TEST(CountIsEqual, ValidData)
	Arguments object = initializeObject();
	ASSERT_EQ(object.count(), 2);
Example #2
   * Walks the chain of objects accessible from the specified CallFrame.
  void GarbageCollector::walk_call_frame(CallFrame* top_call_frame,
                                         AddressDisplacement* offset)
    CallFrame* call_frame = top_call_frame;

    while(call_frame) {
      call_frame = displace(call_frame, offset);

      // Skip synthetic, non CompiledCode frames
      if(!call_frame->compiled_code) {
        call_frame = call_frame->previous;

      if(call_frame->custom_constant_scope_p() &&
          call_frame->constant_scope_ &&
          call_frame->constant_scope_->reference_p()) {
        call_frame->constant_scope_ =

      if(call_frame->compiled_code && call_frame->compiled_code->reference_p()) {
        call_frame->compiled_code = (CompiledCode*)mark_object(call_frame->compiled_code);

      if(call_frame->compiled_code && call_frame->stk) {
        native_int stack_size = call_frame->compiled_code->stack_size()->to_native();
        for(native_int i = 0; i < stack_size; i++) {
          Object* obj = call_frame->stk[i];
          if(obj && obj->reference_p()) {
            call_frame->stk[i] = mark_object(obj);

      if(call_frame->multiple_scopes_p() && call_frame->top_scope_) {
        call_frame->top_scope_ = (VariableScope*)mark_object(call_frame->top_scope_);

      if(BlockEnvironment* env = call_frame->block_env()) {

      Arguments* args = displace(call_frame->arguments, offset);

      if(!call_frame->inline_method_p() && args) {

        if(Tuple* tup = args->argument_container()) {
        } else {
          Object** ary = displace(args->arguments(), offset);
          for(uint32_t i = 0; i < args->total(); i++) {
            ary[i] = mark_object(ary[i]);

      if(jit::RuntimeDataHolder* jd = call_frame->jit_data()) {

        ObjectMark mark(this);
        jd->mark_all(0, mark);

      if(jit::RuntimeData* rd = call_frame->runtime_data()) {
        rd->method_ = (CompiledCode*)mark_object(rd->method());
        rd->name_ = (Symbol*)mark_object(rd->name());
        rd->module_ = (Module*)mark_object(rd->module());

      saw_variable_scope(call_frame, displace(call_frame->scope, offset));

      call_frame = call_frame->previous;
Example #3
Handle<Value> WKTWriter::New(const Arguments& args) {
    HandleScope scope;
    WKTWriter* writer = new WKTWriter();
    return args.This();
Example #4
Arguments ArgumentParser::Parse(const std::string& line)
  Arguments args;
  std::string::size_type pos1 = 0;
  for (const auto& type : types)
    if (pos1 == line.length() || pos1 == std::string::npos)
      throw cmd::SyntaxError();

    while (line[pos1] == ' ')
      if (++pos1 == line.length())
        throw cmd::SyntaxError();

    switch (type.second)
      case Type::Grouped  :
        if (line[pos1] == '"') // multiple arguments grouped
          auto pos2 = line.find('"', pos1 + 1);
          if (pos2 == std::string::npos)
            throw cmd::SyntaxError();

          args.Push(type.first, line.substr(pos1 + 1, pos2 - pos1 - 1));
          pos1 = pos2 + 1;
        // fall through for single ungrouped argument
      case Type::Single   :
        auto pos2 = line.find(' ', pos1);
        if (pos2 == std::string::npos)
          args.Push(type.first, line.substr(pos1));
          pos1 = std::string::npos;
          args.Push(type.first, line.substr(pos1, pos2 - pos1));
          pos1 = ++pos2;
      case Type::Multiple :
        auto pos2 = line.length() - 1;
        while (line[pos2] == ' ') --pos2;
        args.Push(type.first, line.substr(pos1, pos2 - pos1 + 1));
        pos1 = std::string::npos;

  if (pos1 < line.length() && pos1 != std::string::npos)
    throw cmd::SyntaxError();

  return args;
Example #5
Handle<Value> ZipFile::readFileSync(const Arguments& args)
    HandleScope scope;

    if (args.Length() != 1 || !args[0]->IsString())
        return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(
          String::New("first argument must be a file name inside the zip")));

    std::string name = TOSTR(args[0]);
    // TODO - enforce valid index
    ZipFile* zf = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<ZipFile>(args.This());

    if (zf->Busy())
      return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New("Zipfile already in use..")));

    struct zip_file *zf_ptr;

    int idx = -1;
    std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = std::find(zf->names.begin(), zf->names.end(), name);
    if (it!=zf->names.end()) {
        idx = distance(zf->names.begin(), it);

    if (idx == -1) {
        std::stringstream s;
        s << "No file found by the name of: '" << name << "\n";
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(s.str().c_str())));

    if ((zf_ptr=zip_fopen_index(zf->archive, idx, 0)) == NULL) {
        std::stringstream s;
        s << "cannot open file #" << idx << " in " << name << ": archive error: " << zip_strerror(zf->archive) << "\n";
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(s.str().c_str())));

    struct zip_stat st;
    zip_stat_index(zf->archive, idx, 0, &st);
    std::vector<unsigned char> data;
    data.resize( st.size );
    int result =  0;
    result = (int)zip_fread( zf_ptr, reinterpret_cast<void*> (&data[0]), data.size() );

    if (result < 0) {
        std::stringstream s;
        s << "error reading file #" << idx << " in " << name << ": archive error: " << zip_file_strerror(zf_ptr) << "\n";
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(s.str().c_str())));

    #if NODE_VERSION_AT_LEAST(0,3,0)
        node::Buffer *retbuf = Buffer::New((char *)&data[0],data.size());
        node::Buffer *retbuf = Buffer::New(data.size());
        std::memcpy(retbuf->data(), (char *)&data[0], data.size());
    return scope.Close(retbuf->handle_);
Handle<Value> ExampleProxy::printMessage(const Arguments& args)
	LOGD(TAG, "printMessage()");
	HandleScope scope;

	JNIEnv *env = titanium::JNIScope::getEnv();
	if (!env) {
		return titanium::JSException::GetJNIEnvironmentError();
	static jmethodID methodID = NULL;
	if (!methodID) {
		methodID = env->GetMethodID(ExampleProxy::javaClass, "printMessage", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
		if (!methodID) {
			const char *error = "Couldn't find proxy method 'printMessage' with signature '(Ljava/lang/String;)V'";
			LOGE(TAG, error);
				return titanium::JSException::Error(error);

	titanium::Proxy* proxy = titanium::Proxy::unwrap(args.Holder());

	if (args.Length() < 1) {
		char errorStringBuffer[100];
		sprintf(errorStringBuffer, "printMessage: Invalid number of arguments. Expected 1 but got %d", args.Length());
		return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(errorStringBuffer)));

	jvalue jArguments[1];

	if (!args[0]->IsNull()) {
		Local<Value> arg_0 = args[0];
		jArguments[0].l =
			titanium::TypeConverter::jsValueToJavaString(env, arg_0);
	} else {
		jArguments[0].l = NULL;

	jobject javaProxy = proxy->getJavaObject();
	env->CallVoidMethodA(javaProxy, methodID, jArguments);

	if (!JavaObject::useGlobalRefs) {


	if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {

	return v8::Undefined();

Example #7
    Handle<Value> CreateExternalArray(const Arguments& args,
                                             ExternalArrayType type,
                                             size_t element_size) {
		TryCatch try_catch;
		ASSERT_PIN(element_size == 1 || element_size == 2 ||
			 element_size == 4 || element_size == 8, "CreateExternalArray");

