Example #1
bool CTable_List::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Table	*pTables	= Parameters("TABLES")->asTable();


	pTables->Add_Field(_TL("Table"), SG_DATATYPE_String);

	if( Get_Connection() )
		CSG_Strings	Tables;


		for(int i=0; i<Tables.Get_Count(); i++)
			CSG_Table_Record	*pTable	= pTables->Add_Record();

			pTable->Set_Value(0, Tables[i]);

		pTables->Set_Name(Get_Connection()->Get_Server() + " [" + _TL("Tables") + "]");

		return( true );

	return( false );
Example #2
void CGrid_Cluster_Analysis::Save_Statistics(CSG_Parameter_Grid_List *pGrids, bool bNormalize, const CSG_Cluster_Analysis &Analysis)
	int			iCluster, iFeature;
	CSG_String	s;
	CSG_Table	*pTable	= Parameters("STATISTICS")->asTable();

	pTable->Set_Name(_TL("Cluster Analysis"));

	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("ClusterID")	, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Elements")	, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Std.Dev.")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	s.Printf(SG_T("\n%s:\t%d \n%s:\t%ld \n%s:\t%d \n%s:\t%d \n%s:\t%f\n\n%s\t%s\t%s"),
		_TL("Number of Iterations")	, Analysis.Get_Iteration(),
		_TL("Number of Elements")	, Analysis.Get_nElements(),
		_TL("Number of Variables")	, Analysis.Get_nFeatures(),
		_TL("Number of Clusters")	, Analysis.Get_nClusters(),
		_TL("Standard Deviation")	, sqrt(Analysis.Get_SP()),
		_TL("Cluster"), _TL("Elements"), _TL("Std.Dev.")

	for(iFeature=0; iFeature<Analysis.Get_nFeatures(); iFeature++)
		s	+= CSG_String::Format(SG_T("\t%s"), pGrids->asGrid(iFeature)->Get_Name());

		pTable->Add_Field(pGrids->asGrid(iFeature)->Get_Name(), SG_DATATYPE_Double);


	for(iCluster=0; iCluster<Analysis.Get_nClusters(); iCluster++)
		s.Printf(SG_T("\n%d\t%d\t%f"), iCluster, Analysis.Get_nMembers(iCluster), sqrt(Analysis.Get_Variance(iCluster)));

		CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord	= pTable->Add_Record();

		pRecord->Set_Value(0, iCluster);
		pRecord->Set_Value(1, Analysis.Get_nMembers(iCluster));
		pRecord->Set_Value(2, sqrt(Analysis.Get_Variance(iCluster)));

		for(iFeature=0; iFeature<Analysis.Get_nFeatures(); iFeature++)
			double	Centroid	= Analysis.Get_Centroid(iCluster, iFeature);

			if( bNormalize )
				Centroid	= pGrids->asGrid(iFeature)->Get_Mean() + Centroid * pGrids->asGrid(iFeature)->Get_StdDev();

			s	+= CSG_String::Format(SG_T("\t%f"), Centroid);

			pRecord->Set_Value(iFeature + 3, Centroid);

		Message_Add(s, false);
bool CGSPoints_Distances::On_Execute(void)
    CSG_Shapes	*pPoints	= Parameters("POINTS")	->asShapes();
    CSG_Table	*pTable		= Parameters("TABLE")	->asTable();

    CSG_PRQuadTree			QT(pPoints, 0);
    CSG_Simple_Statistics	s;

    double	x, y, z;

    for(int iPoint=0; iPoint<pPoints->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(iPoint, pPoints->Get_Count()); iPoint++)
        TSG_Point	p	= pPoints->Get_Shape(iPoint)->Get_Point(0);

        if( QT.Select_Nearest_Points(p.x, p.y, 2) && QT.Get_Selected_Point(1, x, y, z) && (x != p.x || y != p.y) )
            s.Add_Value(SG_Get_Distance(x, y, p.x, p.y));

    if( s.Get_Count() > 0 )
        CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord;

        pTable->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), _TL("Minimum Distance Analysis"), pPoints->Get_Name()));

        pTable->Add_Field(SG_T("NAME")	, SG_DATATYPE_String);
        pTable->Add_Field(SG_T("VALUE")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);

        SET_VALUE(_TL("Mean Average")		, s.Get_Mean());
        SET_VALUE(_TL("Minimum")			, s.Get_Minimum());
        SET_VALUE(_TL("Maximum")			, s.Get_Maximum());
        SET_VALUE(_TL("Standard Deviation")	, s.Get_StdDev());
        SET_VALUE(_TL("Duplicates")			, pPoints->Get_Count() - s.Get_Count());

        DataObject_Update(pTable, SG_UI_DATAOBJECT_SHOW);

        return( true );

    Message_Dlg(_TL("not enough observations"));

    return( false );
bool CBifurcation::On_Execute(void)
	int					i;
	double				p, r, dr, max, min, seed, nValues, nPreIterations;
	CSG_Table_Record		*pRecord;
	CSG_Table				*pTable;

	nPreIterations	= Parameters("ITERATIONS")->asInt();
	nValues			= Parameters("NVALUES")->asInt();
	seed			= Parameters("SEED")->asDouble();
	min				= Parameters("RANGE")->asRange()->Get_Min();
	max				= Parameters("RANGE")->asRange()->Get_Max();
	dr				= (max - min) / 1000.0;

	pTable			= Parameters("TABLE")->asTable();
	pTable->Set_Name(_TL("Feigenbaum's Bifurcation"));

	pTable->Add_Field("Growth"	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	for(i=0; i<nValues; i++)
		pTable->Add_Field(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("VALUE_%d"), i + 1), SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	for(r=min; r<=max; r+=dr)
		pRecord	= pTable->Add_Record();
		pRecord->Set_Value(0, r);

		p		= seed;

		for(i=0; i<nPreIterations; i++)
			p		= r * p * (1.0 - p);

		for(i=0; i<nValues; i++)
			p	= r * p * (1.0 - p);
			pRecord->Set_Value(i + 1, p);

	return( true );
Example #5
bool CTable_List::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Table	*pTables	= Parameters("TABLES")->asTable();

	pTables->Set_Name(Get_Connection()->Get_Connection() + " [" + _TL("Tables") + "]");

	pTables->Add_Field(_TL("Table"), SG_DATATYPE_String);
	pTables->Add_Field(_TL("Type" ), SG_DATATYPE_String);

	CSG_Strings	Tables;

	if( Get_Connection()->Get_Tables(Tables) )
		CSG_Table	t;

		for(int i=0; i<Tables.Get_Count(); i++)
			CSG_Table_Record	*pTable	= pTables->Add_Record();

			pTable->Set_Value(0, Tables[i]);

			if( Get_Connection()->Table_Load(t, "geometry_columns", "type", CSG_String::Format("f_table_name='%s'", Tables[i].c_str())) && t.Get_Count() == 1 )
				pTable->Set_Value(1, t[0][0].asString());
			else if( Get_Connection()->Table_Load(t, "raster_columns", "*", CSG_String::Format("r_table_name='%s'", Tables[i].c_str())) && t.Get_Count() == 1 )
				pTable->Set_Value(1, "RASTER");
				pTable->Set_Value(1, "TABLE");

	return( pTables->Get_Count() > 0 );
bool CChange_Detection::Get_Classes(CSG_Table &Classes, CSG_Grid *pGrid, bool bInitial)
	CSG_Table	*pClasses;


	Classes.Add_Field(_TL("NAME")	, SG_DATATYPE_String);
	Classes.Add_Field(_TL("MIN")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	Classes.Add_Field(_TL("MAX")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	if( (pClasses = Parameters(bInitial ? "INI_LUT" : "FIN_LUT")->asTable()) != NULL )
		int	fNam	= Parameters(bInitial ? "INI_LUT_NAM" : "FIN_LUT_NAM")->asInt();
		int	fMin	= Parameters(bInitial ? "INI_LUT_MIN" : "FIN_LUT_MIN")->asInt();
		int	fMax	= Parameters(bInitial ? "INI_LUT_MAX" : "FIN_LUT_MAX")->asInt();

		if( fNam < 0 || fNam >= pClasses->Get_Field_Count() )	{	fNam	= fMin;	}
		if( fMax < 0 || fMax >= pClasses->Get_Field_Count() )	{	fMax	= fMin;	}

		for(int iClass=0; iClass<pClasses->Get_Count(); iClass++)
			CSG_Table_Record	*pClass	= Classes.Add_Record();

			pClass->Set_Value(CLASS_NAM, pClasses->Get_Record(iClass)->asString(fNam));
			pClass->Set_Value(CLASS_MIN, pClasses->Get_Record(iClass)->asDouble(fMin));
			pClass->Set_Value(CLASS_MAX, pClasses->Get_Record(iClass)->asDouble(fMax));

	else if( DataObject_Get_Parameter(pGrid, "LUT") )
		pClasses	= DataObject_Get_Parameter(pGrid, "LUT")->asTable();

		for(int iClass=0; iClass<pClasses->Get_Count(); iClass++)
			CSG_Table_Record	*pClass	= Classes.Add_Record();

			pClass->Set_Value(CLASS_NAM, pClasses->Get_Record(iClass)->asString(1));
			pClass->Set_Value(CLASS_MIN, pClasses->Get_Record(iClass)->asDouble(3));
			pClass->Set_Value(CLASS_MAX, pClasses->Get_Record(iClass)->asDouble(4));

		double	z;

		for(sLong i=0; i<Get_NCells() && Set_Progress_NCells(i); i++)
			double iz	= pGrid->asDouble(pGrid->Get_Sorted(i, false, false));

			if( i == 0 || iz != z )
				CSG_Table_Record	*pClass	= Classes.Add_Record();

				pClass->Set_Value(CLASS_NAM, z = iz);
				pClass->Set_Value(CLASS_MIN, z);
				pClass->Set_Value(CLASS_MAX, z);

	return( Classes.Get_Count() > 0 );
bool CTable_Field_Deletion::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Parameter_Table_Fields	*pFields	= Parameters("FIELDS")->asTableFields();

	if( pFields->Get_Count() <= 0 )
		Error_Set(_TL("no fields in selection"));

		return( false );

