Example #1
    static float getAverageY (const Font& font, const char* chars, bool getTop)
        GlyphArrangement ga;
        ga.addLineOfText (font, chars, 0, 0);

        Array<float> y;
        DefaultElementComparator<float> sorter;

        for (int i = 0; i < ga.getNumGlyphs(); ++i)
            Path p;
            ga.getGlyph (i).createPath (p);
            Rectangle<float> bounds (p.getBounds());

            if (! p.isEmpty())
                y.addSorted (sorter, getTop ? bounds.getY() : bounds.getBottom());

        float median = y[y.size() / 2];

        float total = 0;
        int num = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < y.size(); ++i)
            if (std::abs (median - y.getUnchecked(i)) < 0.05f * (float) standardHeight)
                total += y.getUnchecked(i);

        return num < 4 ? 0.0f : total / (num * (float) standardHeight);
void AudioDeviceManager::setDefaultMidiOutput (const String& deviceName)
    if (defaultMidiOutputName != deviceName)
        Array <AudioIODeviceCallback*> oldCallbacks;

            const ScopedLock sl (audioCallbackLock);
            oldCallbacks = callbacks;

        if (currentAudioDevice != nullptr)
            for (int i = oldCallbacks.size(); --i >= 0;)

        defaultMidiOutput = nullptr;
        defaultMidiOutputName = deviceName;

        if (deviceName.isNotEmpty())
            defaultMidiOutput = MidiOutput::openDevice (MidiOutput::getDevices().indexOf (deviceName));

        if (currentAudioDevice != nullptr)
            for (int i = oldCallbacks.size(); --i >= 0;)
                oldCallbacks.getUnchecked(i)->audioDeviceAboutToStart (currentAudioDevice);

            const ScopedLock sl (audioCallbackLock);
            callbacks = oldCallbacks;

Example #3
void UnitTestRunner::runTests (const Array<UnitTest*>& tests, int64 randomSeed)

    if (randomSeed == 0)
        randomSeed = Random().nextInt (0x7ffffff);

    randomForTest = Random (randomSeed);
    logMessage ("Random seed: 0x" + String::toHexString (randomSeed));

    for (int i = 0; i < tests.size(); ++i)
        if (shouldAbortTests())

        tests.getUnchecked(i)->performTest (this);
            tests.getUnchecked(i)->performTest (this);
        catch (...)
            addFail ("An unhandled exception was thrown!");

Example #4
PluginWindow* PluginWindow::getWindowFor (AudioProcessorGraph::Node* node,
                                          bool useGenericView)
    for (int i = activePluginWindows.size(); --i >= 0;)
        if (activePluginWindows.getUnchecked(i)->owner == node
             && activePluginWindows.getUnchecked(i)->isGeneric == useGenericView)
            return activePluginWindows.getUnchecked(i);

    AudioProcessorEditor* ui = nullptr;

    if (! useGenericView)
        ui = node->getProcessor()->createEditorIfNeeded();

        if (ui == nullptr)
            useGenericView = true;

    if (useGenericView)
        ui = new GenericAudioProcessorEditor (node->getProcessor());

    if (ui != nullptr)
        AudioPluginInstance* const plugin = dynamic_cast <AudioPluginInstance*> (node->getProcessor());

        if (plugin != nullptr)
            ui->setName (plugin->getName());

        return new PluginWindow (ui, node, useGenericView);

    return nullptr;
Example #5
void Mcfx_convolverAudioProcessor::LoadPresetByName(String presetName)
    Array <File> files;
    presetDir.findChildFiles(files, File::findFiles, true, presetName);
    if (files.size())
        LoadConfiguration(files.getUnchecked(0)); // Load first result
        box_preset_str = files.getUnchecked(0).getFileNameWithoutExtension();
SynthesiserVoice* Synthesiser::findVoiceToSteal (SynthesiserSound* soundToPlay,
                                                 int /*midiChannel*/, int midiNoteNumber) const
    SynthesiserVoice* bottom = nullptr;
    SynthesiserVoice* top    = nullptr;

