Example #1
void CTFOClassnameFinder::FindTarget( inputdata_t &inputdata )
	bool bFound = false;
	CBaseEntity *pMyFoundEnt = NULL;

	// Try classname
	pMyFoundEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, szTarget.ToCStr() );
	while ( pMyFoundEnt )
		if ( !strcmp( pMyFoundEnt->GetClassname(), szTarget.ToCStr() ) )
			pFoundTarget.FireOutput( this, this );
			bFound = true;

		pMyFoundEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pMyFoundEnt, szTarget.ToCStr() );

	if ( bFound ) 

	// Try the actual name
	pMyFoundEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, szTarget.ToCStr() );
	while ( pMyFoundEnt )
		if ( !strcmp( pMyFoundEnt->GetEntityName().ToCStr(), szTarget.ToCStr() ) )
			pFoundTarget.FireOutput( this, this );

		pMyFoundEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByName( pMyFoundEnt, szTarget.ToCStr() );
Example #2
// Purpose: Every second, check total stress and fire an output if we have reached 
//			our threshold. If the stress is relieved below our threshold, fire a different output.
void CWeightButton::TriggerThink( void )
	vphysics_objectstress_t vpobj_StressOut;
	IPhysicsObject* pMyPhysics = VPhysicsGetObject();

	if ( !pMyPhysics )
		SetNextThink( TICK_NEVER_THINK );

 	float fStress = CalculateObjectStress( pMyPhysics, this, &vpobj_StressOut );

//	fStress = vpobj_StressOut.receivedStress;

	if ( fStress > m_fStressToActivate && !m_bHasBeenPressed )
		m_OnPressed.FireOutput( this, this );
		m_bHasBeenPressed = true;
	else if ( fStress < m_fStressToActivate && m_bHasBeenPressed )
		m_OnReleased.FireOutput( this, this );
		m_bHasBeenPressed = false;

	// think every tick
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + TICK_INTERVAL );
Example #3
// Purpose: Called shortly after level spawn. Checks the global state and fires
//			targets if the global state is set or if there is not global state
//			to check.
void CLogicAuto::Think(void)
	if (!m_globalstate || GlobalEntity_GetState(m_globalstate) == GLOBAL_ON)
		if (gpGlobals->eLoadType == MapLoad_Transition)
			m_OnMapTransition.FireOutput(NULL, this);
		else if (gpGlobals->eLoadType == MapLoad_NewGame)
			m_OnNewGame.FireOutput(NULL, this);
		else if (gpGlobals->eLoadType == MapLoad_LoadGame)
			m_OnLoadGame.FireOutput(NULL, this);
		else if (gpGlobals->eLoadType == MapLoad_Background)
			m_OnBackgroundMap.FireOutput(NULL, this);

		m_OnMapSpawn.FireOutput(NULL, this);

		if (m_spawnflags & SF_AUTO_FIREONCE)
// Purpose :
void CNPC_Launcher::LauncherThink( void )
	if (gpGlobals->curtime > m_flNextAttack)
		// If enemy was set, fire at enemy
		if (GetEnemy())
			m_OnLaunch.FireOutput(GetEnemy(), this);
			m_flNextAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + m_nLaunchDelay;
		// Otherwise look for enemy to fire at
			CBaseEntity* pBestEnemy = BestEnemy();

			if (pBestEnemy)
				m_OnLaunch.FireOutput(pBestEnemy, this);
				m_flNextAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + m_nLaunchDelay;
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );
// Purpose: 
// Input  : &info - 
void CAntlionGrub::Event_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
	// Fire our output only if the player is the one that killed us
	if ( info.GetAttacker() && info.GetAttacker()->IsPlayer() )
		m_OnDeathByPlayer.FireOutput( info.GetAttacker(), info.GetAttacker() );

	m_OnDeath.FireOutput( info.GetAttacker(), info.GetAttacker() );
	SendOnKilledGameEvent( info );

