Example #1
BOOL CProfiles::Setup()

    CSingleLock pLock( &m_pSection, TRUE );

    CString strXML;

    strXML = Settings.General.Path;
    int nLength = strXML.GetLength();

    if ( nLength > 0 && strXML.GetAt(nLength-1) != '\\' ) strXML += '\\';
    strXML += _T("xProfile.xml");

    if ( CXMLElement* pXML = CXMLElement::FromFile( strXML, TRUE ) )
        CXMLElement* pXMLSub;

        if ( pXMLSub = pXML->GetElementByName( _T("Monitor") ) )
            m_pXMLMonitor = pXMLSub->Clone();

        delete pXML;
        return TRUE;

    return FALSE;
Example #2
CXMLElement* CXMLElement::Clone(CXMLElement* pParent) const
	CXMLElement* pClone = new CXMLElement( pParent, m_sName );
	if ( ! pClone ) return NULL;			// Out of memory

	for ( POSITION pos = GetAttributeIterator() ; pos ; )
		CXMLAttribute* pAttribute = GetNextAttribute( pos )->Clone( pClone );
		if ( ! pAttribute ) return NULL;	// Out of memory

		CString strNameLower( pAttribute->m_sName );

		// Delete the old attribute if one exists
		CXMLAttribute* pExisting;
		if ( pClone->m_pAttributes.Lookup( strNameLower, pExisting ) )
			delete pExisting;

		pClone->m_pAttributes.SetAt( strNameLower, pAttribute );

		if ( ! pClone->m_pAttributesInsertion.Find( strNameLower ) )
			pClone->m_pAttributesInsertion.AddTail( strNameLower );		// Track output order workaround

	for ( POSITION pos = GetElementIterator() ; pos ; )
		CXMLElement* pElement = GetNextElement( pos );
		pClone->m_pElements.AddTail( pElement->Clone( pClone ) );

	ASSERT( ! pClone->m_sName.IsEmpty() );
	pClone->m_sValue = m_sValue;

	return pClone;
BOOL CBitziDownloader::MergeMetaData(CXMLElement* pOutput, CXMLElement* pInput)
	if ( ! pOutput || ! pInput ) return FALSE;

	pOutput	= pOutput->GetFirstElement();

	if ( ! pOutput || pOutput->GetName() != pInput->GetName() ) return FALSE;

	for ( POSITION pos = pInput->GetElementIterator() ; pos ; )
		CXMLElement* pElement	= pInput->GetNextElement( pos );
		CXMLElement* pTarget	= pOutput->GetElementByName( pElement->GetName() );

		if ( pTarget == NULL ) pOutput->AddElement( pElement->Clone() );

	for ( POSITION pos = pInput->GetAttributeIterator() ; pos ; )
		CXMLAttribute* pAttribute	= pInput->GetNextAttribute( pos );
		CXMLAttribute* pTarget		= pOutput->GetAttribute( pAttribute->GetName() );

		if ( pTarget == NULL ) pOutput->AddAttribute( pAttribute->Clone() );

	return TRUE;
Example #4
BOOL CXMLElement::Merge(const CXMLElement* pInput, BOOL bOverwrite)
	if ( ! this || ! pInput ) return FALSE;
	if ( this == pInput ) return TRUE;
	if ( m_sName.CompareNoCase( pInput->m_sName ) != 0 ) return FALSE;

	TRACE( "Merging XML:%sand XML:%s",
		(LPCSTR)CT2A( ToString( FALSE, TRUE ) ), (LPCSTR)CT2A( pInput->ToString( FALSE, TRUE ) ) );