		// Currently, only the following constructors are supported:
		//   TypedArray(unsigned long length)
		//   TypedArray(ArrayBuffer buffer,
		//              optional unsigned long byteOffset,
		//              optional unsigned long length)
		Handle<Object> buffer;
		int32_t length;
		int32_t byteLength;
		int32_t byteOffset;
		int32_t bufferLength;

		if (args.Length() == 0) {
		return ThrowException(
			String::New("Array constructor must have at least one parameter."));

		if (args[0]->IsObject() &&
			(!args[0]->ToObject()->GetHiddenValue(String::New(kArrayBufferMarkerPropName)).IsEmpty()) ||
			(IS_BINARY(args[0]))) {
				if (!args[0]->ToObject()->GetHiddenValue(String::New(kArrayBufferMarkerPropName)).IsEmpty()) {
					buffer = args[0]->ToObject();
					bufferLength = convertToUint(buffer->Get(String::New("byteLength")), &try_catch);
					if (try_catch.HasCaught())
						return try_catch.Exception();
				} else {
					buffer = CreateExternalArrayBuffer(args[0])->ToObject();
					bufferLength = convertToUint(buffer->Get(String::New("byteLength")), &try_catch);
					if (try_catch.HasCaught())
						return try_catch.Exception();

		if (args.Length() < 2 || args[1]->IsUndefined()) {
		  byteOffset = 0;
		} else {
		  byteOffset = convertToUint(args[1], &try_catch);
		  if (try_catch.HasCaught()) return try_catch.Exception();
		  if (byteOffset > bufferLength) {
			return ThrowException(String::New("byteOffset out of bounds"));
		  if (byteOffset % element_size != 0) {
			return ThrowException(
				String::New("byteOffset must be multiple of element_size"));

		if (args.Length() < 3 || args[2]->IsUndefined()) {
		  byteLength = bufferLength - byteOffset;
		  length = byteLength / element_size;
		  if (byteLength % element_size != 0) {
			return ThrowException(
				String::New("buffer size must be multiple of element_size"));
		} else {
			  length = convertToUint(args[2], &try_catch);
			  if (try_catch.HasCaught())
				  return try_catch.Exception();
			  byteLength = length * element_size;
			  if (byteOffset + byteLength > bufferLength) {
				  return ThrowException(String::New("length out of bounds"));
		} else {
			length = convertToUint(args[0], &try_catch);
			byteLength = length * element_size;
			byteOffset = 0;
			Handle<Value> result = CreateExternalArrayBuffer(byteLength);
			if (!result->IsObject())
				return result;
			buffer = result->ToObject();

		void* data = buffer->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayData();
		ASSERT_PIN(data != NULL, "CreateExternalArray data != NULL");

		Handle<Object> array = Object::New();
		  static_cast<uint8_t*>(data) + byteOffset, type, length);
		array->Set(String::New("byteLength"), Int32::New(byteLength), ReadOnly);
		array->Set(String::New("byteOffset"), Int32::New(byteOffset), ReadOnly);
		array->Set(String::New("length"), Int32::New(length), ReadOnly);
		array->Set(String::New("BYTES_PER_ELEMENT"), Int32::New(element_size));
		array->Set(String::New("buffer"), buffer, ReadOnly);

		return array;
Example #8
ClangParser::ClangParser(Arguments& args)
	// VC2005: If shouldClose is set to true, this forces an assert in the CRT on program
	// shutdown as stdout hasn't been opened by the app in the first place.
	: m_OutputStream(1, false)
	m_CompilerInvocation.reset(new clang::CompilerInvocation);

	// we add a customized macro here to distinguish a clreflect parsing process from a compling using clang
	clang::PreprocessorOptions& preprocessor_options = m_CompilerInvocation->getPreprocessorOpts();

	// Add define/undefine macros to the pre-processor
	for (int i = 0; ; i++)
		std::string macro = args.GetProperty("-D", i);
		if (macro == "")
	for (int i = 0; ; i++)
		std::string macro = args.GetProperty("-U", i);
		if (macro == "")

	// Setup the language parsing options for C++
	clang::LangOptions& lang_options = *m_CompilerInvocation->getLangOpts();
	m_CompilerInvocation->setLangDefaults(lang_options, clang::IK_CXX, clang::LangStandard::lang_cxx03);
	lang_options.CPlusPlus = 1;
	lang_options.Bool = 1;
	lang_options.RTTI = 0;

#if defined(CLCPP_USING_MSVC)
	lang_options.MicrosoftExt = 1;
	lang_options.MicrosoftMode = 1;
	lang_options.MSBitfields = 1;

	// This is MSVC specific to get STL compiling with clang. MSVC doesn't do semantic analysis
	// of templates until instantiation, whereas clang will try to resolve non type-based function
	// calls. In MSVC STL land, this causes hundreds of errors referencing '_invalid_parameter_noinfo'.
	// The problem in a nutshell:
	//    template <typename TYPE> void A()
	//    {
	//       // Causes an error in clang because B() is not defined yet, MSVC is fine
	//       B();
	//    }
	//    void B() { }
	lang_options.DelayedTemplateParsing = 1;

	// Gather C++ header searches from the command-line
	clang::HeaderSearchOptions& header_search_options = m_CompilerInvocation->getHeaderSearchOpts();
	for (int i = 0; ; i++)
		std::string include = args.GetProperty("-i", i);
		if (include == "")
		header_search_options.AddPath(include.c_str(), clang::frontend::Angled, false, false, false);
	for (int i = 0; ; i++)
		std::string include = args.GetProperty("-isystem", i);
		if (include == "")
		header_search_options.AddPath(include.c_str(), clang::frontend::System, false, false, false);

	// Setup diagnostics output; MSVC line-clicking and suppress warnings from system headers
#if defined(CLCPP_USING_MSVC)
	m_DiagnosticOptions.Format = m_DiagnosticOptions.Msvc;
	m_DiagnosticOptions.Format = m_DiagnosticOptions.Clang;
	clang::TextDiagnosticPrinter *client = new clang::TextDiagnosticPrinter(m_OutputStream, m_DiagnosticOptions);
	m_CompilerInstance.createDiagnostics(0, NULL, client);

	// Setup target options - ensure record layout calculations use the MSVC C++ ABI
	clang::TargetOptions& target_options = m_CompilerInvocation->getTargetOpts();
	target_options.Triple = llvm::sys::getDefaultTargetTriple();
#if defined(CLCPP_USING_MSVC)
	target_options.CXXABI = "microsoft";
	target_options.CXXABI = "itanium";
	m_TargetInfo.reset(clang::TargetInfo::CreateTargetInfo(m_CompilerInstance.getDiagnostics(), target_options));

	// Set the invokation on the instance
Example #9
Handle<Value> Database::Query(const Arguments& args) {
  HandleScope scope;

  REQ_STR_ARG(0, sql);
  Local<Function> cb; 
  int paramCount = 0;
  Parameter* params;

  Database* dbo = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Database>(args.This());

  struct query_request *prep_req = (struct query_request *)
    calloc(1, sizeof(struct query_request));

  if (!prep_req) {
    return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New("Could not allocate enough memory")));

  // populate prep_req->params if parameters were supplied
  if (args.Length() > 2) 
      if ( !args[1]->IsArray() )
           return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(
                      String::New("Argument 1 must be an Array"))
      else if ( !args[2]->IsFunction() )
           return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(
                      String::New("Argument 2 must be a Function"))

