Example #1
 * Update the model of a symbol's Gaussian with new information.
 * \param heuristics Pointer to the P25Heuristics module with all the needed state information.
 * \param previous_dibit The cleared previous dibit value.
 * \param original_dibit The current dibit as it was interpreted initially.
 * \param dibit The current dibit. Will be different from original_dibit if the FEC fixed it.
 * \param analog_value The actual analog signal value from which the original_dibit was derived.
static void update_p25_heuristics(P25Heuristics* heuristics, int previous_dibit, int original_dibit, int dibit, int analog_value)
    float mean;
    int old_value;
    float old_mean;

    SymbolHeuristics* sh;
    int number_errors;

    previous_dibit = 0;

    // Locate the Gaussian (SymbolHeuristics structure) we are going to update
    sh = &(heuristics->symbols[previous_dibit][dibit]);

    // Update the circular buffers of values
    old_value = sh->values[sh->index];
    old_mean = sh->means[sh->index];

    // Update the BER statistics
    number_errors = 0;
    if (original_dibit != dibit) {
        if ((original_dibit == 0 && dibit == 3) || (original_dibit == 3 && dibit == 0) ||
            (original_dibit == 1 && dibit == 2) || (original_dibit == 2 && dibit == 1)) {
            // Interpreting a "00" as "11", "11" as "00", "01" as "10" or "10" as "01" counts as 2 errors
            number_errors = 2;
        } else {
            // The other 8 combinations count (where original_dibit != dibit) as 1 error.
            number_errors = 1;
    update_error_stats(heuristics, 2, number_errors);

    // Update the running mean and variance. This is to calculate the PDF faster when required
    if (sh->count >= HEURISTICS_SIZE) {
        sh->sum -= old_value;
        sh->var_sum -= (((float)old_value) - old_mean) * (((float)old_value) - old_mean);
    sh->sum += analog_value;

    sh->values[sh->index] = analog_value;
    if (sh->count < HEURISTICS_SIZE) {
    mean = sh->sum / ((float)sh->count);
    sh->means[sh->index] = mean;
    if (sh->index >= (HEURISTICS_SIZE-1)) {
        sh->index = 0;
    } else {

    sh->var_sum += (((float)analog_value) - mean) * (((float)analog_value) - mean);
Example #2
processLDU1 (dsd_opts* opts, dsd_state* state)
  // extracts IMBE frames from LDU frame
  int i;
  char lcformat[9], mfid[9], lcinfo[57];
  char lsd1[9], lsd2[9];

  int status_count;

  char hex_data[12][6];    // Data in hex-words (6 bit words). A total of 12 hex words.
  char hex_parity[12][6];  // Parity of the data, again in hex-word format. A total of 12 parity hex words.

  int irrecoverable_errors;

  AnalogSignal analog_signal_array[12*(3+2)+12*(3+2)];
  int analog_signal_index;

  analog_signal_index = 0;

  // we skip the status dibits that occur every 36 symbols
  // the first IMBE frame starts 14 symbols before next status
  // so we start counter at 36-14-1 = 21
  status_count = 21;

  if (opts->errorbars == 1)
      printf ("e:");

  // IMBE 1
#ifdef TRACE_DSD
  state->debug_prefix_2 = '0';
  process_IMBE (opts, state, &status_count);

  // IMBE 2
#ifdef TRACE_DSD
  state->debug_prefix_2 = '1';
  process_IMBE (opts, state, &status_count);

  // Read data after IMBE 2
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_data[11][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_data[10][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_data[ 9][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_data[ 8][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  analog_signal_array[0*5].sequence_broken = 1;

  // IMBE 3
#ifdef TRACE_DSD
  state->debug_prefix_2 = '2';
  process_IMBE (opts, state, &status_count);

  // Read data after IMBE 3
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_data[ 7][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_data[ 6][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_data[ 5][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_data[ 4][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  analog_signal_array[4*5].sequence_broken = 1;

  // IMBE 4
#ifdef TRACE_DSD
  state->debug_prefix_2 = '3';
  process_IMBE (opts, state, &status_count);

  // Read data after IMBE 4
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_data[ 3][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_data[ 2][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_data[ 1][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_data[ 0][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  analog_signal_array[8*5].sequence_broken = 1;

  // IMBE 5
#ifdef TRACE_DSD
  state->debug_prefix_2 = '4';
  process_IMBE (opts, state, &status_count);

