Example #1
File: tag.cpp Project: e1z0/sMule
/** Turns a binary tag into a series of ID3_Frame objects attached to the
 ** tag.
 ** \code
 **   ID3_Tag myTag;
 **   uchar header[ID3_TAGHEADERSIZE];
 **   uchar *buffer;
 **   luint tagSize;
 **   // get ID3_TAGHEADERSIZE from a socket or somewhere
 **   // ...
 **   if ((tagSize = ID3_IsTagHeader(ourSourceBuffer)) > -1)
 **   {
 **     // read a further 'tagSize' bytes in
 **     // from our data source
 **     // ...
 **     if (buffer = new uchar[tagSize])
 **     {
 **       // now we will call ID3_Tag::Parse()
 **       // with these values (explained later)
 **       myTag.Parse(header, buffer);
 **       // do something with the objects,
 **       // like look for titles, artists, etc.
 **       // ...
 **       // free the buffer
 **       delete [] buffer;
 **     }
 **   }
 ** \endcode
 ** \sa ID3_Frame
 ** @param header The byte header read in from the data source.
 ** @param buffer The remainder of the tag (not including the data source)
 **               read in from the data source.
size_t ID3_Tag::Parse(const uchar header[ID3_TAGHEADERSIZE], const uchar *buffer)
  size_t size = ID3_Tag::IsV2Tag(header);
  if (0 == size)
    return 0;
  BString buf;
  buf.reserve(ID3_TagHeader::SIZE + size);
  buf.append(reinterpret_cast<const BString::value_type *>(header),
  buf.append(reinterpret_cast<const BString::value_type *>(buffer), size);
  return this->Parse(buf.data(), buf.size());
BString io::readBinary(ID3_Reader& reader, size_t len)
  BString binary;
  size_t remaining = len;
  const size_t SIZE = 1024;
  ID3_Reader::char_type buf[SIZE];
  while (!reader.atEnd() && remaining > 0)
    size_t numRead = reader.readChars(buf, min(remaining, SIZE));
    remaining -= numRead;
    binary.append(reinterpret_cast<BString::value_type *>(buf), numRead);
  return binary;