      Local<Array> values = Local<Array>::Cast(args[1]);
      cb = Local<Function>::Cast(args[2]);

      prep_req->paramCount = paramCount = values->Length();
      prep_req->params     = params     = new Parameter[paramCount];

      for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++)
          Local<Value> value = values->Get(i);

          params[i].size          = 0;
          params[i].length        = NULL;
          params[i].buffer_length = 0;

          if (value->IsString()) 
              String::Utf8Value string(value);
              params[i].c_type        = SQL_C_CHAR;
              params[i].type          = SQL_VARCHAR;
              params[i].length        = SQL_NTS;
              params[i].buffer        = malloc(string.length() + 1);
              params[i].buffer_length = string.length() + 1;
              params[i].size          = string.length() + 1;

              strcpy((char*)params[i].buffer, *string);
          else if (value->IsNull()) 
              params[i].c_type = SQL_C_DEFAULT;
              params[i].type   = SQL_NULL_DATA;
              params[i].length = SQL_NULL_DATA;
          else if (value->IsInt32()) 
              int64_t  *number = new int64_t(value->IntegerValue());
              params[i].c_type = SQL_C_LONG;
              params[i].type   = SQL_INTEGER;
              params[i].buffer = number; 
          else if (value->IsNumber()) 
              double   *number = new double(value->NumberValue());
              params[i].c_type = SQL_C_DOUBLE;
              params[i].type   = SQL_DECIMAL;
              params[i].buffer = number; 
          else if (value->IsBoolean()) 
              bool *boolean    = new bool(value->BooleanValue());
              params[i].c_type = SQL_C_BIT;
              params[i].type   = SQL_BIT;
              params[i].buffer = boolean;
      if ( !args[1]->IsFunction() )
           return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(
                      String::New("Argument 1 must be a Function"))

      cb = Local<Function>::Cast(args[1]);

      prep_req->paramCount = 0;

  prep_req->sql = (char *) malloc(sql.length() +1);
  prep_req->catalog = NULL;
  prep_req->schema = NULL;
  prep_req->table = NULL;
  prep_req->type = NULL;
  prep_req->column = NULL;
  prep_req->cb = Persistent<Function>::New(cb);
  strcpy(prep_req->sql, *sql);
  prep_req->dbo = dbo;

  eio_custom(EIO_Query, EIO_PRI_DEFAULT, EIO_AfterQuery, prep_req);

  return Undefined();
Example #10
    static bool call(STATE, CallFrame* call_frame,
                     MachineCode* mcode, StackVariables* scope,
                     Arguments& args, int flags)
      const bool has_splat = (mcode->splat_position >= 0);
      native_int total_args = args.total();

      // expecting 0, got 0.
      if(mcode->total_args == 0 && total_args == 0) {
        if(has_splat) {
          scope->set_local(mcode->splat_position, Array::create(state, 0));

        return true;

      // Only do destructuring in non-lambda mode
      if((flags & CallFrame::cIsLambda) == 0) {
        /* If only one argument was yielded and:
         *  1. the block takes two or more arguments
         *  2. OR takes one argument and a splat
         *  3. OR has the form { |a, | }
         *  4. OR has the form { |(a, b)| }
         *  5. OR has the form { |(a, b), c| }
         * then we check if the one argument is an Array. If it is not, call
         * #to_ary to convert it to an Array and raise if #to_ary does not
         * return an Array.
         * Finally, in cases 1-3, and 5 above, we destructure the Array into
         * the block's arguments.
        if(total_args == 1
            && (mcode->required_args > 1
              || (mcode->required_args == 1
                && (has_splat || mcode->splat_position < -2)))) {
          Object* obj = args.get_argument(0);
          Array* ary = 0;

          if(!(ary = try_as<Array>(obj))) {
            if(CBOOL(obj->respond_to(state, state->symbol("to_ary"), cFalse))) {
              obj = obj->send(state, call_frame, state->symbol("to_ary"));
              if(!(ary = try_as<Array>(obj))) {
                Exception::type_error(state, "to_ary must return an Array", call_frame);
                return false;

          if(ary) {
            if(mcode->splat_position == -4 && mcode->required_args == 1) {
            } else {

      const native_int P = mcode->post_args;
      const native_int R = mcode->required_args;

      // M is for mandatory
      const native_int M = R - P;
      const native_int T = args.total();

      // DT is for declared total
      const native_int DT = mcode->total_args;
      const native_int O = DT - R;

      // HS is for has splat
      const native_int HS = mcode->splat_position >= 0 ? 1 : 0;

      // CT is for clamped total
      const native_int CT = HS ? T : MIN(T, DT);

      // Z is for the available # of post args
      const native_int Z = CT - M;

      // U is for the available # of optional args
      const native_int U = Z - P;

      // PAO is for the post-args offset
      // PLO is for the post-arg locals offset
      const native_int PAO = CT - MIN(Z, P);
      const native_int PLO = M + O + HS;

      /* There are 4 types of arguments, illustrated here:
       *    m(a, b=1, *c, d)
       *  where:
       *    a is a (pre optional/splat) fixed position argument
       *    b is an optional argument
       *    c is a splat argument
       *    d is a post (optional/splat) argument
       *  The arity checking above ensures that we have at least one argument
       *  on the stack for each fixed position argument (ie arguments a and d
       *  above).
       *  The number of (pre) fixed arguments is 'required_args - post_args'.
       *  The number of optional arguments is 'total_args - required_args'.
       *  We fill in the required arguments, then the optional arguments, and
       *  the rest (if any) go into an array for the splat.

      // Phase 1, mandatory args
      for(native_int i = 0, l = MIN(M,T);
          i < l;
        scope->set_local(i, args.get_argument(i));

      // Phase 2, post args
      for(native_int i = 0; i < MIN(Z, P); i++)
        scope->set_local(PLO + i, args.get_argument(PAO + i));

      // Phase 3, optionals

      for(native_int i = M, limit = M + MIN(U, O);
          i < limit;
        scope->set_local(i, args.get_argument(i));

      if(has_splat) {
        Array* ary;
        /* There is a splat. So if the passed in arguments are greater
         * than the total number of fixed arguments, put the rest of the
         * arguments into the Array.
         * Otherwise, generate an empty Array.
         * NOTE: remember that total includes the number of fixed arguments,
         * even if they're optional, so we can get args.total() == 0, and
         * total == 1 */
        int splat_size = T - DT;
        if(splat_size > 0) {
          ary = Array::create(state, splat_size);

          for(int i = 0, n = M + O;
              i < splat_size;
              i++, n++)
            ary->set(state, i, args.get_argument(n));
        } else {
          ary = Array::create(state, 0);

        scope->set_local(mcode->splat_position, ary);

      return true;
Example #11
 /* Constructor */
 ListTablesCall(const Arguments &args) :
   NativeCFunctionCall_2_<int, SessionImpl *, const char *>(NULL, args),
Example #12
/* static  */
Handle<Value> MemoryObject::New(const Arguments& args)
    HandleScope scope;
    MemoryObject *cl = new MemoryObject(args.This());
    return args.This();
Example #13
 static Handle<Value> New(const Arguments &args)
     Rot13 *rot13 = new Rot13();
     return args.This();
Example #14
int run(int argc, char* argv[])
	Arguments args;

	args.add("help", 'h').description("Shows this help message.").flag(true);
	args.add("input", 'i').description("Input filename").required(true);
	args.add("output", 'o').description("Output filename").required(true);
	args.add("format", 'f').description("Output format. Overrides file extension.");
	args.add("axis", 'x').description("Change axis order of the cordinate system and polarity. (like +x+y+z, +x-z+y, ... )");
	args.add("textures", 't').description("Strip path from texture filenames").flag(true);

	// parse args
	if (!args.evaluate(argc, argv)) {
		cout << args.getErrorMessage() << endl;
		cout << args.getHelpMessage() << endl;
		return 1;

	// print help
	if (argc == 1 || args.get("help").isFound()) {
		cout << args.getHelpMessage() << endl;
		return 0;
	string inFileName = args.get("input").value();
	string outFileName = args.get("output").value();
	string outExtension;

	// determine file format
	if (!args.get("format").isFound())
		string::size_type n;
		string s = outFileName;

		n = s.find_last_of('.');
		if (n != string::npos) {
			s = s.substr(n + 1);
		if (s.empty()) {
			outExtension = "assbin";
			cout << "WARNING: No file extension was given. Using assbin format for default." << endl;
		else {
			outExtension = s;
	else {
		outExtension = args.get("format").value();

	// import scene 
	Assimp::Importer aiImporter;
	aiScene const * scene = aiImporter.ReadFile(inFileName.c_str(),
		aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Quality |
		aiProcess_ConvertToLeftHanded |

	if (scene == nullptr) {
		cout << "Could not load model file" << inFileName << endl;
		cout << aiImporter.GetErrorString() << endl;
		return 1;

