Example #1
void RenderRubyBase::moveBlockChildren(RenderRubyBase* toBase, RenderObject* beforeChild)
    ASSERT_ARG(toBase, toBase);

    if (!firstChild())

    if (toBase->childrenInline())

    // If an anonymous block would be put next to another such block, then merge those.
    RenderObject* firstChildHere = firstChild();
    RenderObject* lastChildThere = toBase->lastChild();
    if (firstChildHere->isAnonymousBlock() && firstChildHere->childrenInline() 
            && lastChildThere && lastChildThere->isAnonymousBlock() && lastChildThere->childrenInline()) {            
        RenderBlock* anonBlockHere = toRenderBlock(firstChildHere);
        RenderBlock* anonBlockThere = toRenderBlock(lastChildThere);
        anonBlockHere->moveAllChildrenTo(anonBlockThere, true);
    // Move all remaining children normally.
    moveChildrenTo(toBase, firstChild(), beforeChild);
void RenderRubyBase::mergeBlockChildren(RenderRubyBase* toBase, RenderObject* fromBeforeChild)
    // This function removes all children that are before fromBeforeChild and appends them to toBase.

    // Quick check whether we have anything to do, to simplify the following code.
    if (fromBeforeChild != firstChild())

    // If an anonymous block would be put next to another such block, then merge those.
    RenderObject* firstChildHere = firstChild();
    RenderObject* lastChildThere = toBase->lastChild();
    if (firstChildHere && firstChildHere->isAnonymousBlock() && firstChildHere->childrenInline() 
            && lastChildThere && lastChildThere->isAnonymousBlock() && lastChildThere->childrenInline()) {            
        RenderBlock* anonBlockHere = toRenderBlock(firstChildHere);
        RenderBlock* anonBlockThere = toRenderBlock(lastChildThere);
        anonBlockHere->moveAllChildrenTo(anonBlockThere, anonBlockThere->children());
    // Move all remaining children normally.
    moveChildrenTo(toBase, firstChild(), fromBeforeChild);
Example #3
static inline bool isRubyAfterBlock(const RenderObject* object)
    return isAnonymousRubyInlineBlock(object)
        && !object->nextSibling()
        && toRenderBlock(object)->firstChild()
        && toRenderBlock(object)->firstChild()->style()->styleType() == AFTER;
Example #4
static inline bool isRubyBeforeBlock(const RenderObject* object)
    return isAnonymousRubyInlineBlock(object)
        && !object->previousSibling()
        && toRenderBlock(object)->firstChild()
        && toRenderBlock(object)->firstChild()->style()->styleType() == BEFORE;
void RenderRubyBase::moveBlockChildren(RenderRubyBase* toBase, RenderObject* fromBeforeChild)
    if (toBase->childrenInline()) {
        // First check whether we move only wrapped inline objects.
        if (hasOnlyWrappedInlineChildren(fromBeforeChild)) {
            // The reason why the base is in block flow must be after beforeChild.
            // We therefore can extract the inline objects and move them to toBase.
            for (RenderObject* child = firstChild(); child != fromBeforeChild; child = firstChild()) {
                if (child->isAnonymousBlock()) {
                    RenderBlock* anonBlock = toRenderBlock(child);
                    anonBlock->moveAllChildrenTo(toBase, toBase->children());
                } else {
                    moveChildTo(toBase, child);
        } else {
            // Moving block children -> have to set toBase as block flow
            // Move children, potentially collapsing anonymous block wrappers.
            mergeBlockChildren(toBase, fromBeforeChild);

            // Now we need to check if the leftover children are all inline.
            // If so, make this base inline again.
            if (hasOnlyWrappedInlineChildren()) {
                RenderObject* next = 0;
                for (RenderObject* child = firstChild(); child; child = next) {
                    next = child->nextSibling();
                    if (child->isFloatingOrPositioned())

                    RenderBlock* anonBlock = toRenderBlock(child);
                    // Move inline children out of anonymous block.
                    anonBlock->moveAllChildrenTo(this, anonBlock);
    } else
        mergeBlockChildren(toBase, fromBeforeChild);
void RenderBoxModelObject::mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(MapCoordinatesFlags mode, TransformState& transformState) const
    RenderObject* o = container();
    if (!o)

    if (o->isRenderFlowThread())

    o->mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(mode, transformState);