	// Crush and crowbar damage hurt us more than others
	bool bSquashed = ( info.GetDamageType() & (DMG_CRUSH|DMG_CLUB)) ? true : false;
	Squash( info.GetAttacker(), false, bSquashed );

	m_takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;

	if ( sk_grubnugget_enabled.GetBool() )

	// Go away
	SetThink( &CBaseEntity::SUB_Remove );
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );

	// we deliberately do not call BaseClass::EventKilled
Example #6
// Purpose: Dissolve all weapons within our volume
void CTriggerWeaponDissolve::DissolveThink( void )
	int	numWeapons = m_pWeapons.Count();

	// Dissolve all the items within the volume
	for ( int i = 0; i < numWeapons; i++ )
		CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = m_pWeapons[i];
		Vector vecConduit = GetConduitPoint( pWeapon );
		// The physcannon upgrades when this happens
		if ( FClassnameIs( pWeapon, "weapon_physcannon" ) )
			// This must be the last weapon for us to care
			if ( numWeapons > 1 )

			//FIXME: Make them do this on a stagger!

			// All conduits send power to the weapon
			for ( int i = 0; i < m_pConduitPoints.Count(); i++ )
				CreateBeam( m_pConduitPoints[i]->GetAbsOrigin(), pWeapon, 4.0f );

			PhysCannonBeginUpgrade( pWeapon );
			m_OnChargingPhyscannon.FireOutput( this, this );

			EmitSound( "WeaponDissolve.Beam" );

			// We're done
			SetContextThink( NULL, 0, s_pDissolveThinkContext );

		// Randomly dissolve them all
		float flLifetime = random->RandomFloat( 2.5f, 4.0f );
		CreateBeam( vecConduit, pWeapon, flLifetime );
		pWeapon->Dissolve( NULL, gpGlobals->curtime + ( 3.0f - flLifetime ), false );

		m_OnDissolveWeapon.FireOutput( this, this );

		CPASAttenuationFilter filter( pWeapon );
		EmitSound( filter, pWeapon->entindex(), "WeaponDissolve.Dissolve" );
		// Beam looping sound
		EmitSound( "WeaponDissolve.Beam" );

		m_pWeapons.Remove( i );
		SetContextThink( &CTriggerWeaponDissolve::DissolveThink, gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomFloat( 0.5f, 1.5f ), s_pDissolveThinkContext );

	SetContextThink( &CTriggerWeaponDissolve::DissolveThink, gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f, s_pDissolveThinkContext );
Example #7
// Purpose: Input handler for forcing an instantaneous test of the condition.
void CPointAngleSensor::InputTest(inputdata_t &inputdata)
	if (IsFacingWithinTolerance(m_hTargetEntity, m_hLookAtEntity, m_flDotTolerance))
		m_OnFacingLookat.FireOutput(inputdata.pActivator, this);
		m_OnNotFacingLookat.FireOutput(inputdata.pActivator, this);
// Purpose: 
void CPropVehiclePrisonerPod::HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent )
	if ( pEvent->event == AE_POD_OPEN )
		m_OnOpen.FireOutput( this, this );
		m_bLocked = false;
	else if ( pEvent->event == AE_POD_CLOSE )
		m_OnClose.FireOutput( this, this );
		m_bLocked = true;
// Purpose: 
void CPropVehicleChoreoGeneric::HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent )
	if ( pEvent->event == AE_CHOREO_VEHICLE_OPEN )
		m_OnOpen.FireOutput( this, this );
		m_bLocked = false;
	else if ( pEvent->event == AE_CHOREO_VEHICLE_CLOSE )
		m_OnClose.FireOutput( this, this );
		m_bLocked = true;
Example #10
// Purpose: 
void CCommentaryAuto::Think(void)
	if ( g_CommentarySystem.CommentaryWasEnabledMidGame() )
		m_OnCommentaryMidGame.FireOutput(NULL, this);
		m_OnCommentaryNewGame.FireOutput(NULL, this);

