Example #1
	torrent_handle add_magnet_uri(session& ses, std::string const& uri
		, std::string const& save_path
		, storage_mode_t storage_mode
		, bool paused
		, storage_constructor_type sc
		, void* userdata)
		std::string name;
		std::string tracker;

		error_code ec;
		std::string display_name = url_has_argument(uri, "dn");
		if (!display_name.empty()) name = unescape_string(display_name.c_str(), ec);
		std::string tracker_string = url_has_argument(uri, "tr");
		if (!tracker_string.empty()) tracker = unescape_string(tracker_string.c_str(), ec);
		std::string btih = url_has_argument(uri, "xt");
		if (btih.empty()) return torrent_handle();

		if (btih.compare(0, 9, "urn:btih:") != 0) return torrent_handle();

		sha1_hash info_hash;
		if (btih.size() == 40 + 9) from_hex(&btih[9], 40, (char*)&info_hash[0]);
		else info_hash.assign(base32decode(btih.substr(9)));

		return ses.add_torrent(tracker.empty() ? 0 : tracker.c_str(), info_hash
			, name.empty() ? 0 : name.c_str(), save_path, entry()
			, storage_mode, paused, sc, userdata);
Example #2
	torrent_handle add_magnet_uri(session& ses, std::string const& uri
		, add_torrent_params p, error_code& ec)
		std::string name;
		std::string tracker;

		error_code e;
		boost::optional<std::string> display_name = url_has_argument(uri, "dn");
		if (display_name) name = unescape_string(display_name->c_str(), e);
		boost::optional<std::string> tracker_string = url_has_argument(uri, "tr");
		if (tracker_string) tracker = unescape_string(tracker_string->c_str(), e);
		boost::optional<std::string> btih = url_has_argument(uri, "xt");
		if (!btih)
			ec = error_code(errors::missing_info_hash_in_uri, libtorrent_category);
			return torrent_handle();

		if (btih->compare(0, 9, "urn:btih:") != 0)
			ec = error_code(errors::missing_info_hash_in_uri, libtorrent_category);
			return torrent_handle();

		sha1_hash info_hash;
		if (btih->size() == 40 + 9) from_hex(&(*btih)[9], 40, (char*)&info_hash[0]);
		else info_hash.assign(base32decode(btih->substr(9)));

		if (!tracker.empty()) p.tracker_url = tracker.c_str();
		p.info_hash = info_hash;
		if (!name.empty()) p.name = name.c_str();
		return ses.add_torrent(p, ec);
Example #3
	torrent_handle add_magnet_uri(session& ses, std::string const& uri
		, std::string const& save_path
		, storage_mode_t storage_mode
		, bool paused
		, storage_constructor_type sc
		, void* userdata)
		add_torrent_params params(sc);
		params.storage_mode = storage_mode;
		params.userdata = userdata;
		params.save_path = save_path;

		if (paused) params.flags |= add_torrent_params::flag_paused;
		else params.flags &= ~add_torrent_params::flag_paused;

		error_code ec;
		std::string display_name = url_has_argument(uri, "dn");
		if (!display_name.empty()) params.name = unescape_string(display_name.c_str(), ec);
		std::string tracker_string = url_has_argument(uri, "tr");
		if (!tracker_string.empty()) params.trackers.push_back(unescape_string(tracker_string.c_str(), ec));
		std::string btih = url_has_argument(uri, "xt");
		if (btih.empty()) return torrent_handle();

		if (btih.compare(0, 9, "urn:btih:") != 0) return torrent_handle();

		if (btih.size() == 40 + 9) from_hex(&btih[9], 40, (char*)&params.info_hash[0]);
		else params.info_hash.assign(base32decode(btih.substr(9)));

		return ses.add_torrent(params);
Example #4
	torrent_handle add_magnet_uri(session& ses, std::string const& uri
		, fs::path const& save_path
		, storage_mode_t storage_mode
		, bool paused
		, storage_constructor_type sc
		, void* userdata)
		std::string name;
		std::string tracker;

		boost::optional<std::string> display_name = url_has_argument(uri, "dn");
		if (display_name) name = unescape_string(display_name->c_str());
		boost::optional<std::string> tracker_string = url_has_argument(uri, "tr");
		if (tracker_string) tracker = unescape_string(tracker_string->c_str());
		boost::optional<std::string> btih = url_has_argument(uri, "xt");
		if (!btih) return torrent_handle();

		if (btih->compare(0, 9, "urn:btih:") != 0) return torrent_handle();

		sha1_hash info_hash;
		if (btih->size() == 40 + 9) info_hash = boost::lexical_cast<sha1_hash>(btih->substr(9));
		else info_hash.assign(base32decode(btih->substr(9)));

		return ses.add_torrent(tracker.empty() ? 0 : tracker.c_str(), info_hash
			, name.empty() ? 0 : name.c_str(), save_path, entry()
			, storage_mode, paused, sc, userdata);
Example #5
	torrent_handle add_magnet_uri(session& ses, std::string const& uri
		, add_torrent_params p)
		std::string name;
		std::string tracker;

		boost::optional<std::string> display_name = url_has_argument(uri, "dn");
		if (display_name) name = unescape_string(display_name->c_str());
		boost::optional<std::string> tracker_string = url_has_argument(uri, "tr");
		if (tracker_string) tracker = unescape_string(tracker_string->c_str());
		boost::optional<std::string> btih = url_has_argument(uri, "xt");
		if (!btih) return torrent_handle();

		if (btih->compare(0, 9, "urn:btih:") != 0) return torrent_handle();

		sha1_hash info_hash;
		if (btih->size() == 40 + 9) info_hash = boost::lexical_cast<sha1_hash>(btih->substr(9));
		else info_hash.assign(base32decode(btih->substr(9)));

		if (!tracker.empty()) p.tracker_url = tracker.c_str();
		p.info_hash = info_hash;
		if (!name.empty()) p.name = name.c_str();
		return ses.add_torrent(p);
Example #6
	void parse_magnet_uri(std::string const& uri, add_torrent_params& p, error_code& ec)
		std::string name;

		error_code e;
		std::string display_name = url_has_argument(uri, "dn");
		if (!display_name.empty()) name = unescape_string(display_name.c_str(), e);

