// Purpose: called every frame to get ammo info from the weapon
void CDoDHudAmmo::OnThink()
    C_BaseCombatWeapon *wpn = GetActiveWeapon();
    C_BasePlayer *player = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();

    hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(weapon_print_name)", wpn ? wpn->GetPrintName() : " " );
    hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(weapon_name)", wpn ? wpn->GetName() : " " );

    if ( !wpn || !player || !wpn->UsesPrimaryAmmo() )
        hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_primary)", "n/a" );
        hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_secondary)", "n/a" );

        SetPaintEnabled( false );
        SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false );
        SetPaintEnabled( true );
        SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( true );

    // get the ammo in our clip
    int ammo1 = wpn->Clip1();
    int ammo2;
    if ( ammo1 < 0 )
        // we don't use clip ammo, just use the total ammo count
        ammo1 = player->GetAmmoCount( wpn->GetPrimaryAmmoType() );
        ammo2 = 0;
        // we use clip ammo, so the second ammo is the total ammo
        ammo2 = player->GetAmmoCount( wpn->GetPrimaryAmmoType() );

    hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_primary)", VarArgs( "%d", ammo1 ) );
    hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_secondary)", VarArgs( "%d", ammo2 ) );

    if ( wpn == m_hCurrentActiveWeapon )
        // same weapon, just update counts
        SetAmmo( ammo1, true );
        SetAmmo2( ammo2, true );
        // diferent weapon, change without triggering
        SetAmmo( ammo1, false );
        SetAmmo2( ammo2, false );

        // update whether or not we show the total ammo display
        m_bUsesClips = wpn->UsesClipsForAmmo1();
        m_hCurrentActiveWeapon = wpn;
Example #2
void CBliinkHudAmmo::Paint()
	C_BliinkPlayer* pBliinkPlayer = ToBliinkPlayer(C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer());

	if( !pBliinkPlayer )

	if( pBliinkPlayer->State_Get() != STATE_BLIINK_SURVIVOR )

	C_BaseCombatWeapon* pWeapon = pBliinkPlayer->GetActiveWeapon();

	if( !pWeapon )

	if( pWeapon->IsMeleeWeapon() )

	int iClipCount = pWeapon->Clip1();
	int iAmmoCount = pBliinkPlayer->GetAmmoCount( pWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType() );

	vgui::IScheme* pScheme = vgui::scheme()->GetIScheme(GetScheme());
	int wide, tall;


	// Drawing background
	surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_nAmmoBack );
	surface()->DrawTexturedRect( 0, 0, 128, 64 );

	// Drawing ammo count (clip/ammo)
	wchar_t pNumberText[12];
	V_snwprintf( pNumberText, ARRAYSIZE(pNumberText), L"%d : %d", iClipCount, iAmmoCount );
	vgui::HFont hNumberFont = pScheme->GetFont( "BliinkHUDLarge" );
	surface()->GetTextSize(hNumberFont, pNumberText, wide, tall);
	int number_xpos = (int) floor(64.0f - ((float) wide)/2.0f);
	int number_ypos = (int) floor(32.0f - ((float) tall)/2.0f);
	surface()->DrawSetTextFont( hNumberFont );
	surface()->DrawSetTextColor( 210, 210, 210, 255 );
	surface()->DrawSetTextPos( number_xpos, number_ypos );
	surface()->DrawPrintText( pNumberText, wcslen(pNumberText) );
Example #3
// Purpose: called every frame to get ammo info from the weapon
void CHudAmmo::UpdatePlayerAmmo( C_BasePlayer *player )
	// Clear out the vehicle entity
	m_hCurrentVehicle = NULL;

	C_BaseCombatWeapon *wpn = GetActiveWeapon();

	hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(weapon_print_name)", wpn ? wpn->GetPrintName() : " " );
	hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(weapon_name)", wpn ? wpn->GetName() : " " );

	if ( !wpn || !player || !wpn->UsesPrimaryAmmo() )
		hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_primary)", "n/a" );
        hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_secondary)", "n/a" );



	// Get our icons for the ammo types
	m_iconPrimaryAmmo = gWR.GetAmmoIconFromWeapon( wpn->GetPrimaryAmmoType() );

