Example #1
BasicGraph* gridToGraph(const Grid<double>& world,
                        double costFn(const TBLoc& from, const TBLoc& to, const Grid<double>& world)) {
    BasicGraph* graph = new BasicGraph();
    VertexObserver* obs = new VertexObserver();
    obs->world = &world;

    // add vertices
    int rows = world.numRows();
    int cols = world.numCols();
    for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
        for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
            string name = vertexName(r, c, world);
            Vertex* v = new Vertex(name);
            v->extraData = new TBLoc(r, c, world.get(r, c));

    // add edges
    for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
        for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
            Vertex* v = graph->getVertex(vertexName(r, c, world));
            for (int dr = -1; dr <= 1; dr++) {
                for (int dc = -1; dc <= 1; dc++) {
                    int nr = r + dr;
                    int nc = c + dc;
                    if ((dr == 0 && dc == 0) || !world.inBounds(nr, nc)) {
                    Vertex* neighbor = graph->getVertex(vertexName(nr, nc, world));
                    double cost = costFn(TBLoc(r, c), TBLoc(nr, nc), world);
                    if (cost != POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
                        Edge* e = new Edge(v, neighbor, cost);
                        e->extraData = new TBEdge(TBLoc(r, c), TBLoc(nr, nc));

    return graph;
Example #2
void WorldMaze::createRandomMaze(WorldSize size) {
    clearSelection(/* redraw */ false);
    int rowsCols = getRowsCols(size) / 2 + 1;
    worldGrid.resize(rowsCols, rowsCols);
    graph = gridToGraph(worldGrid);
    // assign random weights to the edges
    // give each edge a 'random' weight;
    // put all edges into a priority queue, sorted by weight
    Set<Edge*> edgeSet = graph->getEdgeSet();
    int edgeCount = edgeSet.size();
    for (Edge* edge : edgeSet) {
        int weight = randomInteger(1, edgeCount * 1000);
        edge->cost = weight;
    // run the student's Kruskal algorithm to get a minimum spanning tree (MST)
    Set<Edge*> mst = kruskal(*graph);
    // convert the MST/graph back into a maze grid
    // (insert a 'wall' between any neighbors that do not have a connecting edge)
    for (Edge* edge : mst) {
        graph->addEdge(edge->start, edge->finish);
        graph->addEdge(edge->finish, edge->start);

    // physical <-> logical size; a maze of size MxN has 2M-1 x 2N-1 grid cells.
    // cells in row/col 0, 2, 4, ... are open squares (floors), and cells in 
    // row/col 1, 3, 5, ... are blocked (walls).
    int digits = countDigits(rowsCols);
    int worldSize = rowsCols * 2 - 1;
    worldGrid.resize(worldSize, worldSize);
    pxPerWidth = (double) windowWidth / worldSize;
    pxPerHeight = (double) windowHeight / worldSize;
    for (int row = 0; row < worldSize; row++) {
        for (int col = 0; col < worldSize; col++) {
            if (row % 2 == 0 && col % 2 == 0) {
                worldGrid.set(row, col, MAZE_FLOOR);
    for (int row = 0; row < rowsCols; row++) {
        int gridRow = row * 2;
        for (int col = 0; col < rowsCols; col++) {
            int gridCol = col * 2;
            std::string name = vertexName(row, col, digits);
            // decide whether to put open floor between neighbors
            // (if there is an edge between them)
            for (int dr = -1; dr <= 1; dr++) {
                int nr = row + dr;
                int gridNr = gridRow + dr;
                for (int dc = -1; dc <= 1; dc++) {
                    int nc = col + dc;
                    int gridNc = gridCol + dc;
                    if ((nr != row && nc != col)
                            || (nr == row && nc == col)
                            || !worldGrid.inBounds(gridNr, gridNc)) {
                    std::string neighborName = vertexName(nr, nc, digits);
                    if (graph->containsEdge(name, neighborName)) {
                        worldGrid.set(gridNr, gridNc, MAZE_FLOOR);
    delete graph;
    graph = gridToGraph(worldGrid);
Example #3
shortestPath(TBLoc start,
             TBLoc end,
             const Grid<double>& world,
             double costFn(const TBLoc& from, const TBLoc& to, const Grid<double>& world),
             double heuristicFn(const TBLoc& from, const TBLoc& to, const Grid<double>& world),
             AlgorithmType algorithm) {
    // modified by Marty to use an actual Graph object
    ensureWorldCache(world, costFn);
    cout << endl;

    Grid<double>* const pWorld = const_cast<Grid<double>*>(&world);
    BasicGraph* graph = WORLD_CACHE[pWorld];
    // graph->resetData();   // make the student worry about this

    s_world = pWorld;
    s_heuristicFunction = heuristicFn;