    // this is a list of voices we can steal, sorted by how long they've been running
    Array<SynthesiserVoice*> usableVoices;
    usableVoices.ensureStorageAllocated (voices.size());

    for (int i = 0; i < voices.size(); ++i)
        SynthesiserVoice* const voice = voices.getUnchecked (i);

        if (voice->canPlaySound (soundToPlay))
            VoiceAgeSorter sorter;
            usableVoices.addSorted (sorter, voice);

            const int note = voice->getCurrentlyPlayingNote();

            if (bottom == nullptr || note < bottom->getCurrentlyPlayingNote())
                bottom = voice;

            if (top == nullptr || note > top->getCurrentlyPlayingNote())
                top = voice;

    jassert (bottom != nullptr && top != nullptr);

    // The oldest note that's playing with the target pitch playing is ideal..
    for (int i = 0; i < usableVoices.size(); ++i)
        SynthesiserVoice* const voice = usableVoices.getUnchecked (i);

        if (voice->getCurrentlyPlayingNote() == midiNoteNumber)
            return voice;

    // ..otherwise, look for the oldest note that isn't the top or bottom note..
    for (int i = 0; i < usableVoices.size(); ++i)
        SynthesiserVoice* const voice = usableVoices.getUnchecked (i);

        if (voice != bottom && voice != top)
            return voice;

    // ..otherwise, there's only one or two voices to choose from - we'll return the top one..
    return top;
Example #7
int S2MP::indexOfMax(Array<double>& weights)
    int mx = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < weights.size(); i++)
		if(weights.getUnchecked(mx) < weights.getUnchecked(i))
			mx = i;
    return mx;
Example #8
void PluginWindow::updateWindow(AudioProcessorGraph::Node* node, int nodeId)
    for (int i = activePluginWindows.size(); --i >= 0;)
        if (activePluginWindows.getUnchecked(i)->owner->nodeId == nodeId)
            AudioProcessorEditor* ui = nullptr;
            activePluginWindows.getUnchecked(i)->setContentOwned(nullptr, false);
            ui = node->getProcessor()->createEditor();
                activePluginWindows.getUnchecked(i)->setContentOwned(ui, true);

void ComponentBuilder::updateChildComponents (Component& parent, const ValueTree& children)
    using namespace ComponentBuilderHelpers;

    const int numExistingChildComps = parent.getNumChildComponents();

    Array <Component*> componentsInOrder;
    componentsInOrder.ensureStorageAllocated (numExistingChildComps);

        OwnedArray<Component> existingComponents;
        existingComponents.ensureStorageAllocated (numExistingChildComps);

        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < numExistingChildComps; ++i)
            existingComponents.add (parent.getChildComponent (i));

        const int newNumChildren = children.getNumChildren();
        for (i = 0; i < newNumChildren; ++i)
            const ValueTree childState (children.getChild (i));

            ComponentBuilder::TypeHandler* const type = getHandlerForState (childState);
            jassert (type != nullptr);

            if (type != nullptr)
                Component* c = findComponentWithID (existingComponents, getStateId (childState));

                if (c == nullptr)
                    c = createNewComponent (*type, childState, &parent);

                componentsInOrder.add (c);

        // (remaining unused items in existingComponents get deleted here as it goes out of scope)

    // Make sure the z-order is correct..
    if (componentsInOrder.size() > 0)
        componentsInOrder.getLast()->toFront (false);

        for (int i = componentsInOrder.size() - 1; --i >= 0;)
            componentsInOrder.getUnchecked(i)->toBehind (componentsInOrder.getUnchecked (i + 1));
Example #10
bool MainWindow::shouldDropFilesWhenDraggedExternally (const DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetails& sourceDetails,
                                                       StringArray& files, bool& canMoveFiles)
    if (TreeView* tv = dynamic_cast<TreeView*> (sourceDetails.sourceComponent.get()))
        Array<JucerTreeViewBase*> selected;

        for (int i = tv->getNumSelectedItems(); --i >= 0;)
            if (JucerTreeViewBase* b = dynamic_cast<JucerTreeViewBase*> (tv->getSelectedItem(i)))
                selected.add (b);

        if (selected.size() > 0)
            for (int i = selected.size(); --i >= 0;)
                if (JucerTreeViewBase* jtvb = selected.getUnchecked(i))
                    const File f (jtvb->getDraggableFile());

                    if (f.existsAsFile())
                        files.add (f.getFullPathName());

            canMoveFiles = false;
            return files.size() > 0;