    LayoutSize containerOffset = offsetFromContainer(o, LayoutPoint());

    if (!style()->hasOutOfFlowPosition() && o->hasColumns()) {
        RenderBlock* block = toRenderBlock(o);
        LayoutPoint point(roundedLayoutPoint(transformState.mappedPoint()));
        point -= containerOffset;
        block->adjustForColumnRect(containerOffset, point);

    bool preserve3D = mode & UseTransforms && (o->style()->preserves3D() || style()->preserves3D());
    if (mode & UseTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(o)) {
        TransformationMatrix t;
        getTransformFromContainer(o, containerOffset, t);
        transformState.applyTransform(t, preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform);
    } else
        transformState.move(containerOffset.width(), containerOffset.height(), preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform);
static inline InlineFlowBox* flowBoxForRenderer(RenderObject* renderer)
    if (!renderer)
        return 0;

    if (renderer->isRenderBlock()) {
        // If we're given a block element, it has to be a RenderSVGText.
        RenderBlock* renderBlock = toRenderBlock(renderer);

        // RenderSVGText only ever contains a single line box.
        InlineFlowBox* flowBox = renderBlock->firstLineBox();
        ASSERT(flowBox == renderBlock->lastLineBox());
        return flowBox;

    if (renderer->isRenderInline()) {
        // We're given a RenderSVGInline or objects that derive from it (RenderSVGTSpan / RenderSVGTextPath)
        RenderInline* renderInline = toRenderInline(renderer);

        // RenderSVGInline only ever contains a single line box.
        InlineFlowBox* flowBox = renderInline->firstLineBox();
        ASSERT(flowBox == renderInline->lastLineBox());
        return flowBox;

    return 0;
Example #8
void RenderRubyBase::moveInlineChildren(RenderRubyBase* toBase, RenderObject* beforeChild)
    ASSERT_ARG(toBase, toBase);

    if (!firstChild())

    RenderBlock* toBlock;
    if (toBase->childrenInline()) {
        // The standard and easy case: move the children into the target base
        toBlock = toBase;
    } else {
        // We need to wrap the inline objects into an anonymous block.
        // If toBase has a suitable block, we re-use it, otherwise create a new one.
        RenderObject* lastChild = toBase->lastChild();
        if (lastChild && lastChild->isAnonymousBlock() && lastChild->childrenInline())
            toBlock = toRenderBlock(lastChild);
        else {
            toBlock = toBase->createAnonymousBlock();
            toBase->insertChildInternal(toBlock, nullptr, NotifyChildren);
    // Move our inline children into the target block we determined above.
    moveChildrenTo(toBlock, firstChild(), beforeChild);
Example #9
VisiblePosition RenderRegion::positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint& point)
    if (!isValid() || !m_flowThread->firstChild()) // checking for empty region blocks.
        return RenderBlock::positionForPoint(point);

    return toRenderBlock(m_flowThread->firstChild())->positionForPoint(mapRegionPointIntoFlowThreadCoordinates(point));
Example #10
RenderBlock* RenderTextFragment::blockForAccompanyingFirstLetter() const
    if (!m_firstLetter)
        return 0;
    for (RenderObject* block = m_firstLetter->parent(); block; block = block->parent()) {
        if (block->style()->hasPseudoStyle(FIRST_LETTER) && block->canHaveChildren() && block->isRenderBlock())
            return toRenderBlock(block);
    return 0;
Example #11
void RenderFullScreen::unwrapRenderer(bool& requiresRenderTreeRebuild)
    requiresRenderTreeRebuild = false;
    if (parent()) {
        auto* child = firstChild();
        // Things can get very complicated with anonymous block generation.
        // We can restore correctly without rebuild in simple cases only.
        // FIXME: We should have a mechanism for removing a block without reconstructing the tree.
        if (child != lastChild())
            requiresRenderTreeRebuild = true;
        else if (child && child->isAnonymousBlock()) {
            auto& anonymousBlock = toRenderBlock(*child);
            if (anonymousBlock.firstChild() != anonymousBlock.lastChild())
                requiresRenderTreeRebuild = true;

        while ((child = firstChild())) {
            if (child->isAnonymousBlock() && !requiresRenderTreeRebuild) {
                if (auto* nonAnonymousChild = toRenderBlock(*child).firstChild())
                    child = nonAnonymousChild;
                else {
            // We have to clear the override size, because as a flexbox, we
            // may have set one on the child, and we don't want to leave that
            // lying around on the child.
            if (child->isBox())
            parent()->addChild(child, this);
    if (placeholder())
Example #12
RenderBlock* CaretBase::caretRenderer(Node* node)
    if (!node)
        return 0;

    RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer();
    if (!renderer)
        return 0;

    // if caretNode is a block and caret is inside it then caret should be painted by that block
    bool paintedByBlock = renderer->isRenderBlock() && caretRendersInsideNode(node);
    return paintedByBlock ? toRenderBlock(renderer) : renderer->containingBlock();
static LayoutSize accumulateInFlowPositionOffsets(const RenderObject* child)
    if (!child->isAnonymousBlock() || !child->isRelPositioned())
        return LayoutSize();
    LayoutSize offset;
    RenderObject* p = toRenderBlock(child)->inlineElementContinuation();
    while (p && p->isRenderInline()) {
        if (p->isRelPositioned()) {
            RenderInline* renderInline = toRenderInline(p);
            offset += renderInline->offsetForInFlowPosition();
        p = p->parent();
    return offset;
void RenderBoxModelObject::moveChildTo(RenderBoxModelObject* toBoxModelObject, RenderObject* child, RenderObject* beforeChild, bool fullRemoveInsert)
    // We assume that callers have cleared their positioned objects list for child moves (!fullRemoveInsert) so the
    // positioned renderer maps don't become stale. It would be too slow to do the map lookup on each call.
    ASSERT(!fullRemoveInsert || !isRenderBlock() || !toRenderBlock(this)->hasPositionedObjects());

    ASSERT(this == child->parent());
    ASSERT(!beforeChild || toBoxModelObject == beforeChild->parent());
    if (fullRemoveInsert && (toBoxModelObject->isRenderBlock() || toBoxModelObject->isRenderInline())) {
        // Takes care of adding the new child correctly if toBlock and fromBlock
        // have different kind of children (block vs inline).
        toBoxModelObject->addChild(virtualChildren()->removeChildNode(this, child), beforeChild);
    } else
        toBoxModelObject->virtualChildren()->insertChildNode(toBoxModelObject, virtualChildren()->removeChildNode(this, child, fullRemoveInsert), beforeChild, fullRemoveInsert);
Example #15
void RenderTextControl::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle* oldStyle)
    RenderBlock::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle);
    Element* innerText = innerTextElement();
    if (!innerText)
    RenderBlock* innerTextRenderer = toRenderBlock(innerText->renderer());
    if (innerTextRenderer) {
        // We may have set the width and the height in the old style in layout().
        // Reset them now to avoid getting a spurious layout hint.
Example #16
InlineBox* EllipsisBox::markupBox() const
    if (!m_shouldPaintMarkupBox || !renderer().isRenderBlock())
        return 0;

    RenderBlock& block = toRenderBlock(renderer());
    RootInlineBox* lastLine = block.lineAtIndex(block.lineCount() - 1);
    if (!lastLine)
        return 0;

    // If the last line-box on the last line of a block is a link, -webkit-line-clamp paints that box after the ellipsis.
    // It does not actually move the link.
    InlineBox* anchorBox = lastLine->lastChild();
    if (!anchorBox || !anchorBox->renderer().style()->isLink())
        return 0;

    return anchorBox;
String HTMLTextFormControlElement::valueWithHardLineBreaks() const
    // FIXME: It's not acceptable to ignore the HardWrap setting when there is no renderer.
    // While we have no evidence this has ever been a practical problem, it would be best to fix it some day.
    HTMLElement* innerText = innerTextElement();
    if (!innerText || !isTextFormControl())
        return value();

    RenderBlock* renderer = toRenderBlock(innerText->renderer());
    if (!renderer)
        return value();

    Node* breakNode;
    unsigned breakOffset;
    RootInlineBox* line = renderer->firstRootBox();
    if (!line)
        return value();

    getNextSoftBreak(line, breakNode, breakOffset);

    StringBuilder result;
    for (Node* node = innerText->firstChild(); node; node = NodeTraversal::next(node, innerText)) {
        if (node->hasTagName(brTag))
        else if (node->isTextNode()) {
            String data = toText(node)->data();
            unsigned length = data.length();
            unsigned position = 0;
            while (breakNode == node && breakOffset <= length) {
                if (breakOffset > position) {
                    result.append(data.characters() + position, breakOffset - position);
                    position = breakOffset;
                getNextSoftBreak(line, breakNode, breakOffset);
            result.append(data.characters() + position, length - position);
        while (breakNode == node)
            getNextSoftBreak(line, breakNode, breakOffset);
    return finishText(result);
void RenderBoxModelObject::moveChildrenTo(RenderBoxModelObject* toBoxModelObject, RenderObject* startChild, RenderObject* endChild, RenderObject* beforeChild, bool fullRemoveInsert)
    // This condition is rarely hit since this function is usually called on
    // anonymous blocks which can no longer carry positioned objects (see r120761)
    // or when fullRemoveInsert is false.
    if (fullRemoveInsert && isRenderBlock()) {
        RenderBlock* block = toRenderBlock(this);
        if (block->isRenderBlockFlow())

