void CUser::Attack(int sid, int tid) { CNpc* pNpc = m_pMain->m_arNpc.GetData(tid-NPC_BAND); if(pNpc == NULL) return; if(pNpc->m_NpcState == NPC_DEAD) return; if(pNpc->m_iHP == 0) return; /* if(pNpc->m_tNpcType == NPCTYPE_GUARD) // 경비병이면 타겟을 해당 유저로 { pNpc->m_Target.id = m_iUserId + USER_BAND; pNpc->m_Target.x = m_curx; pNpc->m_Target.y = m_cury; pNpc->m_Target.failCount = 0; pNpc->Attack(m_pIocport); // return; } */ int nDefence = 0, nFinalDamage = 0; // NPC 방어값 nDefence = pNpc->GetDefense(); // 명중이면 //Damage 처리 ----------------------------------------------------------------// nFinalDamage = GetDamage(tid); if( m_pMain->m_byTestMode ) nFinalDamage = 3000; // sungyong test // Calculate Target HP -------------------------------------------------------// short sOldNpcHP = pNpc->m_iHP; if(pNpc->SetDamage(0, nFinalDamage, m_strUserID, m_iUserId + USER_BAND, m_pIocport) == FALSE) { // Npc가 죽은 경우,, pNpc->SendExpToUserList(); // 경험치 분배!! pNpc->SendDead(m_pIocport); SendAttackSuccess(tid, ATTACK_TARGET_DEAD, nFinalDamage, pNpc->m_iHP); // CheckMaxValue(m_dwXP, 1); // 몹이 죽을때만 1 증가! // SendXP(); } else { // 공격 결과 전송 SendAttackSuccess(tid, ATTACK_SUCCESS, nFinalDamage, pNpc->m_iHP); } // m_dwLastAttackTime = GetTickCount(); }
uint8 CMagicProcess::ExecuteType1(int magicid, int tid, int data1, int data2, int data3, uint8 sequence) // Applied to an attack skill using a weapon. { int damage = 0; uint8 bResult = 1; // Variable initialization. result == 1 : success, 0 : fail _MAGIC_TABLE* pMagic = g_pMain->m_MagictableArray.GetData( magicid ); // Get main magic table. if( !pMagic ) return 0; damage = m_pSrcUser->GetDamage(tid, magicid); // Get damage points of enemy. // if(damage <= 0) damage = 1; //TRACE("magictype1 ,, magicid=%d, damage=%d\n", magicid, damage); // if (damage > 0) { CNpc* pNpc = nullptr ; // Pointer initialization! pNpc = g_pMain->m_arNpc.GetData(tid-NPC_BAND); if(pNpc == nullptr || pNpc->m_NpcState == NPC_DEAD || pNpc->m_iHP == 0) { bResult = 0; goto packet_send; } if(pNpc->SetDamage(magicid, damage, m_pSrcUser->m_strUserID, m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId + USER_BAND) == false) { // Npc가 죽은 경우,, pNpc->SendExpToUserList(); // 경험치 분배!! pNpc->SendDead(); //m_pSrcUser->SendAttackSuccess(tid, MAGIC_ATTACK_TARGET_DEAD, 0, pNpc->m_iHP); m_pSrcUser->SendAttackSuccess(tid, ATTACK_TARGET_DEAD, damage, pNpc->m_iHP); } else { // 공격 결과 전송 m_pSrcUser->SendAttackSuccess(tid, ATTACK_SUCCESS, damage, pNpc->m_iHP); } packet_send: if (pMagic->bType[1] == 0 || pMagic->bType[1] == 1) { Packet result(AG_MAGIC_ATTACK_RESULT, uint8(MAGIC_EFFECTING)); result << magicid << m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId << int16(tid) << int16(data1) << uint8(bResult) << int16(data3) << int16(0) << int16(0) << int16(0) << int16(damage == 0 ? -104 : 0); g_pMain->Send(&result); } return bResult; }
uint8 CMagicProcess::ExecuteType2(int magicid, int tid, int data1, int data2, int data3) { Packet result(AG_MAGIC_ATTACK_RESULT, uint8(MAGIC_EFFECTING)); int damage = m_pSrcUser->GetDamage(tid, magicid);; uint8 bResult = 1; result << magicid << m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId << tid << data1; if (damage > 0){ CNpc* pNpc = nullptr ; // Pointer initialization! pNpc = g_pMain->m_arNpc.GetData(tid-NPC_BAND); if(pNpc == nullptr || pNpc->m_NpcState == NPC_DEAD || pNpc->m_iHP == 0) { bResult = 0; goto