	// get the ammo in our clip
	int ammo1 = wpn->Clip1();
	int ammo2;
	if (ammo1 < 0)
		// we don't use clip ammo, just use the total ammo count
		ammo1 = player->GetAmmoCount(wpn->GetPrimaryAmmoType());
		ammo2 = 0;
		// we use clip ammo, so the second ammo is the total ammo
		ammo2 = player->GetAmmoCount(wpn->GetPrimaryAmmoType());

	hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_primary)", VarArgs( "%d", ammo1 ) );
	hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_secondary)", VarArgs( "%d", ammo2 ) );

	if (wpn == m_hCurrentActiveWeapon)
		// same weapon, just update counts
		SetAmmo(ammo1, true);
		SetAmmo2(ammo2, true);
		// diferent weapon, change without triggering
		SetAmmo(ammo1, false);
		SetAmmo2(ammo2, false);

		// update whether or not we show the total ammo display
		if (wpn->UsesClipsForAmmo1())

		m_hCurrentActiveWeapon = wpn;
void CHudAmmo::Paint( void )
	int r, g, b, a, nUnused;
	int x, y;
	Color clrAmmo;

	if (!ShouldDraw())

	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	C_BaseCombatWeapon *pActiveWeapon = GetActiveWeapon();
	// find and display our current selection

	if ( !pPlayer || !pActiveWeapon )
		hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_primary)", "n/a" );
		hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_secondary)", "n/a" );

	hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(weapon_print_name)", pActiveWeapon ? pActiveWeapon->GetPrintName() : " " );
	hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(weapon_name)", pActiveWeapon ? pActiveWeapon->GetName() : " " );

	if ( ( pActiveWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType() == -1 ) && ( pActiveWeapon->GetSecondaryAmmoType() == -1 ) )

	int nFontWidth	= GetNumberFontWidth();
	int nFontHeight	= GetNumberFontHeight();

	a = (int)max( MIN_ALPHA, m_flFade );

	if ( m_flFade > 0 )
		m_flFade -= ( gpGlobals->frametime * 20 );

	(gHUD.m_clrYellowish).GetColor( r, g, b, nUnused );
	clrAmmo.SetColor( r, g, b, a );

	int nHudElemWidth, nHudElemHeight;
	GetSize( nHudElemWidth, nHudElemHeight );

	// Does this weapon have a clip?
	y = nHudElemHeight - ( nFontHeight * 1.5 );

	// Does weapon have any ammo at all?
	if ( pActiveWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType() != -1 )
		CHudTexture	*icon_ammo = gWR.GetAmmoIconFromWeapon( pActiveWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType() );

		if ( !icon_ammo )

		int nIconWidth	= icon_ammo->Width();
		if ( pActiveWeapon->UsesClipsForAmmo1() )
			// room for the number and the '|' and the current ammo
			x = nHudElemWidth - (8 * nFontWidth) - nIconWidth;
			x = DrawHudNumber( x, y, pActiveWeapon->Clip1(), clrAmmo );

			int nBarWidth = nFontWidth / 10;

			x += nFontWidth / 2;

			(gHUD.m_clrYellowish).GetColor( r, g, b, nUnused );
			clrAmmo.SetColor( r, g, b, a );

			// draw the | bar
			clrAmmo.SetColor( r, g, b, a  );
			vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( clrAmmo );
			vgui::surface()->DrawFilledRect( x, y, x + nBarWidth, y + nFontHeight );

			x += nBarWidth + nFontWidth / 2;

			x = DrawHudNumber( x, y, pPlayer->GetAmmoCount( pActiveWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType() ), clrAmmo );		
			// SPR_Draw a bullets only line
			x = nHudElemWidth - 4 * nFontWidth - nIconWidth;
			x = DrawHudNumber( x, y, pPlayer->GetAmmoCount( pActiveWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType() ), clrAmmo );

		// Draw the ammo Icon
		icon_ammo->DrawSelf( x, y, clrAmmo );

		hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_primary)", VarArgs( "%d", pPlayer->GetAmmoCount( pActiveWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType() ) ) );
		hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_primary)", "n/a" );

	// Does weapon have seconday ammo?
	if ( pActiveWeapon->GetSecondaryAmmoType() != -1 )
		CHudTexture	*icon_ammo = gWR.GetAmmoIconFromWeapon( pActiveWeapon->GetSecondaryAmmoType() );

		if ( !icon_ammo )

		int nIconWidth	= icon_ammo->Width();

