Example #1
 * Open the drawbridge located at x,y
void open_drawbridge(int x, int y)
	struct rm *loc1, *loc2;
	struct trap *t;
	int x2, y2;

	loc1 = &level->locations[x][y];
	if (loc1->typ != DRAWBRIDGE_UP) return;
	x2 = x; y2 = y;
	if (cansee(x,y) || cansee(x2,y2))
		pline("You see a drawbridge %s down!",
		    (distu(x2,y2) < distu(x,y)) ? "going" : "coming");
	loc1->typ = DRAWBRIDGE_DOWN;
	loc2 = &level->locations[x2][y2];
	loc2->typ = DOOR;
	loc2->doormask = D_NODOOR;
	set_entity(x, y, &(occupants[0]));
	set_entity(x2, y2, &(occupants[1]));
	do_entity(&(occupants[0]));		/* do set_entity after first */
	set_entity(x2, y2, &(occupants[1]));	/* do_entity for worm tails */
	delallobj(x, y);
	if ((t = t_at(level, x, y)) != 0) deltrap(level, t);
	if ((t = t_at(level, x2, y2)) != 0) deltrap(level, t);
	newsym(x, y);
	newsym(x2, y2);
	unblock_point(x2,y2);	/* vision */
	if (Is_stronghold(&u.uz)) u.uevent.uopened_dbridge = TRUE;
Example #2
void remove_object(struct obj *otmp)
    xchar x = otmp->ox;
    xchar y = otmp->oy;

    if (otmp->where != OBJ_FLOOR)
	panic("remove_object: obj not on floor");
    if (otmp->otyp == BOULDER) unblock_point(x,y); /* vision */
    extract_nexthere(otmp, &otmp->olev->objects[x][y]);
    extract_nobj(otmp, &otmp->olev->objlist);
    if (otmp->timed) obj_timer_checks(otmp,x,y,0);
Example #3
 * Let's destroy the drawbridge located at x,y
void destroy_drawbridge(int x, int y)
	struct rm *loc1, *loc2;
	struct trap *t;
	int x2, y2;
	int db_u;
	boolean e_inview;
	struct entity *etmp1 = &(occupants[0]), *etmp2 = &(occupants[1]);

	loc1 = &level->locations[x][y];
	if (!IS_DRAWBRIDGE(loc1->typ))
	x2 = x; y2 = y;
	loc2 = &level->locations[x2][y2];
	db_u = (loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_UNDER);
	if (db_u == DB_MOAT || db_u == DB_LAVA || db_u == DB_BOG) {
		struct obj *otmp;
		int where = (db_u == DB_LAVA) ? 0 :
			    (db_u == DB_MOAT) ? 1 : 2;
		static char *wstr[3] = { "lava", "moat", "swamp" };
		if (loc1->typ == DRAWBRIDGE_UP) {
			if (cansee(x2,y2))
			    pline("The portcullis of the drawbridge falls into the %s!",
			else if (flags.soundok)
				You_hear("a loud *SPLASH*!");
		} else {
			if (cansee(x,y))
			    pline("The drawbridge collapses into the %s!",
			else if (flags.soundok)
				You_hear("a loud *SPLASH*!");
		loc1->typ = (where == 0) ? LAVAPOOL :
			    (where == 1) ? MOAT : BOG;
		loc1->drawbridgemask = 0;
		if ((otmp = sobj_at(BOULDER, level, x,y)) != 0) {
	} else {
		if (cansee(x,y))
			pline("The drawbridge disintegrates!");
			You_hear("a loud *CRASH*!");
		loc1->typ =
			((loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_ICE) ? ICE : ROOM);
		loc1->icedpool =
			((loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_ICE) ? ICED_MOAT : 0);
	wake_nearto(x, y, 500);
	loc2->typ = DOOR;
	loc2->doormask = D_NODOOR;
	if ((t = t_at(level, x, y)) != 0) deltrap(level, t);
	if ((t = t_at(level, x2, y2)) != 0) deltrap(level, t);
	if (!does_block(level, x2, y2, NULL)) unblock_point(x2,y2); /* vision */
	if (Is_stronghold(&u.uz)) u.uevent.uopened_dbridge = TRUE;

	set_entity(x2, y2, etmp2); /* currently only automissers can be here */
	if (etmp2->edata) {
		e_inview = e_canseemon(level, etmp2);
		if (!automiss(etmp2)) {
			if (e_inview)
				pline("%s blown apart by flying debris.",
				      E_phrase(etmp2, "are"));
			killer_format = KILLED_BY_AN;
			killer = "exploding drawbridge";
			e_died(etmp2, e_inview? 3 : 2, CRUSHING); /*no corpse*/
		}	     /* nothing which is vulnerable can survive this */
	set_entity(x, y, etmp1);
	if (etmp1->edata) {
		e_inview = e_canseemon(level, etmp1);
		if (!e_missed(etmp1, TRUE)) {
			if (e_inview) {
			    if (!is_u(etmp1) && Hallucination)
				pline("%s into some heavy metal!",
				      E_phrase(etmp1, "get"));
				pline("%s hit by a huge chunk of metal!",
				      E_phrase(etmp1, "are"));
			} else {
			    if (flags.soundok && !is_u(etmp1) && !is_pool(level, x,y))
				You_hear("a crushing sound.");
			killer_format = KILLED_BY_AN;
			killer = "collapsing drawbridge";
			e_died(etmp1, e_inview? 3 : 2, CRUSHING); /*no corpse*/
			if (loc1->typ == MOAT) do_entity(etmp1);
Example #4
/* returns true if something happened */
doorlock(struct obj * otmp, int x, int y)
    struct rm *door = &level->locations[x][y];
    boolean res = TRUE;
    int loudness = 0;
    int wandlevel = 0;
    if (otmp->oclass == WAND_CLASS)
        wandlevel = getwandlevel(&youmonst, otmp); /* Not completely right, but works
                                                      since monsters wont use knock/wizlock */
    const char *msg = NULL;
    const char *dustcloud = "A cloud of dust";
    const char *quickly_dissipates = "quickly dissipates";

    if (door->typ == SDOOR) {
        switch (otmp->otyp) {
        case WAN_OPENING:
        case SPE_KNOCK:
        case WAN_STRIKING:
        case SPE_FORCE_BOLT:
            door->typ = DOOR;
            door->doormask = D_CLOSED | (door->doormask & D_TRAPPED);
            newsym(x, y);
            if (cansee(x, y))
                pline(msgc_youdiscover, "A door appears in the wall!");
            if (otmp->otyp == WAN_OPENING || otmp->otyp == SPE_KNOCK)
                return TRUE;
            break;      /* striking: continue door handling below */
        case WAN_LOCKING:
        case SPE_WIZARD_LOCK:
            return FALSE;

    switch (otmp->otyp) {
    case WAN_LOCKING:
        if (Is_rogue_level(&u.uz)) {
            boolean vis = cansee(x, y);

            /* Can't have real locking in Rogue, so just hide doorway */
            if (vis)
                      "%s springs up in the older, more primitive doorway.",
                You_hear(msgc_actionok, "a swoosh.");
            if (obstructed(x, y, msgc_yafm)) {
                if (vis)
                    pline(msgc_yafm, "The cloud %s.", quickly_dissipates);
                return FALSE;
            block_point(x, y);
            door->typ = SDOOR;
            if (vis)
                pline(msgc_actionok, "The doorway vanishes!");
            newsym(x, y);
            return TRUE;
        if (obstructed(x, y, msgc_yafm))
            return FALSE;
        /* Don't allow doors to close over traps.  This is for pits */
        /* & trap doors, but is it ever OK for anything else? */
        if (t_at(level, x, y)) {
            /* maketrap() clears doormask, so it should be NODOOR */
            pline(msgc_yafm, "%s springs up in the doorway, but %s.",
                  dustcloud, quickly_dissipates);
            return FALSE;
        if (wandlevel == P_MASTER) {
                  "%s springs up in the doorway and conceals it!", dustcloud);
            door->typ = SDOOR;
            newsym(x, y);
            return TRUE;