packet_send; } if (!pNpc->SetDamage(magicid, damage, m_pSrcUser->m_strUserID, m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId + USER_BAND)) { result << int16(bResult) << data3 << int16(0) << int16(0) << int16(0) << int16(damage == 0 ? -104 : 0); g_pMain->Send(&result); pNpc->SendExpToUserList(); // 경험치 분배!! pNpc->SendDead(); m_pSrcUser->SendAttackSuccess(tid, MAGIC_ATTACK_TARGET_DEAD, damage, pNpc->m_iHP); //m_pSrcUser->SendAttackSuccess(tid, ATTACK_TARGET_DEAD, damage, pNpc->m_iHP); return bResult; } else { // 공격 결과 전송 m_pSrcUser->SendAttackSuccess(tid, ATTACK_SUCCESS, damage, pNpc->m_iHP); } } // else // result = 0; packet_send: // this is a little redundant but leaving it in just in case order is intended // this should all be removed eventually anyway... result << int16(bResult) << data3 << int16(0) << int16(0) << int16(0) << int16(damage == 0 ? -104 : 0); g_pMain->Send(&result); return bResult; }
void CGameSocket::RecvNpcHpChange(Packet & pkt) { int16 nid, sAttackerID; int32 nHP, nAmount; pkt >> nid >> sAttackerID >> nHP >> nAmount; CNpc * pNpc = g_pMain->m_arNpc.GetData(nid); if (pNpc == nullptr) return; if (nAmount < 0) { pNpc->SetDamage(0, -nAmount, sAttackerID, 1); } else { pNpc->m_iHP += nAmount; if (pNpc->m_iHP > pNpc->m_iMaxHP) pNpc->m_iHP = pNpc->m_iMaxHP; } }
void CUser::Attack(int sid, int tid) { CNpc* pNpc = g_pMain->m_arNpc.GetData(tid-NPC_BAND); if(pNpc == nullptr) return; if(pNpc->m_NpcState == NPC_DEAD) return; if(pNpc->m_iHP == 0) return; /* if(pNpc->m_proto->m_tNpcType == NPCTYPE_GUARD) // 경비병이면 타겟을 해당 유저로 { pNpc->m_Target.id = m_iUserId + USER_BAND; pNpc->m_Target.x = m_curx; pNpc->m_Target.y = m_cury; pNpc->m_Target.failCount = 0; pNpc->Attack(); // return; } */ int nDefence = 0, nFinalDamage = 0; // NPC 방어값 nDefence = pNpc->GetDefense(); // 명중이면 //Damage 처리 ----------------------------------------------------------------// nFinalDamage = GetDamage(tid); // Calculate Target HP -------------------------------------------------------// short sOldNpcHP = pNpc->m_iHP; if(pNpc->SetDamage(0, nFinalDamage, m_strUserID, m_iUserId + USER_BAND) == false) { // Npc가 죽은 경우,, pNpc->SendExpToUserList(); // 경험치 분배!! pNpc->SendDead(); SendAttackSuccess(tid, ATTACK_TARGET_DEAD, nFinalDamage, pNpc->m_iHP); } else { // 공격 결과 전송 SendAttackSuccess(tid, ATTACK_SUCCESS, nFinalDamage, pNpc->m_iHP); } }
void CMagicProcess::AreaAttackDamage(int magictype, int rx, int rz, int magicid, int moral, int data1, int data2, int data3, int dexpoint, int righthand_damage) { MAP* pMap = m_pSrcUser->GetMap(); if (pMap == NULL) return; // 자신의 region에 있는 UserArray을 먼저 검색하여,, 가까운 거리에 유저가 있는지를 판단.. if(rx < 0 || rz < 0 || rx > pMap->GetXRegionMax() || rz > pMap->GetZRegionMax()) { TRACE("#### CMagicProcess-AreaAttackDamage() Fail : [nid=%d, name=%s], nRX=%d, nRZ=%d #####\n", m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId, m_pSrcUser->m_strUserID, rx, rz); return; } _MAGIC_TYPE3* pType3 = NULL; _MAGIC_TYPE4* pType4 = NULL; _MAGIC_TABLE* pMagic = NULL; int damage = 0, tid = 0, target_damage = 0, attribute = 0; float fRadius = 0; pMagic = g_pMain->m_MagictableArray.GetData( magicid ); // Get main magic table. if( !pMagic ) { TRACE("#### CMagicProcess-AreaAttackDamage Fail : magic maintable error ,, magicid=%d\n", magicid); return; } if(magictype == 3) { pType3 = g_pMain->m_Magictype3Array.GetData( magicid ); // Get magic