bool C4DefGraphics::LoadSkeleton(C4Group &hGroup, const char* szFileName, StdMeshSkeletonLoader& loader)
	char* buf = NULL;
	size_t size;

		if (!hGroup.LoadEntry(szFileName, &buf, &size, 1)) return false;

		// delete skeleton from the map for reloading, or else if you delete or rename
		// a skeleton file in the folder the old skeleton will still exist in the map
		loader.RemoveSkeleton(hGroup.GetName(), szFileName);

		if (SEqualNoCase(GetExtension(szFileName), "xml"))
			loader.LoadSkeletonXml(hGroup.GetName(), szFileName, buf, size);
			loader.LoadSkeletonBinary(hGroup.GetName(), szFileName, buf, size);

		delete[] buf;
	catch (const std::runtime_error& ex)
		DebugLogF("Failed to load skeleton in definition %s: %s", hGroup.GetName(), ex.what());
		delete[] buf;
		return false;

	return true;
Example #2
void C4Language::LoadInfos(C4Group &hGroup)
	char strEntry[_MAX_FNAME + 1];
	char *strTable;
	// Look for language string tables
	while (hGroup.FindNextEntry(C4CFN_Language, strEntry))
		// For now, we will only load info on the first string table found for a given
		// language code as there is currently no handling for selecting different string tables
		// of the same code - the system always loads the first string table found for a given code
		if (!FindInfo(GetFilenameOnly(strEntry) + SLen(GetFilenameOnly(strEntry)) - 2))
			// Load language string table
			if (hGroup.LoadEntry(strEntry, &strTable, 0, 1))
				// New language info
				C4LanguageInfo *pInfo = new C4LanguageInfo;
				// Get language code by entry name
				SCopy(GetFilenameOnly(strEntry) + SLen(GetFilenameOnly(strEntry)) - 2, pInfo->Code, 2);
				// Get language name, info, fallback from table
				CopyResStr("IDS_LANG_NAME", strTable, pInfo->Name);
				CopyResStr("IDS_LANG_INFO", strTable, pInfo->Info);
				CopyResStr("IDS_LANG_FALLBACK", strTable, pInfo->Fallback);
				// Safety: pipe character is not allowed in any language info string
				SReplaceChar(pInfo->Name, '|', ' ');
				SReplaceChar(pInfo->Info, '|', ' ');
				SReplaceChar(pInfo->Fallback, '|', ' ');
				// Delete table
				delete [] strTable;
				// Add info to list
				pInfo->Next = Infos;
				Infos = pInfo;
Example #3
bool C4DefGraphics::LoadSkeleton(C4Group &hGroup, const char* szFileName, StdMeshSkeletonLoader& loader)
	char* buf = NULL;
	size_t size;

		if (!hGroup.LoadEntry(szFileName, &buf, &size, 1)) return false;

		StdCopyStrBuf filename = StdCopyStrBuf();
		StdMeshSkeletonLoader::MakeFullSkeletonPath(filename, hGroup.GetName(), szFileName);

		if (SEqualNoCase(GetExtension(szFileName), "xml"))
			loader.LoadSkeletonXml(filename, buf, size);
			loader.LoadSkeletonBinary(filename, buf, size);

		delete[] buf;
	catch (const std::runtime_error& ex)
		DebugLogF("Failed to load skeleton in definition %s: %s", hGroup.GetName(), ex.what());
		delete[] buf;
		return false;