	// flip axes
	if (args.get("axis").isFound() && scene->HasMeshes()) {
		string axesOrder = args.get("axis").value();
		if (axesOrder.length() != 6) {
			cout << args.getHelpMessage() << endl;
			return 1;

		char order[3];
		char polarity[3];
		uint k = 3;
		while (k--) {
			char c = axesOrder.at(2*k), b = -1;
			char a = axesOrder.at(2*k+1), d = 1;
			switch (a) {
				case 'x': case 'X': b = 0; break;
				case 'y': case 'Y': b = 1; break;
				case 'z': case 'Z': b = 2; break;
					cout << args.getHelpMessage() << endl;
					return 1;

			switch (c) {
				case '+': d = +1; break;
				case '-': d = -1; break;
				cout << args.getHelpMessage() << endl;
				return 1;

			order[k] = b;
			polarity[k] = d;

		for (uint i = 0; i < scene->mNumMeshes; i++) {
			aiMesh * const mesh = scene->mMeshes[i];
			for (uint j = 0; j < mesh->mNumVertices; j++) {
				swap_vertices(&mesh->mVertices[j], order, polarity);
				swap_vertices(&mesh->mNormals[j], order, polarity);

	// strip texture filenames
	if (args.get("textures").isFound() && scene->HasMaterials()) {
		for (uint i = 0; i < scene->mNumMaterials; i++) {
			aiMaterial const * material = scene->mMaterials[i];
			for (uint j = 0; j < sizeof(textureTypes) / sizeof(textureTypes[0]); j++) {
				aiTextureType tt = textureTypes[j];
				for (uint k = 0; k < material->GetTextureCount(tt); k++) {
					aiString aiPath;
					material->GetTexture(tt, k, &aiPath);
					string path = aiPath.C_Str();
						string s = path;
						string::size_type n, m;
						n = s.find_last_of('/');
						m = s.find_last_of('\\');
						if (n != string::npos) {
							s  = s.substr(n + 1);
						else if (m != string::npos) {
							s = s.substr(m + 1);

						if (!s.empty()) {
							path = s;

					// textura filenev vissza
					const aiMaterialProperty* pp = nullptr;
					if (aiGetMaterialProperty(material, AI_MATKEY_TEXTURE(tt, k), &pp) == AI_SUCCESS) {
						aiMaterialProperty* pProp = const_cast<aiMaterialProperty*>(pp);
						if (aiPTI_String == pProp->mType) {
							size_t newLen = path.length() + 4;
							char* newData = (char*)malloc(newLen);
							(*(uint*)(&newData[0])) = path.length();
							memcpy_s(&newData[4], newLen, path.c_str(), path.length());
							pProp->mData = newData;
							pProp->mDataLength = newLen;

	// save 
	Assimp::Exporter aiExporter;

	if (aiExporter.Export(scene, outExtension, outFileName) != aiReturn_SUCCESS) {
		cout << "Could not save model file" << endl;
		cout << aiExporter.GetErrorString() << endl;
		return 1;

	return 0;
Example #15
Handle<Value> App::New(const Arguments& args) {
  HandleScope scope;
  App* obj = new App();
  return scope.Close(args.This());
Example #16
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
    // Parse arguments
    Arguments arguments;
    std::string makeFile("project.pmk");
    std::string fbxFile;
    bool fromFbx = false; // Create the entire wallpaper from FBX. 

    for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
        if (strncmp(argv[i], "-h", 2) == 0)
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;
        else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-v", 2) == 0)
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;
        else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-f", 2) == 0)
            if (i == argc)
                logError("The project make file is missing!\n");
                return EXIT_FAILURE;
            makeFile = std::string(argv[i]);
            if (i == argc - 1)
                fbxFile = argv[i];
                fromFbx = true;
                logError("Unknown command line arguments.");
			    return EXIT_FAILURE;


    // Parse the configuration.
    if (!fromFbx)
        if (!arguments.parse(makeFile.c_str()))
            return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // Delete the old project if exists
    char cmdline[1024];

#if defined WIN32
    sprintf_s(cmdline, 1024, "rd /s /q %s", arguments.shortProjectName.c_str());
    // Create the project
    logInfo("Creating the project.");
    MakeProject makeProject(arguments);
    if (!makeProject.run(fromFbx))
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    logInfo("Project %s has been created!", arguments.projectName.c_str());

    // Run fbxtool and copy the resource to the application folder.
#if defined WIN32
    sprintf_s(cmdline, 1024, "fbxtool.exe -meshformat pmh -meshattrib a %s", fbxFile.c_str());
    int exitCode = system(cmdline);
    sprintf_s(cmdline, 1024, "xcopy /E /i res %s\\application\\res", arguments.shortProjectName.c_str());
    system("rd /s /q res");

    // If debugger is present, a pause is required to keep the console output
    // visible. Otherwise the pause is automatic. 
    if (IsDebuggerPresent())

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Handle<Value> TiTitaniumObject::_globalInclude(void*, TiObject*, const Arguments& args)
	if (args.Length() < 2)
		return ThrowException(String::New(Ti::Msg::Missing_argument));

	string id = *String::Utf8Value(args[0]->ToString());

	string parentFolder = *String::Utf8Value(args[1]->ToString());

	// CommonJS path rules
	if (id.find("/") == 0) {
		id.replace(id.find("/"), std::string("/").length(), rootFolder);
	else if (id.find("./") == 0) {
		id.replace(id.find("./"), std::string("./").length(), parentFolder);
	else if (id.find("../") == 0) {
		// count ../../../ in id and strip off back of parentFolder
		int count = 0;
		size_t idx = 0;
		size_t pos = 0;
		while (true) {
			idx = id.find("../", pos);
			if (idx == std::string::npos) {
			} else {
				pos = idx + 3;

		// strip leading ../../ off module id
		id = id.substr(pos);

		// strip paths off the parent folder
		idx = 0;
		pos = parentFolder.size();
		for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			idx = parentFolder.find_last_of("/", pos);
			pos = idx - 1;

		if (idx == std::string::npos) {
			return ThrowException(String::New("Unable to find module"));

		parentFolder = parentFolder.substr(0, idx + 1);

		id = parentFolder + id;
	else {
		string tempId = rootFolder + id;

		ifstream ifs((tempId).c_str());
		if (!ifs) {
			id = parentFolder + id;
		else {
			id = rootFolder + id;

	string filename = id;

	string javascript;
		ifstream ifs((filename).c_str());
		if (!ifs)
			Local<Value> taggedMessage = String::New((string(Ti::Msg::No_such_native_module) + " " + id).c_str());
			return ThrowException(taggedMessage);
		getline(ifs, javascript, string::traits_type::to_char_type(string::traits_type::eof()));

	// wrap the module
		size_t idx = filename.find_last_of("/");
		parentFolder = filename.substr(0, idx + 1);
		static const string preWrap = "Ti.include = function (id) { Ti.globalInclude(id, '" + parentFolder + "')};\n";
		javascript = preWrap + javascript;

	TryCatch tryCatch;
	Handle<Script> compiledScript = Script::Compile(String::New(javascript.c_str()), String::New(filename.c_str()));
	if (compiledScript.IsEmpty())
		return tryCatch.ReThrow();

	Persistent<Value> result = Persistent<Value>::New(compiledScript->Run());
	if (result.IsEmpty())
		return tryCatch.ReThrow();

    return Undefined();
Example #18
inline void debug_ast(AST_Node* node, std::string ind, Env* env)
  if (node == 0) return;
  if (ind == "") std::cerr << "####################################################################\n";
  if (dynamic_cast<Bubble*>(node)) {
    Bubble* bubble = dynamic_cast<Bubble*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Bubble " << bubble;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << bubble->tabs();
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    debug_ast(bubble->node(), ind + " ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Trace*>(node)) {
    Trace* trace = dynamic_cast<Trace*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Trace " << trace;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"
    << " [name:" << trace->name() << "]"
    << std::endl;
    debug_ast(trace->block(), ind + " ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<At_Root_Block*>(node)) {
    At_Root_Block* root_block = dynamic_cast<At_Root_Block*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "At_Root_Block " << root_block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << root_block->tabs();
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    debug_ast(root_block->expression(), ind + ":", env);
    debug_ast(root_block->block(), ind + " ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<CommaSequence_Selector*>(node)) {
    CommaSequence_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<CommaSequence_Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "CommaSequence_Selector " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">";
    std::cerr << " [@media:" << selector->media_block() << "]";
    std::cerr << (selector->is_invisible() ? " [INVISIBLE]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_placeholder() ? " [PLACEHOLDER]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -");
    std::cerr << std::endl;

    for(auto i : selector->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }

//  } else if (dynamic_cast<Expression*>(node)) {
//    Expression* expression = dynamic_cast<Expression*>(node);
//    std::cerr << ind << "Expression " << expression << " " << expression->concrete_type() << std::endl;