	CSG_Table	*pTable  = Parameters("TABLE")->asTable();

	CSG_Table	*pOutput = NULL;

	if( pTable->Get_ObjectType() == DATAOBJECT_TYPE_Shapes )
		if( (pOutput = Parameters("OUT_SHAPES")->asShapes()) != NULL && pOutput != pTable )
			((CSG_Shapes *)pOutput)->Create(((CSG_Shapes *)pTable)->Get_Type(), (const wchar_t*)0, (CSG_Table *)0, ((CSG_Shapes *)pTable)->Get_Vertex_Type());
	else // if( pTable->Get_ObjectType() == DATAOBJECT_TYPE_Table )
		if( (pOutput = Parameters("OUT_TABLE"  )->asTable()) != NULL && pOutput != pTable )

	if( pOutput )
		int		nFields		= pTable->Get_Field_Count() - pFields->Get_Count();
		int		*pFieldsOut	= new int[nFields];

		int		iField = 0;

		for(int i=0; i<pTable->Get_Field_Count(); i++)
			bool bDelete = false;

			for(int j=0; j<pFields->Get_Count(); j++)
				if( i == pFields->Get_Index(j) )
					bDelete = true;

			if( !bDelete )
				pFieldsOut[iField] = i;

		pOutput->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), pTable->Get_Name(), _TL("Changed")));

		for(iField=0; iField<nFields; iField++)
			pOutput->Add_Field(pTable->Get_Field_Name(pFieldsOut[iField]), pTable->Get_Field_Type(pFieldsOut[iField]));

		for(int iRecord=0; iRecord<pTable->Get_Count(); iRecord++)
			CSG_Table_Record	*pOut, *pIn	= pTable->Get_Record(iRecord);

			if( pOutput->Get_ObjectType() == DATAOBJECT_TYPE_Shapes )
				pOut	= ((CSG_Shapes *)pOutput)->Add_Shape(pIn, SHAPE_COPY_GEOM);

				if( ((CSG_Shapes *)pOutput)->Get_Vertex_Type() > SG_VERTEX_TYPE_XY )
					for(int iPart=0; iPart<((CSG_Shape *)pIn)->Get_Part_Count(); iPart++)
						for(int iPoint=0; iPoint<((CSG_Shape *)pIn)->Get_Point_Count(iPart); iPoint++)
							((CSG_Shape *)pOut)->Set_Z(((CSG_Shape *)pIn)->Get_Z(iPoint, iPart), iPoint, iPart);

							if( ((CSG_Shapes *)pOutput)->Get_Vertex_Type() == SG_VERTEX_TYPE_XYZM )
								((CSG_Shape *)pOut)->Set_M(((CSG_Shape *)pIn)->Get_M(iPoint, iPart), iPoint, iPart);
				pOut	= pOutput->Add_Record();

			for(iField=0; iField<nFields; iField++)
				*pOut->Get_Value(iField)	= *pIn->Get_Value(pFieldsOut[iField]);

		delete[] pFieldsOut;
		for(int iField=pFields->Get_Count()-1; iField>=0; iField--)


	return( true );
bool CTable_PCA::Get_Components(CSG_Matrix &Eigen_Vectors, CSG_Vector &Eigen_Values)
    int		i, j, n, field0;
    double	Sum, Cum;

    for(i=0, Sum=0.0; i<m_nFeatures; i++)
        Sum	+= Eigen_Values[i];

    Sum	= Sum > 0.0 ? 100.0 / Sum : 0.0;

    Message_Add(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("\n%s, %s, %s\n"), _TL("explained variance"), _TL("explained cumulative variance"), _TL("Eigenvalue")), false);

    for(j=m_nFeatures-1, Cum=0.0; j>=0; j--)
        Cum	+= Eigen_Values[j] * Sum;

        Message_Add(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%6.2f\t%6.2f\t%18.5f\n"), Eigen_Values[j] * Sum, Cum, Eigen_Values[j]), false);

    Message_Add(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("\n%s:\n"), _TL("Eigenvectors")), false);

    for(j=0; j<m_nFeatures; j++)
        for(i=0; i<m_nFeatures; i++)
            Message_Add(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%12.4f"), Eigen_Vectors[j][m_nFeatures - 1 - i]), false);

        Message_Add(SG_T("\n"), false);

    n	= Parameters("NFIRST")->asInt();

    if( n <= 0 || n > m_nFeatures )
        n	= m_nFeatures;

    CSG_Table	*pPCA	= Parameters("PCA")->asTable();

    if( pPCA == NULL )
        pPCA	= m_pTable;

    if( pPCA != m_pTable )
        pPCA->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), m_pTable->Get_Name(), _TL("Principal Components")));

    field0	= pPCA->Get_Field_Count();

    for(i=0; i<n; i++)
        pPCA->Add_Field(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s %d"), _TL("Component"), i + 1), SG_DATATYPE_Double);

    for(int iElement=0; iElement<m_pTable->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(iElement, m_pTable->Get_Count()); iElement++)
        if( !is_NoData(iElement) )
            CSG_Table_Record	*pElement	= pPCA == m_pTable ? pPCA->Get_Record(iElement) : pPCA->Add_Record();

            for(i=0, j=m_nFeatures-1; i<n; i++, j--)
                double	d	= 0.0;

                for(int k=0; k<m_nFeatures; k++)
                    d	+= Get_Value(k, iElement) * Eigen_Vectors[k][j];

                pElement->Set_Value(field0 + i, d);

    if( pPCA == m_pTable )

    return( true );
Example #9
bool CWator::On_Execute(void)
	m_pWator	= m_Grid_Target.Get_Grid("GRID", SG_DATATYPE_Byte);

	if( !m_pWator )
		Error_Set(_TL("could not create target grid"));

		return( false );


	CSG_Colors	Colors(3);

	Colors.Set_Color(0, SG_COLOR_BLACK);
	Colors.Set_Color(1, SG_COLOR_GREEN);
	Colors.Set_Color(2, SG_COLOR_RED  );

	DataObject_Add       (m_pWator);
	DataObject_Set_Colors(m_pWator, Colors);
	DataObject_Update    (m_pWator, 0, 2, SG_UI_DATAOBJECT_SHOW);

	if( Parameters("REFRESH")->asBool() )
		double	Fish_perc	= Parameters("INIT_FISH" )->asDouble();
		double	Shark_perc	= Parameters("INIT_SHARK")->asDouble() + Fish_perc;

		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int y=0; y<m_pWator->Get_NY(); y++)
			for(int x=0; x<m_pWator->Get_NX(); x++)
				double	perc	= CSG_Random::Get_Uniform(0, 100);

				if( perc <= Fish_perc )
					m_pWator->Set_Value(x, y, FISH);
				else if( perc <= Shark_perc )
					m_pWator->Set_Value(x, y, SHARK);
					m_pWator->Set_Value(x, y, 0);

	CSG_Table	*pTable	= Parameters("TABLE")->asTable();


	pTable->Add_Field("Cycle" , SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	pTable->Add_Field("Fishes", SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	pTable->Add_Field("Sharks", SG_DATATYPE_Int);

	m_Fish_Birth	= Parameters("FISH_BIRTH"  )->asInt();
	m_Shark_Birth	= Parameters("SHARK_BIRTH" )->asInt();
	m_Shark_Starve	= Parameters("SHARK_STARVE")->asInt();

	m_Next  .Create(m_pWator, SG_DATATYPE_Byte);
	m_Age   .Create(m_pWator, SG_DATATYPE_Byte);
	m_Starve.Create(m_pWator, SG_DATATYPE_Byte);

	#pragma omp parallel for
	for(int y=0; y<m_pWator->Get_NY(); y++)
		for(int x=0; x<m_pWator->Get_NX(); x++)
			switch( m_pWator->asByte(x, y) )
			case FISH:
				m_Age   .Set_Value(x, y, CSG_Random::Get_Uniform(0.0, m_Fish_Birth  ));

			case SHARK:
				m_Age   .Set_Value(x, y, CSG_Random::Get_Uniform(0.0, m_Shark_Birth ));
				m_Starve.Set_Value(x, y, CSG_Random::Get_Uniform(0.0, m_Shark_Starve));

	int		i;


	for(i=1; Process_Get_Okay(true) && Next_Cycle(); i++)
		Process_Set_Text("%s: %d", _TL("Life Cycle"), i);

		CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord	= pTable->Add_Record();

		pRecord->Set_Value(0, i);
		pRecord->Set_Value(1, m_nFishes);
		pRecord->Set_Value(2, m_nSharks);

		DataObject_Update(m_pWator, 0, 2);


	m_Next  .Destroy();
	m_Age   .Destroy();

	if( is_Progress() )
		Message_Fmt("\n%s %d %s", _TL("Dead after"), i, _TL("Life Cycles"));

	return( true );
bool CGSGrid_Zonal_Statistics::On_Execute(void)
	bool					bShortNames;
	int						x, y, nCatGrids, nStatGrids, iGrid, zoneID, catID, NDcount, catLevel, NDcountStat;
	double					statID;

	CSG_Grid				*pZones, *pGrid, *pAspect;
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pCatList;
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pStatList;

