//	@function:
//		CPhysicalPartitionSelector::EpetDistribution
//	@doc:
//		Return the enforcing type for distribution property based on this operator
	CExpressionHandle &exprhdl,
	const CEnfdDistribution *ped
	CDrvdPropPlan *pdpplan = exprhdl.Pdpplan(0 /* child_index */);

	if (ped->FCompatible(pdpplan->Pds()))
		// required distribution established by the operator
		return CEnfdProp::EpetUnnecessary;

	CPartIndexMap *ppimDrvd = pdpplan->Ppim();
	if (!ppimDrvd->Contains(m_scan_id))
		// part consumer is defined above: prohibit adding a motion on top of the
		// part resolver as this will create two slices
		return CEnfdProp::EpetProhibited;

	GPOS_ASSERT(CPartIndexMap::EpimConsumer == ppimDrvd->Epim(m_scan_id));

	// part consumer found below: enforce distribution on top of part resolver
	return CEnfdProp::EpetRequired;
//	@function:
//		CPhysicalPartitionSelector::PpimDerive
//	@doc:
//		Derive partition index map
CPartIndexMap *
	IMemoryPool *mp,
	CExpressionHandle &exprhdl,
	CDrvdPropCtxt *pdpctxt
	GPOS_ASSERT(NULL != pdpctxt);

	CDrvdPropPlan *pdpplan = exprhdl.Pdpplan(0 /*child_index*/);
	CPartIndexMap *ppimInput = pdpplan->Ppim();
	GPOS_ASSERT(NULL != ppimInput);

	ULONG ulExpectedPartitionSelectors = CDrvdPropCtxtPlan::PdpctxtplanConvert(pdpctxt)->UlExpectedPartitionSelectors();

	CPartIndexMap *ppim = ppimInput->PpimPartitionSelector(mp, m_scan_id, ulExpectedPartitionSelectors);
	if (!ppim->Contains(m_scan_id))
		// the consumer of this scan id does not come from the child, i.e. it
		// is on the other side of a join

		CPartKeysArray *pdrgppartkeys = GPOS_NEW(mp) CPartKeysArray(mp);
		pdrgppartkeys->Append(GPOS_NEW(mp) CPartKeys(m_pdrgpdrgpcr));

		ppim->Insert(m_scan_id, m_ppartcnstrmap, CPartIndexMap::EpimPropagator, 0 /*ulExpectedPropagators*/, MDId(), pdrgppartkeys, m_part_constraint);

	return ppim;
Example #3
//	@function:
//		CPhysicalMotion::FValidContext
//	@doc:
//		Check if optimization context is valid
	IMemoryPool *pmp,
	COptimizationContext *poc,
	DrgPoc *pdrgpocChild
	GPOS_ASSERT(NULL != pdrgpocChild);
	GPOS_ASSERT(1 == pdrgpocChild->UlLength());

	COptimizationContext *pocChild = (*pdrgpocChild)[0];
	CCostContext *pccBest = pocChild->PccBest();
	GPOS_ASSERT(NULL != pccBest);

	CDrvdPropPlan *pdpplanChild = pccBest->Pdpplan();
	if (pdpplanChild->Ppim()->FContainsUnresolved())
		return false;

	CExpressionHandle exprhdl(pmp);
	exprhdl.DeriveProps(NULL /*CDrvdPropCtxt*/);
	if (exprhdl.FHasOuterRefs())
		// disallow plans with outer references below motion operator
		return false;

	CEnfdDistribution *ped = poc->Prpp()->Ped();
	if (ped->FCompatible(this->Pds()) && ped->FCompatible(pdpplanChild->Pds()))
		// required distribution is compatible with the distribution delivered by Motion and its child plan,
		// in this case, Motion is redundant since child plan delivers the required distribution
		return false;

	return true;
Example #4
	IMemoryPool *,
	COptimizationContext *poc,
	COptimizationContextArray *pdrgpocChild
	GPOS_ASSERT(NULL != pdrgpocChild);
	GPOS_ASSERT(1 == pdrgpocChild->Size());

	COptimizationContext *pocChild = (*pdrgpocChild)[0];
	CCostContext *pccBest = pocChild->PccBest();
	GPOS_ASSERT(NULL != pccBest);

	// partition selections that happen outside of a physical spool does not do
	// any good on rescan: a physical spool blocks the rescan from the entire
	// subtree (in particular, any dynamic scan) underneath it. That means when
	// we have a dynamic scan under a spool, and a corresponding partition
	// selector outside the spool, we run the risk of materializing the wrong
	// results.

	// For example, the following plan is invalid because the partition selector
	// won't be able to influence inner side of the nested loop join as intended
	// ("blocked" by the spool):

	// +--CPhysicalMotionGather(master)
	//    +--CPhysicalInnerNLJoin
	//       |--CPhysicalPartitionSelector
	//       |  +--CPhysicalMotionBroadcast
	//       |     +--CPhysicalTableScan "foo" ("foo")
	//       |--CPhysicalSpool
	//       |  +--CPhysicalLeftOuterHashJoin
	//       |     |--CPhysicalDynamicTableScan "pt" ("pt")
	//       |     |--CPhysicalMotionHashDistribute
	//       |     |  +--CPhysicalTableScan "bar" ("bar")
	//       |     +--CScalarCmp (=)
	//       |        |--CScalarIdent "d" (19)
	//       |        +--CScalarIdent "dk" (9)
	//       +--CScalarCmp (<)
	//          |--CScalarIdent "a" (0)
	//          +--CScalarIdent "partkey" (10)

	CDrvdPropPlan *pdpplanChild = pccBest->Pdpplan();
	if (pdpplanChild->Ppim()->FContainsUnresolved())
		return false;

	// Discard any context that is requesting for rewindability with motion hazard handling and
	// the physical spool is streaming with a motion underneath it.
	// We do not want to add a blocking spool over a spool as spooling twice will be expensive,
	// hence invalidate this context.
	CEnfdRewindability *per = poc->Prpp()->Per();
	if(per->PrsRequired()->HasMotionHazard() &&
		return FEager();

	return true;