Example #1
static void DrawInventory(player_t * CPlayer, int x,int y)
	AInventory * rover;
	int numitems = (hudwidth - 2*x) / 32;
	int i;

	CPlayer->mo->InvFirst = rover = StatusBar->ValidateInvFirst(numitems);
	if (rover!=NULL)
			screen->DrawTexture(invgems[!!(level.time&4)], x-10, y,
				DTA_KeepRatio, true,
				DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, DTA_Alpha, 0x6666, TAG_DONE);

		for(i=0;i<numitems && rover;rover=rover->NextInv())
			if (rover->Amount>0)
				FTextureID AltIcon = GetHUDIcon(rover->GetClass());

				if (AltIcon.Exists() && (rover->Icon.isValid() || AltIcon.isValid()) )
					int trans = rover==CPlayer->mo->InvSel ? FRACUNIT : 0x6666;

					DrawImageToBox(TexMan[AltIcon.isValid()? AltIcon : rover->Icon], x, y, 19, 25, trans);
					if (rover->Amount>1)
						char buffer[10];
						int xx;
						mysnprintf(buffer, countof(buffer), "%d", rover->Amount);
						if (rover->Amount>=1000) xx = 32 - IndexFont->StringWidth(buffer);
						else xx = 22;

						screen->DrawText(IndexFont, CR_GOLD, x+xx, y+20, buffer, 
							DTA_KeepRatio, true,
							DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, DTA_Alpha, trans, TAG_DONE);
			screen->DrawTexture(invgems[2 + !!(level.time&4)], x-10, y,
				DTA_KeepRatio, true,
				DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, DTA_Alpha, 0x6666, TAG_DONE);
Example #2
	void DrawFullScreenStuff ()
		// Draw health
		DrINumberOuter (CPlayer->health, 4, -10, false, 7);
		screen->DrawTexture (Images[imgMEDI], 14, -17,
			DTA_HUDRules, HUD_Normal,
			DTA_CenterBottomOffset, true,

		// Draw armor
		ABasicArmor *armor = CPlayer->mo->FindInventory<ABasicArmor>();
		if (armor != NULL && armor->Amount != 0)
			DrINumberOuter (armor->Amount, 35, -10, false, 7);
			screen->DrawTexture (TexMan(armor->Icon), 45, -17,
				DTA_HUDRules, HUD_Normal,
				DTA_CenterBottomOffset, true,

		// Draw ammo
		AAmmo *ammo1, *ammo2;
		int ammocount1, ammocount2;

		GetCurrentAmmo (ammo1, ammo2, ammocount1, ammocount2);
		if (ammo1 != NULL)
			// Draw primary ammo in the bottom-right corner
			DrINumberOuter (ammo1->Amount, -23, -10, false, 7);
			screen->DrawTexture (TexMan(ammo1->Icon), -14, -17,
				DTA_HUDRules, HUD_Normal,
				DTA_CenterBottomOffset, true,
			if (ammo2 != NULL)
				// Draw secondary ammo just above the primary ammo
				DrINumberOuter (ammo2->Amount, -23, -48, false, 7);
				screen->DrawTexture (TexMan(ammo2->Icon), -14, -55,
					DTA_HUDRules, HUD_Normal,
					DTA_CenterBottomOffset, true,

		if (deathmatch)
		{ // Draw frags (in DM)
			DrBNumberOuterFont (CPlayer->fragcount, -44, 1);