        switch (door->doormask & ~D_TRAPPED) {
        case D_CLOSED:
            msg = "The door locks!";
        case D_ISOPEN:
            msg = "The door swings shut, and locks!";
        case D_BROKEN:
            msg = "The broken door reassembles and locks!";
        case D_NODOOR:
            msg =
                "A cloud of dust springs up and assembles itself into a door!";
            res = FALSE;
        block_point(x, y);
        door->doormask = D_LOCKED | (door->doormask & D_TRAPPED);
        newsym(x, y);
    case WAN_OPENING:
    case SPE_KNOCK:
        if (door->doormask & D_LOCKED) {
            msg = "The door unlocks!";
            door->doormask = D_CLOSED | (door->doormask & D_TRAPPED);
        } else
            res = FALSE;
    case WAN_STRIKING:
    case SPE_FORCE_BOLT:
        if (door->doormask & (D_LOCKED | D_CLOSED)) {
            if (door->doormask & D_TRAPPED) {
                if (MON_AT(level, x, y))
                    mb_trapped(m_at(level, x, y));
                else {
                    if (cansee(x, y))
                              "KABOOM!!  You see a door explode.");
                        You_hear(msgc_levelsound, "a distant explosion.");
                door->doormask = D_NODOOR;
                unblock_point(x, y);
                newsym(x, y);
                loudness = 40;
            door->doormask = D_BROKEN;
            if (cansee(x, y))
                pline(msgc_actionok, "The door crashes open!");
                You_hear(msgc_levelsound, "a crashing sound.");
            unblock_point(x, y);
            newsym(x, y);
            /* force vision recalc before printing more messages */
            if (turnstate.vision_full_recalc)
            loudness = 20;
        } else
            res = FALSE;
        impossible("magic (%d) attempted on door.", otmp->otyp);
    if (msg && cansee(x, y)) {
        pline(msgc_actionok, "%s", msg);
        /* we know whether it's locked now */
        level->locations[x][y].mem_door_l = 1;
        map_background(x, y, TRUE);
    if (loudness > 0) {
        /* door was destroyed */
        wake_nearto(x, y, loudness);
        if (*in_rooms(level, x, y, SHOPBASE))
            add_damage(x, y, 0L);

    return res;
Example #5
/* try to open a door */
doopen(const struct nh_cmd_arg *arg)
    coord cc;
    struct rm *door;
    struct monst *mtmp;
    schar dx, dy, dz;

    if (nohands(youmonst.data)) {
        pline(msgc_cancelled, "You can't open, close, or unlock anything "
              "-- you have no hands!");
        return 0;

    if (u.utrap && u.utraptype == TT_PIT) {
        pline(msgc_cancelled, "You can't reach over the edge of the pit.");
        return 0;

    if (!getargdir(arg, NULL, &dx, &dy, &dz))
        return 0;

    cc.x = youmonst.mx + dx;
    cc.y = youmonst.my + dy;
    if (!isok(cc.x, cc.y))
        return 0;

    if ((cc.x == youmonst.mx) && (cc.y == youmonst.my))
        return 0;

    if ((mtmp = m_at(level, cc.x, cc.y)) && mtmp->m_ap_type == M_AP_FURNITURE &&
        (mtmp->mappearance == S_hcdoor || mtmp->mappearance == S_vcdoor) &&
        !Protection_from_shape_changers) {

        stumble_onto_mimic(mtmp, cc.x - youmonst.mx, cc.y - youmonst.my);
        return 1;

    door = &level->locations[cc.x][cc.y];

    if (!IS_DOOR(door->typ)) {
        if (is_db_wall(cc.x, cc.y)) {
                  "There is no obvious way to open the drawbridge.");
            return 0;
        pline(msgc_mispaste, "You %s no door there.", Blind ? "feel" : "see");
        return 0;

    if (door->doormask == D_ISOPEN) {
        struct nh_cmd_arg newarg;
        arg_from_delta(dx, dy, dz, &newarg);
        return doclose(&newarg);

    if (!(door->doormask & D_CLOSED)) {
        const char *mesg;

        switch (door->doormask) {
        case D_BROKEN:
            mesg = " is broken";
        case D_NODOOR:
            mesg = "way has no door";
        case D_ISOPEN:
            mesg = " is already open";
            if (last_command_was("open") && door->mem_door_l) {

                /* With the "open" command given explicitly (rather than
                   implicitly via doorbumping), unlock the door. */
                struct obj *bestpick = get_current_unlock_tool();
                struct nh_cmd_arg newarg;

                arg_from_delta(dx, dy, dz, &newarg);
                if (!bestpick)
                          "You have nothing to unlock that with.");
                else if (!bestpick->lastused)
                    /* not msgc_controlhelp, or many players would get
                       no message */
                          "Use an unlocking tool manually so I know "
                          "which one you want to use.");
                    return pick_lock(bestpick, &newarg);
            door->mem_door_l = 1;
            map_background(cc.x, cc.y, TRUE);
            mesg = " is locked";
        pline(msgc_cancelled, "This door%s.", mesg);
        if (Blind)
            feel_location(cc.x, cc.y);
        return 0;

    if (verysmall(youmonst.data)) {
        pline(msgc_cancelled, "You're too small to pull the door open.");
        return 0;

    /* door is known to be CLOSED */
    if (rnl(20) < (ACURRSTR + ACURR(A_DEX) + ACURR(A_CON)) / 3) {
        pline(msgc_actionok, "The door opens.");
        if (door->doormask & D_TRAPPED) {
            b_trapped("door", FINGER);
            door->doormask = D_NODOOR;
            if (*in_rooms(level, cc.x, cc.y, SHOPBASE))
                add_damage(cc.x, cc.y, 0L);
        } else
            door->doormask = D_ISOPEN;
        if (Blind)
            feel_location(cc.x, cc.y);  /* the hero knows she opened it */
            newsym(cc.x, cc.y);
        unblock_point(cc.x, cc.y);      /* vision: new see through there */
    } else {
        exercise(A_STR, TRUE);
        door->mem_door_l = 1;
        map_background(cc.x, cc.y, TRUE);
        pline(msgc_failrandom, "The door resists!");

    return 1;
Example #6
/* Called every turn during lock-picking. The caller must set
   u.utracked[tos_lock] appropriately: &zeroobj for a door, an object for a
   box. For a door, u.utracked_location[tl_lock] must also be set. */
static int
    int chance = get_unlock_chance();
    int x = u.utracked_location[tl_lock].x;
    int y = u.utracked_location[tl_lock].y;

    struct rm *door = NULL;

    if (u.utracked[tos_lock] != &zeroobj) {
        if (!obj_with_u(u.utracked[tos_lock]))
            return reset_pick();
    } else { /* door */
        door = &(level->locations[x][y]);
        switch (door->doormask) {
        case D_NODOOR:
            pline(msgc_cancelled, "This doorway has no door.");
            return reset_pick();
        case D_ISOPEN:
            pline(msgc_cancelled, "You cannot lock an open door.");
            return reset_pick();
        case D_BROKEN:
            pline(msgc_cancelled, "This door is broken.");
            return reset_pick();
    if (!chance) {
        pline(msgc_interrupted, "You seem to have lost your unlocking tools.");
        return reset_pick();

    if (u.uoccupation_progress[tos_lock]++ >= 50 || nohands(youmonst.data)) {
        pline(msgc_failrandom, "You give up your attempt at %s.",
        if (!nohands(youmonst.data))
            exercise(A_DEX, TRUE);  /* even if you don't succeed */
        return reset_pick();
    if (rn2(100) >= chance)
        return 1;       /* still busy */
    pline(msgc_actionok, "You succeed in %s.", lock_action());
    if (door) {
        if (door->doormask & D_TRAPPED) {
            b_trapped("door", FINGER);
            door->doormask = D_NODOOR;
            unblock_point(x, y);
            if (*in_rooms(level, x, y, SHOPBASE))
                add_damage(x, y, 0L);
        } else if (door->doormask & D_LOCKED)
            door->doormask = D_CLOSED;
            door->doormask = D_LOCKED;

        /* player now knows the door's open/closed status, and its
           locked/unlocked status, and also that it isn't trapped (it would have
           exploded otherwise); thus, we can safely fully spoil the door's stats
           (the door is the background of the door's location) */
        magic_map_background(x, y, TRUE);

