Example #1
wxString wxCmdLineParser::GetParam(size_t n) const
    wxCHECK_MSG( n < GetParamCount(), wxEmptyString, _T("invalid param index") );

    return m_data->m_parameters[n];
Example #2
bool wxWrapperInputStream::IsSeekable() const
    wxCHECK_MSG(m_parent_i_stream, false, "Stream not valid");
    return m_parent_i_stream->IsSeekable();
Example #3
wxFileOffset wxStreamBuffer::Seek(wxFileOffset pos, wxSeekMode mode)
    wxFileOffset ret_off, diff;

    wxFileOffset last_access = GetLastAccess();

    if ( !m_flushable )
        switch (mode)
            case wxFromStart:
                diff = pos;

            case wxFromCurrent:
                diff = pos + GetIntPosition();

            case wxFromEnd:
                diff = pos + last_access;

                wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("invalid seek mode") );

                return wxInvalidOffset;
        if (diff < 0 || diff > last_access)
            return wxInvalidOffset;
        size_t int_diff = wx_truncate_cast(size_t, diff);
        wxCHECK_MSG( (wxFileOffset)int_diff == diff, wxInvalidOffset, wxT("huge file not supported") );
        return diff;

    switch ( mode )
        case wxFromStart:
            // We'll try to compute an internal position later ...
            ret_off = m_stream->OnSysSeek(pos, wxFromStart);
            return ret_off;

        case wxFromCurrent:
            diff = pos + GetIntPosition();

            if ( (diff > last_access) || (diff < 0) )
                // We must take into account the fact that we have read
                // something previously.
                ret_off = m_stream->OnSysSeek(diff-last_access, wxFromCurrent);
                return ret_off;
                size_t int_diff = wx_truncate_cast(size_t, diff);
                wxCHECK_MSG( (wxFileOffset)int_diff == diff, wxInvalidOffset, wxT("huge file not supported") );
                return diff;

        case wxFromEnd:
            // Hard to compute: always seek to the requested position.
            ret_off = m_stream->OnSysSeek(pos, wxFromEnd);
            return ret_off;

    return wxInvalidOffset;
Example #4
bool wxTreeListCtrl::IsSelected(wxTreeListItem item) const
    wxCHECK_MSG( m_view, false, "Must create first" );

    return m_view->IsSelected(m_model->ToNonRootDVI(item));
Example #5
wxTreeListModel::InsertItem(Node* parent,
                            Node* previous,
                            const wxString& text,
                            int imageClosed,
                            int imageOpened,
                            wxClientData* data)
    wxCHECK_MSG( parent, NULL,
                 "Must have a valid parent (maybe GetRootItem()?)" );

    wxCHECK_MSG( previous, NULL,
                 "Must have a valid previous item (maybe wxTLI_FIRST/LAST?)" );

    if ( m_isFlat && parent != m_root )
        // Not flat any more, this is a second level child.
        m_isFlat = false;

        newItem(new Node(parent, text, imageClosed, imageOpened, data));

    // FIXME-VC6: This compiler refuses to compare "Node* previous" with
    //            wxTLI_XXX without some help.
    const wxTreeListItem previousItem(previous);

    // If we have no children at all, then inserting as last child is the same
    // as inserting as the first one so check for it here too.
    if ( previousItem == wxTLI_FIRST ||
            (previousItem == wxTLI_LAST && !parent->GetChild()) )
    else // Not the first item, find the previous one.
        if ( previousItem == wxTLI_LAST )
            previous = parent->GetChild();

            // Find the last child.
            for ( ;; )
                Node* const next = previous->GetNext();
                if ( !next )

                previous = next;
        else // We already have the previous item.
            // Just check it's under the correct parent.
            wxCHECK_MSG( previous->GetParent() == parent, NULL,
                         "Previous item is not under the right parent" );


    ItemAdded(ToDVI(parent), ToDVI(newItem.get()));

    // The item was successfully inserted in the tree and so will be deleted by
    // it, we can detach it now.
    return newItem.release();
Example #6
wxTreeListItem wxTreeListCtrl::GetItemParent(wxTreeListItem item) const
    wxCHECK_MSG( item.IsOk(), wxTreeListItem(), "Invalid item" );

    return item->GetParent();
Example #7
wxTreeListItem wxTreeListCtrl::GetNextItem(wxTreeListItem item) const
    wxCHECK_MSG( item.IsOk(), wxTreeListItem(), "Invalid item" );

    return item->NextInTree();
Example #8
int wxListBox::DoListHitTest(const wxPoint& inpoint) const
    OSStatus err;

    // There are few reasons why this is complicated:
    // 1) There is no native HitTest function for Mac
    // 2) GetDataBrowserItemPartBounds only works on visible items
    // 3) We can't do it through GetDataBrowserTableView[Item]RowHeight
    //    because what it returns is basically inaccurate in the context
    //    of the coordinates we want here, but we use this as a guess
    //    for where the first visible item lies

    wxPoint point = inpoint;