	CList_Conti				*newZone, *startList, *runList, *newSub, *parent, *runSub, *subList;
	CList_Stat				*runStats;
	CSG_Table				*pOutTab;
	CSG_Table_Record		*pRecord;
	CSG_String				fieldName, tmpName;

	pZones		= Parameters("ZONES")		->asGrid();
	pCatList	= Parameters("CATLIST")		->asGridList();
	pStatList	= Parameters("STATLIST")	->asGridList();
	pAspect		= Parameters("ASPECT")		->asGrid();
	pOutTab		= Parameters("OUTTAB")		->asTable();
	bShortNames	= Parameters("SHORTNAMES")	->asBool();

	nCatGrids	= pCatList	->Get_Count();
	nStatGrids	= pStatList	->Get_Count();
	NDcount		= 0;						// NoData Counter (ZoneGrid)
	NDcountStat	= 0;						// NoData Counter (StatGrids)

	if (pOutTab != NULL)

	newZone		= new CList_Conti();								// create first list entry (dummy)
	startList	= newZone;

	for(y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		for(x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			runList		= startList;
			zoneID		= pZones->asInt(x, y);								// get zone ID

			while( runList->next != NULL && runList->cat < zoneID )			// search for last entry in list or insert point
				runList = runList->next;

			if( runList->dummy == true )
				runList->cat = zoneID;										// first list entry, write and
				runList->dummy = false;										// setup
			else if( runList->cat == zoneID )
				runList = runList;											// zoneID found				
			else if( runList->next == NULL && runList->cat < zoneID )		// append zoneID
				newZone = new CList_Conti();
				newZone->previous	= runList;
				runList->next		= newZone;

				newZone->cat	= zoneID;									// ... and write info		
				newZone->dummy	= false;
				runList			= newZone;
			else															// insert new entry
				newZone = new CList_Conti();

				newZone->next = runList;
				if( runList->previous != NULL )
					newZone->previous = runList->previous;
					runList->previous->next = newZone;
				runList->previous = newZone;
				if( runList == startList )
					startList = newZone;									// if new entry is first element, update startList pointer

				newZone->cat	= zoneID;									// ... and write info
				newZone->dummy	= false;
				runList			= newZone;

			for(iGrid=0; iGrid<nCatGrids; iGrid++)							// collect categories
				parent  = runList;
				if( runList->sub == NULL )									// no sub class found
					newSub = new CList_Conti();
					runList->sub = newSub;

				runList = runList->sub;

				pGrid	= pCatList->asGrid(iGrid);
				if( !pGrid->is_NoData(x, y) )
					catID	= pGrid->asInt(x, y);
					catID	= (int)pGrid->Get_NoData_Value();

				while( runList->next != NULL && runList->cat < catID )		// search for last entry in list or insert point
					runList = runList->next;

				if( runList->dummy == true )
					runList->cat	= catID;								// first list entry, write and
					runList->dummy	= false;								// setup
					runList->parent	= parent;
				else if( runList->cat == catID )
					runList = runList;										// zoneID found, all infos already written
				else if( runList->next == NULL && runList->cat < catID)		// append zoneID
					newSub = new CList_Conti();
					newSub->cat			= catID;							// ... and write info
					newSub->previous	= runList;
					newSub->parent		= parent;
					newSub->dummy		= false;
					runList->next		= newSub;
					runList				= newSub;
				else														// insert new entry
					newSub = new CList_Conti();
					newSub->cat		= catID;								// ... and write info
					newSub->next	= runList;
					newSub->parent	= parent;
					newSub->dummy	= false;
					if( runList->previous != NULL )
						newSub->previous = runList->previous;
						runList->previous->next = newSub;
						parent->sub	 = newSub;
					runList->previous = newSub;
					runList	= newSub;

			for(iGrid=0; iGrid<nStatGrids; iGrid++)							// collect statistics for StatGrids
				if( iGrid == 0 )
					if( runList->stats == NULL )
						runList->stats = new CList_Stat();
					runStats = runList->stats;
					if( runStats->next == NULL )
						runStats->next = new CList_Stat();

					runStats = runStats->next;
				if( !pStatList->asGrid(iGrid)->is_NoData(x, y) )
					statID		= pStatList->asGrid(iGrid)->asDouble(x, y);
					if( runStats->dummy == true )
						runStats->min = statID;
						runStats->max = statID;
						runStats->dummy = false;
					if( runStats->min > statID )	
						runStats->min = statID;
					if( runStats->max < statID )
						runStats->max = statID;

					runStats->sum += statID;
					runStats->dev += pow(statID, 2);
					NDcountStat += 1;
			if( pAspect != NULL )
				for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
					if( nStatGrids == 0 && i == 0 )
						if( runList->stats == NULL )
							runList->stats = new CList_Stat();
						runStats = runList->stats;
						if( runStats->next == NULL )
							runStats->next = new CList_Stat();

						runStats = runStats->next;
					if( !pAspect->is_NoData(x, y) )
						statID	= pAspect->asDouble(x, y);

						if( i == 0 )
							if( runStats->dummy == true )
								runStats->min = statID;
								runStats->max = statID;
								runStats->dummy = false;
							if( runStats->min > statID )	
								runStats->min = statID;
							if( runStats->max < statID )
								runStats->max = statID;

							statID	= sin(statID);
							statID	= cos(statID);

						runStats->sum += statID;
						NDcountStat += 1;

			runList->count += 1;											// sum up unique condition area

	// Create fields in output table (1st = Zone, 2nd = Catgrid1, 3rd = Catgrid 2, ...)
	fieldName = CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s"),pZones->Get_Name()).BeforeFirst(SG_Char('.'));
	if (bShortNames && fieldName.Length() > 10)
		fieldName.Remove(10, fieldName.Length()-10);
	pOutTab->Add_Field(fieldName, SG_DATATYPE_Int);

	for(iGrid=0; iGrid<nCatGrids; iGrid++)
		fieldName = CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s"),pCatList->asGrid(iGrid)->Get_Name()).BeforeFirst(SG_Char('.'));
		if (bShortNames && fieldName.Length() > 10)
			fieldName.Remove(10, fieldName.Length()-10);
		pOutTab->Add_Field(fieldName, SG_DATATYPE_Int);

	pOutTab->Add_Field("Count", SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	for( iGrid=0; iGrid<nStatGrids; iGrid++ )
		tmpName		= CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s"),pStatList->asGrid(iGrid)->Get_Name()).BeforeFirst(SG_Char('.'));
		fieldName	= tmpName;
		if (bShortNames && fieldName.Length()+3 > 10)
			fieldName.Remove(7, fieldName.Length()-7);
		pOutTab->Add_Field(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%sMIN")   , fieldName.c_str()), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
		pOutTab->Add_Field(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%sMAX")   , fieldName.c_str()), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
		fieldName	= tmpName;
		if (bShortNames && fieldName.Length()+4 > 10)
			fieldName.Remove(6, fieldName.Length()-6);
		pOutTab->Add_Field(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%sMEAN")  , fieldName.c_str()), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
		fieldName	= tmpName;
		if (bShortNames && fieldName.Length()+6 > 10)
			fieldName.Remove(4, fieldName.Length()-4);
		pOutTab->Add_Field(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%sSTDDEV"), fieldName.c_str()), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
		fieldName	= tmpName;
		if (bShortNames && fieldName.Length()+3 > 10)
			fieldName.Remove(7, fieldName.Length()-7);
		pOutTab->Add_Field(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%sSUM")   , fieldName.c_str()), SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	if( pAspect != NULL )
		tmpName		= CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s"),pAspect->Get_Name()).BeforeFirst(SG_Char('.'));
		fieldName	= tmpName;
		if (bShortNames && fieldName.Length()+3 > 10)
			fieldName.Remove(7, fieldName.Length()-7);
		pOutTab->Add_Field(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%sMIN")   , fieldName.c_str()), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
		pOutTab->Add_Field(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%sMAX")   , fieldName.c_str()), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
		fieldName	= tmpName;
		if (bShortNames && fieldName.Length()+4 > 10)
			fieldName.Remove(6, fieldName.Length()-6);
		pOutTab->Add_Field(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%sMEAN")  , fieldName.c_str()), SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	while( startList != NULL )												// scan zone layer list and write cat values in table
		runList = startList;
		while( runList->sub != NULL )										// fall down to lowest layer
			runList = runList->sub;
		subList = runList;													// use pointer to scan horizontal

		while( subList != NULL )											// move forward and read all categories of this layer (including the parent layers)
			runSub = subList;
			catLevel = nCatGrids;
			pRecord	= pOutTab->Add_Record();								// create new record in table
			pRecord->Set_Value((catLevel+1), runSub->count);				// read/write field count			

			for(iGrid=0; iGrid<nStatGrids; iGrid++)							// read/write statistics
				if( iGrid == 0 )
					runStats = runSub->stats;
					runStats = runStats->next;

				pRecord->Set_Value(catLevel+2+iGrid*5, runStats->min);
				pRecord->Set_Value(catLevel+3+iGrid*5, runStats->max);
				pRecord->Set_Value(catLevel+4+iGrid*5, runStats->sum/runSub->count);
				pRecord->Set_Value(catLevel+5+iGrid*5, sqrt((runStats->dev - runSub->count*pow(runStats->sum/runSub->count, 2)) / (runSub->count - 1))); // sample
				//pRecord->Set_Value(catLevel+5+iGrid*5, sqrt((runStats->dev - pow(runStats->sum/runSub->count, 2)) / runSub->count)); // population
				pRecord->Set_Value(catLevel+6+iGrid*5, runStats->sum);

			if( pAspect != NULL )
				iGrid		= nStatGrids * 5;

				if( runSub->cat == pAspect->Get_NoData_Value() )
					for( int i=2; i<5; i++ )
						pRecord->Set_Value(catLevel+i+iGrid, 0.0);
					double		min, max, sumYcomp, sumXcomp, val, valYcomp, valXcomp;

					if( nStatGrids == 0 )
						runStats	= runSub->stats;
						runStats	= runStats->next;
					min			= runStats->min;
					max			= runStats->max;
					sumXcomp	= runStats->sum;

					runStats	= runStats->next;
					sumYcomp	= runStats->sum;

					pRecord		->Set_Value(catLevel+2+iGrid, min*M_RAD_TO_DEG);
					pRecord		->Set_Value(catLevel+3+iGrid, max*M_RAD_TO_DEG);
					valXcomp	= sumXcomp / runSub->count;
					valYcomp	= sumYcomp / runSub->count;
					val			= valXcomp ? fmod(M_PI_270 + atan2(valYcomp, valXcomp), M_PI_360) : (valYcomp > 0 ? M_PI_270 : (valYcomp < 0 ? M_PI_090 : -1));
					val			= fmod(M_PI_360 - val, M_PI_360);
					pRecord		->Set_Value(catLevel+4+iGrid, val*M_RAD_TO_DEG);
			while( runSub != NULL )											// read/write categories
				pRecord->Set_Value(catLevel, runSub->cat);
				runSub = runSub->parent;
				catLevel -= 1;
			subList = subList->next;

