// Purpose: Returns the color given trace information
// Input  : *trace - trace to get results for
//			*color - return color, gamma corrected (0.0f to 1.0f)
void GetColorForSurface( trace_t *trace, Vector *color )
	Vector	baseColor, diffuseColor;
	Vector	end = trace->startpos + ( ( Vector )trace->endpos - ( Vector )trace->startpos ) * 1.1f;
	if ( trace->DidHitWorld() )
		if ( trace->hitbox == 0 )
			// If we hit the world, then ask the world for the fleck color
			engine->TraceLineMaterialAndLighting( trace->startpos, end, diffuseColor, baseColor );
			// In this case we hit a static prop.
			staticpropmgr->GetStaticPropMaterialColorAndLighting( trace, trace->hitbox - 1, diffuseColor, baseColor );
		// In this case, we hit an entity. Find out the model associated with it
		C_BaseEntity *pEnt = trace->m_pEnt;
		if ( !pEnt )
			Msg("Couldn't find surface in GetColorForSurface()\n");
			color->x = 255;
			color->y = 255;
			color->z = 255;

		ICollideable *pCollide = pEnt->GetCollideable();
		int modelIndex = pCollide->GetCollisionModelIndex();
		model_t* pModel = const_cast<model_t*>(modelinfo->GetModel( modelIndex ));

		// Ask the model info about what we need to know
		modelinfo->GetModelMaterialColorAndLighting( pModel, pCollide->GetCollisionOrigin(),
			pCollide->GetCollisionAngles(), trace, diffuseColor, baseColor );

	//Get final light value
	color->x = pow( diffuseColor[0], 1.0f/2.2f ) * baseColor[0];
	color->y = pow( diffuseColor[1], 1.0f/2.2f ) * baseColor[1];
	color->z = pow( diffuseColor[2], 1.0f/2.2f ) * baseColor[2];