	return true;
Example #4
void C4Def::LoadMeshMaterials(C4Group &hGroup, C4DefGraphicsPtrBackup *gfx_backup)
	// Load all mesh materials from this folder
	C4DefAdditionalResourcesLoader loader(hGroup);
	char MaterialFilename[_MAX_PATH + 1]; *MaterialFilename = 0;
	for (const auto &mat : mesh_materials)
		::MeshMaterialManager.Remove(mat, &gfx_backup->GetUpdater());
	while (hGroup.FindNextEntry(C4CFN_DefMaterials, MaterialFilename, NULL, !!*MaterialFilename))
		StdStrBuf material;
		if (hGroup.LoadEntryString(MaterialFilename, &material))
				StdStrBuf buf;
				buf.Append("/"); buf.Append(MaterialFilename);
				auto new_materials = ::MeshMaterialManager.Parse(material.getData(), buf.getData(), loader);
				mesh_materials.insert(new_materials.begin(), new_materials.end());
			catch (const StdMeshMaterialError& ex)
				DebugLogF("Failed to read material script: %s", ex.what());
bool C4DefGraphics::LoadMesh(C4Group &hGroup, const char* szFileName, StdMeshSkeletonLoader& loader)
	char* buf = NULL;
	size_t size;

		if(!hGroup.LoadEntry(szFileName, &buf, &size, 1)) return false;

		if (SEqualNoCase(GetExtension(szFileName), "xml"))
			Mesh = StdMeshLoader::LoadMeshXml(buf, size, ::MeshMaterialManager, loader, hGroup.GetName());
			Mesh = StdMeshLoader::LoadMeshBinary(buf, size, ::MeshMaterialManager, loader, hGroup.GetName());
		delete[] buf;


		// order submeshes
	catch (const std::runtime_error& ex)
		DebugLogF("Failed to load mesh in definition %s: %s", hGroup.GetName(), ex.what());
		delete[] buf;
		return false;

	Type = TYPE_Mesh;
	return true;
bool C4Network2Res::OptimizeStandalone(bool fSilent)
	CStdLock FileLock(&FileCSec);
	// for now: player files only
	if (Core.getType() == NRT_Player)
		// log - this may take a few seconds
		if (!fSilent) LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_NETPREPARING"), GetFilename(szFile));
		// copy to temp file, if needed
		if (!fTempFile && SEqual(szFile, szStandalone))
			char szNewStandalone[_MAX_PATH + 1];
			if (!pParent->FindTempResFileName(szStandalone, szNewStandalone))
				{ if (!fSilent) Log("OptimizeStandalone: could not find free name for temporary file!"); return false; }
			if (!C4Group_CopyItem(szStandalone, szNewStandalone))
				{ if (!fSilent) Log("OptimizeStandalone: could not copy to temporary file!"); return false; } /* TODO: Test failure */
			SCopy(szNewStandalone, szStandalone, sizeof(szStandalone) - 1);
		// open as group
		C4Group Grp;
		if (!Grp.Open(szStandalone))
			{ if (!fSilent) Log("OptimizeStandalone: could not open player file!"); return false; }
		// remove bigicon, if the file size is too large
		size_t iBigIconSize=0;
		if (Grp.FindEntry(C4CFN_BigIcon, NULL, &iBigIconSize))
			if (iBigIconSize > C4NetResMaxBigicon*1024)
	return true;
bool C4PlayerInfoCore::Load(C4Group &hGroup)
	// New version
	StdStrBuf Source;
	if (hGroup.LoadEntryString(C4CFN_PlayerInfoCore,&Source))
		// Compile
		StdStrBuf GrpName = hGroup.GetFullName(); GrpName.Append(DirSep C4CFN_PlayerInfoCore);
		if (!CompileFromBuf_LogWarn<StdCompilerINIRead>(*this, Source, GrpName.getData()))
			return false;
		// Pref for AutoContextMenus is still undecided: default by player's control style
		if (OldPrefAutoContextMenu == -1)
			OldPrefAutoContextMenu = OldPrefControlStyle;
		// Determine true color from indexed pref color
		if (!PrefColorDw)
			PrefColorDw = GetPrefColorValue(PrefColor);
		// Validate colors
		PrefColorDw &= 0xffffff;
		PrefColor2Dw &= 0xffffff;
		// Validate name
		// Success
		return true;