  // Read data after IMBE 5
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_parity[11][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_parity[10][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_parity[ 9][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_parity[ 8][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  analog_signal_array[12*5].sequence_broken = 1;

  // IMBE 6
#ifdef TRACE_DSD
  state->debug_prefix_2 = '5';
  process_IMBE (opts, state, &status_count);

  // Read data after IMBE 6
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_parity[ 7][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_parity[ 6][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_parity[ 5][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_parity[ 4][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  analog_signal_array[16*5].sequence_broken = 1;

  // IMBE 7
#ifdef TRACE_DSD
  state->debug_prefix_2 = '6';
  process_IMBE (opts, state, &status_count);

  // Read data after IMBE 7
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_parity[ 3][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_parity[ 2][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_parity[ 1][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  read_and_correct_hex_word (opts, state, &(hex_parity[ 0][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);
  analog_signal_array[20*5].sequence_broken = 1;

  // IMBE 8
#ifdef TRACE_DSD
  state->debug_prefix_2 = '7';
  process_IMBE (opts, state, &status_count);

  // Read data after IMBE 8: LSD (low speed data)
    char lsd[8];
    char cyclic_parity[8];

    for (i=0; i<=6; i+=2)
        read_dibit(opts, state, lsd+i, &status_count, NULL, NULL);
    for (i=0; i<=6; i+=2)
        read_dibit(opts, state, cyclic_parity+i, &status_count, NULL, NULL);
    for (i=0; i<8; i++)
        lsd1[i] = lsd[i] + '0';

    for (i=0; i<=6; i+=2)
        read_dibit(opts, state, lsd+i, &status_count, NULL, NULL);
    for (i=0; i<=6; i+=2)
        read_dibit(opts, state, cyclic_parity+i, &status_count, NULL, NULL);
    for (i=0; i<8; i++)
        lsd2[i] = lsd[i] + '0';

    // TODO: error correction of the LSD bytes...
    // TODO: do something useful with the LSD bytes...

  // IMBE 9
#ifdef TRACE_DSD
  state->debug_prefix_2 = '8';
  process_IMBE (opts, state, &status_count);

  if (opts->errorbars == 1)
      printf ("\n");

  if (opts->p25status == 1)
      printf ("lsd1: %s lsd2: %s\n", lsd1, lsd2);

  // trailing status symbol
      int status;
      status = getDibit (opts, state) + '0';
      // TODO: do something useful with the status bits...

  // Error correct the hex_data using Reed-Solomon hex_parity
  irrecoverable_errors = check_and_fix_reedsolomon_24_12_13((char*)hex_data, (char*)hex_parity);
  if (irrecoverable_errors == 1)

      // We can correct (13-1)/2 = 6 errors. If we failed, it means that there were more than 6 errors in
      // these 12+12 words. But take into account that each hex word was already error corrected with
      // Hamming(10,6,3), which can correct 1 bits on each sequence of (6+4) bits. We could say that there
      // were 7 errors of 2 bits.
      update_error_stats(&state->p25_heuristics, 12*6+12*6, 7*2);
      // Same comments as in processHDU. See there.

      char fixed_parity[12*6];

      // Correct the dibits that we read according with hex_data values
      correct_hamming_dibits((char*)hex_data, 12, analog_signal_array);

      // Generate again the Reed-Solomon parity
      encode_reedsolomon_24_12_13((char*)hex_data, fixed_parity);

      // Correct the dibits that we read according with the fixed parity values
      correct_hamming_dibits(fixed_parity, 12, analog_signal_array+12*(3+2));

      // Once corrected, contribute this information to the heuristics module
      contribute_to_heuristics(state->rf_mod, &(state->p25_heuristics), analog_signal_array, 12*(3+2)+12*(3+2));

  printf("(audio errors, header errors, critical header errors) (%i,%i,%i)\n",
          state->debug_audio_errors, state->debug_header_errors, state->debug_header_critical_errors);