    } else {
        u.utracked[tos_lock]->olocked = !u.utracked[tos_lock]->olocked;
        if (u.utracked[tos_lock]->otrapped)
            chest_trap(&youmonst, u.utracked[tos_lock], FINGER, FALSE);
    exercise(A_DEX, TRUE);

    return reset_pick();
Example #7
 * Let's destroy the drawbridge located at x,y
destroy_drawbridge(int x, int y)
    struct rm *loc1, *loc2;
    struct trap *t;
    struct obj *chain;
    int x2, y2, i;
    boolean e_inview;
    struct entity *etmp1 = &(occupants[0]), *etmp2 = &(occupants[1]);

    loc1 = &level->locations[x][y];
    if (!IS_DRAWBRIDGE(loc1->typ))
    x2 = x;
    y2 = y;
    get_wall_for_db(&x2, &y2);
    loc2 = &level->locations[x2][y2];
    if ((loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_UNDER) == DB_MOAT ||
        (loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_UNDER) == DB_LAVA) {
        struct obj *otmp;
        boolean lava = (loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_UNDER) == DB_LAVA;

        if (loc1->typ == DRAWBRIDGE_UP) {
            if (cansee(x2, y2))
                pline("The portcullis of the drawbridge falls into the %s!",
                      lava ? "lava" : waterbody_name(x2, y2));
                You_hear("a loud *SPLASH*!");
        } else {
            if (cansee(x, y))
                pline("The drawbridge collapses into the %s!",
                      lava ? "lava" : waterbody_name(x, y));
                You_hear("a loud *SPLASH*!");
        loc1->typ = lava ? LAVAPOOL : MOAT;
        loc1->drawbridgemask = 0;
        if ((otmp = sobj_at(BOULDER, level, x, y)) != 0) {
            flooreffects(otmp, x, y, "fall");
    } else {
        if (cansee(x, y))
            pline("The drawbridge disintegrates!");
            You_hear("a loud *CRASH*!");
        loc1->typ = ((loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_ICE) ? ICE : ROOM);
        loc1->icedpool = ((loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_ICE) ? ICED_MOAT : 0);
    wake_nearto(x, y, 500);
    loc2->typ = DOOR;
    loc2->doormask = D_NODOOR;
    if ((t = t_at(level, x, y)) != 0)
        deltrap(level, t);
    if ((t = t_at(level, x2, y2)) != 0)
        deltrap(level, t);
    del_engr_at(level, x, y);
    del_engr_at(level, x2, y2);
    for (i = rn2(6); i > 0; --i) {  /* scatter some debris */
        /* doesn't matter if we happen to pick <x,y2> or <x2,y>;
           since drawbridges are never placed diagonally, those
           pairings will always match one of <x,y> or <x2,y2> */
        chain = mksobj_at(IRON_CHAIN, level,
                          rn2(2) ? x : x2, rn2(2) ? y : y2,
                          TRUE, FALSE, rng_main);
        /* a force of 5 here would yield a radius of 2 for
           iron chain; anything less produces a radius of 1 */
        (void) scatter(chain->ox, chain->oy, 1, MAY_HIT, chain);
    newsym(x, y);
    newsym(x2, y2);
    if (!does_block(level, x2, y2))
        unblock_point(x2, y2);  /* vision */
    if (Is_stronghold(&u.uz))
        u.uevent.uopened_dbridge = TRUE;

    set_entity(x2, y2, etmp2);  /* currently only automissers can be here */
    if (etmp2->edata) {
        e_inview = e_canseemon(etmp2);
        if (!automiss(etmp2)) {
            if (e_inview)
                pline("%s blown apart by flying debris.",
                      E_phrase(etmp2, "are"));
            e_died(etmp2, e_inview ? 3 : 2, CRUSHING,
                   killer_msg(CRUSHING, "an exploding drawbridge"));
        }       /* nothing which is vulnerable can survive this */
    set_entity(x, y, etmp1);
    if (etmp1->edata) {
        e_inview = e_canseemon(etmp1);
        if (!e_missed(etmp1, TRUE)) {
            if (e_inview) {
                if (!is_u(etmp1) && Hallucination)
                    pline("%s into some heavy metal!", E_phrase(etmp1, "get"));
                    pline("%s hit by a huge chunk of metal!",
                          E_phrase(etmp1, "are"));
            } else {
                if (!is_u(etmp1) && !is_pool(level, x, y))
                    You_hear("a crushing sound.");
            e_died(etmp1, e_inview ? 3 : 2, CRUSHING,
                   killer_msg(CRUSHING, "a collapsing drawbridge"));
            /* if (loc1->typ == MOAT) do_entity(etmp1); */
        if (is_u(etmp1))
        else if (!DEADMONSTER(etmp1->emon))
Example #8
 * return  1: guard moved,  0: guard didn't,  -1: let m_move do it,  -2: died
int gd_move(struct monst *grd) {
    int x, y, nx, ny, m, n;
    int dx, dy, gx, gy, fci;
    unsigned char typ;
    struct fakecorridor *fcp;
    struct egd *egrd = EGD(grd);
    struct rm *crm;
    bool goldincorridor = false, u_in_vault = vault_occupied(u.urooms) ? true : false, grd_in_vault = *in_rooms(grd->mx, grd->my, VAULT) ?
    true :
    bool disappear_msg_seen = false, semi_dead = (grd->mhp <= 0);
    bool u_carry_gold = ((u.ugold + hidden_gold()) > 0L);
    bool see_guard;

    if (!on_level(&(egrd->gdlevel), &u.uz))
        return (-1);
    nx = ny = m = n = 0;
    if (!u_in_vault && !grd_in_vault)
    if (!grd->mpeaceful) {
        if (semi_dead) {
            egrd->gddone = 1;
            goto newpos;
        if (!u_in_vault && (grd_in_vault || (in_fcorridor(grd, grd->mx, grd->my) && !in_fcorridor(grd, u.ux, u.uy)))) {
            (void)rloc(grd, false);
            (void)clear_fcorr(grd, true);
            goto letknow;
        if (!in_fcorridor(grd, grd->mx, grd->my))
            (void)clear_fcorr(grd, true);
        return (-1);
    if (abs(egrd->ogx - grd->mx) > 1 || abs(egrd->ogy - grd->my) > 1)
        return (-1); /* teleported guard - treat as monster */
    if (egrd->fcend == 1) {
        if (u_in_vault && (u_carry_gold || um_dist(grd->mx, grd->my, 1))) {
            if (egrd->warncnt == 3)
                verbalize("I repeat, %sfollow me!", u_carry_gold ? (!u.ugold ? "drop that hidden gold and " : "drop that gold and ") : "");
            if (egrd->warncnt == 7) {
                m = grd->mx;
                n = grd->my;
                verbalize("You've been warned, knave!");
                levl[m][n].typ = egrd->fakecorr[0].ftyp;
                newsym(m, n);
                grd->mpeaceful = 0;
                return (-1);
            /* not fair to get mad when (s)he's fainted or paralyzed */
            if (!is_fainted() && multi >= 0)
            return (0);

        if (!u_in_vault) {
            if (u_carry_gold) { /* player teleported */
                m = grd->mx;
                n = grd->my;
                (void)rloc(grd, false);
                levl[m][n].typ = egrd->fakecorr[0].ftyp;
                newsym(m, n);
                grd->mpeaceful = 0;
                letknow: if (!cansee(grd->mx, grd->my) || !mon_visible(grd)) {
                    You_hear("the shrill sound of a guard's whistle.");
                } else {
                    const char * fmt = um_dist(grd->mx, grd->my, 2) ? "see an angry %s approaching." : "are confronted by an angry %s.";
                    char name[BUFSZ];
                    g_monnam(name, BUFSZ, grd);
                    You(fmt, name);
                return (-1);
            } else {
                verbalize("Well, begone.");
                egrd->gddone = 1;
                goto cleanup;