    ASSERT(!beforeChild || toBoxModelObject == beforeChild->parent());
    for (RenderObject* child = startChild; child && child != endChild; ) {
        // Save our next sibling as moveChildTo will clear it.
        RenderObject* nextSibling = child->nextSibling();
        moveChildTo(toBoxModelObject, child, beforeChild, fullRemoveInsert);
        child = nextSibling;
static inline SVGRootInlineBox* rootInlineBoxForTextContentElement(const SVGTextContentElement* element)
    RenderObject* object = element->renderer();
    if (!object || !object->isSVGText() || object->isText())
        return 0;

    RenderBlock* svgText = toRenderBlock(object);

    // Find root inline box
    SVGRootInlineBox* rootBox = static_cast<SVGRootInlineBox*>(svgText->firstRootBox());
    if (!rootBox) {
        // Layout is not sync yet!
        rootBox = static_cast<SVGRootInlineBox*>(svgText->firstRootBox());

    return rootBox;
void RenderRubyBase::moveInlineChildren(RenderRubyBase* toBase, RenderObject* fromBeforeChild)
    RenderBlock* toBlock;

    if (toBase->childrenInline()) {
        // The standard and easy case: move the children into the target base
        toBlock = toBase;
    } else {
        // We need to wrap the inline objects into an anonymous block.
        // If toBase has a suitable block, we re-use it, otherwise create a new one.
        RenderObject* lastChild = toBase->lastChild();
        if (lastChild && lastChild->isAnonymousBlock() && lastChild->childrenInline())
            toBlock = toRenderBlock(lastChild);
        else {
            toBlock = toBase->createAnonymousBlock();
            toBase->children()->appendChildNode(toBase, toBlock);
    // Move our inline children into the target block we determined above.
    moveChildrenTo(toBlock, firstChild(), fromBeforeChild);
Example #21
RenderBlock* RootInlineBox::block() const
    return toRenderBlock(renderer());
LayoutPoint RenderFlowThread::adjustedPositionRelativeToOffsetParent(const RenderBoxModelObject& boxModelObject, const LayoutPoint& startPoint)
    LayoutPoint referencePoint = startPoint;

    // FIXME: This needs to be adapted for different writing modes inside the flow thread.
    RenderMultiColumnSet* startColumnSet = columnSetAtBlockOffset(referencePoint.y());
    if (startColumnSet) {
        // Take into account the offset coordinates of the columnSet.
        RenderObject* currObject = startColumnSet;
        RenderObject* currOffsetParentRenderer;
        Element* currOffsetParentElement;
        while ((currOffsetParentElement = currObject->offsetParent()) && (currOffsetParentRenderer = currOffsetParentElement->renderer())) {
            if (currObject->isBoxModelObject())
                referencePoint.move(toRenderBoxModelObject(currObject)->offsetLeft(), toRenderBoxModelObject(currObject)->offsetTop());

            // Since we're looking for the offset relative to the body, we must also
            // take into consideration the borders of the columnSet's offsetParent.
            if (currOffsetParentRenderer->isBox() && !currOffsetParentRenderer->isBody())
                referencePoint.move(toRenderBox(currOffsetParentRenderer)->borderLeft(), toRenderBox(currOffsetParentRenderer)->borderTop());

            currObject = currOffsetParentRenderer;