  // Now put the corrected data into the DSD structures

  lcformat[8] = 0;
  mfid[8] = 0;
  lcinfo[56] = 0;
  lsd1[8] = 0;
  lsd2[8] = 0;

  lcformat[0] = hex_data[11][0] + '0';
  lcformat[1] = hex_data[11][1] + '0';
  lcformat[2] = hex_data[11][2] + '0';
  lcformat[3] = hex_data[11][3] + '0';
  lcformat[4] = hex_data[11][4] + '0';
  lcformat[5] = hex_data[11][5] + '0';

  lcformat[6] = hex_data[10][0] + '0';
  lcformat[7] = hex_data[10][1] + '0';
  mfid[0]     = hex_data[10][2] + '0';
  mfid[1]     = hex_data[10][3] + '0';
  mfid[2]     = hex_data[10][4] + '0';
  mfid[3]     = hex_data[10][5] + '0';

  mfid[4]     = hex_data[ 9][0] + '0';
  mfid[5]     = hex_data[ 9][1] + '0';
  mfid[6]     = hex_data[ 9][2] + '0';
  mfid[7]     = hex_data[ 9][3] + '0';
  lcinfo[0]   = hex_data[ 9][4] + '0';
  lcinfo[1]   = hex_data[ 9][5] + '0';

  lcinfo[2]   = hex_data[ 8][0] + '0';
  lcinfo[3]   = hex_data[ 8][1] + '0';
  lcinfo[4]   = hex_data[ 8][2] + '0';
  lcinfo[5]   = hex_data[ 8][3] + '0';
  lcinfo[6]   = hex_data[ 8][4] + '0';
  lcinfo[7]   = hex_data[ 8][5] + '0';

  lcinfo[8]   = hex_data[ 7][0] + '0';
  lcinfo[9]   = hex_data[ 7][1] + '0';
  lcinfo[10]  = hex_data[ 7][2] + '0';
  lcinfo[11]  = hex_data[ 7][3] + '0';
  lcinfo[12]  = hex_data[ 7][4] + '0';
  lcinfo[13]  = hex_data[ 7][5] + '0';

  lcinfo[14]  = hex_data[ 6][0] + '0';
  lcinfo[15]  = hex_data[ 6][1] + '0';
  lcinfo[16]  = hex_data[ 6][2] + '0';
  lcinfo[17]  = hex_data[ 6][3] + '0';
  lcinfo[18]  = hex_data[ 6][4] + '0';
  lcinfo[19]  = hex_data[ 6][5] + '0';

  lcinfo[20]  = hex_data[ 5][0] + '0';
  lcinfo[21]  = hex_data[ 5][1] + '0';
  lcinfo[22]  = hex_data[ 5][2] + '0';
  lcinfo[23]  = hex_data[ 5][3] + '0';
  lcinfo[24]  = hex_data[ 5][4] + '0';
  lcinfo[25]  = hex_data[ 5][5] + '0';

  lcinfo[26]  = hex_data[ 4][0] + '0';
  lcinfo[27]  = hex_data[ 4][1] + '0';
  lcinfo[28]  = hex_data[ 4][2] + '0';
  lcinfo[29]  = hex_data[ 4][3] + '0';
  lcinfo[30]  = hex_data[ 4][4] + '0';
  lcinfo[31]  = hex_data[ 4][5] + '0';

  lcinfo[32]  = hex_data[ 3][0] + '0';
  lcinfo[33]  = hex_data[ 3][1] + '0';
  lcinfo[34]  = hex_data[ 3][2] + '0';
  lcinfo[35]  = hex_data[ 3][3] + '0';
  lcinfo[36]  = hex_data[ 3][4] + '0';
  lcinfo[37]  = hex_data[ 3][5] + '0';

  lcinfo[38]  = hex_data[ 2][0] + '0';
  lcinfo[39]  = hex_data[ 2][1] + '0';
  lcinfo[40]  = hex_data[ 2][2] + '0';
  lcinfo[41]  = hex_data[ 2][3] + '0';
  lcinfo[42]  = hex_data[ 2][4] + '0';
  lcinfo[43]  = hex_data[ 2][5] + '0';

  lcinfo[44]  = hex_data[ 1][0] + '0';
  lcinfo[45]  = hex_data[ 1][1] + '0';
  lcinfo[46]  = hex_data[ 1][2] + '0';
  lcinfo[47]  = hex_data[ 1][3] + '0';
  lcinfo[48]  = hex_data[ 1][4] + '0';
  lcinfo[49]  = hex_data[ 1][5] + '0';

  lcinfo[50]  = hex_data[ 0][0] + '0';
  lcinfo[51]  = hex_data[ 0][1] + '0';
  lcinfo[52]  = hex_data[ 0][2] + '0';
  lcinfo[53]  = hex_data[ 0][3] + '0';
  lcinfo[54]  = hex_data[ 0][4] + '0';
  lcinfo[55]  = hex_data[ 0][5] + '0';

  processP25lcw (opts, state, lcformat, mfid, lcinfo, irrecoverable_errors);
Example #3
processTDULC (dsd_opts* opts, dsd_state* state)
  int i;
  char lcinfo[57], lcformat[9], mfid[9];

  int status_count;

  char dodeca_data[6][12];    // Data in 12-bit words. A total of 6 words.
  char dodeca_parity[6][12];  // Reed-Solomon parity of the data. A total of 6 parity 12-bit words.

