Example #1
void ViewPort::SetBoxes( void )

    //  In the case where canvas rotation is applied, we need to define a larger "virtual" pixel window size to ensure that
    //  enough chart data is fatched and available to fill the rotated screen.
    rv_rect = wxRect( 0, 0, pix_width, pix_height );

    //  Specify the minimum required rectangle in unrotated screen space which will supply full screen data after specified rotation
    if( ( g_bskew_comp && ( fabs( skew ) > .001 ) ) || ( fabs( rotation ) > .001 ) ) {

        double rotator = rotation;
            rotator -= skew;

        int dy = wxRound(
                     fabs( pix_height * cos( rotator ) ) + fabs( pix_width * sin( rotator ) ) );
        int dx = wxRound(
                     fabs( pix_width * cos( rotator ) ) + fabs( pix_height * sin( rotator ) ) );

        //  It is important for MSW build that viewport pixel dimensions be multiples of 4.....
        if( dy % 4 ) dy += 4 - ( dy % 4 );
        if( dx % 4 ) dx += 4 - ( dx % 4 );

        int inflate_x = wxMax(( dx - pix_width ) / 2, 0);
        int inflate_y = wxMax(( dy - pix_height ) / 2, 0);
        //  Grow the source rectangle appropriately
        if( fabs( rotator ) > .001 )
            rv_rect.Inflate( inflate_x, inflate_y );


    //  Compute Viewport lat/lon reference points for co-ordinate hit testing

    //  This must be done in unrotated space with respect to full unrotated screen space calculated above
    double rotation_save = rotation;
    SetRotationAngle( 0. );

    wxPoint ul( rv_rect.x, rv_rect.y ), lr( rv_rect.x + rv_rect.width, rv_rect.y + rv_rect.height );
    double dlat_min, dlat_max, dlon_min, dlon_max;

    bool hourglass = false;
    switch(m_projection_type) {
        hourglass = true;
        double d;

        if( clat > 0 ) { // north polar
            wxPoint u( rv_rect.x + rv_rect.width/2, rv_rect.y );
            wxPoint ur( rv_rect.x + rv_rect.width, rv_rect.y );
            GetLLFromPix( ul, &d, &dlon_min );
            GetLLFromPix( ur, &d, &dlon_max );
            GetLLFromPix( lr, &dlat_min, &d );
            GetLLFromPix( u, &dlat_max, &d );

            if(fabs(fabs(d - clon) - 180) < 1) { // the pole is onscreen
                dlat_max = 90;
                dlon_min = -180;
                dlon_max = 180;
            } else if(wxIsNaN(dlat_max))
                dlat_max = 90;

            if(hourglass) {
                // near equator, center may be less
                wxPoint l( rv_rect.x + rv_rect.width/2, rv_rect.y + rv_rect.height );
                double dlat_min2;
                GetLLFromPix( l, &dlat_min2, &d );
                dlat_min = wxMin(dlat_min, dlat_min2);

            if(wxIsNaN(dlat_min)) //  world is off-screen
                dlat_min = clat - 90;
        } else { // south polar
            wxPoint l( rv_rect.x + rv_rect.width/2, rv_rect.y + rv_rect.height );
            wxPoint ll( rv_rect.x, rv_rect.y + rv_rect.height );
            GetLLFromPix( ul, &dlat_max, &d );
            GetLLFromPix( lr, &d, &dlon_max );
            GetLLFromPix( ll, &d, &dlon_min );
            GetLLFromPix( l, &dlat_min, &d );            

            if(fabs(fabs(d - clon) - 180) < 1) { // the pole is onscreen
                dlat_min = -90;
                dlon_min = -180;
                dlon_max = 180;
            } else if(wxIsNaN(dlat_min))
                dlat_min = -90;

            if(hourglass) {
                // near equator, center may be less
                wxPoint u( rv_rect.x + rv_rect.width/2, rv_rect.y );
                double dlat_max2;
                GetLLFromPix( u, &dlat_max2, &d );
                dlat_max = wxMax(dlat_max, dlat_max2);

            if(wxIsNaN(dlat_max)) //  world is off-screen
                dlat_max = clat + 90;

        if(wxIsNaN(dlon_min)) {
            // if neither pole is visible, but left and right of the screen are in space
            // we can avoid drawing the far side of the earth
            if(dlat_max < 90 && dlat_min > -90) {
                dlon_min = clon - 90 - fabs(clat); // this logic is not optimal, is it always correct?
                dlon_max = clon + 90 + fabs(clat);
            } else {
                dlon_min = -180;
                dlon_max = 180;
    } break;

    default: // works for mercator and equirectangular
        GetLLFromPix( ul, &dlat_max, &dlon_min );
        GetLLFromPix( lr, &dlat_min, &dlon_max );

    if( clon < dlon_min )
        dlon_min -= 360;
    else if(clon > dlon_max)
        dlon_max += 360;

    //  Set the viewport lat/lon bounding box appropriately
    vpBBox.SetMin( dlon_min, dlat_min );
    vpBBox.SetMax( dlon_max, dlat_max );

    // Restore the rotation angle
    SetRotationAngle( rotation_save );
Example #2
VampEffectDialog::VampEffectDialog(VampEffect *effect,
                                   wxWindow *parent,
                                   Vamp::Plugin *plugin) :
   wxDialog(parent, -1, effect->GetEffectName(),
            wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
   Vamp::Plugin::ProgramList programs = plugin->getPrograms();

   mParameters = plugin->getParameterDescriptors();

#ifdef __WXMSW__
   // On Windows, for some reason, wxWindows calls OnTextCtrl during creation
   // of the text control, and VampEffectDialog::OnTextCtrl calls HandleText, 
   // which assumes all the fields have been initialized. 
   // This can give us a bad pointer crash, so manipulate inSlider to 
   // no-op HandleText during creation.
   inSlider = true;
   inSlider = false;

   inText = false;
   int count = mParameters.size();

   toggles = new wxCheckBox*[count];
   sliders = new wxSlider*[count];
   fields = new wxTextCtrl*[count];
   labels = new wxStaticText*[count];
   combos = new wxComboBox*[count];

   wxControl *item;

   wxBoxSizer *vSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);

   item = new wxStaticText(this, 0,
                           LAT1CTOWX(plugin->getName().c_str()) +
                           wxString(_(" - Vamp audio analysis plugin")));
   vSizer->Add(item, 0, wxALL, 5);

   item = new wxStaticText(this, 0,
   vSizer->Add(item, 0, wxALL, 5);

   item = new wxStaticText(this, 0,
                           wxString(_("Author: "))
                           + LAT1CTOWX(plugin->getMaker().c_str()));

   vSizer->Add(item, 0, wxALL, 5);
   item = new wxStaticText(this, 0,
   vSizer->Add(item, 0, wxALL, 5);

   wxScrolledWindow *w = new wxScrolledWindow(this,
                                              wxVSCROLL | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL);

   // Try to give the window a sensible default/minimum size
      wxMax(400, parent->GetSize().GetWidth() / 2),
      parent->GetSize().GetHeight() / 2));
   w->SetScrollRate(0, 20);
   vSizer->Add(w, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 5);

   vSizer->Add(CreateStdButtonSizer(this, eCancelButton|eOkButton), 0, wxEXPAND);


   wxSizer *paramSizer =
      new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, w, _("Plugin Settings"));

   wxFlexGridSizer *gridSizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(5, 0, 0);

   programCombo = 0;

   if (!programs.empty()) {

      wxArrayString choices;
      wxString currentProgram =
         wxString(mPlugin->getCurrentProgram().c_str(), wxConvISO8859_1);

      for (size_t i = 0; i < programs.size(); ++i) {

         wxString choice = wxString(programs[i].c_str(), wxConvISO8859_1);

      gridSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(w, 0, _("Program")), 
                     0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5);

      programCombo = new wxComboBox(w, 9999, currentProgram,
                                    wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
                                    choices, wxCB_READONLY);

      gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
      gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);

      gridSizer->Add(programCombo, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);

      gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);

   for (int p = 0; p < count; p++) {

      wxString labelText = LAT1CTOWX(mParameters[p].name.c_str());
      item = new wxStaticText(w, 0, labelText + wxT(":"));
      gridSizer->Add(item, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5);

      wxString fieldText;

      float value = mPlugin->getParameter(mParameters[p].identifier);

      toggles[p] = 0;
      combos[p] = 0;
      sliders[p] = 0;
      fields[p] = 0;

      if (mParameters[p].isQuantized &&
          mParameters[p].quantizeStep == 1.0 &&
          mParameters[p].minValue == 0.0 &&
          mParameters[p].maxValue == 1.0) {

         toggles[p] = new wxCheckBox(w, p, wxT(""));
         toggles[p]->SetValue(value > 0.5);
         gridSizer->Add(toggles[p], 0, wxALL, 5);

         gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
         gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
         gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);

      } else if (mParameters[p].isQuantized &&
                 mParameters[p].quantizeStep == 1.0 &&
                 !mParameters[p].valueNames.empty()) {

         wxArrayString choices;
         wxString selected;

         for (size_t i = 0; i < mParameters[p].valueNames.size(); ++i) {
            wxString choice = wxString
               (mParameters[p].valueNames[i].c_str(), wxConvISO8859_1);
            if (int(value - mParameters[p].minValue + 0.5) == i) {
               selected = choice;

         combos[p] = new wxComboBox(w, p, selected,
                                    wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
                                    choices, wxCB_READONLY);

         gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
         gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);

         gridSizer->Add(combos[p], 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);

         gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);

      } else {

         fieldText = Internat::ToDisplayString(value);

         fields[p] = new wxTextCtrl(w, p, fieldText);
         gridSizer->Add(fields[p], 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5);

         wxString str = Internat::ToDisplayString(mParameters[p].minValue);
         item = new wxStaticText(w, 0, str);
         gridSizer->Add(item, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALL, 5);

         sliders[p] =
             new wxSlider(w, p,
                          0, 0, 1000,
                          wxSize(100, -1));
         gridSizer->Add(sliders[p], 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);

         str = Internat::ToDisplayString(mParameters[p].maxValue);
         item = new wxStaticText(w, 0, str);
         gridSizer->Add(item, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALL, 5);

   // Set all of the sliders based on the value in the
   // text fields
   inSlider = false; // Now we're ready for HandleText to actually do something.
   paramSizer->Add(gridSizer, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);

Example #3
bool wxRibbonButtonBar::TryCollapseLayout(wxRibbonButtonBarLayout* original,
                                          size_t first_btn, size_t* last_button)
    size_t btn_count = m_buttons.Count();
    size_t btn_i;
    int used_height = 0;
    int used_width = 0;
    int available_width = 0;
    int available_height = 0;

    for(btn_i = first_btn + 1; btn_i > 0; /* decrement is inside loop */)
        wxRibbonButtonBarButtonBase* button = m_buttons.Item(btn_i);
        wxRibbonButtonBarButtonState large_size_class = button->GetLargestSize();
        wxSize large_size = button->sizes[large_size_class].size;
        int t_available_height = wxMax(available_height,
        int t_available_width = available_width + large_size.GetWidth();
        wxRibbonButtonBarButtonState small_size_class = large_size_class;
            return false;
        wxSize small_size = button->sizes[small_size_class].size;
        int t_used_height = used_height + small_size.GetHeight();
        int t_used_width = wxMax(used_width, small_size.GetWidth());

        if(t_used_height > t_available_height)
            used_height = t_used_height;
            used_width = t_used_width;
            available_width = t_available_width;
            available_height = t_available_height;

    if(btn_i >= first_btn || used_width >= available_width)
        return false;
    if(last_button != NULL)
        *last_button = btn_i;

    wxRibbonButtonBarLayout* layout = new wxRibbonButtonBarLayout;
    WX_APPEND_ARRAY(layout->buttons, original->buttons);
    wxPoint cursor(layout->buttons.Item(btn_i).position);
    bool preserve_height = false;
    if(btn_i == 0)
        // If height isn't preserved (i.e. it is reduced), then the minimum
        // size for the button bar will decrease, preventing the original
        // layout from being used (in some cases).
        // It may be a good idea to always preserve the height, but for now
        // it is only done when the first button is involved in a collapse.
        preserve_height = true;

    for(; btn_i <= first_btn; ++btn_i)
        wxRibbonButtonBarButtonInstance& instance = layout->buttons.Item(btn_i);
        instance.position = cursor;
        cursor.y += instance.base->sizes[instance.size].size.GetHeight();

    int x_adjust = available_width - used_width;

    for(; btn_i < btn_count; ++btn_i)
        wxRibbonButtonBarButtonInstance& instance = layout->buttons.Item(btn_i);
        instance.position.x -= x_adjust;


    // Sanity check
    if(layout->overall_size.GetWidth() >= original->overall_size.GetWidth() ||
        layout->overall_size.GetHeight() > original->overall_size.GetHeight())
        delete layout;
        wxFAIL_MSG("Layout collapse resulted in increased size");
        return false;


    return true;
Example #4
// draw pressure scale
void  DashboardInstrument_BaroHistory::DrawWindSpeedScale(wxGCDC* dc)
  wxString label1,label2,label3,label4,label5;
  wxColour cl;
  int width, height;
  //round m_MaxPress up to the next hpa ...
  if (m_MaxPress > 1100)

  if (m_TotalMinPress < 930)

  m_MaxPressScale= (int)((m_MaxPress+15)-(m_TotalMinPress-15));

  if(!m_IsRunning) {
    label1=_T("-- hPa");
    label2=_T("-- hPa");
    label3=_T("-- hPa");
    label4=_T("-- hPa");
    label5=_T("-- hPa");
  else {
 The goal is to draw the legend with decimals only, if we really have them !
    // top legend for max press
    label1.Printf(_T("%.0f hPa"), m_MaxPressScale +(m_TotalMinPress-18)  );

    // 3/4 legend

      label2.Printf(_T("%.0f hPa"), m_MaxPressScale *3./4 + (m_TotalMinPress-18)  );

    // center legend

      label3.Printf(_T("%.0f hPa"), m_MaxPressScale /2 +(m_TotalMinPress-18));

    // 1/4 legend

      label4.Printf(_T("%.0f hPa"), m_MaxPressScale /4 +(m_TotalMinPress-18)  );

    //bottom legend for min wind
    label5.Printf(_T("%.0f hPa"), (m_TotalMinPress-18));
  dc->GetTextExtent(label1, &m_LeftLegend, &height, 0, 0, g_pFontSmall);
  dc->DrawText(label1, 4, (int)(m_TopLineHeight-height/2));
  dc->GetTextExtent(label2, &width, &height, 0, 0, g_pFontSmall);
  dc->DrawText(label2, 4, (int)(m_TopLineHeight+m_DrawAreaRect.height/4-height/2));
  m_LeftLegend = wxMax(width,m_LeftLegend);
  dc->GetTextExtent(label3, &width, &height, 0, 0, g_pFontSmall);
  dc->DrawText(label3, 4, (int)(m_TopLineHeight+m_DrawAreaRect.height/2-height/2));
  m_LeftLegend = wxMax(width,m_LeftLegend);
  dc->GetTextExtent(label4, &width, &height, 0, 0, g_pFontSmall);
  dc->DrawText(label4, 4, (int)(m_TopLineHeight+m_DrawAreaRect.height*0.75-height/2));
  m_LeftLegend = wxMax(width,m_LeftLegend);
  dc->GetTextExtent(label5, &width, &height, 0, 0, g_pFontSmall);
  dc->DrawText(label5, 4,  (int)(m_TopLineHeight+m_DrawAreaRect.height-height/2));
  m_LeftLegend = wxMax(width,m_LeftLegend);
void HexEditorCtrl::OnResize( wxSizeEvent &event ){
	int x = event.GetSize().GetX();
	int y = event.GetSize().GetY();
	int charx = hex_ctrl->GetCharSize().GetX();
	int chartx = text_ctrl->GetCharSize().GetX();
	int offset_x = offset_ctrl->GetCharSize().GetX()*offset_ctrl->GetLineSize();// + 4;
	offset_x = offset_ctrl->IsShown() ? offset_x : 0;

    x -= offset_x;								//Remove Offset Control box X because its changeable
    x -= offset_scroll_real->GetSize().GetX();  //Remove Offset scroll size
    x -= 4*2;									//+x 4 pixel external borders (dark ones, 2 pix each size)
    x = wxMax(0,x);								//Avoid X being negative
    y -= m_static_byteview->GetSize().GetY();	//Remove Head Text Y
	bool custom_hex_format;
	wxConfig::Get()->Read( wxT("UseCustomHexFormat"), &custom_hex_format, false );
	wxString fmt(wxT("xx "));
	if( custom_hex_format )
		wxConfig::Get()->Read( wxT("CustomHexFormat"), &fmt, wxT("xx "));

// TODO (death#1#): Move style engine somewhere else to speedy resizing.
	hex_ctrl->SetFormat( fmt );

	int cnt_chr=0; //Counted character at current format
	for( unsigned i = 0 ; i <  fmt.Len() ; i++ ){
		if( fmt[i]!=' ' )
	cnt_chr/=2; // divide 2 for find byte per hex representation.

	int hexchr=0,textchr = 0;
	//Recalculate available area due hidden panels.
	hexchr+=hex_ctrl->IsShown() ? fmt.Len() : 0;
	textchr+=text_ctrl->IsShown() ? cnt_chr : 0;
	int available_space=0;

	//Limiting Bytes Per Line
	bool use_BytesPerLineLimit;
	wxConfig::Get()->Read( wxT("UseBytesPerLineLimit"), &use_BytesPerLineLimit, false );
	if( use_BytesPerLineLimit ){
		int BytesPerLineLimit;
		wxConfig::Get()->Read( wxT("BytesPerLineLimit"), reinterpret_cast<int*>(&BytesPerLineLimit), 16);

		//Downsizing is available
		if( available_space*cnt_chr > BytesPerLineLimit )
			available_space = BytesPerLineLimit/cnt_chr;

	//Calculation of available area for Hex and Text panels.
	int text_x = chartx*available_space*cnt_chr/(GetCharToHexSize()/2)  +2 +4;
	int hex_x = charx*available_space*fmt.Len()  +2 +4 - charx ; //no need for last gap;
	int ByteShownPerLine=available_space*cnt_chr;

	text_x = text_ctrl->IsShown() ? text_x : 0;
	hex_x = hex_ctrl->IsShown() ? hex_x : 0;

#ifdef _DEBUG_SIZE_
	std::cout<< "HexEditorCtrl::OnResize()" << std::endl
			<< "HexEditorCtrl SizeEvent ReSize Command=(" << event.GetSize().GetX() << ',' << event.GetSize().GetY() << ")\n"
			<< "Offset Scrll: \t(" << offset_scroll->GetSize().GetX() << ',' << event.GetSize().GetY() <<")\n"
			<< "Offset Ctrl: \t(" << offset_ctrl->GetSize().GetX() << ',' << event.GetSize().GetY() <<")\n"
			<< "Hex Ctrl: \t(" << hex_x << ',' << event.GetSize().GetY() << ")\n"
			<< "Text Ctrl: \t(" << text_x << ',' << event.GetSize().GetY() << ")\n"
			<< "Hex Char: \t" << charx << std::endl
			<< "ByteShownPerLine: \t" << ByteShownPerLine << std::endl;

	offset_ctrl->SetMinSize( wxSize( offset_x , y ) );
//	offset_ctrl->SetSize( wxSize( offset_x , y ) ); //Not needed, Layout() Makes the job well.
	m_static_offset->SetMinSize( wxSize(offset_x, m_static_offset->GetSize().GetY()) );

	hex_ctrl->SetMinSize( wxSize( hex_x, y ));
//	hex_ctrl->SetSize( wxSize( hex_x, y ));
	m_static_address->SetMinSize( wxSize(hex_x, m_static_offset->GetSize().GetY()) ) ;

	text_ctrl->SetMinSize( wxSize( text_x, y ));
//	text_ctrl->SetSize( wxSize( text_x, y ));
	m_static_byteview->SetMinSize( wxSize( text_x, m_static_offset->GetSize().GetY()) );

	// Destroy the sizer created by the form builder before adding the windows
	// managed by it to another sizer, otherwise we would crash later when
	// destroying the sizer as it wouldn't know about the windows it contains.

