#includeusing namespace std; int main() { BitVector bv("1010101010"); int count = bv.count(); cout << count << endl; // Output: 5 }
#includeusing namespace std; int main() { BitVector bv1("1010101010"); BitVector bv2("0011001100"); bv1 |= bv2; cout << bv1.to_string() << endl; // Output: "1011101110" }
#includeCpp BitVector is a package library that is included in the Boost C++ libraries. It can be installed and used in a C++ project by including the "boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp" header file and linking against the Boost libraries.using namespace std; int main() { BitVector bv("1010101010"); BitVector sub = bv.slice(2, 6); cout << sub.to_string() << endl; // Output: "1010" }