Example #1
wxString ReplayList::GetScriptFromReplay (const wxString& ReplayPath  , const int version) const

	wxString script;
        wxFile replay( ReplayPath, wxFile::read );
        if ( !replay.IsOpened() ) return script;
        SEEK( 20 );
        int headerSize=0 ;
        replay.Read( &headerSize, 4);
        const int seek = 64 + (version < 5 ? 0 : 240);
		SEEK( seek );
		wxFileOffset scriptSize=0;
        replay.Read( &scriptSize, 4);
		scriptSize = LSL::Util::Clamp( wxFileOffset(scriptSize), wxFileOffset(0), replay.Length() );
		SEEK( headerSize );
        std::string script_a(scriptSize,0);
        replay.Read( &script_a[0], scriptSize );
        script = TowxString( script_a ) ;//(script_a,scriptSize);

    catch (...)
	return script;

Example #2
wxString ReplayList::GetScriptFromReplay(wxFile& replay, const int version) const

	wxString script;
	if ( !replay.IsOpened() ) return script;
	if(replay.Seek(20)==wxInvalidOffset) {
		return script;
	int headerSize=0 ;
	replay.Read( &headerSize, 4);
	const int seek = 64 + (version < 5 ? 0 : 240);
	if(replay.Seek(seek)==wxInvalidOffset) {
		return script;
	wxFileOffset scriptSize=0;
	replay.Read( &scriptSize, 4);
	scriptSize = LSL::Util::Clamp( wxFileOffset(scriptSize), wxFileOffset(0), replay.Length() );
	if(replay.Seek(headerSize) == wxInvalidOffset)return script;
	std::string script_a(scriptSize,0);
	replay.Read( &script_a[0], scriptSize );
	script = TowxString( script_a ) ;//(script_a,scriptSize);
	return script;
Example #3
static wxString FileToPythonArray(wxString filename, int num)
    wxString output;
    wxString tmp;
    wxString snum;
    wxFFile file(filename, wxT("rb"));
    wxFileOffset offset = file.Length();
    wxASSERT_MSG( offset >= 0 , wxT("Invalid file length") );
    wxASSERT_MSG( offset == wxFileOffset(size_t(offset)) , wxT("Huge file not supported") );
    size_t lng = (size_t)offset;

    snum.Printf(_T("%i"), num);
    output = _T("    xml_res_file_") + snum + _T(" = '''\\\n");

    unsigned char *buffer = new unsigned char[lng];
    file.Read(buffer, lng);

    for (size_t i = 0, linelng = 0; i < lng; i++)
        unsigned char c = buffer[i];
        if (c == '\n')
            tmp = (wxChar)c;
            linelng = 0;
        else if (c < 32 || c > 127 || c == '\'')
            tmp.Printf(_T("\\x%02x"), c);
        else if (c == '\\')
            tmp = _T("\\\\");
            tmp = (wxChar)c;
        if (linelng > 70)
            linelng = 0;
            output << _T("\\\n");
        output << tmp;
        linelng += tmp.Length();

    delete[] buffer;

    output += _T("'''\n\n");

    return output;
Example #4
static wxString FileToCppArray(wxString filename, int num)
    wxString output;
    wxString tmp;
    wxString snum;
    wxFFile file(filename, wxT("rb"));
    wxFileOffset offset = file.Length();
    wxASSERT_MSG( offset >= 0 , wxT("Invalid file length") );
    wxASSERT_MSG( offset == wxFileOffset(size_t(offset)) , wxT("Huge file not supported") );
    size_t lng = (size_t)offset;

    snum.Printf(_T("%i"), num);
    output.Printf(_T("static size_t xml_res_size_") + snum + _T(" = %i;\n"), lng);
    output += _T("static unsigned char xml_res_file_") + snum + _T("[] = {\n");
    // we cannot use string literals because MSVC is dumb wannabe compiler
    // with arbitrary limitation to 2048 strings :(

    unsigned char *buffer = new unsigned char[lng];
    file.Read(buffer, lng);

    for (size_t i = 0, linelng = 0; i < lng; i++)
        tmp.Printf(_T("%i"), buffer[i]);
        if (i != 0) output << _T(',');
        if (linelng > 70)
            linelng = 0;
            output << _T("\n");
        output << tmp;
        linelng += tmp.Length()+1;

    delete[] buffer;

    output += _T("};\n\n");

    return output;
Example #5
void OPJMarkerTree::OnSelChanged(wxTreeEvent& event)
	int bunch_linesize = 16;
	int bunch_numlines = 7;

	wxTreeItemId item = event.GetItem();
	OPJMarkerData* data = (OPJMarkerData *) GetItemData(item);
	wxString text;
	int l, c, pos = 0, pre_pos;


	/*text << wxString::Format(wxT("Selected... (%s -> %s, %s, %d, %d)"),
		text.c_str(), data->GetDesc1(), data->GetDesc2(),
		data->m_start, data->m_length) << wxT("\n");*/

	// open the file and browse a little
	wxFile *fp = new wxFile(m_fname.GetFullPath().c_str(), wxFile::read);

	// go to position claimed
	fp->Seek(data->m_start, wxFromStart);

	// read a bunch
	int max_read = wxMin(wxFileOffset(bunch_linesize * bunch_numlines), data->m_length - data->m_start + 1);
	if (data->m_desc == wxT("MARK (65380)")) {
		max_read = data->m_length - data->m_start + 1;
		bunch_numlines = (int) ceil((float) max_read / (float) bunch_linesize);
	unsigned char *buffer = new unsigned char[bunch_linesize * bunch_numlines];
	fp->Read(buffer, max_read);

	// write the file data between start and stop
	pos = 0;
	for (l = 0; l < bunch_numlines; l++) {

		text << wxString::Format(wxT("%010d:"), data->m_start + pos);

		pre_pos = pos;

		// add hex browsing text
		for (c = 0; c < bunch_linesize; c++) {

			if (!(c % 8))
				text << wxT(" ");

			if (pos < max_read) {
				text << wxString::Format(wxT("%02X "), buffer[pos]);
			} else
				text << wxT("   ");

		text << wxT("    ");

		// add char browsing text
		for (c = 0; c < bunch_linesize; c++) {

			if (pre_pos < max_read) {
				if ((buffer[pre_pos] == '\n') ||
					(buffer[pre_pos] == '\t') ||
					(buffer[pre_pos] == '\0') ||
					(buffer[pre_pos] == 0x0D) ||
					(buffer[pre_pos] == 0x0B))
					buffer[pre_pos] = ' ';
				text << wxString::FromAscii((char) buffer[pre_pos]) << wxT(".");
			} else
				text << wxT("  ");

		text << wxT("\n");


	// close the file


	delete buffer;