Example #1
bool CPrintFolder::CalcLayout(CDCHandle dcPrinter)
		CRect rcPage(0, 0, 
		dcPrinter.GetDeviceCaps(PHYSICALWIDTH) - 2 * dcPrinter.GetDeviceCaps(PHYSICALOFFSETX),
		dcPrinter.GetDeviceCaps(PHYSICALHEIGHT) - 2 * dcPrinter.GetDeviceCaps(PHYSICALOFFSETY));
		// Fix for 98...PHYSICALWIDTH seems to fail on 98?
		if (rcPage.right == 0) 
			rcPage.right = dcPrinter.GetDeviceCaps(HORZRES);
			rcPage.bottom = dcPrinter.GetDeviceCaps(VERTRES);

		return CalcLayout(dcPrinter, rcPage);
	return CalcLayout(dcPrinter, m_rcOutput);
Example #2
bool CPrintFolder::CalcLayout(CDCHandle dcPrinter, const CRect &rcPage)
	m_bHasPrinter = !dcPrinter.IsNull();	

		if (rcPage.right > 0)
			m_rcOutput = rcPage;

		_sizeLogPixels.cx = dcPrinter.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSX);
		_sizeLogPixels.cy = dcPrinter.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY);

	if (m_fontTitle.m_hFont != 0) m_fontTitle.DeleteObject();
	if (m_font.m_hFont != 0) m_font.DeleteObject();

	int nTitleFontSize = 16;
	int nFontSize = 8;
	int nPaddingSize = 4;

	//Set up the font for the titles on the intro and ending pages
    ncm.cbSize = sizeof(ncm);
    SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, 0, &ncm, 0);
    //Create the intro/end title font
	LOGFONT lf = ncm.lfMessageFont;	
	lf.lfHeight = 0 - ::MulDiv(_sizeLogPixels.cy, nTitleFontSize, 72);
	lf.lfHeight = 0 - ::MulDiv(_sizeLogPixels.cy, nFontSize, 72);

	//convert from 1/1000" to twips
	_rectExtents.left = m_rcOutput.left + MulDiv(m_rcMargin.left, _sizeLogPixels.cx, 1000);
	_rectExtents.right = m_rcOutput.right - MulDiv(m_rcMargin.right, _sizeLogPixels.cx, 1000);
	_rectExtents.top = m_rcOutput.top + MulDiv(m_rcMargin.top, _sizeLogPixels.cy, 1000);
	_rectExtents.bottom = m_rcOutput.bottom - MulDiv(m_rcMargin.bottom, _sizeLogPixels.cy, 1000);

	m_nPadding = ::MulDiv(_sizeLogPixels.cy, nPaddingSize, 72);
	m_nFooterHeight = ::MulDiv(_sizeLogPixels.cy, nFontSize, 72) * 2;
	m_nHeaderHeight = ::MulDiv(_sizeLogPixels.cy, nTitleFontSize, 72) * 2;	

	// Do we want footers and headers?
	int nFooterHeaderHeight = 0;

	if (m_bShowFooter || m_bShowPageNumbers)
		nFooterHeaderHeight += m_nFooterHeight;

	if (m_bShowHeader)
		nFooterHeaderHeight += m_nHeaderHeight;

	int nImageRows = m_bPrintOnePerPage ? 1 : _sizeRowsColumns.cy;
	int nImageColumns = m_bPrintOnePerPage ? 1 : _sizeRowsColumns.cx;
	// Calculate the thumbnail size
	_sizeSection.cx = ((_rectExtents.right - _rectExtents.left) / nImageColumns);
	_sizeSection.cy = (((_rectExtents.bottom - _rectExtents.top) - nFooterHeaderHeight) / nImageRows);

	if (_sizeSection.cx < 10 || _sizeSection.cy < 10)
		return false;

	_sizeThumbNail = _sizeSection;
	_sizeThumbNail.cy -= (m_nPadding * 2);
	_sizeThumbNail.cx -= (m_nPadding * 2);
	if (_sizeThumbNail.cy < 10)
		return false;

	m_nMaxPage = GetPageCount();
	return true;