	//Preparing Sizer
	wxFlexGridSizer* fgSizer1 = new wxFlexGridSizer( 2, 4, 0, 0 );
#if 1
	fgSizer1->Add( m_static_offset, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER|wxLEFT, 5 );
	fgSizer1->Add( m_static_address, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxLEFT, 2 );
	fgSizer1->Add( m_static_byteview, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER|wxALL, 0 );
	fgSizer1->Add( m_static_null, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 3 );
	fgSizer1->Add( offset_ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxEXPAND, 0 );
	fgSizer1->Add( hex_ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxEXPAND, 0 );
	fgSizer1->Add( text_ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxEXPAND, 0 );
	fgSizer1->Add( offset_scroll_real, 0, wxEXPAND, 0 );

	fgSizer1->Add( m_static_offset, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER|wxLEFT, 0 );
	fgSizer1->Add( m_static_address, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxLEFT, 0 );
	fgSizer1->Add( m_static_byteview, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER|wxALL, 0 );
	fgSizer1->Add( m_static_null, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER, 0 );
	fgSizer1->Add( offset_ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER|wxALL|wxEXPAND, 0 );
	fgSizer1->Add( hex_ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER|wxALL, 0 );
	fgSizer1->Add( text_ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER|wxALL|wxEXPAND, 0 );
	fgSizer1->Add( offset_scroll_real, 0, wxEXPAND, 0 );

//	fgSizer1->AddGrowableRow(1,1);

	this->SetSizer( fgSizer1 );

#ifdef __WXMSW__
///At windows, OnResize cannot update required fields immeditialy, this hack fixes this behaviour.

	//Formating Hex and byteview column labels
	//This needed bellow hex_ctrl->ChangeSize() because it's updates the IsDenied function.
	wxString address,byteview,temp_address;
	for( int j = 0 ; j < ByteShownPerLine ; j++ ){
		temp_address << wxString::Format( wxT("%02X"), j%0x100 );
		//if(j >= ByteShownPerLine/(GetCharToHexSize()/2))
		//	continue;
		byteview << wxString::Format( wxT("%01X"), (j*(GetCharToHexSize()/2))%0x10 );

	//Adjusting custom hex formatting bar - Converting 00010203 -> 00 01 02 03 for "xx " format.
	for( int x = 0, i=0 ; x < hex_x && static_cast<unsigned>(i) < temp_address.Len() ; x++ )
			address << wxT(" ");
			address << temp_address[i++];

	m_static_byteview->SetLabel( byteview );

#ifdef _DEBUG_SIZE_
	std::cout<< "HexEditorCtrl After ReSize=(" << x << ',' << y << ")\n"
			<< "Offset Scrll: \t(" << offset_scroll->GetSize().GetX() << ',' << offset_scroll->GetSize().GetY()<<")\n"
			<< "Offset Ctrl: \t(" << offset_ctrl->GetSize().GetX() << ',' << offset_ctrl->GetSize().GetY()<<")\n"
			<< "Hex Ctrl: \t(" << hex_ctrl->GetSize().GetX() << ',' << hex_ctrl->GetSize().GetY()<<")\n"
			<< "Text Ctrl: \t(" << text_ctrl->GetSize().GetX() << ',' << text_ctrl->GetSize().GetY()<<")\n";
Example #6
TCWin::TCWin( ChartCanvas *parent, int x, int y, void *pvIDX )

    //    As a display optimization....
    //    if current color scheme is other than DAY,
    //    Then create the dialog ..WITHOUT.. borders and title bar.
    //    This way, any window decorations set by external themes, etc
    //    will not detract from night-vision

    m_created = false;
    xSpot = 0;
    ySpot = 0;

    m_pTCRolloverWin = NULL;

    if( ( global_color_scheme != GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME_DAY )
            && ( global_color_scheme != GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME_RGB ) ) wstyle |= ( wxNO_BORDER );

#ifdef __WXOSX__
     wstyle |= wxSTAY_ON_TOP;
    pParent = parent;
    m_x = x;
    m_y = y;
    wxDialog::Create( parent, wxID_ANY, wxString( _T ( "" ) ), m_position ,
                      m_tc_size, wstyle );

    m_created = true;
    wxFont *qFont = GetOCPNScaledFont(_("Dialog"));
    SetFont( *qFont );

    pIDX = (IDX_entry *) pvIDX;

//    Set up plot type
    if( strchr( "Tt", pIDX->IDX_type ) ) {
        m_plot_type = TIDE_PLOT;
        SetTitle( wxString( _( "Tide" ) ) );
        gpIDX = pIDX;       // remember pointer for routeplan

    } else {
        m_plot_type = CURRENT_PLOT;
        SetTitle( wxString( _( "Current" ) ) );

    int sx, sy;
    GetClientSize( &sx, &sy );
//    Figure out this computer timezone minute offset
    wxDateTime this_now = gTimeSource;
    bool cur_time = !gTimeSource.IsValid();

    if (cur_time) {
        this_now = wxDateTime::Now();
    wxDateTime this_gmt = this_now.ToGMT();

#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 6, 2)
    wxTimeSpan diff = this_now.Subtract( this_gmt );
    wxTimeSpan diff = this_gmt.Subtract ( this_now );

    int diff_mins = diff.GetMinutes();

    //  Correct a bug in wx3.0.2
    //  If the system TZ happens to be GMT, with DST active (e.g.summer in London),
    //  then wxDateTime returns incorrect results for toGMT() method
#if wxCHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 2)
    if( diff_mins == 0 && this_now.IsDST() )
        diff_mins +=60;
    int station_offset = ptcmgr->GetStationTimeOffset( pIDX );

    m_corr_mins = station_offset - diff_mins;
    if( this_now.IsDST() ) m_corr_mins += 60;

//    Establish the inital drawing day as today
    m_graphday = this_now;
    wxDateTime graphday_00 = this_now;
    time_t t_graphday_00 = graphday_00.GetTicks();

    //    Correct a Bug in wxWidgets time support
    if( !graphday_00.IsDST() && m_graphday.IsDST() ) t_graphday_00 -= 3600;
    if( graphday_00.IsDST() && !m_graphday.IsDST() ) t_graphday_00 += 3600;

    m_t_graphday_00_at_station = t_graphday_00 - ( m_corr_mins * 60 );

    btc_valid = false;

    wxString* TClist = NULL;
    m_tList = new wxListBox( this, -1, wxPoint( sx * 65 / 100, 11 ),
                             wxSize( ( sx * 32 / 100 ), ( sy * 20 / 100 ) ), 0, TClist,
                             wxLB_SINGLE | wxLB_NEEDED_SB | wxLB_HSCROLL  );

    //  Measure the size of a generic button, with label
    wxButton *test_button = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _( "OK" ), wxPoint( -1, -1), wxDefaultSize );
    test_button->GetSize( &m_tsx, &m_tsy );
    delete test_button;
    //  In the interest of readability, if the width of the dialog is too narrow, 
    //  simply skip showing the "Hi/Lo" list control.
    if( (m_tsy * 15) > sx )
    OK_button = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _( "OK" ), wxPoint( sx - (2 * m_tsy + 10), sy - (m_tsy + 10) ),
                              wxDefaultSize );

    PR_button = new wxButton( this, ID_TCWIN_PR, _( "Prev" ), wxPoint( 10, sy - (m_tsy + 10) ),
                              wxSize( -1, -1 ) );

    wxSize texc_size = wxSize( ( sx * 60 / 100 ), ( sy *29 / 100 ) );
    if( !m_tList->IsShown()){
        texc_size = wxSize( ( sx * 90 / 100 ), ( sy *29 / 100 ) );
    m_ptextctrl = new wxTextCtrl( this, -1, _T(""), wxPoint( sx * 3 / 100, 6 ),
                                  texc_size ,
                                  wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY | wxTE_DONTWRAP);
    int bsx, bsy, bpx, bpy;
    PR_button->GetSize( &bsx, &bsy );
    PR_button->GetPosition( &bpx, &bpy );

    NX_button = new wxButton( this, ID_TCWIN_NX, _( "Next" ), wxPoint( bpx + bsx + 5, sy - (m_tsy + 10) ),
                              wxSize( -1, -1 ) );

    m_TCWinPopupTimer.SetOwner( this, TCWININF_TIMER );

    wxScreenDC dc;
    int text_height;
    dc.GetTextExtent(_T("W"), NULL, &text_height);
    m_button_height = m_tsy; //text_height + 20;

    // Build graphics tools

    wxFont *dlg_font = FontMgr::Get().GetFont( _("Dialog") );
    int dlg_font_size = dlg_font->GetPointSize();

    pSFont = FontMgr::Get().FindOrCreateFont( dlg_font_size-2, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL,
                                                    wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, FALSE, wxString( _T ( "Arial" ) ) );
    pSMFont = FontMgr::Get().FindOrCreateFont( dlg_font_size-1, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL,
                                                       wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, FALSE, wxString( _T ( "Arial" ) ) );
    pMFont = FontMgr::Get().FindOrCreateFont( dlg_font_size, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD,
                                                      FALSE, wxString( _T ( "Arial" ) ) );
    pLFont = FontMgr::Get().FindOrCreateFont( dlg_font_size+1, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD,
                                                      FALSE, wxString( _T ( "Arial" ) ) );

    pblack_1 = wxThePenList->FindOrCreatePen( GetGlobalColor( _T ( "UINFD" ) ), wxMax(1,(int)(m_tcwin_scaler+0.5)),
					      wxPENSTYLE_SOLID );
    pblack_2 = wxThePenList->FindOrCreatePen( GetGlobalColor( _T ( "UINFD" ) ), wxMax(2,(int)(2*m_tcwin_scaler+0.5)),
					      wxPENSTYLE_SOLID );
    pblack_3 = wxThePenList->FindOrCreatePen( GetGlobalColor( _T ( "UWHIT" ) ), wxMax(1,(int)(m_tcwin_scaler+0.5)),
                                                                          wxPENSTYLE_SOLID );
    pred_2 = wxThePenList->FindOrCreatePen( GetGlobalColor( _T ( "UINFR" ) ), wxMax(4,(int)(4*m_tcwin_scaler+0.5)),
                                                                        wxPENSTYLE_SOLID );
    pltgray = wxTheBrushList->FindOrCreateBrush( GetGlobalColor( _T ( "UIBCK" ) ),
                                                                               wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID );
    pltgray2 = wxTheBrushList->FindOrCreateBrush( GetGlobalColor( _T ( "DILG1" ) ),
                                                                                wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID );

    DimeControl( this );

    //  Fill in some static text control information

    //  Tidi station information

    wxString locn( pIDX->IDX_station_name, wxConvUTF8 );
    wxString locna, locnb;
    if( locn.Contains( wxString( _T ( "," ) ) ) ) {
        locna = locn.BeforeFirst( ',' );
        locnb = locn.AfterFirst( ',' );
    } else {
        locna = locn;

    // write the first line
    wxTextAttr style;
    style.SetFont( *pLFont );
    m_ptextctrl->SetDefaultStyle( style );

    m_ptextctrl->AppendText( locna );

    style.SetFont( *pSMFont );
    m_ptextctrl->SetDefaultStyle( style );

    if( !locnb.IsEmpty() )
        m_ptextctrl->AppendText( locnb );

    //Reference to the master station
    if(( 't' == pIDX->IDX_type ) || ( 'c' == pIDX->IDX_type )) {
        wxString mref( pIDX->IDX_reference_name, wxConvUTF8 );
        mref.Prepend(_T(" "));

        m_ptextctrl->AppendText( _( "Reference Station :" ) );

        m_ptextctrl->AppendText( mref );

    else {

    //      Show the data source
    wxString dsource( pIDX->source_ident, wxConvUTF8 );
    dsource.Prepend(_T(" "));

    m_ptextctrl->AppendText( _( "Data Source :" ) );

    m_ptextctrl->AppendText( dsource );

    m_ptextctrl->ShowPosition( 0 );
Example #7
void __CALL_CONVENTION endCallback(void)
    //      Create a TriPrim

    char buf[40];

    if(s_nvcall > s_nvmax)                            // keep track of largest number of triangle vertices
          s_nvmax = s_nvcall;

        case GL_TRIANGLE_FAN:
        case GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP:
        case GL_TRIANGLES:
            TriPrim *pTPG = new TriPrim;
            if(NULL == s_pTPG_Last)
                s_pTPG_Head = pTPG;
                s_pTPG_Last = pTPG;
                s_pTPG_Last->p_next = pTPG;
                s_pTPG_Last = pTPG;

            pTPG->p_next = NULL;
            pTPG->type = s_gltri_type;
            pTPG->nVert = s_nvcall;

        //  Calculate bounding box
            float sxmax = -1000;                   // this poly BBox
            float sxmin = 1000;
            float symax = -90;
            float symin = 90;

            GLdouble *pvr = s_pwork_buf;
            for(int iv=0 ; iv < s_nvcall ; iv++)
                GLdouble xd, yd;
                xd = *pvr++;
                yd = *pvr++;

                      double valx = ( xd * s_transform_x_rate ) + s_transform_x_origin;
                      double valy = ( yd * s_transform_y_rate ) + s_transform_y_origin;

                      //    Convert to lat/lon
                      double lat = ( 2.0 * atan ( exp ( valy/CM93_semimajor_axis_meters ) ) - PI/2. ) / DEGREE;
                      double lon = ( valx / ( DEGREE * CM93_semimajor_axis_meters ) );

                      sxmax = wxMax(lon, sxmax);
                      sxmin = wxMin(lon, sxmin);
                      symax = wxMax(lat, symax);
                      symin = wxMin(lat, symin);
                      sxmax = wxMax(xd, sxmax);
                      sxmin = wxMin(xd, sxmin);
                      symax = wxMax(yd, symax);
                      symin = wxMin(yd, symin);

            pTPG->tri_box.Set(symin, sxmin, symax, sxmax);

            //  Transcribe this geometry to TriPrim, converting to SM if called for

                GLdouble *pds = s_pwork_buf;
                pTPG->p_vertex = (double *)malloc(s_nvcall * 2 * sizeof(double));
                GLdouble *pdd = (GLdouble*)pTPG->p_vertex;

                for(int ip = 0 ; ip < s_nvcall ; ip++)
                    double dlon = *pds++;
                    double dlat = *pds++;

                    double easting, northing;
                    toSM(dlat, dlon, s_ref_lat, s_ref_lon, &easting, &northing);
                    *pdd++ = easting;
                    *pdd++ = northing;
                pTPG->p_vertex = (double *)malloc(s_nvcall * 2 * sizeof(double));
                memcpy(pTPG->p_vertex, s_pwork_buf, s_nvcall * 2 * sizeof(double));

            sprintf(buf, "....begin Callback  unknown\n");
Example #8
LV2EffectDialog::LV2EffectDialog(LV2Effect *effect,
                                 wxWindow  *parent,
                                 const LilvPlugin *data,
                                 int sampleRate,
                                 double length,
                                 double WXUNUSED(noteLength),
                                 unsigned char WXUNUSED(noteVelocity),
                                 unsigned char WXUNUSED(noteKey))
:  wxDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, 
            wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(500, -1),

#if defined(__WXMSW__)
   // On Windows, for some reason, wxWindows calls OnTextCtrl during creation
   // of the text control, and LV2EffectDialog::OnTextCtrl calls HandleText,
   // which assumes all the mFields have been initialized.
   // This can give us a bad pointer crash, so manipulate inSlider to
   // no-op HandleText during creation.
   inSlider = true;
   inSlider = false;
   inText = false;
   inText = true;
   // Allocate memory for the user parameter controls
   int ctrlcnt = (int) mControls.GetCount();
   mToggles = new wxCheckBox*[ctrlcnt];
   mSliders = new wxSlider*[ctrlcnt];
   mFields = new wxTextCtrl*[ctrlcnt];
   mLabels = new wxStaticText*[ctrlcnt];
   mEnums = new wxChoice*[ctrlcnt];
   wxControl *item;

   wxBoxSizer *vSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
   // Add information about the plugin
   LilvNode *tmpValue = lilv_plugin_get_author_name(data);
   if (tmpValue)
      wxString author(_("Author: ") + mEffect->GetString(tmpValue));
      item = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, author);
      vSizer->Add(item, 0, wxALL, 5);
   wxScrolledWindow *w = new wxScrolledWindow(this,
                                              wxVSCROLL | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL);

   // Try to give the window a sensible default/minimum size
      wxMax(600, parent->GetSize().GetWidth() * 2/3),
      parent->GetSize().GetHeight() / 2));
   w->SetScrollRate(0, 20);
   vSizer->Add(w, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 5);

   // Preview, OK, & Cancel buttons
   vSizer->Add(CreateStdButtonSizer(this, ePreviewButton|eCancelButton|eOkButton), 0, wxEXPAND);


   wxSizer *paramSizer =
      new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, w, _("Effect Settings"));

   wxFlexGridSizer *gridSizer =
      new wxFlexGridSizer(5, 0, 0);
   // Now add the length control
   if (mEffect->GetEffectFlags() & INSERT_EFFECT)
      item = new wxStaticText(w, 0, _("Length (seconds)"));
      gridSizer->Add(item, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5);
      mSeconds = new wxTextCtrl(w, LADSPA_SECONDS_ID, Internat::ToDisplayString(length));
      mSeconds->SetName(_("Length (seconds)"));
      gridSizer->Add(mSeconds, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5);
      gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
      gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
      gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
   // The note controls if the plugin is a synth
   if (mEffect->IsSynth())
      // Note length control
      item = new wxStaticText(w, wxID_ANY, _("Note length (seconds)"));
      gridSizer->Add(item, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALL, 5);
      mNoteSeconds = new wxTextCtrl(w, LADSPA_SECONDS_ID, Internat::ToDisplayString(length / 2));
      mNoteSeconds->SetName(_("Note length (seconds)"));
      gridSizer->Add(mNoteSeconds, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5);
      gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
      gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
      gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
      // Note velocity control
      item = new wxStaticText(w, wxID_ANY, _("Note velocity"));
      gridSizer->Add(item, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALL, 5);
      mNoteVelocity = new wxTextCtrl(w, LADSPA_SECONDS_ID, Internat::ToDisplayString(64));
      mNoteVelocity->SetName(_("Note velocity"));
      gridSizer->Add(mNoteVelocity, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5);
      gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
      gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
      gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);