    if (egrd->fcend > 1) {
        if (egrd->fcend > 2 && in_fcorridor(grd, grd->mx, grd->my) && !egrd->gddone && !in_fcorridor(grd, u.ux, u.uy) &&
        levl[egrd->fakecorr[0].fx][egrd->fakecorr[0].fy].typ == egrd->fakecorr[0].ftyp) {
            char name[BUFSZ];
            g_monnam(name, BUFSZ, grd);
            pline_The("%s, confused, disappears.", name);
            disappear_msg_seen = true;
            goto cleanup;
        if (u_carry_gold && (in_fcorridor(grd, u.ux, u.uy) ||
        /* cover a 'blind' spot */
        (egrd->fcend > 1 && u_in_vault))) {
            if (!grd->mx) {
                return (-2);
            if (egrd->warncnt < 6) {
                egrd->warncnt = 6;
                verbalize("Drop all your gold, scoundrel!");
                return (0);
            } else {
                verbalize("So be it, rogue!");
                grd->mpeaceful = 0;
                return (-1);
    for (fci = egrd->fcbeg; fci < egrd->fcend; fci++)
        if (g_at(egrd->fakecorr[fci].fx, egrd->fakecorr[fci].fy)) {
            m = egrd->fakecorr[fci].fx;
            n = egrd->fakecorr[fci].fy;
            goldincorridor = true;
    if (goldincorridor && !egrd->gddone) {
        x = grd->mx;
        y = grd->my;
        if (m == u.ux && n == u.uy) {
            struct obj *gold = g_at(m, n);
            /* Grab the gold from between the hero's feet.  */
            grd->mgold += gold->quan;
            newsym(m, n);
        } else if (m == x && n == y) {
            mpickgold(grd); /* does a newsym */
        } else {
            /* just for insurance... */
            if (MON_AT(m, n) && m != grd->mx && n != grd->my) {
                verbalize("Out of my way, scum!");
                (void)rloc(m_at(m, n), false);
            remove_monster(grd->mx, grd->my);
            newsym(grd->mx, grd->my);
            place_monster(grd, m, n);
            mpickgold(grd); /* does a newsym */
        if (cansee(m, n)) {
            char name[BUFSZ];
            Monnam(name, BUFSZ, grd);
            pline("%s%s picks up the gold.", name, grd->mpeaceful ? " calms down and" : "");
        if (x != grd->mx || y != grd->my) {
            remove_monster(grd->mx, grd->my);
            newsym(grd->mx, grd->my);
            place_monster(grd, x, y);
            newsym(x, y);
        if (!grd->mpeaceful)
            return (-1);
        else {
            egrd->warncnt = 5;
            return (0);
    if (um_dist(grd->mx, grd->my, 1) || egrd->gddone) {
        if (!egrd->gddone && !rn2(10))
            verbalize("Move along!");
        return (0); /* didn't move */
    x = grd->mx;
    y = grd->my;

    if (u_in_vault)
        goto nextpos;

    /* look around (hor & vert only) for accessible places */
    for (nx = x - 1; nx <= x + 1; nx++) {
        for (ny = y - 1; ny <= y + 1; ny++) {
            if ((nx == x || ny == y) && (nx != x || ny != y) && isok(nx, ny)) {

                typ = (crm = &levl[nx][ny])->typ;
                if (!IS_STWALL(typ) && !IS_POOL(typ)) {

                    if (in_fcorridor(grd, nx, ny))
                        goto nextnxy;

                    if (*in_rooms(nx, ny, VAULT))

                    /* seems we found a good place to leave him alone */
                    egrd->gddone = 1;
                    if (ACCESSIBLE(typ))
                        goto newpos;
                    crm->typ = (typ == SCORR) ? CORR : DOOR;
                    if (crm->typ == DOOR)
                        crm->flags = D_NODOOR;
                    goto proceed;
            nextnxy: ;
    nextpos: nx = x;
    ny = y;
    gx = egrd->gdx;
    gy = egrd->gdy;
    dx = (gx > x) ? 1 : (gx < x) ? -1 : 0;
    dy = (gy > y) ? 1 : (gy < y) ? -1 : 0;
    if (abs(gx - x) >= abs(gy - y))
        nx += dx;
        ny += dy;

    while ((typ = (crm = &levl[nx][ny])->typ) != 0) {
        /* in view of the above we must have IS_WALL(typ) or typ == POOL */
        /* must be a wall here */
        if (isok(nx + nx - x, ny + ny - y) && !IS_POOL(typ) && IS_ROOM(levl[nx+nx-x][ny+ny-y].typ)) {
            crm->typ = DOOR;
            crm->flags = D_NODOOR;
            goto proceed;
        if (dy && nx != x) {
            nx = x;
            ny = y + dy;
        if (dx && ny != y) {
            ny = y;
            nx = x + dx;
            dy = 0;
        /* I don't like this, but ... */
        if (IS_ROOM(typ)) {
            crm->typ = DOOR;
            crm->flags = D_NODOOR;
            goto proceed;
    crm->typ = CORR;
    proceed: unblock_point(nx, ny); /* doesn't block light */
    if (cansee(nx, ny))
        newsym(nx, ny);

    fcp = &(egrd->fakecorr[egrd->fcend]);
    if (egrd->fcend++ == FCSIZ)
        impossible("fakecorr overflow");
    fcp->fx = nx;
    fcp->fy = ny;
    fcp->ftyp = typ;
    newpos: if (egrd->gddone) {
        /* The following is a kludge.  We need to keep    */
        /* the guard around in order to be able to make   */
        /* the fake corridor disappear as the player      */
        /* moves out of it, but we also need the guard    */
        /* out of the way.  We send the guard to never-   */
        /* never land.  We set ogx ogy to mx my in order  */
        /* to avoid a check at the top of this function.  */
        /* At the end of the process, the guard is killed */
        /* in restfakecorr().                             */
        cleanup: x = grd->mx;
        y = grd->my;

        see_guard = canspotmon(grd);
        remove_monster(grd->mx, grd->my);
        newsym(grd->mx, grd->my);
        place_monster(grd, 0, 0);
        egrd->ogx = grd->mx;
        egrd->ogy = grd->my;
        if (!semi_dead && (in_fcorridor(grd, u.ux, u.uy) || cansee(x, y))) {
            if (!disappear_msg_seen && see_guard) {
                char name[BUFSZ];
                g_monnam(name, BUFSZ, grd);
                pline("Suddenly, the %s disappears.", name);
            return (1);
        return (-2);
    egrd->ogx = grd->mx; /* update old positions */
    egrd->ogy = grd->my;
    remove_monster(grd->mx, grd->my);
    place_monster(grd, nx, ny);
    newsym(grd->mx, grd->my);
    return (1);
Example #9
void invault(void) {
    struct monst *guard;
    int trycount, vaultroom = (int)vault_occupied(u.urooms);

    if (!vaultroom) {
        u.uinvault = 0;

    vaultroom -= ROOMOFFSET;

    guard = findgd();
    if (++u.uinvault % 30 == 0 && !guard) { /* if time ok and no guard now. */
        char buf[BUFSZ];
        int x, y, dd, gx, gy;
        int lx = 0, ly = 0;
        /* first find the goal for the guard */
        for (dd = 2; (dd < ROWNO || dd < COLNO); dd++) {
            for (y = u.uy - dd; y <= u.uy + dd; ly = y, y++) {
                if (y < 0 || y > ROWNO - 1)
                for (x = u.ux - dd; x <= u.ux + dd; lx = x, x++) {
                    if (y != u.uy - dd && y != u.uy + dd && x != u.ux - dd)
                        x = u.ux + dd;
                    if (x < 1 || x > COLNO - 1)
                    if (levl[x][y].typ == CORR) {
                        if (x < u.ux)
                            lx = x + 1;
                        else if (x > u.ux)
                            lx = x - 1;
                            lx = x;
                        if (y < u.uy)
                            ly = y + 1;
                        else if (y > u.uy)
                            ly = y - 1;
                            ly = y;
                        if (levl[lx][ly].typ != STONE && levl[lx][ly].typ != CORR)
                            goto incr_radius;
                        goto fnd;
            incr_radius: ;
        impossible("Not a single corridor on this level??");
        fnd: gx = x;
        gy = y;