    // get column property ID (req. for call to itempartbounds)
    DataBrowserTableViewColumnID colId = 0;
    err = GetDataBrowserTableViewColumnProperty(m_peer->GetControlRef(), 0, &colId);
    wxCHECK_MSG(err == noErr, wxNOT_FOUND, wxT("Unexpected error from GetDataBrowserTableViewColumnProperty"));

    // OK, first we need to find the first visible item we have -
    // this will be the "low" for our binary search. There is no real
    // easy way around this, as we will need to do a SLOW linear search
    // until we find a visible item, but we can do a cheap calculation
    // via the row height to speed things up a bit
    UInt32 scrollx, scrolly;
    err = GetDataBrowserScrollPosition(m_peer->GetControlRef(), &scrollx, &scrolly);
    wxCHECK_MSG(err == noErr, wxNOT_FOUND, wxT("Unexpected error from GetDataBrowserScrollPosition"));

    UInt16 height;
    err = GetDataBrowserTableViewRowHeight(m_peer->GetControlRef(), &height);
    wxCHECK_MSG(err == noErr, wxNOT_FOUND, wxT("Unexpected error from GetDataBrowserTableViewRowHeight"));

    // these indices are 0-based, as usual, so we need to add 1 to them when
    // passing them to data browser functions which use 1-based indices
    int low = scrolly / height,
        high = GetCount() - 1;

    // search for the first visible item (note that the scroll guess above
    // is the low bounds of where the item might lie so we only use that as a
    // starting point - we should reach it within 1 or 2 iterations of the loop)
    while ( low <= high )
        Rect bounds;
        err = GetDataBrowserItemPartBounds(
            m_peer->GetControlRef(), low + 1, colId,
            &bounds); // note +1 to translate to Mac ID
        if ( err == noErr )

        // errDataBrowserItemNotFound is expected as it simply means that the
        // item is not currently visible -- but other errors are not
        wxCHECK_MSG( err == errDataBrowserItemNotFound, wxNOT_FOUND,
                     wxT("Unexpected error from GetDataBrowserItemPartBounds") );


    // NOW do a binary search for where the item lies, searching low again if
    // we hit an item that isn't visible
    while ( low <= high )
        int mid = (low + high) / 2;

        Rect bounds;
        err = GetDataBrowserItemPartBounds(
            m_peer->GetControlRef(), mid + 1, colId,
            &bounds); //note +1 to trans to mac id
        wxCHECK_MSG( err == noErr || err == errDataBrowserItemNotFound,
                     wxT("Unexpected error from GetDataBrowserItemPartBounds") );

        if ( err == errDataBrowserItemNotFound )
            // item not visible, attempt to find a visible one
            // search lower
            high = mid - 1;
        else // visible item, do actual hitttest
            // if point is within the bounds, return this item (since we assume
            // all x coords of items are equal we only test the x coord in
            // equality)
            if ((point.x >= bounds.left && point.x <= bounds.right) &&
                (point.y >= bounds.top && point.y <= bounds.bottom) )
                // found!
                return mid;

            if ( point.y < bounds.top )
                // index(bounds) greater then key(point)
                high = mid - 1;
                // index(bounds) less then key(point)
                low = mid + 1;

    return wxNOT_FOUND;
Example #9
static gboolean target_drag_drop( GtkWidget *widget,
                                  GdkDragContext *context,
                                  gint x,
                                  gint y,
                                  guint time,
                                  wxDropTarget *drop_target )
    /* Owen Taylor: "if the drop is not in a drop zone,
       return FALSE, otherwise, if you aren't accepting
       the drop, call gtk_drag_finish() with success == FALSE
       otherwise call gtk_drag_data_get()" */

    /* inform the wxDropTarget about the current GdkDragContext.
       this is only valid for the duration of this call */
    drop_target->GTKSetDragContext( context );

    // Does the source actually accept the data type?
    if (drop_target->GTKGetMatchingPair() == (GdkAtom) 0)
        // cancel the whole thing
        gtk_drag_finish( context,
                          FALSE,        // no success
                          FALSE,        // don't delete data on dropping side
                          time );

        drop_target->GTKSetDragContext( NULL );

        drop_target->m_firstMotion = true;

        return FALSE;

    /* inform the wxDropTarget about the current drag widget.
       this is only valid for the duration of this call */
    drop_target->GTKSetDragWidget( widget );

    /* inform the wxDropTarget about the current drag time.
       this is only valid for the duration of this call */
    drop_target->GTKSetDragTime( time );

    /* reset the block here as someone might very well
       show a dialog as a reaction to a drop and this
       wouldn't work without events */
    g_blockEventsOnDrag = false;

    bool ret = drop_target->OnDrop( x, y );

    if (!ret)
        wxLogTrace(TRACE_DND, wxT( "Drop target: OnDrop returned FALSE") );

        /* cancel the whole thing */
        gtk_drag_finish( context,
                          FALSE,        /* no success */
                          FALSE,        /* don't delete data on dropping side */
                          time );
        wxLogTrace(TRACE_DND, wxT( "Drop target: OnDrop returned true") );

        GdkAtom format = drop_target->GTKGetMatchingPair();

        // this does happen somehow, see bug 555111
        wxCHECK_MSG( format, FALSE, wxT("no matching GdkAtom for format?") );