skill table type 3. if( !pType3 ) { TRACE("#### CMagicProcess-AreaAttackDamage Fail : magic table3 error ,, magicid=%d\n", magicid); return; } target_damage = pType3->sFirstDamage; attribute = pType3->bAttribute; fRadius = (float)pType3->bRadius; } else if(magictype == 4) { pType4 = g_pMain->m_Magictype4Array.GetData( magicid ); // Get magic skill table type 3. if( !pType4 ) { TRACE("#### CMagicProcess-AreaAttackDamage Fail : magic table4 error ,, magicid=%d\n", magicid); return; } fRadius = (float)pType4->bRadius; } if( fRadius <= 0 ) { TRACE("#### CMagicProcess-AreaAttackDamage Fail : magicid=%d, radius = %d\n", magicid, fRadius); return; } __Vector3 vStart, vEnd; CNpc* pNpc = NULL ; // Pointer initialization! float fDis = 0.0f; vStart.Set((float)data1, (float)0, (float)data3); char send_buff[256]; int send_index=0, result = 1, count = 0, total_mon = 0, attack_type=0;; int* pNpcIDList = NULL; EnterCriticalSection( &g_region_critical ); CRegion *pRegion = &pMap->m_ppRegion[rx][rz]; total_mon = pRegion->m_RegionNpcArray.GetSize(); pNpcIDList = new int[total_mon]; foreach_stlmap (itr, pRegion->m_RegionNpcArray) pNpcIDList[count++] = *itr->second; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_region_critical); for(int i = 0 ; i < total_mon; i++ ) { int nid = pNpcIDList[i]; if( nid < NPC_BAND ) continue; pNpc = (CNpc*)g_pMain->m_arNpc.GetData(nid - NPC_BAND); if( pNpc != NULL && pNpc->m_NpcState != NPC_DEAD) { if( m_pSrcUser->m_bNation == pNpc->m_byGroup ) continue; vEnd.Set(pNpc->m_fCurX, pNpc->m_fCurY, pNpc->m_fCurZ); fDis = pNpc->GetDistance(vStart, vEnd); if(fDis <= fRadius) { // NPC가 반경안에 있을 경우... if(magictype == 3) { // 타잎 3일 경우... damage = GetMagicDamage(pNpc->m_sNid+NPC_BAND, target_damage, attribute, dexpoint, righthand_damage); TRACE("Area magictype3 ,, magicid=%d, damage=%d\n", magicid, damage); if(damage >= 0) { result = pNpc->SetHMagicDamage(damage); } else { damage = abs(damage); if(pType3->bAttribute == 3) attack_type = 3; // 기절시키는 마법이라면..... else attack_type = magicid; if(pNpc->SetDamage(attack_type, damage, m_pSrcUser->m_strUserID, m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId + USER_BAND) == FALSE) { // Npc가 죽은 경우,, pNpc->SendExpToUserList(); // 경험치 분배!! pNpc->SendDead(); m_pSrcUser->SendAttackSuccess(pNpc->m_sNid+NPC_BAND, MAGIC_ATTACK_TARGET_DEAD, damage, pNpc->m_iHP); } else { m_pSrcUser->SendAttackSuccess(pNpc->m_sNid+NPC_BAND, ATTACK_SUCCESS, damage, pNpc->m_iHP); } } send_index = 0; // 패킷 전송..... //if ( pMagic->bType[1] == 0 || pMagic->bType[1] == 3 ) { SetByte( send_buff, AG_MAGIC_ATTACK_RESULT, send_index ); SetByte( send_buff, MAGIC_EFFECTING, send_index ); SetDWORD( send_buff, magicid, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, pNpc->m_sNid+NPC_BAND, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, data1, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, result, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, data3, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, moral, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, 0, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, 0, send_index ); g_pMain->Send( send_buff, send_index ); } } else if(magictype == 4) { // 타잎 4일 경우... send_index = 0; result = 1; switch (pType4->bBuffType) { // Depending on which buff-type it is..... case 1 : // HP 올리기.. break; case 2 : // 방어력 올리기.. break; case 4 : // 