// Purpose: Handle a collision using our special behavior
void CWeaponStriderBuster::VPhysicsCollision( int index, gamevcollisionevent_t *pEvent )
	// Find out what we hit.
	// Don't do anything special if we're already attached to a strider.
	CBaseEntity *pVictim = pEvent->pEntities[!index];
	if ( pVictim == NULL || m_pConstraint != NULL )
		BaseClass::VPhysicsCollision( index, pEvent );

	// Don't attach if we're being held by the player
	if ( VPhysicsGetObject()->GetGameFlags() & FVPHYSICS_PLAYER_HELD )
		BaseClass::VPhysicsCollision( index, pEvent );

	// Save off the speed of the object
	m_flCollisionSpeedSqr = ( pEvent->preVelocity[ index ] ).LengthSqr();

	// Break if we hit the world while going fast enough.
	// Launched duds detonate if they hit the world at any speed.
	if ( pVictim->IsWorld() && ( ( m_bDud && m_bLaunched ) || m_flCollisionSpeedSqr > Square( 500 ) ) )
		m_OnShatter.FireOutput( this, this );
		Shatter( pVictim );

	// We'll handle this later in our touch call
	if ( ShouldStickToEntity( pVictim ) )

	// Determine if we should shatter
	CBaseEntity *pOwnerEntity = pVictim->GetOwnerEntity();
	bool bVictimIsStrider = ( ( pOwnerEntity != NULL ) && FClassnameIs( pOwnerEntity, "npc_strider" ) );

	// Break if we hit anything other than a strider while going fast enough.
	// Launched duds detonate if they hit anything other than a strider any speed.
	if ( ( bVictimIsStrider == false ) && ( ( m_bDud && m_bLaunched ) || m_flCollisionSpeedSqr > Square( 500 ) ) )
		m_OnShatter.FireOutput( this, this );
		Shatter( pVictim );

	// Just bounce
	BaseClass::VPhysicsCollision( index, pEvent );
// Purpose: 
void CWeaponStriderBuster::Detonate( void )
	CBaseEntity *pVictim = GetOwnerEntity();
	if ( !m_bDud && pVictim )
		// Kill the strider (with magic effect)
		CBasePlayer *pPlayer = AI_GetSinglePlayer();
		CTakeDamageInfo info( pPlayer, this, RandomVector( -100.0f, 100.0f ), GetAbsOrigin(), pVictim->GetHealth(), DMG_GENERIC );
		pVictim->TakeDamage( info );

		gamestats->Event_WeaponHit( ToBasePlayer( pPlayer ), true, GetClassname(), info );

		// Tracker 62293:  There's a bug where the inflictor/attacker are reversed when calling TakeDamage above so the player never gets
		//  credit for the strider buster kills.  The code has a bunch of assumptions lower level, so it's safer to just fix it here by 
		//  crediting a kill to the player directly.
		gamestats->Event_PlayerKilledOther( pPlayer, pVictim, info );

	m_OnDetonate.FireOutput( this, this );

	// Explode
	if ( !m_bDud )
		EmitSound( "Weapon_StriderBuster.Detonate" );
		DispatchParticleEffect( "striderbuster_explode_dummy_core", GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsAngles() );
		EmitSound( "Weapon_StriderBuster.Dud_Detonate" );

	// Go to bits!
	Shatter( pVictim );
// Purpose: Check to see if any of our constrained players have broken the constraint
void CPointPlayerMoveConstraint::ConstraintThink( void )
	int iCount = m_hConstrainedPlayers.Count();

	// Count backwards, because we might drop them if they've broken the constraint
	for ( int i = (iCount-1); i >= 0; i-- )
		CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( m_hConstrainedPlayers[i] );
		if ( pPlayer )
			float flDistanceSqr = (pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin()).LengthSqr();
			if ( flDistanceSqr > m_flRadiusSquared )
				// Break the constraint to this player