		while( runList->parent != NULL && runList->parent->next == NULL )	// move up to next 'Caterory with -> next'
			runList = runList->parent;

		if( runList->parent != NULL )										// if not upper layer (zones)
			runList = runList->parent;										// move to parent of next 'Caterory with -> next'
			if( runList->next != NULL && runList->parent != NULL )
				runList->parent->sub = runList->next;						// redirect pointer to category which is next 'Categora with -> next' next
			else if (runList->parent == NULL && runList->next != NULL )				
				startList = runList->next;									// when upper layer (zones) is reached, move to next zone
				startList = NULL;											// reading finished
			if( runList->parent == NULL )
				startList = runList->next;									// ?? when upper layer is reached, move to next zone
				runList->sub = runList->sub->next;							// on sub layers redirect pointer to ->next
			if( nCatGrids == 0 )
				startList = NULL;
				startList = runList->next;									// ?? upper layer is reached, move to next zone

		runList->next = NULL;					
		delete (runList);													// delete disconneted part of the list


	if( NDcountStat > 0 )
		Message_Add(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("\n\n\n%s: %d %s\n\n\n"), _TL("WARNING"), NDcountStat, _TL("NoData value(s) in statistic grid(s)!")));

	return (true);
Example #11
bool CSG_ODBC_Connection::_Table_Load(CSG_Table &Table, const CSG_String &Select, const CSG_String &Name, bool bLOB)
	if( !is_Connected() )
		_Error_Message(_TL("no database connection"));

		return( false );

		int				valInt, iField, nFields;
		long			valLong;
		float			valFloat;
		double			valDouble;
		std_string		valString;
		otl_long_string	valRaw(m_Connection.get_max_long_size());
		otl_column_desc	*Fields;
		otl_stream		Stream;
		CSG_Bytes		BLOB;

		Stream.set_all_column_types	(otl_all_date2str);
		Stream.set_lob_stream_mode	(bLOB);
		Stream.open					(bLOB ? 1 : m_Size_Buffer, Select, m_Connection);

		Fields	= Stream.describe_select(nFields);

		if( Fields == NULL || nFields <= 0 )
			_Error_Message(_TL("no fields in selection"));

			return( false );


		for(iField=0; iField<nFields; iField++)
			if( _Get_Type_From_SQL(Fields[iField].otl_var_dbtype) == SG_DATATYPE_Undefined )
				return( false );

			Table.Add_Field(Fields[iField].name, _Get_Type_From_SQL(Fields[iField].otl_var_dbtype));

		while( !Stream.eof() && SG_UI_Process_Get_Okay() )	// while not end-of-data
			CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord	= Table.Add_Record();

			for(iField=0; iField<nFields; iField++)
				switch( Table.Get_Field_Type(iField) )
				case SG_DATATYPE_String:	Stream >> valString; if( Stream.is_null() ) pRecord->Set_NoData(iField); else pRecord->Set_Value(iField, CSG_String(valString.c_str()));	break;
				case SG_DATATYPE_Short:			
				case SG_DATATYPE_Int:		Stream >> valInt;    if( Stream.is_null() ) pRecord->Set_NoData(iField); else pRecord->Set_Value(iField, valInt);		break;
				case SG_DATATYPE_DWord:
				case SG_DATATYPE_Long:		Stream >> valLong;   if( Stream.is_null() ) pRecord->Set_NoData(iField); else pRecord->Set_Value(iField, valLong);		break;
				case SG_DATATYPE_Float:		Stream >> valFloat;  if( Stream.is_null() ) pRecord->Set_NoData(iField); else pRecord->Set_Value(iField, valFloat);		break;
				case SG_DATATYPE_Double:	Stream >> valDouble; if( Stream.is_null() ) pRecord->Set_NoData(iField); else pRecord->Set_Value(iField, valDouble);	break;
				case SG_DATATYPE_Binary:	Stream >> valRaw;    if( Stream.is_null() ) pRecord->Set_NoData(iField); else

						for(int i=0; i<valRaw.len(); i++)

						pRecord->Set_Value(iField, BLOB);
	catch( otl_exception &e )

		return( false );

	return( true );
bool CTable_Trend_Base::On_Execute(void)
	int					i, j, xField, yField;
	CSG_String			Name;
	CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord;
	CSG_Table			*pTable;

	pTable	= Parameters("TABLE")	->asTable();
	xField	= Parameters("FIELD_X")	->asInt();
	yField	= Parameters("FIELD_Y")	->asInt();

	if( m_Trend.Set_Formula(Parameters("FORMULA")->asString()) )

		for(i=0; i<pTable->Get_Record_Count(); i++)
			pRecord	= pTable->Get_Record(i);

			m_Trend.Add_Data(pRecord->asDouble(xField), pRecord->asDouble(yField));

		if( m_Trend.Get_Trend() )
			Message_Fmt("\n%s\n%s: %f", m_Trend.Get_Formula().c_str(), SG_T("r\xb2"), 100.0 * m_Trend.Get_R2());

			if( Parameters("TREND")->asTable() == NULL )
				pTable->Add_Field("TREND"	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);

				for(i=0, j=pTable->Get_Field_Count()-1; i<m_Trend.Get_Data_Count(); i++)
					pRecord	= pTable->Get_Record(i);
					pRecord->Set_Value(j, m_Trend.Get_Value(m_Trend.Get_Data_X(i)));
				Name.Printf("%s [%s]", pTable->Get_Name(), _TL("Trend"));
				pTable	= Parameters("TREND")->asTable();
				pTable->Add_Field("X"      , SG_DATATYPE_Double);
				pTable->Add_Field("Y"      , SG_DATATYPE_Double);
				pTable->Add_Field("Y_TREND", SG_DATATYPE_Double);

				for(i=0; i<m_Trend.Get_Data_Count(); i++)
					pRecord	= pTable->Add_Record();
					pRecord->Set_Value(0, m_Trend.Get_Data_X(i));
					pRecord->Set_Value(1, m_Trend.Get_Data_Y(i));
					pRecord->Set_Value(2, m_Trend.Get_Value(m_Trend.Get_Data_X(i)));

			return( true );

	return( false );
Example #13
bool CSurfer_BLN_Import::On_Execute(void)
	bool				bOk;
	int					ID, Flag, iPoint, nPoints;
	double				x, y;
	FILE				*Stream;
	TSG_Shape_Type		Type;
	CSG_String			FileName, sLine, sName, sDesc, sTemp;
	CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord;
	CSG_Table			*pTable;
	CSG_Shape			*pShape;
	CSG_Shapes			*pShapes;

	pShapes		= Parameters("SHAPES")	->asShapes();
	pTable		= Parameters("TABLE")	->asTable();
	FileName	= Parameters("FILE")	->asString();

	switch( Parameters("TYPE")->asInt() )
	case 0:				Type	= SHAPE_TYPE_Point;		break;
	case 1:	default:	Type	= SHAPE_TYPE_Line;		break;
	case 2:				Type	= SHAPE_TYPE_Polygon;	break;

	if( (Stream = fopen(FileName.b_str(), "r")) != NULL )
		bOk		= true;
		ID		= 0;

		if(	pShapes->Get_Type() != SHAPE_TYPE_Undefined
		&&	pShapes->Get_Type() != Type )
			pShapes	= SG_Create_Shapes(Type, SG_File_Get_Name(FileName, false));
			pShapes->Create(Type, SG_File_Get_Name(FileName, false));

		if( Type == SHAPE_TYPE_Point )
			if( pTable == NULL )
				pTable	= SG_Create_Table();

			pTable ->Add_Field("ID"		, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
			pTable ->Add_Field("FLAG"	, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
			pTable ->Add_Field("NAME"	, SG_DATATYPE_String);
			pTable ->Add_Field("DESC"	, SG_DATATYPE_String);

			pShapes->Add_Field("ID"		, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
			pShapes->Add_Field("ID_LUT"	, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
			pShapes->Add_Field("Z"		, SG_DATATYPE_Double);
			pShapes->Add_Field("ID"		, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
			pShapes->Add_Field("FLAG"	, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
			pShapes->Add_Field("NAME"	, SG_DATATYPE_String);
			pShapes->Add_Field("DESC"	, SG_DATATYPE_String);

		while( bOk && SG_Read_Line(Stream, sLine) && sLine.BeforeFirst(',').asInt(nPoints) && nPoints > 0 && Process_Get_Okay(true) )
			Process_Set_Text(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%d. %s"), ++ID, _TL("shape in process")));

			sTemp	= sLine.AfterFirst (',');	sLine	= sTemp;
			Flag	= sLine.BeforeFirst(',').asInt();

			sTemp	= sLine.AfterFirst (',');	sLine	= sTemp;
			sTemp	= sLine.BeforeFirst(',');
			sName	= sTemp.AfterFirst('\"').BeforeLast('\"');

			sTemp	= sLine.AfterFirst (',');	sLine	= sTemp;
			sTemp	= sLine.BeforeFirst(',');
			sDesc	= sTemp.AfterFirst('\"').BeforeLast('\"');

			if( Type == SHAPE_TYPE_Point )
				pRecord	= pTable->Add_Record();
				pRecord->Set_Value(0, ID);
				pRecord->Set_Value(1, Flag);
				pRecord->Set_Value(2, sName);
				pRecord->Set_Value(3, sDesc);

				for(iPoint=0; iPoint<nPoints && bOk; iPoint++)
					if( (bOk = SG_Read_Line(Stream, sLine)) == true )
						pShape	= pShapes->Add_Shape();
						pShape->Set_Value(0, iPoint + 1);
						pShape->Set_Value(1, ID);
						pShape->Set_Value(2, sLine.AfterLast (',').asDouble());

						x	= sLine.BeforeFirst(',').asDouble();
						y	= sLine.AfterFirst (',').asDouble();
						pShape->Add_Point(x, y);
				pShape	= pShapes->Add_Shape();
				pShape->Set_Value(0, ID);
				pShape->Set_Value(1, Flag);
				pShape->Set_Value(2, sName);
				pShape->Set_Value(3, sDesc);

				for(iPoint=0; iPoint<nPoints && bOk; iPoint++)
					if( (bOk = SG_Read_Line(Stream, sLine)) == true )
						x	= sLine.BeforeFirst(',').asDouble();
						y	= sLine.AfterFirst (',').asDouble();
						pShape->Add_Point(x, y);


	if( pShapes->is_Valid() && pShapes->Get_Count() > 0 )
		return( true );

	return( false );
bool CGSGrid_Statistics_To_Table::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids	= Parameters("GRIDS")->asGridList();

	if( pGrids->Get_Count() < 1 )
		Error_Set(_TL("no grids in selection"));

		return( false );