        // We need to check if any of this box's containing blocks start in a different columnSet
        // and if so, drop the object's top position (which was computed relative to its containing block
        // and is no longer valid) and recompute it using the columnSet in which it flows as reference.
        bool wasComputedRelativeToOtherRegion = false;
        const RenderBlock* objContainingBlock = boxModelObject.containingBlock();
        while (objContainingBlock) {
            // Check if this object is in a different columnSet.
            RenderMultiColumnSet* parentStartRegion = 0;
            RenderMultiColumnSet* parentEndRegion = 0;
            getRegionRangeForBox(objContainingBlock, parentStartRegion, parentEndRegion);
            if (parentStartRegion && parentStartRegion != startColumnSet) {
                wasComputedRelativeToOtherRegion = true;
            objContainingBlock = objContainingBlock->containingBlock();

        if (wasComputedRelativeToOtherRegion) {
            // Get the logical top coordinate of the current object.
            LayoutUnit top = 0;
            if (boxModelObject.isRenderBlock()) {
                top = toRenderBlock(&boxModelObject)->offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage();
            } else {
                if (boxModelObject.containingBlock())
                    top = boxModelObject.containingBlock()->offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage();

                if (boxModelObject.isBox())
                    top += toRenderBox(&boxModelObject)->topLeftLocation().y();
                else if (boxModelObject.isRenderInline())
                    top -= toRenderInline(&boxModelObject)->borderTop();

            // Get the logical top of the columnSet this object starts in
            // and compute the object's top, relative to the columnSet's top.
            LayoutUnit regionLogicalTop = startColumnSet->pageLogicalTopForOffset(top);
            LayoutUnit topRelativeToRegion = top - regionLogicalTop;
            referencePoint.setY(startColumnSet->offsetTop() + topRelativeToRegion);

            // Since the top has been overriden, check if the
            // relative positioning must be reconsidered.
            if (boxModelObject.isRelPositioned())
                referencePoint.move(0, boxModelObject.relativePositionOffset().height());

        // Since we're looking for the offset relative to the body, we must also
        // take into consideration the borders of the columnSet.
        referencePoint.move(startColumnSet->borderLeft(), startColumnSet->borderTop());

    return referencePoint;
void RenderLayerScrollableArea::updateAfterLayout()
    m_scrollDimensionsDirty = true;
    IntSize originalScrollOffset = adjustedScrollOffset();


    // Layout may cause us to be at an invalid scroll position. In this case we need
    // to pull our scroll offsets back to the max (or push them up to the min).
    IntSize clampedScrollOffset = clampScrollOffset(adjustedScrollOffset());
    if (clampedScrollOffset != adjustedScrollOffset())

    if (originalScrollOffset != adjustedScrollOffset())
        scrollToOffsetWithoutAnimation(-scrollOrigin() + adjustedScrollOffset());

    bool hasHorizontalOverflow = this->hasHorizontalOverflow();
    bool hasVerticalOverflow = this->hasVerticalOverflow();

        // Hits in compositing/overflow/automatically-opt-into-composited-scrolling-after-style-change.html.
        DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;

        // overflow:scroll should just enable/disable.
        if (box().style()->overflowX() == OSCROLL)
        if (box().style()->overflowY() == OSCROLL)

    // overflow:auto may need to lay out again if scrollbars got added/removed.
    bool autoHorizontalScrollBarChanged = box().hasAutoHorizontalScrollbar() && (hasHorizontalScrollbar() != hasHorizontalOverflow);
    bool autoVerticalScrollBarChanged = box().hasAutoVerticalScrollbar() && (hasVerticalScrollbar() != hasVerticalOverflow);

    if (autoHorizontalScrollBarChanged || autoVerticalScrollBarChanged) {
        if (box().hasAutoHorizontalScrollbar())
        if (box().hasAutoVerticalScrollbar())


        if (box().style()->overflowX() == OAUTO || box().style()->overflowY() == OAUTO) {
            if (!m_inOverflowRelayout) {
                // Our proprietary overflow: overlay value doesn't trigger a layout.
                m_inOverflowRelayout = true;
                SubtreeLayoutScope layoutScope(box());
                if (box().isRenderBlock()) {
                    RenderBlock& block = toRenderBlock(box());
                    block.scrollbarsChanged(autoHorizontalScrollBarChanged, autoVerticalScrollBarChanged);
                } else {
                m_inOverflowRelayout = false;

        // Hits in compositing/overflow/automatically-opt-into-composited-scrolling-after-style-change.html.
        DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;