  int irrecoverable_errors;

  AnalogSignal analog_signal_array[6*(6+6)+6*(6+6)+10];
  int analog_signal_index;

  analog_signal_index = 0;

  // we skip the status dibits that occur every 36 symbols
  // the first IMBE frame starts 14 symbols before next status
  // so we start counter at 36-14-1 = 21
  status_count = 21;

  for(i=5; i>=0; i--) {
      read_and_correct_dodeca_word (opts, state, &(dodeca_data[i][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);

  for(i=5; i>=0; i--) {
      read_and_correct_dodeca_word (opts, state, &(dodeca_parity[i][0]), &status_count, analog_signal_array, &analog_signal_index);

  // Swap the two 6-bit words to accommodate for the expected word order of the Reed-Solomon decoding
  swap_hex_words((char*)dodeca_data, (char*)dodeca_parity);

  // Error correct the hex_data using Reed-Solomon hex_parity
  irrecoverable_errors = check_and_fix_reedsolomon_24_12_13((char*)dodeca_data, (char*)dodeca_parity);

  // Recover the original order
  swap_hex_words((char*)dodeca_data, (char*)dodeca_parity);

  if (irrecoverable_errors == 1)

      // We can correct (13-1)/2 = 6 errors. If we failed, it means that there were more than 6 errors in
      // these 12+12 words. But take into account that each hex word was already error corrected with
      // Golay 24, which can correct 3 bits on each sequence of (12+12) bits. We could say that there were
      // 7 errors of 4 bits.
      update_error_stats(&state->p25_heuristics, 12*6+12*6, 7*4);

      // Same comments as in processHDU. See there.

      char fixed_parity[6*12];

      // Correct the dibits that we read according with hex_data values
      correct_golay_dibits_12((char*)dodeca_data, 6, analog_signal_array);

      // Generate again the Reed-Solomon parity
      // Now, swap again for Reed-Solomon
      swap_hex_words((char*)dodeca_data, (char*)dodeca_parity);
      encode_reedsolomon_24_12_13((char*)dodeca_data, fixed_parity);
      // Swap again to recover the original order
      swap_hex_words((char*)dodeca_data, fixed_parity);

      // Correct the dibits that we read according with the fixed parity values
      correct_golay_dibits_12(fixed_parity, 6, analog_signal_array+6*(6+6));

      // Once corrected, contribute this information to the heuristics module
      analog_signal_array[0].sequence_broken = 1;
      contribute_to_heuristics(state->rf_mod, &(state->p25_heuristics), analog_signal_array, 6*(6+6)+6*(6+6));

  // Next 10 dibits should be zeros
  // If an irrecoverable error happens, you should start a new sequence since the previous dibit was not set
  read_zeros(opts, state, analog_signal_array + 6*(6+6)+6*(6+6), 20, &status_count, irrecoverable_errors);

  // Next we should find an status dibit
  if (status_count != 35) {
      printf("*** SYNC ERROR\n");

  // trailing status symbol
      int status;
      status = getDibit (opts, state) + '0';
      // TODO: do something useful with the status bits...

  // Put the corrected data into the DSD structures

  lcformat[8] = 0;
  mfid[8] = 0;
  lcinfo[56] = 0;

  lcformat[0] = dodeca_data[5][ 0] + '0';
  lcformat[1] = dodeca_data[5][ 1] + '0';
  lcformat[2] = dodeca_data[5][ 2] + '0';
  lcformat[3] = dodeca_data[5][ 3] + '0';
  lcformat[4] = dodeca_data[5][ 4] + '0';
  lcformat[5] = dodeca_data[5][ 5] + '0';
  lcformat[6] = dodeca_data[5][ 6] + '0';
  lcformat[7] = dodeca_data[5][ 7] + '0';
  mfid[0]     = dodeca_data[5][ 8] + '0';
  mfid[1]     = dodeca_data[5][ 9] + '0';
  mfid[2]     = dodeca_data[5][10] + '0';
  mfid[3]     = dodeca_data[5][11] + '0';

