/* * Returns true if all of the input files have duplicate IDBs to the other files. */ static gboolean all_idbs_are_duplicates(const merge_in_file_t *in_files, const guint in_file_count) { wtapng_iface_descriptions_t *first_idb_list = NULL; wtapng_iface_descriptions_t *other_idb_list = NULL; guint first_idb_list_size, other_idb_list_size; wtap_block_t first_file_idb, other_file_idb; guint i, j; g_assert(in_files != NULL); /* get the first file's info */ first_idb_list = wtap_file_get_idb_info(in_files[0].wth); g_assert(first_idb_list->interface_data); first_idb_list_size = first_idb_list->interface_data->len; /* now compare the other input files with that */ for (i = 1; i < in_file_count; i++) { other_idb_list = wtap_file_get_idb_info(in_files[i].wth); g_assert(other_idb_list->interface_data); other_idb_list_size = other_idb_list->interface_data->len; if (other_idb_list_size != first_idb_list_size) { merge_debug("merge::all_idbs_are_duplicates: sizes of IDB lists don't match: first=%u, other=%u", first_idb_list_size, other_idb_list_size); g_free(other_idb_list); g_free(first_idb_list); return FALSE; } for (j = 0; j < other_idb_list_size; j++) { first_file_idb = g_array_index(first_idb_list->interface_data, wtap_block_t, j); other_file_idb = g_array_index(other_idb_list->interface_data, wtap_block_t, j); if (!is_duplicate_idb(first_file_idb, other_file_idb)) { merge_debug("merge::all_idbs_are_duplicates: IDBs at index %d do not match, returning FALSE", j); g_free(other_idb_list); g_free(first_idb_list); return FALSE; } } g_free(other_idb_list); } merge_debug("merge::all_idbs_are_duplicates: returning TRUE"); g_free(first_idb_list); return TRUE; }
void summary_fill_in_capture(capture_file *cf,capture_options *capture_opts, summary_tally *st) { iface_options iface; interface_t device; guint i; wtapng_iface_descriptions_t* idb_info; wtapng_if_descr_t wtapng_if_descr; wtapng_if_stats_t *if_stats; while (st->ifaces->len > 0) { iface = g_array_index(st->ifaces, iface_options, 0); st->ifaces = g_array_remove_index(st->ifaces, 0); g_free(iface.name); g_free(iface.descr); g_free(iface.cfilter); } if (st->is_tempfile) { for (i = 0; i < capture_opts->all_ifaces->len; i++) { device = g_array_index(capture_opts->all_ifaces, interface_t, i); if (!device.selected) { continue; } iface.cfilter = g_strdup(device.cfilter); iface.name = g_strdup(device.name); iface.descr = g_strdup(device.display_name); iface.drops_known = cf->drops_known; iface.drops = cf->drops; iface.has_snap = device.has_snaplen; iface.snap = device.snaplen; iface.linktype = device.active_dlt; g_array_append_val(st->ifaces, iface); } } else { idb_info = wtap_file_get_idb_info(cf->wth); for (i = 0; i < idb_info->number_of_interfaces; i++) { wtapng_if_descr = g_array_index(idb_info->interface_data, wtapng_if_descr_t, i); iface.cfilter = g_strdup(wtapng_if_descr.if_filter_str); iface.name = g_strdup(wtapng_if_descr.if_name); iface.descr = g_strdup(wtapng_if_descr.if_description); iface.drops_known = FALSE; iface.drops = 0; iface.snap = wtapng_if_descr.snap_len; iface.has_snap = (iface.snap != 65535); iface.linktype = wtapng_if_descr.link_type; if(wtapng_if_descr.num_stat_entries == 1){ /* dumpcap only writes one ISB, only handle that for now */ if_stats = &g_array_index(wtapng_if_descr.interface_statistics, wtapng_if_stats_t, 0); iface.drops_known = TRUE; iface.drops = if_stats->isb_ifdrop; iface.isb_comment = if_stats->opt_comment; } g_array_append_val(st->ifaces, iface); } g_free(idb_info); } }
void wtap_dump_params_init(wtap_dump_params *params, wtap *wth) { memset(params, 0, sizeof(*params)); if (wth == NULL) return; params->encap = wtap_file_encap(wth); params->snaplen = wtap_snapshot_length(wth); params->shb_hdrs = wtap_file_get_shb_for_new_file(wth); params->idb_inf = wtap_file_get_idb_info(wth); params->nrb_hdrs = wtap_file_get_nrb_for_new_file(wth); /* Assume that the input handle remains open until the dumper is closed. * Refer to the DSBs from the input file, wtap_dump will then copy DSBs * as they become available. */ params->dsbs_growing = wth->dsbs; }