        // Set up the range (and page step/line step).
        if (Scrollbar* horizontalScrollbar = this->horizontalScrollbar()) {
            int clientWidth = box().pixelSnappedClientWidth();
            horizontalScrollbar->setProportion(clientWidth, overflowRect().width());
        if (Scrollbar* verticalScrollbar = this->verticalScrollbar()) {
            int clientHeight = box().pixelSnappedClientHeight();
            verticalScrollbar->setProportion(clientHeight, overflowRect().height());

    bool hasOverflow = hasScrollableHorizontalOverflow() || hasScrollableVerticalOverflow();

    if (hasOverflow) {
        DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;
// This method returns the maximum page size of a region with auto-height. This is the initial
// height value for auto-height regions in the first layout phase of the parent named flow.
LayoutUnit RenderNamedFlowFragment::maxPageLogicalHeight() const
    ASSERT(hasAutoLogicalHeight() && m_flowThread->inMeasureContentLayoutPhase());

    const RenderStyle& styleToUse = parent()->style();
    return styleToUse.logicalMaxHeight().isUndefined() ? RenderFlowThread::maxLogicalHeight() : toRenderBlock(parent())->computeReplacedLogicalHeightUsing(styleToUse.logicalMaxHeight());
Example #25
void write(TextStream& ts, const RenderObject& o, int indent, RenderAsTextBehavior behavior)
    if (o.isSVGPath()) {
        write(ts, *toRenderSVGPath(&o), indent);
    if (o.isSVGGradientStop()) {
        writeSVGGradientStop(ts, *toRenderSVGGradientStop(&o), indent);
    if (o.isSVGResourceContainer()) {
        writeSVGResourceContainer(ts, o, indent);
    if (o.isSVGContainer()) {
        writeSVGContainer(ts, o, indent);
    if (o.isSVGRoot()) {
        write(ts, *toRenderSVGRoot(&o), indent);
    if (o.isSVGText()) {
        writeSVGText(ts, *toRenderBlock(&o), indent);
    if (o.isSVGInlineText()) {
        writeSVGInlineText(ts, *toRenderText(&o), indent);
    if (o.isSVGImage()) {
        writeSVGImage(ts, *toRenderSVGImage(&o), indent);

    writeIndent(ts, indent);

    RenderTreeAsText::writeRenderObject(ts, o, behavior);
    ts << "\n";

    if (o.isText() && !o.isBR()) {
        const RenderText& text = *toRenderText(&o);
        for (InlineTextBox* box = text.firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox()) {
            writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
            writeTextRun(ts, text, *box);

    for (RenderObject* child = o.firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
        if (child->hasLayer())
        write(ts, *child, indent + 1, behavior);

    if (o.isWidget()) {
        Widget* widget = toRenderWidget(&o)->widget();
        if (widget && widget->isFrameView()) {
            FrameView* view = static_cast<FrameView*>(widget);
            RenderView* root = view->frame()->contentRenderer();
            if (root) {
                RenderLayer* l = root->layer();
                if (l)
                    writeLayers(ts, l, l, IntRect(l->x(), l->y(), l->width(), l->height()), indent + 1, behavior);
Example #26
void RenderObjectChildList::updateBeforeAfterContent(RenderObject* owner, PseudoId type, const RenderObject* styledObject)
    // Double check that the document did in fact use generated content rules.  Otherwise we should not have been called.

    // In CSS2, before/after pseudo-content cannot nest.  Check this first.
    if (owner->style()->styleType() == BEFORE || owner->style()->styleType() == AFTER)
    if (!styledObject)
        styledObject = owner;

    RenderStyle* pseudoElementStyle = styledObject->getCachedPseudoStyle(type);
    RenderObject* child;
    switch (type) {
    case BEFORE:
        child = beforePseudoElementRenderer(owner);
    case AFTER:
        child = afterPseudoElementRenderer(owner);

    // Whether or not we currently have generated content attached.
    bool oldContentPresent = child;

    // Whether or not we now want generated content.
    bool newContentWanted = pseudoElementStyle && pseudoElementStyle->display() != NONE;

    // For <q><p/></q>, if this object is the inline continuation of the <q>, we only want to generate
    // :after content and not :before content.
    if (newContentWanted && type == BEFORE && owner->isElementContinuation())
        newContentWanted = false;

    // Similarly, if we're the beginning of a <q>, and there's an inline continuation for our object,
    // then we don't generate the :after content.
    if (newContentWanted && type == AFTER && owner->virtualContinuation())
        newContentWanted = false;
    // If we don't want generated content any longer, or if we have generated content, but it's no longer
    // identical to the new content data we want to build render objects for, then we nuke all
    // of the old generated content.
    if (oldContentPresent && (!newContentWanted || Node::diff(child->style(), pseudoElementStyle, owner->document()) == Node::Detach)) {
        // Nuke the child. 
        if (child->style()->styleType() == type) {
            oldContentPresent = false;
            child = (type == BEFORE) ? owner->virtualChildren()->firstChild() : owner->virtualChildren()->lastChild();

