Example #1
    ActionItem *pop()
        if (actions.empty())
            return 0;

        ActionItem *ret=actions.at(0);
        return ret;
Example #2
static QStringList objectNameList(QDesignerFormWindowInterface *form)
    typedef QList<QAction*> ActionList;
    typedef QList<QButtonGroup *> ButtonGroupList;

    QStringList result;

    QWidget *mainContainer = form->mainContainer();
    if (!mainContainer)
        return result;

    // Add main container container pages (QStatusBar, QWizardPages) etc.
    // to the list. Pages of containers on the form are not added, however.
    if (const QDesignerContainerExtension *c = qt_extension<QDesignerContainerExtension *>(form->core()->extensionManager(), mainContainer)) {
        const int count = c->count();
        for (int i = 0 ; i < count; i++)
            addWidgetToObjectList(c->widget(i), result);

    const QDesignerFormWindowCursorInterface *cursor = form->cursor();
    const int widgetCount = cursor->widgetCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < widgetCount; ++i)
        addWidgetToObjectList(cursor->widget(i), result);

    const QDesignerMetaDataBaseInterface *mdb = form->core()->metaDataBase();

    // Add managed actions and actions with managed menus
    const ActionList actions = mainContainer->findChildren<QAction*>();
    if (!actions.empty()) {
        const ActionList::const_iterator cend = actions.constEnd();
        for (ActionList::const_iterator it = actions.constBegin(); it != cend; ++it) {
            QAction *a = *it;
            if (!a->isSeparator()) {
                if (QMenu *menu = a->menu()) {
                    if (mdb->item(menu))
                } else {
                    if (mdb->item(a))

    // Add  managed buttons groups
    const ButtonGroupList buttonGroups = mainContainer->findChildren<QButtonGroup *>();
    if (!buttonGroups.empty()) {
        const ButtonGroupList::const_iterator cend = buttonGroups.constEnd();
        for (ButtonGroupList::const_iterator it = buttonGroups.constBegin(); it != cend; ++it)
            if (mdb->item(*it))

    return result;
Example #3
NodeList Builder::add_task(
		const Environment& env,
		const NodeList& targets,
		const NodeList& sources,
		const ActionList& actions
	if(!actions.empty()) {
		Task::pointer task(new Task(env, targets, sources, actions));
		for(const Node& node : targets)
	} else {
		for(const Node& target : targets)
			for(const Node& source : sources)
				add_edge(target, source, graph);
	return targets;
bool ToolBarEventFilter::handleContextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent * event )

    const QPoint globalPos = event->globalPos();
    const int index = actionIndexAt(m_toolBar, m_toolBar->mapFromGlobal(globalPos), m_toolBar->orientation());
    const ActionList actions = m_toolBar->actions();
    QAction *action = index != -1 ?actions.at(index) : 0;
    QVariant itemData;
    QMenu menu(0);

    // Insert before
    if (action && index != 0 && !action->isSeparator()) {
        QAction *newSeperatorAct = menu.addAction(tr("Insert Separator before '%1'").arg(action->objectName()));
        qVariantSetValue(itemData, action);
        connect(newSeperatorAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotInsertSeparator()));

    // Append separator
    if (actions.empty() || !actions.back()->isSeparator()) {
        QAction *newSeperatorAct = menu.addAction(tr("Append Separator"));
        qVariantSetValue(itemData, static_cast<QAction*>(0));
        connect(newSeperatorAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotInsertSeparator()));
    // Remove
    if (!menu.actions().empty())

    // Remove
    if (action) {
        QAction *a = menu.addAction(tr("Remove action '%1'").arg(action->objectName()));
        qVariantSetValue(itemData, action);
        connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotRemoveSelectedAction()));

    QAction *remove_toolbar = menu.addAction(tr("Remove Toolbar '%1'").arg(m_toolBar->objectName()));
    connect(remove_toolbar, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotRemoveToolBar()));

    return true;
Example #5
// Create a MDI subwindow for the form.
QMdiSubWindow *DockedMainWindow::createMdiSubWindow(QWidget *fw, Qt::WindowFlags f, const QKeySequence &designerCloseActionShortCut)
    QMdiSubWindow *rc = mdiArea()->addSubWindow(fw, f);
    // Make action shortcuts respond only if focused to avoid conflicts with
    // designer menu actions
    if (designerCloseActionShortCut == QKeySequence(QKeySequence::Close)) {
        const ActionList systemMenuActions = rc->systemMenu()->actions();
        if (!systemMenuActions.empty()) {
            const ActionList::const_iterator cend = systemMenuActions.constEnd();
            for (ActionList::const_iterator it = systemMenuActions.constBegin(); it != cend; ++it) {
                if ( (*it)->shortcut() == designerCloseActionShortCut) {
    return rc;
ActionList ToolBarEventFilter::contextMenuActions(const QPoint &globalPos)
    ActionList rc;
    const int index = actionIndexAt(m_toolBar, m_toolBar->mapFromGlobal(globalPos), m_toolBar->orientation());
    const ActionList actions = m_toolBar->actions();
    QAction *action = index != -1 ?actions.at(index) : 0;
    QVariant itemData;