const char * cap_file_provider_get_interface_description(struct packet_provider_data *prov, guint32 interface_id) { wtapng_iface_descriptions_t *idb_info; wtap_block_t wtapng_if_descr = NULL; char* interface_name; idb_info = wtap_file_get_idb_info(prov->wth); if (interface_id < idb_info->interface_data->len) wtapng_if_descr = g_array_index(idb_info->interface_data, wtap_block_t, interface_id); g_free(idb_info); if (wtapng_if_descr) { if (wtap_block_get_string_option_value(wtapng_if_descr, OPT_IDB_DESCR, &interface_name) == WTAP_OPTTYPE_SUCCESS) return interface_name; } return NULL; }
const char * cap_file_get_interface_name(void *data, guint32 interface_id) { capture_file *cf = (capture_file *) data; wtapng_iface_descriptions_t *idb_info; const wtapng_if_descr_t *wtapng_if_descr = NULL; idb_info = wtap_file_get_idb_info(cf->wth); if (interface_id < idb_info->number_of_interfaces) wtapng_if_descr = &g_array_index(idb_info->interface_data, wtapng_if_descr_t, interface_id); g_free(idb_info); if (wtapng_if_descr) { if (wtapng_if_descr->if_name) return wtapng_if_descr->if_name; else if (wtapng_if_descr->if_description) return wtapng_if_descr->if_description; } return "unknown"; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { wtap *wth = NULL; wtap_dumper *pdh = NULL; Buffer buf; int err; gchar *err_info; gint64 data_offset; const struct wtap_pkthdr *phdr; guint wrong_order_count = 0; gboolean write_output_regardless = TRUE; guint i; wtapng_section_t *shb_hdr; wtapng_iface_descriptions_t *idb_inf; GPtrArray *frames; FrameRecord_t *prevFrame = NULL; int opt; int file_count; char *infile; char *outfile; /* Process the options first */ while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hn")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'n': write_output_regardless = FALSE; break; case 'h': usage(FALSE); exit(0); case '?': usage(TRUE); exit(1); } } /* Remaining args are file names */ file_count = argc - optind; if (file_count == 2) { infile = argv[optind]; outfile = argv[optind+1]; } else { usage(TRUE); exit(1); } init_open_routines(); /* Open infile */ wth = wtap_open_offline(infile, WTAP_TYPE_AUTO, &err, &err_info, TRUE); if (wth == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "reordercap: Can't open %s: %s\n", infile, wtap_strerror(err)); switch (err) { case WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED: case WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCAP: case WTAP_ERR_BAD_FILE: fprintf(stderr, "(%s)\n", err_info); g_free(err_info); break; } exit(1); } DEBUG_PRINT("file_type_subtype is %u\n", wtap_file_type_subtype(wth)); shb_hdr = wtap_file_get_shb_info(wth); idb_inf = wtap_file_get_idb_info(wth); /* Open outfile (same filetype/encap as input file) */ pdh = wtap_dump_open_ng(outfile, wtap_file_type_subtype(wth), wtap_file_encap(wth), 65535, FALSE, shb_hdr, idb_inf, &err); g_free(idb_inf); if (pdh == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "reordercap: Failed to open output file: (%s) - error %s\n", outfile, wtap_strerror(err)); g_free(shb_hdr); exit(1); } /* Allocate the array of frame pointers. */ frames = g_ptr_array_new(); /* Read each frame from infile */ while (wtap_read(wth, &err, &err_info, &data_offset)) { FrameRecord_t *newFrameRecord; phdr = wtap_phdr(wth); newFrameRecord = g_slice_new(FrameRecord_t); newFrameRecord->num = frames->len + 1; newFrameRecord->offset = data_offset; newFrameRecord->time = phdr->ts; if (prevFrame && frames_compare(&newFrameRecord, &prevFrame) < 0) { wrong_order_count++; } g_ptr_array_add(frames, newFrameRecord); prevFrame = newFrameRecord; } if (err != 0) { /* Print a message noting that the read failed somewhere along the line. */ fprintf(stderr, "reordercap: An error occurred while reading \"%s\": %s.