	// Old version no longer supported - sorry
	return false;
bool C4PlayerList::Save(C4Group &hGroup, bool fStoreTiny, const C4PlayerInfoList &rStoreList)
	StdStrBuf sTempFilename;
	bool fSuccess = true;
	// Save to external player files and add to group
	for (C4Player *pPlr=First; pPlr; pPlr=pPlr->Next)
		// save only those in the list, and only those with a filename
		C4PlayerInfo *pNfo = rStoreList.GetPlayerInfoByID(pPlr->ID);
		if (!pNfo) continue;
		if (!pNfo->GetFilename() || !*pNfo->GetFilename()) continue;;
		// save over original file?
		bool fStoreOnOriginal = (!fStoreTiny && pNfo->GetType() == C4PT_User);
		// Create temporary file
		if (fStoreOnOriginal)
			if (!C4Group_CopyItem(pPlr->Filename, sTempFilename.getData()))
				return false;
		// Open group
		C4Group PlrGroup;
		if (!PlrGroup.Open(sTempFilename.getData(), !fStoreOnOriginal))
			return false;
		// Save player
		if (!pPlr->Save(PlrGroup, true, fStoreOnOriginal)) return false;
		// Add temp file to group
		if (!hGroup.Move(sTempFilename.getData(), pNfo->GetFilename())) return false;
	return fSuccess;
Example #9
int32_t C4SoundSystem::LoadEffects(C4Group &hGroup, BOOL fStatic) {
  int32_t iNum = 0;
  char szFilename[_MAX_FNAME + 1];
  char szFileType[_MAX_FNAME + 1];
  C4SoundEffect *nsfx;
  // Process segmented list of file types
  for (int32_t i = 0;
       SCopySegment(C4CFN_SoundFiles, i, szFileType, '|', _MAX_FNAME); i++) {
    // Search all sound files in group
    while (hGroup.FindNextEntry(szFileType, szFilename))
      // Create and load effect
      if (nsfx = new C4SoundEffect)
        if (nsfx->Load(szFilename, hGroup, fStatic)) {
          // Overload same name effects
          // Add effect
          nsfx->Next = FirstSound;
          FirstSound = nsfx;
        } else
          delete nsfx;
  return iNum;
Example #10
bool C4GroupSet::RegisterGroups(const C4GroupSet &rCopy, int32_t Contents, const char *szFilename, int32_t iMaxSkipID)
	// get all groups of rCopy
	int32_t Contents2;
	for (C4GroupSetNode *pNode=rCopy.pFirst; pNode; pNode=pNode->pNext)
		if ((Contents2 = pNode->Contents & Contents))
			if (pNode->id > iMaxSkipID)
				if (!szFilename)
					// add group but don't check the content again!
					RegisterGroup(*pNode->pGroup, false, pNode->Priority, Contents2, false);
					// if a filename is given, open the child group
					C4Group *pGroup = new C4Group();
					if (!pGroup->OpenAsChild(pNode->pGroup, szFilename))
						{ delete pGroup; continue; }
					// add the child group to the local list; contents equal Contents2
					// but this flag is not likely to be used
					if (!RegisterGroup(*pGroup, true, pNode->Priority, Contents2, false))
						delete pGroup;
	// done, success
	return true;
Example #11
int32_t C4FontLoader::LoadDefs(C4Group &hGroup, C4Config &rCfg)
	// load vector fonts
	char fn[_MAX_PATH+1], fnDef[32]; int32_t i=0;
	while (SCopySegment(C4CFN_FontFiles, i++, fnDef, '|', 31))
		while (hGroup.FindNextEntry(fnDef, fn))
			C4VectorFont *pVecFon = new C4VectorFont();