    return false;
    static void findAllFocusableComponents (Component* const parent, Array <Component*>& comps)
        if (parent->getNumChildComponents() > 0)
            Array <Component*> localComps;
            ScreenPositionComparator comparator;

            for (int i = parent->getNumChildComponents(); --i >= 0;)
                Component* const c = parent->getChildComponent (i);

                if (c->isVisible() && c->isEnabled())
                    localComps.addSorted (comparator, c);

            for (int i = 0; i < localComps.size(); ++i)
                Component* const c = localComps.getUnchecked (i);

                if (c->getWantsKeyboardFocus())
                    comps.add (c);

                if (! c->isFocusContainer())
                    findAllFocusableComponents (c, comps);
void DeletedAtShutdown::deleteAll()
    // make a local copy of the array, so it can't get into a loop if something
    // creates another DeletedAtShutdown object during its destructor.
    Array <DeletedAtShutdown*> localCopy;

        const SpinLock::ScopedLockType sl (deletedAtShutdownLock);
        localCopy = getObjects();

    for (int i = localCopy.size(); --i >= 0;)
            DeletedAtShutdown* deletee = localCopy.getUnchecked(i);

            // double-check that it's not already been deleted during another object's destructor.
                const SpinLock::ScopedLockType sl (deletedAtShutdownLock);
                if (! getObjects().contains (deletee))
                    deletee = nullptr;

            delete deletee;

    // if no objects got re-created during shutdown, this should have been emptied by their
    // destructors
    jassert (getObjects().size() == 0);

    getObjects().clear(); // just to make sure the array doesn't have any memory still allocated
Example #13
void CodeDocument::insert (const String& text, const int insertPos, const bool undoable)
    if (text.isNotEmpty())
        if (undoable)
            undoManager.perform (new CodeDocumentInsertAction (*this, text, insertPos));
            Position pos (*this, insertPos);
            const int firstAffectedLine = pos.getLineNumber();

            CodeDocumentLine* const firstLine = lines [firstAffectedLine];
            String textInsideOriginalLine (text);

            if (firstLine != nullptr)
                const int index = pos.getIndexInLine();
                textInsideOriginalLine = firstLine->line.substring (0, index)
                                         + textInsideOriginalLine
                                         + firstLine->line.substring (index);

            maximumLineLength = -1;
            Array <CodeDocumentLine*> newLines;
            CodeDocumentLine::createLines (newLines, textInsideOriginalLine);
            jassert (newLines.size() > 0);

            CodeDocumentLine* const newFirstLine = newLines.getUnchecked (0);
            newFirstLine->lineStartInFile = firstLine != nullptr ? firstLine->lineStartInFile : 0;
            lines.set (firstAffectedLine, newFirstLine);

            if (newLines.size() > 1)
                lines.insertArray (firstAffectedLine + 1, newLines.getRawDataPointer() + 1, newLines.size() - 1);

            int lineStart = newFirstLine->lineStartInFile;
            for (int i = firstAffectedLine; i < lines.size(); ++i)
                CodeDocumentLine& l = *lines.getUnchecked (i);
                l.lineStartInFile = lineStart;
                lineStart += l.lineLength;


            const int newTextLength = text.length();
            for (int i = 0; i < positionsToMaintain.size(); ++i)
                CodeDocument::Position& p = *positionsToMaintain.getUnchecked(i);

                if (p.getPosition() >= insertPos)
                    p.setPosition (p.getPosition() + newTextLength);

            listeners.call (&CodeDocument::Listener::codeDocumentTextInserted, text, insertPos);
Example #14
bool ThreadPool::removeAllJobs (const bool interruptRunningJobs, const int timeOutMs,
                                ThreadPool::JobSelector* selectedJobsToRemove)
    Array <ThreadPoolJob*> jobsToWaitFor;

        OwnedArray<ThreadPoolJob> deletionList;

            const ScopedLock sl (lock);

            for (int i = jobs.size(); --i >= 0;)
                ThreadPoolJob* const job = jobs.getUnchecked(i);

                if (selectedJobsToRemove == nullptr || selectedJobsToRemove->isJobSuitable (job))
                    if (job->isActive)
                        jobsToWaitFor.add (job);