\n", infile, wtap_strerror(err)); switch (err) { case WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED: case WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCAP: case WTAP_ERR_BAD_FILE: fprintf(stderr, "(%s)\n", err_info); g_free(err_info); break; } } printf("%u frames, %u out of order\n", frames->len, wrong_order_count); /* Sort the frames */ if (wrong_order_count > 0) { g_ptr_array_sort(frames, frames_compare); } /* Write out each sorted frame in turn */ buffer_init(&buf, 1500); for (i = 0; i < frames->len; i++) { FrameRecord_t *frame = (FrameRecord_t *)frames->pdata[i]; /* Avoid writing if already sorted and configured to */ if (write_output_regardless || (wrong_order_count > 0)) { frame_write(frame, wth, pdh, &buf, infile); } g_slice_free(FrameRecord_t, frame); } buffer_free(&buf); if (!write_output_regardless && (wrong_order_count == 0)) { printf("Not writing output file because input file is already in order!\n"); } /* Free the whole array */ g_ptr_array_free(frames, TRUE); /* Close outfile */ if (!wtap_dump_close(pdh, &err)) { fprintf(stderr, "reordercap: Error closing %s: %s\n", outfile, wtap_strerror(err)); g_free(shb_hdr); exit(1); } g_free(shb_hdr); /* Finally, close infile */ wtap_fdclose(wth); return 0; }
/* * Create clone IDBs for the merge file, based on the input files and mode. */ static wtapng_iface_descriptions_t * generate_merged_idb(merge_in_file_t *in_files, const guint in_file_count, const idb_merge_mode mode) { wtapng_iface_descriptions_t *merged_idb_list = NULL; wtapng_iface_descriptions_t *input_file_idb_list = NULL; wtap_block_t input_file_idb; guint itf_count, merged_index; guint i; /* create new IDB info */ merged_idb_list = g_new(wtapng_iface_descriptions_t,1); merged_idb_list->interface_data = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(wtap_block_t)); if (mode == IDB_MERGE_MODE_ALL_SAME && all_idbs_are_duplicates(in_files, in_file_count)) { guint num_idbs; merge_debug("merge::generate_merged_idb: mode ALL set and all IDBs are duplicates"); /* they're all the same, so just get the first file's IDBs */ input_file_idb_list = wtap_file_get_idb_info(in_files[0].wth); /* this is really one more than number of IDBs, but that's good for the for-loops */ num_idbs = input_file_idb_list->interface_data->len; /* put them in the merged file */ for (itf_count = 0; itf_count < num_idbs; itf_count++) { input_file_idb = g_array_index(input_file_idb_list->interface_data, wtap_block_t, itf_count); merged_index = add_idb_to_merged_file(merged_idb_list, input_file_idb); add_idb_index_map(&in_files[0], itf_count, merged_index); } /* and set all the other file index maps the same way */ for (i = 1; i < in_file_count; i++) { for (itf_count = 0; itf_count < num_idbs; itf_count++) { add_idb_index_map(&in_files[i], itf_count, itf_count); } } g_free(input_file_idb_list); } else { for (i = 0; i < in_file_count; i++) { input_file_idb_list = wtap_file_get_idb_info(in_files[i].wth); for (itf_count = 0; itf_count < input_file_idb_list->interface_data->len; itf_count++) { input_file_idb = g_array_index(input_file_idb_list->interface_data, wtap_block_t, itf_count); if (mode == IDB_MERGE_MODE_ANY_SAME && find_duplicate_idb(input_file_idb, merged_idb_list, &merged_index)) { merge_debug("merge::generate_merged_idb: mode ANY set and found a duplicate"); /* * It's the same as a previous IDB, so we're going to "merge" * them into one by adding a map from its old IDB index to the new * one. This will be used later to change the phdr interface_id. */ add_idb_index_map(&in_files[i], itf_count, merged_index); } else { merge_debug("merge::generate_merged_idb: mode NONE set or did not find a duplicate"); /* * This IDB does not match a previous (or we want to save all IDBs), * so add the IDB to the merge file, and add a map of the indeces. */ merged_index = add_idb_to_merged_file(merged_idb_list, input_file_idb); add_idb_index_map(&in_files[i], itf_count, merged_index); } } g_free(input_file_idb_list); } } return merged_idb_list; }