			if (pVecFon->Init(hGroup, fn, rCfg))
				pVecFon->pNext = pVectorFonts;
				pVectorFonts = pVecFon;
			else delete pVecFon;
	// load definition file
	StdStrBuf DefFileContent;
	if (!hGroup.LoadEntryString(C4CFN_FontDefs, DefFileContent)) return 0;
	std::vector<C4FontDef> NewFontDefs;
	if (!CompileFromBuf_LogWarn<StdCompilerINIRead>(
			mkNamingAdapt(mkSTLContainerAdapt(NewFontDefs), "Font"),
		return 0;
	// Copy the new FontDefs into the list
	FontDefs.insert(FontDefs.end(), NewFontDefs.begin(), NewFontDefs.end());
	// done
	return NewFontDefs.size();
bool C4GraphicsResource::RegisterGlobalGraphics()
	// Create main gfx group - register with fixed ID 1, to prevent unnecessary font reloading.
	// FontLoader-initializations always check whether the font has already been initialized
	// with the same parameters. If the game is simply reloaded in console-mode, this means
	// that fonts are not reinitialized. This will also apply for InGame-scenario switches yet
	// to be implemented.
	// Bitmap fonts from other groups are always reloaded, because the group indices of the gfx
	// group set are not reset, and will then differ for subsequent group registrations.
	// Resetting the group index of the gfx group set at game reset would cause problems if a
	// scenario with its own font face is being closed, and then another scenario with another,
	// overloaded font face is opened. The group indices could match and the old font would
	// then be kept.
	// The cleanest alternative would be to reinit all the fonts whenever a scenario is reloaded
	// FIXME: Test whether vector fonts from a scenario are correctly reloaded
	C4Group *pMainGfxGrp = new C4Group();
	if (!Reloc.Open(*pMainGfxGrp, C4CFN_Graphics) || !Files.RegisterGroup(*pMainGfxGrp, true, C4GSPrio_Base, C4GSCnt_Graphics, 1))
		// error
		delete pMainGfxGrp;
		return false;
	return true;
Example #13
BOOL C4UpdatePackage::Optimize(C4Group *pGrpFrom, C4GroupEx *pGrpTo,
                               const char *strFileName) {
    // group file?
    C4Group ItemGroupFrom;
    if (!ItemGroupFrom.OpenAsChild(pGrpFrom, strFileName)) return TRUE;
    // try to open target group
    C4GroupEx ItemGroupTo;
    char strTempGroup[_MAX_PATH + 1];
    strTempGroup[0] = 0;
    if (!ItemGroupTo.OpenAsChild(pGrpTo, strFileName)) return TRUE;
    // update children
    char ItemFileName[_MAX_PATH];
    while (ItemGroupFrom.FindNextEntry("*", ItemFileName))
        Optimize(&ItemGroupFrom, &ItemGroupTo, ItemFileName);
    // set head
    if (ItemGroupTo.HeadIdentical(ItemGroupFrom, true))
    // write group (do not change any headers set by DoGrpUpdate!)
    // set core (C4Group::Save overwrites it)
    pGrpTo->SaveEntryCore(*pGrpFrom, strFileName);
    return TRUE;
Example #14
int C4UpdatePackage::Check(C4Group *pGroup) {
    // Version requirement is set
    if (RequireVersion[0]) {
        // Engine and game version must match (rest ignored)
        if ((C4XVER1 != RequireVersion[0]) || (C4XVER2 != RequireVersion[1]))
            return C4UPD_CHK_BAD_VERSION;