      // Note key control
      item = new wxStaticText(w, wxID_ANY, _("Note key"));
      gridSizer->Add(item, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALL, 5);
      mNoteKey = new wxTextCtrl(w, LADSPA_SECONDS_ID, Internat::ToDisplayString(64));
      mNoteKey->SetName(_("Note key"));
      gridSizer->Add(mNoteKey, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5);
      gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
      gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
      gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);

   paramSizer->Add(gridSizer, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);

   // Create user parameter controls
   std::queue<const LV2PortGroup *> groups;
   while (!groups.empty())
      const LV2PortGroup* pg = groups.front();

      if (pg->GetName() != wxEmptyString)
         wxSizer *groupSizer =
            new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, w, pg->GetName());
         paramSizer->Add(groupSizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
         gridSizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(5, 0, 0);
         groupSizer->Add(gridSizer, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);

      const LV2PortGroupArray & subgroups = pg->GetSubGroups();
      LV2PortGroupArray::const_iterator si;
      for (si = subgroups.begin(); si != subgroups.end(); si++)
         if ((*si)->GetParameters().GetCount() != 0)
      const wxArrayInt & params = pg->GetParameters();
      for (size_t pi = 0; pi < params.GetCount(); pi++)
         int p = params[pi];
         if (p >= ctrlcnt)
         LV2Port & port = mControls[p];

         wxString labelText = port.mName;
         item = new wxStaticText(w, 0, labelText + wxT(":"));
         gridSizer->Add(item, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALL, 5);
         wxString fieldText;

         if (port.mToggle)
            mToggles[p] = new wxCheckBox(w, p, wxT(""));
            mToggles[p]->SetValue(port.mControlBuffer > 0);
            gridSizer->Add(mToggles[p], 0, wxALL, 5);
            gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
            gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
            gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
         else if (port.mEnumeration)
            mEnums[p] = new wxChoice(w, p);
            int s;
            for (s = (int) port.mScaleValues.GetCount() - 1; s >= 0; s--)
               if (port.mControlBuffer >= port.mScaleValues[s])
            if (s < 0)
               s = 0;
            gridSizer->Add(mEnums[p], 0, wxALL | wxEXPAND, 5);
            gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
            gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
            gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
            if (port.mInteger)
               fieldText.Printf(wxT("%d"), (int)(port.mControlBuffer + 0.5));
               fieldText = Internat::ToDisplayString(port.mControlBuffer);
            mFields[p] = new wxTextCtrl(w, p, fieldText);
            gridSizer->Add(mFields[p], 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5);

            wxString bound;
            double lower = 0.0;
            double upper = 0.0;
            bool haslo = false;
            bool hashi = false;
            bool forceint = false;
            wxString loLabel;
            wxString hiLabel;
#if 0
            ScalePointMap::const_iterator iter = 
            if (!wxNaN(port.mMin))
               lower = port.mMin;
               haslo = true;
               if (iter != scalePoints.end())
                  std::map<float, wxString>::const_iterator iter2 =
                  if (iter2 != iter->second.end())
                     loLabel = iter2->second;
            if (!isnan(port.mMax))
               upper = port.mMax;
               hashi = true;
               if (iter != scalePoints.end())
                  std::map<float, wxString>::const_iterator iter2 =
                  if (iter2 != iter->second.end())
                     hiLabel = iter2->second;
            if (port.mSampleRate)
               lower *= mSampleRate * 1000;
               upper *= mSampleRate;
               forceint = true;
            wxString str;
            if (haslo)
               str = loLabel;
               if (str.IsEmpty())
                  if (port.mInteger || forceint)
                     str.Printf(wxT("%d"), (int)(lower + 0.5));
                     str = Internat::ToDisplayString(lower);
               item = new wxStaticText(w, wxID_ANY, str);
               gridSizer->Add(item, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALL, 5);
               gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);

            mSliders[p] =
               new wxSlider(w, p,
                            0, 0, 1000,
                            wxSize(200, -1));
            gridSizer->Add(mSliders[p], 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
            if (hashi)
               str = hiLabel;
               if (str.IsEmpty())
                  if (port.mInteger || forceint)
                     str.Printf(wxT("%d"), (int)(upper + 0.5));
                     str = Internat::ToDisplayString(upper);
               item = new wxStaticText(w, wxID_ANY, str);
               gridSizer->Add(item, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALL, 5);
               gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
   // Set all of the mSliders based on the value in the
   // text mFields
   inSlider = false; // Now we're ready for HandleText to actually do something.

void wxRadioBox::DoSetSize(int x, int y, int width, int height, int sizeFlags)
    int i;
    wxRadioButton *current;

    // define the position

    int x_current, y_current;
    int x_offset, y_offset;
    int widthOld, heightOld;

    GetSize( &widthOld, &heightOld );
    GetPosition( &x_current, &y_current );

    x_offset = x;
    y_offset = y;
    if (!(sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE))
        if (x == wxDefaultCoord)
            x_offset = x_current;
        if (y == wxDefaultCoord)
            y_offset = y_current;

    // define size
    int charWidth, charHeight;
    int maxWidth, maxHeight;
    int eachWidth[128], eachHeight[128];
    int totWidth, totHeight;

        &charWidth, &charHeight );

    charWidth /= 52;

    maxWidth = -1;
    maxHeight = -1;
    wxSize bestSizeRadio ;
    if ( m_radioButtonCycle )
        bestSizeRadio = m_radioButtonCycle->GetBestSize();

    for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < m_noItems; i++)
        GetTextExtent(GetString(i), &eachWidth[i], &eachHeight[i] );
        eachWidth[i] = eachWidth[i] + RADIO_SIZE;
        eachHeight[i] = wxMax( eachHeight[i], bestSizeRadio.y );

        if (maxWidth < eachWidth[i])
            maxWidth = eachWidth[i];
        if (maxHeight < eachHeight[i])
            maxHeight = eachHeight[i];

    // according to HIG (official space - 3 Pixels Diff between Frame and Layout size)
    int space = 3;
    if ( GetWindowVariant() == wxWINDOW_VARIANT_MINI )
        space = 2;

    totHeight = GetRowCount() * maxHeight + (GetRowCount() - 1) * space;
    totWidth  = GetColumnCount() * (maxWidth + charWidth);

    wxSize sz = DoGetSizeFromClientSize( wxSize( totWidth, totHeight ) ) ;

    // change the width / height only when specified
    if ( width == wxDefaultCoord )
        if ( sizeFlags & wxSIZE_AUTO_WIDTH )
            width = sz.x;
            width = widthOld;

    if ( height == wxDefaultCoord )
        if ( sizeFlags & wxSIZE_AUTO_HEIGHT )
            height = sz.y;
            height = heightOld;

    wxControl::DoSetSize( x_offset, y_offset, width, height, wxSIZE_AUTO );

    // arrange radio buttons
    int x_start, y_start;

    x_start = ( width - sz.x ) / 2;
    y_start = ( height - sz.y ) / 2;

    x_offset = x_start;
    y_offset = y_start;

    current = m_radioButtonCycle;
    for (i = 0 ; i < (int)m_noItems; i++)
        // not to do for the zero button!
        if ((i > 0) && ((i % GetMajorDim()) == 0))
            if (m_windowStyle & wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS)
                x_offset += maxWidth + charWidth;
                y_offset = y_start;
                x_offset = x_start;
                y_offset += maxHeight + space;

        current->SetSize( x_offset, y_offset, eachWidth[i], eachHeight[i] );
        current = current->NextInCycle();

        if (m_windowStyle & wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS)
            y_offset += maxHeight + space;
            x_offset += maxWidth + charWidth;
Example #10
void GutterCtrl::OnMouseLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& event) {
	wxASSERT(m_currentSel == -1);
	Lines& lines = m_editorCtrl.GetLines();

	// Get Mouse location
	const int x = event.GetX();
	const int y = event.GetY() + m_editorCtrl.GetYScrollPos();

	// Handle bookmarks
	if (m_showBookmarks && x < (int)m_numberX) {
		// Find out which line was clicked on
		if ((int)y < lines.GetHeight()) {
			const unsigned int line_id = lines.GetLineFromYPos(y);
			m_editorCtrl.AddBookmark(line_id, true /*toggle*/);
			DrawGutter(); // Redraw gutter to show bookmarks

	// Handle folding
	if (m_showFolds && x > (int)m_foldStartX) {

	bool hasSelection = false;
	interval sel(0, 0);
	if (event.ShiftDown() && lines.IsSelected()) {
		sel = lines.GetSelections()[lines.GetLastSelection()];
		hasSelection = true;

	// If not multiselecting or extending, remove previous selections
	if (!event.ControlDown()) {

	// Find out which line was clicked on
	if (y < lines.GetHeight()) {
		const unsigned int line_id = lines.GetLineFromYPos(y);

		// Select the line
		if (!lines.isLineVirtual(line_id)) {
			int startpos = lines.GetLineStartpos(line_id);
			int endpos = lines.GetLineEndpos(line_id, false);

			if (hasSelection) {
				startpos = wxMin(startpos, (int)sel.start);
				endpos = wxMax(endpos, (int)sel.end);

			m_currentSel = lines.AddSelection(startpos, endpos);

			m_sel_startline = m_sel_endline = line_id;
		m_sel_startoutside = false;
	else {
		const unsigned int linecount = lines.GetLineCount();
		m_sel_startline = m_sel_endline = linecount ? linecount-1 : 0;
		m_sel_startoutside = true;

		if (hasSelection) {
			m_currentSel = lines.AddSelection(sel.start, lines.GetLength());

	// Make sure we capure all mouse events
	// this is released in OnMouseLeftUp()

	// Redraw the editCtrl to show new selection
Example #11
void GutterCtrl::OnMouseMotion(wxMouseEvent& event) {
	Lines& lines = m_editorCtrl.GetLines();

	// Get Mouse location
	const int y = event.GetY() + m_editorCtrl.GetYScrollPos();

	if (event.LeftIsDown() && HasCapture()) {
		// Find out what is under mouse
		unsigned int line_id;
		if (y < 0) line_id = 0;
		else if (y < lines.GetHeight()) {
			line_id = lines.GetLineFromYPos(y);
		else {
			if (m_sel_startoutside && m_currentSel != -1) {
				// Make sure we remove current selection
				m_currentSel = lines.UpdateSelection(m_currentSel, 0, 0);

			const unsigned int linecount = lines.GetLineCount();
			line_id = linecount ? linecount-1 : 0;

		// Select the lines
		if (line_id != m_sel_endline) {
			m_sel_endline = line_id;

			int sel_start = lines.GetLineStartpos(wxMin(m_sel_startline, m_sel_endline));
			int sel_end = lines.GetLineEndpos(wxMax(m_sel_startline, m_sel_endline), false);

			if (sel_start == sel_end) {
				m_currentSel = -1;
			else {
				// Update the lines selection info
				if (m_currentSel == -1) {
					m_currentSel = lines.AddSelection(sel_start, sel_end);
				else {
					m_currentSel = lines.UpdateSelection(m_currentSel, sel_start, sel_end);
				lines.SetPos(m_sel_endline < m_sel_startline ? sel_start : sel_end);

			m_editorCtrl.MakeCaretVisible(); // also ensures scrolling if outside window
	else if (event.GetX() > (int)m_foldStartX && 0 <=y && y < lines.GetHeight()) {
		const unsigned int line_id = lines.GetLineFromYPos(y);
		vector<cxFold*> foldStack = m_editorCtrl.GetFoldStack(line_id);
		if (!foldStack.empty()) {
			m_currentFold = foldStack.back();
			DrawGutter(); // Redraw gutter to show highlights

	if (m_currentFold) {
		m_currentFold = NULL;
		DrawGutter(); // Redraw gutter to remove highlights
Example #12
// Build the calibration "step" graph which will appear on the lefthand side of the panels
wxBitmap CalReviewDialog::CreateGraph(bool AO)
    wxMemoryDC memDC;
    wxPen axisPen("GREY", 3, wxCROSS_HATCH);
    wxColour raColor = pFrame->pGraphLog->GetRaOrDxColor();
    wxColour decColor = pFrame->pGraphLog->GetDecOrDyColor();
    wxPen raPen(raColor, 3, wxSOLID);
    wxPen decPen(decColor, 3, wxSOLID);
    wxBrush raBrush(raColor, wxSOLID);
    wxBrush decBrush(decColor, wxSOLID);
    CalibrationDetails calDetails;
    double scaleFactor;
    int ptRadius;

    if (!pSecondaryMount)
        pMount->GetCalibrationDetails(&calDetails);                              // Normal case, no AO
        if (AO)
            pMount->GetCalibrationDetails(&calDetails);                          // AO tab, use AO details
            pSecondaryMount->GetCalibrationDetails(&calDetails);                 // Mount tab, use mount details

    // Find the max excursion from the origin in order to scale the points to fit the bitmap
    double biggestVal = -100.0;
    for (std::vector<wxRealPoint>::const_iterator it = calDetails.raSteps.begin(); it != calDetails.raSteps.end(); ++it)
        biggestVal = wxMax(biggestVal, fabs(it->x));
        biggestVal = wxMax(biggestVal, fabs(it->y));

    for (std::vector<wxRealPoint>::const_iterator it = calDetails.decSteps.begin(); it != calDetails.decSteps.end(); ++it)
        biggestVal = wxMax(biggestVal, fabs(it->x));
        biggestVal = wxMax(biggestVal, fabs(it->y));

    if (biggestVal > 0.0)
        scaleFactor = ((CALREVIEW_BITMAP_SIZE - 5) / 2) / biggestVal;           // Leave room for circular point
        scaleFactor = 1.0;

    // Draw the axes
    memDC.SetDeviceOrigin(wxCoord(CALREVIEW_BITMAP_SIZE / 2), wxCoord(CALREVIEW_BITMAP_SIZE / 2));
    memDC.DrawLine(-CALREVIEW_BITMAP_SIZE / 2, 0, CALREVIEW_BITMAP_SIZE / 2, 0);               // x
    memDC.DrawLine(0, -CALREVIEW_BITMAP_SIZE / 2, 0, CALREVIEW_BITMAP_SIZE / 2);               // y

    if (calDetails.raStepCount > 0)
        // Draw the RA data
        ptRadius = 2;

        // Scale the points, then plot them individually
        for (int i = 0; i < (int) calDetails.raSteps.size(); i++)
            if (i == calDetails.raStepCount + 2)        // Valid even for "single-step" calibration
                memDC.SetPen(wxPen(raColor, 1));         // 1-pixel-thick outline
                memDC.SetBrush(wxNullBrush);           // Outline only for "return" data points
                ptRadius = 3;
            memDC.DrawCircle(IntPoint(calDetails.raSteps.at(i), scaleFactor), ptRadius);
        // Show the line PHD2 will use for the rate
        if ((int)calDetails.raSteps.size() > calDetails.raStepCount)         // New calib, includes return values
            memDC.DrawLine(IntPoint(calDetails.raSteps.at(0), scaleFactor), IntPoint(calDetails.raSteps.at(calDetails.raStepCount), scaleFactor));
            memDC.DrawLine(IntPoint(calDetails.raSteps.at(0), scaleFactor), IntPoint(calDetails.raSteps.at(calDetails.raStepCount - 1), scaleFactor));

    // Handle the Dec data
    ptRadius = 2;
    if (calDetails.decStepCount > 0)
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) calDetails.decSteps.size(); i++)
            if (i == calDetails.decStepCount + 2)
                memDC.SetPen(wxPen(decColor, 1));         // 1-pixel-thick outline
                memDC.SetBrush(wxNullBrush);           // Outline only for "return" data points
                ptRadius = 3;
            memDC.DrawCircle(IntPoint(calDetails.decSteps.at(i), scaleFactor), ptRadius);
        // Show the line PHD2 will use for the rate
        if ((int)calDetails.decSteps.size() > calDetails.decStepCount)         // New calib, includes return values
            memDC.DrawLine(IntPoint(calDetails.decSteps.at(0), scaleFactor), IntPoint(calDetails.decSteps.at(calDetails.decStepCount), scaleFactor));
        memDC.DrawLine(IntPoint(calDetails.decSteps.at(0), scaleFactor), IntPoint(calDetails.decSteps.at(calDetails.decStepCount - 1), scaleFactor));

    return bmp;
Example #13
// draw wind speed scale
void  TacticsInstrument_WindDirHistory::DrawWindSpeedScale(wxGCDC* dc)
    wxString label1, label2, label3, label4, label5;
    wxColour cl;
    int width, height;
    double val1;
    double WindSpdScale;

    cl = wxColour(61, 61, 204, 255);
    //round maxWindSpd up to the next full knot; nicer view ...
    m_MaxWindSpdScale = (int)m_MaxWindSpd + 1;
    if (!m_IsRunning) {
        label1.Printf(_T("--- %s"), m_WindSpeedUnit.c_str());
        label2 = label1;
        label3 = label1;
        label4 = label1;
        label5 = label1;
    else {
        /*we round the speed up to the next full knot ==> the top and bottom line have full numbers as legend (e.g. 23 kn -- 0 kn)
        but the intermediate lines may have decimal values (e.g. center line : 23/2=11.5 or quarter line 23/4=5.75), so in worst case
        we end up with 23 - 17.25 - 11.5 - 5.75 - 0
        The goal is to draw the legend with decimals only, if we really have them !
        // top legend for max wind
        label1.Printf(_T("%.0f %s"), toUsrSpeed_Plugin(m_MaxWindSpdScale, g_iDashWindSpeedUnit), m_WindSpeedUnit.c_str());
        // 3/4 legend
        WindSpdScale = m_MaxWindSpdScale*3. / 4.;
        // do we need a decimal ?
        val1 = (int)((WindSpdScale - (int)WindSpdScale) * 100);
        if (val1 == 25 || val1 == 75)  // it's a .25 or a .75
            label2.Printf(_T("%.2f %s"), toUsrSpeed_Plugin(WindSpdScale, g_iDashWindSpeedUnit), m_WindSpeedUnit.c_str());
        else if (val1 == 50)
            label2.Printf(_T("%.1f %s"), toUsrSpeed_Plugin(WindSpdScale, g_iDashWindSpeedUnit), m_WindSpeedUnit.c_str());
            label2.Printf(_T("%.0f %s"), toUsrSpeed_Plugin(WindSpdScale, g_iDashWindSpeedUnit), m_WindSpeedUnit.c_str());
        // center legend
        WindSpdScale = m_MaxWindSpdScale / 2.;
        // center line can either have a .0 or .5 value !
        if ((int)(WindSpdScale * 10) % 10 == 5)
            label3.Printf(_T("%.1f %s"), toUsrSpeed_Plugin(WindSpdScale, g_iDashWindSpeedUnit), m_WindSpeedUnit.c_str());
            label3.Printf(_T("%.0f %s"), toUsrSpeed_Plugin(WindSpdScale, g_iDashWindSpeedUnit), m_WindSpeedUnit.c_str());