void summary_fill_in(capture_file *cf, summary_tally *st) { frame_data *first_frame, *cur_frame; guint32 framenum; wtapng_section_t* shb_inf; iface_options iface; guint i; wtapng_iface_descriptions_t* idb_info; wtapng_if_descr_t wtapng_if_descr; wtapng_if_stats_t *if_stats; st->packet_count_ts = 0; st->start_time = 0; st->stop_time = 0; st->bytes = 0; st->filtered_count = 0; st->filtered_count_ts = 0; st->filtered_start = 0; st->filtered_stop = 0; st->filtered_bytes = 0; st->marked_count = 0; st->marked_count_ts = 0; st->marked_start = 0; st->marked_stop = 0; st->marked_bytes = 0; st->ignored_count = 0; /* initialize the tally */ if (cf->count != 0) { first_frame = frame_data_sequence_find(cf->frames, 1); st->start_time = nstime_to_sec(&first_frame->abs_ts); st->stop_time = nstime_to_sec(&first_frame->abs_ts); for (framenum = 1; framenum <= cf->count; framenum++) { cur_frame = frame_data_sequence_find(cf->frames, framenum); tally_frame_data(cur_frame, st); } } st->filename = cf->filename; st->file_length = cf->f_datalen; st->file_type = cf->cd_t; st->iscompressed = cf->iscompressed; st->is_tempfile = cf->is_tempfile; st->file_encap_type = cf->lnk_t; st->packet_encap_types = cf->linktypes; st->has_snap = cf->has_snap; st->snap = cf->snap; st->elapsed_time = nstime_to_sec(&cf->elapsed_time); st->packet_count = cf->count; st->drops_known = cf->drops_known; st->drops = cf->drops; st->dfilter = cf->dfilter; /* Get info from SHB */ shb_inf = wtap_file_get_shb_info(cf->wth); if(shb_inf == NULL){ st->opt_comment = NULL; st->shb_hardware = NULL; st->shb_os = NULL; st->shb_user_appl = NULL; }else{ st->opt_comment = shb_inf->opt_comment; st->shb_hardware = shb_inf->shb_hardware; st->shb_os = shb_inf->shb_os; st->shb_user_appl = shb_inf->shb_user_appl; g_free(shb_inf); } st->ifaces = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(iface_options)); idb_info = wtap_file_get_idb_info(cf->wth); for (i = 0; i < idb_info->interface_data->len; i++) { wtapng_if_descr = g_array_index(idb_info->interface_data, wtapng_if_descr_t, i); iface.cfilter = g_strdup(wtapng_if_descr.if_filter_str); iface.name = g_strdup(wtapng_if_descr.if_name); iface.descr = g_strdup(wtapng_if_descr.if_description); iface.drops_known = FALSE; iface.drops = 0; iface.snap = wtapng_if_descr.snap_len; iface.has_snap = (iface.snap != 65535); iface.encap_type = wtapng_if_descr.wtap_encap; if(wtapng_if_descr.num_stat_entries == 1){ /* dumpcap only writes one ISB, only handle that for now */ if_stats = &g_array_index(wtapng_if_descr.interface_statistics, wtapng_if_stats_t, 0); iface.drops_known = TRUE; iface.drops = if_stats->isb_ifdrop; iface.isb_comment = if_stats->opt_comment; } g_array_append_val(st->ifaces, iface); } g_free(idb_info); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { GString *comp_info_str; GString *runtime_info_str; char *init_progfile_dir_error; wtap *wth = NULL; wtap_dumper *pdh = NULL; wtap_rec dump_rec; Buffer buf; int err; gchar *err_info; gint64 data_offset; const wtap_rec *rec; guint wrong_order_count = 0; gboolean write_output_regardless = TRUE; guint i; GArray *shb_hdrs = NULL; wtapng_iface_descriptions_t *idb_inf = NULL; GArray *nrb_hdrs = NULL; int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; GPtrArray *frames; FrameRecord_t *prevFrame = NULL; int opt; static const struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'v'}, {0, 0, 0, 0 } }; int file_count; char *infile; const char *outfile; cmdarg_err_init(failure_warning_message, failure_message_cont); /* Get the compile-time version information