    // Insert before
    if (action && index != 0 && !action->isSeparator()) {
        QAction *newSeperatorAct = new QAction(tr("Insert Separator before '%1'").arg(action->objectName()), 0);
        connect(newSeperatorAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotInsertSeparator()));

    // Append separator
    if (actions.empty() || !actions.back()->isSeparator()) {
        QAction *newSeperatorAct = new QAction(tr("Append Separator"), 0);
        connect(newSeperatorAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotInsertSeparator()));
    // Promotion
    if (!m_promotionTaskMenu)
        m_promotionTaskMenu = new PromotionTaskMenu(m_toolBar, PromotionTaskMenu::ModeSingleWidget, this);
    m_promotionTaskMenu->addActions(formWindow(), PromotionTaskMenu::LeadingSeparator|PromotionTaskMenu::TrailingSeparator, rc);
    // Remove
    if (action) {
        QAction *a = new QAction(tr("Remove action '%1'").arg(action->objectName()), 0);
        connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotRemoveSelectedAction()));

    QAction *remove_toolbar = new QAction(tr("Remove Toolbar '%1'").arg(m_toolBar->objectName()), 0);
    connect(remove_toolbar, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotRemoveToolBar()));
    return rc;
Example #7
// Determine the free area behind the last action.
QRect ToolBarEventFilter::freeArea(const QToolBar *tb)
    QRect rc = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), tb->size());
    const ActionList actionList = tb->actions();
    QRect exclusionRectangle = actionList.empty() ? handleArea(tb) : tb->actionGeometry(actionList.back());
    switch (tb->orientation()) {
    case Qt::Horizontal:
        switch (QApplication::layoutDirection()) {
        case Qt::LeftToRight:
            rc.setX(exclusionRectangle.right() + 1);
        case Qt::RightToLeft:
    case Qt::Vertical:
        rc.setY(exclusionRectangle.bottom() + 1);
    return rc;
Example #8
void Driver::BuildActions(const ArgList &Args, ActionList &Actions) const {
  llvm::PrettyStackTraceString CrashInfo("Building compilation actions");
  // Start by constructing the list of inputs and their types.

  // Track the current user specified (-x) input. We also explicitly
  // track the argument used to set the type; we only want to claim
  // the type when we actually use it, so we warn about unused -x
  // arguments.
  types::ID InputType = types::TY_Nothing;
  Arg *InputTypeArg = 0;

  llvm::SmallVector<std::pair<types::ID, const Arg*>, 16> Inputs;
  for (ArgList::const_iterator it = Args.begin(), ie = Args.end(); 
       it != ie; ++it) {
    Arg *A = *it;

    if (isa<InputOption>(A->getOption())) {
      const char *Value = A->getValue(Args);
      types::ID Ty = types::TY_INVALID;

      // Infer the input type if necessary.
      if (InputType == types::TY_Nothing) {
        // If there was an explicit arg for this, claim it.
        if (InputTypeArg)

        // stdin must be handled specially.
        if (memcmp(Value, "-", 2) == 0) {
          // If running with -E, treat as a C input (this changes the
          // builtin macros, for example). This may be overridden by
          // -ObjC below.
          // Otherwise emit an error but still use a valid type to
          // avoid spurious errors (e.g., no inputs).
          if (!Args.hasArg(options::OPT_E, false))
          Ty = types::TY_C;
        } else {
          // Otherwise lookup by extension, and fallback to ObjectType
          // if not found. We use a host hook here because Darwin at
          // least has its own idea of what .s is.
          if (const char *Ext = strrchr(Value, '.'))
            Ty = Host->lookupTypeForExtension(Ext + 1);

          if (Ty == types::TY_INVALID)
            Ty = types::TY_Object;