	BOOL bChanged = FALSE;

	for ( POSITION pos = pInput->GetElementIterator() ; pos ; )
		CXMLElement* pElement	= pInput->GetNextElement( pos );
		CXMLElement* pTarget	= GetElementByName( pElement->m_sName );

		if ( pTarget == NULL )
			AddElement( pElement->Clone() );
			bChanged = TRUE;
		else if ( pTarget->Merge( pElement, bOverwrite ) )
			bChanged = TRUE;

	for ( POSITION pos = pInput->GetAttributeIterator() ; pos ; )
		CXMLAttribute* pAttribute	= pInput->GetNextAttribute( pos );
		CXMLAttribute* pTarget		= GetAttribute( pAttribute->m_sName );

		if ( pTarget == NULL )
			AddAttribute( pAttribute->Clone() );
			bChanged = TRUE;
		else if ( bOverwrite && ! pTarget->Equals( pAttribute ) )
			pTarget->SetValue( pAttribute->GetValue() );
			bChanged = TRUE;

	if ( bChanged )
		TRACE( "resulting XML:%s\n", (LPCSTR)CT2A( ToString( FALSE, TRUE ) ) );
		TRACE( "resulting XML unchanged.\n" );

	return bChanged;
Example #5
CXMLElement* CCollectionFile::CloneMetadata(CXMLElement* pMetadata)
	CString strURI = pMetadata->GetAttributeValue( L"xmlns:s" );
	if ( strURI.IsEmpty() ) return NULL;

	CXMLElement* pCore = pMetadata->GetFirstElement();
	if ( pCore == NULL ) return NULL;

	if ( CSchemaPtr pSchema = SchemaCache.Get( strURI ) )
		pMetadata = pSchema->Instantiate();
		pMetadata = new CXMLElement( NULL, pCore->GetName() + 's' );
		pMetadata->AddAttribute( CXMLAttribute::schemaName, strURI );

	pCore = pCore->Clone();
	pMetadata->AddElement( pCore );

	CString strName = pMetadata->GetName();
	if ( _tcsnicmp( strName, L"s:", 2 ) == 0 )
		pMetadata->SetName( strName.Mid( 2 ) );

	strName = pCore->GetName();
	if ( _tcsnicmp( strName, L"s:", 2 ) == 0 )
		pCore->SetName( strName.Mid( 2 ) );

	for ( POSITION pos = pCore->GetElementIterator(); pos; )
		CXMLNode* pNode = pCore->GetNextElement( pos );
		CString strNodeName = pNode->GetName();
		if ( _tcsnicmp( strNodeName, L"s:", 2 ) == 0 )
			pNode->SetName( strNodeName.Mid( 2 ) );

	for ( POSITION pos = pCore->GetAttributeIterator(); pos; )
		CXMLNode* pNode = pCore->GetNextAttribute( pos );
		CString strNodeName = pNode->GetName();
		if ( _tcsnicmp( strNodeName, L"s:", 2 ) == 0 )
			pNode->SetName( strNodeName.Mid( 2 ) );

	return pMetadata;
Example #6
void CPlayProfilePage::OnAdd() 
	int nItem = m_wndList.GetNextItem( -1, LVNI_SELECTED );
	CXMLElement* pXML = ( nItem != -1 ) ? (CXMLElement*)m_wndList.GetItemData(nItem) : NULL;
	if ( pXML ) pXML = pXML->Clone();
	else pXML = new CXMLElement( NULL, _T("Album") );
	if ( pXML = m_pXML->AddElement( pXML ) )
		CString strValue;
		m_wndClass.GetWindowText( strValue );
		pXML->SetName( strValue.CompareNoCase("子类") == 0 ? _T("Album") : _T("Play") );
		m_wndKey.GetWindowText( strValue );
		pXML->AddAttribute( _T("ID"), strValue );
		int nItem = m_wndList.InsertItem( LVIF_TEXT|LVIF_IMAGE|LVIF_PARAM, m_wndList.GetItemCount(),
			strValue, 0, 0, pXML->IsNamed( "Album" ) ? 23 : 24, (LPARAM)pXML );
		m_wndName.GetWindowText( strValue );
		pXML->AddAttribute( _T("Play"), strValue );
		m_wndList.SetItemText( nItem, 1, strValue );
		m_wndClass.GetWindowText( strValue );
		pXML->AddAttribute( _T("Class"), strValue );
		m_wndHost.GetWindowText( strValue );
		pXML->AddAttribute( _T("Host"), strValue );
		m_wndList.SetItemText( nItem, 2, strValue );
		m_wndAdmin.GetWindowText( strValue );
		pXML->AddAttribute( _T("Admin"), strValue );
		m_wndGroup.GetWindowText( strValue );
		pXML->AddAttribute( _T("Group"), strValue );