        // 1/4 legend
        WindSpdScale = m_MaxWindSpdScale / 4.;
        // do we need a decimal ?
        val1 = (int)((WindSpdScale - (int)WindSpdScale) * 100);
        if (val1 == 25 || val1 == 75)
            label4.Printf(_T("%.2f %s"), toUsrSpeed_Plugin(WindSpdScale, g_iDashWindSpeedUnit), m_WindSpeedUnit.c_str());
        else if (val1 == 50)
            label4.Printf(_T("%.1f %s"), toUsrSpeed_Plugin(WindSpdScale, g_iDashWindSpeedUnit), m_WindSpeedUnit.c_str());
            label4.Printf(_T("%.0f %s"), toUsrSpeed_Plugin(WindSpdScale, g_iDashWindSpeedUnit), m_WindSpeedUnit.c_str());

        //bottom legend for min wind, always 0
        label5.Printf(_T("%.0f %s"), 0.0, m_WindSpeedUnit.c_str());
    dc->GetTextExtent(label1, &m_LeftLegend, &height, 0, 0, g_pFontSmall);
    dc->DrawText(label1, 4, (int)(m_TopLineHeight - height / 2));
    dc->GetTextExtent(label2, &width, &height, 0, 0, g_pFontSmall);
    dc->DrawText(label2, 4, (int)(m_TopLineHeight + m_DrawAreaRect.height / 4 - height / 2));
    m_LeftLegend = wxMax(width, m_LeftLegend);
    dc->GetTextExtent(label3, &width, &height, 0, 0, g_pFontSmall);
    dc->DrawText(label3, 4, (int)(m_TopLineHeight + m_DrawAreaRect.height / 2 - height / 2));
    m_LeftLegend = wxMax(width, m_LeftLegend);
    dc->GetTextExtent(label4, &width, &height, 0, 0, g_pFontSmall);
    dc->DrawText(label4, 4, (int)(m_TopLineHeight + m_DrawAreaRect.height*0.75 - height / 2));
    m_LeftLegend = wxMax(width, m_LeftLegend);
    dc->GetTextExtent(label5, &width, &height, 0, 0, g_pFontSmall);
    dc->DrawText(label5, 4, (int)(m_TopLineHeight + m_DrawAreaRect.height - height / 2));
    m_LeftLegend = wxMax(width, m_LeftLegend);
    m_LeftLegend += 4;
Example #14
// wind direction legend
void  TacticsInstrument_WindDirHistory::DrawWindDirScale(wxGCDC* dc)
    wxString label1, label2, label3, label4, label5;
    wxColour cl;
    wxPen pen;
    int width, height;
    cl = wxColour(204, 41, 41, 255); //red, opague

    if (!m_IsRunning) {
        label1 = _T("---");
        label2 = _T("---");
        label3 = _T("---");
        label4 = _T("---");
        label5 = _T("---");
    else {
        // label 1 : legend for bottom line. By definition always w/o decimals
        double tempdir = m_MinWindDir;
        while (tempdir < 0)    tempdir += 360;
        while (tempdir >= 360) tempdir -= 360;
        label1 = GetWindDirStr(wxString::Format(_T("%.1f"), tempdir));
        // label 2 : 1/4
        tempdir = m_MinWindDir + m_WindDirRange / 4.;
        while (tempdir < 0)    tempdir += 360;
        while (tempdir >= 360) tempdir -= 360;
        label2 = GetWindDirStr(wxString::Format(_T("%.1f"), tempdir));
        // label 3 : legend for center line
        tempdir = m_MinWindDir + m_WindDirRange / 2;
        while (tempdir < 0)    tempdir += 360;
        while (tempdir >= 360) tempdir -= 360;
        label3 = GetWindDirStr(wxString::Format(_T("%.1f"), tempdir));
        // label 4 :  3/4
        tempdir = m_MinWindDir + m_WindDirRange*0.75;
        while (tempdir < 0)    tempdir += 360;
        while (tempdir >= 360) tempdir -= 360;
        label4 = GetWindDirStr(wxString::Format(_T("%.1f"), tempdir));
        // label 5 : legend for top line
        tempdir = m_MaxWindDir;
        while (tempdir < 0)    tempdir += 360;
        while (tempdir >= 360) tempdir -= 360;
        label5 = GetWindDirStr(wxString::Format(_T("%.1f"), tempdir));
    //draw the legend with the labels; find the widest string and store it in m_RightLegend.
    // m_RightLegend is the basis for the horizontal lines !
    dc->GetTextExtent(label5, &width, &height, 0, 0, g_pFontSmall);
    m_RightLegend = width;
    dc->GetTextExtent(label4, &width, &height, 0, 0, g_pFontSmall);
    m_RightLegend = wxMax(width, m_RightLegend);
    dc->GetTextExtent(label3, &width, &height, 0, 0, g_pFontSmall);
    m_RightLegend = wxMax(width, m_RightLegend);
    dc->GetTextExtent(label2, &width, &height, 0, 0, g_pFontSmall);
    m_RightLegend = wxMax(width, m_RightLegend);
    dc->GetTextExtent(label1, &width, &height, 0, 0, g_pFontSmall);
    m_RightLegend = wxMax(width, m_RightLegend);

    m_RightLegend += 4; //leave some space to the edge
    dc->DrawText(label5, m_WindowRect.width - m_RightLegend, m_TopLineHeight - height / 2);
    dc->DrawText(label4, m_WindowRect.width - m_RightLegend, (int)(m_TopLineHeight + m_DrawAreaRect.height / 4 - height / 2));
    dc->DrawText(label3, m_WindowRect.width - m_RightLegend, (int)(m_TopLineHeight + m_DrawAreaRect.height / 2 - height / 2));
    dc->DrawText(label2, m_WindowRect.width - m_RightLegend, (int)(m_TopLineHeight + m_DrawAreaRect.height*0.75 - height / 2));
    dc->DrawText(label1, m_WindowRect.width - m_RightLegend, (int)(m_TopLineHeight + m_DrawAreaRect.height - height / 2));
Example #15
void Styler_SearchHL::Style(StyleRun& sr) {
	const unsigned int rstart =  sr.GetRunStart();
	const unsigned int rend = sr.GetRunEnd();

	// Style the run with search ranges
	for (vector<interval>::const_iterator r = m_searchRanges.begin(); r != m_searchRanges.end(); ++r) {
		if (r->end > rstart && r->start < rend) {
			unsigned int start = wxMax(rstart, r->start);
			unsigned int end   = wxMin(rend, r->end);
			sr.SetBackgroundColor(start, end, m_rangeColor);

	// No need for more styling if no search text
	if (m_text.empty()) return;

	// Extend stylerun start/end to get better search results (round up to whole EXTSIZEs)
	unsigned int sr_start = rstart> 100 ? rstart - 100 : 0;
	const unsigned int ext_end = ((rend/EXTSIZE) * EXTSIZE) + EXTSIZE;
	unsigned int sr_end = ext_end < m_lines.GetLength() ? ext_end : m_lines.GetLength();

	// Make sure the extended positions are valid
		sr_start = doc.GetValidCharPos(sr_start);
		if (sr_end != m_lines.GetLength()) sr_end = doc.GetValidCharPos(sr_end);

	//wxLogDebug("Style %u %u", rstart, rend);
	//wxLogDebug(" %u %u - %u %u", sr_start, sr_end, m_search_start, m_search_end);
	// Check if we need to do a new search
	if (sr_start < m_search_start || m_search_end < sr_end) {
		// Check if there is overlap so we can just extend the search area
		if (sr_end > m_search_start && sr_start < m_search_end) {
			sr_start = wxMin(sr_start, m_search_start);
			sr_end = wxMax(sr_end, m_search_end);
		else {
			// Else we have to move it
			m_search_start = 0;
			m_search_end = 0;

		// Do the search
		if (sr_start < m_search_start) {
			// Search from top
			DoSearch(sr_start, sr_end);
		else if (sr_end > m_search_end) {
			// Search from bottom
			DoSearch(sr_start, sr_end, true);
		else wxASSERT(false);

		m_search_start = sr_start;
		m_search_end = sr_end;

	// Style the run with matches
	for (vector<interval>::iterator p = m_matches.begin(); p != m_matches.end(); ++p) {
		if (p->start > rend) break;

		// Check for overlap (or zero-length sel at start-of-line)
		if ((p->end > rstart && p->start < rend) || (p->start == p->end && p->end == rstart)) {
			unsigned int start = wxMax(rstart, p->start);
			unsigned int end   = wxMin(rend, p->end);

			// Only draw it if it is in range
			if (!m_searchRanges.empty()) {
				bool inRange = false;
				for (vector<interval>::const_iterator s = m_searchRanges.begin(); s != m_searchRanges.end(); ++s) {
					if (start >= s->start && start < s->end) {
						inRange = true;
				if (!inRange) continue;
			ApplyStyle(sr, start, end);
Example #16
// Layout algorithm for any window. mainWindow gets what's left over.
bool wxLayoutAlgorithm::LayoutWindow(wxWindow* parent, wxWindow* mainWindow)
    // Test if the parent is a sash window, and if so,
    // reduce the available space to allow space for any active edges.

    int leftMargin = 0, rightMargin = 0, topMargin = 0, bottomMargin = 0;
#if wxUSE_SASH
    if (wxDynamicCast(parent, wxSashWindow))
        wxSashWindow* sashWindow = (wxSashWindow*) parent;

        leftMargin = sashWindow->GetExtraBorderSize();
        rightMargin = sashWindow->GetExtraBorderSize();
        topMargin = sashWindow->GetExtraBorderSize();
        bottomMargin = sashWindow->GetExtraBorderSize();

        if (sashWindow->GetSashVisible(wxSASH_LEFT))
            leftMargin += sashWindow->GetDefaultBorderSize();
        if (sashWindow->GetSashVisible(wxSASH_RIGHT))
            rightMargin += sashWindow->GetDefaultBorderSize();
        if (sashWindow->GetSashVisible(wxSASH_TOP))
            topMargin += sashWindow->GetDefaultBorderSize();
        if (sashWindow->GetSashVisible(wxSASH_BOTTOM))
            bottomMargin += sashWindow->GetDefaultBorderSize();
#endif // wxUSE_SASH

    int cw, ch;
    parent->GetClientSize(& cw, & ch);

    wxRect rect(leftMargin, topMargin, cw - leftMargin - rightMargin, ch - topMargin - bottomMargin);

    wxCalculateLayoutEvent event;

    // Find the last layout-aware window, so we can make it fill all remaining
    // space.
    wxWindow *lastAwareWindow = NULL;
    wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = parent->GetChildren().GetFirst();

    while (node)
        wxWindow* win = node->GetData();

        if (win->IsShown())
            wxCalculateLayoutEvent tempEvent(win->GetId());
            if (win->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(tempEvent))
                lastAwareWindow = win;

        node = node->GetNext();

    // Now do a dummy run to see if we have any space left for the final window (fail if not)
    node = parent->GetChildren().GetFirst();
    while (node)
        wxWindow* win = node->GetData();

        // If mainWindow is NULL and we're at the last window,
        // skip this, because we'll simply make it fit the remaining space.
        if (win->IsShown() && (win != mainWindow) && (mainWindow != NULL || win != lastAwareWindow))


        node = node->GetNext();

    if (event.GetRect().GetWidth() < 0 || event.GetRect().GetHeight() < 0)
        return false;


    node = parent->GetChildren().GetFirst();
    while (node)
        wxWindow* win = node->GetData();

        // If mainWindow is NULL and we're at the last window,
        // skip this, because we'll simply make it fit the remaining space.
        if (win->IsShown() && (win != mainWindow) && (mainWindow != NULL || win != lastAwareWindow))
            event.SetFlags(0); // ??


        node = node->GetNext();

    rect = event.GetRect();

    if (mainWindow)
        mainWindow->SetSize(rect.x, rect.y, wxMax(0, rect.width), wxMax(0, rect.height));
    else if (lastAwareWindow)
        // Fit the remaining space
        lastAwareWindow->SetSize(rect.x, rect.y, wxMax(0, rect.width), wxMax(0, rect.height));

    return true;
Example #17
void TCWin::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent& event )
    int x, y;
    int i;
    char sbuf[100];
    int w;
    float tcmax, tcmin;

    if(m_graph_rect.x == 0)
    GetClientSize( &x, &y );
//    qDebug() << "OnPaint" << x << y;

#if 0    
    //  establish some graphic element sizes/locations
    int x_graph = x * 1 / 10;
    int y_graph = y * 32 / 100;
    int x_graph_w = x * 8 / 10;
    int y_graph_h = (y * .7)  - (3 * m_button_height);
    m_graph_rect = wxRect(x_graph, y_graph, x_graph_w, y_graph_h);

    wxSize texc_size = wxSize( ( x * 60 / 100 ), ( y *29 / 100 ) );
    if( !m_tList->IsShown()){
        texc_size = wxSize( ( x * 90 / 100 ), ( y *29 / 100 ) );
    wxPaintDC dc( this );

    wxString tlocn( pIDX->IDX_station_name, wxConvUTF8 );

//     if(1/*bForceRedraw*/)

        int x_textbox = x * 5 / 100;
        int y_textbox = 6;

        int x_textbox_w = x * 51 / 100;
        int y_textbox_h = y * 25 / 100;

        // box the location text & tide-current table
        dc.SetPen( *pblack_3 );
        dc.SetBrush( *pltgray2 );
        dc.DrawRoundedRectangle( x_textbox, y_textbox, x_textbox_w, y_textbox_h, 4 );    //location text box

        if(m_tList->IsShown()) {
            wxRect tab_rect = m_tList->GetRect();
            dc.DrawRoundedRectangle( tab_rect.x - 4, y_textbox, tab_rect.width + 8, y_textbox_h, 4 ); //tide-current table box

        //    Box the graph
        dc.SetPen( *pblack_1 );
        dc.SetBrush( *pltgray );
        dc.DrawRectangle( m_graph_rect.x, m_graph_rect.y, m_graph_rect.width, m_graph_rect.height );

        //  On some platforms, we cannot draw rotated text.
        //  So, reduce the complexity of horizontal axis time labels
#ifndef __WXMSW__
        const int hour_delta = 4;
        const int hour_delta = 1;
        //    Horizontal axis
        dc.SetFont( *pSFont );
        for( i = 0; i < 25; i++ ) {
            int xd = m_graph_rect.x + ( ( i ) * m_graph_rect.width / 25 );
            if( hour_delta != 1 ){
                if( i % hour_delta == 0 ) {
                    dc.SetPen( *pblack_2 );
                    dc.DrawLine( xd, m_graph_rect.y, xd, m_graph_rect.y + m_graph_rect.height + 5 );
                    char sbuf[5];
                    sprintf( sbuf, "%02d", i );
                    int x_shim = -20;
                    dc.DrawText( wxString( sbuf, wxConvUTF8 ), xd + x_shim + ( m_graph_rect.width / 25 ) / 2, m_graph_rect.y + m_graph_rect.height + 8 );
                else {
                    dc.SetPen( *pblack_1 );
                    dc.DrawLine( xd, m_graph_rect.y, xd, m_graph_rect.y + m_graph_rect.height + 5 );
            else {
                dc.SetPen( *pblack_1 );
                dc.DrawLine( xd, m_graph_rect.y, xd, m_graph_rect.y + m_graph_rect.height + 5 );
                wxString sst;
                sst.Printf( _T("%02d"), i );
                dc.DrawRotatedText( sst, xd + ( m_graph_rect.width / 25 ) / 2, m_graph_rect.y + m_graph_rect.height + 8, 270. );

        //    Make a line for "right now"
        wxDateTime this_now = gTimeSource;
        bool cur_time = !gTimeSource.IsValid();
        if (cur_time)
            this_now = wxDateTime::Now();

        time_t t_now = this_now.GetTicks();       // now, in ticks

        float t_ratio = m_graph_rect.width * ( t_now - m_t_graphday_00_at_station ) / ( 25 * 3600.0f );

        //must eliminate line outside the graph (in that case put it outside the window)
        int xnow = ( t_ratio < 0 || t_ratio > m_graph_rect.width ) ? -1 : m_graph_rect.x + (int) t_ratio;
        dc.SetPen( *pred_2 );
        dc.DrawLine( xnow, m_graph_rect.y, xnow, m_graph_rect.y + m_graph_rect.height );
        dc.SetPen( *pblack_1 );

        //    Build the array of values, capturing max and min and HW/LW list

        if( !btc_valid ) {

            float dir;
            tcmax = -10;
            tcmin = 10;
            float val;
            int list_index = 0;
            bool wt;


            // get tide flow sens ( flood or ebb ? )
            ptcmgr->GetTideFlowSens( m_t_graphday_00_at_station, BACKWARD_ONE_HOUR_STEP,
                                     pIDX->IDX_rec_num, tcv[0], val, wt );

            for( i = 0; i < 26; i++ ) {
                int tt = m_t_graphday_00_at_station + ( i * FORWARD_ONE_HOUR_STEP );
                ptcmgr->GetTideOrCurrent( tt, pIDX->IDX_rec_num, tcv[i], dir );
                tt_tcv[i] = tt;                         // store the corresponding time_t value
                if( tcv[i] > tcmax ) tcmax = tcv[i];

                if( tcv[i] < tcmin ) tcmin = tcv[i];
                if( TIDE_PLOT == m_plot_type ) {
                    if( !( ( tcv[i] > val ) == wt ) )                // if tide flow sens change
                        float tcvalue;                                  //look backward for HW or LW
                        time_t tctime;
                        ptcmgr->GetHightOrLowTide( tt, BACKWARD_TEN_MINUTES_STEP,
                                                   BACKWARD_ONE_MINUTES_STEP, tcv[i], wt, pIDX->IDX_rec_num, tcvalue,
                                                   tctime );
                        wxDateTime tcd;                                                 //write date
                        wxString s, s1;
                        tcd.Set( tctime + ( m_corr_mins * 60 ) );
                        s.Printf( tcd.Format( _T("%H:%M  ") ) );
                        s1.Printf( _T("%05.2f "), tcvalue );                           //write value
                        s.Append( s1 );
                        Station_Data *pmsd = pIDX->pref_sta_data;                       //write unit
                        if( pmsd ) s.Append( wxString( pmsd->units_abbrv, wxConvUTF8 ) );
                        s.Append( _T("   ") );
                        ( wt ) ? s.Append( _("HW") ) : s.Append( _("LW") );         //write HW or LT

                        m_tList->Insert( s, list_index );                       // update table list
                        wt = !wt;                                            //change tide flow sens
                    val = tcv[i];
                if( CURRENT_PLOT == m_plot_type ) {
                    wxDateTime thx;                                                     //write date
                    wxString s, s1;
                    thx.Set( (time_t) ( tt + ( m_corr_mins * 60 ) ) );
                    s.Printf( thx.Format( _T("%H:%M  ") ) );
                    s1.Printf( _T("%05.2f "), fabs( tcv[i] ) );                        //write value
                    s.Append( s1 );
                    Station_Data *pmsd = pIDX->pref_sta_data;                           //write unit
                    if( pmsd ) s.Append( wxString( pmsd->units_abbrv, wxConvUTF8 ) );
                    s1.Printf( _T("  %03.0f"), dir );                              //write direction
                    s.Append( s1 );
                    m_tList->Insert( s, list_index );                           // update table list