        /* this should trigger an "drag_data_received" event */
        gtk_drag_get_data( widget,
                           time );

    /* after this, invalidate the drop_target's GdkDragContext */
    drop_target->GTKSetDragContext( NULL );

    /* after this, invalidate the drop_target's drag widget */
    drop_target->GTKSetDragWidget( NULL );

    /* this has to be done because GDK has no "drag_enter" event */
    drop_target->m_firstMotion = true;

    return ret;
Example #10
unsigned char wxColour::Blue() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), 0, wxT("invalid colour") );

    return wxByte(M_COLDATA->m_blue >> SHIFT);
Example #11
unsigned char wxColour::Alpha() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), 0, wxT("invalid colour") );

    return M_COLDATA->m_alpha;
Example #12
bool wxCheckListBox::IsChecked(unsigned int uiIndex) const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsValid(uiIndex), false, wxT("bad wxCheckListBox index") );

    return GetItem(uiIndex)->IsChecked();
Example #13
bool CodeLiteApp::OnInit()
#if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(NDEBUG)

#if defined(__WXGTK__) || defined(__WXMAC__)

    // block signal pipe
    sigset_t mask_set;
    sigaddset(&mask_set, SIGPIPE);
    sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &mask_set, NULL);

    // Handle sigchld

#ifdef __WXGTK__
    // Insall signal handlers
    signal(SIGSEGV, WaitForDebugger);
    signal(SIGABRT, WaitForDebugger);


    // trun on fatal exceptions handler

#ifdef __WXMSW__
    // as described in http://jrfonseca.dyndns.org/projects/gnu-win32/software/drmingw/
    // load the exception handler dll so we will get Dr MinGW at runtime
    m_handler = LoadLibrary(wxT("exchndl.dll"));

// Enable this process debugging priviliges
// EnableDebugPriv();


    // Init resources and add the PNG handler
    wxSystemOptions::SetOption(_T("msw.remap"), 0);
    wxSystemOptions::SetOption("msw.notebook.themed-background", 1);
    wxImage::AddHandler(new wxPNGHandler);
    wxImage::AddHandler(new wxCURHandler);
    wxImage::AddHandler(new wxICOHandler);
    wxImage::AddHandler(new wxXPMHandler);
    wxImage::AddHandler(new wxGIFHandler);
    wxImage::AddHandler(new wxJPEGHandler);

    wxString homeDir(wxEmptyString);

    // parse command line
    wxCmdLineParser parser;
    parser.SetCmdLine(wxAppBase::argc, wxAppBase::argv);
    if(parser.Parse() != 0) {
        return false;

    wxString newDataDir(wxEmptyString);
    if(parser.Found(wxT("d"), &newDataDir)) {

    // check for single instance
    if(!IsSingleInstance(parser)) {
        return false;

    if(parser.Found(wxT("h"))) {
        // print usage
        return false;

    if(parser.Found(wxT("v"))) {
// print version
#ifdef __WXMSW__
        ::wxMessageBox(wxString() << "CodeLite IDE v" << CODELITE_VERSION_STRING, "CodeLite");
        wxPrintf("CodeLite IDE v%s\n", CODELITE_VERSION_STRING);
        return false;

    if(parser.Found(wxT("n"))) {
        // Load codelite without plugins

    wxString plugins;
    if(parser.Found(wxT("p"), &plugins)) {
        wxArrayString pluginsArr = ::wxStringTokenize(plugins, wxT(","));
        // Trim and make lower case
        for(size_t i = 0; i < pluginsArr.GetCount(); i++) {

        // Load codelite without plugins

    wxString newBaseDir(wxEmptyString);
    if(parser.Found(wxT("b"), &newBaseDir)) {
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
        homeDir = newBaseDir;
        wxLogDebug("Ignoring the Windows-only --basedir option as not running Windows");

    // Set the log file verbosity. NB Doing this earlier seems to break wxGTK debug output when debugging CodeLite
    // itself :/
    FileLogger::OpenLog("codelite.log", clConfig::Get().Read(kConfigLogVerbosity, FileLogger::Error));
    CL_DEBUG(wxT("Starting codelite..."));

    // Copy gdb pretty printers from the installation folder to a writeable location
    // this is  needed because python complies the files and in most cases the user
    // running codelite has no write permissions to /usr/share/codelite/...

    // Since GCC 4.8.2 gcc has a default colored output
    // which breaks codelite output parsing
    // to disable this, we need to set GCC_COLORS to an empty
    // string.
    // https://sourceforge.net/p/codelite/bugs/946/
    // http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Language-Independent-Options.html
    ::wxSetEnv("GCC_COLORS", "");

#if defined(__WXGTK__)
    if(homeDir.IsEmpty()) {
        homeDir = clStandardPaths::Get()
                      .GetUserDataDir(); // By default, ~/Library/Application Support/codelite or ~/.codelite
        if(!wxFileName::Exists(homeDir)) {
            wxLogNull noLog;
            wxFileName::Mkdir(homeDir, wxS_DIR_DEFAULT, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL);
            wxCHECK_MSG(wxFileName::DirExists(homeDir), false, "Failed to create the requested data dir");