        /* next find a good place for a door in the wall */
        x = u.ux;
        y = u.uy;
        if (levl[x][y].typ != ROOM) { /* player dug a door and is in it */
            if (levl[x + 1][y].typ == ROOM)
                x = x + 1;
            else if (levl[x][y + 1].typ == ROOM)
                y = y + 1;
            else if (levl[x - 1][y].typ == ROOM)
                x = x - 1;
            else if (levl[x][y - 1].typ == ROOM)
                y = y - 1;
            else if (levl[x + 1][y + 1].typ == ROOM) {
                x = x + 1;
                y = y + 1;
            } else if (levl[x - 1][y - 1].typ == ROOM) {
                x = x - 1;
                y = y - 1;
            } else if (levl[x + 1][y - 1].typ == ROOM) {
                x = x + 1;
                y = y - 1;
            } else if (levl[x - 1][y + 1].typ == ROOM) {
                x = x - 1;
                y = y + 1;
        while (levl[x][y].typ == ROOM) {
            int dx, dy;

            dx = (gx > x) ? 1 : (gx < x) ? -1 : 0;
            dy = (gy > y) ? 1 : (gy < y) ? -1 : 0;
            if (abs(gx - x) >= abs(gy - y))
                x += dx;
                y += dy;
        if (x == u.ux && y == u.uy) {
            if (levl[x + 1][y].typ == HWALL || levl[x + 1][y].typ == DOOR)
                x = x + 1;
            else if (levl[x - 1][y].typ == HWALL || levl[x - 1][y].typ == DOOR)
                x = x - 1;
            else if (levl[x][y + 1].typ == VWALL || levl[x][y + 1].typ == DOOR)
                y = y + 1;
            else if (levl[x][y - 1].typ == VWALL || levl[x][y - 1].typ == DOOR)
                y = y - 1;

        /* make something interesting happen */
        if (!(guard = makemon(&mons[PM_GUARD], x, y, NO_MM_FLAGS)))
        guard->isgd = 1;
        guard->mpeaceful = 1;
        EGD(guard)->gddone = 0;
        EGD(guard)->ogx = x;
        EGD(guard)->ogy = y;
        assign_level(&(EGD(guard)->gdlevel), &u.uz);
        EGD(guard)->vroom = vaultroom;
        EGD(guard)->warncnt = 0;

        reset_faint(); /* if fainted - wake up */
        if (canspotmon(guard)) {
            char name[BUFSZ];
            g_monnam(name, BUFSZ, guard);
            pline("Suddenly one of the Vault's %s enters!", makeplural(name));
        } else {
            pline("Someone else has entered the Vault.");
        newsym(guard->mx, guard->my);
        if (youmonst.m_ap_type == M_AP_OBJECT || u.uundetected) {
            if (youmonst.m_ap_type == M_AP_OBJECT && youmonst.mappearance != GOLD_PIECE)
                verbalize("Hey! Who left that %s in here?", mimic_obj_name(&youmonst));
            /* You're mimicking some object or you're hidden. */
            pline("Puzzled, %s turns around and leaves.", mhe(guard));
        if (Strangled|| is_silent(youmonst.data) || multi < 0) {
            /* [we ought to record whether this this message has already
             been given in order to vary it upon repeat visits, but
             discarding the monster and its egd data renders that hard] */
            verbalize("I'll be back when you're ready to speak to me!");

        stop_occupation(); /* if occupied, stop it *now* */
        trycount = 5;
        do {
            getlin("\"Hello stranger, who are you?\" -", buf);
        } while (!letter(buf[0]) && --trycount > 0);

        if (u.ualign.type == A_LAWFUL &&
        /* ignore trailing text, in case player includes character's rank */
        strncmpi(buf, plname, (int)strlen(plname)) != 0) {
            adjalign(-1); /* Liar! */

        if (!strcmpi(buf, "Croesus") || !strcmpi(buf, "Kroisos") || !strcmpi(buf, "Creosote")) {
            if (!mvitals[PM_CROESUS].died) {
                verbalize("Oh, yes, of course.  Sorry to have disturbed you.");
            } else {
                verbalize("Back from the dead, are you?  I'll remedy that!");
                /* don't want guard to waste next turn wielding a weapon */
                if (!MON_WEP(guard)) {
                    guard->weapon_check = NEED_HTH_WEAPON;
        verbalize("I don't know you.");
        if (!u.ugold && !hidden_gold())
            verbalize("Please follow me.");
        else {
            if (!u.ugold)
                verbalize("You have hidden gold.");
            verbalize("Most likely all your gold was stolen from this vault.");
            verbalize("Please drop that gold and follow me.");
        EGD(guard)->gdx = gx;
        EGD(guard)->gdy = gy;
        EGD(guard)->fcbeg = 0;
        EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].fx = x;
        EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].fy = y;
        if (IS_WALL(levl[x][y].typ))
            EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].ftyp = levl[x][y].typ;
        else { /* the initial guard location is a dug door */
            int vlt = EGD(guard)->vroom;
            signed char lowx = rooms[vlt].lx, hix = rooms[vlt].hx;
            signed char lowy = rooms[vlt].ly, hiy = rooms[vlt].hy;

            if (x == lowx - 1 && y == lowy - 1)
                EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].ftyp = TLCORNER;
            else if (x == hix + 1 && y == lowy - 1)
                EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].ftyp = TRCORNER;
            else if (x == lowx - 1 && y == hiy + 1)
                EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].ftyp = BLCORNER;
            else if (x == hix + 1 && y == hiy + 1)
                EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].ftyp = BRCORNER;
            else if (y == lowy - 1 || y == hiy + 1)
                EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].ftyp = HWALL;
            else if (x == lowx - 1 || x == hix + 1)
                EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].ftyp = VWALL;
        levl[x][y].typ = DOOR;
        levl[x][y].flags = D_NODOOR;
        unblock_point(x, y); /* doesn't block light */
        EGD(guard)->fcend = 1;
        EGD(guard)->warncnt = 1;
Example #10
/* Generate earthquake :-) of desired force. That is: create random chasms
   (pits). Currently assumes that the player created it (you'll need to change
   at least messages, angering, and kill credit if you generalize it). */
static void
do_earthquake(int force)
    int x, y;
    struct monst *mtmp;
    struct obj *otmp;
    struct trap *chasm, *oldtrap;
    int start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y;

    start_x = youmonst.mx - (force * 2);
    start_y = youmonst.my - (force * 2);
    end_x = youmonst.mx + (force * 2);
    end_y = youmonst.my + (force * 2);
    if (start_x < 0)
        start_x = 0;
    if (start_y < 0)
        start_y = 0;
    if (end_x >= COLNO)
        end_x = COLNO - 1;
    if (end_y >= ROWNO)
        end_y = ROWNO - 1;
    for (x = start_x; x <= end_x; x++)
        for (y = start_y; y <= end_y; y++) {
            if ((mtmp = m_at(level, x, y)) != 0) {
                wakeup(mtmp, FALSE);  /* peaceful monster will become hostile */
                if (mtmp->mundetected && is_hider(mtmp->data)) {
                    mtmp->mundetected = 0;
                    if (cansee(x, y))
                        pline(msgc_youdiscover, "%s is shaken loose from %s!",
                              Amonnam(mtmp), mtmp->data == &mons[PM_TRAPPER] ?
                              "its hiding place" : the(ceiling(youmonst.mx, youmonst.my)));
                        You_hear(msgc_levelsound, "a thumping sound.");
                    if (x == youmonst.mx && y == youmonst.my &&
                        mtmp->data != &mons[PM_TRAPPER])
                              "You easily dodge the falling %s.",
                    newsym(x, y);
            if (!rn2(14 - force))
                switch (level->locations[x][y].typ) {
                case FOUNTAIN: /* Make the fountain disappear */
                    if (cansee(x, y))
                              "The fountain falls into a chasm.");
                    goto do_pit;
                case SINK:
                    if (cansee(x, y))
                              "The kitchen sink falls into a chasm.");
                    goto do_pit;
                case ALTAR:
                    if (level->locations[x][y].altarmask & AM_SANCTUM)

                    if (cansee(x, y))
                              "The altar falls into a chasm.");
                    goto do_pit;
                case GRAVE:
                    if (cansee(x, y))
                              "The headstone topples into a chasm.");
                    goto do_pit;
                case THRONE:
                    if (cansee(x, y))
                              "The throne falls into a chasm.");
                    /* Falls into next case */
                case ROOM:
                case CORR:     /* Try to make a pit */
                    /* Pits, spiked pits, holes, trapdoors, vibrating squares,
                       magic portals are immune.  A bear trap will leave the
                       trap in the pit.  It would be kind of cool to make
                       landmines detonate, but that's more trouble than it's
                       worth. */
                    if ((oldtrap = t_at(level, x, y))) {
                        if (oldtrap->ttyp == PIT || oldtrap->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT
                            || oldtrap->ttyp == HOLE ||
                            oldtrap->ttyp == TRAPDOOR ||
                            oldtrap->ttyp == VIBRATING_SQUARE ||
                            oldtrap->ttyp == MAGIC_PORTAL)