//    Set up the vertical parameters based on Tide or Current plot
            if( CURRENT_PLOT == m_plot_type ) {
                it = __max ( abs (( int ) tcmin - 1 ), abs ( ( int ) tcmax + 1 ) );
                ib = -it;

                im = 2 * it;
                m_plot_y_offset = m_graph_rect.height / 2;
                val_off = 0;
            } else {
                ib = (int) tcmin;
                if( tcmin < 0 ) ib -= 1;
                it = (int) tcmax + 1;

                im = it - ib; //abs ( ib ) + abs ( it );
                m_plot_y_offset = ( m_graph_rect.height * ( it - ib ) ) / im;
                val_off = ib;

	    // Arrange to skip some lines and legends if there are too many for the vertical space we have
	    int height_stext;
	    dc.GetTextExtent( _T("1"), NULL, &height_stext );
	    float available_lines = (float) m_graph_rect.height / height_stext;
	    i_skip = (int) ceil(im / available_lines); 
	    if( CURRENT_PLOT == m_plot_type && i_skip != 1) {
	      // Adjust steps so slack current "0" line is always drawn on graph
	      ib -= it % i_skip;
	      it = -ib;
	      im = 2 * it;

//    Build spline list of points

            m_sList.DeleteContents( true );

            for( i = 0; i < 26; i++ ) {
                wxPoint *pp = new wxPoint;
                pp->x = m_graph_rect.x + ( ( i ) * m_graph_rect.width / 25 );
                pp->y = m_graph_rect.y + ( m_plot_y_offset )
                - (int) ( ( tcv[i] - val_off ) * m_graph_rect.height / im );

                m_sList.Append( pp );

            btc_valid = true;

        dc.SetTextForeground( GetGlobalColor( _T ( "DILG3" ) ) );

        //    Vertical Axis

        i = ib;
        while( i < it + 1 ) {
            int yd = m_graph_rect.y + ( m_plot_y_offset ) - ( ( i - val_off ) * m_graph_rect.height / im );

            if( ( m_plot_y_offset + m_graph_rect.y ) == yd ) 
	      dc.SetPen( *pblack_2 );
	      dc.SetPen( *pblack_1 );

            dc.DrawLine( m_graph_rect.x, yd, m_graph_rect.x + m_graph_rect.width, yd );
            snprintf( sbuf, 99, "%d", i );
            dc.DrawText( wxString( sbuf, wxConvUTF8 ), m_graph_rect.x - 20, yd - 5 );
            i += i_skip;


        //    Draw the Value curve
#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 9, 0)
        wxPointList *list = (wxPointList *)&m_sList;
        wxList *list = (wxList *) &m_sList;

        dc.SetPen( *pblack_2 );
        dc.DrawSpline( list );
        dc.DrawLines ( list );
        //  More Info

        int station_offset = ptcmgr->GetStationTimeOffset( pIDX );
        int h = station_offset / 60;
        int m = station_offset - ( h * 60 );
        if( m_graphday.IsDST() ) h += 1;
        m_stz.Printf( _T("UTC %+03d:%02d"), h, m );

//    Make the "nice" (for the US) station time-zone string, brutally by hand
        double lat = ptcmgr->GetStationLat(pIDX);
        if( lat > 20.0 ){
            wxString mtz;
            switch( ptcmgr->GetStationTimeOffset( pIDX ) ) {
            case -240:
                mtz = _T( "AST" );
            case -300:
                mtz = _T( "EST" );
            case -360:
                mtz = _T( "CST" );

            if( mtz.Len() ) {
                if( m_graphday.IsDST() ) mtz[1] = 'D';

                m_stz = mtz;

        dc.SetFont( *pSFont );
        dc.GetTextExtent( m_stz, &w, &h );
        dc.DrawText( m_stz, x / 2 - w / 2, y - 2.5 * m_button_height );

        wxString sdate;
        if(g_locale == _T("en_US"))
            sdate = m_graphday.Format( _T ( "%A %b %d, %Y" ) );
            sdate =  m_graphday.Format( _T ( "%A %d %b %Y" ) );
        dc.SetFont( *pMFont );
        dc.GetTextExtent( sdate, &w, &h );
        dc.DrawText( sdate, x / 2 - w / 2, y - 2.0 * m_button_height );

        Station_Data *pmsd = pIDX->pref_sta_data;
        if( pmsd ) {
            dc.GetTextExtent( wxString( pmsd->units_conv, wxConvUTF8 ), &w, &h );
            dc.DrawRotatedText( wxString( pmsd->units_conv, wxConvUTF8 ), 5,
                                m_graph_rect.y + m_graph_rect.height / 2 + w / 2, 90. );

        //      Show flood and ebb directions
        if(( strchr( "c", pIDX->IDX_type ) ) || ( strchr( "C", pIDX->IDX_type ) )) {
            dc.SetFont( *pSFont );

            wxString fdir;
            fdir.Printf( _T("%03d"), pIDX->IDX_flood_dir );
            dc.DrawText( fdir, m_graph_rect.x + m_graph_rect.width + 4, m_graph_rect.y + m_graph_rect.height * 1 / 4 );

            wxString edir;
            edir.Printf( _T("%03d"), pIDX->IDX_ebb_dir );
            dc.DrawText( edir, m_graph_rect.x + m_graph_rect.width + 4, m_graph_rect.y + m_graph_rect.height * 3 / 4 );


//    Today or tomorrow
        if( (m_button_height * 15) < x && cur_time){        // large enough horizontally?
            wxString sday;

            int day = m_graphday.GetDayOfYear();
            if( m_graphday.GetYear() == this_now.GetYear() ) {
                if( day == this_now.GetDayOfYear() ) sday.Append( _( "Today" ) );
                else if( day == this_now.GetDayOfYear() + 1 ) sday.Append( _( "Tomorrow" ) );
                    sday.Append( m_graphday.GetWeekDayName( m_graphday.GetWeekDay() ) );
            } else if( m_graphday.GetYear() == this_now.GetYear() + 1
                    && day == this_now.Add( wxTimeSpan::Day() ).GetDayOfYear() ) sday.Append(
                            _( "Tomorrow" ) );

            dc.SetFont( *pSFont );
            dc.GetTextExtent( sday, &w, &h );
            dc.DrawText( sday, 55 - w / 2, y - 2 * m_button_height );
        //  Render "Spot of interest"
        double spotDim = 4 * g_Platform->GetDisplayDPmm();
        dc.SetBrush( *wxTheBrushList->FindOrCreateBrush( GetGlobalColor( _T ( "YELO1" ) ), wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID ) );
        dc.SetPen( wxPen( GetGlobalColor( _T ( "URED" ) ), wxMax(2, 0.5 * g_Platform->GetDisplayDPmm()) ) );
        dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(xSpot - spotDim/2, ySpot - spotDim/2, spotDim, spotDim, spotDim/2);
        dc.SetBrush( *wxTheBrushList->FindOrCreateBrush( GetGlobalColor( _T ( "UBLCK" ) ), wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID ) );
        dc.SetPen( wxPen( GetGlobalColor( _T ( "UBLCK" ) ), 1 ) );
        double ispotDim = spotDim / 5.;
        dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(xSpot - ispotDim/2, ySpot - ispotDim/2, ispotDim, ispotDim, ispotDim/2);

Example #18
static int RangeCheck(int thisval)
    return wxMin(wxMax(thisval, 0), (int) ProfileWizard::STATE_DONE);
Example #19
LadspaEffectDialog::LadspaEffectDialog(LadspaEffect *eff,
                                       wxWindow * parent,
                                       const LADSPA_Descriptor *data,
                                       float *inputControls,
                                       int sampleRate,
                                       double length)
    :wxDialog(parent, -1, LAT1CTOWX(data->Name),
              wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
    mLength = length;
    numParams = 0;
    this->mData = data;
    this->inputControls = inputControls;
    this->sampleRate = sampleRate;
#ifdef __WXMSW__
    // On Windows, for some reason, wxWindows calls OnTextCtrl during creation
    // of the text control, and LadspaEffectDialog::OnTextCtrl calls HandleText,
    // which assumes all the fields have been initialized.
    // This can give us a bad pointer crash, so manipulate inSlider to
    // no-op HandleText during creation.
    inSlider = true;
    inSlider = false;
    inText = false;

    toggles = new wxCheckBox*[mData->PortCount];
    sliders = new wxSlider*[mData->PortCount];
    fields = new wxTextCtrl*[mData->PortCount];
    labels = new wxStaticText*[mData->PortCount];
    ports = new unsigned long [mData->PortCount];

    unsigned long p;
    for(p=0; p<mData->PortCount; p++) {
        LADSPA_PortDescriptor d = mData->PortDescriptors[p];
        if (LADSPA_IS_PORT_CONTROL(d) &&
                LADSPA_IS_PORT_INPUT(d)) {
            ports[numParams] = p;

    wxControl *item;

    wxBoxSizer *vSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);

    if (mData->Maker &&
            mData->Maker[0] &&
            LAT1CTOWX(mData->Maker) != wxString(_("None"))) {
        item = new wxStaticText(this, 0,
                                wxString(_("Author: "))+LAT1CTOWX(mData->Maker));
        vSizer->Add(item, 0, wxALL, 5);

    if (mData->Copyright &&
            mData->Copyright[0] &&
            LAT1CTOWX(mData->Copyright) != wxString(_("None"))) {

        item = new wxStaticText(this, 0,
        vSizer->Add(item, 0, wxALL, 5);

    wxScrolledWindow *w = new wxScrolledWindow(this,
            wxVSCROLL | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL);

    // Try to give the window a sensible default/minimum size
                      wxMax(600, parent->GetSize().GetWidth() * 2/3),
                      parent->GetSize().GetHeight() / 2));

    w->SetScrollRate(0, 20);
    vSizer->Add(w, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 5);

    // Preview, OK, & Cancel buttons
    vSizer->Add(CreateStdButtonSizer(this, ePreviewButton|eCancelButton|eOkButton), 0, wxEXPAND);


    wxSizer *paramSizer =
        new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, w, _("Effect Settings"));

    wxFlexGridSizer *gridSizer =
        new wxFlexGridSizer(5, 0, 0);

    for (p = 0; p < numParams; p++) {
        wxString labelText = LAT1CTOWX(mData->PortNames[ports[p]]);
        item = new wxStaticText(w, 0, labelText + wxT(":"));
        gridSizer->Add(item, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALL, 5);

        wxString fieldText;
        LADSPA_PortRangeHint hint = mData->PortRangeHints[ports[p]];

        if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_TOGGLED(hint.HintDescriptor)) {
            toggles[p] = new wxCheckBox(w, p, wxT(""));
            toggles[p]->SetValue(inputControls[ports[p]] > 0);
            gridSizer->Add(toggles[p], 0, wxALL, 5);

            gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
            gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
            gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
        else {
            if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_INTEGER(hint.HintDescriptor))
                fieldText.Printf(wxT("%d"), (int)(inputControls[ports[p]] + 0.5));
                fieldText = Internat::ToDisplayString(inputControls[ports[p]]);

            fields[p] = new wxTextCtrl(w, p, fieldText);
            gridSizer->Add(fields[p], 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5);

            wxString bound;
            double lower = 0.0;
            double upper = 0.0;
            bool haslo = false;
            bool hashi = false;
            bool forceint = false;

            if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_BOUNDED_BELOW(hint.HintDescriptor)) {
                lower = hint.LowerBound;
                haslo = true;
            if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_BOUNDED_ABOVE(hint.HintDescriptor)) {
                upper = hint.UpperBound;
                hashi = true;
            if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_SAMPLE_RATE(hint.HintDescriptor)) {
                lower *= sampleRate * 1000;
                upper *= sampleRate;
                forceint = true;

            wxString str;
            if (haslo) {
                if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_INTEGER(hint.HintDescriptor) || forceint)
                    str.Printf(wxT("%d"), (int)(lower + 0.5));
                    str = Internat::ToDisplayString(lower);
                item = new wxStaticText(w, 0, str);
                gridSizer->Add(item, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALL, 5);
            else {
                gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);

            sliders[p] =
                new wxSlider(w, p,
                             0, 0, 1000,
                             wxSize(200, -1));
            gridSizer->Add(sliders[p], 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);

            if (hashi) {
                if (LADSPA_IS_HINT_INTEGER(hint.HintDescriptor) || forceint)
                    str.Printf(wxT("%d"), (int)(upper + 0.5));
                    str = Internat::ToDisplayString(upper);
                item = new wxStaticText(w, 0, str);
                gridSizer->Add(item, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALL, 5);
            else {
                gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);

    // Now add the length control
    if (effect->GetEffectFlags() & INSERT_EFFECT) {
        item = new wxStaticText(w, 0, _("Length (seconds)"));
        gridSizer->Add(item, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5);
        mSeconds = new wxTextCtrl(w, LADSPA_SECONDS_ID, Internat::ToDisplayString(length));
        mSeconds->SetName(_("Length (seconds)"));
        gridSizer->Add(mSeconds, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5);
        gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
        gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);
        gridSizer->Add(1, 1, 0);

    // Set all of the sliders based on the value in the
    // text fields
    inSlider = false; // Now we're ready for HandleText to actually do something.

    paramSizer->Add(gridSizer, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);

Example #20
void FixedLine::DrawLine(int xoffset, int yoffset, const wxRect& WXUNUSED(rect), bool isFolded) {
	wxASSERT(width > 0);

	// Style the lines
	m_sr.Init(textstart, textend);
	for (vector<Styler*>::iterator si = m_stylers.begin(); si != m_stylers.end(); ++si) {

	// Style with selections
	bool endstyle = false;
	for(vector<interval>::const_iterator iv = selections.begin(); iv != selections.end(); ++iv) {
		if((textstart < iv->end && iv->start < textend) || (iv->start == textstart && iv->end == textstart)) {
			// Calculate enclosed interval
			int s_start = wxMax(textstart, (*iv).start);
            int s_end   = wxMin(textend, (*iv).end);

			const wxColour& useBackground = m_isSelShadow ? m_theme.shadowColor : m_theme.selectionColor;
			m_sr.SetBackgroundColor(s_start, s_end, useBackground);
			m_sr.SetShowHidden(s_start, s_end, true);
		else if (iv->start == textend && iv->end == textend) {
			// We might have to draw a selection caret at the end
			endstyle = true;
			const wxColour& useBackground = m_isSelShadow ? m_theme.shadowColor : m_theme.selectionColor;
			m_sr.SetBackgroundColor(textend, textend, useBackground);

	// Highlight matching brackets (can only be single byte utf char)
	if (m_hlBracket.start < m_hlBracket.end) {
		if (m_hlBracket.start >= textstart && m_hlBracket.start < textend) {
			m_sr.SetFontStyle(m_hlBracket.start, m_hlBracket.start+1, wxFONTFLAG_BOLD);
			m_sr.SetBackgroundColor(m_hlBracket.start, m_hlBracket.start+1, m_theme.bracketHighlightColor);
		if (m_hlBracket.end >= textstart && m_hlBracket.end < textend) {
			m_sr.SetFontStyle(m_hlBracket.end, m_hlBracket.end+1, wxFONTFLAG_BOLD);
			m_sr.SetBackgroundColor(m_hlBracket.end, m_hlBracket.end+1, m_theme.bracketHighlightColor);

	bool isIndent = true;
	unsigned int style_id = 0;
	unsigned int next_style_id = 0;
	unsigned int next_style_start = 0;
	unsigned int linestart = 0;
	int ypos = 0;
	const char* const buf = (const char*)m_lineBuffer.data();
	for (vector<unsigned int>::iterator i = breakpoints.begin(); i != breakpoints.end(); ++i) {
		wxASSERT(ypos + charheight <= height);
		unsigned int breakpoint = *i;

		unsigned int segstart = linestart;
		int segoffset = 0;

		// Smart wrap
		if (m_indentWidth && i > breakpoints.begin()) {
			if (dc.GetBackgroundMode() != wxTRANSPARENT) {
				dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(dc.GetTextBackground(), wxSOLID));
				dc.DrawRectangle(xoffset + segoffset, yoffset+ypos, m_indentWidth, charheight);

			if (m_sr.ShowHidden(style_id)) {
				dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(m_theme.invisiblesColor, wxBDIAGONAL_HATCH));
				dc.DrawRectangle(xoffset + segoffset, yoffset+ypos, m_indentWidth, charheight);

			segoffset = m_indentWidth;

		// if we are not wrapping we want to start at first visible char
		unsigned int pos = linestart;
		if (m_wrapMode == cxWRAP_NONE && xoffset < 0) {
			// find first visible char
			if (m_extents.back() < (unsigned int)-xoffset) segstart = pos = breakpoint; // no part of line visible (may clip newline)
			else {
				vector<unsigned int>::iterator p = lower_bound(m_extents.begin(), m_extents.end(), (unsigned int)-xoffset);
				linestart = segstart = pos = distance(m_extents.begin(), p);
				segoffset = pos ? m_extents[pos-1] : 0;
				style_id = m_sr.GetStyleAtPos(textstart + pos);
				next_style_id = style_id+1;
				next_style_start = m_sr.GetStyleEnd(style_id) - textstart;

		for (const char* dbi = buf + linestart; pos < breakpoint; ++dbi, ++pos) {
			// Check for style change
			if (pos == next_style_start) {
				if (pos > segstart) {
					segoffset += DrawText(xoffset, segoffset, yoffset+ypos, segstart, pos);
					segstart = pos;

				unsigned int style_end = m_sr.GetStyleEnd(next_style_id) - textstart;
				if (next_style_start == style_end) {
					// zero length style. Draw a caret and go to next style
					if (dc.GetTextBackground() != wxNullColour) {
						dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(dc.GetTextBackground(), wxSOLID));
						dc.DrawRectangle(xoffset + segoffset, yoffset+ypos, 3, charheight);
					next_style_start = m_sr.GetStyleEnd(next_style_id) - textstart;
				else next_style_start = style_end;

				style_id = next_style_id++;

			// Check for special chars
			switch (*dbi) {
			case ' ':
				if (isIndent || m_sr.ShowHidden(style_id)) {
					if (pos > segstart) {
						segoffset += DrawText(xoffset, segoffset, yoffset+ypos, segstart, pos);

					if (m_sr.ShowHidden(style_id)) {
						const unsigned int xpos = xoffset + segoffset;
						wxColour textcolor = dc.GetTextForeground(); // Buffer text color
						dc.DrawBitmap(bmSpace, xpos, yoffset+ypos, false);
						dc.SetTextForeground(textcolor); // Re-set text color
					else if (dc.GetBackgroundMode() != wxTRANSPARENT) {
						dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(dc.GetTextBackground(), wxSOLID));
						dc.DrawRectangle(xoffset + segoffset, yoffset+ypos, charwidth, charheight);