		// parse trackers out of the magnet link
		std::string::size_type pos = std::string::npos;
		std::string url = url_has_argument(uri, "tr", &pos);
		while (pos != std::string::npos)
			error_code e;
			url = unescape_string(url, e);
			if (e) continue;
			pos = uri.find("&tr=", pos);
			if (pos == std::string::npos) break;
			pos += 4;
			url = uri.substr(pos, uri.find('&', pos) - pos);

		// parse web seeds out of the magnet link
		pos = std::string::npos;
		url = url_has_argument(uri, "ws", &pos);
		while (pos != std::string::npos)
			error_code e;
			url = unescape_string(url, e);
			if (e) continue;
			pos = uri.find("&ws=", pos);
			if (pos == std::string::npos) break;
			pos += 4;
			url = uri.substr(pos, uri.find('&', pos) - pos);

		std::string btih = url_has_argument(uri, "xt");
		if (btih.empty())
			ec = errors::missing_info_hash_in_uri;

		if (btih.compare(0, 9, "urn:btih:") != 0)
			ec = errors::missing_info_hash_in_uri;

		std::string::size_type node_pos = std::string::npos;
		std::string node = url_has_argument(uri, "dht", &node_pos);
		while (!node.empty())
			std::string::size_type divider = node.find_last_of(':');
			if (divider != std::string::npos)
				int port = atoi(node.c_str()+divider+1);
				if (port != 0)
					p.dht_nodes.push_back(std::make_pair(node.substr(0, divider), port));
			node_pos = uri.find("&dht=", node_pos);
			if (node_pos == std::string::npos) break;
			node_pos += 5;
			node = uri.substr(node_pos, uri.find('&', node_pos) - node_pos);

		sha1_hash info_hash;
		if (btih.size() == 40 + 9) from_hex(&btih[9], 40, (char*)&info_hash[0]);
		else info_hash.assign(base32decode(btih.substr(9)));

		p.info_hash = info_hash;
		if (!name.empty()) p.name = name;
Example #7
	// TODO: 3 take string_ref here instead
	void parse_magnet_uri(std::string const& uri, add_torrent_params& p, error_code& ec)
		std::string name;

			error_code e;
			std::string display_name = url_has_argument(uri, "dn");
			if (!display_name.empty()) name = unescape_string(display_name.c_str(), e);

		// parse trackers out of the magnet link
		std::string::size_type pos = std::string::npos;
		std::string url = url_has_argument(uri, "tr", &pos);
		int tier = 0;
		while (pos != std::string::npos)
			// since we're about to assign tiers to the trackers, make sure the two
			// vectors are aligned
			if (p.tracker_tiers.size() != p.trackers.size())
				p.tracker_tiers.resize(p.trackers.size(), 0);

			error_code e;
			url = unescape_string(url, e);
			if (e) continue;
			pos = uri.find("&tr=", pos);
			if (pos == std::string::npos) break;
			pos += 4;
			url = uri.substr(pos, uri.find('&', pos) - pos);

		// parse web seeds out of the magnet link
		pos = std::string::npos;
		url = url_has_argument(uri, "ws", &pos);
		while (pos != std::string::npos)
			error_code e;
			url = unescape_string(url, e);
			if (e) continue;
			pos = uri.find("&ws=", pos);
			if (pos == std::string::npos) break;
			pos += 4;
			url = uri.substr(pos, uri.find('&', pos) - pos);

		std::string btih = url_has_argument(uri, "xt");
		if (btih.empty())
			ec = errors::missing_info_hash_in_uri;

		if (btih.compare(0, 9, "urn:btih:") != 0)
			ec = errors::missing_info_hash_in_uri;

		std::string::size_type peer_pos = std::string::npos;
		std::string peer = url_has_argument(uri, "x.pe", &peer_pos);
		while (!peer.empty())
			error_code e;
			tcp::endpoint endp = parse_endpoint(peer, e);
			if (!e)

			peer_pos = uri.find("&x.pe=", peer_pos);
			if (peer_pos == std::string::npos) break;
			peer_pos += 6;
			peer = uri.substr(peer_pos, uri.find('&', peer_pos) - peer_pos);

		std::string::size_type node_pos = std::string::npos;
		std::string node = url_has_argument(uri, "dht", &node_pos);
		while (!node.empty())
			std::string::size_type divider = node.find_last_of(':');
			if (divider != std::string::npos)
				int port = atoi(node.c_str() + divider + 1);
				if (port != 0)
					p.dht_nodes.push_back(std::make_pair(node.substr(0, divider), port));

			node_pos = uri.find("&dht=", node_pos);
			if (node_pos == std::string::npos) break;
			node_pos += 5;
			node = uri.substr(node_pos, uri.find('&', node_pos) - node_pos);

		sha1_hash info_hash;
		if (btih.size() == 40 + 9) aux::from_hex({&btih[9], 40}, info_hash.data());
		else if (btih.size() == 32 + 9)
			std::string ih = base32decode(btih.substr(9));
			if (ih.size() != 20)
				ec = errors::invalid_info_hash;
			ec = errors::invalid_info_hash;

		p.info_hash = info_hash;
		if (!name.empty()) p.name = name;