        // Create the directory structure
        wxLogNull noLog;
        wxMkdir(homeDir + wxT("/lexers/"));
        wxMkdir(homeDir + wxT("/rc/"));
        wxMkdir(homeDir + wxT("/images/"));
        wxMkdir(homeDir + wxT("/templates/"));
        wxMkdir(homeDir + wxT("/config/"));
        wxMkdir(homeDir + wxT("/tabgroups/"));

        // copy the settings from the global location if needed
        wxString installPath(INSTALL_DIR, wxConvUTF8);
        if(!CopySettings(homeDir, installPath)) return false;

    } else {
        wxFileName fn(homeDir);

#elif defined(__WXMAC__)
    homeDir = clStandardPaths::Get().GetUserDataDir();
    if(!wxFileName::Exists(homeDir)) {
        wxLogNull noLog;
        wxFileName::Mkdir(homeDir, wxS_DIR_DEFAULT, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL);
        wxCHECK_MSG(wxFileName::DirExists(homeDir), false, "Failed to create the requested data dir");

        wxLogNull noLog;

        // Create the directory structure
        wxMkdir(homeDir + wxT("/lexers/"));
        wxMkdir(homeDir + wxT("/rc/"));
        wxMkdir(homeDir + wxT("/images/"));
        wxMkdir(homeDir + wxT("/templates/"));
        wxMkdir(homeDir + wxT("/config/"));
        wxMkdir(homeDir + wxT("/tabgroups/"));

    wxString installPath(MacGetBasePath());
    // copy the settings from the global location if needed
    CopySettings(homeDir, installPath);

#else //__WXMSW__
    if(homeDir.IsEmpty()) { // did we got a basedir from user?
        homeDir = clStandardPaths::Get().GetDataDir() + wxT(INSTALL_DIR);
        homeDir = ::wxGetCwd();
    wxFileName fnHomdDir(homeDir + wxT("/"));

    // try to locate the menu/rc.xrc file
    wxFileName fn(homeDir + wxT("/rc"), wxT("menu.xrc"));
    if(!fn.FileExists()) {
        // we got wrong home directory
        wxFileName appFn(wxAppBase::argv[0]);
        homeDir = appFn.GetPath();

    if(fnHomdDir.IsRelative()) {
        homeDir = fnHomdDir.GetPath();


    // Use our persistence manager (which uses wxFileConfig instead of the registry...)
    m_persistencManager = new clPersistenceManager();

    // Make sure we have an instance if the keyboard manager allocated before we create the main frame class
    // (the keyboard manager needs to connect to the main frame events)

    // Load all of the XRC files that will be used. You can put everything
    // into one giant XRC file if you wanted, but then they become more
    // diffcult to manage, and harder to reuse in later projects.
    // The menubar
    if(!wxXmlResource::Get()->Load(DoFindMenuFile(ManagerST::Get()->GetInstallDir(), wxT("2.0")))) return false;

    // keep the startup directory

    // set the performance output file name
    PERF_OUTPUT(wxString::Format(wxT("%s/codelite.perf"), wxGetCwd().c_str()).mb_str(wxConvUTF8));

    // Initialize the configuration file locater
    ConfFileLocator::Instance()->Initialize(ManagerST::Get()->GetInstallDir(), ManagerST::Get()->GetStartupDirectory());

    // set the CTAGS_REPLACEMENT environment variable
    wxSetEnv(wxT("CTAGS_REPLACEMENTS"), ManagerST::Get()->GetStartupDirectory() + wxT("/ctags.replacements"));

    long style = wxSIMPLE_BORDER;
#if defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(__WXGTK__)
    style |= wxFRAME_NO_TASKBAR;

#else // Mac


// read the last frame size from the configuration file
// Initialise editor configuration files
#ifdef __WXMSW__
        wxLogNull noLog;
        wxFileName::Mkdir(clStandardPaths::Get().GetUserDataDir(), wxS_DIR_DEFAULT, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL);

    Manager* mgr = ManagerST::Get();
    EditorConfig* cfg = EditorConfigST::Get();

    // Update codelite revision and Version
    wxString strVersion = CODELITE_VERSION_STRING;
    cfg->Init(strVersion, wxT("2.0.2"));
    if(!cfg->Load()) {
        CL_ERROR(wxT("Failed to load configuration file: %s/config/codelite.xml"), wxGetCwd().c_str());
        return false;

#if !defined(__WXMAC__) && defined(NDEBUG)
    // Now all image handlers have been added, show splash screen; but only when using Release builds of codelite
    GeneralInfo inf;
    cfg->ReadObject(wxT("GeneralInfo"), &inf);
    if(inf.GetFlags() & CL_SHOW_SPLASH) {
        wxBitmap bitmap;
        wxString splashName(clStandardPaths::Get().GetDataDir() + wxT("/images/splashscreen.png"));
        if(bitmap.LoadFile(splashName, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG)) {
            wxString mainTitle = CODELITE_VERSION_STRING;
            clSplashScreen::g_splashScreen = new clSplashScreen(clSplashScreen::CreateSplashScreenBitmap(bitmap),
                                                                wxSPLASH_CENTRE_ON_SCREEN | wxSPLASH_NO_TIMEOUT,

