void CGameGibManager::AddGibToLRU( CBaseAnimating *pEntity )
	int i, next;

	if ( pEntity == NULL )

	//Find stale gibs.
	for ( i = m_LRU.Head(); i < m_LRU.InvalidIndex(); i = next )
		next = m_LRU.Next(i);

		if ( m_LRU[i].Get() == NULL )

	// We're not tracking gibs at the moment
	if ( m_iCurrentMaxPieces <= 0 )

	while ( m_LRU.Count() >= m_iCurrentMaxPieces )
		i = m_LRU.Head();

		//TODO: Make this fade out instead of pop.
		UTIL_Remove( m_LRU[i] );
	m_LRU.AddToTail( pEntity );
	m_iLastFrame = gpGlobals->framecount;
// Purpose: Gets any failed sends - returns any packet that could not be delivered
IReceiveMessage *CTrackerNET::GetFailedMessage()
	if (m_FailedMsgs.Count())
		// pop the failed message from the front of the queue and return it
		FailedMsg_t &msg = m_FailedMsgs[m_FailedMsgs.Head()];
		IReceiveMessage *recvMsg = msg.message;
		return recvMsg;

	return NULL;
void CGroundLine::DrawAllGroundLines()
	unsigned short i;
	for( i = s_GroundLines.Head(); i != s_GroundLines.InvalidIndex(); i = s_GroundLines.Next(i) )
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *focus - 
void CInputWin32::PanelDeleted(VPANEL focus)
	HInputContext i;
	for (i = m_Contexts.Head(); i != m_Contexts.InvalidIndex(); i = m_Contexts.Next(i) )
		PanelDeleted( focus, m_Contexts[i] );
	PanelDeleted( focus, m_DefaultInputContext );
Example #5
void CVGui::DestroyAllContexts( )
	HContext next;
	HContext i = m_Contexts.Head();
	while (i != m_Contexts.InvalidIndex())
		next = m_Contexts.Next(i);
		DestroyContext( i );
		i = next;
// Purpose: Checks for any waiting messages
IReceiveMessage *CTrackerNET::GetIncomingData()
	// check the receive list
	if (m_ReceivedMsgs.Count())
		int head = m_ReceivedMsgs.Head();
		IReceiveMessage *msg = m_ReceivedMsgs[head].message;
		return msg;

	return NULL;
void TimeoutJobIDs()
	double flCurTime = Plat_FloatTime();
	int iNext;
	for ( int i=g_JobMemories.Head(); i != g_JobMemories.InvalidIndex(); i=iNext )
		iNext = g_JobMemories.Next( i );
		if ( (flCurTime - g_JobMemories[i].m_Time) > JOB_MEMORY_DURATION )
			g_JobMemories.Remove( i );
bool FindJobMemory( int id[4] )
	int iNext;
	for ( int i=g_JobMemories.Head(); i != g_JobMemories.InvalidIndex(); i=iNext )
		iNext = g_JobMemories.Next( i );
		CJobMemory *pJob = &g_JobMemories[i];
		if ( memcmp( pJob->m_ID, id, sizeof( pJob->m_ID ) ) == 0 )
			return true;
	return false;
static bool EventCollidesWithRows( CUtlLinkedList< CChoreoEvent*, int >& list, CChoreoEvent *event, char *trackName, size_t trackNameLength )
    float st = event->GetStartTime();
    float ed = event->GetEndTime();

    for ( int i = list.Head(); i != list.InvalidIndex(); i = list.Next( i ) )
        CChoreoEvent *test = list[ i ];

        float teststart = test->GetStartTime();
        float testend = test->GetEndTime();

        // See if spans overlap
        if ( teststart >= ed )
        if ( testend <= st )

        // Now see if they deal with the same flex controller
        int tc = event->GetNumFlexAnimationTracks();
        for ( int track = 0; track < tc; ++track )
            CFlexAnimationTrack *t = event->GetFlexAnimationTrack( track );
            if ( !t->IsTrackActive() )

            int sampleCountNormal = t->GetNumSamples( 0 );
            int sampleCountBalance = 0;
            if ( t->IsComboType() )
                sampleCountBalance = t->GetNumSamples( 1 );

            if ( !sampleCountNormal && !sampleCountBalance )