		// Draw inventory
		if (CPlayer->inventorytics == 0)
			if (CPlayer->InvSel != 0)
				if (ItemFlash > 0)
					FTexture *cursor = Images[CursorImage];
					screen->DrawTexture (cursor, -28, -15,
						DTA_HUDRules, HUD_Normal,
						DTA_LeftOffset, cursor->GetWidth(),
						DTA_TopOffset, cursor->GetHeight(),
						DTA_Alpha, ItemFlash,
				DrINumberOuter (CPlayer->InvSel->Amount, -51, -10, false, 7);
				screen->DrawTexture (TexMan(CPlayer->InvSel->Icon), -42, -17,
					DTA_HUDRules, HUD_Normal,
					DTA_CenterBottomOffset, true,
			CPlayer->InvFirst = ValidateInvFirst (6);
			int i = 0;
			AInventory *item;
			if (CPlayer->InvFirst != NULL)
				for (item = CPlayer->InvFirst; item != NULL && i < 6; item = item->NextInv(), ++i)
					if (item == CPlayer->InvSel)
						screen->DrawTexture (Images[CursorImage], -100+i*35, -21,
							DTA_HUDRules, HUD_HorizCenter,
							DTA_Alpha, TRANSLUC75,
					if (item->Icon != 0)
						screen->DrawTexture (TexMan(item->Icon), -94 + i*35, -19,
							DTA_HUDRules, HUD_HorizCenter,
					DrINumberOuter (item->Amount, -89 + i*35, -10, true, 7);

		// Draw pop screen (log, keys, and status)
		if (CurrentPop != POP_None && PopHeight < 0)
			DrawPopScreen (screen->GetHeight());
Example #3
	void DrawMainBar ()
		AInventory *item;
		int i;

		// Pop screen (log, keys, and status)
		if (CurrentPop != POP_None && PopHeight < 0)
			DrawPopScreen (Scaled ? (ST_Y - 8) * screen->GetHeight() / 200 : ST_Y - 8);

		DrawImage (Images[imgINVBACK], 0, 0);
		DrawImage (Images[imgINVTOP], 0, -8);

		// Health
		DrINumber (CPlayer->health, 79, -6, imgFONG0);
		if (CPlayer->cheats & CF_GODMODE)
			HealthBar.SetVial (999);
			HealthBar.SetVial (CPlayer->health);
		DrawImage (&HealthBar, 49, 4);
		DrawImage (&HealthBar, 49, 7);

		// Armor
		item = CPlayer->mo->FindInventory<ABasicArmor>();
		if (item != NULL && item->Amount > 0)
			DrawImage (TexMan(item->Icon), 2, 9);
			DrINumber (item->Amount, 27, 23, imgFONY0);

		// Ammo
		AAmmo *ammo1, *ammo2;
		int ammocount1, ammocount2;

		GetCurrentAmmo (ammo1, ammo2, ammocount1, ammocount2);
		if (ammo1 != NULL)
			DrINumber (ammo1->Amount, 311, -6, imgFONG0);
			DrawImage (TexMan(ammo1->Icon), 290, 13);
			if (ammo2 != NULL)
/*				int y = MIN (-5 - BigHeight, -5 - TexMan(ammo1->Icon)->GetHeight());
				screen->DrawTexture (TexMan(ammo2->Icon), -14, y,
					DTA_HUDRules, HUD_Normal,
					DTA_CenterBottomOffset, true,
				DrBNumberOuterFont (ammo2->Amount, -67, y - BigHeight);
*/			}

		// Sigil
		item = CPlayer->mo->FindInventory<ASigil>();
		if (item != NULL)
			DrawImage (TexMan(item->Icon), 253, 7);

		// Inventory
		CPlayer->InvFirst = ValidateInvFirst (6);
		for (item = CPlayer->InvFirst, i = 0; item != NULL && i < 6; item = item->NextInv(), ++i)
			if (item == CPlayer->InvSel)
				screen->DrawTexture (Images[CursorImage],
					42 + 35*i + ST_X, 12 + ST_Y,
					DTA_320x200, Scaled,
					DTA_Alpha, FRACUNIT - ItemFlash,
			if (item->Icon != 0)
				DrawImage (TexMan(item->Icon), 48 + 35*i, 14);
			DrINumber (item->Amount, 74 + 35*i, 23, imgFONY0);