Example #1
bool UINewVMWzdPage2::createMachineFolder()
    /* Cleanup old folder if present: */
    bool fMachineFolderDeleted = cleanupMachineFolder();
    if (!fMachineFolderDeleted)
        msgCenter().warnAboutCannotCreateMachineFolder(this, m_strMachineFolder);
        return false;

    /* Get VBox: */
    CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
    /* Get default machines directory: */
    QString strDefaultMachinesFolder = vbox.GetSystemProperties().GetDefaultMachineFolder();
    /* Compose machine filename name: */
    QString strMachineFilename = vbox.ComposeMachineFilename(field("name").toString(), strDefaultMachinesFolder);
    QFileInfo fileInfo(strMachineFilename);
    /* Get machine directory: */
    QString strMachineFolder = fileInfo.absolutePath();

    /* Try to create this machine directory (and it's predecessors): */
    bool fMachineFolderCreated = QDir().mkpath(strMachineFolder);
    if (!fMachineFolderCreated)
        msgCenter().warnAboutCannotCreateMachineFolder(this, strMachineFolder);
        return false;

    /* Initialize machine dir value: */
    m_strMachineFolder = strMachineFolder;
    return true;
Example #2
bool UIWizardCloneVM::cloneVM()
    /* Get clone name: */
    QString strName = field("cloneName").toString();
    /* Should we reinit mac status? */
    bool fReinitMACs = field("reinitMACs").toBool();
    /* Should we create linked clone? */
    bool fLinked = field("linkedClone").toBool();
    /* Get clone mode: */
    KCloneMode cloneMode = (mode() == UIWizardMode_Basic && page(Page3)) ||
                           (mode() == UIWizardMode_Expert && page(PageExpert)) ?
                           field("cloneMode").value<KCloneMode>() : KCloneMode_MachineState;

    /* Get VBox object: */
    CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();

    /* Prepare machine for cloning: */
    CMachine srcMachine = m_machine;

    /* If the user like to create a linked clone from the current machine, we
     * have to take a little bit more action. First we create an snapshot, so
     * that new differencing images on the source VM are created. Based on that
     * we could use the new snapshot machine for cloning. */
    if (fLinked && m_snapshot.isNull())
        /* Open session: */
        CSession session = vboxGlobal().openSession(m_machine.GetId());
        if (session.isNull())
            return false;

        /* Prepare console: */
        CConsole console = session.GetConsole();

        /* Take the snapshot: */
        QString strSnapshotName = tr("Linked Base for %1 and %2").arg(m_machine.GetName()).arg(strName);
        CProgress progress = console.TakeSnapshot(strSnapshotName, "");

        if (console.isOk())
            /* Show the "Taking Snapshot" progress dialog: */
            msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, m_machine.GetName(), ":/progress_snapshot_create_90px.png", this, true);

            if (!progress.isOk() || progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
                return false;
            return false;

        /* Unlock machine finally: */

        /* Get the new snapshot and the snapshot machine. */
        const CSnapshot &newSnapshot = m_machine.FindSnapshot(strSnapshotName);
        if (newSnapshot.isNull())
            msgCenter().cannotFindSnapshotByName(this, m_machine, strSnapshotName);
            return false;
        srcMachine = newSnapshot.GetMachine();

    /* Create a new machine object. */
    const QString &strSettingsFile = vbox.ComposeMachineFilename(strName, QString::null /**< @todo group support */, QString::null, QString::null);
    CMachine cloneMachine = vbox.CreateMachine(strSettingsFile, strName, QVector<QString>(), QString::null, QString::null);
    if (!vbox.isOk())
        msgCenter().cannotCreateMachine(vbox, this);
        return false;

    /* Add the keep all MACs option to the import settings when requested. */
    QVector<KCloneOptions> options;
    if (!fReinitMACs)
    /* Linked clones requested? */
    if (fLinked)

    /* Start cloning. */
    CProgress progress = srcMachine.CloneTo(cloneMachine, cloneMode, options);
    if (!srcMachine.isOk())
        msgCenter().cannotCreateClone(srcMachine, this);
        return false;

    /* Wait until done. */
    msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, windowTitle(), ":/progress_clone_90px.png", this, true);
    if (progress.GetCanceled())
        return false;
    if (!progress.isOk() || progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
        msgCenter().cannotCreateClone(srcMachine, progress, this);
        return false;

    /* Finally register the clone machine. */
    if (!vbox.isOk())
        msgCenter().cannotRegisterMachine(vbox, cloneMachine, this);
        return false;

    return true;
bool UICloneVMWizard::createClone(const QString &strName, KCloneMode mode, bool fReinitMACs, bool fLinked /* = false */)
    CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
    const QString &strSettingsFile = vbox.ComposeMachineFilename(strName, QString::null);

    CMachine srcMachine = m_machine;
    /* If the user like to create a linked clone from the current machine, we
     * have to take a little bit more action. First we create an snapshot, so
     * that new differencing images on the source VM are created. Based on that
     * we could use the new snapshot machine for cloning. */
    if (   fLinked
        && m_snapshot.isNull())
        const QString &strId = m_machine.GetId();
        CSession session = vboxGlobal().openSession(strId);
        if (session.isNull())
            return false;
        CConsole console = session.GetConsole();

        /* Take the snapshot */
        QString strSnapshotName = tr("Linked Base for %1 and %2").arg(m_machine.GetName()).arg(strName);
        CProgress progress = console.TakeSnapshot(strSnapshotName, "");

        if (console.isOk())
            /* Show the "Taking Snapshot" progress dialog */
            msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, m_machine.GetName(), ":/progress_snapshot_create_90px.png", this, true);

            if (!progress.isOk() || progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
                return false;
            return false;

        /* Unlock machine finally: */

        /* Get the new snapshot and the snapshot machine. */
        const CSnapshot &newSnapshot = m_machine.FindSnapshot(strSnapshotName);
        if (newSnapshot.isNull())
            msgCenter().cannotFindSnapshotByName(this, m_machine, strSnapshotName);
            return false;
        srcMachine = newSnapshot.GetMachine();

    /* Create a new machine object. */
    CMachine cloneMachine = vbox.CreateMachine(strSettingsFile, strName, QString::null, QString::null, false);
    if (!vbox.isOk())
        msgCenter().cannotCreateMachine(vbox, this);
        return false;

    /* Add the keep all MACs option to the import settings when requested. */
    QVector<KCloneOptions> options;
    if (!fReinitMACs)
    /* Linked clones requested? */
    if (fLinked)

    /* Start cloning. */
    CProgress progress = srcMachine.CloneTo(cloneMachine, mode, options);
    if (!srcMachine.isOk())
        msgCenter().cannotCreateClone(srcMachine, this);
        return false;

    /* Wait until done. */
    msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, windowTitle(), ":/progress_clone_90px.png", this, true);
    if (progress.GetCanceled())
        return false;
    if (!progress.isOk() || progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
        msgCenter().cannotCreateClone(srcMachine, progress, this);
        return false;

    /* Finally register the clone machine. */
    if (!vbox.isOk())
        msgCenter().cannotRegisterMachine(vbox, cloneMachine, this);
        return false;

    return true;