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Parent_Selector*>(node)) {
    Parent_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Parent_Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Parent_Selector " << selector;
//    if (selector->not_selector()) cerr << " [in_declaration]";
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">";
    std::cerr << " [" << (selector->is_real_parent_ref() ? "REAL" : "FAKE") << "]";
    std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(selector->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl;
//    debug_ast(selector->selector(), ind + "->", env);

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Sequence_Selector*>(node)) {
    Sequence_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Sequence_Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Sequence_Selector " << selector
      << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"
      << " <" << selector->hash() << ">"
      << " [length:" << longToHex(selector->length()) << "]"
      << " [weight:" << longToHex(selector->specificity()) << "]"
      << " [@media:" << selector->media_block() << "]"
      << (selector->is_invisible() ? " [INVISIBLE]": " -")
      << (selector->has_placeholder() ? " [PLACEHOLDER]": " -")
      << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -")
      << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has parent]": " -")
      << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -")
      << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -")
      << " -- ";
      std::string del;
      switch (selector->combinator()) {
        case Sequence_Selector::PARENT_OF:   del = ">"; break;
        case Sequence_Selector::PRECEDES:    del = "~"; break;
        case Sequence_Selector::ADJACENT_TO: del = "+"; break;
        case Sequence_Selector::ANCESTOR_OF: del = " "; break;
        case Sequence_Selector::REFERENCE:   del = "//"; break;
      // if (del = "/") del += selector->reference()->perform(&to_string) + "/";
    std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(selector->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl;
    debug_ast(selector->head(), ind + " " /* + "[" + del + "]" */, env);
    if (selector->tail()) {
      debug_ast(selector->tail(), ind + "{" + del + "}", env);
    } else if(del != " ") {
      std::cerr << ind << " |" << del << "| {trailing op}" << std::endl;
    SourcesSet set = selector->sources();
    // debug_sources_set(set, ind + "  @--> ");
  } else if (dynamic_cast<SimpleSequence_Selector*>(node)) {
    SimpleSequence_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<SimpleSequence_Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "SimpleSequence_Selector " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">";
    std::cerr << " [weight:" << longToHex(selector->specificity()) << "]";
    std::cerr << " [@media:" << selector->media_block() << "]";
    std::cerr << (selector->extended() ? " [extended]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -");
    std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(selector->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl;
    for(auto i : selector->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Wrapped_Selector*>(node)) {
    Wrapped_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Wrapped_Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Wrapped_Selector " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">";
    std::cerr << " <<" << selector->ns_name() << ">>";
    std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -");
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    debug_ast(selector->selector(), ind + " () ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Pseudo_Selector*>(node)) {
    Pseudo_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Pseudo_Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Pseudo_Selector " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">";
    std::cerr << " <<" << selector->ns_name() << ">>";
    std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -");
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    debug_ast(selector->expression(), ind + " <= ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Attribute_Selector*>(node)) {
    Attribute_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Attribute_Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Attribute_Selector " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">";
    std::cerr << " <<" << selector->ns_name() << ">>";
    std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -");
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    debug_ast(selector->value(), ind + "[" + selector->matcher() + "] ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Class_Selector*>(node)) {
    Class_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Class_Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Class_Selector " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">";
    std::cerr << " <<" << selector->ns_name() << ">>";
    std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -");
    std::cerr << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Id_Selector*>(node)) {
    Id_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Id_Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Id_Selector " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">";
    std::cerr << " <<" << selector->ns_name() << ">>";
    std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -");
    std::cerr << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Element_Selector*>(node)) {
    Element_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Element_Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Element_Selector " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " <" << selector->hash() << ">";
    std::cerr << " <<" << selector->ns_name() << ">>";
    std::cerr << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_parent_ref() ? " [has-parent]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -");
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -");
    std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(selector->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">";
    std::cerr << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Placeholder_Selector*>(node)) {

    Placeholder_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Placeholder_Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Placeholder_Selector [" << selector->ns_name() << "] " << selector
      << " <" << selector->hash() << ">"
      << " [@media:" << selector->media_block() << "]"
      << (selector->is_optional() ? " [is_optional]": " -")
      << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -")
      << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -")
    << std::endl;

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Simple_Selector*>(node)) {
    Simple_Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Simple_Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Simple_Selector " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -") << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -") << std::endl;

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Selector_Schema*>(node)) {
    Selector_Schema* selector = dynamic_cast<Selector_Schema*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Selector_Schema " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"
      << (selector->at_root() && selector->at_root() ? " [@ROOT]" : "")
      << " [@media:" << selector->media_block() << "]"
      << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -")
      << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -")
    << std::endl;

    debug_ast(selector->contents(), ind + " ");
    // for(auto i : selector->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Selector*>(node)) {
    Selector* selector = dynamic_cast<Selector*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Selector " << selector;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << (selector->has_line_break() ? " [line-break]": " -")
      << (selector->has_line_feed() ? " [line-feed]": " -")
    << std::endl;

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Media_Query_Expression*>(node)) {
    Media_Query_Expression* block = dynamic_cast<Media_Query_Expression*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Media_Query_Expression " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << (block->is_interpolated() ? " [is_interpolated]": " -")
    << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->feature(), ind + " feature) ");
    debug_ast(block->value(), ind + " value) ");

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Media_Query*>(node)) {
    Media_Query* block = dynamic_cast<Media_Query*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Media_Query " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << (block->is_negated() ? " [is_negated]": " -")
      << (block->is_restricted() ? " [is_restricted]": " -")
    << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->media_type(), ind + " ");
    for(auto i : block->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }

  } else if (dynamic_cast<Media_Block*>(node)) {
    Media_Block* block = dynamic_cast<Media_Block*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Media_Block " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->media_queries(), ind + " =@ ");
    if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Supports_Block*>(node)) {
    Supports_Block* block = dynamic_cast<Supports_Block*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Supports_Block " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->condition(), ind + " =@ ");
    debug_ast(block->block(), ind + " <>");
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Supports_Operator*>(node)) {
    Supports_Operator* block = dynamic_cast<Supports_Operator*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Supports_Operator " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"
    << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->left(), ind + " left) ");
    debug_ast(block->right(), ind + " right) ");
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Supports_Negation*>(node)) {
    Supports_Negation* block = dynamic_cast<Supports_Negation*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Supports_Negation " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"
    << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->condition(), ind + " condition) ");
  } else if (dynamic_cast<At_Root_Query*>(node)) {
    At_Root_Query* block = dynamic_cast<At_Root_Query*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "At_Root_Query " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"
    << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->feature(), ind + " feature) ");
    debug_ast(block->value(), ind + " value) ");
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Supports_Declaration*>(node)) {
    Supports_Declaration* block = dynamic_cast<Supports_Declaration*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Supports_Declaration " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")"
    << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->feature(), ind + " feature) ");
    debug_ast(block->value(), ind + " value) ");
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Block*>(node)) {
    Block* root_block = dynamic_cast<Block*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Block " << root_block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    if (root_block->is_root()) std::cerr << " [root]";
    std::cerr << " " << root_block->tabs() << std::endl;
    if (root_block->block()) for(auto i : root_block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Warning*>(node)) {
    Warning* block = dynamic_cast<Warning*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Warning " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->message(), ind + " : ");
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Error*>(node)) {
    Error* block = dynamic_cast<Error*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Error " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Debug*>(node)) {
    Debug* block = dynamic_cast<Debug*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Debug " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->value(), ind + " ");
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Comment*>(node)) {
    Comment* block = dynamic_cast<Comment*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Comment " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() <<
      " <" << prettyprint(block->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->text(), ind + "// ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<If*>(node)) {
    If* block = dynamic_cast<If*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "If " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->predicate(), ind + " = ");
    debug_ast(block->block(), ind + " <>");
    debug_ast(block->alternative(), ind + " ><");
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Return*>(node)) {
    Return* block = dynamic_cast<Return*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Return " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Extension*>(node)) {
    Extension* block = dynamic_cast<Extension*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Extension " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->selector(), ind + "-> ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Content*>(node)) {
    Content* block = dynamic_cast<Content*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Content " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [@media:" << block->media_block() << "]";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Import_Stub*>(node)) {
    Import_Stub* block = dynamic_cast<Import_Stub*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Import_Stub " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [" << block->imp_path() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Import*>(node)) {
    Import* block = dynamic_cast<Import*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Import " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    // std::vector<std::string>         files_;
    for (auto imp : block->urls()) debug_ast(imp, ind + "@: ", env);
    debug_ast(block->media_queries(), ind + "@@ ");
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Assignment*>(node)) {
    Assignment* block = dynamic_cast<Assignment*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Assignment " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " <<" << block->variable() << ">> " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->value(), ind + "=", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Declaration*>(node)) {
    Declaration* block = dynamic_cast<Declaration*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Declaration " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->property(), ind + " prop: ", env);
    debug_ast(block->value(), ind + " value: ", env);
    debug_ast(block->block(), ind + " ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Keyframe_Rule*>(node)) {
    Keyframe_Rule* has_block = dynamic_cast<Keyframe_Rule*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Keyframe_Rule " << has_block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << has_block->tabs() << std::endl;
    if (has_block->selector()) debug_ast(has_block->selector(), ind + "@");
    if (has_block->block()) for(auto i : has_block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Directive*>(node)) {
    Directive* block = dynamic_cast<Directive*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Directive " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [" << block->keyword() << "] " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->selector(), ind + "~", env);
    debug_ast(block->value(), ind + "+", env);
    if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Each*>(node)) {
    Each* block = dynamic_cast<Each*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Each " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<For*>(node)) {
    For* block = dynamic_cast<For*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "For " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<While*>(node)) {
    While* block = dynamic_cast<While*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "While " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    if (block->block()) for(auto i : block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Definition*>(node)) {
    Definition* block = dynamic_cast<Definition*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Definition " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [name: " << block->name() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [type: " << (block->type() == Sass::Definition::Type::MIXIN ? "Mixin " : "Function ") << "] ";
    // this seems to lead to segfaults some times?
    // std::cerr << " [signature: " << block->signature() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [native: " << block->native_function() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " " << block->tabs() << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->parameters(), ind + " params: ", env);
    if (block->block()) debug_ast(block->block(), ind + " ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Mixin_Call*>(node)) {
    Mixin_Call* block = dynamic_cast<Mixin_Call*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Mixin_Call " << block << " " << block->tabs();
    std::cerr << " [" <<  block->name() << "]";
    std::cerr << " [has_content: " << block->has_content() << "] " << std::endl;
    debug_ast(block->arguments(), ind + " args: ");
    if (block->block()) debug_ast(block->block(), ind + " ", env);
  } else if (Ruleset* ruleset = dynamic_cast<Ruleset*>(node)) {
    std::cerr << ind << "Ruleset " << ruleset;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [indent: " << ruleset->tabs() << "]";
    std::cerr << (ruleset->is_invisible() ? " [INVISIBLE]" : "");
    std::cerr << (ruleset->at_root() ? " [@ROOT]" : "");
    std::cerr << (ruleset->is_root() ? " [root]" : "");
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    debug_ast(ruleset->selector(), ind + ">");
    debug_ast(ruleset->block(), ind + " ");
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Block*>(node)) {
    Block* block = dynamic_cast<Block*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Block " << block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << (block->is_invisible() ? " [INVISIBLE]" : "");
    std::cerr << " [indent: " << block->tabs() << "]" << std::endl;
    for(auto i : block->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Textual*>(node)) {
    Textual* expression = dynamic_cast<Textual*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Textual ";
    if (expression->type() == Textual::NUMBER) std::cerr << " [NUMBER]";
    else if (expression->type() == Textual::PERCENTAGE) std::cerr << " [PERCENTAGE]";
    else if (expression->type() == Textual::DIMENSION) std::cerr << " [DIMENSION]";
    else if (expression->type() == Textual::HEX) std::cerr << " [HEX]";
    std::cerr << expression << " [" << expression->value() << "]";
    std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] ";
    if (expression->is_delayed()) std::cerr << " [delayed]";
    std::cerr << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Variable*>(node)) {
    Variable* expression = dynamic_cast<Variable*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Variable " << expression;
    std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [" << expression->name() << "]" << std::endl;
    std::string name(expression->name());
    if (env && env->has(name)) debug_ast(static_cast<Expression*>((*env)[name]), ind + " -> ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Function_Call_Schema*>(node)) {
    Function_Call_Schema* expression = dynamic_cast<Function_Call_Schema*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Function_Call_Schema " << expression;
    std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << "" << std::endl;
    debug_ast(expression->name(), ind + "name: ", env);
    debug_ast(expression->arguments(), ind + " args: ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Function_Call*>(node)) {
    Function_Call* expression = dynamic_cast<Function_Call*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Function_Call " << expression;
    std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [" << expression->name() << "]";
    if (expression->is_delayed()) std::cerr << " [delayed]";
    if (expression->is_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [interpolant]";
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    debug_ast(expression->arguments(), ind + " args: ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Arguments*>(node)) {
    Arguments* expression = dynamic_cast<Arguments*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Arguments " << expression;
    if (expression->is_delayed()) std::cerr << " [delayed]";
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    if (expression->has_named_arguments()) std::cerr << " [has_named_arguments]";
    if (expression->has_rest_argument()) std::cerr << " [has_rest_argument]";
    if (expression->has_keyword_argument()) std::cerr << " [has_keyword_argument]";
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    for(auto i : expression->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Argument*>(node)) {
    Argument* expression = dynamic_cast<Argument*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Argument " << expression;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [" << expression->value() << "]";
    std::cerr << " [name: " << expression->name() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [rest: " << expression->is_rest_argument() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [keyword: " << expression->is_keyword_argument() << "] " << std::endl;
    debug_ast(expression->value(), ind + " value: ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Parameters*>(node)) {
    Parameters* expression = dynamic_cast<Parameters*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Parameters " << expression;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [has_optional: " << expression->has_optional_parameters() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [has_rest: " << expression->has_rest_parameter() << "] ";
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    for(auto i : expression->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Parameter*>(node)) {
    Parameter* expression = dynamic_cast<Parameter*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Parameter " << expression;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [name: " << expression->name() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [default: " << expression->default_value() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [rest: " << expression->is_rest_parameter() << "] " << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Unary_Expression*>(node)) {
    Unary_Expression* expression = dynamic_cast<Unary_Expression*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Unary_Expression " << expression;
    std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [delayed: " << expression->is_delayed() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [" << expression->type() << "]" << std::endl;
    debug_ast(expression->operand(), ind + " operand: ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Binary_Expression*>(node)) {
    Binary_Expression* expression = dynamic_cast<Binary_Expression*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Binary_Expression " << expression;
    if (expression->is_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [is interpolant] ";
    if (expression->is_left_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [left interpolant] ";
    if (expression->is_right_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [right interpolant] ";
    std::cerr << " [delayed: " << expression->is_delayed() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [ws_before: " << expression->op().ws_before << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [ws_after: " << expression->op().ws_after << "] ";
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [" << expression->type_name() << "]" << std::endl;
    debug_ast(expression->left(), ind + " left:  ", env);
    debug_ast(expression->right(), ind + " right: ", env);
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Map*>(node)) {
    Map* expression = dynamic_cast<Map*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Map " << expression;
    std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [Hashed]" << std::endl;
    for (auto i : expression->elements()) {
      debug_ast(i.first, ind + " key: ");
      debug_ast(i.second, ind + " val: ");
  } else if (dynamic_cast<List*>(node)) {
    List* expression = dynamic_cast<List*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "List " << expression;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " (" << expression->length() << ") " <<
      (expression->separator() == SASS_COMMA ? "Comma " : expression->separator() == SASS_HASH ? "Map" : "Space ") <<
      " [delayed: " << expression->is_delayed() << "] " <<
      " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] " <<
      " [listized: " << expression->from_selector() << "] " <<
      " [arglist: " << expression->is_arglist() << "] " <<
      " [hash: " << expression->hash() << "] " <<
    for(auto i : expression->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Content*>(node)) {
    Content* expression = dynamic_cast<Content*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Content " << expression;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [@media:" << expression->media_block() << "]";
    std::cerr << " [Statement]" << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Boolean*>(node)) {
    Boolean* expression = dynamic_cast<Boolean*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Boolean " << expression;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [" << expression->value() << "]" << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Color*>(node)) {
    Color* expression = dynamic_cast<Color*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Color " << expression;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [delayed: " << expression->is_delayed() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [" << expression->r() << ":"  << expression->g() << ":" << expression->b() << "@" << expression->a() << "]" << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Number*>(node)) {
    Number* expression = dynamic_cast<Number*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Number " << expression;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [interpolant: " << expression->is_interpolant() << "] ";
    std::cerr << " [" << expression->value() << expression->unit() << "]" <<
      " [hash: " << expression->hash() << "] " <<
  } else if (dynamic_cast<String_Quoted*>(node)) {
    String_Quoted* expression = dynamic_cast<String_Quoted*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "String_Quoted " << expression;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [" << prettyprint(expression->value()) << "]";
    if (expression->is_delayed()) std::cerr << " [delayed]";
    if (expression->is_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [interpolant]";
    if (expression->quote_mark()) std::cerr << " [quote_mark: " << expression->quote_mark() << "]";
    std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(expression->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<String_Constant*>(node)) {
    String_Constant* expression = dynamic_cast<String_Constant*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "String_Constant " << expression;
    if (expression->concrete_type()) {
      std::cerr << " " << expression->concrete_type();
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " [" << prettyprint(expression->value()) << "]";
    if (expression->is_delayed()) std::cerr << " [delayed]";
    if (expression->is_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [interpolant]";
    std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(expression->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<String_Schema*>(node)) {
    String_Schema* expression = dynamic_cast<String_Schema*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "String_Schema " << expression;
    std::cerr << " " << expression->concrete_type();
    if (expression->is_delayed()) std::cerr << " [delayed]";
    if (expression->is_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [is interpolant]";
    if (expression->has_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [has interpolant]";
    if (expression->is_left_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [left interpolant] ";
    if (expression->is_right_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [right interpolant] ";
    std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(expression->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl;
    for(auto i : expression->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<String*>(node)) {
    String* expression = dynamic_cast<String*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "String " << expression;
    std::cerr << " " << expression->concrete_type();
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    if (expression->is_interpolant()) std::cerr << " [interpolant]";
    std::cerr << " <" << prettyprint(expression->pstate().token.ws_before()) << ">" << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Expression*>(node)) {
    Expression* expression = dynamic_cast<Expression*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Expression " << expression;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    switch (expression->concrete_type()) {
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::NONE: std::cerr << " [NONE]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::BOOLEAN: std::cerr << " [BOOLEAN]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::NUMBER: std::cerr << " [NUMBER]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::COLOR: std::cerr << " [COLOR]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::STRING: std::cerr << " [STRING]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::LIST: std::cerr << " [LIST]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::MAP: std::cerr << " [MAP]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::SELECTOR: std::cerr << " [SELECTOR]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::NULL_VAL: std::cerr << " [NULL_VAL]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::C_WARNING: std::cerr << " [C_WARNING]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::C_ERROR: std::cerr << " [C_ERROR]"; break;
      case Expression::Concrete_Type::NUM_TYPES: std::cerr << " [NUM_TYPES]"; break;
    std::cerr << std::endl;
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Has_Block*>(node)) {
    Has_Block* has_block = dynamic_cast<Has_Block*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Has_Block " << has_block;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << has_block->tabs() << std::endl;
    if (has_block->block()) for(auto i : has_block->block()->elements()) { debug_ast(i, ind + " ", env); }
  } else if (dynamic_cast<Statement*>(node)) {
    Statement* statement = dynamic_cast<Statement*>(node);
    std::cerr << ind << "Statement " << statement;
    std::cerr << " (" << pstate_source_position(node) << ")";
    std::cerr << " " << statement->tabs() << std::endl;