#ifdef __WXGTK__
    bool redirect = clConfig::Get().Read(kConfigRedirectLogOutput, true);
    if(redirect) {
        // Redirect stdout/error to a file
        wxFileName stdout_err(clStandardPaths::Get().GetUserDataDir(), "codelite-stdout-stderr.log");
        FILE* new_stdout = ::freopen(stdout_err.GetFullPath().mb_str(wxConvISO8859_1).data(), "a+b", stdout);
        FILE* new_stderr = ::freopen(stdout_err.GetFullPath().mb_str(wxConvISO8859_1).data(), "a+b", stderr);

    // Set environment variable for CodeLiteDir (make it first
    // on the list so it can be used by other variables)
    EvnVarList vars;
    EnvironmentConfig::Instance()->ReadObject(wxT("Variables"), &vars);

    vars.InsertVariable(wxT("Default"), wxT("CodeLiteDir"), ManagerST::Get()->GetInstallDir());
    EnvironmentConfig::Instance()->WriteObject(wxT("Variables"), &vars);


#ifdef __WXMSW__

    // Read registry values


    // Set up the locale if appropriate
    if(EditorConfigST::Get()->GetOptions()->GetUseLocale()) {
        int preferredLocale = wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH;
        // The locale had to be saved as the canonical locale name, as the wxLanguage enum wasn't consistent between wx
        // versions
        wxString preferredLocalename = EditorConfigST::Get()->GetOptions()->GetPreferredLocale();
        if(!preferredLocalename.IsEmpty()) {
            const wxLanguageInfo* info = wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo(preferredLocalename);
            if(info) {
                preferredLocale = info->Language;
                if(preferredLocale == wxLANGUAGE_UNKNOWN) {
                    preferredLocale = wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH;

#if defined(__WXGTK__)
        // Cater for a --prefix= build. This gets added automatically to the search path for catalogues.
        // So hack in the standard ones too, otherwise wxstd.mo will be missed

#elif defined(__WXMSW__)
        wxLocale::AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(clStandardPaths::Get().GetDataDir() + wxT("/share/locale"));
        wxLocale::AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(ManagerST::Get()->GetInstallDir() + wxT("\\locale"));

        // This has to be done before the catalogues are added, as otherwise the wrong one (or none) will be found

        bool codelitemo_found = m_locale.AddCatalog(wxT("codelite"));
        if(!codelitemo_found) {
            m_locale.AddCatalog(wxT("CodeLite")); // Hedge bets re our spelling

        if(!codelitemo_found) {
            // I wanted to 'un-init' the locale if no translations were found
            // as otherwise, in a RTL locale, menus, dialogs etc will be displayed RTL, in English...
            // However I couldn't find a way to do this
    } else {
        // For proper encoding handling by system libraries it's needed to inialize locale even if UI translation is
        // turned off

// Append the binary's dir to $PATH. This makes codelite-cc available even for a --prefix= installation
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
    wxChar pathsep(wxT(';'));
    wxChar pathsep(wxT(':'));
    wxString oldpath;
    wxGetEnv(wxT("PATH"), &oldpath);
    wxFileName execfpath(clStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath());
    wxSetEnv(wxT("PATH"), oldpath + pathsep + execfpath.GetPath());
    wxString newpath;
    wxGetEnv(wxT("PATH"), &newpath);

    // If running under Cygwin terminal, adjust the environment variables

    // If running under Cygwin terminal, adjust the environment variables

    // Make sure that the colours and fonts manager is instantiated

    // Create the main application window
    clMainFrame::Initialize(parser.GetParamCount() == 0);
    m_pMainFrame = clMainFrame::Get();

    long lineNumber(0);
    parser.Found(wxT("l"), &lineNumber);
    if(lineNumber > 0) {
    } else {
        lineNumber = 0;

    for(size_t i = 0; i < parser.GetParamCount(); i++) {
        wxString argument = parser.GetParam(i);

        // convert to full path and open it
        wxFileName fn(argument);

        if(fn.GetExt() == wxT("workspace")) {
        } else {
            clMainFrame::Get()->GetMainBook()->OpenFile(fn.GetFullPath(), wxEmptyString, lineNumber);

    wxLogMessage(wxString::Format(wxT("Install path: %s"), ManagerST::Get()->GetInstallDir().c_str()));
    wxLogMessage(wxString::Format(wxT("Startup Path: %s"), ManagerST::Get()->GetStartupDirectory().c_str()));

#ifdef __WXGTK__
    // Needed on GTK
    if(clMainFrame::Get()->GetMainBook()->GetActiveEditor() == NULL) {

    // Especially with the OutputView open, CodeLite was consuming 50% of a cpu, mostly in updateui
    // The next line limits the frequency of UpdateUI events to every 100ms

    return TRUE;
Example #14
wxString wxCmdLineParser::GetUsageString()
    wxString appname = wxTheApp->GetAppName();
    if ( !appname )
        wxCHECK_MSG( m_data->m_arguments.size() != 0, wxEmptyString,
                     _T("no program name") );

        appname = wxFileNameFromPath(m_data->m_arguments[0]);

