void CASW_VGUI_Queen_Health_Panel::PositionAroundQueen()
	C_BaseEntity *pEnt = GetQueen();
	if (!pEnt)

	// find the volume this entity takes up
	Vector mins, maxs;	

	// pull out all 8 corners of this volume
	Vector worldPos[8];
	Vector screenPos[8];
	worldPos[0] = mins;
	worldPos[1] = mins; worldPos[1].x = maxs.x;
	worldPos[2] = mins; worldPos[2].y = maxs.y;
	worldPos[3] = mins; worldPos[3].z = maxs.z;
	worldPos[4] = mins;
	worldPos[5] = maxs; worldPos[5].x = mins.x;
	worldPos[6] = maxs; worldPos[6].y = mins.y;
	worldPos[7] = maxs; worldPos[7].z = mins.z;

	// convert them to screen space
	for (int k=0;k<8;k++)
		debugoverlay->ScreenPosition( worldPos[k], screenPos[k] );

	// find the rectangle bounding all screen space points
	Vector topLeft = screenPos[0];
	Vector bottomRight = screenPos[0];
	for (int k=0;k<8;k++)
		topLeft.x = MIN(screenPos[k].x, topLeft.x);
		topLeft.y = MIN(screenPos[k].y, topLeft.y);
		bottomRight.x = MAX(screenPos[k].x, bottomRight.x);
		bottomRight.y = MAX(screenPos[k].y, bottomRight.y);
	int BracketSize = 0;	// todo: set by screen res?

	// pad it a bit
	topLeft.x -= BracketSize * 2;
	topLeft.y -= BracketSize * 2;
	bottomRight.x += BracketSize * 2;
	bottomRight.y += BracketSize * 2;

	int w = ScreenWidth() * 0.6f;
	int h = ScreenHeight() * 0.02f;
	SetBounds( (bottomRight.x + topLeft.x) * 0.5f - w * 0.5f, topLeft.y, w, h);