    // only group updates have any special needs
    if (!GrpUpdate) return C4UPD_CHK_OK;

    // check source file
    C4Group TargetGrp;
    if (!TargetGrp.Open(DestPath)) return C4UPD_CHK_NO_SOURCE;
    if (!TargetGrp.IsPacked()) return C4UPD_CHK_BAD_SOURCE;

    // check source crc
    uint32_t iCRC32;
    if (!C4Group_GetFileCRC(DestPath, &iCRC32)) return C4UPD_CHK_BAD_SOURCE;
    // equal to destination group?
    if (iCRC32 == GrpChks2)
        // so there's nothing to do
    // check if it's one of our registered sources
    int i = 0;
    for (; i < UpGrpCnt; i++)
        if (iCRC32 == GrpChks1[i]) break;
    if (i >= UpGrpCnt) return C4UPD_CHK_BAD_SOURCE;

    // ok
    return C4UPD_CHK_OK;
Example #15
bool C4Language::Init()
	// Clear (to allow clean re-init)

	// Make sure Language.ocg is unpacked (TODO: This won't work properly if Language.ocg is in system data path)
	// Assume for now that Language.ocg is either at a writable location or unpacked already.
	// TODO: Use all Language.c4gs that we find, and merge them.
	// TODO: Use gettext instead?
	StdStrBuf langPath;
	C4Reloc::iterator iter;
	for(iter = Reloc.begin(); iter != Reloc.end(); ++iter)
		langPath.Copy((*iter).strBuf + DirSep + C4CFN_Languages);

	// Break if no language.ocg found
	if(iter != Reloc.end())
		// Look for available language packs in Language.ocg
		C4Group *pPack;
		char strPackFilename[_MAX_FNAME + 1], strEntry[_MAX_FNAME + 1];
		if (PackDirectory.Open(langPath.getData()))
			while (PackDirectory.FindNextEntry("*.ocg", strEntry))
				sprintf(strPackFilename, "%s" DirSep "%s", C4CFN_Languages, strEntry);
				pPack = new C4Group();
				if (pPack->Open(strPackFilename))
					Packs.RegisterGroup(*pPack, true, C4GSCnt_Language, false);
					delete pPack;

		// Now create a pack group for each language pack (these pack groups are child groups
		// that browse along each pack to access requested data)
		for (int iPack = 0; (pPack = Packs.GetGroup(iPack)); iPack++)
			PackGroups.RegisterGroup(*(new C4Group), true, C4GSPrio_Base, C4GSCnt_Language);

	// Load language infos by scanning string tables (the engine doesn't really need this at the moment)

	// Done
	return true;
Example #16
bool C4GroupSet::LoadEntry(const char *szEntryName, char **lpbpBuf, size_t *ipSize, int32_t iAppendZeros)
	// Load the entry from the first group that has it
	C4Group *pGroup;
	if ((pGroup = FindEntry(szEntryName)))
		return pGroup->LoadEntry(szEntryName, lpbpBuf, ipSize, iAppendZeros);
	// Didn't find it
	return false;
Example #17
bool C4GroupSet::LoadEntryString(const char *szEntryName, StdStrBuf * rBuf)
	// Load the entry from the first group that has it
	C4Group *pGroup;
	if ((pGroup = FindEntry(szEntryName)))
		return pGroup->LoadEntryString(szEntryName, rBuf);
	// Didn't find it
	return false;
bool C4PlayerInfoCore::Save(C4Group &hGroup)
	StdStrBuf Source, Name = hGroup.GetFullName(); Name.Append(DirSep C4CFN_PlayerInfoCore);
	if (!DecompileToBuf_Log<StdCompilerINIWrite>(*this, &Source, Name.getData()))
		return false;
	if (!hGroup.Add(C4CFN_PlayerInfoCore,Source,false,true))
		return false;
	return true;
Example #19
BOOL C4PlayerInfoCore::Save(C4Group &hGroup)
	StdStrBuf Source, Name = hGroup.GetFullName(); Name.Append(DirSep C4CFN_PlayerInfoCore);
	if(!DecompileToBuf_Log<StdCompilerINIWrite>(*this, &Source, Name.getData()))
		return FALSE;
	if (!hGroup.Add(C4CFN_PlayerInfoCore,Source,FALSE,TRUE))
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;
C4Group *C4Network2Res::OpenAsGrp() const
	C4Group *pnGrp = new C4Group();
	if (!pnGrp->Open(szFile))
		delete pnGrp;
		return NULL;
	return pnGrp;
Example #21
bool C4Reloc::Open(C4Group& hGroup, const char* filename) const
	if(IsGlobalPath(filename)) return hGroup.Open(filename);

	for(iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter)
		if(hGroup.Open(((*iter).strBuf + DirSep + filename).getData()))
			return true;