    // we construct the brief cmd line desc on the fly, but not the detailed
    // help message below because we want to align the options descriptions
    // and for this we must first know the longest one of them
    wxString usage;
    wxArrayString namesOptions, descOptions;

    if ( !m_data->m_logo.empty() )
        usage << m_data->m_logo << _T('\n');

    usage << wxString::Format(_("Usage: %s"), appname.c_str());

    // the switch char is usually '-' but this can be changed with
    // SetSwitchChars() and then the first one of possible chars is used
    wxChar chSwitch = !m_data->m_switchChars ? _T('-')
                                             : m_data->m_switchChars[0u];

    bool areLongOptionsEnabled = AreLongOptionsEnabled();
    size_t n, count = m_data->m_options.GetCount();
    for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ )
        wxCmdLineOption& opt = m_data->m_options[n];

        usage << _T(' ');
        if ( !(opt.flags & wxCMD_LINE_OPTION_MANDATORY) )
            usage << _T('[');

        if ( !opt.shortName.empty() )
            usage << chSwitch << opt.shortName;
        else if ( areLongOptionsEnabled && !opt.longName.empty() )
            usage << _T("--") << opt.longName;
            if (!opt.longName.empty())
                wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("option with only a long name while long ")
                    wxT("options are disabled") );
                wxFAIL_MSG( _T("option without neither short nor long name") );

        wxString option;

        if ( !opt.shortName.empty() )
            option << _T("  ") << chSwitch << opt.shortName;

        if ( areLongOptionsEnabled && !opt.longName.empty() )
            option << (option.empty() ? _T("  ") : _T(", "))
                   << _T("--") << opt.longName;

        if ( opt.kind != wxCMD_LINE_SWITCH )
            wxString val;
            val << _T('<') << GetTypeName(opt.type) << _T('>');
            usage << _T(' ') << val;
            option << (!opt.longName ? _T(':') : _T('=')) << val;

        if ( !(opt.flags & wxCMD_LINE_OPTION_MANDATORY) )
            usage << _T(']');


    count = m_data->m_paramDesc.GetCount();
    for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ )
        wxCmdLineParam& param = m_data->m_paramDesc[n];

        usage << _T(' ');
        if ( param.flags & wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_OPTIONAL )
            usage << _T('[');

        usage << param.description;

        if ( param.flags & wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_MULTIPLE )
            usage << _T("...");

        if ( param.flags & wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_OPTIONAL )
            usage << _T(']');

    usage << _T('\n');

    // now construct the detailed help message
    size_t len, lenMax = 0;
    count = namesOptions.size();
    for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ )
        len = namesOptions[n].length();
        if ( len > lenMax )
            lenMax = len;

    for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ )
        len = namesOptions[n].length();
        usage << namesOptions[n]
              << wxString(_T(' '), lenMax - len) << _T('\t')
              << descOptions[n]
              << _T('\n');

    return usage;
Example #15
GdkColor *wxColour::GetColor() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), NULL, wxT("invalid colour") );

    return &M_COLDATA->m_color;
Example #16
wxDragResult wxDropSource::DoDragDrop(int flags)
    wxCHECK_MSG( m_data && m_data->GetFormatCount(), wxDragNone,
                 wxT("Drop source: no data") );

    // still in drag
    if (g_blockEventsOnDrag)
        return wxDragNone;

    // don't start dragging if no button is down
    if (g_lastButtonNumber == 0)
        return wxDragNone;

    // we can only start a drag after a mouse event
    if (g_lastMouseEvent == NULL)
        return wxDragNone;

    wxON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJ0(*this, wxDropSource::GTKDisconnectDragSignals);

    m_waiting = true;

    GtkTargetList *target_list = gtk_target_list_new( NULL, 0 );

    wxDataFormat *array = new wxDataFormat[ m_data->GetFormatCount() ];
    m_data->GetAllFormats( array );
    size_t count = m_data->GetFormatCount();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
        GdkAtom atom = array[i];
        wxLogTrace(TRACE_DND, wxT("Drop source: Supported atom %s"),
                   gdk_atom_name( atom ));
        gtk_target_list_add( target_list, atom, 0, 0 );
    delete[] array;

    int allowed_actions = GDK_ACTION_COPY;
    if ( flags & wxDrag_AllowMove )
        allowed_actions |= GDK_ACTION_MOVE;

    // VZ: as we already use g_blockEventsOnDrag it shouldn't be that bad
    //     to use a global to pass the flags to the drop target but I'd
    //     surely prefer a better way to do it
    gs_flagsForDrag = flags;

    m_retValue = wxDragCancel;

    GdkDragContext *context = gtk_drag_begin( m_widget,
                g_lastButtonNumber,  // number of mouse button which started drag
                (GdkEvent*) g_lastMouseEvent );

    if ( !context )
        // this can happen e.g. if gdk_pointer_grab() failed
        return wxDragError;

    m_dragContext = context;

