Example #1
void TwoDArraysTest::testCopyConstructor()
    TwoDArray<int> work_data;
    setup2DArray (work_data, 20, 30, 0);
    TwoDArray<int> work_copy(work_data);
    bool ret_val = equalArrays<int> (work_data, work_copy);
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT (ret_val == true);
Example #2
// called by every thread, copies the backup to each thread's work.
void hodl_resync_threads( struct work* work )
   int nonce_index = algo_gate.nonce_index;
   pthread_barrier_wait( &hodl_barrier );
   if ( memcmp( work->data, hodl_work.data, algo_gate.work_cmp_size ) )
      work_free( work );
      work_copy( work, &hodl_work );
   work->data[ nonce_index ] = swab32( hodl_work.data[ nonce_index ] );
Example #3
void zr5_init_nonce( struct work* work, struct work* g_work, int thr_id )
   // ignore POK in first word
// const int nonce_i = 19;
   const int wkcmp_sz = 72;  // (19-1) * sizeof(uint32_t)
   uint32_t *nonceptr = algo_gate.get_nonceptr( work->data );
   if ( memcmp( &work->data[1], &g_work->data[1], wkcmp_sz ) )
       work_free( work );
       work_copy( work, g_work );
       *nonceptr = 0xffffffffU / opt_n_threads * thr_id;
       if ( opt_randomize )
          *nonceptr += ( (rand() *4 ) & UINT32_MAX ) / opt_n_threads;
Example #4
void std_init_nonceptr ( struct work* work, struct work* g_work,
     uint32_t **nonceptr, int wkcmp_offset, int wkcmp_sz, int nonce_oft,
     int thr_id )
   if ( memcmp( &work->data[wkcmp_offset], &g_work->data[wkcmp_offset],
                    wkcmp_sz )
          || jsonrpc_2 ? memcmp( ( (uint8_t*) work->data ) + 43,
                                 ( (uint8_t*) g_work->data ) + 43, 33 ) : 0 )
       work_free( work );
       work_copy( work, g_work );
       *nonceptr = (uint32_t*)( ( (char*)work->data ) + nonce_oft );
       *nonceptr[0] = 0xffffffffU / opt_n_threads * thr_id;
       if ( opt_randomize )
             *nonceptr[0] += ( (rand() *4 ) & UINT32_MAX ) / opt_n_threads;
Example #5
void zr5_get_new_work( struct work* work, struct work* g_work, int thr_id,
                       uint32_t* end_nonce_ptr, bool clean_job )
   // ignore POK in first word
// const int nonce_i = 19;
   const int wkcmp_sz = 72;  // (19-1) * sizeof(uint32_t)
   uint32_t *nonceptr = algo_gate.get_nonceptr( work->data );
   if ( memcmp( &work->data[1], &g_work->data[1], wkcmp_sz )
      && ( clean_job || ( *nonceptr >= *end_nonce_ptr ) ) )
      work_free( work );
      work_copy( work, g_work );
      *nonceptr = ( 0xffffffffU / opt_n_threads ) * thr_id;
      if ( opt_randomize )
         *nonceptr += ( (rand() *4 ) & UINT32_MAX ) / opt_n_threads;
      *end_nonce_ptr = ( 0xffffffffU / opt_n_threads ) * (thr_id+1) - 0x20;
Example #6
// called only by thread 0, saves a backup of g_work
void hodl_get_new_work( struct work* work, struct work* g_work)
     work_free( &hodl_work );
     work_copy( &hodl_work, g_work );
     hodl_work.data[ algo_gate.nonce_index ] = ( clock() + rand() ) % 9999;