				// Fire the broken output
				m_OnConstraintBroken.FireOutput( this, pPlayer );

	// Only keep thinking if we any left
	if ( m_hConstrainedPlayers.Count() )
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );
// Purpose: 
void CPropCannon::EnterVehicle( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPassenger )
	if ( pPassenger == NULL )

	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( pPassenger );
	if ( pPlayer != NULL )
		// Remove any player who may be in the vehicle at the moment
		if ( m_hPlayer )
			ExitVehicle( VEHICLE_ROLE_DRIVER );

		m_hPlayer = pPlayer;
		m_playerOn.FireOutput( pPlayer, this, 0 );

		// NPCs not supported yet - jdw
		Assert( 0 );
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *player - 
void CObjectTunnelTrigger::StartTunneling( CBaseTFPlayer *player )
	if ( !player )

	// Ignore if it's already in the list
	int c = m_Tunneling.Count();
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < c; i++ )
		TunnelPlayer *tp = &m_Tunneling[ i ];
		if ( tp->player == player )

	TunnelPlayer tunnel;
	tunnel.player = player;
	tunnel.tunnelstarted = gpGlobals->curtime;
	tunnel.duration =  GetTeleportDuration();
	tunnel.teleporttime = tunnel.tunnelstarted + tunnel.duration;
	tunnel.exitstarted = false;
	tunnel.startpos = player->GetAbsOrigin();
	tunnel.iremaining = (int)tunnel.duration;
	tunnel.ilastremaining = tunnel.iremaining;
	tunnel.needremainigcounter = ( tunnel.iremaining > TUNNEL_DURATION_MESSAGE_NEEDED ) ? true : false;

	// Fade user screen to black
	color32 black = {0,0,0,255};

	float duration = tunnel.duration;
	float fadeouttime = TUNNEL_FADE_TIME;
	float holdtime = 0.0f;
	if ( duration < 2 * TUNNEL_FADE_TIME )
		fadeouttime = duration * 0.5f;
		fadeouttime = TUNNEL_FADE_TIME;
		holdtime = duration - 2 * fadeouttime;

	tunnel.fadetime = fadeouttime;
	tunnel.fadeintime = tunnel.tunnelstarted + fadeouttime + holdtime;

	UTIL_ScreenFade( player, black, fadeouttime, holdtime, FFADE_OUT | FFADE_STAYOUT | FFADE_PURGE );

	m_Tunneling.AddToTail( tunnel );

	player->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );
	player->EnableControl( false );
	player->AddEffects( EF_NODRAW );
	player->AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID );

	CPASAttenuationFilter filter( player, "ObjectTunnelTrigger.TeleportSound" );
	EmitSound( filter, player->entindex(), "ObjectTunnelTrigger.TeleportSound" );

	OnTunnelTriggerStart.FireOutput( player, this );
Example #16
// Purpose: Input handler that does the screen fade.
void CEnvFade::InputFade( inputdata_t &inputdata )
	int fadeFlags = 0;

	if ( m_spawnflags & SF_FADE_IN )
		fadeFlags |= FFADE_IN;
		fadeFlags |= FFADE_OUT;

	if ( m_spawnflags & SF_FADE_MODULATE )
		fadeFlags |= FFADE_MODULATE;

	if ( m_spawnflags & SF_FADE_ONLYONE )
		if ( inputdata.pActivator->IsNetClient() )
			UTIL_ScreenFade( inputdata.pActivator, m_clrRender, Duration(), HoldTime(), fadeFlags );
		UTIL_ScreenFadeAll( m_clrRender, Duration(), HoldTime(), fadeFlags );

	m_OnBeginFade.FireOutput( inputdata.pActivator, this );
// Purpose:
void CNPC_CraneDriver::RunTask( const Task_t *pTask )
	switch( pTask->iTask )
			// Is the magnet over the target, and are we not moving too fast?
			AngularImpulse angVel;
			Vector vecVelocity;
			CBaseEntity *pMagnet = m_hCrane->GetMagnet();
			IPhysicsObject *pVehiclePhysics = pMagnet->VPhysicsGetObject();
			pVehiclePhysics->GetVelocity( &vecVelocity, &angVel );
			float flVelocity = 100;
			float flDistance = 90;