  if (ind == "") std::cerr << "####################################################################\n";
Example #19
Handle<Value> Query::New(Arguments const& args)
    HandleScope scope;
    if (!args.IsConstructCall()) {
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New("Cannot call constructor as function, you need to use 'new' keyword")));
    try {
        if (args.Length() != 1) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("please provide an object of options for the first argument")));
        if (!args[0]->IsObject()) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("first argument must be an object")));
        Local<Object> obj = args[0]->ToObject();
        if (obj->IsNull() || obj->IsUndefined()) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("first arg must be an object")));
        if (!obj->Has(String::New("coordinates"))) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("must provide a coordinates property")));
        Local<Value> coordinates = obj->Get(String::New("coordinates"));
        if (!coordinates->IsArray()) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("coordinates must be an array of (lat/long) pairs")));

        // Handle scenario in which caller explicitly specified service
        std::string service;
        if (obj->Has(String::New("service"))) {
            Local<Value> serviceValue = obj->Get(String::New("service"));
            v8::String::Utf8Value serviceUtf8Value(serviceValue->ToString());
            service = std::string(*serviceUtf8Value);

        // Handle 'nearest', otherwise assume 'viaroute' service.
        if (service == "nearest" || service == "locate") {
            Local<Array> coordinates_array = Local<Array>::Cast(coordinates);
            if (coordinates_array->Length() != 1) {
                return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("coordinates array should only have one lat/long pair for 'nearest' or 'locate' queries")));
            Local<Value> coordinate = coordinates_array->Get(0);
            if (!coordinate->IsArray()) {
                return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("coordinates must be an array of (lat/long) pairs")));
            Local<Array> coordinate_array = Local<Array>::Cast(coordinate);
            if (coordinate_array->Length() != 2) {
                return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("coordinates must be an array of (lat/long) pairs")));

            Query* q = new Query();
            q->this_->service = service;

            return args.This();

        Local<Array> coordinates_array = Local<Array>::Cast(coordinates);
        if (coordinates_array->Length() < 2) {
            return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("at least two coordinates must be provided")));

        Query* q = new Query();
        q->this_->zoomLevel = 18; //no generalization
        q->this_->printInstructions = false; //turn by turn instructions
        q->this_->alternateRoute = true; //get an alternate route, too
        q->this_->geometry = true; //retrieve geometry of route
        q->this_->compression = true; //polyline encoding
        q->this_->checkSum = UINT_MAX; //see wiki
        q->this_->service = "viaroute"; //that's routing
        q->this_->outputFormat = "json";
        q->this_->jsonpParameter = ""; //set for jsonp wrapping
        q->this_->language = ""; //unused atm

        if (obj->Has(String::New("alternateRoute"))) {
            q->this_->alternateRoute = obj->Get(String::New("alternateRoute"))->BooleanValue();

        if (obj->Has(String::New("checksum"))) {
            q->this_->checkSum = static_cast<unsigned>(obj->Get(String::New("checksum"))->Uint32Value());

        if (obj->Has(String::New("zoomLevel"))) {
            q->this_->zoomLevel = static_cast<short>(obj->Get(String::New("zoomLevel"))->Int32Value());

        if (obj->Has(String::New("printInstructions"))) {
            q->this_->printInstructions = obj->Get(String::New("printInstructions"))->BooleanValue();

        if (obj->Has(String::New("jsonpParameter"))) {
            q->this_->jsonpParameter = *v8::String::Utf8Value(obj->Get(String::New("jsonpParameter")));

        if (obj->Has(String::New("hints"))) {
            Local<Value> hints = obj->Get(String::New("hints"));
            if (!hints->IsArray()) {
                return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("hints must be an array of strings/null")));
            Local<Array> hints_array = Local<Array>::Cast(hints);
            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < hints_array->Length(); ++i) {
                Local<Value> hint = hints_array->Get(i);
                if (hint->IsString()) {
                } else if(hint->IsNull()){
                    return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("hint must be null or string")));