  mfid[4]     = dodeca_data[4][ 0] + '0';
  mfid[5]     = dodeca_data[4][ 1] + '0';
  mfid[6]     = dodeca_data[4][ 2] + '0';
  mfid[7]     = dodeca_data[4][ 3] + '0';
  lcinfo[0]   = dodeca_data[4][ 4] + '0';
  lcinfo[1]   = dodeca_data[4][ 5] + '0';
  lcinfo[2]   = dodeca_data[4][ 6] + '0';
  lcinfo[3]   = dodeca_data[4][ 7] + '0';
  lcinfo[4]   = dodeca_data[4][ 8] + '0';
  lcinfo[5]   = dodeca_data[4][ 9] + '0';
  lcinfo[6]   = dodeca_data[4][10] + '0';
  lcinfo[7]   = dodeca_data[4][11] + '0';

  lcinfo[8]   = dodeca_data[3][ 0] + '0';
  lcinfo[9]   = dodeca_data[3][ 1] + '0';
  lcinfo[10]  = dodeca_data[3][ 2] + '0';
  lcinfo[11]  = dodeca_data[3][ 3] + '0';
  lcinfo[12]  = dodeca_data[3][ 4] + '0';
  lcinfo[13]  = dodeca_data[3][ 5] + '0';
  lcinfo[14]  = dodeca_data[3][ 6] + '0';
  lcinfo[15]  = dodeca_data[3][ 7] + '0';
  lcinfo[16]  = dodeca_data[3][ 8] + '0';
  lcinfo[17]  = dodeca_data[3][ 9] + '0';
  lcinfo[18]  = dodeca_data[3][10] + '0';
  lcinfo[19]  = dodeca_data[3][11] + '0';

  lcinfo[20]  = dodeca_data[2][ 0] + '0';
  lcinfo[21]  = dodeca_data[2][ 1] + '0';
  lcinfo[22]  = dodeca_data[2][ 2] + '0';
  lcinfo[23]  = dodeca_data[2][ 3] + '0';
  lcinfo[24]  = dodeca_data[2][ 4] + '0';
  lcinfo[25]  = dodeca_data[2][ 5] + '0';
  lcinfo[26]  = dodeca_data[2][ 6] + '0';
  lcinfo[27]  = dodeca_data[2][ 7] + '0';
  lcinfo[28]  = dodeca_data[2][ 8] + '0';
  lcinfo[29]  = dodeca_data[2][ 9] + '0';
  lcinfo[30]  = dodeca_data[2][10] + '0';
  lcinfo[31]  = dodeca_data[2][11] + '0';

  lcinfo[32]  = dodeca_data[1][ 0] + '0';
  lcinfo[33]  = dodeca_data[1][ 1] + '0';
  lcinfo[34]  = dodeca_data[1][ 2] + '0';
  lcinfo[35]  = dodeca_data[1][ 3] + '0';
  lcinfo[36]  = dodeca_data[1][ 4] + '0';
  lcinfo[37]  = dodeca_data[1][ 5] + '0';
  lcinfo[38]  = dodeca_data[1][ 6] + '0';
  lcinfo[39]  = dodeca_data[1][ 7] + '0';
  lcinfo[40]  = dodeca_data[1][ 8] + '0';
  lcinfo[41]  = dodeca_data[1][ 9] + '0';
  lcinfo[42]  = dodeca_data[1][10] + '0';
  lcinfo[43]  = dodeca_data[1][11] + '0';

  lcinfo[44]  = dodeca_data[0][ 0] + '0';
  lcinfo[45]  = dodeca_data[0][ 1] + '0';
  lcinfo[46]  = dodeca_data[0][ 2] + '0';
  lcinfo[47]  = dodeca_data[0][ 3] + '0';
  lcinfo[48]  = dodeca_data[0][ 4] + '0';
  lcinfo[49]  = dodeca_data[0][ 5] + '0';
  lcinfo[50]  = dodeca_data[0][ 6] + '0';
  lcinfo[51]  = dodeca_data[0][ 7] + '0';
  lcinfo[52]  = dodeca_data[0][ 8] + '0';
  lcinfo[53]  = dodeca_data[0][ 9] + '0';
  lcinfo[54]  = dodeca_data[0][10] + '0';
  lcinfo[55]  = dodeca_data[0][11] + '0';

  processP25lcw (opts, state, lcformat, mfid, lcinfo);