                        if (oldtrap->ttyp == BEAR_TRAP) {
                            if (mtmp)
                                mtmp->mtrapped = 0;
                            cnv_trap_obj(level, BEARTRAP, 1, oldtrap);

                    chasm = maketrap(level, x, y, PIT, rng_main);
                    if (!chasm)
                        break;  /* no pit if portal at that location */
                    chasm->tseen = 1;

                    level->locations[x][y].doormask = 0;

                    mtmp = m_at(level, x, y);

                    if ((otmp = sobj_at(BOULDER, level, x, y)) != 0) {
                        if (cansee(x, y))
                                  "KADOOM! The boulder falls into a chasm%s!",
                                  ((x == youmonst.mx) &&
                                   (y == youmonst.my)) ? " below you" : "");
                        if (mtmp)
                            mtmp->mtrapped = 0;
                        flooreffects(otmp, x, y, "");

                    /* We have to check whether monsters or player falls in a
                       chasm... */

                    if (mtmp) {
                        if (!flying(mtmp) && !levitates(mtmp) &&
                            !is_clinger(mtmp->data)) {
                            mtmp->mtrapped = 1;
                            if (cansee(x, y))
                                pline(combat_msgc(&youmonst, mtmp, cr_hit),
                                      "%s falls into a chasm!", Monnam(mtmp));
                            else if (humanoid(mtmp->data))
                                You_hear(msgc_levelsound, "a scream!");
                            mselftouch(mtmp, "Falling, ", &youmonst);
                            if (!DEADMONSTER(mtmp))
                                if ((mtmp->mhp -= rnd(6)) <= 0) {
                                    if (!cansee(x, y))
                                        pline(msgc_kill, "It is destroyed!");
                                    else {
                                        pline(msgc_petfatal, "You destroy %s!",
                                              mtmp->mtame ?
                                              x_monnam(mtmp, ARTICLE_THE,
                                                       "poor", mx_name(mtmp) ?
                                                       SUPPRESS_SADDLE : 0,
                                                       FALSE) : mon_nam(mtmp));
                                    xkilled(mtmp, 0);
                    } else if (!u.utrap && x == youmonst.mx && y == youmonst.my) {
                        if (Levitation || Flying || is_clinger(youmonst.data)) {
                                  "A chasm opens up under you!");
                            pline(msgc_noconsequence, "You don't fall in!");
                        } else {
                            pline(msgc_badidea, "You fall into a chasm!");
                            u.utrap = rn1(6, 2);
                            u.utraptype = TT_PIT;
                            turnstate.vision_full_recalc = TRUE;
                            losehp(rnd(6), "fell into a chasm");
                            selftouch("Falling, you",
                                      "falling into a chasm while wielding");
                    } else
                        newsym(x, y);
                case DOOR:     /* Make the door collapse */
                    if (level->locations[x][y].doormask == D_NODOOR)
                        goto do_pit;
                    if (cansee(x, y))
                        pline(msgc_consequence, "The door collapses.");
                    if (*in_rooms(level, x, y, SHOPBASE))
                        add_damage(x, y, 0L);
                    level->locations[x][y].doormask = D_NODOOR;
                    unblock_point(x, y);
                    newsym(x, y);
Example #11
 * Let's destroy the drawbridge located at x,y
destroy_drawbridge(int x, int y)
    struct rm *loc1, *loc2;
    struct trap *t;
    int x2, y2;
    boolean e_inview;
    struct entity *etmp1 = &(occupants[0]), *etmp2 = &(occupants[1]);

    loc1 = &level->locations[x][y];
    if (!IS_DRAWBRIDGE(loc1->typ))
    x2 = x;
    y2 = y;
    get_wall_for_db(&x2, &y2);
    loc2 = &level->locations[x2][y2];
    if ((loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_UNDER) == DB_MOAT ||
        (loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_UNDER) == DB_LAVA) {
        struct obj *otmp;
        boolean lava = (loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_UNDER) == DB_LAVA;

        if (loc1->typ == DRAWBRIDGE_UP) {
            if (cansee(x2, y2))
                      "The portcullis of the drawbridge falls into the %s!",
                      lava ? "lava" : waterbody_name(x2, y2));
                You_hear(msgc_levelsound, "a loud *SPLASH*!");
        } else {
            if (cansee(x, y))
                      "The drawbridge collapses into the %s!",
                      lava ? "lava" : waterbody_name(x, y));
                You_hear(msgc_levelsound, "a loud *SPLASH*!");
        loc1->typ = lava ? LAVAPOOL : MOAT;
        loc1->drawbridgemask = 0;
        if ((otmp = sobj_at(BOULDER, level, x, y)) != 0) {
            flooreffects(otmp, x, y, "fall");
    } else {
        if (cansee(x, y))
            pline(msgc_consequence, "The drawbridge disintegrates!");
            You_hear(msgc_levelsound, "a loud *CRASH*!");
        loc1->typ = ((loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_ICE) ? ICE : ROOM);
        loc1->icedpool = ((loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_ICE) ? ICED_MOAT : 0);
    wake_nearto(x, y, 500);
    loc2->typ = DOOR;
    loc2->doormask = D_NODOOR;
    if ((t = t_at(level, x, y)) != 0)
        deltrap(level, t);
    if ((t = t_at(level, x2, y2)) != 0)
        deltrap(level, t);
    newsym(x, y);
    newsym(x2, y2);
    if (!does_block(level, x2, y2))
        unblock_point(x2, y2);  /* vision */
    if (Is_stronghold(&u.uz))
        u.uevent.uopened_dbridge = TRUE;

    set_entity(x2, y2, etmp2);  /* currently only automissers can be here */
    if (etmp2->edata) {
        enum msg_channel hit_msgc;
        if (is_u(etmp2))
            hit_msgc = msgc_fatal_predone;
        else if (etmp2->emon->mtame && canspotmon(etmp2->emon))
            hit_msgc = msgc_petfatal;
            hit_msgc = msgc_monneutral;
        e_inview = e_canseemon(etmp2);
        if (!automiss(etmp2)) {
            if (e_inview)
                pline(hit_msgc, "%s blown apart by flying debris.",
                      E_phrase(etmp2, "are"));
            e_died(etmp2, e_inview ? 3 : 2, CRUSHING,
                   killer_msg(CRUSHING, "an exploding drawbridge"));
        }       /* nothing which is vulnerable can survive this */
    set_entity(x, y, etmp1);
    if (etmp1->edata) {
        enum msg_channel hit_msgc;
        if (is_u(etmp1))
            hit_msgc = msgc_fatal_predone;
        else if (etmp1->emon->mtame && canspotmon(etmp1->emon))
            hit_msgc = msgc_petfatal;
            hit_msgc = msgc_monneutral;
        e_inview = e_canseemon(etmp1);
        if (!e_missed(etmp1, TRUE)) {
            if (e_inview) {
                if (!is_u(etmp1) && Hallucination)
                    pline(hit_msgc, "%s into some heavy metal!",
                          E_phrase(etmp1, "get"));
                    pline(hit_msgc, "%s hit by a huge chunk of metal!",
                          E_phrase(etmp1, "are"));
            } else {
                if (!is_u(etmp1) && !is_pool(level, x, y))
                    You_hear(msgc_levelsound, "a crushing sound.");
            e_died(etmp1, e_inview ? 3 : 2, CRUSHING,
                   killer_msg(CRUSHING, "a collapsing drawbridge"));
            /* if (loc1->typ == MOAT) do_entity(etmp1); */
        if (is_u(etmp1))
        else if (!DEADMONSTER(etmp1->emon))
Example #12
 * return  1: guard moved,  0: guard didn't,  -1: let m_move do it,  -2: died
gd_move(struct monst *grd)
    int x, y, nx, ny, m, n;
    int dx, dy, gx = 0, gy = 0, fci;
    uchar typ;
    struct fakecorridor *fcp;
    struct egd *egrd = EGD(grd);
    struct rm *crm;
    boolean goldincorridor = FALSE, u_in_vault =
        vault_occupied(u.urooms) ? TRUE : FALSE, grd_in_vault =
        *in_rooms(level, grd->mx, grd->my, VAULT) ? TRUE : FALSE;
    boolean disappear_msg_seen = FALSE, semi_dead = (grd->mhp <= 0);
    long umoney = money_cnt(invent);
    boolean u_carry_gold = ((umoney + hidden_gold()) > 0L);
    boolean see_guard;