	CSG_Table	*pTable	= Parameters("STATS")->asTable();

	pTable->Set_Name(_TL("Statistics for Grids"));
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("NAME"), SG_DATATYPE_String);

	if( Parameters("DATA_CELLS"  )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("DATA_CELLS"  ), SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	if( Parameters("NODATA_CELLS")->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("NODATA_CELLS"), SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	if( Parameters("CELLSIZE"    )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("CELLSIZE"    ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	if( Parameters("MEAN"        )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("MEAN"        ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	if( Parameters("MIN"         )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("MIN"         ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	if( Parameters("MAX"         )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("MAX"         ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	if( Parameters("RANGE"       )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("RANGE"       ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	if( Parameters("VAR"         )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("VAR"         ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	if( Parameters("STDDEV"      )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("STDDEV"      ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	if( Parameters("STDDEVLO"    )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("STDDEVLO"    ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	if( Parameters("STDDEVHI"    )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("STDDEVHI"    ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	if( Parameters("PCTL"        )->asBool() )	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("PCTL"        ), SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	if( pTable->Get_Field_Count() <= 1 )
		Error_Set(_TL("no parameter output specified"));

		return( false );

	double	dRank	= Parameters("PCTL")->asBool() ? Parameters("PCTL_VAL")->asDouble() : -1.0;

	for(int i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count() && Process_Get_Okay(); i++)
		CSG_Grid			*pGrid		= pGrids->asGrid(i);
		CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord	= pTable->Add_Record();

		pRecord->Set_Value("NAME"        , pGrid->Get_Name());
		pRecord->Set_Value("DATA_CELLS"  , pGrid->Get_NCells() - pGrid->Get_NoData_Count());
		pRecord->Set_Value("NODATA_CELLS", pGrid->Get_NoData_Count());
		pRecord->Set_Value("CELLSIZE"    , pGrid->Get_Cellsize());
		pRecord->Set_Value("MEAN"        , pGrid->Get_ArithMean());
		pRecord->Set_Value("MIN"         , pGrid->Get_ZMin());
		pRecord->Set_Value("MAX"         , pGrid->Get_ZMax());
		pRecord->Set_Value("RANGE"       , pGrid->Get_ZRange());
		pRecord->Set_Value("VAR"         , pGrid->Get_Variance());
		pRecord->Set_Value("STDDEV"      , pGrid->Get_StdDev());
		pRecord->Set_Value("STDDEVLO"    , pGrid->Get_ArithMean() - pGrid->Get_StdDev());
		pRecord->Set_Value("STDDEVHI"    , pGrid->Get_ArithMean() + pGrid->Get_StdDev());

		if( dRank > 0.0 && dRank < 100.0 )
			pRecord->Set_Value("PCTL", pGrid->Get_Percentile(dRank));	// this is a time consuming operation

	if( dRank > 0.0 && dRank < 100.0 )
		pTable->Set_Field_Name(pTable->Get_Field_Count() - 1, CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s%02d"), _TL("PCTL"), (int)dRank));

	return( true );
Example #15
bool CTOPMODEL::On_Execute(void)
	bool			bInfiltration;
	int				iClass, nClasses, iTime, nTimeSteps, n, k;
	double			Precipitation, Evaporation, Infiltration, Infiltration_Excess;
	CSG_Grid			*pAtanB, *pMoist, gClass;
	CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord;
	CSG_Table			*pTable;

	// Get user inputs from the 'Parameters' object...

	pAtanB			= Parameters("ATANB")		->asGrid();
	pClimate		= Parameters("CLIMATE")		->asTable();
	dTime			= Parameters("DTIME")		->asDouble();
	nClasses		= Parameters("NCLASSES")	->asInt();
	bInfiltration	= Parameters("BINF")		->asBool();

	nTimeSteps		= pClimate->Get_Record_Count();

	if( (pMoist = Parameters("MOIST")->asGrid()) != NULL )
		pMoist->Set_Name(_TL("Soil Moisture Deficit"));
		DataObject_Set_Colors(pMoist, 100, SG_COLORS_RED_GREY_BLUE, true);

	pTable			= Parameters("TABLE")->asTable();
	pTable->Set_Name(_TL("TOPMODEL - Simulation Output"));
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Total flow (in watershed) [m\xc2\xb3/dt]")			, SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Total flow [m/dt]")							, SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Saturation overland flow [m/dt]")			, SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Subsurface flow [m/dt]")						, SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Vertical (drainage) flux [m/dt]")			, SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Mean saturation deficit (in watershed) [m]")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Infiltration rate [m/dt]")					, SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Infiltration excess runoff [m/dt]")			, SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	Vals.Create(dTime, nTimeSteps, &Parameters, pAtanB, nClasses, &gClass);

	inf_bPonding	= false;
	inf_cumf		= 0.0;

	for(iTime=0; iTime<nTimeSteps && Set_Progress(iTime, nTimeSteps); iTime++)
		Get_Climate(iTime, Precipitation, Evaporation);

		if( bInfiltration && Precipitation > 0.0 )
			Infiltration		= dTime * Get_Infiltration((iTime + 1) * dTime, Precipitation / dTime);
			Infiltration_Excess	= Precipitation - Infiltration;
			Precipitation		= Infiltration;
			Infiltration		= 0.0;
			Infiltration_Excess	= 0.0;

		Run(Evaporation, Precipitation, Infiltration_Excess);

		for(iClass=0; iClass<Vals.nreach_; iClass++)
			k		= iTime + iClass + Vals.ndelay_;
			if( k > nTimeSteps - 1 )

			Vals.Qt_[k]	+= Vals.qt_Total * Vals.Add[iClass];

		if( pMoist )
			for(n=0; n<gClass.Get_NCells(); n++)
				iClass	= gClass.asInt(n);

				if( iClass >= 0 && iClass < nClasses )
					pMoist->Set_Value(n, Vals.Get_Class(iClass)->S_);

		//	DataObject_Update(pMoist);
			DataObject_Update(pMoist, 0, 0.35, true);

		pRecord	= pTable->Add_Record();
		pRecord->Set_Value(0, Vals.Qt_[iTime]);		// QT
		pRecord->Set_Value(1, Vals.qt_Total);		// qt
		pRecord->Set_Value(2, Vals.qo_Total);		// q0
		pRecord->Set_Value(3, Vals.qs_Total);		// qs
		pRecord->Set_Value(4, Vals.qv_Total);		// qv
		pRecord->Set_Value(5, Vals.Sbar_);			// SBar
		pRecord->Set_Value(6, Infiltration);		// Infiltration
		pRecord->Set_Value(7, Infiltration_Excess);	// Infiltration Excess

	return( true );
bool CGDAL_Formats::On_Execute(void)
    CSG_Table	*pFormats	= Parameters("FORMATS")->asTable();

    pFormats->Set_Name(_TL("GDAL Formats"));

    pFormats->Add_Field("ID"    , SG_DATATYPE_String);
    pFormats->Add_Field("NAME"  , SG_DATATYPE_String);
    pFormats->Add_Field("FILTER", SG_DATATYPE_String);
    pFormats->Add_Field("TYPE"  , SG_DATATYPE_String);
    pFormats->Add_Field("ACCESS", SG_DATATYPE_String);

    int		Type	= Parameters("TYPE"  )->asInt();
    int		Access	= Parameters("ACCESS")->asInt();

    if( Type != 1 )	// not vectors only
        for(int i=0; i<SG_Get_GDAL_Drivers().Get_Count(); i++)
            if( SG_Get_GDAL_Drivers().is_Raster(i) )
                CSG_String	R(SG_Get_GDAL_Drivers().Can_Read (i) ? "R" : "");
                CSG_String	W(SG_Get_GDAL_Drivers().Can_Write(i) ? "W" : "");

                if( (Access != 0 || !R.is_Empty()) && (Access != 1 || !W.is_Empty()) )
                    CSG_Table_Record	*pFormat	= pFormats->Add_Record();

                    pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_ID    , SG_Get_GDAL_Drivers().Get_Description(i));
                    pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_NAME  , SG_Get_GDAL_Drivers().Get_Name       (i));
                    pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_FILTER, SG_Get_GDAL_Drivers().Get_Extension  (i));
                    pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_TYPE  , "RASTER");
                    pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_ACCESS, R + W);

    if( Type != 0 )	// not rasters only
        for(int i=0; i<SG_Get_OGR_Drivers().Get_Count(); i++)
            if( SG_Get_OGR_Drivers().is_Vector(i) )
                CSG_String	R(SG_Get_OGR_Drivers().Can_Read (i) ? "R" : "");
                CSG_String	W(SG_Get_OGR_Drivers().Can_Write(i) ? "W" : "");

                if( (Access != 0 || !R.is_Empty()) && (Access != 1 || !W.is_Empty()) )
                    CSG_Table_Record	*pFormat	= pFormats->Add_Record();

                    pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_ID    , SG_Get_OGR_Drivers().Get_Description(i));
                    pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_NAME  , SG_Get_OGR_Drivers().Get_Name       (i));
                    pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_FILTER, SG_Get_OGR_Drivers().Get_Extension  (i));
                    pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_TYPE  , "VECTOR");
                    pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_ACCESS, R + W);

    if( Parameters("RECOGNIZED")->asBool() )
        CSG_String	Filter_All;

        for(int i=0; i<pFormats->Get_Count(); i++)
            CSG_String	Filter	= pFormats->Get_Record(i)->asString(GDAL_LIST_FMT_FILTER);

            if( !Filter.is_Empty() )
                Filter.Replace("/", ";");