		// Do we have secondary ammo?
		if ( pPlayer->GetAmmoCount( pActiveWeapon->GetSecondaryAmmoType() ) > 0 )
			y -= ( nFontHeight * 1.25 );
			x = nHudElemWidth - 4 * nFontWidth - nIconWidth;
			x = DrawHudNumber( x, y, pPlayer->GetAmmoCount( pActiveWeapon->GetSecondaryAmmoType() ), clrAmmo );

			// Draw the ammo Icon
			icon_ammo->DrawSelf( x, y, clrAmmo );

		hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_secondary)", VarArgs( "%d", pPlayer->GetAmmoCount( pActiveWeapon->GetSecondaryAmmoType() ) ) );
		hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_secondary)", "n/a" );

Example #5
// Purpose: called every frame to get ammo info from the weapon
void CHudAmmo::UpdatePlayerAmmo( C_BasePlayer *player )
	if (player && !player->IsAlive())
		for (int i = 0; i < m_aRounds.Count(); i++)
			m_aRounds[i].bActive = false;

	// Clear out the vehicle entity
	m_hCurrentVehicle = NULL;

	C_BaseCombatWeapon *wpn = GetActiveWeapon();

	hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(weapon_print_name)", wpn ? wpn->GetPrintName() : " " );
	hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(weapon_name)", wpn ? wpn->GetName() : " " );

	if ( !wpn || !player )
		hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_primary)", "n/a" );
		hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_secondary)", "n/a" );



	// get the ammo in our clip
	int ammo1 = wpn->Clip1();
	int ammo2;
	if (ammo1 < 0)
		// we don't use clip ammo, just use the total ammo count
		ammo1 = player->GetAmmoCount(wpn->GetPrimaryAmmoType());
		ammo2 = 0;
		// we use clip ammo, so the second ammo is the total ammo
		ammo2 = player->GetAmmoCount(wpn->GetPrimaryAmmoType());

	hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_primary)", VarArgs( "%d", ammo1 ) );
	hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_secondary)", VarArgs( "%d", ammo2 ) );

	if (wpn == m_hCurrentActiveWeapon)
		// same weapon, just update counts
		SetAmmo(ammo1, true);
		SetAmmo2(ammo2, true);
		// diferent weapon, change without triggering
		SetAmmo(ammo1, false);
		SetAmmo2(ammo2, false);

		// update whether or not we show the total ammo display
		if (wpn->UsesClipsForAmmo1())

		m_hCurrentActiveWeapon = wpn;
Example #6
void CBaseHTML::WebThink()
	if ( !cl_web_think.GetBool() )

	float flNextThink = cl_web_think_interval.GetFloat();

	// Información de la partida
	SetProperty( "isInGame", JSValue(engine->IsInGame()), m_pGameObject );
	SetProperty( "isPaused", JSValue(engine->IsPaused()), m_pGameObject );
	SetProperty( "maxClients", JSValue(engine->GetMaxClients()), m_pGameObject );
	SetProperty( "isLoading", JSValue(GameUI().m_bIsLoading), m_pGameObject );

	if ( InRules )
		SetProperty( "gameMode", JSValue(InRules->GameMode()), m_pGameObject );
	// Obtenemos al Jugador
	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();

	// Existe, estamos en una partida
	if ( pPlayer )
		// Información actual del Jugador
		C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon();
		int iHealth					= pPlayer->GetHealth();
		int iAmmo					= 0;
		int iAmmoTotal				= 0;

		// Tenemos un arma
		if ( pWeapon )
			iAmmo		= pWeapon->Clip1();
			iAmmoTotal	= pPlayer->GetAmmoCount( pWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType() );

		// Actualizamos la información básica
		SetProperty( "health", JSValue(iHealth), m_pPlayerObject );
		SetProperty( "clip1Ammo", JSValue(iAmmo), m_pPlayerObject );
		SetProperty( "clip1TotalAmmo", JSValue(iAmmoTotal), m_pPlayerObject );

	// Información de la API de Steam
	if ( IsPC() && steamapicontext )
		// ID de Steam
		if ( !m_pSteamID )
			// Intentamos obtener la ID
			if ( steamapicontext->SteamUser() )
				CSteamID steamID	= steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID();
				uint64 mySteamID	= steamID.ConvertToUint64();
				m_pSteamID			= VarArgs("%llu", mySteamID);