    // If we have no pseudo-element style or if the pseudo-element style's display type is NONE, then we
    // have no generated content and can now return.
    if (!newContentWanted)

    if (owner->isRenderInline() && !pseudoElementStyle->isDisplayInlineType() && !pseudoElementStyle->isFloating() &&
        !(pseudoElementStyle->position() == AbsolutePosition || pseudoElementStyle->position() == FixedPosition))
        // According to the CSS2 spec (the end of section 12.1), the only allowed
        // display values for the pseudo style are NONE and INLINE for inline flows.
        // FIXME: CSS2.1 lifted this restriction, but block display types will crash.
        // For now we at least relax the restriction to allow all inline types like inline-block
        // and inline-table.

    if (oldContentPresent) {
        updateBeforeAfterStyle(child, type, pseudoElementStyle);
        return; // We've updated the generated content. That's all we needed to do.
    RenderObject* insertBefore = (type == BEFORE) ? owner->virtualChildren()->firstChild() : 0;
    if (insertBefore && insertBefore->isAnonymousBlock() && insertBefore->childrenInline() && !insertBefore->isEmpty()) {
        // We are going to add the "before" element. We have to check whether the "insertBefore" element
        // is an anonymous block with inline children. If it is, then we should insert the "before" element
        // before the first inline child of the anonymous block, otherwise we will end up with the "before"
        // element in a different block. We do this only when the anonymous block has children, otherwise
        // we end up with the before element in a wrong block.
        insertBefore = insertBefore->firstChild();

    // Nothing goes before the intruded run-in, not even generated content.
    if (insertBefore && insertBefore->isRunIn() && owner->isRenderBlock()
        && toRenderBlock(owner)->runInIsPlacedIntoSiblingBlock(insertBefore))
        insertBefore = insertBefore->nextSibling();

    // Generated content consists of a single container that houses multiple children (specified
    // by the content property).  This generated content container gets the pseudo-element style set on it.
    RenderObject* generatedContentContainer = 0;

    // Walk our list of generated content and create render objects for each.
    for (const ContentData* content = pseudoElementStyle->contentData(); content; content = content->next()) {
        RenderObject* renderer =  createRendererForBeforeAfterContent(owner, content, pseudoElementStyle);

        if (renderer) {
            if (!generatedContentContainer) {
                // Make a generated box that might be any display type now that we are able to drill down into children
                // to find the original content properly.
                generatedContentContainer = RenderObject::createObject(owner->document(), pseudoElementStyle);
                ASSERT(styledObject->node()); // The styled object cannot be anonymous or else it could not have ':before' or ':after' pseudo elements.
                generatedContentContainer->setNode(styledObject->node()); // This allows access to the generatingNode.
                if (!owner->isChildAllowed(generatedContentContainer, pseudoElementStyle)) {
                    // The generated content container is not allowed here -> abort.

                // When we don't have a first child and are part of a continuation chain,
                // insertBefore is incorrectly set to zero above, which causes the :before
                // child to end up at the end of continuation chain.
                // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78380.
                if (!insertBefore && type == BEFORE && owner->virtualContinuation())
                    owner->addChildIgnoringContinuation(generatedContentContainer, 0);
                    owner->addChild(generatedContentContainer, insertBefore);
            if (generatedContentContainer->isChildAllowed(renderer, pseudoElementStyle))

    if (!generatedContentContainer)

    // Handle placement of run-ins. We do the run-in placement at the end since generatedContentContainer can get destroyed.
    RenderObject* generatedContentContainerImmediateParent = generatedContentContainer->parent();
    if (generatedContentContainerImmediateParent->isRenderBlock())
        toRenderBlock(generatedContentContainerImmediateParent)->placeRunInIfNeeded(generatedContentContainer, PlaceGeneratedRunIn);
Example #27
static inline RenderBlock* rubyBeforeBlock(const RenderObject* ruby)
    RenderObject* child = ruby->firstChild();
    return isRubyBeforeBlock(child) ? toRenderBlock(child) : 0;
Example #28
LayoutState::LayoutState(std::unique_ptr<LayoutState> next, RenderBox* renderer, const LayoutSize& offset, LayoutUnit pageLogicalHeight, bool pageLogicalHeightChanged, ColumnInfo* columnInfo)
    : m_columnInfo(columnInfo)
    , m_lineGrid(0)
    , m_next(std::move(next))
    , m_shapeInsideInfo(0)
#ifndef NDEBUG
    , m_renderer(renderer)