                Filter_All	+= (Filter_All.is_Empty() ? "*." : ";*.") + Filter;

        if( !Filter_All.is_Empty() )
            CSG_Table_Record	*pFormat	= pFormats->Add_Record();

            pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_NAME  , _TL("All Recognized Files"));
            pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_FILTER, Filter_All);
            pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_TYPE  , Type   == 0 ? "RASTER" : Type   == 1 ? "VECTOR" : "RASTER/VECTOR");
            pFormat->Set_Value(GDAL_LIST_FMT_ACCESS, Access == 0 ? "R"      : Access == 1 ? "W"      : "RW"           );

    return( pFormats->Get_Count() > 0 );
Example #17
bool CGrid_Cluster_Analysis::_On_Execute(void)
	int						i, j, *nMembers, nCluster, nElements;
	double					*Variances, **Centroids, SP;
	CSG_Grid				**Grids, *pCluster;
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids;

	pGrids		= Parameters("GRIDS")	->asGridList();
	pCluster	= Parameters("CLUSTER")	->asGrid();
	nCluster	= Parameters("NCLUSTER")->asInt();

	if( pGrids->Get_Count() < 1 )
		return( false );

	Grids		= (CSG_Grid **)SG_Malloc(pGrids->Get_Count() * sizeof(CSG_Grid *));

	if( Parameters("NORMALISE")->asBool() )
		for(i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count(); i++)
			Grids[i]	= SG_Create_Grid(pGrids->asGrid(i), SG_DATATYPE_Float);
			Grids[i]	->Assign(pGrids->asGrid(i));
			Grids[i]	->Standardise();
		for(i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count(); i++)
			Grids[i]	= pGrids->asGrid(i);


	nMembers	= (int     *)SG_Malloc(nCluster * sizeof(int));
	Variances	= (double  *)SG_Malloc(nCluster * sizeof(double));
	Centroids	= (double **)SG_Malloc(nCluster * sizeof(double *));

	for(i=0; i<nCluster; i++)
		Centroids[i]	= (double  *)SG_Malloc(pGrids->Get_Count() * sizeof(double));

	switch( Parameters("METHOD")->asInt() )
	case 0:		SP	= _MinimumDistance	(Grids, pGrids->Get_Count(), pCluster, nCluster, nMembers, Variances, Centroids, nElements = Get_NCells());	break;
	case 1:		SP	= _HillClimbing		(Grids, pGrids->Get_Count(), pCluster, nCluster, nMembers, Variances, Centroids, nElements = Get_NCells());	break;
	case 2:		SP	= _MinimumDistance	(Grids, pGrids->Get_Count(), pCluster, nCluster, nMembers, Variances, Centroids, nElements = Get_NCells());
				SP	= _HillClimbing		(Grids, pGrids->Get_Count(), pCluster, nCluster, nMembers, Variances, Centroids, nElements = Get_NCells());	break;

	if( Parameters("NORMALISE")->asBool() )
		for(i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count(); i++)

			for(j=0; j<nCluster; j++)
				Centroids[j][i]	= pGrids->asGrid(i)->Get_StdDev() * Centroids[j][i] + pGrids->asGrid(i)->Get_Mean();


	int					iCluster, iFeature;
	CSG_String			s;
	CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord;
	CSG_Table			*pTable;

	pTable	= Parameters("STATISTICS")->asTable();

	pTable->Set_Name(_TL("Cluster Analysis"));

	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("ClusterID")	, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Elements")	, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Std.Dev.")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	s.Printf(SG_T("\n%s:\t%ld \n%s:\t%d \n%s:\t%d \n%s:\t%f\n\n%s\t%s\t%s"),
		_TL("Number of Elements")	, nElements,
		_TL("Number of Variables")	, pGrids->Get_Count(),
		_TL("Number of Clusters")	, nCluster,
		_TL("Standard Deviation")	, sqrt(SP),
		_TL("Cluster"), _TL("Elements"), _TL("Std.Dev.")

	for(iFeature=0; iFeature<pGrids->Get_Count(); iFeature++)
		s	+= CSG_String::Format(SG_T("\t%s"), pGrids->asGrid(iFeature)->Get_Name());

		pTable->Add_Field(pGrids->asGrid(iFeature)->Get_Name(), SG_DATATYPE_Double);


	for(iCluster=0; iCluster<nCluster; iCluster++)
		Variances[iCluster]	= nMembers[iCluster] ? Variances[iCluster] / nMembers[iCluster] : 0.0;

		s.Printf(SG_T("\n%d\t%d\t%f"), iCluster, nMembers[iCluster], sqrt(Variances[iCluster]));

		pRecord	= pTable->Add_Record();
		pRecord->Set_Value(0, iCluster);
		pRecord->Set_Value(1, nMembers[iCluster]);
		pRecord->Set_Value(2, sqrt(Variances[iCluster]));

		for(iFeature=0; iFeature<pGrids->Get_Count(); iFeature++)
			double	Centroid	= Centroids[iCluster][iFeature];

			if( Parameters("NORMALISE")->asBool() )
				Centroid	= pGrids->asGrid(iFeature)->Get_Mean() + Centroid * pGrids->asGrid(iFeature)->Get_StdDev();

			s	+= CSG_String::Format(SG_T("\t%f"), Centroid);

			pRecord->Set_Value(iFeature + 3, Centroid);

		Message_Add(s, false);

	for(i=0; i<nCluster; i++)


	return( true );
bool CTable_Text_Import_Numbers::On_Execute(void)
    CSG_String	sHead, sLine, Separator;
    CSG_File	Stream;

    if( !Stream.Open(Parameters("FILENAME")->asString(), SG_FILE_R, false) )
        Error_Set(_TL("file could not be opened"));

        return( false );

    if( Parameters("SKIP")->asInt() > 0 )
        int	i	= Parameters("SKIP")->asInt();

        while( i > 0 && Stream.Read_Line(sLine) )	{

    if( !Stream.Read_Line(sHead) || sHead.Length() == 0 )
        Error_Set(_TL("empty or corrupted file"));

        return( false );

    if( !Parameters("HEADLINE")->asBool() )
        sLine	= sHead;
    else if( !Stream.Read_Line(sLine) || sLine.Length() == 0 )
        Error_Set(_TL("empty or corrupted file"));

        return( false );

    switch( Parameters("SEPARATOR")->asInt() )
    case  0:
        Separator	= "\t";
    case  1:
        Separator	=  ";";
    case  2:
        Separator	=  ",";
    case  3:
        Separator	=  " ";
        Separator	= Parameters("SEP_OTHER")->asString();

    CSG_Table	*pTable	= Parameters("TABLE")->asTable();

    pTable->Set_Name(SG_File_Get_Name(Parameters("FILENAME")->asString(), false));

    sHead.Replace(Separator, "\t");

    while( sHead.Length() > 0 )

        if( Parameters("HEADLINE")->asBool() )
            pTable->Add_Field(sHead.BeforeFirst('\t'), SG_DATATYPE_Double);
            pTable->Add_Field(CSG_String::Format("FIELD%02d", 1 + pTable->Get_Field_Count()), SG_DATATYPE_Double);

        sHead	= sHead.AfterFirst('\t');

    if( pTable->Get_Field_Count() <= 0 )
        Error_Set(_TL("empty or corrupted file"));

        return( false );

    int		fLength	= Stream.Length();

    bool	bOkay	= true;

        sLine.Replace(Separator, "\t");

        CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord	= pTable->Add_Record();

        for(int i=0; bOkay && i<pTable->Get_Field_Count(); i++)
            double	Value;


            if( (bOkay = sLine.asDouble(Value)) == true )
                pRecord->Set_Value(i, Value);

                sLine	= sLine.AfterFirst('\t');
                pTable->Del_Record(pTable->Get_Count() - 1);
    while( bOkay && Stream.Read_Line(sLine) && Set_Progress(Stream.Tell(), fLength) );

    return( pTable->Get_Count() > 0 );
bool CTable_Text_Import_Fixed_Cols::On_Execute(void)
    bool			bHeader;
    int				i, nChars, iField, nFields, *iFirst, *iLength;
    CSG_String		sLine;
    CSG_File		Stream;
    CSG_Table		*pTable;

    pTable	= Parameters("TABLE")		->asTable();
    bHeader	= Parameters("HEADLINE")	->asBool();

    if( !Stream.Open(Parameters("FILENAME")->asString(), SG_FILE_R, true) )
        Message_Add(_TL("file could not be opened"));

        return( false );

    if( !Stream.Read_Line(sLine) || (nChars = (int)sLine.Length()) <= 0 )
        Message_Add(_TL("empty or corrupted file"));

        return( false );

    pTable->Set_Name(SG_File_Get_Name(Parameters("FILENAME")->asString(), false));

    switch( Parameters("FIELDDEF")->asInt() )
    case 0:
        CSG_Parameters	*pBreaks	= Get_Parameters("BREAKS");


        for(i=0; i<nChars; i++)
                               CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%03d"), i),
                               CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%03d %c"), i + 1, sLine[i]),
                               _TL(""), PARAMETER_TYPE_Bool, false

        if( !Dlg_Parameters("BREAKS") )
            return( false );

        for(i=0, nFields=1; i<pBreaks->Get_Count(); i++)
            if( pBreaks->Get_Parameter(i)->asBool() )

        iFirst		= new int[nFields];
        iLength		= new int[nFields];

        iFirst[0]	= 0;

        for(i=0, iField=1; i<pBreaks->Get_Count() && iField<nFields; i++)
            if( pBreaks->Get_Parameter(i)->asBool() )
                iFirst[iField++]	= i + 1;

        for(iField=0; iField<nFields; iField++)
            iLength[iField]	= (iField < nFields - 1 ? iFirst[iField + 1] : (int)sLine.Length()) - iFirst[iField];

            pTable->Add_Field(bHeader ? sLine.Mid(iFirst[iField], iLength[iField]) : CSG_String::Format(SG_T("FIELD%03d"), iField + 1), SG_DATATYPE_String);

    case 1:
        CSG_Parameters	*pFields	= Get_Parameters("FIELDS");


        nFields	= Parameters("NFIELDS")->asInt();

        for(iField=0; iField<nFields; iField++)
            CSG_String		s		= CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%03d"), iField);
            CSG_Parameter	*pNode	= pFields->Add_Node(NULL, SG_T("NODE") + s, _TL("Field") + s, _TL(""));
            pFields->Add_Value	(pNode, SG_T("LENGTH") + s, _TL("Length"), _TL(""), PARAMETER_TYPE_Int, 1, 1, true);
            //	pFields->Add_Value	(pNode, SG_T("IMPORT") + s, _TL("Import"), _TL(""), PARAMETER_TYPE_Bool, true);
            pFields->Add_Choice	(pNode, SG_T("TYPE")   + s, _TL("Type")  , _TL(""), CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|"),
                                 _TL("2 byte integer"),
                                 _TL("4 byte integer"),
                                 _TL("4 byte float"),
                                 _TL("8 byte float"))

        if( !Dlg_Parameters("FIELDS") )
            return( false );

        iFirst		= new int[nFields];
        iLength		= new int[nFields];

        iFirst[0]	= 0;

        for(iField=0, i=0; iField<nFields && i<nChars; iField++)
            CSG_String		s		= CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%03d"), iField);

            iFirst [iField]	= i;
            iLength[iField]	= pFields->Get_Parameter(SG_T("LENGTH") + s)->asInt();

            i	+= iLength[iField];