			// More accurate on forced drops
			if ( m_bForcedPickup || m_bForcedDropoff )
				flVelocity = 10;
				flDistance = 30;

			if ( m_flDistanceToTarget < flDistance && m_hCrane->GetTurnRate() < 0.1 && vecVelocity.Length() < flVelocity )

			// Wait for the magnet to get back up
			if ( m_flDropWait < gpGlobals->curtime && !m_hCrane->IsDropping() )

			// We're waiting for the pause length before dropping whatever's on our magnet
			if ( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flReleaseAt )
				if ( m_bForcedDropoff )
					m_OnDroppedObject.FireOutput( this, this );


		BaseClass::RunTask( pTask );
Example #18
// Purpose: Called when the train is killed.
// Input  : pInflictor - What killed us.
//			pAttacker - Who killed us.
//			flDamage - The damage that the killing blow inflicted.
//			bitsDamageType - Bitfield of damage types that were inflicted.
void CFuncTankTrain::Event_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
	m_takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
	m_lifeState = LIFE_DEAD;

	m_OnDeath.FireOutput( info.GetInflictor(), this );
Example #19
// Purpose: 
void CPointCommentaryNode::CleanupPostCommentary( void )
	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetCommentaryPlayer();
	if ( !pPlayer )

	if ( m_hViewPosition.Get() && pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon() )

	if ( m_hViewPositionMover && pPlayer->GetViewEntity() == m_hViewPositionMover )
		pPlayer->SetViewEntity( NULL );
	UTIL_Remove( m_hViewPositionMover );

	m_bActive = false;
	m_flPlaybackRate = 1.0;
	m_bUnstoppable = false;
	m_flFinishedTime = 0;
	SetContextThink( NULL, 0, s_pCommentaryUpdateViewThink );

	// Clear out any events waiting on our start commentary
	g_EventQueue.CancelEvents( this );

	m_pOnCommentaryStopped.FireOutput( this, this );

	g_CommentarySystem.SetActiveNode( NULL );
Example #20
void CBaseTurret::Deploy(void)
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );
	StudioFrameAdvance( );

	if ( m_Activity != ACT_TURRET_OPEN )
		m_iOn = 1;
		SetActivity( (Activity)ACT_TURRET_OPEN );
		EmitSound( "NPC_Turret.Deploy" );

		m_OnDeploy.FireOutput(NULL, this);

	if (m_fSequenceFinished)
		Vector curmins, curmaxs;
		curmins = WorldAlignMins();
		curmaxs = WorldAlignMaxs();

		curmaxs.z = m_iDeployHeight;
		curmins.z = -m_iDeployHeight;

		SetCollisionBounds( curmins, curmaxs );


		SetActivity( (Activity)ACT_TURRET_OPEN_IDLE );

		m_flPlaybackRate = 0;

	m_flLastSight = gpGlobals->curtime + m_flMaxWait;
Example #21
void CMapAddLabel::Think()
	BaseClass::Think(); // Always do this if you override Think()

	//What this does, is look through entities in a sphere, and then
	//checks to see if they are valid, and if they are
	//adds them to a second list of valid entities.
	//Create an array of CBaseEntity pointers
	CBaseEntity *ppEnts[256];
	int nEntCount = UTIL_EntitiesInSphere( ppEnts, 256, this->GetAbsOrigin(), m_nTriggerArea, 0 );
	int i;
	for ( i = 0; i < nEntCount; i++ )
			//Look through the entities it found
		if ( ppEnts[i] != NULL )
				Msg( "mapadd_trig was triggered!\n" );
			//	if(m_bDeleteOnFire)
			//	{
				//	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 1 ); // Think again in 1 second
					UTIL_Remove( this );
			//	}
			//	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 1 ); // Think again in 1 second
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 1 ); // Think again in 1 second
Example #22
// Creates the explosion effect
void CEnvHeadcrabCanister::Detonate( )
	// Send the impact output
	m_OnImpacted.FireOutput( this, this, 0 );

	if ( !HasSpawnFlags( SF_NO_IMPACT_SOUND ) )
		StopSound( "HeadcrabCanister.IncomingSound" );
		EmitSound( "HeadcrabCanister.Explosion" );

