CPDF_ShadingPattern::CPDF_ShadingPattern(CPDF_Document* pDoc, CPDF_Object* pPatternObj, FX_BOOL bShading, const CFX_Matrix& parentMatrix) : CPDF_Pattern(SHADING, pDoc, bShading ? nullptr : pPatternObj, parentMatrix), m_ShadingType(kInvalidShading), m_bShadingObj(bShading), m_pShadingObj(pPatternObj), m_pCS(nullptr), m_pCountedCS(nullptr) { if (!bShading) { CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = m_pPatternObj->GetDict(); m_Pattern2Form = pDict->GetMatrixBy("Matrix"); m_pShadingObj = pDict->GetDirectObjectBy("Shading"); m_Pattern2Form.Concat(parentMatrix); } }
DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FPDFPage_TransFormWithClip(FPDF_PAGE page, FS_MATRIX* matrix, FS_RECTF* clipRect) { CPDF_Page* pPage = CPDFPageFromFPDFPage(page); if (!pPage) return FALSE; CFX_ByteTextBuf textBuf; textBuf << "q "; CFX_FloatRect rect(clipRect->left, clipRect->bottom, clipRect->right, clipRect->top); rect.Normalize(); CFX_ByteString bsClipping; bsClipping.Format("%f %f %f %f re W* n ", rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.Width(), rect.Height()); textBuf << bsClipping; CFX_ByteString bsMatix; bsMatix.Format("%f %f %f %f %f %f cm ", matrix->a, matrix->b, matrix->c, matrix->d, matrix->e, matrix->f); textBuf << bsMatix; CPDF_Dictionary* pPageDic = pPage->m_pFormDict; CPDF_Object* pContentObj = pPageDic ? pPageDic->GetElement("Contents") : nullptr; if (!pContentObj) pContentObj = pPageDic ? pPageDic->GetArrayBy("Contents") : nullptr; if (!pContentObj) return FALSE; CPDF_Dictionary* pDic = new CPDF_Dictionary; CPDF_Stream* pStream = new CPDF_Stream(nullptr, 0, pDic); pStream->SetData(textBuf.GetBuffer(), textBuf.GetSize(), FALSE, FALSE); CPDF_Document* pDoc = pPage->m_pDocument; if (!pDoc) return FALSE; pDoc->AddIndirectObject(pStream); pDic = new CPDF_Dictionary; CPDF_Stream* pEndStream = new CPDF_Stream(nullptr, 0, pDic); pEndStream->SetData((const uint8_t*)" Q", 2, FALSE, FALSE); pDoc->AddIndirectObject(pEndStream); CPDF_Array* pContentArray = nullptr; if (CPDF_Array* pArray = ToArray(pContentObj)) { pContentArray = pArray; CPDF_Reference* pRef = new CPDF_Reference(pDoc, pStream->GetObjNum()); pContentArray->InsertAt(0, pRef); pContentArray->AddReference(pDoc, pEndStream); } else if (CPDF_Reference* pReference = ToReference(pContentObj)) { CPDF_Object* pDirectObj = pReference->GetDirect(); if (pDirectObj) { if (CPDF_Array* pArray = pDirectObj->AsArray()) { pContentArray = pArray; CPDF_Reference* pRef = new CPDF_Reference(pDoc, pStream->GetObjNum()); pContentArray->InsertAt(0, pRef); pContentArray->AddReference(pDoc, pEndStream); } else if (pDirectObj->IsStream()) { pContentArray = new CPDF_Array(); pContentArray->AddReference(pDoc, pStream->GetObjNum()); pContentArray->AddReference(pDoc, pDirectObj->GetObjNum()); pContentArray->AddReference(pDoc, pEndStream); pPageDic->SetAtReference("Contents", pDoc, pDoc->AddIndirectObject(pContentArray)); } } } // Need to transform the patterns as well. CPDF_Dictionary* pRes = pPageDic->GetDictBy("Resources"); if (pRes) { CPDF_Dictionary* pPattenDict = pRes->GetDictBy("Pattern"); if (pPattenDict) { for (const auto& it : *pPattenDict) { CPDF_Object* pObj = it.second; if (pObj->IsReference()) pObj = pObj->GetDirect(); CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = nullptr; if (pObj->IsDictionary()) pDict = pObj->AsDictionary(); else if (CPDF_Stream* pStream = pObj->AsStream()) pDict = pStream->GetDict(); else continue; CFX_Matrix m = pDict->GetMatrixBy("Matrix"); CFX_Matrix t = *(CFX_Matrix*)matrix; m.Concat(t); pDict->SetAtMatrix("Matrix", m); } } } return TRUE; }