    PrepareIcon( allowed_actions, context );

    while (m_waiting)

    g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (m_iconWindow,
                                          (gpointer) gtk_dnd_window_configure_callback, this);

    return m_retValue;
Example #17
wxTreeListItem wxTreeListCtrl::GetRootItem() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( m_model, wxTreeListItem(), "Must create first" );

    return m_model->GetRootItem();
Example #18
wxRibbonButtonBarButtonBase *wxRibbonButtonBar::GetItem(size_t n) const
    wxCHECK_MSG(n < m_buttons.GetCount(), NULL, "wxRibbonButtonBar item's index is out of bound");
    return m_buttons.Item(n);
Example #19
wxTreeListItem wxTreeListCtrl::GetFirstChild(wxTreeListItem item) const
    wxCHECK_MSG( item.IsOk(), wxTreeListItem(), "Invalid item" );

    return item->GetChild();
Example #20
int wxRibbonButtonBar::GetItemId(wxRibbonButtonBarButtonBase *item) const
    wxCHECK_MSG(item != NULL, wxNOT_FOUND, "wxRibbonButtonBar item should not be NULL");
    return item->id;
Example #21
wxClientData* wxTreeListCtrl::GetItemData(wxTreeListItem item) const
    wxCHECK_MSG( m_model, NULL, "Must create first" );

    return m_model->GetItemData(item);
Example #22
int wxEventLoopManual::Run()
    // event loops are not recursive, you need to create another loop!
    wxCHECK_MSG( !IsRunning(), -1, wxT("can't reenter a message loop") );

    // ProcessIdle() and ProcessEvents() below may throw so the code here should
    // be exception-safe, hence we must use local objects for all actions we
    // should undo
    wxEventLoopActivator activate(this);

    // we must ensure that OnExit() is called even if an exception is thrown
    // from inside ProcessEvents() but we must call it from Exit() in normal
    // situations because it is supposed to be called synchronously,
    // wxModalEventLoop depends on this (so we can't just use ON_BLOCK_EXIT or
    // something similar here)
    for ( ;; )
#endif // wxUSE_EXCEPTIONS

            // this is the event loop itself
            for ( ;; )
                // give them the possibility to do whatever they want

                // generate and process idle events for as long as we don't
                // have anything else to do
                while ( !Pending() && ProcessIdle() )

                // if the "should exit" flag is set, the loop should terminate
                // but not before processing any remaining messages so while
                // Pending() returns true, do process them
                if ( m_shouldExit )
                    while ( Pending() )


                // a message came or no more idle processing to do, dispatch
                // all the pending events and call Dispatch() to wait for the
                // next message
                if ( !ProcessEvents() )
                    // we got WM_QUIT

            // exit the outer loop as well
        catch ( ... )
                if ( !wxTheApp || !wxTheApp->OnExceptionInMainLoop() )
                //else: continue running the event loop
            catch ( ... )
                // OnException() throwed, possibly rethrowing the same
                // exception again: very good, but we still need OnExit() to
                // be called
#endif // wxUSE_EXCEPTIONS

    return m_exitcode;
Example #23
wxCheckBoxState wxTreeListCtrl::GetCheckedState(wxTreeListItem item) const
    wxCHECK_MSG( item.IsOk(), wxCHK_UNDETERMINED, "Invalid item" );

    return item->m_checkedState;
Example #24
wxWindow* wxWindow::CreateWindowFromHWND(wxWindow* parent, WXHWND hWnd)
    wxCHECK_MSG( parent, NULL, _T("must have valid parent for a control") );

    wxString str(wxGetWindowClass(hWnd));

    long id = wxGetWindowId(hWnd);
    long style = GetWindowLong((HWND) hWnd, GWL_STYLE);

    wxWindow* win = NULL;

    if (str == wxT("BUTTON"))
        int style1 = (style & 0xFF);
        if ((style1 == BS_3STATE) || (style1 == BS_AUTO3STATE) || (style1 == BS_AUTOCHECKBOX) ||
            (style1 == BS_CHECKBOX))
            win = new wxCheckBox;
        if ((style1 == BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON) || (style1 == BS_RADIOBUTTON))
            win = new wxRadioButton;
#if defined(__WIN32__) && defined(BS_BITMAP)
        if (style & BS_BITMAP)
            // TODO: how to find the bitmap?
            win = new wxBitmapButton;
            wxLogError(wxT("Have not yet implemented bitmap button as BS_BITMAP button."));
        if (style1 == BS_OWNERDRAW)
            // TODO: how to find the bitmap?
            // TODO: can't distinguish between bitmap button and bitmap static.
            // Change implementation of wxStaticBitmap to SS_BITMAP.
            // PROBLEM: this assumes that we're using resource-based bitmaps.
            // So maybe need 2 implementations of bitmap buttons/static controls,
            // with a switch in the drawing code. Call default proc if BS_BITMAP.
            win = new wxBitmapButton;
        if ((style1 == BS_PUSHBUTTON) || (style1 == BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON))
            win = new wxButton;
        if (style1 == BS_GROUPBOX)
            win = new wxStaticBox;
            wxLogError(wxT("Don't know what kind of button this is: id = %ld"),
    else if (str == wxT("COMBOBOX"))
        win = new wxComboBox;
    // TODO: Problem if the user creates a multiline - but not rich text - text control,
    // since wxWin assumes RichEdit control for this. Should have m_isRichText in
    // wxTextCtrl. Also, convert as much of the window style as is necessary
    // for correct functioning.
    // Could have wxWindow::AdoptAttributesFromHWND(WXHWND)
    // to be overridden by each control class.
    else if (str == wxT("EDIT"))
        win = new wxTextCtrl;
    else if (str == wxT("LISTBOX"))
        win = new wxListBox;
    else if (str == wxT("SCROLLBAR"))
        win = new wxScrollBar;
    else if (str == wxT("MSCTLS_UPDOWN32"))
        win = new wxSpinButton;
    else if (str == wxT("MSCTLS_TRACKBAR32"))
        // Need to ascertain if it's horiz or vert
        win = new wxSlider;
#endif // wxUSE_SLIDER
    else if (str == wxT("STATIC"))
        int style1 = (style & 0xFF);