                        if (interruptRunningJobs)
                        jobs.remove (i);
                        addToDeleteList (deletionList, job);

    const uint32 start = Time::getMillisecondCounter();

    for (;;)
        for (int i = jobsToWaitFor.size(); --i >= 0;)
            ThreadPoolJob* const job = jobsToWaitFor.getUnchecked (i);

            if (! isJobRunning (job))
                jobsToWaitFor.remove (i);

        if (jobsToWaitFor.size() == 0)

        if (timeOutMs >= 0 && Time::getMillisecondCounter() >= start + timeOutMs)
            return false;

        jobFinishedSignal.wait (20);

    return true;
Example #15
void GlyphArrangement::addCurtailedLineOfText (const Font& font,
                                               const String& text,
                                               const float xOffset,
                                               const float yOffset,
                                               const float maxWidthPixels,
                                               const bool useEllipsis)
    if (text.isNotEmpty())
        Array <int> newGlyphs;
        Array <float> xOffsets;
        font.getGlyphPositions (text, newGlyphs, xOffsets);
        const int textLen = newGlyphs.size();
        glyphs.ensureStorageAllocated (glyphs.size() + textLen);

        String::CharPointerType t (text.getCharPointer());

        for (int i = 0; i < textLen; ++i)
            const float thisX = xOffsets.getUnchecked (i);
            const float nextX = xOffsets.getUnchecked (i + 1);

            if (nextX > maxWidthPixels + 1.0f)
                // curtail the string if it's too wide..
                if (useEllipsis && textLen > 3 && glyphs.size() >= 3)
                    insertEllipsis (font, xOffset + maxWidthPixels, 0, glyphs.size());

                const bool isWhitespace = t.isWhitespace();

                glyphs.add (new PositionedGlyph (font, t.getAndAdvance(),
                                                 xOffset + thisX, yOffset,
                                                 nextX - thisX, isWhitespace));
Example #16
void Toolbar::addDefaultItems (ToolbarItemFactory& factoryToUse)
    Array <int> ids;
    factoryToUse.getDefaultItemSet (ids);


    for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); ++i)
        addItemInternal (factoryToUse, ids.getUnchecked (i), -1);

ComponentPeer* ComponentPeer::getPeerFor (const Component* const component) noexcept
    for (int i = heavyweightPeers.size(); --i >= 0;)
        ComponentPeer* const peer = heavyweightPeers.getUnchecked(i);

        if (peer->getComponent() == component)
            return peer;

    return nullptr;
OpenGLContext* OpenGLContext::getCurrentContext()
    for (int i = knownContexts.size(); --i >= 0;)
        OpenGLContext* const oglc = knownContexts.getUnchecked(i);

        if (oglc->isActive())
            return oglc;

    return nullptr;
Example #19
void PluginWindow::closeAllCurrentlyOpenWindows()
    if (activePluginWindows.size() > 0)
        for (int i = activePluginWindows.size(); --i >= 0;)
            delete activePluginWindows.getUnchecked (i);

        Component dummyModalComp;
        MessageManager::getInstance()->runDispatchLoopUntil (50);
Example #20
void Project::BuildConfiguration::createPropertyEditors (Array <PropertyComponent*>& props)
    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getName(), "Name", 96, false));
    props.getLast()->setTooltip ("The name of this configuration.");

    props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (isDebug(), "Debug mode", "Debugging enabled"));
    props.getLast()->setTooltip ("If enabled, this means that the configuration should be built with debug synbols.");

    const char* optimisationLevels[] = { "No optimisation", "Optimise for size and speed", "Optimise for maximum speed", 0 };
    const int optimisationLevelValues[] = { 1, 2, 3, 0 };
    props.add (new ChoicePropertyComponent (getOptimisationLevel(), "Optimisation", StringArray (optimisationLevels), Array<var> (optimisationLevelValues)));
    props.getLast()->setTooltip ("The optimisation level for this configuration");

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getTargetBinaryName(), "Binary name", 256, false));
    props.getLast()->setTooltip ("The filename to use for the destination binary executable file. Don't add a suffix to this, because platform-specific suffixes will be added for each target platform.");

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getTargetBinaryRelativePath(), "Binary location", 1024, false));
    props.getLast()->setTooltip ("The folder in which the finished binary should be placed. Leave this blank to cause the binary to be placed in its default location in the build folder.");

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getHeaderSearchPath(), "Header search path", 16384, false));
    props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Extra header search paths. Use semi-colons to separate multiple paths.");

