
				/* write as much as possible and update wr.
				 * Since this is a close, we don't want to queue the write
				 * (if it can't write immediately, just fail silently)
				if (wr.used)
					_tcpconn_write_nb(fd, c, (char*)wr.buf, wr.used);
				/* we don't bother reading anything (we don't want to wait
				on close) */
Example #4
/** Shutdown the Strophe library.
 *  @ingroup Init
void xmpp_shutdown(void)
Example #5
 * Simple command-line HTTP client.
int main( int argc, char *argv[ ] )
  int client_connection;
  char *host, *path;
  char *proxy_host, *proxy_user, *proxy_password;
  int proxy_port;
  struct hostent *host_name;
  struct sockaddr_in host_address;
  int port = HTTPS_PORT;
  int ind;
  int master_secret_length;
  unsigned char *master_secret;
  int session_id_length;
  unsigned char *session_id;
#ifdef WIN32
  WSADATA wsaData;

  TLSParameters tls_context;

  if ( argc < 2 )
    fprintf( stderr, 
      "Usage: %s: [-p http://[username:password@]proxy-host:proxy-port] <URL>\n", 
      argv[ 0 ] );
    return 1;

  proxy_host = proxy_user = proxy_password = host = path = session_id = master_secret = NULL;
  session_id_length = master_secret_length = 0;

  for ( ind = 1; ind < ( argc - 1 ); ind++ )
    if ( !strcmp( "-p", argv[ ind ] ) )
      if ( !parse_proxy_param( argv[ ++ind ], &proxy_host, &proxy_port,
                               &proxy_user, &proxy_password ) )
        fprintf( stderr, "Error - malformed proxy parameter '%s'.\n", argv[ 2 ] );
        return 2;
    else if ( !strcmp( "-s", argv[ ind ] ) )
      session_id_length = hex_decode( argv[ ++ind ], &session_id );
    else if ( !strcmp( "-m", argv[ ind ] ) )
      master_secret_length = hex_decode( argv[ ++ind ], &master_secret );

  if ( ( ( master_secret_length > 0 ) && ( session_id_length == 0 ) ) ||
       ( ( master_secret_length == 0 ) && ( session_id_length > 0 ) ) )
    fprintf( stderr, "session id and master secret must both be provided.\n" );
    return 3;

  if ( parse_url( argv[ ind ], &host, &path ) == -1 )
    fprintf( stderr, "Error - malformed URL '%s'.\n", argv[ 1 ] );
    return 1;

  printf( "Connecting to host '%s'\n", host );
  // Step 1: open a socket connection on http port with the destination host.
#ifdef WIN32
  if ( WSAStartup( MAKEWORD( 2, 2 ), &wsaData ) != NO_ERROR )
    fprintf( stderr, "Error, unable to initialize winsock.\n" );
    return 2;

  client_connection = socket( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );

  if ( !client_connection )
    perror( "Unable to create local socket" );
    return 2;

  if ( proxy_host )
    printf( "Connecting to host '%s'\n", proxy_host );
    host_name = gethostbyname( proxy_host );
    host_name = gethostbyname( host );

  if ( !host_name )
    perror( "Error in name resolution" );
    return 3;

  host_address.sin_family = AF_INET;
  host_address.sin_port = htons( proxy_host ? proxy_port : HTTPS_PORT  );
  memcpy( &host_address.sin_addr, host_name->h_addr_list[ 0 ], 
          sizeof( struct in_addr ) );

  if ( connect( client_connection, ( struct sockaddr * ) &host_address, 
       sizeof( host_address ) ) == -1 )
    perror( "Unable to connect to host" );
    return 4;

  printf( "Connection complete; negotiating TLS parameters\n" );

  if ( proxy_host )
    if ( !http_connect( client_connection, host, port, proxy_user, 
                        proxy_password ) )
      perror( "Unable to establish proxy tunnel" );
      if ( close( client_connection ) == -1 )
        perror( "Error closing client connection" );
        return 2;
      return 3;

  if ( session_id != NULL )
    if ( tls_resume( client_connection, session_id_length,
         session_id, master_secret, &tls_context ) )
      fprintf( stderr, "Error: unable to negotiate SSL connection.\n" );
      if ( close( client_connection ) == -1 )
        perror( "Error closing client connection" );
        return 2;
      return 3;
    if ( tls_connect( client_connection, &tls_context, 0 ) )
      fprintf( stderr, "Error: unable to negotiate TLS connection.\n" );
      return 3;

  printf( "Retrieving document: '%s'\n", path );
  http_get( client_connection, path, host, &tls_context );

  display_result( client_connection, &tls_context );

  tls_shutdown( client_connection, &tls_context );

  printf( "Session ID was: " );
  show_hex( tls_context.session_id, tls_context.session_id_length );
  printf( "Master secret was: " );
  show_hex( tls_context.master_secret, MASTER_SECRET_LENGTH );

  printf( "Shutting down.\n" );

#ifdef WIN32
  if ( closesocket( client_connection ) == -1 )
  if ( close( client_connection ) == -1 )
    perror( "Error closing client connection" );
    return 5;

  if ( session_id != NULL )
    free( session_id );
  if ( master_secret != NULL )
    free( master_secret );

#ifdef WIN32

  return 0;