공격력 올리기.. break; case 5 : // 공격 속도 올리기.. break; case 6 : // 이동 속도 올리기.. //if (pNpc->m_MagicType4[pType4->bBuffType-1].sDurationTime > 0) { // result = 0 ; //} //else { pNpc->m_MagicType4[pType4->bBuffType-1].byAmount = pType4->bSpeed; pNpc->m_MagicType4[pType4->bBuffType-1].sDurationTime = pType4->sDuration; pNpc->m_MagicType4[pType4->bBuffType-1].fStartTime = TimeGet(); pNpc->m_fSpeed_1 = (float)(pNpc->m_fOldSpeed_1 * ((double)pType4->bSpeed / 100)); pNpc->m_fSpeed_2 = (float)(pNpc->m_fOldSpeed_2 * ((double)pType4->bSpeed / 100)); //} break; case 7 : // 능력치 올리기... break; case 8 : // 저항력 올리기... break; case 9 : // 공격 성공율 및 회피 성공율 올리기.. break; default : result = 0 ; break; } TRACE("Area magictype4 ,, magicid=%d\n", magicid); SetByte( send_buff, AG_MAGIC_ATTACK_RESULT, send_index ); SetByte( send_buff, MAGIC_EFFECTING, send_index ); SetDWORD( send_buff, magicid, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, pNpc->m_sNid+NPC_BAND, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, data1, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, result, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, data3, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, 0, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, 0, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, 0, send_index ); g_pMain->Send( send_buff, send_index ); } } } } if(pNpcIDList) { delete [] pNpcIDList; pNpcIDList = NULL; } }
void CMagicProcess::ExecuteType3(int magicid, int tid, int data1, int data2, int data3, int moral, int dexpoint, int righthand_damage ) // Applied when a magical attack, healing, and mana restoration is done. { int damage = 0, result = 1, send_index=0, attack_type = 0; char send_buff[256]; _MAGIC_TYPE3* pType = NULL; CNpc* pNpc = NULL ; // Pointer initialization! _MAGIC_TABLE* pMagic = NULL; pMagic = g_pMain->m_MagictableArray.GetData( magicid ); // Get main magic table. if( !pMagic ) return; if(tid == -1) { // 지역 공격 result = AreaAttack(3, magicid, moral, data1, data2, data3, dexpoint, righthand_damage); //if(result == 0) goto packet_send; //else return; } pNpc = g_pMain->m_arNpc.GetData(tid-NPC_BAND); if(pNpc == NULL || pNpc->m_NpcState == NPC_DEAD || pNpc->m_iHP == 0) { result = 0; goto packet_send; } pType = g_pMain->m_Magictype3Array.GetData( magicid ); // Get magic skill table type 3. if( !pType ) return; // if (pType->sFirstDamage < 0) { if ((pType->sFirstDamage < 0) && (pType->bDirectType == 1) && (magicid < 400000)) { damage = GetMagicDamage(tid, pType->sFirstDamage, pType->bAttribute, dexpoint, righthand_damage) ; } else { damage = pType->sFirstDamage ; } //TRACE("magictype3 ,, magicid=%d, damage=%d\n", magicid, damage); if (pType->bDuration == 0) { // Non-Durational Spells. if (pType->bDirectType == 1) { // Health Point related ! //damage = pType->sFirstDamage; // Reduce target health point // if(damage >= 0) { if(damage > 0) { result = pNpc->SetHMagicDamage(damage); } else { damage = abs(damage); if(pType->bAttribute == 3) attack_type = 3; // 기절시키는 마법이라면..... else attack_type = magicid; if(pNpc->SetDamage(attack_type, damage, m_pSrcUser->m_strUserID, m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId + USER_BAND) == FALSE) { // Npc가 죽은 경우,, pNpc->SendExpToUserList(); // 경험치 분배!! pNpc->SendDead(); m_pSrcUser->SendAttackSuccess(tid, MAGIC_ATTACK_TARGET_DEAD, damage, pNpc->m_iHP, MAGIC_ATTACK); } else { // 공격 결과 전송 m_pSrcUser->SendAttackSuccess(tid, ATTACK_SUCCESS, damage, pNpc->m_iHP, MAGIC_ATTACK); } } } else if ( pType->bDirectType == 2 || pType->bDirectType == 3 ) // Magic or Skill Point related ! pNpc->MSpChange(pType->bDirectType, pType->sFirstDamage); // Change the SP or the MP of the target. else if( pType->bDirectType == 4 ) // Armor Durability related. pNpc->ItemWoreOut( DEFENCE, pType->sFirstDamage); // Reduce Slot Item Durability } else if (pType->bDuration != 0) { // Durational Spells! Remember, durational spells only involve HPs. if(damage >= 0) { } else { damage = abs(damage); if(pType->bAttribute == 3) attack_type = 3; // 기절시키는 마법이라면..... else attack_type = magicid; if(pNpc->SetDamage(attack_type, damage, m_pSrcUser->m_strUserID, m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId + USER_BAND) == FALSE) { // Npc가 죽은 경우,, pNpc->SendExpToUserList(); // 경험치 분배!! pNpc->SendDead(); m_pSrcUser->SendAttackSuccess(tid, MAGIC_ATTACK_TARGET_DEAD, damage, pNpc->m_iHP); } else { // 공격 결과 전송 m_pSrcUser->SendAttackSuccess(tid, ATTACK_SUCCESS, damage, pNpc->m_iHP); } } damage = GetMagicDamage(tid, pType->sTimeDamage, pType->bAttribute, dexpoint, righthand_damage); // The duration magic routine. for(int i=0; i<MAX_MAGIC_TYPE3; i++) { if(pNpc->m_MagicType3[i].sHPAttackUserID == -1 && pNpc->m_MagicType3[i].byHPDuration == 0) { pNpc->m_MagicType3[i].sHPAttackUserID = m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId; pNpc->m_MagicType3[i].fStartTime = TimeGet(); pNpc->m_MagicType3[i].byHPDuration = pType->bDuration; pNpc->m_MagicType3[i].byHPInterval = 2; pNpc->m_MagicType3[i].sHPAmount = damage / (pType->bDuration / 2); break; } } } packet_send: //if ( pMagic->bType[1] == 0 || pMagic->bType[1] == 3 ) { SetByte( send_buff, AG_MAGIC_ATTACK_RESULT, send_index ); SetByte( send_buff, MAGIC_EFFECTING, send_index ); SetDWORD( send_buff, magicid, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, tid, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, data1, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, result, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, data3, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, moral, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, 0, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, 0, send_index ); g_pMain->Send( send_buff, send_index ); } }
BYTE CMagicProcess::ExecuteType2(int magicid, int tid, int data1, int data2, int data3) { int damage = 0, send_index = 0, result = 1 ; // Variable initialization. result == 1 : success, 0 : fail char send_buff[128]; damage = m_pSrcUser->GetDamage(tid, magicid); // Get damage points of enemy. // if(damage <= 0) damage = 1; //TRACE("magictype2 ,, magicid=%d, damage=%d\n", magicid, damage); if (damage > 0){ CNpc* pNpc = NULL ; // Pointer initialization! pNpc = g_pMain->m_arNpc.GetData(tid-NPC_BAND); if(pNpc == NULL || pNpc->m_NpcState == NPC_DEAD || pNpc->m_iHP == 0) { result = 0; goto packet_send; } if(pNpc->SetDamage(magicid, damage, m_pSrcUser->m_strUserID, m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId + USER_BAND) == FALSE) { SetByte( send_buff, AG_MAGIC_ATTACK_RESULT, send_index ); SetByte( send_buff, MAGIC_EFFECTING, send_index ); SetDWORD( send_buff, magicid, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, tid, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, data1, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, result, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, data3, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, 0, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, 0, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, 0, send_index ); if (damage == 0) { SetShort( send_buff, -104, send_index ); } else { SetShort( send_buff, 0, send_index ); } g_pMain->Send( send_buff, send_index ); // Npc가 죽은 경우,, pNpc->SendExpToUserList(); // 경험치 분배!! pNpc->SendDead(); m_pSrcUser->SendAttackSuccess(tid, MAGIC_ATTACK_TARGET_DEAD, damage, pNpc->m_iHP); //m_pSrcUser->SendAttackSuccess(tid, ATTACK_TARGET_DEAD, damage, pNpc->m_iHP); return result; } else { // 공격 결과 전송 m_pSrcUser->SendAttackSuccess(tid, ATTACK_SUCCESS, damage, pNpc->m_iHP); } } // else // result = 0; packet_send: SetByte( send_buff, AG_MAGIC_ATTACK_RESULT, send_index ); SetByte( send_buff, MAGIC_EFFECTING, send_index ); SetDWORD( send_buff, magicid, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, tid, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, data1, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, result, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, data3, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, 0, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, 0, send_index ); SetShort( send_buff, 0, send_index ); if (damage == 0) { SetShort( send_buff, -104, send_index ); } else { SetShort( send_buff, 0, send_index ); } g_pMain->Send( send_buff, send_index ); return result; }
void CMagicProcess::AreaAttackDamage(int magictype, int rx, int rz, int magicid, int moral, int data1, int data2, int data3, int dexpoint, int righthand_damage) { MAP* pMap = m_pSrcUser->GetMap(); if (pMap == nullptr) return; // 자신의 region에 있는 UserArray을 먼저 검색하여,, 가까운 거리에 유저가 있는지를 판단.. if(rx < 0 || rz < 0 || rx > pMap->GetXRegionMax() || rz > pMap->GetZRegionMax()) { TRACE("#### CMagicProcess-AreaAttackDamage() Fail : [nid=%d, name=%s], nRX=%d, nRZ=%d #####\n", m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId, m_pSrcUser->m_strUserID, rx, rz); return; } _MAGIC_TYPE3* pType3 = nullptr; _MAGIC_TYPE4* pType4 = nullptr; _MAGIC_TABLE* pMagic = nullptr; int damage = 0, tid = 0, target_damage = 0, attribute = 0; float fRadius = 0; pMagic = g_pMain->m_MagictableArray.GetData( magicid ); // Get main magic table. if( !pMagic ) { TRACE("#### CMagicProcess-AreaAttackDamage Fail : magic maintable error ,, magicid=%d\n", magicid); return; } if(magictype == 3) { pType3 = g_pMain->m_Magictype3Array.GetData( magicid ); // Get magic skill table type 3. if( !pType3 ) { TRACE("#### CMagicProcess-AreaAttackDamage Fail : magic table3 error ,, magicid=%d\n", magicid); return; } target_damage = pType3->sFirstDamage; attribute = pType3->bAttribute; fRadius = (float)pType3->bRadius; } else if(magictype == 4) { pType4 = g_pMain->m_Magictype4Array.GetData( magicid ); // Get magic skill table type 3. if( !pType4 ) { TRACE("#### CMagicProcess-AreaAttackDamage Fail : magic table4 error ,, magicid=%d\n", magicid); return; } fRadius = (float)pType4->bRadius; } if( fRadius <= 0 ) { TRACE("#### CMagicProcess-AreaAttackDamage Fail : magicid=%d, radius = %d\n", magicid, fRadius); return; } __Vector3 vStart, vEnd; CNpc* pNpc = nullptr ; // Pointer initialization! float fDis = 0.0f; vStart.Set((float)data1, (float)0, (float)data3); int count = 0, total_mon = 0, attack_type=0; int* pNpcIDList = nullptr; bool bResult = true; pMap->m_lock.Acquire(); CRegion *pRegion = &pMap->m_ppRegion[rx][rz]; total_mon = pRegion->m_RegionNpcArray.GetSize(); pNpcIDList = new int[total_mon]; foreach_stlmap (itr, pRegion->m_RegionNpcArray) pNpcIDList[count++] = *itr->second; pMap->m_lock.Release(); for(int i = 0; i < total_mon; i++) { int nid = pNpcIDList[i]; if( nid < NPC_BAND ) continue; pNpc = g_pMain->m_arNpc.GetData(nid); if (pNpc == nullptr || pNpc->m_NpcState == NPC_DEAD) continue; if( m_pSrcUser->m_bNation == pNpc->m_byGroup ) continue; vEnd.Set(pNpc->GetX(), pNpc->GetY(), pNpc->GetZ()); fDis = pNpc->GetDistance(vStart, vEnd); if(fDis > fRadius) continue; if (magictype == 3) { damage = GetMagicDamage(pNpc->GetID(), target_damage, attribute, dexpoint, righthand_damage); TRACE("Area magictype3 ,, magicid=%d, damage=%d\n", magicid, damage); if(damage >= 0) { bResult = pNpc->SetHMagicDamage(damage); } else { damage = abs(damage); if(pType3->bAttribute == 3) attack_type = 3; // 기절시키는 마법이라면..... else attack_type = magicid; if(pNpc->SetDamage(attack_type, damage, m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId + USER_BAND) == false) { m_pSrcUser->SendAttackSuccess(pNpc->GetID(), MAGIC_ATTACK_TARGET_DEAD, damage, pNpc->m_iHP); } else { m_pSrcUser->SendAttackSuccess(pNpc->GetID(), ATTACK_SUCCESS, damage, pNpc->m_iHP); } } // 패킷 전송..... //if ( pMagic->bType[1] == 0 || pMagic->bType[1] == 3 ) { Packet result(AG_MAGIC_ATTACK_RESULT, uint8(MAGIC_EFFECTING)); result << magicid << m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId << pNpc->GetID() << uint16(data1) << uint16(bResult) << uint16(data3) << uint16(moral) << uint16(0) << uint16(0); g_pMain->Send(&result); } } else if(magictype == 4) { // 타잎 4일 경우... bResult = true; switch (pType4->bBuffType) { // Depending on which buff-type it is..... case 1 : // HP 올리기.. break; case 2 : // 방어력 올리기.. break; case 4 : // 공격력 올리기.. break; case 5 : // 공격 속도 올리기.. break; case 6 : // 이동 속도 올리기.. //if (pNpc->m_MagicType4[pType4->bBuffType-1].sDurationTime > 0) { // result = 0 ; //} //else { pNpc->m_MagicType4[pType4->bBuffType-1].byAmount = pType4->bSpeed; pNpc->m_MagicType4[pType4->bBuffType-1].sDurationTime = pType4->sDuration; pNpc->m_MagicType4[pType4->bBuffType-1].tStartTime = UNIXTIME; pNpc->m_fSpeed_1 = (float)(pNpc->m_fOldSpeed_1 * ((double)pType4->bSpeed / 100)); pNpc->m_fSpeed_2 = (float)(pNpc->m_fOldSpeed_2 * ((double)pType4->bSpeed / 100)); //} break; case 7 : // 능력치 올리기... break; case 8 : // 저항력 올리기... break; case 9 : // 공격 성공율 및 회피 성공율 올리기.. break; default : bResult = false; break; } TRACE("Area magictype4 ,, magicid=%d\n", magicid); Packet result(AG_MAGIC_ATTACK_RESULT, uint8(MAGIC_EFFECTING)); result << magicid << m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId << pNpc->GetID() << uint16(data1) << uint16(bResult) << uint16(data3) << uint16(0) << uint16(0) << uint16(0); g_pMain->Send(&result); } } if(pNpcIDList) { delete [] pNpcIDList; pNpcIDList = nullptr; } }