	// If we're supposed to be removed, do that now
	if ( HasSpawnFlags( SF_REMOVE_ON_IMPACT ) )
		SetAbsOrigin( m_vecImpactPosition );
		SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );
		m_bLanded = true;
		// Become invisible so our trail can finish up
		AddEffects( EF_NODRAW );
		SetSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID );

		SetThink( &CEnvHeadcrabCanister::SUB_Remove );
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + ENV_HEADCRABCANISTER_TRAIL_TIME );


	// Test for damaging things
	TestForCollisionsAgainstWorld( m_vecImpactPosition );

	// Shake the screen unless flagged otherwise
	if ( !HasSpawnFlags( SF_NO_SHAKE ) )
		CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_GetNearestPlayer(GetAbsOrigin());

		// If the player is on foot, then do a more limited shake
		float shakeRadius = ( pPlayer && pPlayer->IsInAVehicle() ) ? sk_env_headcrabcanister_shake_radius_vehicle.GetFloat() : sk_env_headcrabcanister_shake_radius.GetFloat();

		UTIL_ScreenShake( m_vecImpactPosition, sk_env_headcrabcanister_shake_amplitude.GetFloat(), 150.0, 1.0, shakeRadius, SHAKE_START );

	// Do explosion effects
	if ( !HasSpawnFlags( SF_NO_IMPACT_EFFECTS ) )
		// Normal explosion
		ExplosionCreate( m_vecImpactPosition, GetAbsAngles(), this, 50.0f, 500.0f, 
		// Dust explosion
		AR2Explosion *pExplosion = AR2Explosion::CreateAR2Explosion( m_vecImpactPosition );
		if( pExplosion )
Example #23
// Purpose: Input handler that converts our target to a physics object.
void CPhysConvert::InputConvertTarget( inputdata_t &inputdata )
	bool createAsleep = HasSpawnFlags(SF_CONVERT_ASLEEP);
	// Fire output
	m_OnConvert.FireOutput( inputdata.pActivator, this );

	CBaseEntity *entlist[512];
	CBaseEntity *pSwap = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, m_swapModel, inputdata.pActivator );
	CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
	int count = 0;
	while ( (pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByName( pEntity, m_target, inputdata.pActivator )) != NULL )
		entlist[count++] = pEntity;
		if ( count >= ARRAYSIZE(entlist) )

	// if we're swapping to model out, don't loop over more than one object
	// multiple objects with the same brush model will render, but the dynamic lights
	// and decals will be shared between the two instances...
	if ( pSwap && count > 0 )
		count = 1;

	for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
		pEntity = entlist[i];

		// don't convert something that is already physics based
		if ( pEntity->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS )
			Msg( "ERROR phys_convert %s ! Already MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS\n", STRING(pEntity->m_iClassname) );

		UnlinkFromParent( pEntity );

		if ( pSwap )
			// we can't reuse this physics object, so kill it
			pEntity->SetModel( STRING(pSwap->GetModelName()) );

		CBaseEntity *pPhys = CreateSimplePhysicsObject( pEntity, createAsleep );
		// created phys object, now move hierarchy over
		if ( pPhys )
			pPhys->SetName( pEntity->GetEntityName() );
			TransferChildren( pEntity, pPhys );
			pEntity->AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID );
			pEntity->m_fEffects |= EF_NODRAW;
			UTIL_Relink( pEntity );
			UTIL_Remove( pEntity );
// Purpose: 
void CEnvScreenEffect::InputStartEffect( inputdata_t &inputdata )
	m_OnStartEffect.FireOutput( this, this );