    bool fixed = renderer->isOutOfFlowPositioned() && renderer->style().position() == FixedPosition;
    if (fixed) {
        // FIXME: This doesn't work correctly with transforms.
        FloatPoint fixedOffset = renderer->view().localToAbsolute(FloatPoint(), IsFixed);
        m_paintOffset = LayoutSize(fixedOffset.x(), fixedOffset.y()) + offset;
    } else
        m_paintOffset = m_next->m_paintOffset + offset;

    if (renderer->isOutOfFlowPositioned() && !fixed) {
        if (RenderElement* container = renderer->container()) {
            if (container->isInFlowPositioned() && container->isRenderInline())
                m_paintOffset += toRenderInline(container)->offsetForInFlowPositionedInline(renderer);

    m_layoutOffset = m_paintOffset;

    if (renderer->isInFlowPositioned() && renderer->hasLayer())
        m_paintOffset += renderer->layer()->offsetForInFlowPosition();

    m_clipped = !fixed && m_next->m_clipped;
    if (m_clipped)
        m_clipRect = m_next->m_clipRect;

    if (renderer->hasOverflowClip()) {
        LayoutRect clipRect(toPoint(m_paintOffset) + renderer->view().layoutDelta(), renderer->cachedSizeForOverflowClip());
        if (m_clipped)
        else {
            m_clipRect = clipRect;
            m_clipped = true;

        m_paintOffset -= renderer->scrolledContentOffset();

    // If we establish a new page height, then cache the offset to the top of the first page.
    // We can compare this later on to figure out what part of the page we're actually on,
    if (pageLogicalHeight || m_columnInfo || renderer->isRenderFlowThread()) {
        m_pageLogicalHeight = pageLogicalHeight;
        bool isFlipped = renderer->style().isFlippedBlocksWritingMode();
        m_pageOffset = LayoutSize(m_layoutOffset.width() + (!isFlipped ? renderer->borderLeft() + renderer->paddingLeft() : renderer->borderRight() + renderer->paddingRight()),
                               m_layoutOffset.height() + (!isFlipped ? renderer->borderTop() + renderer->paddingTop() : renderer->borderBottom() + renderer->paddingBottom()));
        m_pageLogicalHeightChanged = pageLogicalHeightChanged;
    } else {
        // If we don't establish a new page height, then propagate the old page height and offset down.
        m_pageLogicalHeight = m_next->m_pageLogicalHeight;
        m_pageLogicalHeightChanged = m_next->m_pageLogicalHeightChanged;
        m_pageOffset = m_next->m_pageOffset;
        // Disable pagination for objects we don't support. For now this includes overflow:scroll/auto, inline blocks and
        // writing mode roots.
        if (renderer->isUnsplittableForPagination())
            m_pageLogicalHeight = 0;
    // Propagate line grid information.

    if (!m_columnInfo)
        m_columnInfo = m_next->m_columnInfo;

    if (renderer->isRenderBlock()) {
        const RenderBlock* renderBlock = toRenderBlock(renderer);
        m_shapeInsideInfo = renderBlock->shapeInsideInfo();
        if (!m_shapeInsideInfo && m_next->m_shapeInsideInfo && renderBlock->allowsShapeInsideInfoSharing())
            m_shapeInsideInfo = m_next->m_shapeInsideInfo;

    m_layoutDelta = m_next->m_layoutDelta;
    m_layoutDeltaXSaturated = m_next->m_layoutDeltaXSaturated;
    m_layoutDeltaYSaturated = m_next->m_layoutDeltaYSaturated;
    m_isPaginated = m_pageLogicalHeight || m_columnInfo || renderer->isRenderFlowThread();

    if (lineGrid() && renderer->hasColumns() && renderer->style().hasInlineColumnAxis())

    // If we have a new grid to track, then add it to our set.
    if (renderer->style().lineGrid() != RenderStyle::initialLineGrid() && renderer->isRenderBlockFlow())

    // FIXME: <http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13443> Apply control clip if present.
Example #29
static inline RenderBlock* rubyAfterBlock(const RenderObject* ruby)
    RenderObject* child = ruby->lastChild();
    return isRubyAfterBlock(child) ? toRenderBlock(child) : 0;