					// Indent guides
					if (isIndent && m_showIndent && segoffset > 0 && IsTabPos(segstart)) {
						for (unsigned int y = yoffset+ypos+1; (int)y < yoffset+ypos+charheight; y += 3) {
							dc.DrawPoint(xoffset + segoffset, y);

					segoffset += charwidth;
					segstart = pos+1;

			case '\t':
					if (pos > segstart) {
						segoffset += DrawText(xoffset, segoffset, yoffset+ypos, segstart, pos);

					if (m_sr.ShowHidden(style_id)) {
						wxColour textcolor = dc.GetTextForeground(); // Buffer text color

						if(GetTabPoint(segoffset)-segoffset < tabwidth) {
							const int ntwidth = GetTabPoint(segoffset)-segoffset;
							dc.DrawBitmap(bmTab.GetSubBitmap(wxRect(tabwidth-ntwidth, 0, ntwidth, charheight)), xoffset + segoffset, yoffset+ypos, false);
						else dc.DrawBitmap(bmTab, xoffset + segoffset, yoffset+ypos, false);

						dc.SetTextForeground(textcolor); // Re-set text color
					else if (dc.GetBackgroundMode() != wxTRANSPARENT) {
						const int ntwidth = GetTabPoint(segoffset)-segoffset;
						dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(dc.GetTextBackground(), wxSOLID));
						dc.DrawRectangle(xoffset + segoffset, yoffset+ypos, ntwidth, charheight);

					// Indent guides
					if (isIndent && m_showIndent && segoffset > 0 && IsTabPos(segstart)) {
						for (unsigned int y = yoffset+ypos+1; (int)y < yoffset+ypos+charheight; y += 3) {
							dc.DrawPoint(xoffset + segoffset, y);

					segoffset = GetTabPoint(segoffset);
					segstart = pos+1;

			case '\n':
				wxASSERT(textstart + pos == textend-1);
				if (pos > segstart) {
					segoffset += DrawText(xoffset, segoffset, yoffset+ypos, segstart, pos);

				if (m_sr.ShowHidden(style_id)) {
					wxColour textcolor = dc.GetTextForeground(); // Buffer text color
					dc.DrawBitmap(bmNewline, xoffset + segoffset, yoffset+ypos, false);
					dc.SetTextForeground(textcolor); // Re-set text color
					//segoffset += charwidth;

				// If this is the terminating (last-in-doc) newline and we have
				// an endstyle, we have to draw the caret on the next (virtual) line
				if (endstyle && (textstart + pos == m_docLen-1)) {
					unsigned int style_end = m_sr.GetStyleEnd(next_style_id) - textstart;
					if (next_style_start == style_end) {
						// zero length style. Draw a caret.
						ypos += charheight; // move to next (virtual) line
						dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(dc.GetTextBackground(), wxSOLID));
						dc.DrawRectangle(0, yoffset+ypos, 3, charheight);

				// Check if the background hightlight should be extended
				if (m_sr.DoExtendBg()) {
					dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(m_sr.GetExtendBgColor(), wxSOLID));
					const unsigned int xpos = xoffset + segoffset;
					dc.DrawRectangle(xpos, yoffset+ypos, width-xpos, charheight);

				//return; // Newline is always last character in line
				segoffset += m_nlwidth;
				segstart = pos+1;
				endstyle = false; // avoid drawing zerolength selection twice

				isIndent = false;

		// Draw text after last special char
		if (segstart < breakpoint) {
			segoffset += DrawText(xoffset, segoffset, yoffset+ypos, segstart, breakpoint);

		// Check if the background hightlight should be extended
		if (m_sr.DoExtendBgAtPos(textstart + breakpoint)) {
			dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(m_sr.GetExtendBgColor(), wxSOLID));
			const unsigned int xpos = xoffset + segoffset;
			dc.DrawRectangle(xpos, yoffset+ypos, width-xpos, charheight);

		// End-of-line
		if (i == breakpoints.end()-1) {
			// If we are at end of text (no newline), we might have to draw a zero-length selection
			if (endstyle) {
				unsigned int style_end = m_sr.GetStyleEnd(next_style_id) - textstart;
				if (next_style_start == style_end) {
					// zero length style. Draw a caret.
					dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(dc.GetTextBackground(), wxSOLID));
					dc.DrawRectangle(xoffset + segoffset, yoffset+ypos, 3, charheight);

			// Draw fold indicator after last char
			if (isFolded) {
				const unsigned int foldyoffset = (charheight - m_foldHeight) / 2;

				// Enabling transparency draws as monochrome
				dc.DrawBitmap(bmFold, xoffset + segoffset, yoffset+ypos+foldyoffset, false);

		linestart = breakpoint;
		ypos += charheight;
Example #21
//      Build PolyGeo Object from SENC file record
PolyTessGeo::PolyTessGeo(unsigned char *polybuf, int nrecl, int index, int senc_file_version)
#define POLY_LINE_HDR_MAX 1000
//      Todo Add a try/catch set here, in case SENC file is corrupted??

    m_pxgeom = NULL;

    char hdr_buf[POLY_LINE_HDR_MAX];
    int twkb_len;

    m_buf_head = (char *) polybuf;                      // buffer beginning
    m_buf_ptr = m_buf_head;
    m_nrecl = nrecl;

    my_bufgets( hdr_buf, POLY_LINE_HDR_MAX );
    //  Read the s57obj extents as lat/lon
    sscanf(hdr_buf, "  POLYTESSGEOPROP %lf %lf %lf %lf",
           &xmin, &ymin, &xmax, &ymax);

    PolyTriGroup *ppg = new PolyTriGroup;
    ppg->m_bSMSENC = true;
    ppg->data_type = DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE;
    int nctr;
    my_bufgets( hdr_buf, POLY_LINE_HDR_MAX );
    sscanf(hdr_buf, "Contours/nWKB %d %d", &nctr, &twkb_len);
    ppg->nContours = nctr;
    ppg->pn_vertex = (int *)malloc(nctr * sizeof(int));
    int *pctr = ppg->pn_vertex;

    size_t buf_len = wxMax(twkb_len + 2, 20 + (nctr * 6));
    char *buf = (char *)malloc(buf_len);        // allocate a buffer guaranteed big enough

    my_bufgets( buf, buf_len );                 // contour nVert, as a char line

    wxString ivc_str(buf + 10,  wxConvUTF8);
    wxStringTokenizer tkc(ivc_str, wxT(" ,\n"));
    long icv = 0;

    while ( tkc.HasMoreTokens() )
        wxString token = tkc.GetNextToken();
                *pctr = icv;

    //  Read Raw Geometry

    float *ppolygeo = (float *)malloc(twkb_len + 1);    // allow for crlf
    memcpy(ppolygeo,  m_buf_ptr, twkb_len + 1);
    m_buf_ptr += twkb_len + 1;
    ppg->pgroup_geom = ppolygeo;

    TriPrim **p_prev_triprim = &(ppg->tri_prim_head);

    //  Read the PTG_Triangle Geometry in a loop
    unsigned int tri_type;
    int nvert;
    int nvert_max = 0;
    bool not_finished = true;
    int total_byte_size = 2 * sizeof(float);
        if((m_buf_ptr - m_buf_head) != m_nrecl)
            int *pi = (int *)m_buf_ptr;
            tri_type = *pi++;
            nvert = *pi;
            m_buf_ptr += 2 * sizeof(int);

            //    Here is the usual stop condition, which results from
            //    interpreting the string "POLYEND" as an int
            if(tri_type == 0x594c4f50)
                  not_finished = false;

            TriPrim *tp = new TriPrim;
            *p_prev_triprim = tp;                               // make the link
            p_prev_triprim = &(tp->p_next);
            tp->p_next = NULL;

            tp->type = tri_type;
            tp->nVert = nvert;

            if(nvert > nvert_max )                          // Keep a running tab of largest vertex count
                  nvert_max = nvert;

            if(senc_file_version > 122){
                int byte_size = nvert * 2 * sizeof(float);
                total_byte_size += byte_size;
                tp->p_vertex = (double *)m_buf_ptr;
                m_buf_ptr += byte_size;
                int byte_size = nvert * 2 * sizeof(double);
                total_byte_size += byte_size;
                tp->p_vertex = (double *)malloc(byte_size);
                memcpy(tp->p_vertex, m_buf_ptr, byte_size);
                m_buf_ptr += byte_size;

            //  Read the triangle primitive bounding box as lat/lon
            double *pbb = (double *)m_buf_ptr;
            double abox[4];
            memcpy(&abox[0], pbb, 4 * sizeof(double));
            tp->tri_box.Set(abox[2], abox[0], abox[3], abox[1]);
            m_buf_ptr += 4 * sizeof(double);

        else                                    // got end of poly
            not_finished = false;
    }                   // while

    //  Convert the vertex arrays into a single float memory allocation to enable efficient access later
    if(senc_file_version > 122){
        unsigned char *vbuf = (unsigned char *)malloc(total_byte_size);
        TriPrim *p_tp = ppg->tri_prim_head;
        unsigned char *p_run = vbuf;
        while( p_tp ) {
            memcpy(p_run, p_tp->p_vertex, p_tp->nVert * 2 * sizeof(float));
            p_tp->p_vertex = (double  *)p_run;
            p_run += p_tp->nVert * 2 * sizeof(float);
            p_tp = p_tp->p_next; // pick up the next in chain
        ppg->bsingle_alloc = true;
        ppg->single_buffer = vbuf;
        ppg->single_buffer_size = total_byte_size;
        ppg->data_type = DATA_TYPE_FLOAT;
    m_ppg_head = ppg;
    m_nvertex_max = nvert_max;


    m_bOK = true;

Example #22
void wxGridSelection::UpdateRows( size_t pos, int numRows )
    size_t count = m_cellSelection.GetCount();
    size_t n;
    for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ )
        wxGridCellCoords& coords = m_cellSelection[n];
        wxCoord row = coords.GetRow();
        if ((size_t)row >= pos)
            if (numRows > 0)
                // If rows inserted, increase row counter where necessary
                coords.SetRow(row + numRows);
            else if (numRows < 0)
                // If rows deleted ...
                if ((size_t)row >= pos - numRows)
                    // ...either decrement row counter (if row still exists)...
                    coords.SetRow(row + numRows);
                    // ...or remove the attribute

    count = m_blockSelectionTopLeft.GetCount();
    for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ )
        wxGridCellCoords& coords1 = m_blockSelectionTopLeft[n];
        wxGridCellCoords& coords2 = m_blockSelectionBottomRight[n];
        wxCoord row1 = coords1.GetRow();
        wxCoord row2 = coords2.GetRow();

        if ((size_t)row2 >= pos)
            if (numRows > 0)
                // If rows inserted, increase row counter where necessary
                coords2.SetRow( row2 + numRows );
                if ((size_t)row1 >= pos)
                    coords1.SetRow( row1 + numRows );
            else if (numRows < 0)
                // If rows deleted ...
                if ((size_t)row2 >= pos - numRows)
                    // ...either decrement row counter (if row still exists)...
                    coords2.SetRow( row2 + numRows );
                    if ((size_t)row1 >= pos)
                        coords1.SetRow( wxMax(row1 + numRows, (int)pos) );

                    if ((size_t)row1 >= pos)
                        // ...or remove the attribute
                        coords2.SetRow( pos );

    count = m_rowSelection.GetCount();
    for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ )
    int  rowOrCol_ = m_rowSelection[n];

      if ((size_t) rowOrCol_ >= pos)
          if ( numRows > 0 )
              m_rowSelection[n] += numRows;
          else if ( numRows < 0 )
              if ((size_t)rowOrCol_ >= (pos - numRows))
                  m_rowSelection[n] += numRows;
                  m_rowSelection.RemoveAt( n );
    // No need to touch selected columns, unless we removed _all_
    // rows, in this case, we remove all columns from the selection.

    if ( !m_grid->GetNumberRows() )
Example #23
wxCoord ODIconCombo::OnMeasureItem( size_t item ) const
    int bmpHeight = bmpArray.Item(item).GetHeight();
    return wxMax(itemHeight, bmpHeight);
Example #24
void Route::DrawGLRouteLines( ViewPort &vp )
#ifdef ocpnUSE_GL
    //  Hiliting first
    //  Being special case to draw something for a 1 point route....
    ocpnDC dc;
    if(m_hiliteWidth) {
        wxColour y = GetGlobalColor( _T ( "YELO1" ) );
        wxColour hilt( y.Red(), y.Green(), y.Blue(), 128 );

        wxPen HiPen( hilt, m_hiliteWidth, wxPENSTYLE_SOLID );

        ocpnDC dc;
        dc.SetPen( HiPen );

        DrawGLLines(vp, &dc);

    /* determine color and width */
    wxColour col;

    int width = g_pRouteMan->GetRoutePen()->GetWidth(); //g_route_line_width;
    if( m_width != wxPENSTYLE_INVALID )
        width = m_width;

    if( m_bRtIsActive )
        col = g_pRouteMan->GetActiveRoutePen()->GetColour();
    } else if( m_bRtIsSelected ) {
        col = g_pRouteMan->GetSelectedRoutePen()->GetColour();
    } else {
        if( m_Colour == wxEmptyString ) {
            col = g_pRouteMan->GetRoutePen()->GetColour();
        } else {
            for( unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof( ::GpxxColorNames ) / sizeof(wxString); i++ ) {
                if( m_Colour == ::GpxxColorNames[i] ) {
                    col = ::GpxxColors[i];

    wxPenStyle style = wxPENSTYLE_SOLID;
    if( m_style != wxPENSTYLE_INVALID ) style = m_style;
    dc.SetPen( *wxThePenList->FindOrCreatePen( col, width, style ) );

    glColor3ub(col.Red(), col.Green(), col.Blue());
    glLineWidth( wxMax( g_GLMinSymbolLineWidth, width ) );


    DrawGLLines(vp, NULL);

    glDisable (GL_LINE_STIPPLE);

    /* direction arrows.. could probably be further optimized for opengl */
    wxRoutePointListNode *node = pRoutePointList->GetFirst();
    wxPoint rpt1, rpt2;
    while(node) {
        RoutePoint *prp = node->GetData();
        cc1->GetCanvasPointPix( prp->m_lat, prp->m_lon, &rpt2 );
        if(node != pRoutePointList->GetFirst())
            RenderSegmentArrowsGL( rpt1.x, rpt1.y, rpt2.x, rpt2.y, vp );
        rpt1 = rpt2;
        node = node->GetNext();
Example #25
void wxNewBitmapButton::RenderLabelImage( wxBitmap*& destBmp, wxBitmap* srcBmp,
                                          bool isEnabled, bool isPressed )
    if ( destBmp != 0 ) return;

    // render labels on-demand

    wxMemoryDC srcDc;
    srcDc.SelectObject( *srcBmp );

    bool hasText = ( mTextAlignment != NB_NO_TEXT ) &&
                   ( mLabelText.length() != 0 );

    bool hasImage = (mTextAlignment != NB_NO_IMAGE);

    wxSize destDim;
    wxPoint txtPos;
    wxPoint imgPos;

    if ( hasText )
        long txtWidth, txtHeight;

        srcDc.SetFont( wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT) );
        srcDc.GetTextExtent( mLabelText, &txtWidth, &txtHeight );

        if ( mTextAlignment == NB_ALIGN_TEXT_RIGHT )
            destDim.x = srcBmp->GetWidth() + 2*mTextToLabelGap + txtWidth;

            destDim.y =
                wxMax( srcBmp->GetHeight(), txtHeight );

            txtPos.x = srcBmp->GetWidth() + mTextToLabelGap;
            txtPos.y = (destDim.y - txtHeight)/2;
            imgPos.x = 0;
            imgPos.y = (destDim.y - srcBmp->GetHeight())/2;
        if ( mTextAlignment == NB_ALIGN_TEXT_BOTTOM )
            destDim.x =
                wxMax( srcBmp->GetWidth(), txtWidth );

            destDim.y = srcBmp->GetHeight() + mTextToLabelGap + txtHeight;

            txtPos.x = (destDim.x - txtWidth)/2;
            txtPos.y = srcBmp->GetHeight() + mTextToLabelGap;
            imgPos.x = (destDim.x - srcBmp->GetWidth())/2;
            imgPos.y = 0;
            wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("Unsupported FL alignment type detected in wxNewBitmapButton::RenderLabelImage()"));
        imgPos.x = 0;
        imgPos.y = 0;
        destDim.x = srcBmp->GetWidth();
        destDim.y = srcBmp->GetHeight();

    destBmp = new wxBitmap( int(destDim.x), int(destDim.y) );

    wxMemoryDC destDc;
    destDc.SelectObject( *destBmp );

    wxBrush grayBrush( wxSystemSettings::GetColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE), wxSOLID );

    destDc.SetBrush( grayBrush );
    destDc.SetPen( *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN );
    destDc.DrawRectangle( 0,0, destDim.x+1, destDim.y+1 );

    if ( isPressed )
        ++imgPos.x; ++imgPos.y;
        ++txtPos.x; ++txtPos.y;

    if ( hasImage )

        destDc.Blit( imgPos.x, imgPos.y,
                 &srcDc, 0,0, wxCOPY,true );

    if ( hasText )
        wxWindow* pTopWnd = this;

            wxWindow* pParent = pTopWnd->GetParent();

            if ( pParent == 0 )

            pTopWnd = pParent;
        } while (1);

        destDc.SetFont( wxSystemSettings::GetFont( wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT) );

        if ( isEnabled )
            destDc.SetTextForeground( wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNTEXT) );
            destDc.SetTextForeground( wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DSHADOW) );
        destDc.SetTextBackground( wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE) );

        destDc.DrawText( mLabelText, txtPos.x, txtPos.y );

    if ( !isEnabled ){

#ifdef __WXMSW__ // This is currently MSW specific
        gray_out_image_on_dc( destDc, destDim.x, destDim.y );
        wxBitmap bmp( (const char*)_gDisableImage,8,8);
        wxBrush checkerBrush(bmp);
        checkerBrush.SetColour( wxSystemSettings::GetColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE ) );
        destDc.SetBrush( checkerBrush );
        destDc.DrawRectangle( imgPos.x, imgPos.y, srcBmp->GetWidth()+1, srcBmp->GetHeight()+1);
    // adjust button size to fit the new dimensions of the label
    if ( !mSizeIsSet && 0 )
        mSizeIsSet = true;
        SetSize( wxDefaultCoord, wxDefaultCoord,
                 destBmp->GetWidth()  + mMarginX*2,
                 destBmp->GetHeight() + mMarginY*2, 0
    destDc.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );

#if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__)
    // Map to system colours
    (void) wxToolBar::MapBitmap(destBmp->GetHBITMAP(), destBmp->GetWidth(), destBmp->GetHeight());
Example #26
static void
gtk_collapsiblepane_expanded_callback(GObject * WXUNUSED(object),
                                      GParamSpec * WXUNUSED(param_spec),
                                      wxCollapsiblePane *p)
    // NB: unlike for the "activate" signal, when this callback is called, if
    //     we try to query the "collapsed" status through p->IsCollapsed(), we
    //     get the right value. I.e. here p->IsCollapsed() will return false if
    //     this callback has been called at the end of a collapsed->expanded
    //     transition and viceversa. Inside the "activate" signal callback
    //     p->IsCollapsed() would return the wrong value!

    wxSize sz;
    if ( p->IsExpanded() )
        // NB: we cannot use the p->GetBestSize() or p->GetMinSize() functions
        //     here as they would return the size for the collapsed expander
        //     even if the collapsed->expanded transition has already been
        //     completed; we solve this problem doing:

        sz = p->m_szCollapsed;

        wxSize panesz = p->GetPane()->GetBestSize();
        sz.x = wxMax(sz.x, panesz.x);
        sz.y += gtk_expander_get_spacing(GTK_EXPANDER(p->m_widget)) + panesz.y;
    else // collapsed
        // same problem described above: using p->Get[Best|Min]Size() here we
        // would get the size of the control when it is expanded even if the
        // expanded->collapsed transition should be complete now...
        // So, we use the size cached at control-creation time...
        sz = p->m_szCollapsed;

    // just calling
    //          p->OnStateChange(sz);
    // here would work work BUT:
    //     1) in the expanded->collapsed transition it provokes a lot of flickering
    //     2) in the collapsed->expanded transition using the "Change status" wxButton
    //        in samples/collpane application some strange warnings would be generated
    //        by the "clearlooks" theme, if that's your theme.
    // So we prefer to use some GTK+ native optimized calls, which prevent too many resize
    // calculations to happen. Note that the following code has been very carefully designed
    // and tested - be VERY careful when changing it!