	EntityMessageBegin( this );
		WRITE_BYTE( 0 );
Example #25
void CNPC_Barney::UseFunc( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
	m_bDontUseSemaphore = true;
	SpeakIfAllowed( TLK_USE );
	m_bDontUseSemaphore = false;

	m_OnPlayerUse.FireOutput( pActivator, pCaller );
void CNPC_EnemyFinder::PrescheduleThink()

	bool bHasEnemies = GetEnemies()->NumEnemies() > 0;
	if ( GetEnemies()->NumEnemies() > 0 )
		//If I haven't seen my enemy in half a second then we'll assume he's gone.
		if ( gpGlobals->curtime - GetEnemyLastTimeSeen() >= 0.5f )
			bHasEnemies = false;

	if ( m_bEnemyStatus != bHasEnemies )
		if ( bHasEnemies )
			m_OnAcquireEnemies.FireOutput( this, this );
			m_OnLostEnemies.FireOutput( this, this );
		m_bEnemyStatus = bHasEnemies;

	if( ai_debug_enemyfinders.GetBool() )
		m_debugOverlays |= OVERLAY_BBOX_BIT;

		if( IsInSquad() && GetSquad()->NumMembers() > 1 )
			AISquadIter_t iter;
			CAI_BaseNPC *pSquadmate = m_pSquad ? m_pSquad->GetFirstMember( &iter ) : NULL;
			while ( pSquadmate )
				NDebugOverlay::Line( WorldSpaceCenter(), pSquadmate->EyePosition(), 255, 255, 0, false, 0.1f );
				pSquadmate = m_pSquad->GetNextMember( &iter );
Example #27
void CTFOChecker::CheckWep(inputdata_t &inputData)
	CBasePlayer *pClient = UTIL_GetLocalPlayer();
	if (pClient)
		if (pClient->m_bCanPickupRewards)
			m_OnCheck.FireOutput(this, this);
Example #28
// Purpose: Called when an entity starts touching us.
// Input  : pOther - the entity that is now touching us.
void CTriggerBrush::StartTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	if ( PassesInputFilter(pOther, m_iInputFilter) && !(m_iInputFilter & TRIGGER_IGNORETOUCH) )
		m_OnStartTouch.FireOutput( pOther, this );
		if ( !m_iDontMessageParent )
			BaseClass::StartTouch( pOther );
// Purpose: 
void CEnvScreenEffect::InputStopEffect( inputdata_t &inputdata )
	m_OnStopEffect.FireOutput( this, this );

	// Send the stop notification
	EntityMessageBegin( this );
		WRITE_BYTE( 1 );
Example #30
// Retire - stop being active
void CNPC_BaseTurret::Retire(void)
	// make the turret level
	m_vecGoalAngles.x = 0;
	m_vecGoalAngles.y = m_flStartYaw;

	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1 );

	StudioFrameAdvance( );

	EyeOff( );

	if (!MoveTurret())
		if (m_iSpin)
		else if (GetSequence() != TURRET_ANIM_RETIRE)
			CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this );
			EmitSound( filter, entindex(), "Turret.Undeploy" );
			m_OnDeactivate.FireOutput(this, this);
		//else if (IsSequenceFinished()) 
		else if( GetSequence() == TURRET_ANIM_RETIRE && GetCycle() <= 0.0 )
			m_iOn = 0;
			m_flLastSight = 0;

			Vector curmins, curmaxs;
			curmins = WorldAlignMins();
			curmaxs = WorldAlignMaxs();

			curmaxs.z = m_iRetractHeight;
			curmins.z = -m_iRetractHeight;

			SetCollisionBounds( curmins, curmaxs );
			if (m_iAutoStart)
				SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1 );
				SetThink( &CBaseEntity::SUB_DoNothing );