            // Otherwise, see if the test track has this as an active track
            if ( IsFlexTrackBeingUsed( test, t->GetFlexControllerName() ) )
                Q_strncpy( trackName, t->GetFlexControllerName(), trackNameLength );
                return true;
        return false;

    return false;
// Purpose: Checks to see if we need to send any ack packets 
//			in response to reliable messages we've received
void CTrackerNET::CheckSendingAcknowledgements()
	float time = (float)m_pThreads->GetTime();

	// the target list is in order of ackTime's
	while (m_TargetList.Count())
		int targetIndex = m_TargetList.Head();
		NetworkTarget_t &target = m_TargetList[targetIndex];

		if (!target.needAck)
			break;	// target does not need acknowledging, we're at the end of the list

		if (target.ackTime > time)
			break;	// this packet not yet ready to be acknowledged

		if (target.incomingSequence > target.incomingAcknowledged)
			// send an acknowledgement
			ISendMessage *pMsg = CreateMessage(TMSG_ACK);
			SendMessage(pMsg, NET_UNRELIABLE);

		// this target has been acknowledged, move to the end of the list
		target.needAck = false;

		// check to see if the highest ack target needs to be reset
		if (targetIndex == m_iHighestAckTarget)
			m_iHighestAckTarget = -1;
Example #11
// Purpose: message pump
//			loops through and sends all active messages
//			note that more messages may be posted during the process
bool CVGui::DispatchMessages()
	int time = g_pSystem->GetTimeMillis();

	m_InDispatcher = true;
	bool doneWork = (m_MessageQueue.Count() > 12);

	bool bUsingDelayedQueue = (m_DelayedMessageQueue.Count() > 0);

	// Need two passes because we send the mouse move message after all
	// other messages are done, but the mouse move message may itself generate
	// some more messages
	int nPassCount = 0;
	while ( nPassCount < 2 )
		while (m_MessageQueue.Count() > 0 || (m_SecondaryQueue.Count() > 0) || bUsingDelayedQueue)
			// get the first message
			MessageItem_t *messageItem = NULL;
			int messageIndex = 0;

			// use the secondary queue until it empties. empty it after each message in the
			// primary queue. this makes primary messages completely resolve 
			bool bUsingSecondaryQueue = (m_SecondaryQueue.Count() > 0);
			if (bUsingSecondaryQueue)
				doneWork = true;
				messageIndex = m_SecondaryQueue.Head();
				messageItem = &m_SecondaryQueue[messageIndex];
			else if (bUsingDelayedQueue)
				if (m_DelayedMessageQueue.Count() >0)
					messageItem = (MessageItem_t*)&m_DelayedMessageQueue.ElementAtHead();
				if (!messageItem || messageItem->_arrivalTime > time)
					// no more items in the delayed message queue, move to the system queue
					bUsingDelayedQueue = false;
				messageIndex = m_MessageQueue.Head();
				messageItem = &m_MessageQueue[messageIndex];

			// message debug code 

			if ( m_bDebugMessages )
				char *qname = bUsingSecondaryQueue ? "Secondary" : "Primary";

				if (strcmp(messageItem->_params->GetName(), "Tick")
					&& strcmp(messageItem->_params->GetName(), "MouseFocusTicked") 
					&& strcmp(messageItem->_params->GetName(), "KeyFocusTicked")
					&& strcmp(messageItem->_params->GetName(), "CursorMoved"))
					if (!stricmp(messageItem->_params->GetName(), "command"))
						g_pIVgui->DPrintf2( "%s Queue dispatching command( %s, %s -- %i )\n", qname, messageItem->_params->GetName(), messageItem->_params->GetString("command"), messageItem->_messageID );
						g_pIVgui->DPrintf2( "%s Queue dispatching( %s -- %i )\n", qname ,messageItem->_params->GetName(), messageItem->_messageID );

			// send it
			KeyValues *params = messageItem->_params;