void CMagicProcess::ExecuteType3(int magicid, int tid, int data1, int data2, int data3, int moral, int dexpoint, int righthand_damage ) // Applied when a magical attack, healing, and mana restoration is done. { int damage = 0, attack_type = 0; bool bResult = true; _MAGIC_TYPE3* pType = nullptr; CNpc* pNpc = nullptr ; // Pointer initialization! _MAGIC_TABLE* pMagic = nullptr; pMagic = g_pMain->m_MagictableArray.GetData( magicid ); // Get main magic table. if( !pMagic ) return; if(tid == -1) { // 지역 공격 /*bResult =*/ AreaAttack(3, magicid, moral, data1, data2, data3, dexpoint, righthand_damage); //if(result == 0) goto packet_send; //else return; } pNpc = g_pMain->m_arNpc.GetData(tid); if(pNpc == nullptr || pNpc->m_NpcState == NPC_DEAD || pNpc->m_iHP == 0) { bResult = false; goto packet_send; } pType = g_pMain->m_Magictype3Array.GetData( magicid ); // Get magic skill table type 3. if( !pType ) return; // if (pType->sFirstDamage < 0) { if ((pType->sFirstDamage < 0) && (pType->bDirectType == 1) && (magicid < 400000)) { damage = GetMagicDamage(tid, pType->sFirstDamage, pType->bAttribute, dexpoint, righthand_damage) ; } else { damage = pType->sFirstDamage ; } //TRACE("magictype3 ,, magicid=%d, damage=%d\n", magicid, damage); if (pType->bDuration == 0) { // Non-Durational Spells. if (pType->bDirectType == 1) { // Health Point related ! //damage = pType->sFirstDamage; // Reduce target health point // if(damage >= 0) { if(damage > 0) { bResult = pNpc->SetHMagicDamage(damage); } else { damage = abs(damage); if(pType->bAttribute == 3) attack_type = 3; // 기절시키는 마법이라면..... else attack_type = magicid; if (!pNpc->SetDamage(attack_type, damage, m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId + USER_BAND)) { m_pSrcUser->SendAttackSuccess(tid, MAGIC_ATTACK_TARGET_DEAD, damage, pNpc->m_iHP, MAGIC_ATTACK); } else { // 공격 결과 전송 m_pSrcUser->SendAttackSuccess(tid, ATTACK_SUCCESS, damage, pNpc->m_iHP, MAGIC_ATTACK); } } } else if ( pType->bDirectType == 2 || pType->bDirectType == 3 ) // Magic or Skill Point related ! pNpc->MSpChange(pType->bDirectType, pType->sFirstDamage); // Change the SP or the MP of the target. // else if( pType->bDirectType == 4 ) // Armor Durability related. // pNpc->ItemWoreOut( DEFENCE, pType->sFirstDamage); // Reduce Slot Item Durability } else if (pType->bDuration != 0) { // Durational Spells! Remember, durational spells only involve HPs. if(damage >= 0) { } else { damage = abs(damage); if(pType->bAttribute == 3) attack_type = 3; // 기절시키는 마법이라면..... else attack_type = magicid; if(pNpc->SetDamage(attack_type, damage, m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId + USER_BAND) == false) { m_pSrcUser->SendAttackSuccess(tid, MAGIC_ATTACK_TARGET_DEAD, damage, pNpc->m_iHP); } else { // 공격 결과 전송 m_pSrcUser->SendAttackSuccess(tid, ATTACK_SUCCESS, damage, pNpc->m_iHP); } } damage = GetMagicDamage(tid, pType->sTimeDamage, pType->bAttribute, dexpoint, righthand_damage); // The duration magic routine. for(int i=0; i<MAX_MAGIC_TYPE3; i++) { if(pNpc->m_MagicType3[i].sHPAttackUserID == -1 && pNpc->m_MagicType3[i].byHPDuration == 0) { pNpc->m_MagicType3[i].sHPAttackUserID = m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId; pNpc->m_MagicType3[i].tStartTime = UNIXTIME; pNpc->m_MagicType3[i].byHPDuration = pType->bDuration; pNpc->m_MagicType3[i].byHPInterval = 2; pNpc->m_MagicType3[i].sHPAmount = damage / (pType->bDuration / 2); break; } } } packet_send: //if ( pMagic->bType[1] == 0 || pMagic->bType[1] == 3 ) { Packet result(AG_MAGIC_ATTACK_RESULT, uint8(MAGIC_EFFECTING)); result << magicid << m_pSrcUser->m_iUserId << uint16(tid) << uint16(data1) << uint16(bResult) << uint16(data3) << uint16(moral) << uint16(0) << uint16(0); g_pMain->Send(&result); } }