string */ comp_info_str = get_compiled_version_info(NULL, NULL); /* Get the run-time version information string */ runtime_info_str = get_runtime_version_info(NULL); /* Add it to the information to be reported on a crash. */ ws_add_crash_info("Reordercap (Wireshark) %s\n" "\n" "%s" "\n" "%s", get_ws_vcs_version_info(), comp_info_str->str, runtime_info_str->str); g_string_free(comp_info_str, TRUE); g_string_free(runtime_info_str, TRUE); /* * Get credential information for later use. */ init_process_policies(); /* * Attempt to get the pathname of the directory containing the * executable file. */ init_progfile_dir_error = init_progfile_dir(argv[0]); if (init_progfile_dir_error != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "reordercap: Can't get pathname of directory containing the reordercap program: %s.\n", init_progfile_dir_error); g_free(init_progfile_dir_error); } init_report_message(failure_warning_message, failure_warning_message, NULL, NULL, NULL); wtap_init(TRUE); /* Process the options first */ while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hnv", long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'n': write_output_regardless = FALSE; break; case 'h': printf("Reordercap (Wireshark) %s\n" "Reorder timestamps of input file frames into output file.\n" "See https://www.wireshark.org for more information.\n", get_ws_vcs_version_info()); print_usage(stdout); goto clean_exit; case 'v': comp_info_str = get_compiled_version_info(NULL, NULL); runtime_info_str = get_runtime_version_info(NULL); show_version("Reordercap (Wireshark)", comp_info_str, runtime_info_str); g_string_free(comp_info_str, TRUE); g_string_free(runtime_info_str, TRUE); goto clean_exit; case '?': print_usage(stderr); ret = INVALID_OPTION; goto clean_exit; } } /* Remaining args are file names */ file_count = argc - optind; if (file_count == 2) { infile = argv[optind]; outfile = argv[optind+1]; } else { print_usage(stderr); ret = INVALID_OPTION; goto clean_exit; } /* Open infile */ /* TODO: if reordercap is ever changed to give the user a choice of which open_routine reader to use, then the following needs to change. */ wth = wtap_open_offline(infile, WTAP_TYPE_AUTO, &err, &err_info, TRUE); if (wth == NULL) { cfile_open_failure_message("reordercap", infile, err, err_info); ret = OPEN_ERROR; goto clean_exit; } DEBUG_PRINT("file_type_subtype is %d\n", wtap_file_type_subtype(wth)); shb_hdrs = wtap_file_get_shb_for_new_file(wth); idb_inf = wtap_file_get_idb_info(wth); nrb_hdrs = wtap_file_get_nrb_for_new_file(wth); /* Open outfile (same filetype/encap as input file) */ if (strcmp(outfile, "-") == 0) { pdh = wtap_dump_open_stdout_ng(wtap_file_type_subtype(wth), wtap_file_encap(wth), wtap_snapshot_length(wth), FALSE, shb_hdrs, idb_inf, nrb_hdrs, &err); } else { pdh = wtap_dump_open_ng(outfile, wtap_file_type_subtype(wth), wtap_file_encap(wth), wtap_snapshot_length(wth), FALSE, shb_hdrs, idb_inf, nrb_hdrs, &err); } g_free(idb_inf); idb_inf = NULL; if (pdh == NULL) { cfile_dump_open_failure_message("reordercap", outfile, err, wtap_file_type_subtype(wth)); wtap_block_array_free(shb_hdrs); wtap_block_array_free(nrb_hdrs); ret = OUTPUT_FILE_ERROR; goto clean_exit; } /* Allocate the array of frame pointers. */ frames = g_ptr_array_new(); /* Read each frame from infile */ while (wtap_read(wth, &err, &err_info, &data_offset)) { FrameRecord_t *newFrameRecord; rec = wtap_get_rec(wth); newFrameRecord = g_slice_new(FrameRecord_t); newFrameRecord->num = frames->len + 1; newFrameRecord->offset = data_offset; if (rec->presence_flags & WTAP_HAS_TS) { newFrameRecord->frame_time = rec->ts; } else { nstime_set_unset(&newFrameRecord->frame_time); } if (prevFrame && frames_compare(&newFrameRecord, &prevFrame) < 0) { wrong_order_count++; } g_ptr_array_add(frames, newFrameRecord); prevFrame = newFrameRecord; } if (err != 