			// ID cargada, se lo dejamos a JavaScript...
			if ( m_pSteamID )
				SetProperty( "playerID", JSValue(WSLit(m_pSteamID)), m_pSteamObject );
				ExecuteJavaScript( "Helper.loadUserInfo()", "" );

		// Utilidades e información
		if ( steamapicontext->SteamUtils() )
			uint32 serverTime	= steamapicontext->SteamUtils()->GetServerRealTime();
			const char *country = steamapicontext->SteamUtils()->GetIPCountry();
			uint8 battery		= steamapicontext->SteamUtils()->GetCurrentBatteryPower();
			uint32 computer		= steamapicontext->SteamUtils()->GetSecondsSinceComputerActive();

			SetProperty( "serverTime", JSValue(WSLit(VarArgs("%llu", serverTime))), m_pSteamObject );
			SetProperty( "country", JSValue(country), m_pSteamObject );
			SetProperty( "batteryPower", JSValue(WSLit(VarArgs("%llu", battery))), m_pSteamObject );
			SetProperty( "computerActive", JSValue(WSLit(VarArgs("%llu", computer))), m_pSteamObject );

	// Pensamiento en JS
	ExecuteJavaScript( "think()", "" );

	// Pensamiento nuevamente en...
	m_flNextThink = gpGlobals->curtime + flNextThink;
// Purpose: Get ammo info from the weapon and update the displays.
void CTFHudWeaponAmmo::OnThink()
	// Get the player and active weapon.
	C_TFPlayer *pPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer();
	if ( !pPlayer )

	C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon();

	if ( tf2c_ammobucket.GetBool() && m_pWeaponBucket && pWeapon )
		const CHudTexture *pTexture = pWeapon->GetSpriteInactive(); // red team
		if ( pPlayer )
			if ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_BLUE )
				pTexture = pWeapon->GetSpriteActive();

		if ( pTexture )
			char szImage[64];
			Q_snprintf( szImage, sizeof(szImage), "../%s", pTexture->szTextureFile );
			m_pWeaponBucket->SetImage( szImage );
			m_pWeaponBucket->SetVisible( true );
			m_pWeaponBucket->SetVisible( false );
		m_pWeaponBucket->SetVisible( false );

	if ( m_flNextThink < gpGlobals->curtime )
		hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(weapon_print_name)", pWeapon ? pWeapon->GetPrintName() : " " );
		hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(weapon_name)", pWeapon ? pWeapon->GetName() : " " );

		if ( !pPlayer || !pWeapon || !pWeapon->UsesPrimaryAmmo() )
			hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_primary)", "n/a" );
			hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_secondary)", "n/a" );

			// turn off our ammo counts
			UpdateAmmoLabels( false, false, false );

			m_nAmmo = -1;
			m_nAmmo2 = -1;
			// Get the ammo in our clip.
			int nAmmo1 = pWeapon->Clip1();
			int nAmmo2 = 0;
			// Clip ammo not used, get total ammo count.
			if ( nAmmo1 < 0 )
				nAmmo1 = pPlayer->GetAmmoCount( pWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType() );
			// Clip ammo, so the second ammo is the total ammo.
				nAmmo2 = pPlayer->GetAmmoCount( pWeapon->GetPrimaryAmmoType() );
			hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_primary)", VarArgs( "%d", nAmmo1 ) );
			hudlcd->SetGlobalStat( "(ammo_secondary)", VarArgs( "%d", nAmmo2 ) );

			if ( m_nAmmo != nAmmo1 || m_nAmmo2 != nAmmo2 || m_hCurrentActiveWeapon.Get() != pWeapon )
				m_nAmmo = nAmmo1;
				m_nAmmo2 = nAmmo2;
				m_hCurrentActiveWeapon = pWeapon;

				if ( m_hCurrentActiveWeapon.Get()->UsesClipsForAmmo1() )
					UpdateAmmoLabels( true, true, false );

					SetDialogVariable( "Ammo", m_nAmmo );
					SetDialogVariable( "AmmoInReserve", m_nAmmo2 );
					UpdateAmmoLabels( false, false, true );
					SetDialogVariable( "Ammo", m_nAmmo );

		m_flNextThink = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f;