    // convert start/end from Loc to Vertex
    Vertex* startVertex = graph->getVertex(vertexName(start.row, start.col, world));
    Vertex* endVertex   = graph->getVertex(vertexName(end.row, end.col, world));
    if (startVertex == NULL) {
        error(string("Graph can not find start vertex with name \"") + vertexName(start.row, start.col, world) + "\"");
        for (Vertex* v : graph->getVertexSet()) {
            cout << v->name << " ";
        cout << endl;
    if (endVertex == NULL) {
        error(string("Graph can not find end vertex with name \"") + vertexName(start.row, start.col, world) + "\"");
        for (Vertex* v : graph->getVertexSet()) {
            cout << v->name << " ";
        cout << endl;

    cout << "Looking for a path from " << startVertex->name
         << " to " << endVertex->name << "." << endl;

    Vector<Vertex*> result;
    switch (algorithm) {
    case BFS:
        cout << "Executing breadth-first search algorithm ..." << endl;
        result = breadthFirstSearch(*graph, startVertex, endVertex);
    case DIJKSTRA:
        cout << "Executing Dijkstra's algorithm ..." << endl;
        result = dijkstrasAlgorithm(*graph, startVertex, endVertex);
    case A_STAR:
        cout << "Executing A* algorithm ..." << endl;
        result = aStar(*graph, startVertex, endVertex);
        cout << "Executing Bidirectional Search algorithm ..." << endl;
        extern Vector<Vertex*> bidirectionalSearch(BasicGraph& graph, Vertex* start, Vertex* end);
        result = bidirectionalSearch(*graph, startVertex, endVertex);
    case DFS:
        cout << "Executing depth-first search algorithm ..." << endl;
        result = depthFirstSearch(*graph, startVertex, endVertex);

    cout << "Algorithm complete." << endl;

    // convert Vector<Vertex*> to Vector<Loc>
    Vector<TBLoc> locResult;
    for (Vertex* v : result) {
        locResult.add(TBLoc(getRow(v), getCol(v)));
    return locResult;
Example #4
string vertexName(int r, int c, const Grid<double>& world) {
    // zero-pad the number of rows/cols for better alphabetic sorting
    int rowCols = max(world.numRows(), world.numCols());
    return vertexName(r, c, countDigits(rowCols));
Example #5
Grid<double> createRandomMaze(int size) {
    Grid<double> maze(size, size, kMazeFloor);
    BasicGraph* graph = gridToGraph(maze, mazeCost);
    // assign random weights to the edges
    // give each edge a 'random' weight;
    // put all edges into a priority queue, sorted by weight
    Set<Edge*> edgeSet = graph->getEdgeSet();
    int edgeCount = edgeSet.size();
    for (Edge* edge : edgeSet) {
        int weight = randomInteger(1, edgeCount * 1000);
        edge->cost = weight;
    // run the student's Kruskal algorithm to get a minimum spanning tree (MST)
    Set<Edge*> mst = kruskal(*graph);
    // convert the MST/graph back into a maze grid
    // (insert a 'wall' between any neighbors that do not have a connecting edge)
    for (Edge* edge : mst) {
        graph->addEdge(edge->start, edge->finish);
        graph->addEdge(edge->finish, edge->start);

    // physical <-> logical size; a maze of size MxN has 2M-1 x 2N-1 grid cells.
    // cells in row/col 0, 2, 4, ... are open squares (floors), and cells in 
    // row/col 1, 3, 5, ... are blocked (walls).
    int digits = countDigits(size);
    int worldSize = size * 2 - 1;
    Grid<double> world(worldSize, worldSize, kMazeWall);
    for (int row = 0; row < worldSize; row++) {
        for (int col = 0; col < worldSize; col++) {
            if (row % 2 == 0 && col % 2 == 0) {
                world[row][col] = kMazeFloor;
    for (int row = 0; row < size; row++) {
        int gridRow = row * 2;
        for (int col = 0; col < size; col++) {
            int gridCol = col * 2;
            string name = vertexName(row, col, digits);
            // decide whether to put open floor between neighbors
            // (if there is an edge between them)
            for (int dr = -1; dr <= 1; dr++) {
                int nr = row + dr;
                int gridNr = gridRow + dr;
                for (int dc = -1; dc <= 1; dc++) {
                    int nc = col + dc;
                    int gridNc = gridCol + dc;
                    if ((nr != row && nc != col)
                            || (nr == row && nc == col)
                            || !world.inBounds(gridNr, gridNc)) {
                    string neighborName = vertexName(nr, nc, digits);
                    if (graph->containsEdge(name, neighborName)) {
                        world[gridNr][gridNc] = kMazeFloor;
    delete graph;
    return world;