Example #1
void CMagnetometer::DataReceived(CSensrvChannel& aChannel, TInt aCount, TInt aDataLost)
    if (aChannel.GetChannelInfo().iChannelType ==  KSensrvChannelTypeIdMagnetometerXYZAxisData)
        TPckgBuf<TSensrvMagnetometerAxisData> dataBuffer;
        TSensrvMagnetometerAxisData data;

        for (TInt i = 0; i < aCount; ++i)

            data = dataBuffer();
            // Do something with the date in data variable
            // data.iTimeStamp

            // Compensate axis for landscape mode
            TInt x = -data.iAxisYCalibrated;
            TInt y =  data.iAxisXCalibrated;
            TInt z =  data.iAxisZCalibrated;
#if 0
            TInt x = data.iAxisXCalibrated;
            TInt y = data.iAxisYCalibrated;
            TInt z = data.iAxisZCalibrated;
            const TReal KPole = 0.85;

            iX = KPole * iX + (1.0 - KPole) * x;
            iY = KPole * iY + (1.0 - KPole) * y;
            iZ = KPole * iZ + (1.0 - KPole) * z;
// CSensorChannelDoubleTap::HandleDataReceivedL
void CSensorChannelDoubleTap::HandleDataReceivedL( CSensrvChannel& aChannel,
    TInt aCount,
    TInt /*aDataLost*/ )
    INFO_1( "Received double tapping data. Count: %d", aCount );

    // Ensure that we actually have data
    if( aCount )
        TSensrvTappingData data;
        TPckg<TSensrvTappingData> dataBuf( data );
        if( aChannel.GetData( dataBuf ) == KErrNone )
            // Define context
            iContext->SetSourceL( KSensorSource );
            iContext->SetTypeL( KSensorSourceEventDoubleTap );
            if( data.iDirection == (
                KSensrvAccelerometerDirectionXplus |
                KSensrvAccelerometerDirectionXminus ) )
                // Tapping from X axel
                iContext->SetValueL( TPtrC(
                    KSensorSourceEventDoubleTapValues[EDoubleTapX] ) );
            else if( data.iDirection == (
                KSensrvAccelerometerDirectionYplus |
                KSensrvAccelerometerDirectionYminus ) )
                // Tapping from Y axel
                iContext->SetValueL( TPtrC(
                    KSensorSourceEventDoubleTapValues[EDoubleTapY] ) );
                // Tapping from Z axel
                iContext->SetValueL( TPtrC(
                    KSensorSourceEventDoubleTapValues[EDoubleTapZ] ) );

            INFO_1( "Double tap data from sensor. Direction: %x",
                data.iDirection );

            // Publish context - use change detection
            RThread thread;
            iCF.PublishContext( *iContext, thread );
Qt::Orientation HbSensorListener::orientationFromData(CSensrvChannel &aChannel, TInt aCount)
    Qt::Orientation orientation = mOrientation;
    if (aChannel.GetChannelInfo().iChannelType == KSensrvChannelTypeIdOrientationData) {
        TSensrvOrientationData data;
        for (TInt i = 0; i < aCount; ++i) {
            TPckgBuf<TSensrvOrientationData> dataBuf;
            data = dataBuf();
            orientation = sensorOrientationToQtOrientation(data.iDeviceOrientation);
    return orientation;
 * RecvData is used to retrieve the sensor reading from sensor server
 * It is implemented here to handle proximity sensor specific
 * reading data and provides conversion and utility code
void CProximitySensorSym::RecvData(CSensrvChannel &aChannel)
    TPckg<TSensrvProximityData> proxpkg( iData );
    TInt ret = aChannel.GetData( proxpkg );
    if(KErrNone != ret)
        // If there is no reading available, return without setting
    // Get a lock on the reading data
    iReading.setClose(iData.iProximityState == TSensrvProximityData::EProximityDiscernible);
    // Set the timestamp
    // Release the lock
 * RecvData is used to retrieve the sensor reading from sensor server
 * It is implemented here to handle accelerometer sensor specific
 * reading data and provides conversion and utility code
void CAccelerometerSensorSym::RecvData(CSensrvChannel &aChannel)
    TPckg<TSensrvAccelerometerAxisData> accelerometerpkg( iData );
    TInt ret = aChannel.GetData( accelerometerpkg );
    if(KErrNone != ret)
        // If there is no reading available, return without setting
    TReal x = iData.iAxisX;
    TReal y = iData.iAxisY;
    TReal z = iData.iAxisZ;
    //Converting unit to m/s^2
    if(iScaleRange && iUnit == ESensevChannelUnitAcceleration)
        qoutputrangelist rangeList = sensor()->outputRanges();
        int outputRange = sensor()->outputRange();
        if (outputRange == -1)
            outputRange = 0;
        TReal maxValue = rangeList[outputRange].maximum;
        x = (x/iScaleRange) * maxValue;
        y = (y/iScaleRange) * maxValue;
        z = (z/iScaleRange) * maxValue;
    else if(iUnit == ESensrvChannelUnitGravityConstant)
        //conversion is yet to done
    // Get a lock on the reading data
    // Set qt mobility accelerometer reading with data from sensor server
    // Set the timestamp
    // Release the lock
 * RecvData is used to retrieve the sensor reading from sensor server
 * It is implemented here to handle rotation sensor specific
 * reading data and provides conversion and utility code
void CRotationSensorSym::RecvData(CSensrvChannel &aChannel)
    TPckg<TSensrvRotationData> rotationpkg( iData );
    TInt ret = aChannel.GetData( rotationpkg );
    if(KErrNone != ret)
        // If there is no reading available, return without setting
    // Get a lock on the reading data
    // To Do verify with ds and ramsay
    // For x axis symbian provides reading from 0 to 359 range
    // This logic maps value to Qt range -90 to 90
    if(iData.iDeviceRotationAboutXAxis >= 0 && iData.iDeviceRotationAboutXAxis <= 180)
        iReading.setX(90 - iData.iDeviceRotationAboutXAxis);
    else if(iData.iDeviceRotationAboutXAxis > 180 && iData.iDeviceRotationAboutXAxis <= 270)
        iReading.setX(iData.iDeviceRotationAboutXAxis - 270);
    else if(iData.iDeviceRotationAboutXAxis > 270 && iData.iDeviceRotationAboutXAxis < 360)
        iReading.setX(iData.iDeviceRotationAboutXAxis - 270);
    // For y axis symbian provides reading from 0 to 359 range
    // This logic maps value to Qt range -180 to 180
    if(iData.iDeviceRotationAboutYAxis >= 0 && iData.iDeviceRotationAboutYAxis <= 180)
    else if(iData.iDeviceRotationAboutYAxis > 180 && iData.iDeviceRotationAboutYAxis < 360)
        iReading.setY(iData.iDeviceRotationAboutYAxis - 360);
    if(iData.iDeviceRotationAboutZAxis == TSensrvRotationData::KSensrvRotationUndefined)
        sensor()->setProperty("hasZ", QVariant(FALSE));
        sensor()->setProperty("hasZ", QVariant(TRUE));
        // For z axis symbian provides reading from 0 to 359 range
        // This logic maps value to Qt range -180 to 180
        if(iData.iDeviceRotationAboutZAxis >= 0 && iData.iDeviceRotationAboutZAxis <= 180)
        else if(iData.iDeviceRotationAboutZAxis > 180 && iData.iDeviceRotationAboutZAxis < 360)
            iReading.setZ(iData.iDeviceRotationAboutZAxis - 360);
    // Set the timestamp
    // Release the lock