void FPlayerMuteList::ServerMutePlayer(APlayerController* OwningPC, const FUniqueNetIdRepl& MuteId)
	UWorld* World = OwningPC->GetWorld();

	const TSharedPtr<const FUniqueNetId>& PlayerIdToMute = MuteId.GetUniqueNetId();

	// Don't reprocess if they are already muted
	AddIdToMuteList(VoiceMuteList, PlayerIdToMute);

	// Add them to the packet filter list if not already on it
	AddIdToMuteList(VoicePacketFilter, PlayerIdToMute);

	// Replicate mute state to client

	// Find the muted player's player controller so it can be notified
	APlayerController* OtherPC = GetPlayerControllerFromNetId(World, *PlayerIdToMute);
	if (OtherPC != NULL)
		// Update their packet filter list too
		OtherPC->MuteList.ClientMutePlayer(OtherPC, OwningPC->PlayerState->UniqueId);

		// Tell the other PC to mute this one