        if ((style1 == SS_LEFT) || (style1 == SS_RIGHT)
#ifndef __WXWINCE__
            || (style1 == SS_SIMPLE)
            win = new wxStaticText;
#if defined(__WIN32__) && defined(BS_BITMAP)
        else if (style1 == SS_BITMAP)
            win = new wxStaticBitmap;

            // Help! this doesn't correspond with the wxWin implementation.
            wxLogError(wxT("Please make SS_BITMAP statics into owner-draw buttons."));
#endif /* wxUSE_STATBMP */
        wxString msg(wxT("Don't know how to convert from Windows class "));
        msg += str;

    if (win)

    return win;
Example #25
wxClientData* wxTreeListModel::GetItemData(Node* item) const
    wxCHECK_MSG( item, NULL, "Invalid item" );

    return item->GetClientData();
Example #26
unsigned char wxColour::Blue() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), 0, wxT("invalid colour") );

    return (unsigned char)(M_COLDATA->m_color.blue >> SHIFT);
Example #27
size_t wxStreamBuffer::Write(const void *buffer, size_t size)
    wxASSERT_MSG( buffer, wxT("Warning: Null pointer is about to be send") );

    if (m_stream)
        // lasterror is reset before all new IO calls

    size_t ret;

    if ( !HasBuffer() && m_fixed )
        wxOutputStream *outStream = GetOutputStream();

        wxCHECK_MSG( outStream, 0, wxT("should have a stream in wxStreamBuffer") );

        // no buffer, just forward the call to the stream
        ret = outStream->OnSysWrite(buffer, size);
    else // we [may] have a buffer, use it
        size_t orig_size = size;

        while ( size > 0 )
            size_t left = GetBytesLeft();

            // if the buffer is too large to fit in the stream buffer, split
            // it in smaller parts
            // NB: If stream buffer isn't fixed (as for wxMemoryOutputStream),
            //     we always go to the second case.
            // FIXME: fine, but if it fails we should (re)try writing it by
            //        chunks as this will (hopefully) always work (VZ)

            if ( size > left && m_fixed )
                PutToBuffer(buffer, left);
                size -= left;
                buffer = (char *)buffer + left;

                if ( !FlushBuffer() )


                m_buffer_pos = m_buffer_start;
            else // we can do it in one gulp
                PutToBuffer(buffer, size);
                size = 0;

        ret = orig_size - size;

    if (m_stream)
        // i am not entirely sure what we do this for
        m_stream->m_lastcount = ret;

    return ret;
Example #28
int wxColour::GetPixel() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), 0, wxT("invalid colour") );

    return M_COLDATA->m_color.pixel;
Example #29
bool wxSetFocusToChild(wxWindow *win, wxWindow **childLastFocused)
    wxCHECK_MSG( win, false, _T("wxSetFocusToChild(): invalid window") );
    wxCHECK_MSG( childLastFocused, false,
                 _T("wxSetFocusToChild(): NULL child poonter") );

    if ( *childLastFocused )
        // It might happen that the window got reparented
        if ( (*childLastFocused)->GetParent() == win )
                       _T("SetFocusToChild() => last child (0x%p)."),

            // not SetFocusFromKbd(): we're restoring focus back to the old
            // window and not setting it as the result of a kbd action
            return true;
            // it doesn't count as such any more
            *childLastFocused = (wxWindow *)NULL;

    // set the focus to the first child who wants it
    wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = win->GetChildren().GetFirst();
    while ( node )
        wxWindow *child = node->GetData();
        node = node->GetNext();

#ifdef __WXMAC__
        if ( child->GetParent()->MacIsWindowScrollbar( child ) )
        if ( child->AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard() && !child->IsTopLevel() )
#ifdef __WXMSW__
            // If a radiobutton is the first focusable child, search for the
            // selected radiobutton in the same group
            wxRadioButton* btn = wxDynamicCast(child, wxRadioButton);
            if (btn)
                wxRadioButton* selected = wxGetSelectedButtonInGroup(btn);
                if (selected)
                    child = selected;

                       _T("SetFocusToChild() => first child (0x%p)."),

            *childLastFocused = child;
            return true;

    return false;
Example #30
wxString wxFont::GetFaceName() const
	wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), wxT(""), wxT("invalid font") );
//knorr?? face??
//	return fnt->Face();