            CSG_String		Name	= bHeader ? sLine.Mid(iFirst[iField], iLength[iField]) : CSG_String::Format(SG_T("FIELD%03d"), iField + 1);

            switch( pFields->Get_Parameter(SG_T("TYPE") + s)->asInt() )
            case 0:
                pTable->Add_Field(Name, SG_DATATYPE_String);
            case 1:
                pTable->Add_Field(Name, SG_DATATYPE_Short);
            case 2:
                pTable->Add_Field(Name, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
            case 3:
                pTable->Add_Field(Name, SG_DATATYPE_Float);
            case 4:
                pTable->Add_Field(Name, SG_DATATYPE_Double);

    case 2:
        CSG_Table	*pList	= Parameters("LIST")->asTable();

        nFields	= pList->Get_Count();

        iFirst		= new int[nFields];
        iLength		= new int[nFields];

        iFirst[0]	= 0;

        for(iField=0, i=0; iField<nFields && i<nChars; iField++)
            iFirst [iField]	= i;
            iLength[iField]	= pList->Get_Record(iField)->asInt(1);

            i	+= iLength[iField];

            CSG_String		Name	= bHeader ? sLine.Mid(iFirst[iField], iLength[iField]) : CSG_String(pList->Get_Record(iField)->asString(0));

            switch( pList->Get_Record(iField)->asInt(2) )
            case 0:
                pTable->Add_Field(Name, SG_DATATYPE_String);
            case 1:
                pTable->Add_Field(Name, SG_DATATYPE_Short);
            case 2:
                pTable->Add_Field(Name, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
            case 3:
                pTable->Add_Field(Name, SG_DATATYPE_Float);
            case 4:
                pTable->Add_Field(Name, SG_DATATYPE_Double);

    if( bHeader )

    int		fLength	= Stream.Length();

        if( sLine.Length() == nChars )
            CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord	= pTable->Add_Record();

            for(iField=0; iField<nFields; iField++)
                pRecord->Set_Value(iField, sLine.Mid(iFirst[iField], iLength[iField]));
    while( Stream.Read_Line(sLine) && Set_Progress(Stream.Tell(), fLength) );


    return( true );
bool CGrid_Aspect_Slope_Map::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Grid	*pAspect, *pSlope, *pAspectSlope;
	CSG_Table	*pLUT;

	int						iAspectCount	= 9;
	static const double		AspectBreaks[]	= {0.000, 0.393, 1.178, 1.963, 2.749, 3.534, 4.320, 5.105, 5.890, 6.283};
	static const int		AspectClass[]	= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1};

	int						iSlopeCount		= 4;
	static const double		SlopeBreaks[]	= {0.000, 0.087, 0.349, 0.698, 1.571};
	static const int		SlopeClass[]	= {10, 20, 30, 40};

	pAspect			= Parameters("ASPECT")->asGrid();
	pSlope			= Parameters("SLOPE")->asGrid();
	pAspectSlope	= Parameters("ASPECT_SLOPE")->asGrid();
	pLUT			= Parameters("LUT")->asTable();

	if( pLUT == NULL )
		pLUT = new CSG_Table();


	pLUT->Add_Field(SG_T("COLOR"),			SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	pLUT->Add_Field(SG_T("NAME"),			SG_DATATYPE_String);
	pLUT->Add_Field(SG_T("MINIMUM"),		SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	pLUT->Add_Field(SG_T("MAXIMUM"),		SG_DATATYPE_Int);

	for(int i=0; i<25; i++)
		CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord = pLUT->Add_Record();

		pRecord->Set_Value(0, LUT_COLOR[i]);
		pRecord->Set_Value(1, LUT_NAME[i]);
		pRecord->Set_Value(2, SG_T(""));
		pRecord->Set_Value(3, LUT_BREAK[i]);
		pRecord->Set_Value(4, LUT_BREAK[i+1]);

	#pragma omp parallel for
	for(sLong n=0; n<Get_NCells(); n++)
		int		iAspectClass, iSlopeClass;

		if( pAspect->is_NoData(n) || pSlope->is_NoData(n) )
			iAspectClass	= Get_Class(pAspect->asDouble(n), iAspectCount, AspectBreaks, AspectClass);
			iSlopeClass		= Get_Class(pSlope->asDouble(n), iSlopeCount, SlopeBreaks, SlopeClass);

			pAspectSlope->Set_Value(n, iAspectClass + iSlopeClass);

	CSG_Parameters	Parms;

	if( DataObject_Get_Parameters(pAspectSlope, Parms) && Parms("COLORS_TYPE") && Parms("LUT") )

		DataObject_Set_Parameters(pAspectSlope, Parms);

	if( Parameters("LUT")->asTable() == NULL )
		delete pLUT;

	return( true );
Example #21
bool CHugget_02::On_Execute(void)
	int				iStep, nSteps;
	double			sTime, dTime, PrimProd, cHumify, cCarbon,
					C_Leav, C_Bran, C_Stem, C_Root, C_Litt, C_Humu, C_Coal,
					P_Leav, P_Bran, P_Stem, P_Root,
					K_Leav_Litt, K_Bran_Litt, K_Stem_Litt,
					K_Root_Humu, K_Litt_Humu, K_Humu_Coal, K_Coal_Envi,
					d_Leav_Litt, d_Bran_Litt, d_Stem_Litt,
					d_Root_Humu, d_Litt_Humu, d_Humu_Coal, d_Coal_Envi;
	CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord;
	CSG_Table			*pTable;

	sTime	= Parameters("TIME_SPAN")		->asDouble();
	dTime	= Parameters("TIME_STEP")		->asDouble();
	nSteps	= (int)(sTime / dTime);

	PrimProd	= Parameters("PRIMPROD")	->asDouble();
	cHumify		= Parameters("CHUMIFY")		->asDouble();
	cCarbon		= Parameters("CCARBON")		->asDouble();

	P_Leav		= Parameters("P_LEAV")		->asDouble();
	P_Bran		= Parameters("P_BRAN")		->asDouble();
	P_Stem		= Parameters("P_STEM")		->asDouble();
	P_Root		= Parameters("P_ROOT")		->asDouble();

	K_Leav_Litt	= Parameters("K_LEAV_LITT")	->asDouble();
	K_Bran_Litt	= Parameters("K_BRAN_LITT")	->asDouble();
	K_Stem_Litt	= Parameters("K_STEM_LITT")	->asDouble();
	K_Root_Humu	= Parameters("K_ROOT_HUMU")	->asDouble();
	K_Litt_Humu	= Parameters("K_LITT_HUMU")	->asDouble();
	K_Humu_Coal	= Parameters("K_HUMU_COAL")	->asDouble();
	K_Coal_Envi	= Parameters("K_COAL_ENVI")	->asDouble();

	pTable		= Parameters("TABLE")		->asTable();
	pTable->Set_Name(_TL("Carbon Cycle Simulation"));
	pTable->Add_Field("STEP"	, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	pTable->Add_Field("TIME"	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	pTable->Add_Field("LEAVES"	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	pTable->Add_Field("BRANCHES", SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	pTable->Add_Field("STEMS"	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	pTable->Add_Field("ROOTS"	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	pTable->Add_Field("LITTER"	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	pTable->Add_Field("HUMUS"	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);
	pTable->Add_Field("CHARCOAL", SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	C_Leav		= 0.0;
	C_Bran		= 0.0;
	C_Stem		= 0.0;
	C_Root		= 0.0;
	C_Litt		= 0.0;
	C_Humu		= 0.0;
	C_Coal		= 0.0;

	for(iStep=0; iStep<nSteps && Set_Progress(iStep, nSteps); iStep++)

		d_Leav_Litt	= K_Leav_Litt * C_Leav;
		d_Bran_Litt	= K_Bran_Litt * C_Bran;
		d_Stem_Litt	= K_Stem_Litt * C_Stem;
		d_Root_Humu	= K_Root_Humu * C_Root;
		d_Litt_Humu	= K_Litt_Humu * C_Litt;
		d_Humu_Coal	= K_Humu_Coal * C_Humu;
		d_Coal_Envi	= K_Coal_Envi * C_Coal;

