Example #1
SFBool CSlurperApp::Slurp(COptions& options, SFString& message)
	double start = vrNow();

	// Do we have the data for this address cached?
	SFString cacheFilename = cachePath(theAccount.addr+".bin");
	SFBool needToRead = SFos::fileExists(cacheFilename);
	if (options.rerun && theAccount.transactions.getCount())
	if (needToRead)
		// Once a transaction is on the blockchain, it will never change
		// therefore, we can store them in a binary cache. Here we read
		// from a previously stored cache.
		SFArchive archive(TRUE, NO_SCHEMA);
		if (!archive.Lock(cacheFilename, binaryReadOnly, LOCK_NOWAIT))
			message = "Could not open file: '" + cacheFilename + "'\n";
			return options.cmdFile;

	SFTime now = Now();
	SFTime fileTime = SFos::fileLastModifyDate(cacheFilename);

	// If the user tells us he/she wants to update the cache, or the cache
	// hasn't been updated in five minutes, then update it
	SFInt32 nSeconds = MAX(60,config.GetProfileIntGH("SETTINGS", "update_freq", 300));
	if (options.slurp || (now - fileTime) > SFTimeSpan(0,0,0,nSeconds))
		// This is how many records we currently have
		SFInt32 origCount  = theAccount.transactions.getCount();
		SFInt32 nNewBlocks = 0;
		SFInt32 nextRecord = origCount;

		outErr << "\tSlurping new transactions from blockchain...\n";
		SFInt32  nRequests = 0, nRead = 0;

		// We already have 'page' pages, so start there.
		SFInt32  page = MAX(theAccount.lastPage,1);

		// Keep reading until we get less than a full page
		SFString contents;
		SFBool done = FALSE;
		while (!done)
			SFString url = SFString("https://api.etherscan.io/api?module=account&action=txlist&sort=asc") +
				"&address=" + theAccount.addr + "&page="    + asString(page) + "&offset="  + asString(options.pageSize) + "&apikey="  + api.getKey();
			// Grab a page of data from the web api
			SFString thisPage = urlToString(url);

			// See if it's good data, if not, bail
			message = nextTokenClear(thisPage, '[');
			if (!message.Contains("{\"status\":\"1\",\"message\":\"OK\""))
				if (message.Contains("{\"status\":\"0\",\"message\":\"No transactions found\",\"result\":"))
					message = "No transactions were found for address '" + theAccount.addr + "'. Is it correct?";
				return options.cmdFile;

			contents += thisPage;

			SFInt32 nRecords = countOf('}',thisPage)-1;
			nRead += nRecords;
			outErr << "\tDownloaded " << nRead << " potentially new transactions." << (isTesting?"\n":"\r");

			// If we got a full page, there are more to come
			done = (nRecords < options.pageSize);
			if (!done)

			// Etherscan.io doesn't want more than five pages per second, so sleep for a second
			if (++nRequests==4)

			// Make sure we don't spin forever
			if (nRead >= options.maxTransactions)

		SFInt32 minBlock=0,maxBlock=0;
		findBlockRange(contents, minBlock, maxBlock);
		outErr << "\n\tDownload contains blocks from " << minBlock << " to " << maxBlock << "\n";

		// Keep track of which last full page we've read
		theAccount.lastPage = page;
		theAccount.pageSize = options.pageSize;

		// pre allocate the array

		SFInt32 lastBlock=0;
		char *p = cleanUpJson((char *)(const char*)contents);
		while (p && *p)
			CTransaction trans;SFInt32 nFields=0;
			p = trans.parseJson(p,nFields);
			if (nFields)
				SFInt32 transBlock = trans.blockNumber;
				if (transBlock > theAccount.lastBlock) // add the new transaction if it's in a new block
					theAccount.transactions[nextRecord++] = trans;
					lastBlock = transBlock;
					if (!(++nNewBlocks%REP_FREQ))
						outErr << "\tFound new transaction at block " << transBlock << ". Importing..." << (isTesting?"\n":"\r");
		if (!isTesting && nNewBlocks) { outErr << "\tFound new transaction at block " << lastBlock << ". Importing...\n"; outErr.Flush(); }
		theAccount.lastBlock = lastBlock;

		// Write the data if we got new data
		SFInt32 newRecords = (theAccount.transactions.getCount() - origCount);
		if (newRecords)
			outErr << "\tWriting " << newRecords << " new records to cache\n";
			SFArchive archive(FALSE, NO_SCHEMA);
			if (archive.Lock(cacheFilename, binaryWriteCreate, LOCK_CREATE))

			} else
				message = "Could not open file: '" + cacheFilename + "'\n";
				return options.cmdFile;

	if (!isTesting)
		double stop = vrNow();
		double timeSpent = stop-start;
		fprintf(stderr, "\tLoaded %ld total records in %f seconds\n", theAccount.transactions.getCount(), timeSpent);

	return (options.cmdFile || theAccount.transactions.getCount()>0);