	return false;
int32_t C4SoundSystem::LoadEffects(C4Group &hGroup, const char *namespace_prefix, bool group_is_root)
	// Local definition sounds: If there is a Sound.ocg in the group, load the sound from there
	if(group_is_root && hGroup.FindEntry(C4CFN_Sound))
		C4Group g;
		g.OpenAsChild(&hGroup, C4CFN_Sound, false, false);
		return LoadEffects(g, namespace_prefix, false);
	int32_t iNum=0;
	char szFilename[_MAX_FNAME+1];
	char szFileType[_MAX_FNAME+1];
	C4SoundEffect *nsfx;
	// Process segmented list of file types
	for (int32_t i = 0; SCopySegment(C4CFN_SoundFiles, i, szFileType, '|', _MAX_FNAME); i++)
		// Search all sound files in group
		while (hGroup.FindNextEntry(szFileType, szFilename))
			// Create and load effect
			if ((nsfx = new C4SoundEffect))
				if (nsfx->Load(szFilename, hGroup, namespace_prefix))
					// Overload same name effects
					// Add effect
					delete nsfx;
	// Load subgroups from Sound.ocg and other subgroups
	if (!group_is_root)
		while (hGroup.FindNextEntry(C4CFN_SoundSubgroups, szFilename))
			// Load from subgroup as a sub-namespace
			// get namespace name
			StdStrBuf sub_namespace;
			if (namespace_prefix)
			sub_namespace.Append(szFilename, strlen(szFilename) - strlen(C4CFN_SoundSubgroups) + 1);
			// load from child group
			C4Group subgroup;
			if (subgroup.OpenAsChild(&hGroup, szFilename, false, false))
				iNum += LoadEffects(subgroup, sub_namespace.getData(), false);
	return iNum;
Example #23
bool C4UpdatePackage::DoUpdate(C4Group *pGrpFrom, C4GroupEx *pGrpTo, const char *strFileName)
	// group file?
	C4Group ItemGroupFrom;
	if (ItemGroupFrom.OpenAsChild(pGrpFrom, strFileName))
		// try to open target group
		C4GroupEx ItemGroupTo;
		char strTempGroup[_MAX_PATH+1]; strTempGroup[0] = 0;
		if (!ItemGroupTo.OpenAsChild(pGrpTo, strFileName, false, true))
			return false;
		// update children
		char ItemFileName[_MAX_PATH];
		while (ItemGroupFrom.FindNextEntry("*", ItemFileName))
			if (!SEqual(ItemFileName, C4CFN_UpdateCore) && !SEqual(ItemFileName, C4CFN_UpdateEntries))
				DoUpdate(&ItemGroupFrom, &ItemGroupTo, ItemFileName);
		if (GrpUpdate)
			DoGrpUpdate(&ItemGroupFrom, &ItemGroupTo);
			// write group (do not change any headers set by DoGrpUpdate!)
			// set core (C4Group::Save overwrites it)
			pGrpTo->SaveEntryCore(*pGrpFrom, strFileName);
			// flag as no-resort
			// write group
			// temporary group?
			if (strTempGroup[0])
				if (!pGrpTo->Move(strTempGroup, strFileName))
					return false;
#ifdef _WIN32
		OutputDebugString(FormatString("updating %s\\%s\n", pGrpTo->GetFullName().getData(), strFileName).GetWideChar());
#elif defined(_DEBUG)
		printf("updating %s\\%s\n", pGrpTo->GetFullName().getData(), strFileName);
		if (!C4Group_CopyEntry(pGrpFrom, pGrpTo, strFileName))
			return false;
		// set core
		pGrpTo->SaveEntryCore(*pGrpFrom, strFileName);
	// ok
	return true;
Example #24
bool C4ParticleDef::Reload()
	// no file?
	if (!Filename[0]) return false;
	// open group
	C4Group group;
	if (!group.Open(Filename.getData())) return false;
	// reset class
	// load
	return Load(group);
bool C4MassMoverSet::Load(C4Group &hGroup)
	// clear previous
	Clear(); Default();
	size_t iBinSize,iMoverSize=sizeof(C4MassMover);
	if (!hGroup.AccessEntry(C4CFN_MassMover,&iBinSize)) return false;
	if ((iBinSize % iMoverSize)!=0) return false;