		C_Leav	= C_Leav + dTime * (-d_Leav_Litt + P_Leav * PrimProd);
		C_Bran	= C_Bran + dTime * (-d_Bran_Litt + P_Bran * PrimProd);
		C_Stem	= C_Stem + dTime * (-d_Stem_Litt + P_Stem * PrimProd);
		C_Root	= C_Root + dTime * (-d_Root_Humu + P_Root * PrimProd);
		C_Litt	= C_Litt + dTime * (-d_Litt_Humu + d_Leav_Litt + d_Bran_Litt + d_Stem_Litt);
		C_Humu	= C_Humu + dTime * (-d_Humu_Coal + cHumify * (d_Root_Humu + d_Litt_Humu));
		C_Coal	= C_Coal + dTime * (-d_Coal_Envi + cCarbon * (d_Humu_Coal));


	return( true );
bool CGSPoints_Semi_Variances::On_Execute(void)
	int					i, j, k, n, nDistances, nSkip, Attribute;
	double				zi, zj, zMean, v, c, maxDistance, lagDistance;
	TSG_Point			Pt_i, Pt_j;
	CSG_Vector			Count, Variance, Covariance;
	CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord;
	CSG_Table			*pTable;
	CSG_Shape			*pPoint;
	CSG_Shapes			*pPoints;

	pPoints		= Parameters("POINTS")		->asShapes();
	pTable		= Parameters("RESULT")		->asTable();
	Attribute	= Parameters("FIELD")		->asInt();
	nSkip		= Parameters("NSKIP")		->asInt();
	maxDistance	= Parameters("DISTMAX")		->asDouble();
	nDistances	= Parameters("DISTCOUNT")	->asInt();

	if( maxDistance <= 0.0 )
		maxDistance	= SG_Get_Length(pPoints->Get_Extent().Get_XRange(), pPoints->Get_Extent().Get_YRange());

	lagDistance	= maxDistance / nDistances;

	zMean		= pPoints->Get_Mean(Attribute);

	Count		.Create(nDistances);
	Variance	.Create(nDistances);
	Covariance	.Create(nDistances);

	for(i=0, n=0; i<pPoints->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(n, SG_Get_Square(pPoints->Get_Count()/nSkip)/2); i+=nSkip)
		pPoint	= pPoints->Get_Shape(i);

		if( !pPoint->is_NoData(Attribute) )
			Pt_i	= pPoint->Get_Point(0);
			zi		= pPoint->asDouble(Attribute);

			for(j=i+nSkip; j<pPoints->Get_Count(); j+=nSkip, n++)
				pPoint	= pPoints->Get_Shape(j);

				if( !pPoint->is_NoData(Attribute) )
					Pt_j	= pPoint->Get_Point(0);
					k		= (int)(SG_Get_Distance(Pt_i, Pt_j) / lagDistance);

					if( k < nDistances )
						zj	= pPoint->asDouble(Attribute);

						v	= SG_Get_Square(zi - zj);
						c	= (zi - zMean) * (zj - zMean);

						Count	  [k]	++;
						Variance  [k]	+= v;
						Covariance[k]	+= c;

	pTable->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s: %s]"), pPoints->Get_Name(), _TL("Variogram"), pPoints->Get_Field_Name(Attribute)));
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Class")		, SG_DATATYPE_Int);		// FIELD_CLASSNR
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Distance")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);	// FIELD_DISTANCE
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Count")		, SG_DATATYPE_Int);		// FIELD_COUNT
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Variance")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);	// FIELD_VARIANCE
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Cum.Var.")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);	// FIELD_VARCUMUL
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Covariance")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);	// FIELD_COVARIANCE
	pTable->Add_Field(_TL("Cum.Covar.")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);	// FIELD_COVARCUMUL

	for(i=0, v=0.0, c=0.0, n=0; i<nDistances; i++)
		if( Count[i] > 0 )
			n	+= (int)Count[i];
			v	+= Variance  [i];
			c	+= Covariance[i];

			pRecord	= pTable->Add_Record();
			pRecord->Set_Value(FIELD_CLASSNR	, (i + 1));
			pRecord->Set_Value(FIELD_DISTANCE	, (i + 1) * lagDistance);
			pRecord->Set_Value(FIELD_COUNT		, Count[i]);
			pRecord->Set_Value(FIELD_VARIANCE	, 0.5 * Variance  [i] / Count[i]);
			pRecord->Set_Value(FIELD_VARCUMUL	, 0.5 * v / n);
			pRecord->Set_Value(FIELD_COVARIANCE	, 1.0 * Covariance[i] / Count[i]);
			pRecord->Set_Value(FIELD_COVARCUMUL	, 1.0 * c / n);

	return( true );
bool CDistanceMatrix::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Shapes	*pPoints	= Parameters("POINTS"   )->asShapes();
	int			id_Points	= Parameters("ID_POINTS")->asInt   ();
	CSG_Shapes	*pNear		= Parameters("NEAR"     )->asShapes();
	int			id_Near		= Parameters("ID_NEAR"  )->asInt   ();
	CSG_Table	*pDistances = Parameters("DISTANCES")->asTable ();
	double		max_Dist	= Parameters("MAX_DIST" )->asDouble();

	if( pNear == NULL )
		pNear	= pPoints;
		id_Near	= id_Points;


	if( pPoints != pNear )
		pDistances->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s / %s]"), _TL("Distances"), pPoints->Get_Name(), pNear->Get_Name()));
		pDistances->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), _TL("Distances"), pPoints->Get_Name()));

	if( Parameters("FORMAT")->asInt() == 1 )
		pDistances->Add_Field("ID_POINT", SG_DATATYPE_String);
		pDistances->Add_Field("ID_NEAR" , SG_DATATYPE_String);
		pDistances->Add_Field("DISTANCE", SG_DATATYPE_Double);

		for(int iPoint=0; iPoint<pPoints->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(iPoint, pPoints->Get_Count()); iPoint++)
			TSG_Point	Point	= pPoints->Get_Shape(iPoint)->Get_Point(0);

			for(int iNear=0; iNear<pNear->Get_Count(); iNear++)
				if( pPoints != pNear || iPoint != iNear )
					double	Distance	= SG_Get_Distance(Point, pNear->Get_Shape(iNear)->Get_Point(0));

					if( Distance <= max_Dist || max_Dist <= 0.0 )
						CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord	= pDistances->Add_Record();

						pRecord->Set_Value(0, GET_ID(pPoints, id_Points, iPoint));
						pRecord->Set_Value(1, GET_ID(pNear  , id_Near  , iNear ));
						pRecord->Set_Value(2, Distance);

	else // Matrix
		int	iNear;

		pDistances->Add_Field("ID_POINT", SG_DATATYPE_String);

		for(iNear=0; iNear<pNear->Get_Count(); iNear++)
			pDistances->Add_Field(GET_ID(pNear, id_Near, iNear), SG_DATATYPE_Double);

		for(int iPoint=0; iPoint<pPoints->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(iPoint, pPoints->Get_Count()); iPoint++)
			TSG_Point	Point	= pPoints->Get_Shape(iPoint)->Get_Point(0);

			CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord	= pDistances->Add_Record();

			pRecord->Set_Value(0, GET_ID(pPoints, id_Points, iPoint));

			for(iNear=0; iNear<pNear->Get_Count(); iNear++)
				pRecord->Set_Value(1 + iNear, SG_Get_Distance(Point, pNear->Get_Shape(iNear)->Get_Point(0)));

	return( true );
Example #24
bool CTL_Merge::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_String	Target	= Parameters("TARGET")->asString();
	CSG_Strings	Files;

	if( !Parameters("FILES")->asFilePath()->Get_FilePaths(Files) || Files.Get_Count() <= 1 )
		Error_Set(SG_T("no files to merge"));

		return( false );

	int			i, j;
	CSG_Table	Merge;

	if( !Merge.Create(Files[0], TABLE_FILETYPE_Text) )

		Merge.Add_Field(SG_T("ORIGINAL")	, SG_DATATYPE_String);
		Merge.Add_Field(SG_T("TRANSLATION")	, SG_DATATYPE_String);


	Merge.Save(Target, TABLE_FILETYPE_Text);

	for(i=1; i<Files.Get_Count() && Process_Get_Okay(); i++)
		CSG_Translator	Translator(Target, false);
		CSG_Table		Add(Target, TABLE_FILETYPE_Text);

		if( Merge.Create(Files[i], TABLE_FILETYPE_Text) )
			for(j=0; j<Merge.Get_Count() && Set_Progress(j, Merge.Get_Count()); j++)
				if( !Translator.Get_Translation(Merge[j].asString(0), true) )

			if( Add.Get_Count() > Translator.Get_Count() )
				Add.Save(Target, TABLE_FILETYPE_Text);

	for(i=Merge.Get_Count()-1; i>0 && Process_Get_Okay(); i--)
		if( !SG_STR_CMP(Merge[i].asString(0), Merge[i - 1].asString(0)) )

	return( true );
Example #25
bool CTL_Extract::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Table	Elements;

	Elements.Add_Field(SG_T("TEXT"), SG_DATATYPE_String);
	Elements.Add_Field(SG_T("FILE"), SG_DATATYPE_String);

	int	nFiles	= Read_Directory(Parameters("DIRECTORY")->asString(), Elements);

	if( nFiles <= 0 )
		Error_Set(SG_T("no source code files found"));

		return( false );

	Message_Add(CSG_String::Format("\n%s: %d", SG_T("number of scanned files"), nFiles), false);
	if( Elements.Get_Count() <= 0 )
		Error_Set(SG_T("no translatable text elements found"));

		return( false );

	Message_Add(CSG_String::Format("\n%s: %d", SG_T("number of translatable elements"), Elements.Get_Count()), false);

	Process_Set_Text(SG_T("collecting elements"));

	CSG_String	Text;

	bool		bLocation	= Parameters("LOCATION" )->asBool();

	CSG_Table	*pTarget	= Parameters("TARGET")->asTable();

	pTarget->Set_Name(SG_T("Translatable Elements"));

	pTarget->Add_Field("TEXT"       , SG_DATATYPE_String);
	pTarget->Add_Field("TRANSLATION", SG_DATATYPE_String);

	if( bLocation )
		pTarget->Add_Field("FILE"   , SG_DATATYPE_String);

	Elements.Set_Index(0, TABLE_INDEX_Ascending);

	for(int i=0; i<Elements.Get_Count() && Set_Progress(i, Elements.Get_Count()); i++)
		if( i == 0 || Text.Cmp(Elements.Get_Record_byIndex(i)->asString(0)) )
			Text	= Elements.Get_Record_byIndex(i)->asString(0);

			CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord	= pTarget->Add_Record();

			pRecord->Set_Value(0, Text);

			if( bLocation )
				pRecord->Set_Value(2, Elements.Get_Record_byIndex(i)->asString(1));

	return( true );