			// Deal with special internal cursor movement messages
			if ( messageItem->_messageTo == 0xFFFFFFFF )
				if ( !Q_stricmp( params->GetName(), "SetCursorPosInternal" ) )
					int nXPos = params->GetInt( "xpos", 0 );
					int nYPos = params->GetInt( "ypos", 0 );
					g_pInput->UpdateCursorPosInternal( nXPos, nYPos );
				VPanel *vto = (VPanel *)g_pIVgui->HandleToPanel(messageItem->_messageTo);
				if (vto)
					//			Msg("Sending message: %s to %s\n", params ? params->GetName() : "\"\"", vto->GetName() ? vto->GetName() : "\"\"");
					vto->SendMessage(params, g_pIVgui->HandleToPanel(messageItem->_from));

			// free the keyvalues memory
			// we can't reference the messageItem pointer anymore since the queue might have moved in memory
			if (params)

			// remove it from the queue
			if (bUsingSecondaryQueue)
			else if (bUsingDelayedQueue)

		if ( nPassCount == 1 )
			// Specifically post the current mouse position as a message

	// Make sure the windows cursor is in the right place after processing input 
	// Needs to be done here because a message provoked by the cursor moved
	// message may move the cursor also
	g_pInput->HandleExplicitSetCursor( );

	m_InDispatcher = false;
	return doneWork;
// Purpose: Checks to see if we should resend any reliable packets
void CTrackerNET::CheckReliablePacketSending()
	float time = m_pThreads->GetTime();

	// reliable packets are held in the m_ReliableMessages queue in the order that they were sent
	// if a packet is resent, it is moved to the end of the queue
	// packets are also checked at this time to see if they have been acknowledged
	while (m_ReliableMessages.Count())
		// get the first message
		int index = m_ReliableMessages.Head();

		// get the message
		SentMessage_t &msg = m_ReliableMessages[index];

		// check the resend time, if it's not time to resend then we have nothing more to do 
		if (msg.resendTime > time)

		// get the network target for this message
		if (!m_TargetList.IsValidIndex(msg.networkTargetHandle) 
			|| !m_TargetList.IsInList(msg.networkTargetHandle) 
			|| m_TargetList[msg.networkTargetHandle].targetID != msg.networkTargetID)
			// message's target has been removed, kill
			if (msg.message)

		NetworkTarget_t &target = m_TargetList[msg.networkTargetHandle];

		// check to see if it's already been acknowledged
		if (msg.sequenceNumber <= target.outgoingAcknowledged)
			// message has been acknowledged, kill
			if (msg.message)

			// move onto next message

		// check to see if we should resend this packet
		if (msg.resendAttempt < MAX_SEND_ATTEMPTS)
			// only send the message if it's in the message send window
			if (msg.sequenceNumber < target.outgoingAcknowledged + MESSAGE_WINDOW)
				WriteToLog("-> Resending '%d' (os:%d > %d) (%s)\n", msg.message->GetMsgID(), msg.sequenceNumber, target.outgoingAcknowledged, target.netAddress.ToStaticString());

				// send that it again
				InternalSendMessage(msg.message, &target, msg.sequenceNumber);
				// hold back on sending the message
				WriteToLog("-> Holding back resend '%d' (os:%d > %d) (%s)\n", msg.message->GetMsgID(), msg.sequenceNumber, target.outgoingAcknowledged, target.netAddress.ToStaticString());

			// set the time before retrying again
			// send times: 0.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 (1.5) = 6.0 second timeout, 4 packets sent
			msg.resendTime = time + RESEND_TIME;

			// move it to the end of the list

			// next packet

		// target has failed to respond, remove the target and respond with a failed message
		WriteToLog("Could not deliver packet: %d (os:%d)\n", msg.message->GetMsgID(), msg.sequenceNumber);

		// send back a send failure message to the app
		// convert the send message into a receive message
		CSendMessage *sendMsg = dynamic_cast<CSendMessage *>(msg.message);
		if (sendMsg)
			IBinaryBuffer *buf = sendMsg->GetBuffer();
			CReceiveMessage *failMsg = new CReceiveMessage(buf, true);

			if (failMsg->IsValid())

				int newIndex = m_FailedMsgs.AddToTail();
				FailedMsg_t &fmsg = m_FailedMsgs[newIndex];
				fmsg.message = failMsg;
				delete failMsg;

		// target not responding, so cancel the connection
		// remove from target map
		int mapindex = FindTargetIndexByAddress(target.netAddress);

		// remove target from list
		// message will automatically be delete since it's target is gone