    if (!on_level(&(egrd->gdlevel), &u.uz))
        return -1;
    nx = ny = m = n = 0;
    if (!u_in_vault && !grd_in_vault)
    if (!grd->mpeaceful) {
        if (semi_dead) {
            egrd->gddone = 1;
            goto newpos;
        if (!u_in_vault &&
            (grd_in_vault ||
             (in_fcorridor(grd, grd->mx, grd->my) &&
              !in_fcorridor(grd, u.ux, u.uy)))) {
            rloc(grd, FALSE);
            clear_fcorr(grd, TRUE);
            goto letknow;
        if (!in_fcorridor(grd, grd->mx, grd->my))
            clear_fcorr(grd, TRUE);
        return -1;
    if (abs(egrd->ogx - grd->mx) > 1 || abs(egrd->ogy - grd->my) > 1)
        return -1;      /* teleported guard - treat as monster */
    if (egrd->fcend == 1) {
        if (u_in_vault && (u_carry_gold || um_dist(grd->mx, grd->my, 1))) {
            if (egrd->warncnt == 3)
                verbalize("I repeat, %sfollow me!",
                          u_carry_gold ? (!umoney ?
                                          "drop that hidden money and " :
                                          "drop that money and ") : "");
            if (egrd->warncnt == 7) {
                m = grd->mx;
                n = grd->my;
                verbalize("You've been warned, knave!");
                level->locations[m][n].typ = egrd->fakecorr[0].ftyp;
                newsym(m, n);
                msethostility(grd, TRUE, FALSE);
                return -1;
            /* not fair to get mad when (s)he's fainted or paralyzed */
            if (!u_helpless(hm_all))
            return 0;

        if (!u_in_vault) {
            if (u_carry_gold) { /* player teleported */
                m = grd->mx;
                n = grd->my;
                rloc(grd, FALSE);
                level->locations[m][n].typ = egrd->fakecorr[0].ftyp;
                newsym(m, n);
                msethostility(grd, TRUE, FALSE);
                if (!cansee(grd->mx, grd->my) || !mon_visible(grd))
                    You_hear("the shrill sound of a guard's whistle.");
                    pline(um_dist(grd->mx, grd->my, 2) ?
                          "You see an angry guard approaching." :
                          "You are confronted by an angry guard.");
                return -1;
            } else {
                verbalize("Well, begone.");
                egrd->gddone = 1;
                goto cleanup;

    if (egrd->fcend > 1) {
        if (egrd->fcend > 2 && in_fcorridor(grd, grd->mx, grd->my) &&
            !egrd->gddone && !in_fcorridor(grd, u.ux, u.uy) &&
            level->locations[egrd->fakecorr[0].fx][egrd->fakecorr[0].fy].typ ==
            egrd->fakecorr[0].ftyp) {
            if (canseemon(grd)) {
                pline("%s, confused, disappears.", Monnam(grd));
                disappear_msg_seen = TRUE;
            goto cleanup;
        if (u_carry_gold && (in_fcorridor(grd, u.ux, u.uy) ||
                             /* cover a 'blind' spot */
                             (egrd->fcend > 1 && u_in_vault))) {
            if (!grd->mx) {
                return -2;
            if (egrd->warncnt < 6) {
                egrd->warncnt = 6;
                verbalize("Drop all your gold, scoundrel!");
                return 0;
            } else {
                verbalize("So be it, rogue!");
                msethostility(grd, TRUE, FALSE);
                return -1;
    for (fci = egrd->fcbeg; fci < egrd->fcend; fci++)
        if (gold_at(level, egrd->fakecorr[fci].fx, egrd->fakecorr[fci].fy)) {
            m = egrd->fakecorr[fci].fx;
            n = egrd->fakecorr[fci].fy;
            goldincorridor = TRUE;
    if (goldincorridor && !egrd->gddone) {
        boolean yours = FALSE;

        x = grd->mx;
        y = grd->my;
        if (m == u.ux && n == u.uy) {
            struct obj *gold = gold_at(level, m, n);

            yours = TRUE;
            /* Grab the gold from between the hero's feet.  */
            add_to_minv(grd, gold);
            newsym(m, n);
        } else if (m == x && n == y) {
            mpickgold(grd);     /* does a newsym */
        } else {
            /* just for insurance... */
            if (MON_AT(level, m, n) && m != grd->mx && n != grd->my) {
                verbalize("Out of my way, scum!");
                rloc(m_at(level, m, n), FALSE);
            remove_monster(level, grd->mx, grd->my);
            newsym(grd->mx, grd->my);
            place_monster(grd, m, n);
            mpickgold(grd);     /* does a newsym */
        if (cansee(m, n)) {
            if (yours) {
                pline("%s%s picks up the gold.", Monnam(grd),
                      grd->mpeaceful ? " calms down and" : "");
            } else {
                pline("%s picks up some gold.", Monnam(grd));
        if (x != grd->mx || y != grd->my) {
            remove_monster(level, grd->mx, grd->my);
            newsym(grd->mx, grd->my);
            place_monster(grd, x, y);
            newsym(x, y);
        if (!grd->mpeaceful)
            return -1;
        else {
            egrd->warncnt = 5;
            return 0;
    if (um_dist(grd->mx, grd->my, 1) || egrd->gddone) {
        if (!egrd->gddone && !rn2(10))
            verbalize("Move along!");
        return 0;       /* didn't move */
    x = grd->mx;
    y = grd->my;

    if (u_in_vault)
        goto nextpos;

    /* look around (hor & vert only) for accessible places */
    for (nx = x - 1; nx <= x + 1; nx++)
        for (ny = y - 1; ny <= y + 1; ny++) {
            if ((nx == x || ny == y) && (nx != x || ny != y) && isok(nx, ny)) {

                typ = (crm = &level->locations[nx][ny])->typ;
                if (!IS_STWALL(typ) && !IS_POOL(typ)) {

                    if (in_fcorridor(grd, nx, ny))
                        goto nextnxy;

                    if (*in_rooms(level, nx, ny, VAULT))

                    /* seems we found a good place to leave him alone */
                    egrd->gddone = 1;
                    if (ACCESSIBLE(typ))
                        goto newpos;
                    crm->typ = (typ == SCORR) ? CORR : DOOR;
                    if (crm->typ == DOOR)
                        crm->doormask = D_NODOOR;
                    goto proceed;
    nx = x;
    ny = y;
    gx = egrd->gdx;
    gy = egrd->gdy;
    dx = (gx > x) ? 1 : (gx < x) ? -1 : 0;
    dy = (gy > y) ? 1 : (gy < y) ? -1 : 0;
    if (abs(gx - x) >= abs(gy - y))
        nx += dx;
        ny += dy;

    while ((typ = (crm = &level->locations[nx][ny])->typ) != 0) {
        /* in view of the above we must have IS_WALL(typ) or typ == POOL */
        /* must be a wall here */
        if (isok(nx + nx - x, ny + ny - y) && !IS_POOL(typ) &&
            IS_ROOM(level->locations[nx + nx - x][ny + ny - y].typ)) {
            crm->typ = DOOR;
            crm->doormask = D_NODOOR;
            goto proceed;
        if (dy && nx != x) {
            nx = x;
            ny = y + dy;
        if (dx && ny != y) {
            ny = y;
            nx = x + dx;
            dy = 0;
        /* I don't like this, but ... */
        if (IS_ROOM(typ)) {
            crm->typ = DOOR;
            crm->doormask = D_NODOOR;
            goto proceed;
    crm->typ = CORR;
    unblock_point(nx, ny);      /* doesn't block light */
    if (cansee(nx, ny))
        newsym(nx, ny);

    if ((nx != gx || ny != gy) || (grd->mx != gx || grd->my != gy)) {
        fcp = &(egrd->fakecorr[egrd->fcend]);
        if (egrd->fcend++ == FCSIZ)
            panic("fakecorr overflow");
        fcp->fx = nx;
        fcp->fy = ny;
        fcp->ftyp = typ;
    } else if (!egrd->gddone) {
        /* We're stuck, so try to find a new destination. */
        if (!find_guard_dest(grd, &egrd->gdx, &egrd->gdy) ||
            (egrd->gdx == gx && egrd->gdy == gy)) {
            pline("%s, confused, disappears.", Monnam(grd));
            disappear_msg_seen = TRUE;
            goto cleanup;
        } else
            goto nextpos;
    if (egrd->gddone) {
        /* The following is a kludge.  We need to keep the guard around in order
           to be able to make the fake corridor disappear as the player moves
           out of it, but we also need the guard out of the way.  We send the
           guard to never-never land.  We set ogx ogy to mx my in order to avoid
           a check at the top of this function.  At the end of the process, the
           guard is killed in restfakecorr().  */
        x = grd->mx;
        y = grd->my;