0) { /* Print a message noting that the read failed somewhere along the line. */ cfile_read_failure_message("reordercap", infile, err, err_info); } printf("%u frames, %u out of order\n", frames->len, wrong_order_count); /* Sort the frames */ if (wrong_order_count > 0) { g_ptr_array_sort(frames, frames_compare); } /* Write out each sorted frame in turn */ wtap_rec_init(&dump_rec); ws_buffer_init(&buf, 1500); for (i = 0; i < frames->len; i++) { FrameRecord_t *frame = (FrameRecord_t *)frames->pdata[i]; /* Avoid writing if already sorted and configured to */ if (write_output_regardless || (wrong_order_count > 0)) { frame_write(frame, wth, pdh, &dump_rec, &buf, infile, outfile); } g_slice_free(FrameRecord_t, frame); } wtap_rec_cleanup(&dump_rec); ws_buffer_free(&buf); if (!write_output_regardless && (wrong_order_count == 0)) { printf("Not writing output file because input file is already in order.\n"); } /* Free the whole array */ g_ptr_array_free(frames, TRUE); /* Close outfile */ if (!wtap_dump_close(pdh, &err)) { cfile_close_failure_message(outfile, err); wtap_block_array_free(shb_hdrs); wtap_block_array_free(nrb_hdrs); ret = OUTPUT_FILE_ERROR; goto clean_exit; } wtap_block_array_free(shb_hdrs); wtap_block_array_free(nrb_hdrs); /* Finally, close infile and release resources. */ wtap_close(wth); clean_exit: wtap_cleanup(); free_progdirs(); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int opt; gboolean do_append = FALSE; gboolean verbose = FALSE; int in_file_count = 0; guint snaplen = 0; #ifdef PCAP_NG_DEFAULT int file_type = WTAP_FILE_TYPE_SUBTYPE_PCAPNG; /* default to pcap format */ #else int file_type = WTAP_FILE_TYPE_SUBTYPE_PCAP; /* default to pcapng format */ #endif int frame_type = -2; int out_fd; merge_in_file_t *in_files = NULL, *in_file; int i; struct wtap_pkthdr *phdr, snap_phdr; wtap_dumper *pdh; int open_err, read_err = 0, write_err, close_err; gchar *err_info; int err_fileno; char *out_filename = NULL; gboolean got_read_error = FALSE, got_write_error = FALSE; int count; #ifdef _WIN32 arg_list_utf_16to8(argc, argv); create_app_running_mutex(); #endif /* _WIN32 */ /* Process the options first */ while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "aF:hs:T:vw:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'a': do_append = !do_append; break; case 'F': file_type = wtap_short_string_to_file_type_subtype(optarg); if (file_type < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "mergecap: \"%s\" isn't a valid capture file type\n", optarg); list_capture_types(); exit(1); } break; case 'h': usage(FALSE); exit(0); break; case 's': snaplen = get_positive_int(optarg, "snapshot length"); break; case 'T': frame_type = wtap_short_string_to_encap(optarg); if (frame_type < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "mergecap: \"%s\" isn't a valid encapsulation type\n", optarg); list_encap_types(); exit(1); } break; case 'v': verbose = TRUE; break; case 'w': out_filename = optarg; break; case '?': /* Bad options if GNU getopt */ switch(optopt) { case'F': list_capture_types(); break; case'T': list_encap_types(); break; default: usage(TRUE); } exit(1); break; } } /* check for proper args; at a minimum, must have an output * filename and one input file */ in_file_count = argc - optind; if (!out_filename) { fprintf(stderr, "mergecap: an output filename must be set with -w\n"); fprintf(stderr, " run with -h for help\n"); return 1; } if (in_file_count < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "mergecap: No input files were specified\n"); return 1; } /* open the input files */ if (!merge_open_in_files(in_file_count, &argv[optind], &in_files, &open_err, &err_info, &err_fileno)) { fprintf(stderr, "mergecap: Can't open %s: %s\n", argv[optind + err_fileno], wtap_strerror(open_err)); switch (open_err) { case WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED: case WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCAP: case WTAP_ERR_BAD_FILE: fprintf(stderr, "(%s)\n", err_info); g_free(err_info); break; } return 2; } if (verbose) { for (i = 0; i < in_file_count; i++) fprintf(stderr, "mergecap: %s is type %s.