    // 1) need to update our size hints
    // NB: this function call won't actually do any long operation
    //     (redraw/relayout/resize) so that it's flicker-free

    if (p->HasFlag(wxCP_NO_TLW_RESIZE))
        // fire an event
        wxCollapsiblePaneEvent ev(p, p->GetId(), p->IsCollapsed());

        // the user asked to explicitly handle the resizing itself...

    wxTopLevelWindow *
        top = wxDynamicCast(wxGetTopLevelParent(p), wxTopLevelWindow);
    if ( top && top->GetSizer() )
        // 2) recalculate minimal size of the top window
        sz = top->GetSizer()->CalcMin();

        if (top->m_mainWidget)
            // 3) MAGIC HACK: if you ever used GtkExpander in a GTK+ program
            //    you know that this magic call is required to make it possible
            //    to shrink the top level window in the expanded->collapsed
            //    transition.  This may be sometimes undesired but *is*
            //    necessary and if you look carefully, all GTK+ programs using
            //    GtkExpander perform this trick (e.g. the standard "open file"
            //    dialog of GTK+>=2.4 is not resizable when the expander is
            //    collapsed!)
            gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (top->m_widget), p->IsExpanded());

            // 4) set size hints

            // 5) set size

    if ( p->m_bIgnoreNextChange )
        // change generated programmatically - do not send an event!
        p->m_bIgnoreNextChange = false;

    // fire an event
    wxCollapsiblePaneEvent ev(p, p->GetId(), p->IsCollapsed());
Example #27
bool StepGuider::UpdateCalibrationState(const PHD_Point& currentLocation)
    bool bError = false;

        if (!m_calibrationStartingLocation.IsValid())
            m_calibrationStartingLocation = currentLocation;
            Debug.AddLine(wxString::Format("Stepguider::UpdateCalibrationstate: starting location = %.2f,%.2f", currentLocation.X, currentLocation.Y));

        wxString status0, status1;
        int stepsRemainingUp = MaxPosition(UP) - CurrentPosition(UP);
        int stepsRemainingDown = MaxPosition(DOWN) - CurrentPosition(DOWN);
        int stepsRemainingRight  = MaxPosition(RIGHT)  - CurrentPosition(RIGHT);
        int stepsRemainingLeft  = MaxPosition(LEFT)  - CurrentPosition(LEFT);

        stepsRemainingUp /= m_calibrationStepsPerIteration;
        stepsRemainingDown /= m_calibrationStepsPerIteration;
        stepsRemainingRight /= m_calibrationStepsPerIteration;
        stepsRemainingLeft /= m_calibrationStepsPerIteration;

        int stepsRemainingDownAndRight = wxMax(stepsRemainingDown, stepsRemainingRight);

        assert(stepsRemainingUp >= 0);
        assert(stepsRemainingDown >= 0);
        assert(stepsRemainingRight  >= 0);
        assert(stepsRemainingLeft  >= 0);
        assert(stepsRemainingDownAndRight    >= 0);

        bool moveUp = false;
        bool moveDown = false;
        bool moveRight  = false;
        bool moveLeft  = false;
        double x_dist;
        double y_dist;

        switch (m_calibrationState)
                if (stepsRemainingDownAndRight > 0)
                    status0.Printf(_("Init Calibration: %3d"), stepsRemainingDownAndRight);
                    moveDown = stepsRemainingDown > 0;
                    moveRight  = stepsRemainingRight > 0;
                Debug.AddLine(wxString::Format("Falling through to state AVERAGE_STARTING_LOCATION, position=(%.2f, %.2f)",
                                                currentLocation.X, currentLocation.Y));
                m_calibrationAverageSamples = 0;
                m_calibrationAveragedLocation.SetXY(0.0, 0.0);
                m_calibrationState = CALIBRATION_STATE_AVERAGE_STARTING_LOCATION;
                // fall through
                m_calibrationAveragedLocation += currentLocation;
                status0.Printf(_("Averaging: %3d"), m_samplesToAverage - m_calibrationAverageSamples + 1);
                if (m_calibrationAverageSamples < m_samplesToAverage )
                m_calibrationAveragedLocation /= m_calibrationAverageSamples;
                m_calibrationStartingLocation = m_calibrationAveragedLocation;
                m_calibrationIterations = 0;
                Debug.AddLine(wxString::Format("Falling through to state GO_LEFT, startinglocation=(%.2f, %.2f)",
                                                m_calibrationStartingLocation.X, m_calibrationStartingLocation.Y));
                m_calibrationState = CALIBRATION_STATE_GO_LEFT;
                // fall through
                if (stepsRemainingLeft > 0)
                    status0.Printf(_("Left Calibration: %3d"), stepsRemainingLeft);
                    moveLeft  = true;
                    x_dist = m_calibrationStartingLocation.dX(currentLocation);
                    y_dist = m_calibrationStartingLocation.dY(currentLocation);
                    GuideLog.CalibrationStep(this, "Left", stepsRemainingLeft,
                        x_dist,  y_dist,
                        currentLocation, m_calibrationStartingLocation.Distance(currentLocation));
                    m_calibrationDetails.raSteps.push_back(wxRealPoint(x_dist, y_dist));            // Just put "left" in "ra" steps
                Debug.AddLine(wxString::Format("Falling through to state AVERAGE_CENTER_LOCATION, position=(%.2f, %.2f)",
                                                currentLocation.X, currentLocation.Y));
                m_calibrationAverageSamples = 0;
                m_calibrationAveragedLocation.SetXY(0.0, 0.0);
                m_calibrationState = CALIBRATION_STATE_AVERAGE_CENTER_LOCATION;
                // fall through
                m_calibrationAveragedLocation += currentLocation;
                status0.Printf(_("Averaging: %3d"), m_samplesToAverage -m_calibrationAverageSamples+1);
                if (m_calibrationAverageSamples < m_samplesToAverage )
                m_calibrationAveragedLocation /= m_calibrationAverageSamples;
                m_calibration.xAngle = m_calibrationStartingLocation.Angle(m_calibrationAveragedLocation);
                m_calibration.xRate  = m_calibrationStartingLocation.Distance(m_calibrationAveragedLocation) /
                                                     (m_calibrationIterations * m_calibrationStepsPerIteration);
                status1.Printf(_("angle=%.1f rate=%.2f"), m_calibration.xAngle * 180. / M_PI, m_calibration.xRate);
                GuideLog.CalibrationDirectComplete(this, "Left", m_calibration.xAngle, m_calibration.xRate);
                Debug.AddLine(wxString::Format("LEFT calibration completes with angle=%.1f rate=%.2f", m_calibration.xAngle * 180. / M_PI, m_calibration.xRate));
                Debug.AddLine(wxString::Format("distance=%.2f iterations=%d",  m_calibrationStartingLocation.Distance(m_calibrationAveragedLocation), m_calibrationIterations));
                m_calibrationStartingLocation = m_calibrationAveragedLocation;
                m_calibrationIterations = 0;
                m_calibrationState = CALIBRATION_STATE_GO_UP;
                Debug.AddLine(wxString::Format("Falling through to state GO_UP, startinglocation=(%.2f, %.2f)",
                                                m_calibrationStartingLocation.X, m_calibrationStartingLocation.Y));
                // fall through
            case CALIBRATION_STATE_GO_UP:
                if (stepsRemainingUp > 0)
                    status0.Printf(_("up Calibration: %3d"), stepsRemainingUp);
                    moveUp = true;
                    x_dist = m_calibrationStartingLocation.dX(currentLocation);
                    y_dist = m_calibrationStartingLocation.dY(currentLocation);
                    GuideLog.CalibrationStep(this, "Up", stepsRemainingLeft,
                        x_dist,  y_dist,
                        currentLocation, m_calibrationStartingLocation.Distance(currentLocation));
                    m_calibrationDetails.decSteps.push_back(wxRealPoint(x_dist, y_dist));                   // Just put "up" in "dec" steps
                Debug.AddLine(wxString::Format("Falling through to state AVERAGE_ENDING_LOCATION, position=(%.2f, %.2f)",
                                                currentLocation.X, currentLocation.Y));
                m_calibrationAverageSamples = 0;
                m_calibrationAveragedLocation.SetXY(0.0, 0.0);
                m_calibrationState = CALIBRATION_STATE_AVERAGE_ENDING_LOCATION;
                // fall through
                m_calibrationAveragedLocation += currentLocation;
                status0.Printf(_("Averaging: %3d"), m_samplesToAverage -m_calibrationAverageSamples+1);
                if (m_calibrationAverageSamples < m_samplesToAverage )
                m_calibrationAveragedLocation /= m_calibrationAverageSamples;
                m_calibration.yAngle = m_calibrationAveragedLocation.Angle(m_calibrationStartingLocation);
                m_calibration.yRate  = m_calibrationStartingLocation.Distance(m_calibrationAveragedLocation) /
                                                     (m_calibrationIterations * m_calibrationStepsPerIteration);
                status1.Printf(_("angle=%.1f rate=%.2f"), m_calibration.yAngle * 180. / M_PI, m_calibration.yRate);
                GuideLog.CalibrationDirectComplete(this, "Up", m_calibration.yAngle, m_calibration.yRate);
                Debug.AddLine(wxString::Format("UP calibration completes with angle=%.1f rate=%.2f", m_calibration.yAngle * 180. / M_PI, m_calibration.yRate));
                Debug.AddLine(wxString::Format("distance=%.2f iterations=%d",  m_calibrationStartingLocation.Distance(m_calibrationAveragedLocation), m_calibrationIterations));
                m_calibrationStartingLocation = m_calibrationAveragedLocation;
                m_calibrationState = CALIBRATION_STATE_RECENTER;
                Debug.AddLine(wxString::Format("Falling through to state RECENTER, position=(%.2f, %.2f)",
                                                currentLocation.X, currentLocation.Y));
                // fall through
                status0.Printf(_("Finish Calibration: %3d"), stepsRemainingDownAndRight/2);
                moveRight = (CurrentPosition(LEFT) >= m_calibrationStepsPerIteration);
                moveDown = (CurrentPosition(UP) >= m_calibrationStepsPerIteration);
                if (moveRight || moveDown)
                    Debug.AddLine(wxString::Format("CurrentPosition(LEFT)=%d CurrentPosition(UP)=%d", CurrentPosition(LEFT), CurrentPosition(UP)));
                m_calibrationState = CALIBRATION_STATE_COMPLETE;
                Debug.AddLine(wxString::Format("Falling through to state COMPLETE, position=(%.2f, %.2f)",
                                                currentLocation.X, currentLocation.Y));
                // fall through
                m_calibration.declination = 0.;
                m_calibration.pierSide = PIER_SIDE_UNKNOWN;
                m_calibration.rotatorAngle = Rotator::RotatorPosition();
                SetCalibrationDetails(m_calibrationDetails, m_calibration.xAngle, m_calibration.yAngle);
                status1 = _T("calibration complete");
                Debug.AddLine("Calibration Complete");

        if (moveUp)
            pFrame->ScheduleCalibrationMove(this, UP, m_calibrationStepsPerIteration);

        if (moveDown)
            pFrame->ScheduleCalibrationMove(this, DOWN, m_calibrationStepsPerIteration);

        if (moveRight)
            pFrame->ScheduleCalibrationMove(this, RIGHT, m_calibrationStepsPerIteration);

        if (moveLeft)
            pFrame->ScheduleCalibrationMove(this, LEFT, m_calibrationStepsPerIteration);

        if (m_calibrationState != CALIBRATION_STATE_COMPLETE)
            if (status1.IsEmpty())
                double dX = m_calibrationStartingLocation.dX(currentLocation);
                double dY = m_calibrationStartingLocation.dY(currentLocation);
                double dist = m_calibrationStartingLocation.Distance(currentLocation);
                status1.Printf(_T("dx=%4.1f dy=%4.1f dist=%4.1f"), dX, dY, dist);

        if (!status0.IsEmpty())
            pFrame->SetStatusText(status0, 0);

        if (!status1.IsEmpty())
            pFrame->SetStatusText(status1, 1);
    catch (wxString Msg)
        bError = true;


    return bError;
Example #28
bool EffectTruncSilence::Process()
   SelectedTrackListOfKindIterator iter(Track::Wave, mTracks);
   WaveTrack *t;
   double t0 = mT0;
   double t1 = mT1;
   int tndx; 
   int tcount = 0;
   int fr;

   // Init using first track
   t = (WaveTrack *) iter.First();
   double rate = t->GetRate();
   sampleCount blockLen = t->GetMaxBlockSize();

   // Get the left and right bounds for all tracks
   while (t) {
      // Make sure all tracks have the same sample rate
      if (rate != t->GetRate()) {
         wxMessageBox(_("All tracks must have the same sample rate"), _("Truncate Silence"));
         return false;

      // Count the tracks

      // Set the current bounds to whichever left marker is
      // greater and whichever right marker is less
      t0 = wxMax(mT0, t->GetStartTime());
      t1 = wxMin(mT1, t->GetEndTime());

      // Use the smallest block size of all the tracks
      blockLen = wxMin(blockLen, t->GetMaxBlockSize());

      // Iterate to the next track
      t = (WaveTrack*) iter.Next();

   // Just a sanity check, really it should be much higher
   if(blockLen < 4*mBlendFrameCount)
      blockLen = 4*mBlendFrameCount;

   // Transform the marker timepoints to samples
   t = (WaveTrack *) iter.First();
   sampleCount start = t->TimeToLongSamples(t0);
   sampleCount end = t->TimeToLongSamples(t1);

   // Bigger buffers reduce 'reset'
   //blockLen *= 8;
   // Stress-test the logic for cutting samples through block endpoints
   //blockLen /= 8;

   // Set thresholds
   // We have a lower bound on the amount of silence we chop out at a time
   // to avoid chopping up low frequency sounds.  We're good down to 10Hz
   // if we use 100ms.
   const float minTruncMs = 1.0f;
   double truncDbSilenceThreshold = Enums::Db2Signal[mTruncDbChoiceIndex];
   int truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples = 
      int((wxMax( mTruncInitialAllowedSilentMs, minTruncMs) * rate) / 1000.0);
   int truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples = 
      int((wxMax( mTruncLongestAllowedSilentMs, minTruncMs) * rate) / 1000.0);

   // Require at least 4 samples for lengths
   if(truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples < 4)
      truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples = 4;
   if(truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples < 4)
      truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples = 4;

   // If the cross-fade is longer than the minimum length,
   // then limit the cross-fade length to the minimum length
   // This allows us to have reasonable cross-fade by default
   // and still allow for 1ms minimum lengths
   if(truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples < mBlendFrameCount)
      mBlendFrameCount = truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples;
   if(truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples < mBlendFrameCount)
      mBlendFrameCount = truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples;

   // For sake of efficiency, don't let blockLen be less than double the longest silent samples
   // up until a sane limit of 1Meg samples
   while((blockLen > 0) && (blockLen < truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples*2) && (blockLen < 1048576)) {
      blockLen *= 2;
    // Don't allow either value to be more than half of the block length
   if(truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples > blockLen/2)
      truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples = blockLen/2;
   if(truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples > truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples)
      truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples = truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples;

   // We use the 'longest' variable as additive to the 'initial' variable
   truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples -= truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples;

   // Perform the crossfade half-way through the minimum removed silence duration
   int rampInFrames = (truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples + mBlendFrameCount) / 2;
   if(rampInFrames > truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples)
      rampInFrames = truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples;

   // Allocate buffers
   float **buffer = new float*[tcount];
   for (tndx = 0; tndx < tcount; tndx++) {
      buffer[tndx] = new float[blockLen];

   // Start processing
   //Track::All is needed because this effect has clear functionality
   this->CopyInputTracks(Track::All); // Set up mOutputTracks.
   SelectedTrackListOfKindIterator iterOut(Track::Wave, mOutputTracks);

   sampleCount index = start;
   sampleCount outTrackOffset = start;
   bool cancelled = false;
   // Reset
   bool ignoringFrames = false;
   bool truncToMinimum = true;  // Ignore the initial samples until we get above the noise floor
   sampleCount consecutiveSilentFrames = 0;
   sampleCount truncIndex = 0;
   sampleCount i = 0;
   sampleCount keep;

   while (index < end) {

      // Limit size of current block if we've reached the end
      sampleCount count = blockLen-i;
      if ((index + count) > end) {
         count = end - index; 

      // Fill the buffers
      tndx = 0;
      t = (WaveTrack *) iter.First();
      while (t) {
         t->Get((samplePtr)(buffer[tndx++]+i), floatSample, index, count);
         t = (WaveTrack *) iter.Next();

      // Shift over to account for samples remaining from prior block
      sampleCount limit = count+i;

      // Look for silences in current block
      for ( ; i < limit; i++) {

         // Is current frame in all tracks below threshold
         bool below = true;
         for (tndx = 0; tndx < tcount; tndx++) {
            if (fabs(buffer[tndx][i]) >= truncDbSilenceThreshold) {
               below = false;
         // Make sure we cross-fade and output the last silence
         // so we get a smooth transition into whatever follows the selected region
         // Also set the 'truncToMinimum' flag so that the last silence is truncated to the minimum amount
         if(below && ((index+i+1) == end)) {
            below = false;
            truncToMinimum = true;

         // Count frame if it's below threshold
         if (below) {

            // Ignore this frame (equivalent to cutting it)
            // otherwise, keep sample to be part of allowed silence
            if (consecutiveSilentFrames > truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples) {
               ignoringFrames = true;
         else {
            if (ignoringFrames == true) {
               // Scale the consectiveSilentFrames so we keep a silence duration
               // which is proportional to the original silence up to the limit
               keep = consecutiveSilentFrames - truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples;
               keep /= mSilenceCompressRatio;

               // The first and last samples always get truncated to the minimum amount
               if(truncToMinimum == true)
                  keep = 0;
               if(keep > truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples)
                  keep = truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples;
               if(keep < 0)
                  keep = 0;

               // Compute the location of the cross-fade to be halfway through the silence
               // with restriction to the samples we still have available to use
               rampInFrames = (truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples - keep + mBlendFrameCount) / 2;
               if(rampInFrames > truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples)
                  rampInFrames = truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples;
               if(rampInFrames < mBlendFrameCount)
                  rampInFrames = mBlendFrameCount;