        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < coordinates_array->Length(); ++i) {
            Local<Value> coordinate = coordinates_array->Get(i);
            if (!coordinate->IsArray()) {
                return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("coordinates must be an array of (lat/long) pairs")));
            Local<Array> coordinate_array = Local<Array>::Cast(coordinate);
            if (coordinate_array->Length() != 2) {
                return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("coordinates must be an array of (lat/long) pairs")));

        return args.This();
    } catch (std::exception const& ex) {
        return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New(ex.what())));
    return Undefined();
Example #20
Handle<Value> Connection::SetAutoCommit(const Arguments& args) {
  Connection* connection = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Connection>(args.This());
  REQ_BOOL_ARG(0, autoCommit);
  connection->m_autoCommit = autoCommit;
  return Undefined();
Example #21
Handle<Value> DispObject::NodeToString(const Arguments& args)
	DispObject *me = DispObject::Unwrap<DispObject>(args.This());
	if (!me) return Undefined();
	return me->toString();
Example #22
Handle<Value> Window::Fullscreen(const Arguments& args) {
  HandleScope scope;
  NativeWindow *window = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<NativeWindow>(args.This());
  return scope.Close(args.This());
Handle<Value> HoneydProfileBinding::Save(const Arguments& args)

    if(args.Length() != 2)
      return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("Must be invoked with at exactly two parameters")));
	HandleScope scope;
	HoneydProfileBinding* obj = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<HoneydProfileBinding>(args.This());

	std::string oldName = cvv8::CastFromJS<std::string>(args[0]);
	bool addOrEdit = cvv8::CastFromJS<bool>(args[1]);

	HoneydConfiguration *conf = new HoneydConfiguration();

		std::vector<std::string> portNames = conf->m_profiles[oldName].GetPortNames();
		for(uint i = 0; i < obj->m_pfile->m_ports.size(); i++)
			bool push = true;
			for(uint j = 0; j < portNames.size(); j++)
					push = false;
				push = false;
		if(!conf->RenameProfile(oldName, obj->m_pfile->m_name))
			std::cout << "Couldn't rename profile " << oldName << " to " << obj->m_pfile->m_name << std::endl;

	delete conf;
	return scope.Close(Boolean::New(true));
Example #24
 static bool call(STATE, MachineCode* mcode, StackVariables* scope, Arguments& args) {
   return args.total() == 0;
Example #25
/* zipfile.replaceFile(nameInArchive, name, offset, len) */
Handle<Value> ZipFile::Replace_File(const Arguments& args)
    ZipFile* zf = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<ZipFile>(args.This());

    struct zip_source *source;

    if (zf->Busy())
      return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New("Zipfile already in use..")));

    if (!args[0]->IsString())
      return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(
                 String::New("Argument must be a file name.")));
    std::string archive_file = TOSTR(args[0]);

    std::string name;
    if (args[1]->IsUndefined())
      name = archive_file;
      if (!args[1]->IsString())
        return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(
                   String::New("Argument must be a file name.")));
      name = TOSTR(args[1]);

    zip_int64_t off;
    if (args[2]->IsUndefined())
      off = 0;
      off = args[2]->Int32Value();
    zip_int64_t len; 
    if (args[3]->IsUndefined()) 
      len = -1; 
      len = args[3]->Int32Value();

    int idx = -1;
    std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = std::find(zf->names.begin(), zf->names.end(), archive_file);
    if (it!=zf->names.end()) {
        idx = distance(zf->names.begin(), it);

    if (idx == -1) {
        std::stringstream s;
        s << "No file found by the name of: '" << archive_file << "\n";
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(s.str().c_str())));

    source = zip_source_file(zf->archive, name.c_str(), off, len);
    if (source == NULL) {
      std::stringstream s;
      s << "Error while replacing file " << name << " in zip archive: " << zip_strerror(zf->archive) << "\n";
      return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(s.str().c_str())));

    int ret = zip_replace(zf->archive, idx, source);        
    if (ret < 0) {
      std::stringstream s;
      s << "Error while replacing file " << name << " in zip archive: " << zip_strerror(zf->archive) << "\n";
      return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(s.str().c_str())));

    return Undefined();
Example #26
 static bool call(STATE, MachineCode* mcode, StackVariables* scope, Arguments& args) {
   if(args.total() != 2) return false;
   scope->set_local(0, args.get_argument(0));
   scope->set_local(1, args.get_argument(1));
   return true;
Example #27
Handle<Value> QuaternionToString(const Arguments& args) {
    Handle<Object> self = args.This();
    QuaternionCheckAndExtract(self_val, self);
    String self_val_str = self_val.toString();
    return v8::String::New( self_val_str.c_str(), self_val_str.size() );
Example #28
    static bool call(STATE, MachineCode* mcode, StackVariables* scope, Arguments& args) {
      const bool has_splat = (mcode->splat_position >= 0);
      native_int total_args = args.total();

      // expecting 0, got 0.
      if(mcode->total_args == 0 && total_args == 0) {
        if(has_splat) {
          scope->set_local(mcode->splat_position, Array::create(state, 0));

        return true;

      // Too few args!
      if(total_args < mcode->required_args) return false;

      // Too many args (no splat!)
      if(!has_splat && total_args > mcode->total_args) return false;

      /* There are 4 types of arguments, illustrated here:
       *    m(a, b=1, *c, d)
       *  where:
       *    a is a (pre optional/splat) fixed position argument
       *    b is an optional argument
       *    c is a splat argument
       *    d is a post (optional/splat) argument
       *  The arity checking above ensures that we have at least one argument
       *  on the stack for each fixed position argument (ie arguments a and d
       *  above).
       *  The number of (pre) fixed arguments is 'required_args - post_args'.
       *  The number of optional arguments is 'total_args - required_args'.
       *  We fill in the required arguments, then the optional arguments, and
       *  the rest (if any) go into an array for the splat.

      const native_int P = mcode->post_args;
      const native_int R = mcode->required_args;

      // M is for mandatory
      const native_int M = R - P;
      const native_int T = total_args;

      // DT is for declared total
      const native_int DT = mcode->total_args;
      const native_int O = DT - R;

      // HS is for has splat
      const native_int HS = has_splat ? 1 : 0;

      // Phase 1, mandatory args
      for(native_int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
        scope->set_local(i, args.get_argument(i));

      // Phase 2, post args
      for(native_int i = T - P, l = M + O + HS;
          i < T;
          i++, l++)
        scope->set_local(l, args.get_argument(i));

      // Phase 3, optionals
      for(native_int i = M, limit = M + MIN(O, T-R);
          i < limit;
        scope->set_local(i, args.get_argument(i));

      // Phase 4, splat
      if(has_splat) {
        Array* ary;
        /* There is a splat. So if the passed in arguments are greater
         * than the total number of fixed arguments, put the rest of the
         * arguments into the Array.
         * Otherwise, generate an empty Array.
         * NOTE: remember that total includes the number of fixed arguments,
         * even if they're optional, so we can get args.total() == 0, and
         * total == 1 */
        int splat_size = T - DT;
        if(splat_size > 0) {
          ary = Array::create(state, splat_size);

          for(int i = 0, n = M + O;
              i < splat_size;
              i++, n++)
            ary->set(state, i, args.get_argument(n));
        } else {
          ary = Array::create(state, 0);

        scope->set_local(mcode->splat_position, ary);

      return true;
Example #29
Handle<Value> WKTWriter::SetRoundingPrecision(const Arguments& args) {
    WKTWriter *writer = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<WKTWriter>(args.This());
    return Undefined();
TEST(AppName, ValidData)
	Arguments object = initializeObject();
	ASSERT_EQ(object.appName(), "AppName");