\n", argv[optind + i], wtap_file_type_subtype_string(wtap_file_type_subtype(in_files[i].wth))); } if (snaplen == 0) { /* * Snapshot length not specified - default to the maximum of the * snapshot lengths of the input files. */ snaplen = merge_max_snapshot_length(in_file_count, in_files); } /* set the outfile frame type */ if (frame_type == -2) { /* * Default to the appropriate frame type for the input files. */ frame_type = merge_select_frame_type(in_file_count, in_files); if (verbose) { if (frame_type == WTAP_ENCAP_PER_PACKET) { /* * Find out why we had to choose WTAP_ENCAP_PER_PACKET. */ int first_frame_type, this_frame_type; first_frame_type = wtap_file_encap(in_files[0].wth); for (i = 1; i < in_file_count; i++) { this_frame_type = wtap_file_encap(in_files[i].wth); if (first_frame_type != this_frame_type) { fprintf(stderr, "mergecap: multiple frame encapsulation types detected\n"); fprintf(stderr, " defaulting to WTAP_ENCAP_PER_PACKET\n"); fprintf(stderr, " %s had type %s (%s)\n", in_files[0].filename, wtap_encap_string(first_frame_type), wtap_encap_short_string(first_frame_type)); fprintf(stderr, " %s had type %s (%s)\n", in_files[i].filename, wtap_encap_string(this_frame_type), wtap_encap_short_string(this_frame_type)); break; } } } fprintf(stderr, "mergecap: selected frame_type %s (%s)\n", wtap_encap_string(frame_type), wtap_encap_short_string(frame_type)); } } /* open the outfile */ if (strncmp(out_filename, "-", 2) == 0) { /* use stdout as the outfile */ out_fd = 1 /*stdout*/; } else { /* open the outfile */ out_fd = ws_open(out_filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, 0644); if (out_fd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "mergecap: Couldn't open output file %s: %s\n", out_filename, g_strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } /* prepare the outfile */ if(file_type == WTAP_FILE_TYPE_SUBTYPE_PCAPNG ){ wtapng_section_t *shb_hdr; GString *comment_gstr; wtapng_iface_descriptions_t *idb_inf = NULL, *idb_inf_merge_file; wtapng_if_descr_t int_data, *file_int_data; guint8 if_tsresol = 6; guint64 time_units_per_second = 1000000; shb_hdr = g_new(wtapng_section_t,1); comment_gstr = g_string_new("File created by merging: \n"); for (i = 0; i < in_file_count; i++) { g_string_append_printf(comment_gstr, "File%d: %s \n",i+1,in_files[i].filename); } shb_hdr->section_length = -1; /* options */ shb_hdr->opt_comment = comment_gstr->str; /* NULL if not available */ shb_hdr->shb_hardware = NULL; /* NULL if not available, UTF-8 string containing the description of the hardware used to create this section. */ shb_hdr->shb_os = NULL; /* NULL if not available, UTF-8 string containing the name of the operating system used to create this section. */ shb_hdr->shb_user_appl = "mergecap"; /* NULL if not available, UTF-8 string containing the name of the application used to create this section. */ for (i = 0; i < in_file_count; i++) { idb_inf_merge_file = wtap_file_get_idb_info(in_files[i].wth); file_int_data = &g_array_index (idb_inf_merge_file->interface_data, wtapng_if_descr_t, 0); if (file_int_data->time_units_per_second > time_units_per_second) { time_units_per_second = file_int_data->time_units_per_second; if_tsresol = file_int_data->if_tsresol; } g_free(idb_inf_merge_file); } if (time_units_per_second > 1000000) { /* We are using a better than microsecond precision; let's create a fake IDB */ idb_inf = g_new(wtapng_iface_descriptions_t,1); idb_inf->interface_data = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(wtapng_if_descr_t)); int_data.wtap_encap = frame_type; int_data.time_units_per_second = time_units_per_second; int_data.link_type = wtap_wtap_encap_to_pcap_encap(frame_type); int_data.snap_len = snaplen; int_data.if_name = g_strdup("Unknown/not available in original file format(libpcap)"); int_data.opt_comment = NULL; int_data.if_description = NULL; int_data.if_speed = 0; int_data.if_tsresol = if_tsresol; int_data.if_filter_str = NULL; int_data.bpf_filter_len = 0; int_data.if_filter_bpf_bytes = NULL; int_data.if_os = NULL; int_data.if_fcslen = -1; int_data.num_stat_entries = 0; /* Number of ISB:s */ int_data.interface_statistics = NULL; g_array_append_val(idb_inf->interface_data, int_data); } pdh = wtap_dump_fdopen_ng(out_fd, file_type, frame_type, snaplen, FALSE /* compressed */, shb_hdr, idb_inf, &open_err); g_string_free(comment_gstr, TRUE); } else { pdh = wtap_dump_fdopen(out_fd, file_type, frame_type, snaplen, FALSE /* compressed */, &open_err); } if (pdh == NULL) { merge_close_in_files(in_file_count, in_files); g_free(in_files); fprintf(stderr, "mergecap: Can't open or create %s: %s\n", out_filename, wtap_strerror(open_err)); exit(1); } /* do the merge (or append) */ count = 1; for (;;) { if (do_append) in_file = merge_append_read_packet(in_file_count, in_files, &read_err, &err_info); else in_file = merge_read_packet(in_file_count, in_files, &read_err, &err_info); if (in_file == NULL) { /* EOF */ break; } if (read_err != 0) { /* I/O error reading from in_file */ got_read_error = TRUE; break; } if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Record: %u\n", count++); /* We simply write it, perhaps after truncating it; we could do other * things, like modify it. */ phdr = wtap_phdr(in_file->wth); if (snaplen != 0 && phdr->caplen > snaplen) { snap_phdr = *phdr; snap_phdr.caplen = snaplen; phdr = &snap_phdr; } if (!wtap_dump(pdh, phdr, wtap_buf_ptr(in_file->wth), &write_err)) { got_write_error = TRUE; break; } } merge_close_in_files(in_file_count, in_files); if (!got_write_error) { if (!wtap_dump_close(pdh, &write_err)) got_write_error = TRUE; } else { /* * We already got a write error; no need to report another * write error on close. * * Don't overwrite the earlier write error. */ (void)wtap_dump_close(pdh, &close_err); } if (got_read_error) { /* * Find the file on which we got the error, and report the error. */ for (i = 0; i < in_file_count; i++) { if (in_files[i].state == GOT_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "mergecap: Error reading %s: %s\n", in_files[i].filename, wtap_strerror(read_err)); switch (read_err) { case WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED: case WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCAP: case WTAP_ERR_BAD_FILE: fprintf(stderr, "(%s)\n", err_info); g_free(err_info); break; } } } } if (got_write_error) { switch (write_err) { case WTAP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCAP: /* * This is a problem with the particular frame we're writing and * the file type and subtype we're wwriting; note that, and * report the frame number and file type/subtype. */ fprintf(stderr, "mergecap: Frame %u of \"%s\" has a network type that can't be saved in a \"%s\" file.\n", in_file ? in_file->packet_num : 0, in_file ? in_file->filename : "UNKNOWN", wtap_file_type_subtype_string(file_type)); break; case WTAP_ERR_PACKET_TOO_LARGE: /* * This is a problem with the particular frame we're writing and * the file type and subtype we're wwriting; note that, and * report the frame number and file type/subtype. */ fprintf(stderr, "mergecap: Frame %u of \"%s\" is too large for a \"%s\" file\n.", in_file ? in_file->packet_num : 0, in_file ? in_file->filename : "UNKNOWN", wtap_file_type_subtype_string(file_type)); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "mergecap: Error writing to outfile: %s\n", wtap_strerror(write_err)); break; } } g_free(in_files); return (!got_read_error && !got_write_error) ? 0 : 2; }