BOOST_FORCEINLINE result_type operator()(A0& a0, A1& a1) const { result_type that; nt2_la_int m = nt2::height(a0); nt2_la_int n = nt2::width(a0); nt2_la_int ld = a0.leading_size(); a1.resize( nt2::of_size(std::min(n, m), 1) ); magma_cgetrf(m, n, (cuFloatComplex*), ld,, &that); return that; }
BOOST_FORCEINLINE result_type operator()(A0& a0, A1& a1) const { result_type that; nt2_la_int n = nt2::width(a0); nt2_la_int ld = a0.leading_size(); nt2_la_int ldb = a1.leading_size(); nt2_la_int nhrs = nt2::width(a1); char uplo = 'L'; NT2_F77NAME(zposv) ( &uplo, &n, &nhrs,, &ld,, &ldb , &that ); return that; }
BOOST_FORCEINLINE result_type operator()(A0& a0, A1& a1, A2& a2) const { result_type that; nt2_la_int n = std::min(nt2::height(a0),nt2::width(a0)); nt2_la_int lda = n; nt2_la_int nhrs = nt2::width(a2); nt2_la_int ldb = a2.leading_size(); a1.resize(nt2::of_size(n,1)); magma_zgesv(n,nhrs,(cuDoubleComplex*),lda, ,(cuDoubleComplex*),ldb,&that); return that; }
result_type operator()(A0& yi, A1& inputs) const { yi.resize(inputs.extent()); const child0 & x = boost::proto::child_c<0>(inputs); if (numel(x) <= 1) BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(numel(x) > 1, "Interpolation requires at least two sample points in each dimension."); else { BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(issorted(x, 'a'), "for 'nearest' interpolation x values must be sorted in ascending order"); const child1 & y = boost::proto::child_c<1>(inputs); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(numel(x) == numel(y), "The grid vectors do not define a grid of points that match the given values."); const child2 & xi = boost::proto::child_c<2>(inputs); bool extrap = false; value_type extrapval = Nan<value_type>(); choices(inputs, extrap, extrapval, N1()); table<index_type> index = bsearch (x, xi); table<value_type> dx = xi-x(index); table<index_type> indexp1 = oneplus(index); yi = y(nt2::if_else(lt(nt2::abs(xi-x(index)), nt2::abs(xi-x(indexp1))), index, indexp1)); value_type b = value_type(x(begin_)); value_type e = value_type(x(end_)); if (!extrap) yi = nt2::if_else(nt2::logical_or(boost::simd::is_nge(xi, b), boost::simd::is_nle(xi, e)), extrapval, yi); } return yi; }
BOOST_FORCEINLINE result_type operator()( A0& a, A1& b, A2& alpha, A3& beta, A4& vr, A5& vl) const { result_type info = 0; char jobvr = 'V'; char jobvl = 'V'; details::workspace<typename A0::value_type> wk; nt2_la_int n = nt2::width(a); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG( (n == nt2_la_int(nt2::height(a))) &&(n == nt2_la_int(nt2::height(b))) , "inputs must be square"); nt2_la_int lda = nt2::max(a.leading_size(), One<size_t>()); nt2_la_int ldb = nt2::max(b.leading_size(), One<size_t>()); nt2_la_int ldvl = n; nt2_la_int ldvr = n; NT2_F77NAME(zggev) ( &jobvl, &jobvr , &n , 0 /*a*/, &lda , 0 /*b*/, &ldb , 0/*alpha*/ , 0/*beta*/ , 0/*vl*/, &ldvl , 0/*vr*/, &ldvr , wk.main(), details::query() , wk.reals() , &info); info = nt2::ggev_wvrvl(a, b, alpha, beta, vr, vl, wk); return info; }
BOOST_FORCEINLINE result_type operator()( A0& a, A1& scale , A2& ilo, A3& ihi, C0 job) const { result_type info; nt2_la_int n = nt2::width(a); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(n == nt2_la_int(nt2::height(a)), "input must be square"); nt2_la_int lda = nt2::max(a.leading_size(), One<size_t>()); NT2_F77NAME(cgebal) (&job, &n , a.raw(), &lda , &ilo, &ihi , scale.raw(), &info); return info; }