               // Include the cross-fade samples in the count to make the loop logic easier
               keep += rampInFrames;
               truncIndex -= rampInFrames;

               // back up for cross-fade
               sampleCount curOffset = i - keep;

               if(curOffset < 0) {
                  // This should never happen, but just in case...
                  keep += curOffset - rampInFrames;
                  if(keep < mBlendFrameCount)
                     keep = mBlendFrameCount;
                  curOffset = 0;
               if(truncIndex < 0) {
                  // This should never happen, but just in case...
                  truncIndex = 0;

               for (tndx = 0; tndx < tcount; tndx++) {
                  // Cross fade the cut point
                  for (fr = 0; fr < mBlendFrameCount; fr++) {
                     buffer[tndx][truncIndex+fr] = ((mBlendFrameCount-fr)*buffer[tndx][truncIndex+fr] + fr*buffer[tndx][curOffset + fr]) / mBlendFrameCount;
                  // Append the 'keep' samples, if any
                  for ( ; fr < keep; fr++) {
                     buffer[tndx][truncIndex+fr] = buffer[tndx][curOffset + fr];
               truncIndex += keep;
            consecutiveSilentFrames = 0;
            ignoringFrames = false;
            truncToMinimum = false;

         // Can get here either because > dbThreshold
         // or silence duration isn't longer than allowed
         for (tndx = 0; tndx < tcount; tndx++) {
            buffer[tndx][truncIndex] = buffer[tndx][i];

      // Update tracks if any samples were removed, now or before
      if (outTrackOffset + truncIndex != index + limit) {
         // Put updated sample back into output tracks.
         tndx = 0;
         t = (WaveTrack *) iterOut.First();
         while (t) {
            t->Set((samplePtr)buffer[tndx++], floatSample, outTrackOffset, truncIndex);
            t = (WaveTrack *) iterOut.Next();

      // If currently in a silent section, retain samples for the next pass
      if(ignoringFrames) {
         keep = consecutiveSilentFrames - truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples;
         if(keep > (truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples+mBlendFrameCount))
            keep = truncLongestAllowedSilentSamples+mBlendFrameCount;
         for (tndx = 0; tndx < tcount; tndx++) {
            for(fr = 0; fr < truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples; fr++) {
               buffer[tndx][fr] = buffer[tndx][truncIndex-truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples+fr];
            for(fr = 0; fr < keep; fr++) {
               buffer[tndx][truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples+fr] = buffer[tndx][i-keep+fr];
         // Update the output index, less what we are retaining for next time
         outTrackOffset += truncIndex - truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples;
         // Append the following buffer to the existing data
         i = consecutiveSilentFrames = truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples + keep;
         truncIndex = truncInitialAllowedSilentSamples;
      } else {
         // Maintain output index
         outTrackOffset += truncIndex;
         // Reset the buffer pointers to the beginning
         i = 0;
         truncIndex = 0;
         consecutiveSilentFrames = 0;

      // Update progress and bail if user cancelled
      cancelled = TrackProgress(0, ((double)index / (double)end));
      if (cancelled) {

      // Bump to next block
      index += count;

   AudacityProject *p = GetActiveProject();
   if (!p)
      return false;

   // Remove stale data at end of output tracks.
   if (!cancelled && (outTrackOffset < end)) {
      t = (WaveTrack *) iterOut.First();
      if( p->IsSticky() )
         t->Clear(outTrackOffset / rate, t1, mOutputTracks);
         while(t) {
            t->Clear(outTrackOffset / rate, t1, mOutputTracks);
            t = (WaveTrack *) iterOut.Next();

      t1 = outTrackOffset / rate;

   // Free buffers
   for (tndx = 0; tndx < tcount; tndx++) {
      delete [] buffer[tndx];
   delete [] buffer;

   mT0 = t0;
   mT1 = t1;

   return !cancelled;
Example #29
void TexFont::Build( wxFont &font, bool blur )
    /* avoid rebuilding if the parameters are the same */
    if(font == m_font && blur == m_blur)
    m_font = font;
    m_blur = blur;

    m_maxglyphw = 0;
    m_maxglyphh = 0;

    wxScreenDC sdc;

    sdc.SetFont( font );

    for( int i = MIN_GLYPH; i < MAX_GLYPH; i++ ) {
        wxCoord gw, gh;
        wxString text;
        if(i == DEGREE_GLYPH)
            text = wxString::Format(_T("%c"), 0x00B0); //_T("°");
            text = wxString::Format(_T("%c"), i);
        wxCoord descent, exlead;
        sdc.GetTextExtent( text, &gw, &gh, &descent, &exlead, &font ); // measure the text

        tgi[i].width = gw;
        tgi[i].height = gh;

        tgi[i].advance = gw;

        m_maxglyphw = wxMax(tgi[i].width,  m_maxglyphw);
        m_maxglyphh = wxMax(tgi[i].height, m_maxglyphh);

    /* add extra pixel to give a border between rows of characters
       without this, in some cases a faint line can be see on the edge
       from the character above */
    int w = COLS_GLYPHS * m_maxglyphw;
    int h = ROWS_GLYPHS * m_maxglyphh;

    wxASSERT(w < 2048 && h < 2048);

    /* make power of 2 */
    for(tex_w = 1; tex_w < w; tex_w *= 2);
    for(tex_h = 1; tex_h < h; tex_h *= 2);

    wxBitmap tbmp(tex_w, tex_h);
    wxMemoryDC dc;
    dc.SetFont( font );

    /* fill bitmap with black */
    dc.SetBackground( wxBrush( wxColour( 0, 0, 0 ) ) );
    /* draw the text white */
    dc.SetTextForeground( wxColour( 255, 255, 255 ) );

    /*    wxPen pen(wxColour( 255, 255, 255 ));
     wxBrush brush(wxColour( 255, 255, 255 ), wxTRANSPARENT);
    int row = 0, col = 0;
    for( int i = MIN_GLYPH; i < MAX_GLYPH; i++ ) {
        if(col == COLS_GLYPHS) {
            col = 0;

        tgi[i].x = col * m_maxglyphw;
        tgi[i].y = row * m_maxglyphh;

        wxString text;
        if(i == DEGREE_GLYPH)
            text = wxString::Format(_T("%c"), 0x00B0); //_T("°");
            text = wxString::Format(_T("%c"), i);

        dc.DrawText(text, tgi[i].x, tgi[i].y );

//        dc.DrawRectangle(tgi[i].x, tgi[i].y, tgi[i].advance, tgi[i].height);


    wxImage image = tbmp.ConvertToImage();

    GLuint format, internalformat;
    int stride;

    format = GL_ALPHA;
    internalformat = format;
    stride = 1;

    if( m_blur )
        image = image.Blur(1);

    unsigned char *imgdata = image.GetData();
        unsigned char *teximage = (unsigned char *) malloc( stride * tex_w * tex_h );

        for( int j = 0; j < tex_w*tex_h; j++ )
            for( int k = 0; k < stride; k++ )
                teximage[j * stride + k] = imgdata[3*j];


        glGenTextures( 1, &texobj );
        glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, texobj );

        glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT );
        glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT );

        glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, internalformat, tex_w, tex_h, 0,
                    format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, teximage );


    m_built = true;
Example #30
OCPNRegion ViewPort::GetVPRegionIntersect( const OCPNRegion &Region, size_t nPoints, float *llpoints,
                                           int chart_native_scale, wxPoint *ppoints )
    //  Calculate the intersection between a given OCPNRegion (Region) and a polygon specified by lat/lon points.

    //    If the viewpoint is highly overzoomed wrt to chart native scale, the polygon region may be huge.
    //    This can be very expensive, and lead to crashes on some platforms (gtk in particular)
    //    So, look for this case and handle appropriately with respect to the given Region

    if( chart_scale < chart_native_scale / 10 ) {
        //    Make a positive definite vp
        ViewPort vp_positive = *this;
        while( vp_positive.vpBBox.GetMinX() < 0 ) {
            vp_positive.clon += 360.;
            wxPoint2DDouble t( 360., 0. );
            vp_positive.vpBBox.Translate( t );

        //    Scan the points one-by-one, so that we can get min/max to make a bbox
        float *pfp = llpoints;
        float lon_max = -10000.;
        float lon_min = 10000.;
        float lat_max = -10000.;
        float lat_min = 10000.;

        for( unsigned int ip = 0; ip < nPoints; ip++ ) {
            lon_max = wxMax(lon_max, pfp[1]);
            lon_min = wxMin(lon_min, pfp[1]);
            lat_max = wxMax(lat_max, pfp[0]);
            lat_min = wxMin(lat_min, pfp[0]);

            pfp += 2;

        wxBoundingBox chart_box( lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max );

        //    Case:  vpBBox is completely outside the chart box, or vice versa
        //    Return an empty region
        if( chart_box.IntersectOut( (wxBoundingBox&) vp_positive.vpBBox ) ) {
            if( chart_box.IntersectOut( (wxBoundingBox&) vpBBox ) ) {
                // try again with the chart translated 360
                wxPoint2DDouble rtw( 360., 0. );
                wxBoundingBox trans_box = chart_box;
                trans_box.Translate( rtw );

                if( trans_box.IntersectOut( (wxBoundingBox&) vp_positive.vpBBox ) ) {
                    if( trans_box.IntersectOut( (wxBoundingBox&) vpBBox ) ) {
                        return OCPNRegion();

        //    Case:  vpBBox is completely inside the chart box
        //      Note that this test is not perfect, and will fail for some charts.
        //      The chart coverage may be  essentially triangular, and the viewport box
        //      may be in the "cut off" segment of the chart_box, and not actually
        //      exhibit any true overlap.  Results will be reported incorrectly.
        //      How to fix: maybe scrub the chart points and see if it is likely that
        //      a region may be safely built and intersection tested.

        if( _IN == chart_box.Intersect( (wxBoundingBox&) vp_positive.vpBBox ) ) {
            return Region;

        if(_IN == chart_box.Intersect((wxBoundingBox&)vpBBox))
            return Region;

        //    The ViewPort and the chart region overlap in some way....
        //    Create the intersection of the two bboxes
        //    Boxes must be same phase
        while( chart_box.GetMinX() < 0 ) {
            wxPoint2DDouble t( 360., 0. );
            chart_box.Translate( t );

        double cb_minlon = wxMax(chart_box.GetMinX(), vp_positive.vpBBox.GetMinX());
        double cb_maxlon = wxMin(chart_box.GetMaxX(), vp_positive.vpBBox.GetMaxX());
        double cb_minlat = wxMax(chart_box.GetMinY(), vp_positive.vpBBox.GetMinY());
        double cb_maxlat = wxMin(chart_box.GetMaxY(), vp_positive.vpBBox.GetMaxY());

        if( cb_maxlon < cb_minlon ) cb_maxlon += 360.;

        wxPoint p1 = GetPixFromLL( cb_maxlat, cb_minlon );  // upper left
        wxPoint p2 = GetPixFromLL( cb_minlat, cb_maxlon );   // lower right

        OCPNRegion r( p1, p2 );
        r.Intersect( Region );
        return r;

    //    More "normal" case

    wxPoint *pp;

    //    Use the passed point buffer if available
    if( ppoints == NULL ) pp = new wxPoint[nPoints];
        pp = ppoints;

    float *pfp = llpoints;

    wxPoint p = GetPixFromLL( pfp[0], pfp[1] );
    int poly_x_max, poly_y_max, poly_x_min, poly_y_min;
    bool valid = false;
    for( unsigned int ip = 0; ip < nPoints; ip++ ) {
        wxPoint p = GetPixFromLL( pfp[0], pfp[1] );
        pp[ip] = p;
        if(p.x == INVALID_COORD)

        if(valid) {
            poly_x_max = wxMax(poly_x_max, p.x);
            poly_y_max = wxMax(poly_y_max, p.y);
            poly_x_min = wxMin(poly_x_min, p.x);
            poly_y_min = wxMin(poly_y_min, p.y);
        } else {
            poly_x_max = p.x;
            poly_y_max = p.y;
            poly_x_min = p.x;
            poly_y_min = p.y;
            valid = true;
        pfp += 2;

        delete[] pp;
        return OCPNRegion(); //empty;
    //  We want to avoid processing regions with very large rectangle counts,
    //  so make some tests for special cases

    float_2Dpt p0, p1, p2, p3;
    //  First, calculate whether any segment of the input polygon intersects the specified Region
    int nrect = 0;
    bool b_intersect = false;
    OCPNRegionIterator screen_region_it1( Region );
    while( screen_region_it1.HaveRects() ) {
        wxRect rect = screen_region_it1.GetRect();

        double lat, lon;
        //  The screen region corners
        GetLLFromPix( wxPoint(rect.x, rect.y), &lat, &lon );
        p0.y = lat; p0.x = lon;
        GetLLFromPix( wxPoint(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y), &lat, &lon );
        p1.y = lat; p1.x = lon;
        GetLLFromPix( wxPoint(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height), &lat, &lon );
        p2.y = lat; p2.x = lon;
        GetLLFromPix( wxPoint(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height), &lat, &lon );
        p3.y = lat; p3.x = lon;
        for(size_t i=0 ; i < nPoints-1 ; i++){            
            //  Quick check on y dimension
            int y0 = pp[i].y; int y1 = pp[i+1].y;

            if(y0 == INVALID_COORD || y1 == INVALID_COORD)
            if( ((y0 < rect.y) && (y1 < rect.y)) ||
                ((y0 > rect.y+rect.height) && (y1 > rect.y+rect.height)) )
                continue;               // both ends of line outside of box, top or bottom
            //  Look harder
            float_2Dpt f0; f0.y = llpoints[i * 2];     f0.x = llpoints[(i * 2) + 1];
            float_2Dpt f1; f1.y = llpoints[(i+1) * 2]; f1.x = llpoints[((i+1) * 2) + 1];
            b_intersect |= Intersect_FL( p0, p1, f0, f1) != 0; if(b_intersect) break;
            b_intersect |= Intersect_FL( p1, p2, f0, f1) != 0; if(b_intersect) break;
            b_intersect |= Intersect_FL( p2, p3, f0, f1) != 0; if(b_intersect) break;
            b_intersect |= Intersect_FL( p3, p0, f0, f1) != 0; if(b_intersect) break;
            //  Must check the case where the input polygon has been pre-normalized, eg (0 < lon < 360), as cm93
            f0.x -= 360.;
            f1.x -= 360.;
            b_intersect |= Intersect_FL( p0, p1, f0, f1) != 0; if(b_intersect) break;
            b_intersect |= Intersect_FL( p1, p2, f0, f1) != 0; if(b_intersect) break;
            b_intersect |= Intersect_FL( p2, p3, f0, f1) != 0; if(b_intersect) break;
            b_intersect |= Intersect_FL( p3, p0, f0, f1) != 0; if(b_intersect) break;
        // Check segment, last point back to first point
            float_2Dpt f0; f0.y = llpoints[(nPoints-1) * 2];     f0.x = llpoints[((nPoints-1) * 2) + 1];
            float_2Dpt f1; f1.y = llpoints[0]; f1.x = llpoints[1];
            b_intersect |= Intersect_FL( p0, p1, f0, f1) != 0;
            b_intersect |= Intersect_FL( p1, p2, f0, f1) != 0;
            b_intersect |= Intersect_FL( p2, p3, f0, f1) != 0;
            b_intersect |= Intersect_FL( p3, p0, f0, f1) != 0;
            f0.x -= 360.;
            f1.x -= 360.;
            b_intersect |= Intersect_FL( p0, p1, f0, f1) != 0;
            b_intersect |= Intersect_FL( p1, p2, f0, f1) != 0;
            b_intersect |= Intersect_FL( p2, p3, f0, f1) != 0;
            b_intersect |= Intersect_FL( p3, p0, f0, f1) != 0;

    //  If there is no itersection, we need to consider the case where
    //  the subject polygon is entirely within the Region
    bool b_contained = false;
        OCPNRegionIterator screen_region_it2( Region );
        while( screen_region_it2.HaveRects() ) {
            wxRect rect = screen_region_it2.GetRect();
            for(size_t i=0 ; i < nPoints-1 ; i++){
                int x0 = pp[i].x;  int y0 = pp[i].y;
                if(x0 == INVALID_COORD)

                if((x0 < rect.x) || (x0 > rect.x+rect.width))
                if((y0 < rect.y) || (y0 > rect.y+rect.height))
                b_contained = true;
#if 1    
    // and here is the payoff
    if(!b_contained && !b_intersect){
        //  Two cases to consider
        wxRect rpoly( poly_x_min, poly_y_min, poly_x_max - poly_x_min , poly_y_max - poly_y_min);
        wxRect rRegion = Region.GetBox();
        //  subject poygon may be large enough to fully encompass the target Region,
        //  but it might not, especially for irregular or concave charts.
        //  So we cannot directly shortcut here
        //  Better check....
#if 1
            if(nrect == 1){                 // most common case
            // If the subject polygon contains the center of the target rectangle, then
            // the intersection must be the target rectangle
                float rlat = (p0.y + p2.y)/2.;
                float rlon = (p0.x + p1.x)/2.;
                if(G_PtInPolygon_FL((float_2Dpt *)llpoints, nPoints, rlon, rlat)){
                    if( NULL == ppoints ) delete[] pp;
                    return Region;
                rlon += 360.;
                if(G_PtInPolygon_FL((float_2Dpt *)llpoints, nPoints, rlon, rlat)){
                    if( NULL == ppoints ) delete[] pp;
                    return Region;
                //  otherwise, there is no intersection
                    if( NULL == ppoints ) delete[] pp;
                    wxRegion r;
                    return r;
        //  Subject polygon is entirely outside of target Region
        //  so the intersection must be empty.
            if( NULL == ppoints ) delete[] pp;
            wxRegion r;
            return r;
    else if(b_contained && !b_intersect){
        //  subject polygon is entirely withing the target Region,
        //  so the intersection is the subject polygon
        OCPNRegion r = OCPNRegion( nPoints, pp );
        if( NULL == ppoints ) delete[] pp;
        return r;
#ifdef __WXGTK__
    sigaction(SIGSEGV, NULL, &sa_all_old);             // save existing action for this signal

    struct sigaction temp;
    sigaction(SIGSEGV, NULL, &temp);// inspect existing action for this signal

    temp.sa_handler = catch_signals;// point to my handler
    sigemptyset(&temp.sa_mask);// make the blocking set
    // empty, so that all
    // other signals will be
    // unblocked during my handler
    temp.sa_flags = 0;
    sigaction(SIGSEGV, &temp, NULL);

    if(sigsetjmp(env, 1))//  Something in the below code block faulted....
        sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sa_all_old, NULL);        // reset signal handler

        return Region;



        OCPNRegion r = OCPNRegion(nPoints, pp);
        if(NULL == ppoints)
            delete[] pp;

        sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sa_all_old, NULL);        // reset signal handler
        return r;

    OCPNRegion r = OCPNRegion( nPoints, pp );

    if( NULL == ppoints ) delete[] pp;

    r.Intersect( Region );
    return r;