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getBuildConfigPreprocessorDefs(), "Preprocessor definitions", 32768, false));
    props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Extra preprocessor definitions. Use the form \"NAME1=value NAME2=value\", using whitespace or commas to separate the items - to include a space or comma in a definition, precede it with a backslash.");

    if (getMacSDKVersion().toString().isEmpty())
        getMacSDKVersion() = osxVersionDefault;

    const char* osxVersions[] = { "Use Default", osxVersion10_4, osxVersion10_5, osxVersion10_6, 0 };
    const char* osxVersionValues[] = { osxVersionDefault, osxVersion10_4, osxVersion10_5, osxVersion10_6, 0 };

    props.add (new ChoicePropertyComponent (getMacSDKVersion(), "OSX Base SDK Version", StringArray (osxVersions), Array<var> (osxVersionValues)));
    props.getLast()->setTooltip ("The version of OSX to link against in the XCode build.");

    if (getMacCompatibilityVersion().toString().isEmpty())
        getMacCompatibilityVersion() = osxVersionDefault;

    props.add (new ChoicePropertyComponent (getMacCompatibilityVersion(), "OSX Compatibility Version", StringArray (osxVersions), Array<var> (osxVersionValues)));
    props.getLast()->setTooltip ("The minimum version of OSX that the target binary will be compatible with.");

    const char* osxArch[] = { "Use Default", "Native architecture of build machine", "Universal Binary (32-bit)", "Universal Binary (64-bit)", "64-bit Intel", 0 };
    const char* osxArchValues[] = { osxArch_Default, osxArch_Native, osxArch_32BitUniversal, osxArch_64BitUniversal, osxArch_64Bit, 0 };

    if (getMacArchitecture().toString().isEmpty())
        getMacArchitecture() = osxArch_Default;

    props.add (new ChoicePropertyComponent (getMacArchitecture(), "OSX Architecture", StringArray (osxArch), Array<var> (osxArchValues)));
    props.getLast()->setTooltip ("The type of OSX binary that will be produced.");

    for (int i = props.size(); --i >= 0;)
        props.getUnchecked(i)->setPreferredHeight (22);
Example #21
PluginWindow* PluginWindow::getWindowFor (AudioProcessorGraph::Node* const node,
                                          WindowFormatType type)
  jassert (node != nullptr);
  for (int i = activePluginWindows.size(); --i >= 0;)
    if (activePluginWindows.getUnchecked(i)->owner == node
        && activePluginWindows.getUnchecked(i)->type == type)
      return activePluginWindows.getUnchecked(i);
  AudioProcessor* processor = node->getProcessor();
  AudioProcessorEditor* ui = nullptr;
  if (type == Normal)
    ui = processor->createEditorIfNeeded();
    if (ui == nullptr)
      type = Generic;
  if (ui == nullptr)
    //if (type == Generic || type == Parameters)
      //ui = new PMixGenericAudioProcessorEditor (processor);
//    else if (type == Programs)
//      ui = new ProgramAudioProcessorEditor (processor);
  if (ui != nullptr)
    if (AudioPluginInstance* const plugin = dynamic_cast<AudioPluginInstance*> (processor))
      ui->setName (plugin->getName());
    return new PluginWindow (ui, node, type);
  return nullptr;
    static void writeHeader (ValueTreeSynchroniser& target, MemoryOutputStream& stream,
                             ChangeType type, ValueTree v)
        writeHeader (stream, type);

        Array<int> path;
        getValueTreePath (v, target.getRoot(), path);

        stream.writeCompressedInt (path.size());

        for (int i = path.size(); --i >= 0;)
            stream.writeCompressedInt (path.getUnchecked(i));
Example #23
    void growRangeAll (const int start, const int end, int spaceDiff) noexcept
        Array<Panel*> expandableItems;

        for (int i = start; i < end; ++i)
            if (get(i).canExpand() && ! get(i).isMinimised())
                expandableItems.add (& get(i));

        for (int attempts = 4; --attempts >= 0 && spaceDiff > 0;)
            for (int i = expandableItems.size(); --i >= 0 && spaceDiff > 0;)
                spaceDiff -= expandableItems.getUnchecked(i)->expand (spaceDiff / (i + 1));

        growRangeLast (start, end, spaceDiff);
Example #24
ToolbarItemPalette::ToolbarItemPalette (ToolbarItemFactory& tbf, Toolbar& bar)
    : factory (tbf), toolbar (bar)
    Component* const itemHolder = new Component();
    viewport.setViewedComponent (itemHolder);