BOOST_FORCEINLINE result_type operator()(A0 const& a0, A1 const&a1, A2 const& a2) const { result_type rcond; nt2_la_int n = nt2::height(a0); nt2_la_int ld = n; nt2_la_int info; char uplo = 'L'; nt2::memory::container<tag::table_, v_t, nt2::_2D> work(nt2::of_size(2*n,1)); NT2_F77NAME(zsycon) ( &uplo, &n, a0.raw(), &ld, a1.raw(), &a2, &rcond , work.raw(), &info ); return rcond; }
BOOST_FORCEINLINE result_type operator()(A0& a0, A1& a1,A2& a2) const { result_type that; details::workspace<typename A2::value_type> w; nt2_la_int m = nt2::height(a0); nt2_la_int ld = a0.leading_size(); nt2_la_int k = a1.leading_size(); char side = 'L'; char trans = 'N'; NT2_F77NAME(sormqr) (&side,&trans,&m, &m, &k, 0, &ld, 0, 0, &m, w.main() , details::query(), &that ); w.prepare_main(); nt2::mqr(a0,a1,a2,w); return that; }
BOOST_FORCEINLINE result_type operator()(A0& a0, A1& a1) const { result_type that; nt2_la_int m = nt2::height(a0); nt2_la_int n = nt2::width(a0); nt2_la_int ld = a0.leading_size(); nt2_la_int k = a1.leading_size(); details::workspace<typename A0::value_type> w; NT2_F77NAME(sorgqr)(&m, &n, &k, 0, &ld, 0, w.main() , details::query(), &that ); w.prepare_main(); nt2::gqr(a0,a1,w); return that; }
BOOST_FORCEINLINE result_type operator()(A0& a0, A1& a1) const { a0.resize(a1.extent()); input_type input = boost::proto::child_c<0>(a1); extent_type ext = input.extent(); std::size_t dim = nt2::ndims(ext); std::size_t red = reduction_dim(a1, boost::mpl::bool_<!(boost::proto::arity_of<A1>::value <= 1)>()); #if 0 if((red - 1 < ext.size() && ext[red-1] == 1) || ext.size() < red) return nt2::run_assign(a0, input); #endif if(dim == 1 && red == 1) { nt2::run( a0, 0u , nt2::fold( input , typename nt2::make_functor<Neutral1, A0>::type() , typename nt2::make_functor<O1, A0>::type() , typename nt2::make_functor<T1, A0>::type() ) ); } else if(red == 1) { nt2::inner_fold( a0 , input , typename nt2::make_functor<Neutral1, A0>::type() , typename nt2::make_functor<O1, A0>::type() , typename nt2::make_functor<T1, A0>::type() ); } #if 0 else if(red == ext.size()) { nt2::outer_fold( a0 , input , typename nt2::make_functor<Neutral1, A0>::type() , typename nt2::make_functor<O1, A0>::type() , typename nt2::make_functor<T1, A0>::type() ); } #endif else { std::size_t inner = red-1 < ext.size() ? ext[red-1] : 1; std::size_t lo = std::accumulate( ext.begin() , ext.begin()+std::min(red-1, dim) , std::size_t(1) , std::multiplies<std::size_t>() ); std::size_t hi = std::accumulate( ext.begin()+std::min(red, dim) , ext.begin()+dim , std::size_t(1) , std::multiplies<std::size_t>() ); nt2::partial_fold( reshape(a0, of_size(lo, hi)) , reshape(input, of_size(lo, inner, hi)) , typename nt2::make_functor<Neutral1, A0>::type() , typename nt2::make_functor<O1, A0>::type() , typename nt2::make_functor<T1, A0>::type() ); } return a0; }
static RT eval(Env const& env, A0& _0, A1& _1) { return new T(_0.eval(env), _1.eval(env)); }
R operator () ( const F &f, const A1 &l ) const { return f( l.x(), l.y() ); }
void F::addMatch (const QString &&) { m_matchingMimeTypes.clear (); }