        see_guard = canspotmon(grd);
        remove_monster(level, grd->mx, grd->my);
        newsym(grd->mx, grd->my);
        grd->mx = COLNO;
        grd->my = ROWNO;
        egrd->ogx = grd->mx;
        egrd->ogy = grd->my;
        if (!semi_dead && (in_fcorridor(grd, u.ux, u.uy) || cansee(x, y))) {
            if (!disappear_msg_seen && see_guard)
                pline("Suddenly, %s disappears.", noit_mon_nam(grd));
            return 1;
        return -2;
    egrd->ogx = grd->mx;        /* update old positions */
    egrd->ogy = grd->my;
    remove_monster(level, grd->mx, grd->my);
    place_monster(grd, nx, ny);
    newsym(grd->mx, grd->my);
    return 1;
Example #13
    struct monst *guard;
    int trycount, vaultroom = (int)vault_occupied(u.urooms);
    boolean messages = TRUE;

    if (!vaultroom) {
        u.uinvault = 0;

    vaultroom -= ROOMOFFSET;

    guard = findgd();
    if (++u.uinvault % 30 == 0 && !guard) {  /* if time ok and no guard now. */
        int x, y, gx, gy;
        xchar rx, ry;
        long umoney;
        const char *buf;

        /* first find the goal for the guard */
        if (!find_guard_dest(NULL, &rx, &ry))
        gx = rx;
        gy = ry;

        /* next find a good place for a door in the wall */
        x = u.ux;
        y = u.uy;
        if (level->locations[x][y].typ != ROOM) {       /* player dug a door
                                                           and is in it */
            if (level->locations[x + 1][y].typ == ROOM)
                x = x + 1;
            else if (level->locations[x][y + 1].typ == ROOM)
                y = y + 1;
            else if (level->locations[x - 1][y].typ == ROOM)
                x = x - 1;
            else if (level->locations[x][y - 1].typ == ROOM)
                y = y - 1;
            else if (level->locations[x + 1][y + 1].typ == ROOM) {
                x = x + 1;
                y = y + 1;
            } else if (level->locations[x - 1][y - 1].typ == ROOM) {
                x = x - 1;
                y = y - 1;
            } else if (level->locations[x + 1][y - 1].typ == ROOM) {
                x = x + 1;
                y = y - 1;
            } else if (level->locations[x - 1][y + 1].typ == ROOM) {
                x = x - 1;
                y = y + 1;
        while (level->locations[x][y].typ == ROOM) {
            int dx, dy;

            dx = (gx > x) ? 1 : (gx < x) ? -1 : 0;
            dy = (gy > y) ? 1 : (gy < y) ? -1 : 0;
            if (abs(gx - x) >= abs(gy - y))
                x += dx;
                y += dy;
        if (x == u.ux && y == u.uy) {
            if (level->locations[x + 1][y].typ == HWALL ||
                level->locations[x + 1][y].typ == DOOR)
                x = x + 1;
            else if (level->locations[x - 1][y].typ == HWALL ||
                     level->locations[x - 1][y].typ == DOOR)
                x = x - 1;
            else if (level->locations[x][y + 1].typ == VWALL ||
                     level->locations[x][y + 1].typ == DOOR)
                y = y + 1;
            else if (level->locations[x][y - 1].typ == VWALL ||
                     level->locations[x][y - 1].typ == DOOR)
                y = y - 1;

        /* make something interesting happen */
        if (!(guard = makemon(&mons[PM_GUARD], level, x, y, NO_MM_FLAGS)))
        guard->isgd = 1;
        msethostility(guard, FALSE, TRUE);
        EGD(guard)->gddone = 0;
        EGD(guard)->ogx = x;
        EGD(guard)->ogy = y;
        assign_level(&(EGD(guard)->gdlevel), &u.uz);
        EGD(guard)->vroom = vaultroom;
        EGD(guard)->warncnt = 0;

        /* We used to reset fainted status here, but that doesn't really make
           sense; instead, that's treated like normal helplessness */
        if (canspotmon(guard))
            pline("Suddenly one of the Vault's guards enters!");
        else if (canhear())
            You_hear("someone else enter the Vault.");
            messages = FALSE;

        newsym(guard->mx, guard->my);
        if (youmonst.m_ap_type == M_AP_OBJECT || u.uundetected || u.uburied) {
            if (youmonst.m_ap_type == M_AP_OBJECT &&
                youmonst.mappearance != GOLD_PIECE)
                verbalize("Hey! Who left that %s in here?",
            /* You're mimicking some object or you're hidden. */
            if (messages)
                pline("Puzzled, %s turns around and leaves.", mhe(guard));
        if (Engulfed) {
            if ((!u.ustuck->minvis || perceives(guard->data)))
                verbalize("How did that %s get in here?", m_monnam(u.ustuck));
            if (messages)
                pline("Puzzled, %s turns around and leaves.", mhe(guard));
        if (Strangled || is_silent(youmonst.data) || u_helpless(hm_all)) {
            /* [we ought to record whether this this message has already been
               given in order to vary it upon repeat visits, but discarding the 
               monster and its egd data renders that hard] */
            verbalize("I'll be back when you're ready to speak to me!");


        trycount = 5;
        do {
            buf = getlin("\"Hello stranger, who are you?\" -", FALSE);
            buf = msgmungspaces(buf);
        } while (!letter(buf[0]) && --trycount > 0);

        if (u.ualign.type == A_LAWFUL &&
            /* ignore trailing text, in case player includes character's rank */
            strncmpi(buf, u.uplname, (int)strlen(u.uplname)) != 0) {
            adjalign(-1);       /* Liar! */

        if (!strcmpi(buf, "Croesus") || !strcmpi(buf, "Kroisos") ||
            !strcmpi(buf, "Creosote")) {
            if (!mvitals[PM_CROESUS].died) {
                verbalize("Oh, yes, of course.  Sorry to have disturbed you.");
            } else {
                verbalize("Back from the dead, are you?  I'll remedy that!");
                /* don't want guard to waste next turn wielding a weapon */
                if (!MON_WEP(guard)) {
                    guard->weapon_check = NEED_HTH_WEAPON;
        verbalize("I don't know you.");
        umoney = money_cnt(invent);
        if (!umoney && !hidden_gold())
            verbalize("Please follow me.");
        else {
            if (!umoney)
                verbalize("You have hidden money.");
            verbalize("Most likely all your money was stolen from this vault.");
            verbalize("Please drop that money and follow me.");

        EGD(guard)->gdx = gx;
        EGD(guard)->gdy = gy;
        EGD(guard)->fcbeg = 0;
        EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].fx = x;
        EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].fy = y;
        if (IS_WALL(level->locations[x][y].typ))
            EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].ftyp = level->locations[x][y].typ;
        else {  /* the initial guard location is a dug door */
            int vlt = EGD(guard)->vroom;
            xchar lowx = level->rooms[vlt].lx, hix = level->rooms[vlt].hx;
            xchar lowy = level->rooms[vlt].ly, hiy = level->rooms[vlt].hy;

            if (x == lowx - 1 && y == lowy - 1)
                EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].ftyp = TLCORNER;
            else if (x == hix + 1 && y == lowy - 1)
                EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].ftyp = TRCORNER;
            else if (x == lowx - 1 && y == hiy + 1)
                EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].ftyp = BLCORNER;
            else if (x == hix + 1 && y == hiy + 1)
                EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].ftyp = BRCORNER;
            else if (y == lowy - 1 || y == hiy + 1)
                EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].ftyp = HWALL;
            else if (x == lowx - 1 || x == hix + 1)
                EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].ftyp = VWALL;
        level->locations[x][y].typ = DOOR;
        level->locations[x][y].doormask = D_NODOOR;
        unblock_point(x, y);    /* doesn't block light */
        EGD(guard)->fcend = 1;
        EGD(guard)->warncnt = 1;