    Array<int> allIds;
    factory.getAllToolbarItemIds (allIds);

    for (int i = 0; i < allIds.size(); ++i)
        addComponent (allIds.getUnchecked (i), -1);

    addAndMakeVisible (viewport);
double PitchDetector::detectPitch (float* samples, int numSamples) noexcept
    Array<double> pitches;
    pitches.ensureStorageAllocated (int (numSamples / numSamplesNeededForDetection));
    while (numSamples >= numSamplesNeededForDetection)
        double pitch = detectPitchForBlock (samples, numSamplesNeededForDetection);//0.0;
        if (pitch > 0.0)
            pitches.add (pitch);
        numSamples -= numSamplesNeededForDetection;
        samples += numSamplesNeededForDetection;
    if (pitches.size() == 1)
        return pitches[0];
    else if (pitches.size() > 1)
        DefaultElementComparator<double> sorter;
        pitches.sort (sorter);
        const double stdDev = findStandardDeviation (pitches.getRawDataPointer(), pitches.size());
        const double medianSample = findMedian (pitches.getRawDataPointer(), pitches.size());
        const double lowerLimit = medianSample - stdDev;
        const double upperLimit = medianSample + stdDev;
        Array<double> correctedPitches;
        correctedPitches.ensureStorageAllocated (pitches.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < pitches.size(); ++i)
            const double pitch = pitches.getUnchecked (i);
            if (pitch >= lowerLimit && pitch <= upperLimit)
                correctedPitches.add (pitch);
        const double finalPitch = findMean (correctedPitches.getRawDataPointer(), correctedPitches.size());
        return finalPitch;
    return 0.0;
void ApplicationCommandManager::registerAllCommandsForTarget (ApplicationCommandTarget* target)
    if (target != nullptr)
        Array<CommandID> commandIDs;
        target->getAllCommands (commandIDs);

        for (int i = 0; i < commandIDs.size(); ++i)
            ApplicationCommandInfo info (commandIDs.getUnchecked(i));
            target->getCommandInfo (info.commandID, info);

            registerCommand (info);
Example #27
void UnitTestRunner::runTests (const Array<UnitTest*>& tests, const bool assertOnFailure_)
    assertOnFailure = assertOnFailure_;

    for (int i = 0; i < tests.size(); ++i)
            tests.getUnchecked(i)->performTest (this);
        catch (...)
            addFail ("An unhandled exception was thrown!");

void MessageManager::broadcastMessage (const String& value)
    const String localCopy (value);

    Array<HWND> windows;
    EnumWindows (&WindowsMessageHelpers::broadcastEnumWindowProc, (LPARAM) &windows);

    for (int i = windows.size(); --i >= 0;)
        COPYDATASTRUCT data;
        data.dwData = WindowsMessageHelpers::broadcastMessageMagicNumber;
        data.cbData = (localCopy.length() + 1) * sizeof (CharPointer_UTF32::CharType);
        data.lpData = (void*) localCopy.toUTF32().getAddress();

        DWORD_PTR result;
        SendMessageTimeout (windows.getUnchecked (i), WM_COPYDATA,
                            (WPARAM) juce_messageWindowHandle,
                            (LPARAM) &data,
                            SMTO_BLOCK | SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 8000, &result);
void UnitTestRunner::runTests (const Array<UnitTest*>& tests)

    for (int i = 0; i < tests.size(); ++i)
        if (shouldAbortTests())

            tests.getUnchecked(i)->performTest (this);
        catch (...)
            addFail ("An unhandled exception was thrown!");


#include "juce_ToolbarItemPalette.h"
#include "juce_ToolbarItemFactory.h"

ToolbarItemPalette::ToolbarItemPalette (ToolbarItemFactory& factory_,
                                        Toolbar* const toolbar_)
    : factory (factory_),
      toolbar (toolbar_)
    Component* const itemHolder = new Component();
    viewport.setViewedComponent (itemHolder);

    Array <int> allIds;
    factory.getAllToolbarItemIds (allIds);

    for (int i = 0; i < allIds.size(); ++i)
        addComponent (allIds.getUnchecked (i), -1);

    addAndMakeVisible (&viewport);