	// load new
	Count = iBinSize / iMoverSize;
	if (!hGroup.Read(Set,iBinSize)) return false;
	return true;
Example #26
bool C4VectorFont::Init(C4Group &hGrp, const char *szFilename, C4Config &rCfg)
	// name by file
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(HAVE_FREETYPE)
	// check whether group is directory or packed
	if (!hGrp.IsPacked())
		// it's open: use the file directly
		SCopy(hGrp.GetFullName().getData(), FileName, _MAX_PATH);
		SAppend(szFilename, FileName);
		if (!FileExists(FileName)) { *FileName=0; return false; }
		fIsTempFile = false;
		// it's packed: extract to temp path
		SCopy(rCfg.AtTempPath(szFilename), FileName, _MAX_PATH);
		// make sure the filename is not in use, in case multiple instances of the engine are run
		if (FileExists(FileName))
			StdStrBuf sNewFilename;
			for (int i=0; i<1000; ++i)
				sNewFilename.Format("%s%x", FileName, (int)rand());
				if (*GetExtension(szFilename))
				if (!FileExists(sNewFilename.getData())) break;
			SCopy(sNewFilename.getData(), FileName, _MAX_PATH);
		if (!hGrp.ExtractEntry(szFilename, FileName)) { *FileName=0; return false; }
		fIsTempFile = true;
	// add the font resource
	//if (!AddFontResourceEx(FileName, FR_PRIVATE, NULL)) requires win2k
	if (!AddFontResource(FileName))
		if (fIsTempFile) EraseFile(FileName);
		return false;
	if (!hGrp.LoadEntry(szFilename, Data)) return false;
	// success
	return true;
Example #27
bool C4Language::CloseGroup(const char *strPath)
	// Check all open language packs
	C4Group *pPack;
	for (int iPack = 0; (pPack = Packs.GetGroup(iPack)); iPack++)
		if (ItemIdentical(strPath, pPack->GetFullName().getData()))
			return true;
	// No pack of that path
	return false;
bool C4MusicSystem::GrpContainsMusic(C4Group &rGrp)
	// search for known file extensions
	return           rGrp.FindEntry("*.mid")
#ifdef USE_MP3
	                 || rGrp.FindEntry("*.mp3")
	                 || rGrp.FindEntry("*.xm")
	                 || rGrp.FindEntry("*.it")
	                 || rGrp.FindEntry("*.s3m")
	                 || rGrp.FindEntry("*.mod")
	                 || rGrp.FindEntry("*.ogg");
Example #29
bool C4KeyboardInput::LoadCustomConfig()
    // load from INI file (2do: load from registry)
    C4Group GrpExtra;
    if (!GrpExtra.Open(C4CFN_Extra)) return false;
    StdBuf sFileContents;
    if (!GrpExtra.LoadEntry(C4CFN_KeyConfig, &sFileContents)) return false;
    StdStrBuf sFileContentsString((const char *) sFileContents.getData());
    if (!CompileFromBuf_LogWarn<StdCompilerINIRead>(*this, sFileContentsString, "Custom keys from" C4CFN_Extra DirSep C4CFN_KeyConfig))
        return false;
    LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_LOADEDKEYCONF"), C4CFN_Extra DirSep C4CFN_KeyConfig);
    return true;
Example #30
bool C4Extra::LoadDef(C4Group &hGroup, const char *szName)
	// check if file exists
	if (!hGroup.FindEntry(szName)) return false;
	// log that extra group is loaded
	LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_LOADEXTRA"), hGroup.GetName(), szName);
	// open and add group to set
	C4Group *pGrp = new C4Group;
	if (!pGrp->OpenAsChild(&hGroup, szName)) { Log(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_FAILURE")); delete pGrp; return false; }
	Game.GroupSet.RegisterGroup(*pGrp, true, C4GSPrio_Extra, C4GSCnt_Extra);
	// done, success
	return true;