Example #1
static int
    PyUnits* self,
    PyObject* args,
    PyObject* kwds) {

  int            status     = -1;
  char*          have;
  char*          want;
  char*          ctrl_str   = NULL;
  int            ctrl       = 0;
  const char*    keywords[] = {"have", "want", "translate_units", NULL};
  struct wcserr* err        = NULL;

  if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "ss|s:UnitConverter.__init__",
                                   (char **)keywords, &have, &want,
                                   &ctrl_str)) {
    goto exit;

  if (ctrl_str != NULL) {
    if (parse_unsafe_unit_conversion_spec(ctrl_str, &ctrl)) {
      goto exit;

  /* Copy the strings since we can't have wcslib monkeying with the
     data in a Python string */
  strncpy(self->have, have, 80);
  strncpy(self->want, want, 80);

  status = wcsutrne(ctrl, self->have, &err);
  if (status != -1 && status != 0) {
    goto exit;

  status = wcsutrne(ctrl, self->want, &err);
  if (status != -1 && status != 0) {
    goto exit;

  status = wcsunitse(self->have, self->want,
                     &self->scale, &self->offset, &self->power, &err);


  if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
    return -1;
  } else if (status == 0) {
    return 0;
  } else {
    return -1;
Example #2
File: wcsfix.c Project: MQQ/astropy
int unitfix(int ctrl, struct wcsprm *wcs)

  int  i, k, status = FIXERR_NO_CHANGE;
  char orig_unit[80], msg[WCSERR_MSG_LENGTH];
  const char *function = "unitfix";
  struct wcserr **err;

  if (wcs == 0x0) return FIXERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(wcs->err);

  strcpy(msg, "Changed units: ");
  for (i = 0; i < wcs->naxis; i++) {
    strncpy(orig_unit, wcs->cunit[i], 80);
    if (wcsutrne(ctrl, wcs->cunit[i], &(wcs->err)) == 0) {
      k = strlen(msg);
      sprintf(msg+k, "'%s' -> '%s', ", orig_unit, wcs->cunit[i]);
      status = FIXERR_UNITS_ALIAS;

  if (status == FIXERR_UNITS_ALIAS) {
    k = strlen(msg) - 2;
    msg[k] = '\0';
    wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(FIXERR_UNITS_ALIAS), msg);

    status = FIXERR_SUCCESS;

  return status;
Example #3
int unitfix(int ctrl, struct wcsprm *wcs)

  int  i, status = FIXERR_NO_CHANGE;

  if (wcs == 0x0) return FIXERR_NULL_POINTER;

  for (i = 0; i < wcs->naxis; i++) {
    if (wcsutrne(ctrl, wcs->cunit[i], &(wcs->err)) == 0) {
      status = FIXERR_SUCCESS;

  return status;
Example #4
int unitfix(int ctrl, struct wcsprm *wcs)

  int  i, k, result, status = FIXERR_NO_CHANGE;
  char orig_unit[80], msg[WCSERR_MSG_LENGTH], msgtmp[WCSERR_MSG_LENGTH];
  const char *function = "unitfix";
  struct wcserr **err;

  if (wcs == 0x0) return FIXERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(wcs->err);

  strncpy(msg, "Changed units: ", WCSERR_MSG_LENGTH);

  for (i = 0; i < wcs->naxis; i++) {
    strncpy(orig_unit, wcs->cunit[i], 80);
    result = wcsutrne(ctrl, wcs->cunit[i], &(wcs->err));
    if (result == 0 || result == 12) {
      k = strlen(msg);
      if (k < WCSERR_MSG_LENGTH-1) {
        wcsutil_null_fill(80, orig_unit);
        sprintf(msgtmp, "'%s' -> '%s', ", orig_unit, wcs->cunit[i]);
        strncpy(msg+k, msgtmp, WCSERR_MSG_LENGTH-1-k);
        status = FIXERR_UNITS_ALIAS;

  if (status == FIXERR_UNITS_ALIAS) {
    /* Chop off the trailing ", ". */
    k = strlen(msg) - 2;
    msg[k] = '\0';
    wcserr_set(WCSERR_SET(FIXERR_UNITS_ALIAS), msg);

    status = 0;

  return status;
Example #5
int wcsutrn(int ctrl, char unitstr[])

  return wcsutrne(ctrl, unitstr, 0x0);