        // -ObjC and -ObjC++ override the default language, but only for "source
        // files". We just treat everything that isn't a linker input as a
        // source file.
        // FIXME: Clean this up if we move the phase sequence into the type.
        if (Ty != types::TY_Object) {
          if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_ObjC))
            Ty = types::TY_ObjC;
          else if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_ObjCXX))
            Ty = types::TY_ObjCXX;
      } else {
        assert(InputTypeArg && "InputType set w/o InputTypeArg");
        Ty = InputType;

      // Check that the file exists. It isn't clear this is worth
      // doing, since the tool presumably does this anyway, and this
      // just adds an extra stat to the equation, but this is gcc
      // compatible.
      if (memcmp(Value, "-", 2) != 0 && !llvm::sys::Path(Value).exists())
        Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_no_such_file) << A->getValue(Args);
        Inputs.push_back(std::make_pair(Ty, A));

    } else if (A->getOption().isLinkerInput()) {
      // Just treat as object type, we could make a special type for
      // this if necessary.
      Inputs.push_back(std::make_pair(types::TY_Object, A));

    } else if (A->getOption().getId() == options::OPT_x) {
      InputTypeArg = A;      
      InputType = types::lookupTypeForTypeSpecifier(A->getValue(Args));

      // Follow gcc behavior and treat as linker input for invalid -x
      // options. Its not clear why we shouldn't just revert to
      // unknown; but this isn't very important, we might as well be
      // bug comatible.
      if (!InputType) {
        Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_unknown_language) << A->getValue(Args);
        InputType = types::TY_Object;

  if (!SuppressMissingInputWarning && Inputs.empty()) {

  // Determine which compilation mode we are in. We look for options
  // which affect the phase, starting with the earliest phases, and
  // record which option we used to determine the final phase.
  Arg *FinalPhaseArg = 0;
  phases::ID FinalPhase;

  // -{E,M,MM} only run the preprocessor.
  if ((FinalPhaseArg = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_E)) ||
      (FinalPhaseArg = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_M)) ||
      (FinalPhaseArg = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_MM))) {
    FinalPhase = phases::Preprocess;
    // -{fsyntax-only,-analyze,emit-llvm,S} only run up to the compiler.
  } else if ((FinalPhaseArg = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_fsyntax_only)) ||
             (FinalPhaseArg = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT__analyze,
                                              options::OPT__analyze_auto)) ||
             (FinalPhaseArg = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_S))) {
    FinalPhase = phases::Compile;

    // -c only runs up to the assembler.
  } else if ((FinalPhaseArg = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_c))) {
    FinalPhase = phases::Assemble;
    // Otherwise do everything.
  } else
    FinalPhase = phases::Link;

  // Reject -Z* at the top level, these options should never have been
  // exposed by gcc.
  if (Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_Z_Joined))
    Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_use_of_Z_option) << A->getAsString(Args);

  // Construct the actions to perform.
  ActionList LinkerInputs;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Inputs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    types::ID InputType = Inputs[i].first;
    const Arg *InputArg = Inputs[i].second;

    unsigned NumSteps = types::getNumCompilationPhases(InputType);
    assert(NumSteps && "Invalid number of steps!");

    // If the first step comes after the final phase we are doing as
    // part of this compilation, warn the user about it.
    phases::ID InitialPhase = types::getCompilationPhase(InputType, 0);
    if (InitialPhase > FinalPhase) {
      // Claim here to avoid the more general unused warning.
        << InputArg->getAsString(Args)
        << getPhaseName(InitialPhase)
        << FinalPhaseArg->getOption().getName();
    // Build the pipeline for this file.
    Action *Current = new InputAction(*InputArg, InputType);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumSteps; ++i) {
      phases::ID Phase = types::getCompilationPhase(InputType, i);

      // We are done if this step is past what the user requested.
      if (Phase > FinalPhase)

      // Queue linker inputs.
      if (Phase == phases::Link) {
        assert(i + 1 == NumSteps && "linking must be final compilation step.");
        Current = 0;

      // Some types skip the assembler phase (e.g., llvm-bc), but we
      // can't encode this in the steps because the intermediate type
      // depends on arguments. Just special case here.
      if (Phase == phases::Assemble && Current->getType() != types::TY_PP_Asm)

      // Otherwise construct the appropriate action.
      Current = ConstructPhaseAction(Args, Phase, Current);
      if (Current->getType() == types::TY_Nothing)

    // If we ended with something, add to the output list.
    if (Current)

  // Add a link action if necessary.
  if (!LinkerInputs.empty())
    Actions.push_back(new LinkJobAction(LinkerInputs, types::TY_Image));