Example #1
ParticleBase::FineToCrse (const ParticleBase&                p,
                          int                                flev,
                          const ParGDBBase*                  gdb,
                          const Array<IntVect>&              fcells,
                          const BoxArray&                    fvalid,
                          const BoxArray&                    compfvalid_grown,
                          Array<IntVect>&                    ccells,
                          Array<Real>&                       cfracs,
                          Array<int>&                        which,
                          Array<int>&                        cgrid,
                          Array<IntVect>&                    pshifts,
                          std::vector< std::pair<int,Box> >& isects)
    BL_ASSERT(gdb != 0);
    BL_ASSERT(flev > 0);
    // We're in AssignDensity(). We want to know whether or not updating
    // with a particle we'll cross a fine->crse boundary.  Note that crossing
    // a periodic boundary, where the periodic shift lies in our valid region,
    // is not considered a Fine->Crse crossing.
    const int M = fcells.size();


    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
        cgrid[i] = -1;
        which[i] =  0;

    const Box& ibx = BoxLib::grow(gdb->ParticleBoxArray(flev)[p.m_grid],-1);


    if (ibx.contains(p.m_cell))
        // We're strictly contained in our valid box.
        // We can't cross a fine->crse boundary.
        return false;

    if (!compfvalid_grown.contains(p.m_cell))
        // We're strictly contained in our "valid" region. Note that the valid
        // region contains any periodically shifted ghost cells that intersect
        // valid region.
        return false;
    // Otherwise ...
    const Geometry& cgm = gdb->Geom(flev-1);
    const IntVect&  rr  = gdb->refRatio(flev-1);
    const BoxArray& cba = gdb->ParticleBoxArray(flev-1);

    ParticleBase::CIC_Cells_Fracs(p, cgm.ProbLo(), cgm.CellSize(), cfracs, ccells);

    bool result = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
        IntVect ccell_refined = ccells[i]*rr;
        // We've got to protect against the case when we're at the low
        // end of the domain because coarsening & refining don't work right
        // when indices go negative.
        for (int dm = 0; dm < BL_SPACEDIM; dm++)
            ccell_refined[dm] = std::max(ccell_refined[dm], -1);

        if (!fvalid.contains(ccell_refined))
            result   = true;
            which[i] = 1;

            Box cbx(ccells[i],ccells[i]);
            if (!cgm.Domain().contains(ccells[i]))
                // We must be at a periodic boundary.
                // Find valid box into which we can be periodically shifted.

                cgm.periodicShift(cbx, cgm.Domain(), pshifts);

                BL_ASSERT(pshifts.size() == 1);

                cbx -= pshifts[0];

                ccells[i] -= pshifts[0];
            // Which grid at the crse level do we need to update?


            cgrid[i] = isects[0].first;  // The grid ID at crse level that we hit.

    return result;
Example #2
BoxList::contains (const BoxArray&  ba) const
    BoxArray tba(*this);
    return ba.contains(tba);
Example #3
ParticleBase::CrseToFine (const BoxArray&       cfba,
                          const Array<IntVect>& cells,
                          Array<IntVect>&       cfshifts,
                          const Geometry&       gm,
                          Array<int>&           which,
                          Array<IntVect>&       pshifts)
    // We're in AssignDensity(). We want to know whether or not updating
    // with a particle, will we cross a  crse->fine boundary of the level
    // with coarsened fine BoxArray "cfba".  "cells" are as calculated from
    // CIC_Cells_Fracs().
    const int M = cells.size();


    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
        which[i] =  0;

    bool result = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
        if (cfba.contains(cells[i]))
            result      = true;
            which[i]    = 1;
            cfshifts[i] = IntVect::TheZeroVector();
        else if (!gm.Domain().contains(cells[i]))
            // Can the cell be shifted into cfba?
            const Box bx(cells[i],cells[i]);

            gm.periodicShift(bx, gm.Domain(), pshifts);

            if (!pshifts.empty())
                BL_ASSERT(pshifts.size() == 1);

                const Box& dbx = bx - pshifts[0];


                if (cfba.contains(dbx))
                    // Note that pshifts[0] is from the coarse perspective.
                    // We'll later need to multiply it by ref ratio to use
                    // at the fine level.
                    result      = true;
                    which[i]    = 1;
                    cfshifts[i] = pshifts[0];

    return result;